Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Apr 1913, p. 2

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iiljiiiiiipi ^SM^^MsMi ^lunniiTi .........TTTi.....i.........**••* I i What People Are Doing 1 I „ Wilmette........•*»» Wood entertained Mrs. Lester G ber club Tnesday. Miss Margaret McMlllen is home on account of mumps. Mr. Robert Dunshee baa gone to Northwestern Canada. Miss Marjorie Hatch, 915 Greenleaf avenue, is ill with the mumps. Mrs. I* A. Grubb has been ill at her home, 1027 Greenwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Harding of 923 Ash- land will move to Chicago today. Mrs. S. Hoth, 724 Twelfth street, has been Quite ill the past week. Mrs. R. P. Smith Is confined to her borne at 606 Park avenue by illness. Mr. Wilson T. Whiffen, 1120 Ash- land avenue, has been ill for five weeks. Rev. T. K. Gale, 1024 Lake avenue, U entertaining his sister, Mrs. Rule of Mason City, la Mrs. S. J. Nordorf of 1607 Lake ave nue will entertain luncheon on Friday. Mr. Hall and family of Chicago will move into the Cunneen house, 809 Central avenue, soon. Dr. and Mrs. Davies of Blue Island were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dart for a few days last week. The Parents' club of the Logan school will meet Monday afternoon at 2:30 at the school building Mrs. J. C. Mannerand of 111* Lake avenue entertained the second divi- sion of the M. B. church Tuesday for lunch. Mrs. G. E. Fernald, 1026 Elmwood avenue, entertained for Mrs. Frank Paul of Meade, Kan., on Tuesday aft- ernoon. Last Monday Mrs. B. Jackson Casse, 633 Forest avenue, took a number of small boys to Rlngllng's circus in her machine. Edwin and Margaret Stafford arrived home Sunday after spending a week visiting relatives at Michigan City and Laporte, Ind. d Seven ladies were very pleasantly entertained by Mrs. B. F. Clifford. 803 Lake avenue, at an "April shower" luncheon Tuesday. Mpb. Geo. H. Bird, 510 Washington avenue, and Mrs. Robert B. Ward, 1044 Ashland avenue, were hostesses to . . ^ * their clubs on Tuesday, a few friends at «*elr c^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ 1035 Greenwood avenue, have returned »„ -. v-v -~----------------- after a Vi8it of eight weeks in Florida. Mrs. G. H. Cauniff was the guest of Qn theJr return trlp they 0topped aX Mrs. Geo. McRay, 4454 Drexel boule- Atlanta Chattanooga, Louisville and . - * ••>!. â€"„* Nashville. vard. a few days this week. Mr. W. W. Kerr. 707 Forest avenue, left the last of the week on a two •weeks' business trip in Texas. Mr. B. MueMer and family of 1218 Wilmette avenue are preparing to more to U23 Wttlmetto avenue. W. D. Leary of 1223 Wilmette ave- nue will move his family to 408 East Railroad avenue in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ling enter- tained their dinner club with a thea- ter party last Saturday evening. Miss Cynahia Vose of Evanston was the guest of the W. B. Paulson fam- ily, 715 Washington avenue, last Sun- day. Charles W. Morey has sold his home at 816 Elmwood avenue and will move his family to the south side of Chi- - cagov 7: Mrs. Robert Ross, 1064 Linden ave- nue, spent several days the last of last week visiting ber niece in South Cht- > Miss Rose Duerst, 630 Park avenue, visited urtth Mr. and Mrs. A. I* Tucker formerly of WUmette, now of Ken- : Or. Hecht has purchased the P. J. Delaaey home at 530 Linden avenue and. will move there the last of the month. "". Dr. and Mrs. H. B. MeUinger of 1234 Wilmette avenue have rented a flat at M* Park avenue and win move in a few days. : Mr. Simmons of Chieago will move bis family to Wilmette and occupy the bouse at 103* Lake avenue the last of this month. Mrs. 8. J. Smith, 208 Woodbine ave- r<3edarvUle> III, where, she will visit until the end of the week. Mrs. F. A. Waidner, 104* Lake are- nue. who but bees conAned to her homo throughout the winter. Is able to be out again, Mr. and Mrs. James Harry Kidder and family left Wilmette Tuesday for an indefinite stay in Los Angeles and Pasadena, OnL Mr. and Mrs. Geo. KrolL IMS Green- wood avenue, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. m sbhaosoa of Los Angeles, CaL, tar a few ansa. Mr. Brace B. Powell moved last Sat- urday from bis farmer borne, 721 Ninth street, to Ids hew one at 908 IMS Lake ave- the third division society of the M. M. J. A. Nourse of 1137 .esOertaiaed the Bun House at dinner the night of the Men's efts* entertainment. who baa bsea in the past three yean, la ____ for a few Tlstt wttb hm sator. Mr* W. D. of lfiU Lake aveaueon bis have been living at 701 Central ave- nue, moved to their new home at 508 Forest avenue, yesterday. Mr. O. Aspergren of Ward & Asper- gren spent one day last week in High- land Park investigating the central de- livery system in operation there. Mr. and Mrs. Win. H. Rlddiford, About fifty friends of Mrs. J. F. Stef- fens, Wilmette avenue and Sixteenth street, surprised her Saturday night in honor of her birthday. A very en- joyable evening was spent by those participating. Mr. and Mrs. John Spear and three children of Ravenswood and Mrs. Greenaulge and two boys, who are on their way to Canada, were the guests of Mrs. Lena Vollman. 630 Park ave- nue, last Sunday. Mr. J. H. Kidder and family, for- merly of 817 Cenarl avenue, left Tuesday afternoon for California, where they expect to make their fu- ture home. They will spend a day at the Grand Canyon. Mrs. C. E. Melville and daughter of Worcester, Mass., have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M Melville, 1128 Greenwood avenue, during the week. Mrs. Melville was called west on ac- count of the death of her father In Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Heffron, 610 For- est avenue, returned from Fort Myer about two weeks ago. Since her re- turn Mrs. Heffron has visited her daughter, Elisabeth, who has been at- tending school at Sinsinawa, Wis. Elizabeth returned with Mrs. Heffron Friday night. Mrs. Katherine Oliver McCoy will give the Scottish evening under the auspices of the Woman's society of the Presbyterian church for tbe bene- fit of the building fund at the home of Dr. and Mrs. M R. Barker on Monday evening, April 21. at 8 o'clock. A cor- dial Invitation is extended to all who are interested. Mrs. E. Van Vllet Berthelet and Mrs. A. R. Ware have recently re- turned from their home in Salt Lake City to attend to some business mat- tens and visit with old friends. Mrs. Bertbelot Is visiting Mrs.' M. F. 81a* vens, 530 Central avenue, and Mrs. Ware is the guest of Mrs. N. a Thay- er, Jr., CIO Central avenue. Tbe Latest Nerelttes in Mat Masonic TempUfBidg. Casfmf 4748j^AmUmmttc 41QIB aid Schroeder & Company TW cua* is new ape to nerj a ansae iaWilmsHs. , ^ "' IseanfjOOanfbOO ifmatiaa pa/s*sls tomjitbuyer. % 51 Wi& ^c***^* WILMETTE 41S Graemlaf Are. MO Wk Mr. Carlton Bart has bought the home in which he is residing, 70C Greenleaf avenue, of the owner, Mr. W. Breeding of South Haven. Mrs. George L. Emrlch, 815 Ashland avenue, entertained a number of young people Thursday in honor of the birthday of her daughter, Gene- vieve. Mrs. Fred N. ReQua, 620 Washing- ton avenue, gave a luncheon on Tues- day in honor of her friend, Mrs. Chas. Cartwright of Minneapolis, who Is vis- iting her. P. J, Cunneen and family of 809 Central avenue are storing their household goods and will board for six weeks while awaiting the completion of tholr new home. Master Frank Blymyer, Mrs. B. F. Blymyer and Mme. E. Blymyer, who have been in quarantine for the past six weeks on account of scarlet fever, hope to be out this week. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Tuttle, 222 Woodbine avenue, have rented their home for the summer to Mir. Guthman of Chicago. The Tuttles will go to Chicago and make their home with Mrs. Tuttle's mother. Mrs. A. E. Miller, 510 Lake avenue, was confined to her bed by illness several days last week. Her little daughter, who has been critically 111 for Beveral months, is reported out of danrer, and it is hoped will soon be able to be about. Mr. Hubert P. Harmon and family will move into the house now occu- pied by Mr. Geo. T. May. Jr., 214 Sixth street, about May 1, and Mr. Geo. Wright and -family will move into the one made vacant by Mr. Harmon at 821 Thirteenth street. Mrs. Peters of Evanston talked to the Study class of the World in Chi- cago movement connected with tbe Wilmette Methodist church at the home of Mrs. Eldred G. Bentley, 804 Elmwood avenue, on Monday after- noon. Her subject was the Philip- pines. Mrs. John Meacbam of St. Louis and Mrs. David Allen Campbell of Kansas City are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Nye Macalister, 818 Ashland avenue. Mrs. Campbell is honorary vice-president of the National Federation „ of Musical clubs and is here to attend its nation- al convention which is to be held in Chicago, commencing April 21. Tomorrow evening a dinner will be given to the fathers of the Boy Scouts and local council at tbe Woman's Club building, the boys serving the dinner. I After dinner the company will go to J the Evanston Y. M. C. A. to see a mov- ing picture show, and while the boys I take* a swim In the tank the fathers I and local council will discuss matters pertaining to the general welfare of the boy Mrs. Jennie Rule of Mason City, la., on ber return from Florida, where she spent the winter, stopped to visit with her brother, Rev. Thos. Keene Gale, 1024 Lake avenue. She will remain until after Mrs. Gale's return from Buena Vista, Cal., where she and her two children have spent the winter. Mrs. Gale has started on ber return trip, but wfll stop for a visit at Bishop Shepard's In Lincoln, Mob. She is ex- pected to reach home Saturday of Mr. ft R. French and merly of 628 Park avenue, have brok- en up housekeeping and are living with A. K. Petrie, 710 Washington ave- nue. â-  .. MrB. H. Carl Hardy, who soon leaves Wilmette to make her home in Michi- gan, was given a farewell party by Mrs. Joseph Lesr of 1637 Forest ave- nue. Miss Louise Mueller, who has been ill at her home, 1218 Wilmette avenue, has been removed to the. Bvanston hos- pital and is in a very serious condi- tion. Messrs. A. 8. Van Deusen and H. T3. Schults are planning extensive re- modeling to their building at the cor- ner of Central avenue and Twelfth street. The third division of the Ladies' so- ciety of the Wilmette Methodist church will meet with Mrs. R. J. Bur- rowB, 1525 Lake avenue, Thursday af- ternoon. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Butler, who have been living at 1011 Lake avenue, have broken up housekeeping and will be with P. N. Cutlers until they leave Wilmette. Mrs. Fred F. Cain, 907 Central ave- nue, is entertaining her mother, Dr. Jessie G. Forrester of Ocean Park, Cal., who will probably remain with her through the summer. Mr. and Mrs. D. Paul Brown of Rav- enswood, parents of Mr. Harry and Mr. Frank Brown of 520 Lake avenue, bare recently moved into their new home on Sixteenth street. The engagement of John C. Happ, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Happ, 1240 Central avenue, and Miss Lottie J. McFarland of Cleveland, Ohio, has been announced. Tbe marriage will take place at the home of the groom's parents, May 4. WILMETTE WOMAN'S AID. The Woman's Aid society of tbe Wilmette Baptist church held a very Interesting and enthusiastic meeting Monday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Howard Bowen, 1215 Elmwood avenue. The women came early to make aprons, which will soon be finished to sell. Lunch was served at 12:30. In the afternoon about twenty-seven women listened to a splendid address by Miss Annie F. Beach, an instructor in "The World in Chicago" movement, which opens May 3 in the Coliseum and lasts five weeks. J. B. HECKLER 1137 GREENLEAF AVE. WILMETTI oans Iimsari Telephone Wilmette BOO BUTJK-NUT EttEAT. omtJkn i aw gfca»abw-psmmus JA. C. WOLFF TIN, SHEET KTftL i FURNACE Office, 1124 Central Ave. das*. «zs Park Ave. (mm) a|W TRIER STUDENTS" GIVE 'QUALITY oroccr The play, "Quality Street," as given by the senior class of tbe New Trier High school last Friday in the assem- bly hall of New Trier and repeated at the Winnetka Woman's club on Sat- urday afternoon, was a dramatic suc- cess and the players are to be com- mended, especially the good work of Tom Brown of Winnetka, who bad the part of leading man. His part, as Dr. Granville Howard, was cleverly acted. The cast was as follows: Phoebe Sparrow.....Frances Flentye Capt. Granville Howard...Tom Brown Isabel Appleton........Marion Keebn Matilda Langweed.........Lois Clark Lieut Small...........George Traver Lieut. Wright.........Stanley Peirce Sarah Sparrow ........Alice Woolley Sergt. and Maj. Pepper. .Lysle Smith Ellen .................Marie Starrett Albert Sidney Wallace, Jr......... ...................Guernsey Clarke Capt. Winchester....Herbert Kinkaid School Children â€" Edith Chandler, Mary Taylor. Bessie Park. Jane Greeley, Richard Mills, Sidney Nel- son, Walter Llllienfleld, Hevey Tins- man. Miss Swain of the Cumnock School of Oratory directed the play. Lachlan MacLean was business manager. Chaperons, Miss Grover and Miss Ray- mond. COOK COUNTY W. C. T. U. The Cook County Woman's Chris- tian Temperance union will hold a sprin" institute in Willard hall, Chi- cago, Monday and Tuesday, April 21 and 22. Sessions at 10 a m. and 2 p. m. Interesting programs, with a gold medal contest on Monday even- ing at 8.____ ^mmm^tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlmmmmmmmm / W. G. Beyrer ELECTSM "ESS Repairing nnd Supplies AYRES&IOUT.SS 0FFIQE 1137 6REEHLEAMVENUE 1013 FFIQE 1137 6REEHLEA rrpff Special AgJ^htiorT'to Carpenter Jobbing. Estimates cheerfully famished. Phone Wilmette 458 ScMfz & Nord / Tatoa»iWUa*ttiI20 TAIL 609 Vest Railroad Avenue WILMETTE, ILL. w-:$ffiffij- "J mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^ " 'â- i.::.'-xThP â- â- â- <^'^'^^'â- Mi WUmetie AUTHORIZE!)^ DO A BANKING BUSI- Si NESS UNDER; fTATB SUPERVISION ^ gj CAPITAL tiid SURPLUS f $60,000.00 Safety Deposit Bjxes THE Bank is now equipped with one of the most Safety Deposit Vaults ity #1 Chicago. Th patrons absolut valuableJptbpers, et< and tMf/fela/s, best laving this prot home. Thejgfnpment tbJee hundred boxes and Joining very popular at uble rentals asked.K The officers^oT.the Bank invite inspec- tion of this new safety deposit box system. for iinst fire conveni- ence right contai they are the r , CENTRAL AVE. AND TWELFTH STREET Wilmette, Illinois. Telephone Wilmette Ninety ft ssm lofcii T. RosBertf Merchant^?ail or A foil lists/f thi novelties. G*H*ing, sjnkiring anc pressing. yGood clothes maker. »st spring na For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality before tbe guest, call North 114S CENTRAL AVENUE Phones Wilmette 41*414. Wilmette Auto Delivery Jo At UuXil wiscoNsm 1208 CENTRAL A\ENU WILMBTTB. ILL. OSteeSS P BOMBS 1 bw. se su I â€"•I IK a Van Oi V ~- CvriasM, Cabs sad! 780-734 1SW ST.. WlkMI v Wilmette Bea Vkditk M. Kilmer Seeead Hear The V&Zf"*1- Hair hop tralArr, WUawtts] IHADBTOOMDE* W* uUeU tear prtr-m WILMETTSngl RY •WaJanar 1819 Elmwood Avenue :: l\l£EgS! n? NELSON CUTLCsUt' *t2»*s j(alphW.Faupel TheVfll«reElcctriciaD GOOD Dress- ers demand art in clothJts, the the rtiricpvJ tj r, stile\b irkmaoghi vaftJoeVch nice, distinepvef rJoeVcharac- tor, stile Vftd the^fhest works^aoship tsffe had. GEORGE i. EBER Rsbi ideace J 029 JAMES A. S KEAL ESTATE, RENTINGfLOAN f 128 Central Avenue oktmO NS#stHR INSURA1 Office 10TI INSURANCE WjbjsjaaSJflUinois We alas have seme el ins In North Share property. vfaorth Shore WEta^Sa sot and vil- brthSD^refrom I. arid Acfcs/»*««a»"»j** SCnrefiQcr FkAINCOATS- ^^a very attractive < S CM S{W^^i§^idM:'-:^s^s$^SM ^.Kiaa^^ablklaHHl-- kik^M^M^iMSA^^^^^^^^. Jlj

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