mS sfe What People Are Doing i Wilmette *............« Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Pattlllo of 620 Forest avenup, have returned from Florida. Miss AM--P Barrow, 215 Doyle court. Is confi .ed to her home with the mumps. Mrs. Una Vollman. *">-<» f'«rk ave- nue, spent Sunday In Chicago visiting friends. Mrs. Sanderson of Ravenswc.od has moved into the fiutler house. 1011 Um' ,i\ i nue Daniel, son <â- !' Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hopkins, ll'l'l Ashland avenvie, is ill ith srarlet fever. .Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Webster, DO2 Washington avenue, visited friends In Galesburp last week. Mr. J. K. Rhodes and family moved to their new home at *.'1D Elm wood avenue, last Saturday. A. F. Hei-ht, who has been living at lo^D Ashland avenue, will move May 1 to 431 Central avenue. Mrs. F. C. tan Ness will entertain the Thursday Bridge dub at luncheon today at her home, 611 Forest avenue. The Woman's Prayer circle of the M. E. church met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Proenell, 1717 Elmwood ave- nue. Mr. Chan. R. Smith and family, for- merly of Unit Thirteenth street, have moved to their new home on Broad- va.f. Alias Abby King has rented her home at 316 Central avenue to P. J. llahn and will move to 125 Fourth street Mr. Sanderson and family have moved Into the house formerly occu- pied by Dr. G. F. Butler at 1011 Lake avenue. Miss Margaret Meek, formerly liv- ing with Mrs. Stephens, 1537 Charles street, has moved to 1219 Wilmette avenue. Mrs. F. C. Van Ness, 611 Forest ave- nue, has had as her guest, during the past week her aunt, Mrs. Boynton Bar- ber of Pasadena, Cal. Mrs. F. B. Schwartz. 711 Washing- ton avenue, left Saturday afternoon for a six weeks' visit with relatives and friends In and about York, Pa. Miss Callette, who has been staying with the Freeman family, 711 Lake avenue, during Mrs. Freeman's ab- sence in Alabama, has gone to Den- ver. Mr. W. C. ShurtlefT, 815 Lake ave- nue, left this week to attend the meeting of the Grand Council of Royal Arcanum in session at Spring- field. Mr. C. L. Keith, 222 Ninth street, left Saturday evening for a trip through the West. While in San Fran- cisco he will visit his nephew, Mr. Ai- des Peirce. Mr. Ralph S. Baker has sold his borne at 606 Greenleaf avenue to Mr. ^Pred E. Harwood and will move into the house lately occupied by W., H. Lee, 1010 Central avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bartholomew and family, who have lived at 607 Forest avenue for several years, are f V: preparing to move to the East where Itethey expect to make their future Entwine. || Mrs. M. N. Foster has rented her y Jiouse tor the summer to E. R. Heins- »;t heimer and will move to one of the ^Lathan houses at 210 Sixth street, the |^ one lately occupied by J. K. Black- ;â- flQpan, Jr. ||v Mlas Elisabeth Smith of San Ber- oardiao, Cal., came to visit her aunt, S ilrs. H. J- 8mlth, of 806 Oakwood ave- iTSww, Tuesday of last week. Wednes- ? day morning she was found to have '.":?â- „ scarlet fever. â- .'•:':-' The nineteen-months-old son of Mr. ^ >and Mrs. Roy Shaw, 1244 Hill street, M lias been taken to the Jfeanston hoepi- life tal, where be will undergo treatment for a dislocated hip from which he has suffered since birth. jg^;' Misses Mildred and Martha Thomas, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomas, 723 Forest avenue, were •ewer girls at the Tennant-H itch cock wedding which took place Saturday evening in the Edgewater Presbyte- rian church. v: C. W. More* and family have moved to 6424 Madison avenue. Chicago, having sold their home at 915 Elm- wood avenue, to Mr. and Mrs. J. IB. Rhodes of St Paul, Minn. Mr. Rhodes fa secretary of the National Association of Lumber Dealers. Ralph Connor is ill at his home, 416 East Railroad avenue. Miss Agnes Flentye of 729 Lake ave- nue is ill at her borne. The Comanche club met with Mrs. Rexford, 1050 Linden avenue, Tuesday. Miss Myrtle Schultz and Berniece McCanney visited in Chicago last Sun day. Mrs. William Vail of Michigan City spent the week-end with her family on Hill street. Mr. V. .1. Scheidenhelm has been in Decatur on business for several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hill, nee Riddl- [ord, were visiting friends in Wilmetto last Sunday. The German claatJ will meet with Mrs. Wolf. 630 Hill street,,next Mon- day afternoon. Mrs. Sipes, 1306 Wilmette avenue, entertained Mrs. imvis of Zlon City a few days last week. ^P Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Wolff, 625 Park avenue, are rejoicing over the birth of a daughter. J. R. Rudd and family, who have been living at !»2» Fifteenth street, have moved to Kenosha. Miss Mary Prury, who has been at home on account of rheumatism, will return to school Monday. Miss Florence Steffens, 1225 Wil- mette avenue, entertained friends from Evanston last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, 607 West Mrs. Frank Scheidenbelm enter- tained the Reading circle at luncheon Monday, The circle will meet with Mrs. Thomas C. Moulding Monday May 5. The first meeting of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette will be held in the reception room of the school building tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Smith, who have been living at 1019 Thirteenth street, have recently bought a home r.t 112 Broadway and moved into it last Saturday. Mr Warren W. Vandersluis has soil his home, 614 Hill street, to Dr. Frank S. Lower, 440 East Railroad avenue, and will move to the South Side of Chicago next week. Mr. E. G. Bentley entertained his class of young men of the M. E. Sun- day school and their young lady friends last Friday evening at his home, 804 Elmwood avenue. Mrs. M. F. Smith and daughter, I,y- dla, 1326 Wilmette avenue, have re turned from Topeka, Kan., where thev have been for some time, called there by the Illness of Mrs. Smith's mother. Among those who have recently con- tracted mumps are Miss Eleanor Blake, Masters Kingsley Rice, Sidney Huguenin and Keith Drake. Mrs. Carl Latham has Just recovered from them. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cunneen of 809 Central avenue, while awaiting the completion of their new house on Eighth street and Ashland avenue, will occupy rooms at the home of Rev. J. M. Wilson, 1105 Central avenue. Geo Cunneen will live in Chicago. Miss Susan Northam, who has been in California all winter, returned to ,aun«Jry? Nelsol Railroad avenue entertained "•»«• laat Monday> and wl„ take from Edgewater ant Sunday charge of her home at. 731 Tenth Mr. and *«â- /••* B"*«' l*» 8treet about May 1. Mr. and Mrs Lake avenue, left Friday evening for | _ ^__t__ J x a two weeks' trip In California. Mr. C. R. Smith and family, formerly of 1019 Thirteenth street, moved to the new home at 112 Broadway. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pember of Joplin, Mo., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Evans, 1443 Wilmette avenue. Mi88 Katherine Cresap of Bona- parte, la., has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. O. G. Corns. 1213 Forest avenu-i. Little Harriet Baird of Crescent place, while roller skating, fell and broke two bones in her arm last week. The two weeks* old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon of Wood court was christened at St. John's church Sun day. Mr. Eari Langwell, 622 Kline street, has been appointed local representa- tive of the Wilmette Specialty com- pany. Mrs. Louis Jensen Cassel of Chicago visited with Miss. Herman, 912 Linden avenue, a few days the last of the week. •Bernard Smith, 506 Park avenue, in company with his cousin, Roy John- son of Evanston, visited friends iu Chicago Sunday. Mr. Henry Freihage, 1110 Green- leaf avenue, returned Sunday from a two weeks' business trip through the Ohio flood district Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morton L. Paterson, 925 Chestnut ave- nue, fell while roller skating last week and broke her arm. Rev. Herman Meyers, the Lutheran minister recently installed, will make his home with his mother and sisters at 406 Kline street. Hattie Belle Colton has returned from Syracuse, N. Y., and is making her home with her aunt, Mrs. C. Hos- kens, 627 Washington avenue. Mrs. O. K. Patterson, 1520 Lake avenue, who expected her mother last week for a visit of several weeks, has received word that she is suffering from a serious fall. Mr. Walter r. Clark, who has been living at 125 Fourth street, will occu- py the house left vacant by Mr. Fred E. Harwood, who has been living at 1022 Oakwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Burrows, 1625 Lake avenue, spent several days last week in Berwyn visiting Rev. and Mrs. L» L Hommett. Rev. Hammett Was formerly pastor of the M. E. church. Dr. Murray Aaron of Wilmette will speak to the Boy Scouts Friday even- ing at the Congregational church. His subject will be "Camps in All Re- gions." This will be an open meeting and all those interested are invited to attend. We wish to rectify two items which appeared in last week's issue of this paper stating tbat P. J. Delaney has sold his house at 530 Linden avenue to Dr. Hecht and that Miss Marjorie Hatch, 915 Greenleaf avenue, Is ill with mumps. Mr. Delaney has not sold his house and Miss Hatch claims that she did not have mumps Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Higgins, who have occupied her house through the winter, will keep one of the rooms and board with her. North Wlnnetka. j - jr Alex. F. tf*tfd( pyrtJtlcal plumber, pipe fitting, STOWeBt Railroad avenue. Oscar Hostetterw expressing., livery and boardingUrtabfes, 806 West Oak street. \ k (J f Bank of MTC. »eyer. WMtyi4t*WDrug & Merchandise com- pany. \ \N . , / Eklind\ tailor foMnea and, women. Wlnnetka jCc^-Lumby company, tile, bulldfcfrfmat^ial. fuel, Railroad avenue and Spruce street. North ShoreJGftkySompany, gas and appliances. Hf v... Frank Otto, landscape gardtner and florist, 917 WilldW street. Windes & Marsh, cWl --engineers and surveyors, 508 Birch street, Burkltt & Wjjlis Construction com- pany, concrete cwfetrucilon, 16 Prouty Annex. MAYOR SMART MAKES (Continued from Page 1) Leading Merchants on the North Shore © Paid Schroeder & Comp The time is now ripe to buy a boma^i| Wilmette. We have the lsfjrJ>* U*t °* boi^es/nd vacant on the North Shore; <m[f!NI>e fine homes on theJ^ssCSide from $300 to 9§6yJkown and paymen^»-«T8ait buyer. CqIqANDSEEUS ahy The following are good firms to trade with. Each firm is a leader in its line: Wilmette. / Edinger & SjWid<iL coal/wood, coke, building materfc], jJj&Ol Lake avenue. The EdtawxifL J. Galltz market, meats, liwfcewal avenue. / C. H. BTetboldVleanB and Insurance, 545 West IMroa$ avenue, y North Sh*r| <Uklty association, real estate, L teTftinU! W. A. Pdcadrfaouum cleaner, 1147 G reenleaf*wentteJ WilmingSi P£j£macy, drugs,' cigars candy, etdafWgJnette a^nX Railroad avenues. ^ Wllmetle's/'^rult and Candy Store, home-mtje' cijjpny, Ice cream, cigars, etc., 121V Wilmette avenue. Robert Jtoe, (architect and builder, 431 GrfienMaf arWnue. s Frank Smtth/iancy groceries, 607 West Railrd^j anpue. ., W. Welsh, sndes. hats and/furnlsb- lngs, 1215 Mf fijQlte avenue, y Cmllmette IStSlio of Photography, 1123 CentMjTavcjrae. Wm. C. ygz/jflnmbing add heat- ing, 1064 iifeiTQrvenue. J. J. NilfBf^^jpbcery and market. 1215 Wllmepp aSfcnue. B. C. WeiMenWg, building mate- rial, hay, grilirHjsd, coal, Elm street. Seyfort BrofeL painting and decorat- ing, 1168©*traJKstreet. â- ' Wilmette'^florist, cut flowers and plants ajsr ttfdscape gardener. Wlnnetka. S Adams Plttrmacy, drugs. Jfiie Rex- all Stan, tdioa and Linden avenge. Geo. B, ifiukey, sheet meto^'wort*; he'aUngljM'taRttilroad avenue. WlnnefkajiWtric Shop, everythinf electrMsjMTjfeuty Annex. "' J Alderman Congdon stated he ap- proved of Mr. Carter's remarks and added that the electric signs on Davis street were so close together and hung at such different angles that it wad impossible for peonle to tell at a dis- tance the difference between a dry goods sign and a barber shop sign owing to the way the letters ran to- gether. He suggested it would be a good idea to do away with all such signs. Upon motion of Alderman Dyche the matter was put over for one week, the alderman explaining that another matter of a similar char- acter was now before the council and he thought both could be attended to at the same time. Chairman Knapp of the water com- mittee stated at the close of the coun- cil that the water committee was bus 11 y engaged on the work of letting bids for the erection of the filtration plants and said that he hoped to be able to give a more full report at the nexet meeting. The solon from the Seventh also asked for a self-starter to be placed on the motor fire truck, them atter being referred to the fire committee with power to act. City Clerk Hahn, at the opening or the session, stated the report of for- mer City Treasurer Bartlett had been received, and the council ordered it placed on file. ____________ SBrtVIOE- Memorial services were held Tues- day afternoon in place of the regular meeting of the Woman's society of the Presbyterian church of Wilmette at the home of Mrs. Chas. E. Hastings, 503 Central avenue. Dur- ing the past week the society lost three of their zealous and interested members, Mrs. Schuyler C. Brown, MrB. ThOB. I. Lovedale of Kenllworth and Miss Williams, an aunt of Mrs. Chas. R. Smith of 1019 Thirteenth street. NEW SCHOOL AT M'DANIEL AVE. Work is well under way so far as excavation is concerned for the new school-house at Che corner of Mc- Daniel avenue and Colfax street The school board has not yet decided the boundary lines of the new district. It is stated that the board will place the boundary line so that the chil- dren of the two districts will be new PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS: eqUiUly divided between the --------------- school an^ Central Stree* school WARM EXERCISE. Spring football practice goes mer- rily on, a large number of men having reported to Coach Grady. The coach has stated that there had been between forty and fifty different men out for practice. Nearly twenty of these men are from the downtown de- partments. TO GIVE PLAY. The membere of the Willard W. C. T. U. will give a play entitled "Hearts' Endowment," on the evening of May 1, In St. Luke's parish house. TOOK 0*8 CLOTHES. A sneak thief Friday took clothes valued at $200 from the room of Wil- liam O'Flaherty, 805 Davis Btreet. while O. was dishing out hash to his patrons on the floor below. *â- W. G. Beyrer ELECTRICAVflTNsAllCTION Repairing and Supplies J, B. HECKLER 1137 GREENLEAF AVE. W,L^TTE^ Rfcol fcst*t£" Loans and Insurance Telephone Wilmette 500 AYRES&BOLLcXS OFFICE 1137 6R£ENLEAF;AVENUE WILMETTE, IHIN0IS Special Ati(r>tionMlb Carpenter Jobbing. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Phone Wilmette 458 Offlc«Phon«286 Shop * Km. Phon* 188 i A. C. WOLFF / TIN. SHEET METAL Sprint Rains Office, 1124 Central Ave. Sb*p, 625 P«rk Av«. (tmr). Wllattt* NELSON/BR^TlrtRS CUTLBILY AND GWNlMNp- InsftsgOsrSpKltlfr CMe^JMifM SOW 3«« W.'MADISON ST. t doora Wast of FrankHn St in Dâ€"â€"tent RalphW.Faup^l/ TheVillageElectrician In connection with bis regular Bne«trlcal^Jny»d53fe business, has pat inWnll llnclcx Colum- bia Grafo&Mtt Van Records. Tou are lnflted to come and hear them. 609 W. RAILROAD AVE. Wilmette Mercks, Squibbs; -AND Parke, Davis & Go. The trio we rely upon to fur- nish us with our chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Nearly every one knows thev arcs the sfvst reliable manufletui world. If you hVyej ask yout physician/he Ask vhom yo» will, oar reputatii n foi carefulness, curacy nd quality gained by serving th, terest of those who trust us. We do prescription work that is correct. Renneckar Drag Co. The Rexatl Store Schultz & Norl Telitken Wilmtit 320 TABLO^NG lew Process Cleaning and Dyeing 609 West Railrotd Avenue WILMETTE, ILL. Â¥ GOOD Dress- ers demand art in cloth^s^the nice fovtfnf the distinctive, tope, ch^j&c- ter, style and tji^nnest workmanship to be had. GEORGE J. EBER Ladies* Tailor ===== and â- -;: . Custom Tailor 1131 Groealeaf A venae WsLNSTTE 10 :: Nit-,, mmm mm. ?WM The -::% Wilmette Exchange State Bank A UTHORIZED TO DO A 9AM KING BUSI- NESS UNDER STATE SUPERVISION CAPITAL and SURPLUS $60,000.00 Safety Deposit Boxes equipped THE Bank is now. with one of the^i / nowjet ^iwost con^let< Safety Deposit Vaults in the(vici) ity of Chicago. Tfce, boxes atfrord patrons,* b so 1 u t e protection for vaUtffcfe) papers, et*^ against fire ^00m burglars, besides the convejii-"^*"^ enoeyorV having this .proteclion rigrlt herJfc at home. The equipment contain/three hundred boxes and thSJUrfe becoming very popular at the reasonable rentals asked. The officers of the Bank invite inspec- tion of this new safety deposit box system. CENTRAL AVE. AND TWELFTH STREET Wilmette, Illinois. Telephone Wilmette Ninety u John T. Rosbertf Mer cfeantrTail or A full lina^>l~ihe7lhfest spring novelties. Gleaning, repairing ana pressing. Good olotbes maker. For bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Q^lbds yon most die .place before the ilnsslng guest call N'S___ ore Bakery North 1148 CENTRAL AVENUE Phones Wilmette 413-414. Wilmette Auto Delivery J. A. H0TH WISCONSIN ICI TIMING lyAVENU NTRHJsfAVBNU BTTB, ILL. f ' StabUMS PHONES i Km. 3S Carri _ CarrUsaa, Cab* atM^8urray« for All OmnIm* 726-734 12TH ST., WILMtTTB ,t.,,..._ ___________________________â€"*': AVilmette Beapty Shop ^ â- ^ Edith M. Kilmer Second Floor TlABank BldfTTtlDO Central Ays., WihnetU High Class Beauti- Hah^tiiinJi ^TE&mfei*1 tying Done m iu,u vjw^a Wt loUett your pat,,w* V Pi ILMETTE DAIRY Pure Milk and Cream, 1819 Elmwood Avenue Ek and Cheese TELEPHONE »»4 WILMETTE. IU. Residence 1026 Office 1079 JAMES A. SfDsNl^) REAL ESTATE, REnJnG, LOAUJEX^D INSURANCE 1128 Central Avenue/ <JKUs*wtte, Illinois We also hsve some choice btrgsins in North Shore property. orth Shore W in Ivtry Z lage on „ Chicago, Lots, Homes ^ and Acres Orr * 74 West Washington St., Chicago 8 Braach Offices RAIN COATS J A very attractive display of these^popular garments may / belfound MX [ ) Chicago's neadiluaAera fm l©f every descriptlea W. H. SALISBURY & COMPANY, Inc. 105-107 eo««h WsJbash Ave. Jumt South «f Meoroe St. West Side Office: Oef.C.JkV.W.I>ep«t Hill MFTTr Esst Side Offlcc: WILIWtllt 418GreenlealAve. â- ArL