â- i^^^Wi^^^^^P^ BUR dlij»Mfoffi^ \kr and Mrs. Shennan C. lUiUPlWyi in Evanston, â- mi«» Edith i#cey>;fi**!**1* #***' leave Jnd avenue Deration for appendicitis. Mr, and Mrs> Walter H. Stults, 012 street, announce the birth of a Monday morning, A,pjfll 21. •; , ": rs. B. M. Conger entertained bei club Tue>»dByL^rt.^Mir.itt^f«»^|^^,^*; icon at the Greenwood Inn. *~x" , j(iss Esther Somarviile, 1228 For bf avenue, left Wednesday for Bor- land wttl sail April 26 for Europe. Phi Kappa Pal fraternity will an informal dance Saturday ^ ut the Kenilworth Assembly yeia^;;irip.;a|»roai| '"â- j|^^k :tfc* : Margaret ;^i^^;^1«vaneton â- '.jjr. Gilbert and family of Chicago „,ove to "26 Milburn street Ugted at the Avenue House: Mrs. Cham. J. F. Watson, Chicago; B. Holmes, La Orange, 111.; Mrs. Mills. jfr. and Mrs. O. J. Mochoh, 620 Hark street, are entertaining Miss phnenre Johnson of Leeds, S. D., for l«o weeks. Mrs. I A. Pitkin of Kalamazoo, dieh., will spend one day this week dth"mts. Thomas C. Clark, 1424 Jud- on avenue. •Miss Annie Clark of Kalamazoo, llich., will *pend Sunday the guest of Lr brother, Judge Thomas C.' Clark, [•124 Judsou avenue. Mrs. Walter G. Lewis, 316 Main Street, will leave, next month to Join her husband in New York, where tjiey |will make their home. Mr and Mrs. James Harry Kidder L,f w'iliiiette have gone with their fam- to Los Anpeles, Cal., where they expert to remain several months. The seven-months-old son, Albert, Mr. and Mrs. A.' S. Adams, 1330 Washington street, was operated upon londay at St. Francis' hospital. The Ladies' Aid society of the Hem- rnway Methodist church will give a oystery social Friday evening at 7:45 â-º clock. The admission will be by neasurement. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Fleming, \l 1545 East Sixty-first street, Chicago, move May 1 to 616 Greenwood oulevard. Mr. and Mrs. James Rood, will move to 410 Davis street, befr own home. ' Dr. Lillian Johnson of Memphis, %, sister of Mrs. Ida J. Shotwell. University place, and her co- lor, Misa Noa, sail April 26 from ' York for Europe on the Southern oration commission. A. H. D^Arcy and sons, Clay- and Lowell, and her daughter, Opal of Sacramento, Cal., ar- Monday for an extended visit her sister-in-law, Mrs. John ling, 520 Davis street. '. O. J. Mocbon and family and guest, Miss Florence Johnson of S. D., their former home, and friend, Mr. Clyde Wells, will be »y guests of Mrs. Mocbon's sis- Mrs. T. H. Llndley, 404 Lake Chicago, dge Thomas C. Clark, 1424 Jodson ne, and Mr. Frank H. McCulloch. Orrington avenuer have Just re- from*a two weeks' pleasure through the Bast, taking in Old ut Comfort, New York City and Idenee, R. I. Miss Annie, Anderson, 632 Davis â- street, who has been the guest of Miss IDyer for some time, left Tuesday [sorning far New York. She sailed [Wednesday for Sweden, to return in â- tie fall to Evanston, accompanied by [her sister. Iter. Xiss Elean Babcock, daughter of [Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Babcock, 44 [BeUerue place, Chicago, win be mar- ried to Merrill Colt, 1426 Chicago ave- see, Jnne 7. The ceremony will take Place at 8 o'clock is the evening at ! the Fourth Presbyterian church, Chi- «g* Mr. and Mrs. Alien Was*, 1425 Sher- jbwo avenue, and Miss Rebecca Hnn- iter. Ridge avenue, have Just returned {from an extended visit through the Sooth. They were delighted with both {the climate and scenery. -They visited Tampa, St. Petersburg, Pahn Beach I an*, other points of interest. A delightful surprise party was [given in honor of Miss bene Praensr. Stt Wesley avenue,. Sunday- Among loose in attendance were Alice Net Hazel Greenland, Florence [â- â- *«, David Greestaad, BBen Simp- l*9^ Margaret Carlson, Margaret i, CaroBae Scats*. Theresa | Cuter and BJedwsg WBsos. The Alpha CM Omega sorority of |*srthwesters uarvmmitr .held their at the heme of Mm* EOa L*»«fc 124# Forest avesse, yeaterday The feOewtsa; were miti- |»sJdr^T>Bf0|hy fjipsjl, IMb* Jeha- Perry. l>sosee Hatch, Be QstJi. Ber- 1325 Asbury " "*&£& A^hue/wvisltta Mr. Leonard Slain, 1458 Maple ave- nue, is spending several weeks in Omaha, Neb. Mr. Buell Smith, 1458 Maple ave- nue, is in Indiana on a two weeks' business trip. * Miss Sara Wheelock, 1046 Hinman avenue, is spending a short time in Muskegon, Mich. Mrs. C. M. Haugan, 2702 Sheridan road, gave a dinner Friday for twenty Chicago guests. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dolson have moved from 903 Michigan avenue to 1222 Elm wood- avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J, Mitchell Hoyt, 1575 Ashland avenue, left Saturday for French Lick Springs, Ind. Mrs. Harriett Brodhay, 2106 Central street, is convalescing in a private hospital in Sheridan Park. Mr. P. A. Rising, 833 Hinman ave- nue, returned Friday from a short business trip to Cincinnati, O. Mr. Fred Falley of Jackson, Tenn., time. They have been residing at the spent the week-end with his mother, Greenwood Inn. Mrs. K. V. Falley, 829 Forest avenue. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Wilson and Mr.! Mr. and Mrs. William T. Rickards. Milton H. Wilson have returned'Tromjl""-* Forest-avenue, have returned! fnun a motoring trip along the Pacific coast. Mrs. George I. Bell, 922 Main street, 36 Orrington. e i for Europe. ^ â- -:";;fey.'f -l"-^ Helen Wilkinson, i$4S Ash- . ....-..,.._ „ â- „„, Mrtv „rtW baa recovered 1»m ah I is with the Wm* S. Mason party now en route to Honolulu. Mr,»B, F, Walker* 2333 Lincoln street; has retawmeifrom a ten days' trip to New York. Mrs. Clinton S. Woolfolk and two e moved to the Eleanor apartments from 1203 Maple avenue. Mr. H. B. Kirkpatrick, 906 Lincoln street, is entertaining his brother, Mr. Cornwall Kirkpatrick, 1906 Lin- coln street. 'Mr. M. N. Hawley, who has been re- siding at the University club, has gone to California to be gone about three months. Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Delamater , have gone' to Mississippi for a sbqrt and Mrs. I* hL Willis, 706 Bherr Wan road, have moved to KenUworth. Mr. and, Mrs. % C> Holbrook, 1012 Asbury avenue, moved Thursday to Ravenswood. •./•â- â- > t;'r.- Mre. Henry A. Apps, 2316 Harrtson street, entertained her bridge club at luncheon Prl*i^r:.&pj,;; "â- â- 'â- ' ""^'".'v.'Sf' Miss Gertrade CiieVeland, 2410 Pio- neer road, is spending a month In Los Angeles, CaL Mr. H. N. Kelsey, 1046 Ridge ave- nue, has left for a six weeks' trip through Germany. ' Mr; and Mrs, Charles J. Brayton, 835 Sherman avenue, will move to 811 Washington street avenue, ^.yi1^>l||^Jlj^M Battle:; Ciniek,,. Mich;.; ;;«^^ Mr. Buell Smith. 14M Maple ave- nue, is making a two weeks' bustneis trip through Indiana. -â- 'Mr. p.-A,"R1sbigV:8i2j;Hinjiia^ ; nue, returned Satm^ay ftorn a bust- nesa'trip^iCincinnatr.;^" -[k<i)^4 Mrs. W^M/'-Carpahter.'ahw â- i)i#'m0. sell, 2010 Sheridan road, will return tomorrow-from;'San tM^gb^^p^^'i Mrs. .R. Lamberty. 1911 -iilmry' ate* nue, has lim:h^-iWa^:!Hr9i^p.--y^ devqrn of Kewanee, 11L The North Bad Dancing club gave an informal dance Saturday evening The PI Betar^hi sorority gavuTS at the Ouilmett Pasadena, where they have been spending the winter. Miss Hedwig Brannenan, 1101 Davis street, entertained the Alpha Alpha la In Burlington, Iowa, called there by chapter of the Alpha Chi Omega soror- ity Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Radcliffe. 2665 Stewart avenue, have sold their home. June 1 they leave for Los Angeles, Cal., where they will remain. Mrs. Walter S. Vose, 638 Judson avenue, and her sister. Miss Agn<?s Owsley of New York, left Tuesday for a week's visit in Springfield. 111. Miss Dorothy Edwards was hostess Sunday evening at dinner In honor of her guests, Misses Cornelia, Eveline and Clarence Jones, of Dayton, la. Mrs. N. K. Bigelow and two daugh- ters, Frances and Ogden, 1618 Ash- land avenue, will return soon from a three months' visit in Santa Barbara, Cal. Mrs. F. S. James and her daughter, Mrs. V. E. Sweazey, returned Monday from Pasadena, Cal. Mr. James has taken an apartment at Glen View until May 1. The Evanston sub-district convoca- tion of the Epworth leaguers will be held Saturday evening, April 26, at 8 o'clock at the First Methodist church. Mrs. Edgar C. Rowe, 1414 Davis street, is entertaining < Miss Marlon Smith of LjUayette^.Ind,. who .has been here tor twp weeks and leaves Monday for home. Miss Elizabeth Kartheiser, 1618 Sherman avenue, is home from a visit in Milwaukee, where she was the guest of Misa Elizabeth and Miss Anna Cas- sel, formerly of Evanston. Barksdale spent their spring vaca- tion with their aunt, Mrs. Park Phipps, 2010 Orrington avenue, returning last week to Ann Arbor, Mich. Mrs. John Brunner, 627 Dartmouth place, has as her guests her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Mitchell, who will sail from New York for a trip around the world May 5. Miss Winnifred Evertz and Miss Caroline Splinter were initiated Fri day night into the Lambda chapter, of the Kappa Delta sorority. Tho initia- tion was followed by a banquet at tlw Mr. .nd Mrs. Norman Towne, 1400 Judson avenue, will leave the latter part of this month for their new home in New Orleans, La., where Mr. Towne will be actively engaged in business. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Burgess, 624 Foster street, announce the coming marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth Ada, to Mr. Herbert O. Salter of Ex- mouth, England, which will take place at St/ Mark's church on June 10. Mrs. E. J. Krrkman. Ridge avenue and Lake street, has returned from a short visit to her daughter, Miss Bfl- He, at Dana hall, Wellesley, Mass. Mrs. Kirkman was accompanied by her daughter. Miss Ethel Kirkman. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Reddington. 1252 Ridge avenue, have returned after an absence of more than three months. They first spent five weeks in Honolulu, in company with a party of eight Lake View people. The lat- ter part of their trip was spent in Pasadena and San Francisco. Jnlio Alarcon of Le Paz. Bolivia. South America, has arrived in Evanston to attend the the death ol her mother, Mrs. John Seerley. Mr. William' T Shepherd. 1606 Chi- cago avenue, left Thursday night for an eastern trip, to be gone a month or six weeks. Mr. Edgar Robinson, 1620 Ridge. avenue, left Saturday for Harvard af- ter spending the spring vacation with his family. Mrs. Arthur L. Sprinkle, 2023 Sher- man avenue, gave a bridge party Sat- urday night at her home to her club. There were four tables. Mr. Percy Lapham left Sunday night for Florida, after a snort visit with his father, Mr. E. H. Lap- ham! 822 Sherman avenue. Mrs. I. H. Tllden of Providence, R. I., is the guest of her son, Mr. Henry C. Tilden.'at the Greenwood Inn. Sbe will be here several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dennis of Ver- mont, formerly of Evanston, are spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. William L. McKay, 2308 Central street. Mrs. Mendsen, 801 Greenleaf street, was a luncheon hostess Friday in honor of Mrs. Bartholomew, who will leave for the east the last of the month. ~ '.'". ". '..-. '-f •*';•-" Mrs. A. Starr Best, 1936 Orrington avenue, returned Friday evening from a lecture trip through New York. North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio and Indiana. The Kappa Delta sorority of North- western university gave a dance Sat- The Misses Charlotte and Julia, arday evening at the KenUworth Woman's club. About thirty couples attended. Mrs. Edgar C. Rowe and children, 1414 Davis street, left Monday for Lafayette, Ind., where they will visit Mrs. 'Rowe's mother, Mrs. Thomas Andrews. m The Eyanston chapter of the Omega Epsilon sorority of the Chicago School of Physical Expression, gave a formal dance at the Woman* club Friday night - eg Mr. and Mrs. W. O. TJnerer, 519 Grove street, attended the*weddlng of their son, Francis, to Miss Edith Lam- bert, which occurred in Benton, Can- ada, last night. Miss Clara Fitch, who formerly lived here with her Bister. Mrs. Jouett P. Singleton. 1422 Judson avenue, has returned and will be at the Greenwood Inn for some time. Mrs. Parke E. Simmons, 1746 Hin- man avenue, wtth her sister, Mrs. Edith Kirkwood, of Evanston, has been in California for a month. They will remain there until about June L The many friends of Mrs. McCal- dance Saturday night at the Ouil- mette Country club. Born, April IT, an eight and one-half pound boy, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rol- lert, 421 Keeney street. A number of friends of Miss Helen Pettlnger celebrated her birthday with her Friday evening. Mrs. William Botsch of Oshkosh, Wis., ii the guest of Mrs. Charles W. James, 1701 Ridge avenue. Mr. Paul Faulkner, 2429 Central street, has been spending a short time witb relatives in Chicago. Miss Ruth Bannister, 826 Judson avenue, is at home after spending sev- eral weeks in Windham, Conn. County Commissioner B. M. Board, 1937 Orrington avenue,, is in Cuba on a brief business and pleasure trip. Miss Mary Lucy Hall of Louisville, Ky., is the guest of Mrs. William Allen Pusey, 512 Greenwood boule- vard. Miss Hedwig Brennenam, 1101 Davis street, entertained the Chi Omega sorority Saturday afternoon at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wasa, 1425 Sherman avenue, have returned from Tampa, Fla., where they have been for three months. The Sigma Alpha Epsilon frater- nity of Northwestern university gav-j an informal dance Saturday evening at the Wlnnetka Woman's club. Miss Anna Bauer, 2118 Maple ave- nue, was the week-end guest of her aunt, Mrs. Catherine Stearns, and of her cousin, Miss Martha Stearns, tn Milwaukee. Mrs. M. B. Sterrett, 2505 Hartzell street, returned Friday from Phila- delphia, Pa., where she was called by the death of her mother, Mrs. Sam- uel Hepburn. The founders' day banquet of the Upsilon chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority was held Friday evening at 7 o'clock in the tea room of .the WamanV clafc., $*» -. .; Mr. and Mrs. Gay S. McCabe, 1837 Asbury avenue, are entertaining Mr. McCabe's . cousin, Miaa Dorothy Drury, from London, Eng.» who is en route to British Columbia. Mrs. R. B. Dunn, 027 Judson avenue, has as her guest her mother-in-law, Mrs. B. A. Dunn of Waukegan, III. The second of the artists' concerts will be given on Thursday evening, May 1, In the Covenant M. E. church. Mrs. H. L. Wood. 646 Hinman ave- nue has as her guests Mrs. Smith and Miss Smith of Philadelphia, Pa- Mr. Henry Mitchell of Gary. Ind., was the week-end guest of his sister, Miss Ruth Mitchell, 2203 Central street. Mrs. Henry WlttJ^ld, Central street, was called to Chicago last week by tbe death of her mother, Mrs. Louise Roden. t Mrs. John It: Byrnes, 1022 Greenleaf street, and daughter, Alice, are home from Florida*^where -they spent the wlntoi* Miss Maria^Byam, 807 Judson ave- nue, entertained tjie Evanston Lit- erary society at her home Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Y. Norris and daughter, Helen, 2407 Harrison street, spent the week-end with relatives in Aurora, HI. Miss Margaret Moore, 1300 Main street, has as her guests, Mrs. Robert Cromby 'and Mrs. Arden Bowen of Palm Beach, Fla, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Moore, 824 Foster street, will move to MO* XJmV cago avenue. They have sold their home on Foster street Mrs. Charles H. Herbert, 415 Greenwood boulevard, has as. her guest her niece, Miss Sickles of Steamboat SprtagsJPolo. Mrs. A. V. Fuuer, who has been tbe guest of Mrs. Louis A. Wheeler, 1028 Elmwood avenue, returned Mon- day to her home in Mt. Vernon, N. YT Mrs. Ed'th Rlsser McKay, 2808 Cen- tral street, gave a musicals Tuesday afternoon. Miss Gwendolyn Farmer, assisted by Mrs. L. * Phil- lips, gave tbe program. Dr. and Mrs. George T. Basset will move May 1 from 422 Greenleaf street to the Greenwood Inn. Mrs. Basset will sail for Europe early in June, re- turning to Evanston in October. Mr. Allen B. Drury, 608 Lee street, Lord, 418 Hamilton | na8 purchased a ranch at Medford, Mrs. Wm. 8. ------- â€" _____ street, and her mother, Mrs. H. A. j ore. About May 1. Mr. and Mrs. Roland, of the Avenue House, have | Drury and little daughter will go to returned from Palm Beach, Cal. California for a visit before settling where they spent the winter. ] on their ranch. Mr. Walter McNeil and family will j m„ Florence Reding of Lake Gen- move May 1 from 324 Hamilton street; evEf ittf wno has been the guest of to Ravinla. Mr. Farman H. Onder- j MlB|l jjg^ gulllvsn, 931 Ridge court. ,i,.-' ,;;;r,,j!,.fM â- MHMHepaiMMip wi ABC LIGHTS SPACB8. ,,the;..... HBATBRSt BEST AND GONVCNIENT Tto NpMf ett lit* 1611 Benson Avenue, ;â- "â- |l|^m^Fitowii»«w-wi* donk and wife will move to this num- ber from 2735 Hartzell street. M/s. Abram W. Harris II left Sun- day for Pennsylvania* to attend the j for two weeks, returned to her home Sunday. Several social Tunction* have been glve%Jn her honor. Miss Nema Phipps, piano teacher in wedding of Miss_Clara Daley. Jff*r} AlbJon allege, and her friend, Mrs *~" Darleen Wellington Miller, vocalist, spent their spring vacation with Miss Phipps' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Park Phipps, 2010 Orrington avenue. Miss Margaret Conley entertained number of her young friends at sbe will go to Washington, returning to Evanston the latter part of June. Word has been received by relatives of tbe death of Mrs. Alice Compton at Ocean Park, CaL Mrs. Compton visltr ed here in December. 8ne was a sis- ter of Mrs. H. J. Thompson, formerly j * and dinner Sunday in â€" - ^» \ luncheon of Hartsell street, now of Stuttgart, , ^^^ ^ ner 17ta birthday. The Arizona. luhle decorations were pink; the Mrs. F. C. Pickard entertained at j faTon ^j May baskets. Those pres- ber home, 810 Colfax street, Monday, ent were: 7^, Misses Gertrude afternoon in honor of Mra. J. P. WU- (g^w, Katherlne aicBvoy, liamson of Havana, N. D. Mra. J. H- Poage of Chicago gave a delightful program of readings and musical monologues. Mr. and Mrs. Ruins C Dawes and Wynn, Katharine Wynn, Emily Krrtky, Ruth DeaL Dorothy Harden, Violet Olson, Ruth Olaon, Dorothy Peaehon, Jane Hennln. Messrs. Vis- cent Shaw, Mark Slshbura, Elmer son, Charles, 1800 Sheridan road, left: oTxraghlin, Tom CLoughllB. Boy Friday for England. They will I Abernathy. John Conley. Ben Myers, Bond. 641 from; â€" . f. limit. /«fl tUlUVM Wi »»»«s •*»•â€"»»------------ â€" ; JIKUlf" â- ..»...â€"â€", --- emy. It is interesting ^ rriesasoi ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ fof wOBUi, Adr|aB Miclu ^^ a months ab- the school to know that Mr. Alarcon; ^ ^^^^ io Evanston In May[,„,©«. Mr. and Mrs. Bond have aoWj was advised by several prominentmes ^^ ^ ^ Qrore ^^ j ^^ ^^ ^ uken â€" apartment of New York City to attend the Evans- Elmwood m tbe Judson. Tbe purohaser. Mr. ton academy in preference to any ^^R°^ ^^^ fot GtoT. | £ephe, G«dner, with hi. family. wBl | other school is the country. [*"*««; J Y„ where she will vtaitjmove here from the North Side, CM- week. Sbe will thee j cago. Join a party of seven for New York { ^ exhibition will he given Monday Announcement has been made of ' "â- the engagement of Mm. Almeda f*!"^^ af lerton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. BoshneH FuBerton of Ottawa. BJ, to John Charles Burg, 202* OrrwgUm avenue. Miss FUuertoa was a g"d- aate of Northwesters mstveraitjr is ltti and » a member of the Alps* Pat soroctty. aadma Mr. Bwrg giadsated fa of Beta Theta PI f*sv who wOl sail on the thirtieth (evening. April 28, by the gymnastic City, for Europe on the "Kaiaertsi August* Vfctorw.*" They win tour England, France, Germany, Austria sad Italy. sadretuTB to Bvanston j*. sfiM Jroealfci has bees the of tbe Neighborhood dub in the aeaembly room of the Cestral street aehooL A namher of very In- teresting and pretty demonstrations wfll be gives. The i>roeeeds of tha •reaisg wfll he applied to the a coat IT Uim. widow of Judge Joseph McCal- „£ from New Vork on the Kaiser Leopold Peachos, William Doody. WB- lum, who has been nine weeks in wilhelm der Grosae. About six weeks ' XiMm Conpwy. Ed Atchison. Mercy hospital, Chicago, will be wjn be spent motoring- in England. A pleased to learn sbe is at home with 1 few days in Paris will conclude the heT daughter, Mrs. J. H. Ruttan. 2014 , trip. Orrington avenue, very much fnvj Mrfc James Hansen of Fish Creek. proved. j Wia. who arrived recently for sn ex- Announcement Is made of the mar-[tended visit with her daughters. Misses riage of Miss Edith Wells Lambert. Aijce and Harriett Hansen, 1464 Elm- daughter of Rev. O. K. Lambert, and j wood avenue, was called home Wed- Francis A. Snerer, son of Mr. and j nesday on account of the severe and Mrs. W. G. Sberer, 519 Grorve street,(sadden Illness of another daughter,; which took place last evenisg at Bea- j sirs. Wilfred Vorous. ' ""^""^S t««. Canada, the Rev. G. K. Lambert. | Ur^ Laurence Cottoa Evanston acaa- > faU|er ^ the MAe officiating. Mr.! MJcbJgan avenue, ia mm EVERYONE adnUts tkat ij/k difficult 'to get prorier flllin/kll6si for chil- dren. Your family doctor^ill tell^u that improperly ftnddAhoes ca>»fc broken archess flit fceta\(d a general nervous con- dition. • Foster shoes for children are scientifically made and fitted. ^ ^ F. l£^iX)STER & CO* Chicago At«., nmmr Ds\t1» St^ aLvsmaton MM 43te| EvanstonTheatre PMOMCa 2â€"-2B99 robtt. sm-avlock . ALL THIS WEEK Oae Lsmmc Usgertof UMCh NEXT WEEK The Only Son