m.^mJtMe^W^§ _„„ winntfre* Hiunm *• >»* again . ton wu born t<> Mr. *nd Mrt, J. jimeson lest week. I and Mrs. IL X Denham have nil their home in Hubbe* Woode er pending the winter to Chicago, W Alice Wyman, who has »*»> Itfing with *n »Ucee« of tbethmt, improving. ^ . (r L. B. Wernecke has moved Into Oat recently vacated by Mr. 8. 8. ^b. McKenxie of Ann Arbor, Mich* rlaitlng at the home ol her eoni W- McKenzie, » , Hr. wm. Potes of Benton Harbor, eh., was the guest of hie sister, Mm. man Oummlngs, a few days tort Kias Julia Larned and Miss Carrie ietpB have returned to theif home Auburn avenue after spending the inter in California. Miss I***** »• rt-y rnuch improved in health- .... |diss;itolte*:8ch^ 3gae*a«v»^i^^ spending aeverai w«# ^^ ber erother, J^':Jl^0i^^T£&^r avenue.: .^/H^^l^lliM'^P"-": The supper e*w» by :*ne Married Ladies' aodalltf of the Sacred Heart church wae woll attended. Supper "was served.to three or tout hundred people. After the supper there was dancing ^ tn> chuKih parlors. Ah informal reception wasgiven at the home of Mr/and Mrs. Alfred New- ton Bnrnbaw, Friday afternoon and evening, April 18, about 100 guests being present. The decorations were daffodils, roses and ferns. Refresh- ments were served; the hostess being assisted by the Misses Heron, Ma- thews and Beek of. Chicago, Mrs. Fox of Wilmette, Mrs. Allan Wolff of Win- netka, Mrs. N. Williams of Olencoe, Mesdames Brlgham, Durand and Hen- derson of Hubbard Woods. ^ntnii..................« What People Are Doing I in Glencoe «„. Henry Pope will entertain her main club Saturday. â- ^T Daniel McArthur entertained tea Thursday afternoon. Mr* John H. Bullen is expected me the end of this week. The William Sutherland* are at otne from Plnehurst, N. C. Mrs. Bruce McLeish is visiting her liter at Wllkesbarre, Pa. Mr f M. Holbrook and family oved last week to Lombard. 111. Mr. Samuel R. Hurford left last eek for Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moris have ioved to Elgin, 111. Mrs. Markham B. Orde and children tve returned from the West. „ daughter was born to Mr. and lr». Bunneister Tuesday morning of .at week. Mr Howard N. Foote and family 8Te'moved into the Murdon house Central avenue. Mr and Mrs. Lamprecht left Tues- for^ew York, where tbey*wM »ake their home. The Neighborhood Dancing Club leets tomorrow evening in the Wom- liferary- club- rooms. Mrs. j. o. Van Winkle gave a the- ta party Thursday for Mrs. James Thompson and Miss Ounther. Mis Arthur Brlntnall gave a lunch- for Mrs. James S. Thompson and sister, Miss Ounther. Wednesday. fhe B A. B. Dancing club has its m^ party for the season Saturday tning in the Woman's Library club. *The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Mau- S Miller, Central avenue and beridan road, i. HI *"b "carlet ay Dr. fork, In Littleneld of Brooklyn, New a man of national reputation, the apeaker In the Union church Sunday. The School Dancing club, under the ntldance of Mrs. Laughray, gave a co- tillion Monday afternoon after school the assembly ball. The new house which Mr. and Mrs. Latbrop are building in Fairview almost finished. They expect to be It by the first of May. The guild of the Church of St. Elis- abeth held an all day meeting Tues- day at the home of Mrs. Tapper, Sr. Luncheon was served at 12:30. The ladies of the guild of the Church of St. Elisabeth will have a rummage sale in the village hall Fri- day and Saturday, April 25 and 26. Mr. Joe Brandl and Mr. Paul Con- rad celebrated their birthdays to- gether, since they came on the same date, April 15. There were cards and refreshments. Mr. H. c. Champllfl, Jr., gave a aost interesting illustrated lecture on Alaska Tuesday evening In the Union church. There were about two hun- dred views, all of which were taken by himself. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .WfHiam Field, Sheridan road, fell through the glass of a hot bed, sus- taining serious cuts about the arms. ~T* to reportedtoTSe improving" The third lecture of the course "Brides of Ancient Bong," •'Beatrice Pontinarl," was given Monday after- noon of last week by Miss Julia Henry at the home of Mrs. Henry P. Pope. Charles William, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane, died Monday APril 14, of meningitis. The burial *as in County line cemetery. • Dr. and Mrs. Oliver D. Swam re- •ttved news of the arrival of a little grandson April 11 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Swain in Dallas, Tex. Mrs. Benjamin Becker and eon. *•*. and mother. Km George Combs, **nraed Tessas/ tost from Mek BWage. :S^+W: 'H-~. Mrs. Henry Smith add daughters have returned from the South. Mrs. Mary Becker 4s the guest of Mrs. C. H. Howard. Mr. Ralph.Pate is confined to the house by illness. Robert, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice S. Miller, is ill with scarlet fever. Mrs. Jacob Beck and daughter, Dor- othy, returned last week from Cali- fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Hllhopp and eon were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. August Schepp. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schnur have re- turned from an extended trip to Aus- tralia and New Zealand. Mr. Markham Orde was called to Toronto, Canada, last week by the Ill- ness of his mother. Mrs. Clark, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. A Fox, left Friday to visit friends in Indianapolis. Mr. Charles TJupee of San Fran- cisco, Cal., spent several days last week with Mrs. Bmmellne Dupee. Miss Cecelia Hollingsworth of Rennaelaer, Ind., Is the guest of Mrs. Louis F. Hopkins, Miss MSfgaiar^reilng entertained Tuesday afternoon for Miss Cecelia Hollingsworth. Mrs. Sampel Powell entertained the Basket club at luncheon Friday. Mrs. W. A. Fox entertained at tea Tuesday. Mrs. Grace Abbott will speak on "The Immigrant Problem" today at the Woman's Library club rooms %t 2:30 o'clock. Rev. S. O. Ayres, librarian of the Garrett Biblical Institute, spoke at the Methodist Episcopal church Sun- day in the absence of the pastor, who is In Eureka attending the conference for the presidents of the Illinois col- lege associations. CONCERT IN OLENCOE CHURCH. On Tuesday evening, April 29, a concert, will be given in the Union church of Glencoe, by the young la- dies Glee club of Lake Forest college. Mrs. Thomas will be the leader and the concert given under the auspices of the Adult Bible class of the church. The engagement of Miss Helen Louise Gerould, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Gerould, 1200 Judson avenue, Evahston, to Robert Wells La- sear of Denver was announced Mon- day by Miss Gerould's parents. Mr. Lasear is a Mr. and Mrs. George C. Laxear, 718 Emerson street, Evanston. No date has been set for the wedding. Dally Thought. Greaj truths are portions of the soot of man.â€"James Russell Lowell. HIS LIFE HAND GRIP â- â- ! â- â- i ' • â- 'â- '•â- -*â- 'â- ; t-7'V .« . ' )â- â- â- "[â- â- "â- y.jy;â- &/$%$$. : In an attempt to 'hoard amoving south bound Northwesterh train at the ^?!96^MJ^mk!» Street *& ward Stealer, IT years old. a clerk* residing at 3024 Derrow avenue, fell Tuesday morning about 7 o'clock, suf- fering bruises and cuts when his body was dragged for several feet by the train. His praoky ettort In maintain- ing his grip on the coach rail saved him from instant death beneath the wheels of the moving (rain. He was taken to the Evanston bos- sum nltal to the pbllce ambelanoit, . . medi^attwtion was givoe. The moat severe injuries were bruises and cuts qn the head suffered, wnen he was thrown to the ground just bejtore the train .eras stopped. A new constitution of the Nortly weitem Athletic association will bo presented to the student body for ap- proval Friday, liny ». The revised constitution has been framed by J. l^il^s^is^i^hri i'jB^BWw'^JrwPj"^B^B^amsy . .. the salient .,, .._. dto^^v^^rk^il^ riSi, ..... adviaeMUtt the willed; atuoents :^^;aes^^^i;Ail, ,^ltan|iS-^!^ii '>A:^;wiii:^loil^ 'entitled' "w^^m^^Wm^:^^ baalte«toli^-bl»>|a^iH?:i^^ basketball tea*. r^mmSJ* ......»a^v^^MW'tk«,sesdsnK-fft, %mn/m jw*mm+ ..... __^^ â- Mr9^^&'* '.^^wvWwT^ff?!ffJi'V'-' â- 'â- â- -â- "£?•¥:"$ the Unrtetstty OLENCOE CHURCH OUILO, The Union Church guild of Glencoe held its annual business meeting Tues- day afternoon, April 15, at 2 o'clock. The officers elected for the coming year are: Mrs. J. L. Lane, president; Mrs. Gerry Taylor, vice-president; Mrs. Kiess, secretary, and Mrs. Geo. Tracy, treasurer. Different reports were read. During the year the la- dles have made $700. Out of this many things which went towards furnish- ing the church were bought and there is left S300 in the treasury, with which to begin the new year. Aft r the business meeting the ladies served tea and cake. BURGLAR ROBS HOME OF EDWARD A. WHITE The home of E. A White, 1»03 Or- riagton avenue, Evanston, was robbed Sunday afternoon while the family waTabsent, by a burglar who gained entrance by smashing a window in the kitchen. The house wee thoroughly ran- sacked, all the bureau drawers and closets being entered. Clothing tothe yalue of $280, and a eunaideTable amount of jewelry wee taken. The White family toft their noma shortly after tour o'clock. Whenrther yetamed at nine o'clock they found the house in disorder. No. clew aeto the identity of the burglar neejes. found.. '....â- • Thursday, Friday, Satur- day, April 24,25 and 26 *TIW STORE Ti*AT OPEN TUESDAY T1L1V 9 iC «t. SATURDAY TH& t& P. fj* We The cost of living is high, and most of us aire constantly^ th| a great comfort to many to confine their buying «o Rp^?m* .^^ rim they're buying good food at lower prices than elgewher^ Le|pg|f«apr focyj pr^ffl FEEDâ€"Best mixed Globe Chicken Feed, per 100 lb. sack..........$1.69 BROOMSâ€"Our regular 50c 4-sewed Brooms, each..................*7e TEAS AND COFFEES. COFFEEâ€"Bonlta, from the land of sun- shine, per lb. can.................. .SSo Sheridan, finest blend, 3 lbs......S1j00 Fancy Santos, per lb.............• .Me 4 lbs............................"I'00 TEAâ€"Tetley'e Green Label, No. 1, per 1 lb. can.....................?*•» per Vi lb. can..................• • -Me Our regular 80c basket-fired Japan Tea, per lb........................*** OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS. SUGARâ€"Best granulated, 10 lbs-----.45c With a $1.00 grocery order or over (floor, soap or meats not included). FLOUR*-Gold Medal, Ceresota, Napo- leon, Pillsbuty or New Century: per % bbl. sack.................*» S9 per % bbl. sack................. 1^6 per % bbl. sack................. z-'5 PRUNE8â€"Fandy Santa Clara Valley. For Thursday, April 24th only COlfpOM For Thursday,'] April 24th only Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes, with this coupon 3 packages for ASPARAGUSâ€"Hills-Dale California, per can ..........................jj« 3 cans.............................w PEARSâ€"Mt. Baker, in heavy syrup, 8 cans............................*•• PEACHESâ€"California, Yellow Free, No. . 8 cans, 2 cans..... ...............-Me POTATOES ~ Fancy home ^ «kwj» good cookers, per 18 lb. peck.,> .we per W'lb. bushel...........^..eee CATSUPâ€"Well known *r«ds^f^ per 26c pt bottle.............•••?7« v^^ldoaett WHOLESOME MEAH LOWER COST medium size, per lb... *......... 4 lbs.........•..........%....... -BEANSâ€"Faucy^anu*WBked, navy 6 lbs........................... COCOANUTâ€"Baker's or Schepp's, per medium pkg................ per large pkg................... TAPIOCAâ€"Minute. 3 pkgs........ JELLO or TRYPHOSAâ€"All flavors, 3 pkgs......................... BEEF EXTRACTâ€"Cudahy's Rex, per 45c Jar .................... GRASS 8£ ED â€" Jackson Park Grass Seed, per lb. pkg,........ ONION SETSâ€"Clean White Sets, per quart ..................... 8o .27c .Me ..So .15e .26c .28c ...Mc Lawn ...18c ,..Bc Early ...Me CANNED GOODS. PEASâ€"High Life, small sifted June Peas, 2 cans.............. Nashotah Brand, Champion of England, 2 cans.......•....................**• per dozen......................81«48 CORNâ€"Fancy Sweet Sugar, 8 cans.. .Mo per dozen ........................f*° Onarga, Country Gentleman, 2 cans.zee BOUPSâ€"Savoy or Armour's, all kinds, > 3 cans............................23c BEANSâ€"Savoy White Wax Beans, 2 cans.........................• • *Mo Snlder's or Armour's Pork and Beans, No. 1 cans, 3 cans.................Me No. 2 cans, Z cans.................*»• PINEAPPLE â€" Happy-Vale. Hawaiian, sliced, No. 3 cans,, 2 cans..........4»o PLUMSâ€"Yum-Yum,' Fancy Michigan, in heavy syrup. No. 3 cans,-3 cans------SSc HOUR NO PHONE OR MAIL 0RDER8 FILLED WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23. From • to 10 s. m. and 3 to 4 p. m. Quilt Calico and Dress Calico, very best quality made, regular «c grade, XLs* a yard ..ft.......................J7*C THURSDAY, APRIL 24. From 9 to 10 a. m. and 3 to 4 p. m. 28 inch double width Percale, 8c quality. 5*fc •fl- Our steals art of ackHdwUdgedhigh quality, our prict* an leu than elu- where, anditltour BEEFâ€"Native Pot Roast Beef, best quality, lb., iz%c and 15V1C Best Sirloin Steak, tender and constant eni$4»or to give excellent service. 0>»!^ market tup pile* hundred* othome* juicy, per lb.......i8c and Native Shoulder Steak, te per lb VEALâ€"Choice Veal Stew, per lb...........«5*c Beat Veal Chops, per lb. rib, aoc; loin Native Shoulder Veal Roast, per lb..................i554c LARDâ€"Our beat La meat order, 3 lot. Snowdrift Shorten! 3 lb. pail lor. â- * ireme Pure Lard, •. pail for........ Bâ€"Fancy Lamb Chop*, fUlder, per lb........ -r<*^|* ancy Rib Lamb Osspswjli^ per lb. -----...........•*!!â- ** Fancy Loin Lamb Chops^J^H per lb.................V'.'^i^ Choice Lamb Stew, ^ A per lb... .......ioc and *i$# â- mmm SALMON-FaucyJUas)«Ito4,2ca»e.4l. %(%9munV-.'*!k%tm\^m^ ' *i5*& I TUNA *IW»M-«mw gje»>tC|itoke« ef ^% GINGER ALl-Celebrated Clicquot «Wfc â- Bar dosen is â- â- â- â- â- â- »â- «*•* r1* ."«â- *.•'â- • »s?w-? Oft^E JUICt-Armonr's Top Note*. -....'. p*r -. qjeart-; l»itla;:.v.^i.;vk«;<fes «> ^s'g^ !-'*»er; pint bottle WiMmS0**:MW*^&^, ;:'her small hottto';i:;v^.v'.'i^fn^-Hii.'ffi^f^ gAUCE-John Bun> rnmmmtÂ¥*^m^- S)ALAO l>ajis»|Hg|Tr«a|»iVscW^ ^•â- â- .pejr'la>a%-lMittto:;.;^**:»*v» OUVES^Fancy Queen, per Jar.... .Jff Plmlentp, Stttted, •#Taat*r:...»^J»fi;:i :. net 'â- tor'.. ;i» U. •-».♦••' iA*:- »* â- •.;* .* •â- <wfflp: - B^al Blue. FaneftMld^et^l^^ PRE«RVBS-<}lencV>e, absoln^ purj. Strawberry or Raspberry, perâ- $£££& "^pirka^Wr Stiiwhu^neir^ *#' b' ifioAM MiO ♦^A'^'f^w^iWfc"'"'""' >APâ€"Swifts Borax thest Mpt-mWm, bare ..........•♦•â- *â- â- *.••.•>.»'*'**«o.»2S*'i ft's Pride Been, 10.hare..^«*^f» . - .iOTjfc>pt» A lb. t^fjM:%*.ii,v»;y^r;:*â„¢; i^-JOtnt^t^hV- *â- «*.••**»'>»»•'• *'*f**♦.â- .• â- *>'*f*"*^P' ^|Ra>i^^gtJBls4 Beep, i bertTTT. "' "0-- CEREALS ANO CRACK«RSV ;i -*f pkge. »â- »»•*»• ♦ • *•'• '•â- *•»*»*-*â- *>**!•*'*â- 5^i|uieton":W*eat â- HooeV tfr-f, :-:^m. >!g3p«:larie: pkg........>^«>.*t#**% Orepe Nuts, per pkf..«..*.^*»>'» OATMEALâ€"Dr. Prices, per large pkg 1S* SPECIAL FOR SAT., APRIL 26 For Your Sunday Dinner. Prime Rib Roast Beef, best quel ity, rolled or standing, lb. Extra Fancy Young Roasting Chickens, A No. x stock, sH to 5 lb. average,per lb.....*..»«« Selected Young Leg of Lamb,... per lb. .«•.........• •«• • •>*•* â- , v*t large pkg. ••:»^*i:^ViriJ*«e* CRACKERSâ€"TJneeda Biscuit, > ekga. tte Krlspy Crackers, nwcan.,..:iv».4Ss Our l»c snd lSc Ceoktoe, per Uvulae ; SPECIAL FOR SATUnjDA^ •• ^ AWWtM,0«tY FRESH RHUBARB PIE-Our _ made, each ....^...........«•*♦•»» COFFEE CAKIâ€"All klnes, â- #l; ;',;â- â- for............................f» FRCSH RHUBARB, 8 lbs...........................10s S>tllAW»BllRIIS)-Fancy red, ripe Strawberrlee, per box.......w»» Day Specials a yard, for...... FRIDAY, APRJL 8sV From S to 10 e. m. end 3 to 4 e. m Lonsdale bleached Muslin, Itt Tarda worth regular f 1.28, 72c for..............................â- *#v SATURDAY, APRIL 2S. From • to 10 e. m. end 8 to 4 p. m. Apron Gingham, best standard ouallty. regular 9c ralne, 5»C a yard for..*............. ......*F'*v MONDAY, APRIL 28. From » «o 10 a. m. and 3 to 4 p. m. Toweling, all linen crashes, our regular 12Kc Quality, t7Qc 10 yards for........*.........•••â- * w** No Phone or Mail Orders Filled. THURSDAY, APRIL 34. Ladies' Neckwearâ€"Choice of all our new style of Ladies' Silk and Bulgarian Bows, worth | o^ up to 50c, for...............* c,v THURSDAY, APRIL 34. 60-inch Table Damask, full bleached, mercerized, 30c value, O'Xn a yard for............... ^JV MONDAY, APRIL a8. Full yard wide Percale, cambric fin- ish, the very beet quality made. Cheap at 15c a yard, olp for ........................°2W Women's Shots $3.00 ;i§ A complete line of Women's Low Shoes, in all the different fabrics and leathersâ€"Shoes that combine good appearance and good wear. We are doing our utmost to offer every pos- sible kind of low shoe of high qual- ity at the moderate price of ............ 3.00 Shoe Repairing Don't throw away that pair of ©id shoes. .They are comfortable, and we can repair them in first-rate fashion for you. Special pricea dur- ing the month of ApriL AH called for and delivered. Ad Man's Column â- â€"O t took a walk through the teffoue de- partments the other day. In each sec- tion the department manager stopped me and said: "You didn't gtye me enough space last week. Why. those ltema were orackerjecks. Look at the number ot sales we made. If you had given me the right kind of a show I'd have doubled my tmstoeea" That's what happens to the e4 man every day. Some one or other safes ^Ite got the biggest **•» «*â- **• sssson You ought to feature it" WetL Use other day I acid if they dtdnt tot ep on me-1 was going to tell the public about it* and the a an gjvanston will be here- to Badt ou about those big bargains. That dtdat seem to scare 'em much, hut 1 aasT to amke good my word. I knew that Me of people are aaving money by wi tile small Items aa well ae the hfB hut I cant ten yon about an of theua. ?*:â- •' m M ^^lii^v T. i^SSpsjjiV'-'v-'.i. ^:.*?iii;