Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Apr 1913, p. 8

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FATHER SMYTH SOCIAL EVILS Rector of St. Mary's Catholic Church Expressed Himself Clearly Before Members of Visitation Auxiliary. LOW WAGE NOT CAUSE Speaker Stated That Low Wage Could Not by Itself Bring Ruin to Girls, Though It Did Contribute. if" "When someone tells me that young women full." suld Father H. P. Smyth, while speaking before the Alumnae auxiliary of the Visitation academy at the Evanston Woman's club, "because they are paid insuffi- cient wages, I immediately dissent. The right kind of young women will die first. I believe, therefore, that the assertion is false. I also believe It is mischievous, Insomuch as it seems to take away all responsibility from the Individual and throws it upon society. On the other hand, when someone tells me that the question of wages has cess; and, on the other hand, area though he should fill the world with fame here, and fail of the goal hero- after, be Is a colossal failure. He may be a burden upon society, you say. We answer, he Is far more of a bene- diction than a burden. We go further, and assert that no matter how handi- capped we may be coming; Into this world, it is our own fault If we do not attain our destiny. Hence, p(e is al- ways an opportunity, and as snch, a blessing. "Again, we differ from our friends, the uplifters, in this, that we bold that not all the advantages of birth, education, example, wealth, social standings, etc. run avail without aid from on High. Divine assistance to an indispensable requisite without which no one can reach the goal." A short business session opened the meeting, followed by several musical numbers. Mias Florence Relator, a pupil from the visitation academy, de- lighted the audience with two piano solos, followed by a group of songs, well sung, by Mrs E. J. O'Connell of Chicago, a former Evanstonian, ac- companied by Miss Myrtle Cornish. Mr. D J Hansen and his accom- panist, Miss Adela M. Myron, of Chi- cago, captured their listeners. A so- cial hour followed the program with Mrs. J. P. Hartray and MrB. W. F. Cubbins as hostesses. TEe LaKe Shore News ! TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 565 WINNETKA 341 iMIIHIHIlllllllllMIMMIIIIMHiMIIIIMMtM5< XOTICEâ€"AFTER THIS ISSUE WANT ads in the Lake Shore News will be charged at the following rates: Real Estate Classifications, 7% cents per line. All other classifications, 5 cents per line. Minimum price 15c. No advertise- ment charged for less than 2Sc. Help Wanted and Situations Want- ed advertisements FREE. w BOARD AND BOOM HOR RENTâ€"TABLE BOAR^WITH \/t without roomshbegfinlng May 1. 731 Tenth**., WsWtteX M-4tc HELP WANTED WANTEDâ€"GIRL TO-iASSIST WT housework; good wages. 1228 ory-av., Wllmette. $hone 897./ ltp WANTEDâ€"FOR GENERAL work,.Protestant white girj family! 118 Broadway Wilmetfe 1153. THE ASBURT, 1564 ASBURT-AV., rooms ah suite with private bath and swle rooauM^j^cceUent cuisine; \Atom, room, mending kosM, S16 to *9SS per weak. CJfrs. fcjtf. Dlefen- ] dorf, Phone SS92. lf-tf WANTED WANJflb ~ 500 ,^CU£ Hyjm8how, the TS^ilo Mvanitpn. - flF"*" WANTEDâ€"SECOND TENOR FOR Masonic qttartet; Jbust De goodj reader. Address A/ McOmber, Wil mette. ' ltp MISCELLANEOUS tit- nothing to do with the matter, I must I part were Mrs. R. S. Baker, Mrs. regard the speaker as lacking either in H. Bird, Mrs. o. G. Corns, Mrs. E honesty or in intelligence. Wages - play an important part{ In my opin- ion, moral lapses, like any other re- sults, come from a combination of causes, of which the matter of wages is one. "Again, I hold, not only as a Cath olic. but from every consideration, that many remedies are worse than the evils they combat. Buddhism has no â-  doubt relieved much pain, but it low- ered the standard of its followers in order to do so. Mohammedanism bos practically eliminated what we call ": the 'social evil/ but it has also estab- llshed polygamy and degraded woman- kind. Similarly, I believe that many of the efforts at reform today will leave the human family in a worse .condition than they found it - Pointed Out Dangers. ,;,'- "One of the dangers of the tune is V!g;W*he tendency to enlarge the functions of the state. I am opposed to asking the state or anyone else to do for me what I can do for myself. I am also opposed to state tyranny in all Its moods. As, for Instance, should the state attempt to prevent people who have the natural right to marry, from marrying? 1 hold that such people should take The law OUILMETTE COONTOWN CABARET The Oullmette Poontown cabaret given at the Country club last Friday and Saturday evenings was as good an entertainment as has been given there for a long time. The stage was fitted up by Wlttbold to look like a summer garden. Members of the company who took 0. J. Casse, Mrs. G. F. Dietrich, Mrs. G. L. Martin, Mrs. W. H. Maclean, Miss Dorothy Rae, Miss Florence Rae, Mrs. E. B. Rathbone, Mrs. C. H. Searle. Mrs. H. E. Spinney, Mrs. A. B. Selboid, Mrs. O. W. Schmidt, Mrs. Ray Thomp- son. Mrs. C. D. Worthington, Mr. D. F. Anderson, Mr. B. F. Affleck, Mr. W. N. Cornell, Mr. O. G. Corns, Mr. S. P Dibble, Mr. E. C. Enerson, Mr. Philip Huguenln, Mr. T. M. Knox, Mr. E. F. Kelley, Mr. Ed" Kirchberg, Jr., Mr. J. H. Long, Mr. J. T. Ling, Mr. H. B. Mulford, Mr. C. M. Puhlman, Mr. O. W. Schmidt, Mr. H. B. Spinney, Dr. C. N. Reese, Dr. C H. Searle; pickanin- nies, Ruth Dietrich, Philip Huguenln, Jr., Junior Orelner, Gordon Clark, Win. Kerr, Jack Crampton. Ned Grelner, Samuel Clark, Kenneth Kerr, Cortland Reese, Arthur Seibold. WANTEDâ€"LABORERS FOR GRAD- ing; active, realiable man. Apply 726 Sheridan-rdl, Wilmette, 111. WANTED-^A DELIVER^ BOY. AP- ply at the Renneckar Drug Co., Wil- metfcs'.' \ ltp WAftTriDâ€" DRESSMAKING BY THE day. Phone Wllmette 1195. 23w-4tP EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WB CAN J#RNI8H YOIJ WITH ALL OF rs, m WHI AGENCY, SUI AVE. PHONE Ef! OPPOSITE WILSO ,B HELP, UFFEURS, LOYMENT 1045 WILSON- EWATER 3780. THEATER. 24-tf CHAFEEHO, the Healthful Ti to modern chemists*U tea , properties. CHAFEENp is a '§ shaving is a luxury. CBAFEE *â€" be obtained at thf "foil SITUATIONS WANTED CHAUFFEUR, AGED 28, WANTO jsltion in private family; spoaxs German and French; high>school graduala; references; wiUlhg to Jo house or gfc^den work.y'TJhrist Wei- ler, WlnnetktOHi. Jt&x 542. ltp Tn ||r' their own hands. The state can re- ||§strain those who are not responsible |§j for themselves, and punish those who H^' are. criminals, but it can in reality go |ff: no further Of course, it may regu- III ."late things, but It must not Interfere ^r"'isith those who are neither irresponsl- pi Ml; nor criminal from the exercise of ||| their natural rights. The state is §0' oat servant, not our master. |:^;;', The nefarious principle that the end ||| Justifies the means, has been attrlb- ';;-';: nted unjustly and maliciously to the |!;": Jesuits by their enemies. As a mat MC tar of fact, the reformers of today are f*$; as a rule acting upon this principle ^';-â-  They see something wrong and they rush In to right It, without waiting to gf discover whether or no they have any p-)' authority on the premises. They see §â- â- â- ' poverty, degradation and dissipation, Hi and these modern Atlantes or Carya- ||| tides. Who have taken the burden of .fe the world on their shoulders, rush In pV to stop them, even by the most dras- ^v tic measures. If the end Justifies the mg; means, the anarchist, who honestly be- I lieves that the government is a bad 'tiling, is Justified in shooting a king or a president Jp"*So far I have been dealing* with the 4ae*Uon not as a Catholic, now I come to take .the standpoint of faith. The modern uplifters, eugealtts, and sex- Itaygleulsts, so far as their public ut terances go, regard man as a denisen of this world and of this world alone. Hence, if he. falls here, he falls utter- ly, and It ware better for himself and -soeiety that ike had not bean bora, fi! he be weak tn body or to mind, If â-  ha 4»e ln-any way handicapped tor life's battle. U was a crime to bring bias titto existence, :'7';- :--flfe; f|ot farThis Life only, ai"-- " "From this view we dissent utterly flretof alL we cannot understand man as made for this life only. If there ' -%S w* a, Ufa beyond, human nature Is iaeottprebensfble to us. We do not, we thinK uaderralue this present Wlsfestce, but when compared to the Ufa beyond, ft la only a very miaor Consequently, we hold na matter what failure a man of tWs life, if to secure his $, .irMcfc It eternal aapplneas be- tha grave,-ne is a WILMETTE ART LEAGUE. The Wllmette Public School Art league will hold its annual meeting this afternoon at 8:30 o'clock in the kindergarten of the Central Avenue school. The pictures recently pur- chased will be on exhibition, and the past work and future plans Of the league will be discussed. Mr. J. R. Harper and Mrs. A. J. Coburn will speak. Miss Mildred Van Horn will give a short talk on the Abbey pic- tures. All who are interested in the work of the Art league are cordially invited. TO YOUNG GIRL, StJ«CESSFULLY experienced^ young woman desires position^ traveling chaperon^ Ad- drejtf*b 1020, Lake Shore New *"*'" lti MONEY TO LOAN. ]/ Evanston and Korth Shore prop* if- Powder, em aatisept feet deodorizer, good for ci h-class drug the best ingredle " contal EmNSTON ColweWs University Drug Store The Central Pharmacy John V. Lee wn aling 25 cents. WINNETKA Adams* Pharmacy HtmBAfflWQtiliS HubbartiWM^ '; Rue. â- -.-' â- â- â- -. A good impulse U a good thiaa; but the disposition to act upon It to flaer. 1580 Sherman-av. Lake 8hore Sanitarium kwtsMatef AboTrwt BvanstOA, OL IWvphoiM Evsnatoa 1818 CURTAINS WASHED, COLORED jand mended#V flirtsjjaus work; |sUled for and^gaJUvaradJ M. R. Mo- rltz, 1620 Darrow-av. Tel. 1839. 6-tf -IT* For Rentâ€"Aptmts. OBITUARY. John C. Pltraon. Mr. John C. Piergon, brother of Mrs. H. S. Gemmil of 829 Oreenleaf ave- nue, and half-brother of Mrs. Louis J. Pierson, 730 Lake avenue, a former resident of Wllmette, died after a short illness at his home in BelOit Sun- day, April 20. Mr. Pierson graduated from North- western in 1893 and for ten years he has been principal of the BeloU high school. He was a man of noWe char- acter and great ability, and leavea a large circle of friends who will mtsa his genial, kindly fellowship. At the funeral the student body went in pro- cession. Students ulso acted as pall* bearers. He leaves a wife and three children, four brothers and two sis- ters. prlvsi______ lsrg«aadw«M< TMapboM'as s Finest Apartments Hl/PARKta ihStrwt t tod rwtns Vse- «118af«. Lars* and IsandriM nsuAmw FOR SALE R.V.Crook '. C. Shipley Shiniek €/&rook nt|$ and Decomtors Phone Evanston 4348, Wllmette 207 Oyf Prices Please EveryBody Complete Puaeral â€" Casket, En- balmlar and Serviceâ€"Hearse and " ge to any cemetery $68.00. We oondjust fuTnerals in^ajpfirta of city and si N» ektra aaWfffor distance Calls aaayered Imaaedsately WEIMESCHKIRCH 70S Mala St. t«i. io«s Evaaston Bring in your films and pad you wish. We develop wit films BoueirDoF US VICES'ON 701 DAVIS STREET mil F-*- .^ V «fc*v -25 SINGER G6 AND 9W7, Sphead, 7 drawers, lateas#models, Bd for demMp^ratioilr'1^5, at |1 per week. It^B pny^pfou to takrf advantage of ttteae fgupalns. PATTERSON #R08.. AGENTS, 1S22 Sherman-av., Bvanston. ltc THE TIME TO GET BLACK and compound; %jj^f% load, 'yards, load depwWedfeno dellvery north of DavisWwiaflkid A Risch. Phone 60S. 24d-4tc fo: COUR8E FOR DIPLOMATS. The governing board of Tale baa decided to institute a two-year course in preparation for diplomatic and con- sular service, open to men who have studied at least two years at some ac- credited college. V ALE^-PIANOLA. WPH 30 and a 2£fk$gg la^Sbator and rooder. 1315 \ylmetOlB>v. PJiono »S3-J Wil *^>%iue^ nteJ&lkm FOR SALEâ€"$15 RUTS A VICTROLA in tone toany Jdsfe^VictroIa lyrthe the msrket 1 J^ BmjrmBisoe, PATT1 1521 8herman-av. ltc >R SALEâ€"A BARGAIN |K»€OMBl< Ion gas aaJw^lectraV light to go^order. 923 L-av^^nnette*.____«ltc tares; modem YANSTOH teKTISK DAVIS ^â- > 1' ili' 5 >Mm\ *** â- liiiiiiiiilliiiiiliiiYiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii S Appetizing Breakfast Preyed S Right on the Dining Table a dainty. Ie. Just ach to any convenient elec- 15 seconds the Specialists in artificial plates and give satisfaction*"r^f $0%0--' Porcelain crowns that cann< tooth. Porcelain fill fillings, and ca been decayed. . Treatment of 'W--. Advanced without discomfort W Reasonable take to fit the mouth I Have Won Seen It in Operation? mtlie natural tee of gohLat amalgam r'aa thaTlt' had' never *; aWftTHsWiaMalaT* assU 'fl^tttsMBfraasa'stWasttllalsW^""'ii' tekrssjaai on* FORD, 629B«B S*i?l^; ^Bif%M mm i |p J4 iiwfI and useful appliance in the ^0ho^a*& a popular one in Spritig. Pttblic Service Company or soanoanf nusois '" 'W%r*V WITH the Electric GriU convenient of electrical â€"you* can prepare meal on the dining; each morning wit fast is ready, muss and bother, trie socketâ€"and in of the grill are ready You could not prepafe a more appetizing t>reak- fast than the Electric drill will cook for you. Everything is done just rightâ€"savfjry and tempting. Bacon may be broiled underneath the heat coils at the same time .that toast Is being made on top. You can boil, fry crj|. poach egg»-fry chopsâ€"make griddle cakesâ€"in fact, yo&l. will find new uses for an Electric Grill almost every day. An Electric Grill h '.j^ Decidedly Inexpensive to Use The cost of operating aft Electric Grifl is very lowâ€"just a few cents. No time ia wasted in prepara- tionâ€"it is always ready. -Everyone in your samily will be^ightidwitfc wEleclr^^ ilao novel and aousefbL Uyou have Electric Light in your home, you really should own this decided convenience. PI m 1 55 5s or in personâ€"satisfaction assured t either way. Price, fully equipped, at ,ELSCTHIC SHOP, â-  â-  ST?^50^ t ^ a for expreasagjB within 200 miles of ,^:,-: ;'â- , • ' 1oELJCCnucSHOrmm3m*3»â€"fr*mm. k [.eh.*** and Jacksoft BoaUvard# '^ ten KB.'*! Kiaii;. s.sai

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