Mr and »|W-^ ^"W» ** »»*»*»*< ladger boms in ^»«*n>M. will*B»oye , KenUwortll In * f*w d*0W. 1^. wi I. Woodwarq .*m * te»*or ,,. e. r. wiiiianis *u«d*y after? l00i in her too** on A>W*sib«* road. j^a. ciaud Bnraha« h»» W»e «» ^o Antonl* Tex, WVteW^weefcsr risit with frle^.;;f^^g^Ml;;i Mr. and Mt*M #»W«A h»v« taken i their reBiden«|pttr;tt^iJt, asM$!#ttfr Warwick road. v-W\;;:v v'*f;:uH;\'.: Mrs. Bard and o^uighter, Mtoi Jf«Mde tfd. are expected to return to Kenil- rorth in a tew weeks, wh*» they will Kp,n their hoine In Abbotsfordroad. Mrs Paul 8chul*» is visiting her m sons. Paul and Victor/ who are todents in Shattuck schpo* at J*rl- lUit. Miniu,.Sh|^rr*|tt^^ .(the week, t '"" " A, ifev"- "' -'- Mr8 cbartee K. Blackw«ojL*as re- turned to her home in Warwick road a(ter a visit with relatives in Mlchl- ^Mrs. C. K. Pafm^lee has .returned to ber home in Melrose avenue for the WD»ner after having passed several weeks at Hot Springe, Ark. Mr and Mrs. H.D.- Miles are plan- nlng to rent their home In Abbotsford r0»a for a year and take a trip through the Carolinas and other south- ern states. [ priends of Mrs. Alida Allen, widow |«r Chartes A. Allen and formerly a resident of Kenilworth, "will be grieved to learn of her death, which •occurred in Bvanston last Thursday afternoon. Funeral services were con- ducted in the home, 424 Hamilton street, Evanston, Saturday. The burial was in Forest Home cemetery. _ CHURCH GUILD DINNER FN KENILWORTH MONDAY Arrangements have been completed for the annual luncheon to be given by members of the. Union Church sulld in Kenilworth Monday, May 5. A chafing dish luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. The af- fair is always looked forward to as one of the social events in the guild work and a large representation of members' is expected. The hrffltriffis for the luncheon in- clude Mrs. H. A. Hasten, Mrs. John Belloras, lira. William Dodson, Mrs. Edward Parmelee, < Mrs. Grant Ridg- -wty, Mrs. Wallace Serrell, Mrs. Hugh rVntsman, Mrs. J. S. Cline, Mrs. P. G. lip, Mrs. F. B. M. Cole, Mrs. J. R. <Jbpman, Mrs. O. W. Maher, Mrs. G. % Keehn, Mrs. James Prentiss, Mrs. John Vennema, Mrs. Prank Chaffee, %n. Rufus Stolp and Mrs. Charles HortwelL INTED MISSIONARY TO TALK IN KENILWORTH Dr. J. R. Denyes, one of the fore- most missionaries engaged in relig- ious work in the far away eastern countries, has been secured to give an address in the Kenilworth Union church, Kenilworth, Sunday night, May 4 at 7:30 o'clock. His subject will be "The Wild Man of Borneo." Dr. Denyes has passed several years teaching the heathen in Sumatra and other eastern islands and is reo egnized as one of the most interesting talkers on the mission topic in America. As a special feature of the address Dr. Denyes' children will appear in eettnme worn by the native islanders. With this feature, the talk win be en- tertaining as well as instructive. 4>Mmfc; ':|S#-*:th«. icom^ *sa> were chosen in^tnsVahtttoatv#e*tU»f of the Neighbors in i^e; ^eBllWorth assembly hall last WMM^ the rou- tine business of reports from the vari- ous departments. The4 officers elected tndude, president, Mrs. Calvin Case; rice president, Mrs. Leon Allen; re- cording secretary, Mrs. Charles Ware; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Prank M, Chaffee; treasurer, Mrs. Howard Jones.. Chairmen of the various com- mittees were named as follows; liter- ature, Mrst Charles Chandler; educa- tion, Mrs; Herman Hasten; social, Mrs. Hugh Dyar and music, Mrs. Rufus Stolp, The business session, commencing at 10:30 o'clock, Was followed by a luncheon at 1 o'clock. More than 125 persons were served. An important change was made in the by-laws of the organization. It provides that the annual meeting of the various committees shall be held during the month of May instead of in the fall, which has been the cus- tom in the previous years. Resolutions of condolence .and sym- pathy for the relatives of Mrs. Isabel Lovedale, the beloved member who died April 19, were recommended by a vote of the members. A committee composed of Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Chandler and Mrs. Vennema was named to draft the resolutions. Out of respect of the memory of Mrs. Lovedale, who was nominated for chairman of the philanthropic commit- tee, the position was not filled at this meeting. The vacancy will be sup- plied later. An interesting and entertaining pro- gram consisting of piano selections by Master M. Kottler, the Kenilworth prodigy, three scenes taken from Shakespearean plays, and talks by members were given before an enthusi- astic audience in the afternoon. Gym- nastic dances given under the direc- tion of Miss Churchill was also a fea- ture. Special credit is reflected upon Mrs. H. H. Everett and members of the so- cial committee who so ably prepared and served the luncheon In the clos- ing meeting. RIDES WHEEL ON WALK; SAYS EVERYBODY DOES As a result of evidence submitted in the trial of Joseph Hlrsch, 1416 Dewey avenue, for riding a bicycle on the sidewalk in the west part of Bvanston, In the police court. Fri- day, it is probable that a war will be waged by the police on numerous other offenders in that1 section of the city. Hirsch was fined $5 and costs but the fine was remitted on promise of no further offense. In giving testimony, Hirsch related that practically all of his neighbors who rode bicycles used the sidewalks in the west part of the city for a thoroughfare. Judge Boyer suggested that the police take action In the matter and stop the practice before some person is injured in collision with the cyclists. _-----------*â€"â€".---- â- ........I.....Illl......j DANCES AND MAY FETE INTEREST NUOO-EOS Plans for the winding of the May Pole, and the crowning of the May Qaeen, are rapidly being completed under the direction of the Woman's League of Northwestern university. The Fete will be held Saturday after- "noon. May 3, In the Northwestern xymnasinm at 2:3ft. The admission is 25 cents and the public Is most cor- dially invited. The proceeds are to he used toward the Woman's handing; for which an **" girls are so strenuously working. The «**»* inctede the May Pole dsacft, the DsJty ehsjaraadrfblk danc- ** by girts fa sTOMprtate costumes, woadoaiL the woman's physical dl- ««toT. There will b» *r the spirit of m f €o-ti*€Wt$tl€Mi*o« fllllllll.........IIIIIH May 1â€"Artists' concert in Cove- nant M E. church at 8 p. m. May 1â€"Recital by Miss Edith Meld- wyn Jopes, mezzo soprano, In N. U. school of music, at 8 o'clock. May 1â€""Diamonds and Hearts," by Willard W. C. T. U., under direction of Miss Hope Englehard of Cumnock school of Oratory in St Luke's parish bouse at 8 o'clock. May 2â€"Recital by Miss Marian Koppes, violinist, at N. U. school of music. 4 o'clock. May 2â€"Recital by Miss Ada Klopp. soprano, and Miss Gladys Meyers, pianist, at N. TJ. school of music at 8 our o'clock. May 3â€"May fete and folk dances in Northwestern gymnasium at 2:30 o'clock. Admission^ 25 cents. Pro- ceeds to go to Woman's building fund. May 3â€"Faculty recital by Mr. Carl If. Beecher, piano. No tickets. Pub- lic. N. TJ. scbool of music at 8 o'clock. May 4â€"Lecture on "Mormonlsmr by Mr. Hans P. Preece, at First Meth- odist church at 2:30 o'clock. May 4â€""KHJah" given y choir and organist of the Congregauonal church at 5 o'clock. May 8â€""Thursday," by Mrs. Gejr IfeCabe, at Bvanston Woman's dub, for benefit -of Visiting Nurse ifâ€"Concert by choir of Coa- "" Scandinavian Church* 't:V Rev. Richard Malm, pastor. The church is at Elm and Birch streets. Sunday, May 4, Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Young People's meeting and Bible study at 5 o'clock. Regular Sun day service at 8 o'clock in the even- ing. Mid-week service at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening. Congregational Church. Ministers, E. P. Snell, residence 672 Lincoln avenue; J. W. P. Davles, residence 1004 Pine street. Sunday May 4. Sunday school at 9:45 i. m, Morning worship at 11 a. m. Sunday noon Bible class meets following morning worship, vespers have been discontinued. Mid-week devotional service, Tuesday evening in the. li- brary of the church. Tuesday morn- ing class at 10 a. m. The annual meeting of the Congre- gational conference of Illinois will be held this week at Champaign, 111. Mrs. Prouty is treasurer of the Mrs. Mary Williams Tyrrell memorial and dona- tions Bhould be sent to her. Sunday afternoon. May 4, the in» augural service for the World in Chi- cago will be held in the Auditorium at 3 p. m. Seats free. William Jennings Bryan will addresB the meeting. Christ Church (Episcopal). , Rev. Frederick G. Budlong, rector. May 1. Ascension day, Holy Com- munion (chapel) at 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion and sermon (in the church) at 10 a. m. Sermon topic, '"'Gazing or Doing." May 4. Sunday after Ascension. Holy Communion (In the church) at 7:30 a. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Holy Communion and sermon (in the church) at 11 a. m. Sernion topic, "What Christ Gave Us." Wednesday, May 7. Luncheon and annual meeting of the Women's guild. Saturday, May 10. Annual meeting of the Altar guild. The May meeting of the diocesan Woman's auxiliary will be held May 2 at the church club rooms, Chicago. M. E. Church. The pastor, Rev. T. K. Gale, will preach next Sunday morning on "Paul and Nero," and In the evening on Job and Satan." Sunday school at 9:30. Classes for adults as well as children and young people. Junior league for boys and girls at 4 p. m. Epworth league next Sunday even- ing at 6:16. Mrs. O. K. Patterson entertained her class of girls at the church last Monday afternoon. The stewards for the "World in Chi- cago" met Tuesday night at the home of Dr. Colwell. The Ladies' Aid Will hold their regular monthly luncheon and busi- ness meeting this afternoon (Thurs- day) at the church. A social for the boys and girls who have been regular In their attendance at the Sunday devotional services through the month of April will be held Saturday afternoon. Presbyterian Church. Presbyterian church, Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue. The pastor, Dr Wilson, will speak Sunday, 11 i„ on the subject: "The Mind of the Master," and In the evening at 7:45 O'clock on "The Wondrous Grace of Godâ€"Man's Hope." The Men's league chorus will sing. "Let the Lower Lights Be Burning" and "There is a Paradise of Rest," solo and chorus. Evening current topic, "Mr. Sereno s Estimate of Mr. John Pierpont Mor- gan." The women, men and young people are absorbed in preparation for the "World in Chicago," and already the throbbing life of the grest missionary exposition and pageant has token enUre churth. This of ttstU would be worth tb* sacrifice. ? â- One of the events of dedication week, when the new church will be set apart, will be the ppening of the Sunday school rooms «i Sunday morn- ing, May as. at 10; 3d o'clock. The Sunday school w|U meft and all who can at And at the Woman's club build- ing for a farewell of a few moments and then march to procession to the new church at Ninth and Greenleaf avenue, where addresses will be made by* the pastor, Mr. Thomas E. p. Bradley and others, and appropriate music be rendered In honor of the event It is aimed to, leave nothing undone to furnish every facility for the best Sunday school work from the beginners' department to the adult classes. KENILWORTH. Union Church Services. , Services will be conducted In the Union church, Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, Sunday, as follows: Sun- day school at 9:46 a. m. Sacramental services in celebration of the Lord's supper at 11 a. m. Rev. Charles HOrs- well, pastor. NELSO CUTLER ftMsft* sea td»onW< ERS tot* FOR SALE' woods, Roooo to . •wr modorn footer*, worth tevosUsattoe. Rapidly Inerooo Ineto W. N.-C 69 West Washington Street Homo at Bab- Chicago C. A. THORSEK, Livery Building Materia, Insurance Co. & KC| Residence Phone sent trtford Fire surance Co. Phone a6f West KenilwoRfh NuT$e_-LANDSYArl Native tEMING Ihrubs R. R. Avenue, ToltOlMM WUSMMO I0SS Arthur. 1M 1%,; vild^^^fe^^lyf;'...................... Â¥?";^ Dated March 16^1913.' v ^-f^t^ Principal and semhannaal Interest (March 1 l^^jps^ii^ &$&^$(i$^^ Bonds"- â- way' !.l>o :wi^eter^; *» W:ijis^!^^^ Kbe Richmond ttotut ailor P. O. Building S43»57 Argyle Street 4931-4tM StMrl4e« JUad These bonds are secured by a &ntfmoti§in ^ ^ tween Argyle Street and Margate Te construction on this site. The new bo pressed bsick front, terra cotta trimm ing 264S feet on Sberidnn Road; The apartmen respect. It is designed and being built under .............;:i;";.^,.^... to the ne4 apiu^ment bnilding now under In mini in ii ih in iiin, IIhiiii iHTu mi II nil mi ill t building known as mW&br&j^^ ^fct^:it«1s».;heRt andâ- '•iii*;â- strictly>>|«p|^||^^' personal superrtolon of Wm. F. GnbbUis, nrvhlteci A conservative value of the property «a«l'B#^^ ' bondsJs 1175,000, which mature *^nr:*F*^^ $ 7.S00 due March IStlt, \9iixSM&WWtifo i&^wm^t^^^W^mpt 10,000 due March l*M*i$:4||^^ gross income of the building is estimated at «42,000, and the net income at 134,000, whieh will exceed the interest- charges over <hr<»-i:ttt^.|^^^^^|-^^ Fire insurance in first-class 'board .cdmp^it»;i*;:ltold':t^: t^/!Vir4^"'|s^^ issue for the protection of the bondholder*. The Chicago TiUe and T^ fl75,0iM» mortgage policy guaranteeing this mortgage as a first lien on the entire property. iondsJi« We recommend these bonds for conservative investment. Price $500 .^'1»^^ Bonds are offered subject to prior asJe and advaace in price BOND DEPARTMENT GRAHAM & SONS, BANKE ESTABLISHED 1857 .' ' 659-661 W. MADISON STREET •J'$. fyjR Abdominal JSfers. bbesity Belts, Elastic St&klnfsjand /Trusses are considered the ma b%Jne physician. RebthalerOrtl^pedic^P^^ '"* frfwshssh Ave, C noow S04. Kooao*. Telephone Randolph 1873 5 Abb Eacafleat* .PUcsitoBato S063 ahertdast tX«ad at Wl AUTO PARTIES LUNCHEON Table D'Hote Dinners, daintil Cafe Belyid %vs, ChlJigP ire eiyiaere rAwejJ*Jijaw«siewood 6331 AtiQWETsJ DINNER DANCES rveissSTC daily, 75c Sunday nrrawnoArsi AHD SAVK g-S TEETH ^T^ WITHOUT 85 Toouro „„^w^):::...-« andUo wipnuftngy-^fr- *•? roliikiâ€" Extroctiow:.. â- •° 9 to lfc jbnmfmB *ffl i DBS. afeCSnWJrKT oT^BJOWW, loo. g. K. Cor. Randolph sad Clark Sto^ CM Spring Cleaning Time Is Here WHEN you clean house send us all your Wintefrxlortjes, your blankets, rmp^urttofc ami hang- ings. We WW clean thjDJs^o clean you will thiiflrthey are new and re- turn them when house cleaning is over. Dehmlows 622 Davis Street PBbne 1730 North Shore Trust Objmw STATE BAKK CAPITAL. $100,000 f Make* loans en Improved North Shore real estate frees Rogers Park to Highland Park, and mJAi in Lake county. " i^H^A^/ % Tstntt Certtn^teassj|*f5(BposH for sjo^feet *Rfr *** wnafts in denominations oifaCoand mulOpleson which it pays foot petrcent intejesttirTN j*******^^ f Offers §at Imwrntm/ant J*« mortJagSonimproved real estate, netting thCjyrotor ive and one-half percent. Is sums of $500 and upward. Send for list. OFFIC1RS AND DQUD0T0R8 J. Prsd HoGnirs, Prasad*** Charlss A. Wishtinaa, Tioa-Frssldeat Ira J. Qeer, Cannes! B.O. Ktllar Arthar w. Vsreoe, < Csatral A BaUiltlns Room* i SkiiUsa stoad Auvmvm w. rsmcon co.«iu«r Tsiesnoae CshssssC 494 Auto Chicago Coach and Carriage Comp W^i^&M^h^ 1223.1231 AVTOM yl'B "M â- ^w/i&:2:M&