ISI;iil:'Ill!: mma Miyr ff What People Are Doing ; :♦«♦ Wilmette **»***»***•»* The Weekly Luncheon club met in the home of Mrs. Ira M. Hatch, SM'. greenleaf street, Thursday. The. J. M. C. rlub will rawt in the home of Mrs. Louis 'Spyfort in Park avenue Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. A. J. Carpontpr, mother «t Mrs. Lloyd S. Lourlf, 1023 Lake ave- nue, is visiting in BIup Island. Mrs. John Clark Bakpr tntcrtainpd the Reading cirrle In hpr home, 347 Hill strept, Monda> afternoon. , Mrs. Clark N. Hollisu r, 726 Elev- enth street, entertains) fifteen friend* at cards* Wednesday aJ'tf-rnoon. Miss Sarah Vernon of Chieago is the gu«-st of h«v l.rotlier, .T. M. Ver- non and family. 'â- '•-'â- < Hill street. Mr. and Mix Prank L. Simmons are now »t honip in their handsome new residence at Ht.'i.'i Lakp avenue. J An informal danee was held at the OullniPttp Country elub Saturday nlfiht. Seventeen eon pies attended. Mrs. -I. P. Couffer entertained th«« Tuesday Bridge elub In her home. 903 Lake avenue. Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Arthur Selbolt entertained at bridge In her home. 523 Washington avenue, Thursday and Friday even- ing a. F. L Hinckley of San Benito, Tex., in the guest of his sister, Mrs. Charles MeCne. 6."51 Washington avenue, this week. Mrs. William O. Belt entertained eight ladles at luncheon In her home, 601 Washington avenue, Saturday af- ternoon. The Drama Study class were enter- tained at luncheon in the home of Mrs. P. M. Trask. 1045 Ashland ave- nue, Wednesday. Mrs. P. C. Skinner, mother of Mrs. P. G. White, 1021 Central avenue, is convalescent following an illness of more than two weeks. Mrs. J. B. Olwln entertained sixteen girls in her home, "19 Washington avenue, Saturday afternoon for her daughter, Miss Virginia. Mrs. George T. May, who resides In Hinsdale, formerly a resident of Wilmette, entertained members of her luncheon club Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Whitley, 727 Elmwood avenue, have for their guest Mrs. 'Whitley's niece, M1ss Margaret Van Barron of Burlington, la. J, C. Wilson, 1217 Lake avenue, was called to Coburg, Ontario, last Monday by the death of his father. He Is expected home this week. Mrg. M. Colsonr who resides with her son, Harry G. Colson, 1116 Elm- wood avenue, is slowly recovering following a surgical operation a week ago. Members of the Washington avenue circle of the Congregational church acted as hostesses Wednesday night at the fellowship dinner given in the church. Scarlet fever quarantine was raised in the following homes (luring the last week: Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Kotv erts, 1014 Lake avenue, Lyman M. Drake, 933 Lake avenue. Mrs. F. W. Smith, Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. J. C. Wilson aiteiidedâ€" 4t Mrs. Roy 10 Bowers. 1024 Eleventh street, who has been HI for the last week, Is recovering. The Town club will hold its May informal dam Ins party at the Wo- man b club building Saturday even- in!. .Mrs. E. Ja< kson ('asse, 633 Forest avenue, and Mis l/ouls A. Clark, 71C Lake avenue, have returned from French Lb k Springs, lnd„ where they have been for the last two weeks. The seniors and juniors of North- western university, members of the Phi Delta Theta, fraternity, were en- tertained In the home of Mr. and Mrs Hoyt King, 711 Forest avenue, Tuesday evening. Bridge and Ave hundred were played. $4,586 RAISED AT DEDICATION OF GHURGH (Continued from Page 1.) WILMETTE MANIHELD; HAD MUFFLER OPEN C. J. Mlchelet, Jr., 1028 Sheridan road, Wilmette, was taught a lesson hy experience concerning the motor vehicle law Sunday afternoon when he was arrested charged with driving hit auto through Evanston streets with an open muffler. A fine of $3 and costs was imposed by Police Magistrate Boyer In a hear- ing conducted Monday afternoon. Mlchelet paid and declared he would he careful in the handling of his auto while driving through Evanston in the future. When arrested Mlchelet pleaded that he did not know he was violating the motor vehicle law. Three other violators of the auto- mobile law were arrested snd fined Monday. Each was a rider of a mo- torcycle. William Johnson, 6404 Went- worth avenue, Chicago, was fined $5 and costs for riding at a twenty eight- mile rate in Ridge avenue. Leading Merchants on the North Shore birthday luncheon given In the home of Mrs. Lucy Shelton, 806 Greenleaf street, Evanston, Saturday. Mts. 8. 8. Dlngee, 932 Lake avenue. will entertain this (Thursday) after- noon in honor of Mrs. Nathaniel *Webb, who will soon leave Wilmette for her new home in Biloxl, Miss. Miss Edith Edminson, who has ; been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. P. Albert Fagg, 925 Greenwood avenue, returned to her home in Mountain View, Cal.. Saturday after a two weeks' visit here. Mrs. George J. Phillips has been re- turned to her home, 1119 Forest ave- nue, following a three weeks' stay in i the Evanston hospital, where she un- derwent a serious surgical operation. The operation was successful. A box luncheon was given Friday for members of the fifth division of the Ladies Aid society of the Method- ist ehureh in the home of Miss Hat- tie B. Latham, 430 HSU street. Mrs. Louis Springer and Miss Hattle B. Latham were hostesses. Showing his interest in "Young America," Frank A. Brown, 401 Lake avenue, has purchased a vacant lot at Fourth street and Central avenue and given two or three crowds of boys permission to play baseball on the* ; plot He bss even erected backstops for tbe youths. Mr. and Mrs. P. Albert Fagg and HSda, Kenneth, expect to leave Men- -day for a three months' stay in Wts- -cossin. iTaey will first visit Madison and after a short stay, will sojourn In oth«r cities) and towns in the Badger |*tate, with Mercer as their final des- taoatUm. They will remain in Mer- cer until September 1. During their absence their horns will be occupied by Mr. sad Mrs. Thomas The following advertisers on the Home Builders' page, which appears once a month, are good Arms to trade with, and Invite your patronage: Wilmette. teifinger & Speldel, /«oal, wood, coke, biMding materiaVp30C^ake avenue. Edmund Jviajitz market, 1152 Centrajavgnue. Brethold, lpyis/flrd insurance, 54^Vest RallroacT^venSe. r Shore Reak*^g?oclation, real L terminal. | Q w/.yr: Price, va^nQbleaner, 1147 '{snleaf avenue. I 0 rug's pharmjaos/^rugs. He, WilmWe {fed I enues,, %J^nette Fruit iukd>3i Are-made candy,(l/p qre cigars, Railroad Fruit aikdvOindy Store, hoffle-made candy,(l/p <»eam, cigar3, etc., 12U Wilmette /venfe. hofe^rt Rae, arcbMcWand builder, 43r^reenleaf av.enulL_xjL______â- ------- Smith, fandy fjutocerles, 60; Railroad avefrfe. Q jV. jye'.sb, shoes,/hjfesj1'and furnish uUsfeUe StudioliO^Photography, wittRs ^15 Wilmette Weloe. Sfette Studio [fi^fP, Central avenueJ-wS rnwtj. Kurz, pi fo64 Linden a Nllles, gro 'llmette avenu' llpjsy & Crook, pi phones Evan WeiBsenberi rial, haylagrain, woo and deeo- 848, Wil- Bros., painittuban ag)*Ti68jjentra] stre^LQ ing mate Elm street d decorat- pwgaMei W Florist, landscai Wtnnetks Pharma S'tlsC JJlm and B. Walk! hegrln'g, 648 Rail msjretka Electr! eletrricafc 4 Prout fajStl Shofe La etka» F. Irons, pifFflttiag. 570 We! Osflsr Hostetter, anjr boarding stahl street^ frRkotcll. K. Me: Vfiagmka Drug & %Ad, tailor fo: ^fnetka Coal tile, buMing mate aveny**and 8pruc Uorta Shore Gi apDUajses, pfnk Otto, landi florlstyfll7 Willow f^mdes * Marsh, snrveyejs, 608 Birefci ThjstTii * Wylls paay, concrete Asnsg.â€"Advt lowers and iener. TheRexall avenue, metal work, ivenue. everything elson Bros., plumber, avenue. , livery West Oak diss com- d women. Children Furnish 8pectacle. As they entered the church they marched, singing "Onward Christian Soldiers." Brief addresses were made by the pastor, Mr. Bradley and Mr. Charles C. Oliver. Mr. Alfred G. Freeman sang "That Sweet Story of Old," and the school rendered several selections. The offering was for the building fund. Mrs. Gordon Hannah was the organist of the occasion. The church felt highly honored in having Dr. Stone, moderator of the General Assembly, to preach the ded- ication sermon, and when he was In- troduced the congregation rose In honor of their guest. Organ Recital Given. The program of the evening was musical and a genuine treat. Mrs. John Goodspeed rendered several se- lections on the organ and the quartet sang in a most inspiring" way the an- thems, •'The sun shall be no more In thy light." "Festival Te Deum," and "Even Me." The quartet was com- posed of Miss Dorothy Rae, soprano, Mrs. Frank R. Eager, contralto; Mr. George W. Mason, tenor, and Mr. Al- fred G. Freeman, basso. Miss Rae also sang beautifully the solo, "The Lord Is My Light." The pastor, Dr. Wilson, spoke on 'The Messiah of Handel." By request, the dedicatory hymn, "The Vision of God," was re- peated. The services of dedication which have been so auspiciously begun con- tinue through Sunday, June 1. On Wednesday night, the Thanksgiving prayer service was held and on Fri- day night the social event of the weekâ€"a reception and genuine house warming for all the people of tbe con- gregation and their friends, and on Sunday morning the communion serf* ice and public reception of members. This will be one of the chief features of the week, especially as there are over twenty-five persons to unite with the church. Dr. Wilson will speak on that occasion on "Reciprocal Love," using as a basis the Song of Solomon. Inter-Fellowship Meeting. The closing event of dedication week will be the inter-church fellowship meeting Sunday night, June 1, at 7:45 o'clock. The general theme of the evening will be "Fellowship in Serv- ice." Rev. Harry B. Heald, rector of St. Augustine's Episcopal church, will speak on "The Scriptural Basis of Fel- lowship In 8ervice"; Rev. Roy E. Bowers, pastor of the Congregational church, on "The Achievements of Fel- lowship in Service," and Rev. Thomas K. Gale, pastor of the Methodist Epis- copal church, on "The Possibilities of Fellowship in Service." Not only these churches but also the Baptist church and all Christian people of the village are invited to participate In this fraternal service. Is Attractive Church. The Wilmette Presbyterian church is one of the most attn edifices on the North Shore and ad- mirably fitted for its purposes. Its dimensions are 83 feet by 40 feet 10 Inches. Its architecture is a free treatment of modern Gothic In brick and stone. The brick are chocolate red. It is two stories with a mez- zanine floor In front. CHURCH BULLETIN WILMETTE. Congregational Church. First Congregational Church of Wilmette, Wilmette Avenue, corner Lake avenue and Eleventh street. Minister, Roy Kdwln Bowers, 1024 Eleventh street; clerk. S. B. Groves, 1223 Wilmette avenue. All business correspondence should be directed to Mr. Groves. Treasurer of the church, E. Anderson, 11:'.'. Elmwood avenue; treasurer of benevolences, Mrs. F. L. Joy, 812 Central avenue. Sunday school, "to a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. Vesper service, 5 p. m. Young people's meeting, 6:15 p. Midweek service. Wed., 8 p. m Communion the first Sunday each month. The church Is open dally for rest, meditation and prayer. On next Sunday Mr. Bowers will speak on the theme, "Camp-followers of the Saloon Forces." The Lord's supper will be celebrated at the ves- per hour. Christ is not divided; all Christians are welcomed to this sea- son of devotion. On Wednesday evening, June 4, there will be a council of all officers and workers. A box lunch will be served at 6 o'clock, and the evening will be taken for conference upon m. of Oflc«yhon«: 1296 Shop A Rw. Phone 168 Aw. C. WOLFF Tin, sheet metal and furnace work. Furnaces, gutters,jspouts and metal roofs. J :: ya. EST I MAFES /FURNISHED LawnyOwew^harpened and repaired, called for and delivered. '•'•"£* '•'• Office, 1124 Central Ave. 8ho|>/«28 Park Ave. <rt«r). WliwetU Â¥- Witir Deiieht Yvu something everyone mid knowâ€" ie Buy/rs' Guicbe to JBhops of (^lity" Ig eadkissue of The L,hke ShoSe News Chicago's best s p e c rt 11 y shoBs here invite the patrtm- -yi of discriminating NorV lore patrons. ykalphW.Faupel TheVillage Electrician In connection? wlULbls regular Electrical flAtra^tSig business, has put isT ajfnlf linl of Colum- bia GrafonjRksl ani Records. You are ln^e<N4o come and hear them. 60S W. RAILROAD AVE. i»hone 522 Wilmette Subtle Scent of Bouquet Jeanice It is something new In perfume. Entirely different than any odor you have had. It is not a heavy oriental that is overpowering, but a subtle odor that Is delightful, deli- cate and lasting. I jl We have thefEmxaetiOTt up in 1 ]4 owned CryslaMafrisaf jpttles in BeautlfuUBoxeJCtMl .25Mich. Also the Extrlet in bilk at $1.00 per ounce. I • ^^ The TJilet Water ij^affrounce Crystal •lass BottleayfL25 each. Jeanie# Face Powoer in all tints, 75 cents a box. Jeanice Toilet Soap, 3 cakes in a box, $1.00 per box. Sent by parcel post vithout ad- ditional charge. Sample of extract sent on request free of charge. RenneckarDragCompaisy The Resell Store TlllpSHH 31 A 29 Wleittt, Iftf. Over 100,000 Deaf P/ople are satisfied users of the Acousticon, and-festify to its supremacy as an aid to perfect hearioA Jrhis original and most powerful of all hearingwleviCeslBn now be in- stantly adjusted by the waareraSaoit SIX different de- grees of sound, and entrapisyu tl hear at home, in the office, UlOfcurcb or tip tjfea^r This SIX-TONE ad- justmef^mafks.the molaafseful and wonderful improve- ment that si ience and genius eveaj devised for perfecthe||jpg. Yoo are urgently invited to^ajsaifcja new soundjjjApMflngAcousticon every test that you may choose, enuSuaVat our risk. Cuithis out while it is before you, and call or write for free mal at your convenience. T. General Acoustic Company Lytton Building Corner State Street and Jackson Blvd. CrflCAGO WINNETKA. ? Christ Charon (Episcopal). - Rev. Frederick G, Budlong, rector. Sunday, June 1â€"Holy communion at 7:30 a. m.. in the church. Sunday school at 9:45 (primary department| in the parish house and other classes in the church). Morning prayer and sermon, In tbe church, at 11' a. m. Rev. H. L. Burlson will be the spe- cial preacher at this service. Congregational. Edwin F. Snell and J. W. F. Davled, ministers. June 1â€"Sunday school at 9:46; morning worship at 11. Vesper serv- ices have been discontinued for the present. The Sunday school promo- tion Sunday will be next Sunday, June 8. Scandinavian. Rev. Richard Malm, pastor. Sunday, June 1â€"Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Young People'F society will meet at 5 o'clock. Evening serv- ice at 8 o'clock, and the mid-week service Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Wihtmte-M^mm, TO CLOSE WILMETTE STORES. Practically every store and busi- ness house in Wilmette will close to- morrow on account of Memorial day. Signs have been posted in every store that the place wil] remain open all day Thursday, hut will close all day Friday. W. G. Beyrer 12 and Su ELECTR! Repairing pplies I Schultz & Nord \/ Telspbens WilneHi 320 TAILORING few p/cfeA/ Cleaning dim Dyeipg 609 West Railroad Avenue WILMETTE, ILL. AUTHORIZED TO DO A BANKING BUSI- NESS UNDER. STATE SUPERVISION CAPITAL and SURPLUS $60,000.00 Safety Deposit Boxes I q^HE Bank / with one of tBfcsmpst cftmplc osit Vaulfoln UfVeron- teago. . THeboxes afford bso 1 ute motectionfjpjg pers, etc.7*«pr!lB^fire lars, besides the conveni- having this protection right here at home. The equipment contains three hundred boxes and they are becoming very popular at the reasonable rentals asked. The officers of the Bank invite inspec- tion of this new safety deposit box system. CENTRAL AVE. AND TWELFTH STREET Wilmette, Illinois. Telephone Wilmette Ninety \> ohn T. Rosbertf MercbentfTailor A full lina ft tHSsJatest spring novelties. £9Mfn(|Lfppairing and pressing. Good clothes maker. Voeci pecial Bargains J. B. Heckler 1137 Greenleaf Avenue Wilmette, Illinois \ 9*or Bakery Goods of Msuperfine Quality Ooods yon can place before tbe most dlscrjainatlna guest, call North 1148 CENTRAL AVENUE Phones Wilmette 413-414. Wilmette Auto Delivery f . A. HOTH WISCONSIN ICl GENER EA^UtG l ^vpm> j PHONES i Has. 3S Stable 1 Uu*$t EnnnlM PHONE 9 an Or< C*rrlsa*nijitAlli Carriages. Cab* and 'Sfnaya ISTafi'! 728-734 12TH ST., WILMtTTf; Y^i OOD Dress- ^J ers demand art in clothes, the nice toudfll the distinctive/Anfe/charac- ter, st/le gad the.finest workmansnip tp^e had. GEORGE J, EBER Ladies* Tailor -" r â- â- and -. Custom Tailor 1131 GreenW Av«n«e WILMETTE rkoae IS :: ReeMeace 7r»-L Wilmette Beauty Shop M Edith M. Kilmer "Second Floor mjjteaJc E^Hff^k|00 Central Ave., Wilmrtt* High Class Beauti- fying Done HatrCd et laptrb qmattty In $Utt O snd MADE TO ORDBg ^ W$ tolicil year patrtm*} ^ILMETTE DAIRY Pure Milk and C 1819 elmwood ilk and Cheese TELEPHONE 334 WILMETTE. lib. yf* sidence 1026 JAMES REAL ESTATE, ReJtING, 1128 Central Avenvl Office 1079 INSURANCE mette, Ulinois We slso have some choice bargsins in North Shore property. Uftorth Shore WEinhs;^W ^â€"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm+ lflJMflu the MORH Shore frOID T * ft ___ / ChiMgo to^Laie Bluff. JLots, xloitiep KfcGiilM & Orf « «* A \ ~~ J*. i*m**********»«• •Hid /VCr0S 74 We^Waahtngton St., Chicago Offices *L HIGH GRADE ardeit Hose, Reels, Sprinklers, v4l /ah i FitUn^ prinkl The> fcln«lhat give ^atafactUn elevated trains stop wijiin half block ofos(Ad|g^to*«*s,atioD' VE US A CALt? ________ W. H. SALISBURY «S COMPANY, Inc. Wboleaale and retail RUBBER OOODS for every use .•5-107 South Wabash Aveau* CHICAGO