Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jun 1913, p. 3

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plpifeftll!! Fred Wing â- "**# |»»* ^P*11*- whew sue will spend the,«si«l«fe. In John Howard Jdnea nag .*•• „ed from a aj^^e*!* In,,*% like* *"'â- â- ""-•â-  r and Mrs. F*ed <T *reve* are from a trip to N*w Toffc and land. _^ jrs. j. Monroe Graham, Abbotsiord d> is convalescent from an attack munipe. Hr. and Mrs. Sidney C. Eastman re taken a cottage at Glen View for gumnier. llchard HorBwell has pone to the cbi&an woods, where he will paw i gummer. raines Murray la to the southern ttes on an inspection trip through B wheat section. „. and Mrs. G. P. Nichols returned 7week from a three week*" trip In 8 eastern states. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Durham re- imed Thursday from fi week's trip â- ough northern Illinois. Mr and Mrs. Scott Tinaman and jldren have returned from an auto- ,bile trip in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. M. Cole departed tturday for Baltimore. Md„ where will remain two weeks. The Kpnllworth Bridge club was en- ;rtained in the home of Mrs. Bentley [cCloud Wednesday afternoon. Dr. w. M. Stearns and family have ine to their farm near Bear's Lake, Icb., where they will pass the sum- lef. Mrs. Mary Hlgbee has returned to home in Macomb after a two leeks' visit with her son, William H. figbe*. [ Mrs. C. L. McCloud entertained her Bter, Mrs B H. Knodler and daugh- |r, Miss Beatrice Knodler, of Beloit, at week. , [Mrs. Rufus Porter and son will ave Monday for Boston, where they the summer. Mr. Porter will lln them later. IMrs. Charles Machln and daughter, Mary Machln, departed -Thure- i (Or Denver, Colo,, where they will i several weeks. [Wm France Stevens has returned r the summer vacation after spend- _ the last six months as a student National Park seminary. I Mr. and Mrs. William B. Dodson de- imesday for South Haven, L where they will spend the sum- 1 on their farm near that city. (Mrs. Emma Glllis, who has been vis- Mr and Mrs. Claude Burnham the last few weeks, has returned > her home In Manchester, Minn. I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Gasque as their guests last week Dr. and \n. Harry Applegate of Chicago and Louise Van Deventer of Qulncy. [ Mr and Mrs. Leon Allen are home- bound from a trip in Germany other European countries. They i expected to land in New York this leek. Mr. aud Mrs. H. D. Miles left Friday Asheville, N. C, where they will ain Indefinitely on account of Mrs. health. It is thought that the Itrathern climate will be beneficial. Dj, and Mrs. Calvin S. Case have iae*i»i»^:i»:^^ *$ summer instead of occupying their â- unimer home in Ludington, Mich. Kxtenslve'repatra are being made on â- their Ken«w««Eiiomai '.;:â- ;:'V tertalned a few friends Friday even, lng in honor of Mrs. H. H. Preacott of Marinette, Wis., who has been a guest in thfr-Everett'home. Mrs. Prescott baa returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. George Wentworth and Mr. and Mr*. James Parker of Chi- cago have leased the J. C. Everett home for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Everett have gone to Waukazoo, Mich., where they will pass the Summer. Mrs. Oswald Lockett is expected home this week from Pasadena, Cal Seventy New Members Will Be Taken Into the Order Even- ing of June 27. Members of the three Evanston camps of Modem Woodmen of Amer- ica fraternal order, are preparing for one of the largest Initiations In the Woodman hall, Evanston, Fri- day night, June 27, that has ever been held in that city by the lodge. It is expected that a class composed' of more than fifty candidates will be pre- sented for adoption. More than 400 lodgemen will attend the affair. The initiatory exercises will be ex- emplified by the crack Oak Park de- gree team and officers, which numbers thirty-five men. This team is In charge and other western cities, where she! of Major Leroy K. Magrath and is has bean for the last three months en- said to be one of the best drilled or- ganizations of its kind in the state. Among the guests in the large meet- ing will be lodgemen from Glencoe, Wlnnetka, Wilmette, Niles Center, Rogers Park and other neighboring lodges. Benjamin Goodheart of Bloomlngton, state deputy, O. E. Ale- shire of Chicago, state lecturer, J. H. Hogan of Rock Island, national in- spector and O. E. Sweeney of Rock Island, an employe of the official Woodman paper, will be special guests. joying a western trip in company with her father, B. J. Madden, of Chi- cago. Miss Dorothy Coolidge left Wednes- day for her home in Detroit after spending the last five months with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Coolidge, in Woodstock road. Miss Coolidge has been a student at Northwestern uni- versity. During her stay in Kenll- wortb she has made mauy friends. Mrs. Frederick C. Little Is hostess this afternoon at a reception in her home in Essex road, given in honor of her guests, Mrs. J. E. Tilt and Mrs. George Kollen, both of Holland, Mich. One hundred and twenty-five Invitations were Issued for the event. The' first of the series of Thursday evening dinner-dances was held last week at the Glen View Golf club. A number of dinner parties were given. Among those who took part in the Informal dance in the evening were Judge and Mrs. S. C. Eastman, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver T. Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bentley and others. LOCKED SAFE PREVENTS ROBBERY AT LIBRARY A burglar evidently intent upon rob- bing the contribution box in the Ev- anaton public library broke into that building some time Saturday night or early Sunday morning, but due to the precaution taken in locking up the money box in the library safe the rob- ber was foiled. Entrance was gained by breaking a window glass In the rear of the build- ing. When the janitor, William Bent- ley, colored, discovered the broken window about 5:30 o'clock Sunday morning, he made a report to the po- lice. Officers were detailed but no clew which might lead to the arrest of the miscreant was discovered. Nothing was molested In the li- brary, which leads the librarian, Miss Mary Lindsay, to believe that the only Incentive was robbery of the cash box. The receptacle for donations to the li- brary fund Is placed on the exchange desk during the day, but each night Is placed in the safe. Result of Campaign. The large joint Initiation is the re- sult of a month's campaign which has been conducted by District Deputy Frank Mattls, assisted by members of Evanston Camp No. 7708, Redfield Camp No. 12,846, and Lincoln Camp No. 13,807. It is the intention to re- vive the Interest in the fraternal or- der, which It enjoyed a few years ago when the members were active In lodge affairs. The total membership of the three Woodmen lodges in Ev- anston is about 700. Following the Initiation of the half hundred new members a program of musical numbers and talks will be given by several of the prominent lodgemen. The Oak Park drill team probably will give a drill on Davis street pre- ceding the lodge meeting. They will be met by an escort of Evanston Woodmen at the train. The Oak Park team consists of twenty men on tb.6 degree staff, five buglers and seven staff officers, making thirty-two mem- bers. IEWS/THURSDAY, SSSS" ' DR. A. W. PHILLIPS IN AUTO ACCIDENT Dr. A. W. Phillips of Evans- ton narrowly escaped eeriouB in- jury Sunday afternoon in an automo- bile smash-up at Chicago avenue and Grove street, when an eastbound au- tomobile in Grove street struck the rear of his car. Both rear wheels were torn off the Phillips car in the colli- sion, but Dr. Phillips was uninjured. No blame is attached to either driver for the accident and no report was made to the police. Mrs. Welter Brewster will go abroad the first of the nonta. Mrs. Wallace I* DeWolf entertained at tea Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Pomeroy of Chicago are here for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Ward Thome have opened their Lain Forest home for the summer. â- 'â- -;*â-  Mrs. Frank R. McMullen had as her guests over the weekend Mrs. A. C Bartlett and her daughter. Eleanor, and Mrs. Tracy Drake of Lake Geneva. Mrs. Nelson BIgelow, having seen her son Anson enter the academy at Annapolis as midshipman in the United States navy, has returned with her daughter Matilda to Lake Forest Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Dewey and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H, Poole will give an informal dance at the Winter club on the evening of June 20. A number of week-end parties are being ar- ranged for the event. Mr. and Mrs. C. Chatfleld-Taylor have as their guest at Falrlawn their daughter, Mrs. Hendricks H. Whit man of New York. She will remain until after the first anniversary of her wedding. June 29, and Mr. Whitman will Join her later. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Chatfleld-Taylor gave a luncheon at their home in her honor. Tuesday evening at the Durand in* stltute the Garrlck club of Lake For- est presented a new comedy by Charles McEvoy. entitled "When the Devil Was 111." This was the first time It was played In this country. This per- formance closed an active year, dur- ing which, under the direction of Pro- fessor John M. Clapp, seven modern one-act plays had been given, six of them for the first time In the west. During the last two years the club has refitted the stage of the Durand institute with modem scenery and electric lights at Its own expense. Now that it has a modern, up-to-date stage, It hopes to begin next year an ex- change of plays with other amateur organizations of Chicago and vicinity. The committee In charge includes Mesdames Clifford W. Barnes, Samuel T. Chase. Carter Fits-Hugh, Cyrus H. McCormtck, Horace H. Martin, Slason Thompson and Ezra J. Warner, Jr., and Messrs. Charles *P. Atkinson, Al- fred L. Baker, John' Dorr Bradley, Hobart C. Chatfleld-Taylor, Frederick W. Crosby, Alfred E. Hamlll, Arthur Meeker, A. A. Sprague II. and Louis F. Swift. The wedding of Miss Harriet a*c Clure, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. ......-----J, %»•!*â- Â»"»"- .,. â- â-  ... .. .,,.,,......... Janw W»re Klkg MeChiWi rf Foreat, to Mr. Robert DougMa Staart, ee*>;o& it^;ie^ :^*2-~ . â- -â-  T3 48MW«>o^wnaT«u*,CWeago. took J Brewster. Mr. place *t * o'clock Tuesday aftarnoojt ' in the Flrat Presbyterian church of; Lake Foreat. the bride's rather read- ing the service. The bridal gown wa» of white satin and Uoe with t*lle veil Mrs. Dumont Clarke, formerly Miss Annie McClure, sorted her sister as nutron of honor and wore White lattln with lace trimmings. The feriftea* maidsâ€"Misses Olive FarwelL Sarah Granger Farwell, Eleanor HantUl, Fanny West, Marlon Farwell and Grace Cogswellâ€"were gowned alike In white with trimmings of rose color. The groom waa attended by Mr. John Stuart, and the ushers were Messrs. Howard Harris of Toronto, Canada; Donald McPherson, Edward Shorn way, Thomas Wells, Howard Una, Harold Keith. James G. K. McClure, Jr., and Archibald McClure. The men of the wedding party wore white flan* nel trousers and blue coats. A recep- tion followed the ceremony on the lawn of "Glen Hame," the summer home of Dr. and Mrs. McClure. Spe- cial trains were run over the Chicago ft Northwestern railroad tor the ac- commodation of the Chicago guests. The Lake Forest Players opened the summer season in the Aldls Playhouse Friday night with three playlets, "The Open Door," Arthur 8utro; "A Mar- riage Has Been Arranged," Sutro, and "{Catherine Parr," Maurice Baring. In the first of these Mrs. Henry M. Hub- bard and Charles 8. Dewey had parts; In the second, Mrs. Walter Brewster and Ernest von Amnion, and In the third. Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Atkin- son and Miss Polly Chase. J. Allen Haines was stage manager, and be- fore the first curtain a cable message was read from the Arthur Aldlses In Europe, "Hall to the Players." After the performance there was a recep- tion and a supper. The three plays were repeated Saturday. The play- house was filled to capacityâ€"100. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Orson Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Haines, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Me- Mullen, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Chase. Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell King, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 8. Dewey. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Armour, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. SHugh John- ston, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Edward 8. Adams, Mr. an J Mrs. Brmee SinJthTllr. a*4 ^ Sla. em»Thompson7Mr.an4Mra.WWlaee DeWolf, Mr. wrf lite, Iteree any. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pecie, is>. and Mrs. :gaw»ir^st^-^ r*oglas Street, -Artfcur WaeaU and : Tne wTanetta ge^e^ e^atedthe score of 1J to 8 Sunday. The feature of the game was tiw Irtajitt* of How- ard: Gsj$BJUg^^ ;-; :-^--> * '-^&[Micil liii THE WATSON BUSINESS SCHOOL An*auMHh*if*mm*ti ' ' ' *"*^' . filsjs^r Saedti tdtaei ler ftrlthic cettrs**, fieTfAtk WtMmS- SprliiMfa mil Tki* ktad ta>4t give All elevated tram* stop ^wl»*lf W Wholesalesad ^timm&moKMm^^t^xm' mmmii^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmimmmm !&&â- â-  C. A. THORSEH very Building Mater Insurance Co Residence Phone 264 aming it Hartford Fire !e Insurance Co. Phone 261 A Real Vacuum Cleaner THE M I LWAUKliVACUUM CLEANBR b^esflanjswelfel pump nv I of a /ma/"fh<ybctlon is posV vd and ptpftftuL Free demonstra- on request. Flfteen^days* "â€" Price flSf A llwiukee Vacuum Cleaning Co. 172M-I Uwrtsat An. Pleat IsvttrrMd 1042 STATE B^llSL CAPJaMlilil f Make* loana on improved North Shore real s*t»jtJroa si Rogers Perk to Highland park, and on ' count^.^ifeyi:^--ii-6 -^-v -"â- â-  - â-  ""â- *'â- 'â- " '1Mâ€".....if* mol fflMttea_______ in denominatioaa four percent in 1 Offers for in estate, netting the sumeof tsooand .... ._ . Fred MoGuire, President Ira J. Geer, Counsel IP Mm ntot st^andean 4hesk ntongage* on five and one-o Send for list. ____ AND DmiOTOES il Charles A. Wtghtmae, Ylue PresJdeal B.O.Keller ArtburW.VerooeTOaaaleT ; Central A BeUiKIng Room* HsaaJsnd ffarfc. "SS^^W>JW>Mm OasMer ";..;.',':.;._," Telepheee Cslesael IK Autelfceeett-ari Cbicago Cwct «< CirrianCiSMBi \7. 1233-1331 AUTCW>tOBILE GENERAL RXPi AND FAINTWC North Sbwtm Bnmch, 9iaSharMu> HeJ =D SOMETHING^FOR EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE^ Buyers' Guide to Shops of Quality ==0 ARTS AND CRAFTS._______ THE LITTLE DUTCH STUDIO 741 Fine Arte >/ VHtOINIA CHESTER. jF Bindings ed. Instil., Ited number Harrison 6SS7. HELEN C. Room 7 ll«So. ART ANDTfOOK SHOP. Randolph MM. ART8 AND CRAFTS. THE ART8 A CRAFTS BOOK SHOP. Books, Lesson Cross A also hand- Complete line of Markers, Quarter! Crown Jewel made Jewelry Suite 610 Monroe Bldg. Tel. Central 612. 104 S. MlchiganAve. |4%fAR MILLINERY. [ART, ATTRACTIVE IDEAS IN rfATS A for mld-summlr tsW aAlgreatly re- dteetfatthlj "WRIGHT HAT 8lfOP," Snite 261, 116 South Michigan Ave. FASM mtLMow IONABLE COSTUMKS> .„ ma*ri«g special prices the summer months. for ALBERT WEBBS. Jewelry Work----- Have also some PRETTY 0OJEN8 AND WAI8TS made at very' N^ SHOES. AISTON SHOE CO., 66 W. Washington St a of _ AND JPPBRS GOWNS. (Fifth Floor) (Central 4221) TaSuw FURNITURE. CUS ft KLEMPERBR CO. BIO FURNITURE STORES. Saving of fro Sample Down-town Ave., ne North Side: 8! cent on Rugs. Wabash Congress St. h-863 Belmont Ave., near Clark St. >tEWELRY NOVELTIES. ^^ORADUATioM aim. Special designs for the Individual, in Gold, Silver yd Plajtoum. wn .hbt ,mtd^tfiyrAa- Designer and^njakerkr Artistic 817 Fine ArS^ldg., Chicago. hSTad HAIR GOODS. yon a stranger to us? If so. and 26c will get you the fol tti_____ lowing: 50c Shampoo Facial Massage^>r 2 Treatment tor&d 6' for 25c, 35c Man Baring1 f for 26c, 60c 50c Scalp [r Dressing 26c. Hair Importers. We Wrk\pf Combings C B. KOFRANEir ft CO., Suite 1222 No. Amer. Bldg., 36 8. State, Chicago. FHLET SPECIALTIES. ME. HUNTINOFORD I grow hair or mo Ip diseases FACE EXPERT. FnBales, Scs _CB EXPERT. Wrinkles. Dtscolorations, FrlBkles, Scars (sneclaltxJL Moles re- moved, |1 and npf WrMlles and dts- colorations reieefad^Jrosl one eye free. VlbratoiMBasalge/ price 60c. Call or write pr freW*ooklet. J ELIZABETHfTOMPKINS. M. D- 6 W. Randolph St.. cor. 8tate, Chicago. Sixth Floor. Phone Central 26g». LADIES* TAILORS. D 1 8 T 1M TIVB CLOTHB8. TRUNKS eV TRAVELING OUTFITS. Wi lUfactore your Trunks or illng OutflU to order. Select your own below retail We also have _ stock at redu BONKE TR Design; . _ trunks In prices, ft CASE CO.. Phone Franklin 2077. 2d door, 178 W. Madison St, Chicago. Plain as well as Fancy vaav Suits and Coats. We L IA1 offer Jar summer wear: %flT hafakiFalaf Bkach cloths. "^ Line* aid jinks. Also White Serges, [WbHdldSs, etc. Es- pecially low pricW during June. LARSON ft ANDERSON. Madison 8L and , Chicago. Tel. Cent 6162. SOSjMtJMm Bldg., 1 Wa€aagFAve., Chlcagi W. H. MOSHOtR CO.. 616^22 Mlt^V. 6th HOOT. EXCLUSrVaf LaJBB' TAHX)R8. GOWNS AND S-AfcHIONABLE COSTUMES. ^y° Suite N. B. Cor. WaL_---------------__t 'Madison St.Xhlcago. Telephone Randolph 727.______ BENSON COMPANY OOfN« & ^AI&TS evo^f TMP^jg#**A ct^psJJre o S H.w>ffISM gfytHlCAOO VAN |llOOLISWORTW 6KRTRUOI U.SBNSOH CORSETS. T'O^BTnifiB" Found la our wTSt |5 to I7AQ mode* 81 aiven to correct Ittinga. 430 Republic BMg. 209 8. Etate Bs, Tel Harrison teeX Z Randolph St, cor. State SL Phone Central 1421._______ THB LATTON SYSTEM OF ^Wtttr-.; â€"^ iim

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