Sfi^iffl^^f"w^' mmM Mrs. -J*'â- 'â- â- ftl»i*MflwnM^#^'PW,rt avenue, will JM^e^,:^»Ahp/-f^ip^JIfeRf*^" ter, n.'y.;, ,:^'-:}^,-;«.^,"v\,::^ asbury avfsnw, »r* W**41"* !• â- (^,rtto [a the eiit rood lim ha* returned from Kate* Park, Colo. ' ' '.1^:";';^-v : :â- ':'" • Mrs. Junes Khapp, 1406 Main rtreet. has returnedfroni ^ Paw JPMr lake, Mich. MiiB Skiff of New York Is vielting r brother, Mr. J. a Skiff. 818 Hin» ian avenue... Miss Marguerite Bolce, 1110 Cleve- land street, returned Thursday from Iron ton, Ohio. Mrs. E. b, Redington is spending the month of August with friends In Bradford, Vt. ...'•'â- '.â- ... "IHI^ Mr. and'Mrs. H. S. Elliott and fam- ily, 1814 Oak avenue, have gone to Leland, Mich. €HbelaeBrin»V*460--Plo«M»er toad, has as bis guest bis mother of Pennsylvania. ""â- '. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stark and fam- ily, 712 Judson avenue, have gone to Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Homer O. Tate, 2713 Walnut street, entertained informally yester- day afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rossbach, 1220 Ridge avenue, are at Trout Lake, Woodruff, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Rollln A. Keyes, 1210 Forest avenue, are at Oystervllle, Cape Cod, Mass. Miss Blisabeth Johnaoir, I8*« Oolfax street, left M*M&WfcM&&*- ';â- lira," :1im0dW^:fim* W^ttW put evaaue, «^mt^^%^0m^, son street *nter»^ /Luh%aonT;cW ->;; avenue, tea returned from a two months'_â- 'ttmr:-'jai theRerkshlrea. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Ballard, 826 Reba plaee, are receiving coagrattiia- Uons over the birth of a son, Aug. 6. Mrs. • Joseph Jaokson of De Kalb- 111^ spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. George B. Goudle, 2815 Bast rail, road avenue. / Mua Lillian Short, 825 Foster street, returned Saturday night from a visit with her brother, Prof. Louis Short, in Cleveland, O. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Badger, 223 Kedzie street, are entertaining their cousin, Mrs. Embry • Swearlngen, of Louisville, Ky. , Mr. W. g.'Ailing, no? Maple ave- tm >lUfc KEWaV rrft drca of SjnHpgasia' hare arrived to onth of August with Mrs, »hu*r, Mrs, WWl|m,,Ji, 2015 Lincoln stree£|pi| ?,«*. G*WS* Biigelhard, w|^ haa been in Providence, R. i„ on business month ot August with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Engelhard of Highland Park, formerly of Bvanston, - Mr. and Mrs. J, w. Williams and two little sons, Richard and Junior, returned lejst week ia their home in Martinsville, Ind., after spending sev- eral weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Richards, 2528 Harrison street.,' ^-H-Cy.'/.:. iMtee Bwllister, SftM Central strest. aa% returns* from a week's en- gagement wttbvthe Chautauqua at Pontiee, ni. ; â- i^.'yyy •â- •>â- â- ;';?^/-"-;;;,'-.; avenne and Oreâ€"loaf street, who has MMMMM ' i;ii,>'.*y"|iii|."".'t i"1 been visiting Mlsw Jeesphtos Dole at Mrs. OystenriOe, Mass^ Is now at York Harbor, Ms. She will not return to Bvanston until the middle of Sep- Oak avenue, their dauthter, Mrs, Har- ry Coon of Rooky Ford, Colo., and their niece, Miss Mildred Johaaon of Philadelphia, Pa^ spent the week-end on a niotor triVt»;<terved Rock, near Ottawa, Hi'-'â- -'â- â- ;>:.â- :,:â- â- ,-'. «sp« ;;.sj^jl|i^^^ li'lit. 8M IBlmwood avenue; are at Robert L. ' Mr. and Mrs. Oeo, W. Hotohktta, t«nb«K,:^^^P|Mf Jf|p|i$. 1015 Blmwood avenue, will :.. ...j^: .â- •g||'af§^H^^ :jm1eyinT^*ftS» Sunday, August 17, following Mr. Hotchkiss* \ expected return from Pu- their marriage (Aug. 14, 1S54K by •> reunion of cbild>en, grsAd^mlldren , ,.,.,,. and' - «l|fe^^itffl|^ *£*1$ '^^^^0^^^^0*^ ♦ve*ne» ton rs|p^p|d^ of Mrs, Cid«ia«. W Himnaa avenue, en rente W i||piaM?iiJi^^i^ tba^S*^.*^^ .r,: ^iWug^^ i*tiifc$s^^ ilJisrIi*&:ft i*i£s*,ci*€ s»**»Mi£^^^ :r*ritym«*hV^^ Chi .........*«â- §» 1<M 'e0Ww>,:,: k> Iks riiiMireiieit â- ***"'CWo^V"ti3yis«dl .........'"........ TesaiiTaff sMJTSnlii>'i>' '¥¥111' til , e»vaweja'j(S"Bw^er.- .â- .^jw^'T'^wpi^wiw^â- . :J%?. .-I,^. ;â- â- â- .â- â- - ' wm tal^i^ th»e«» <k« ]|>r and 11^ tlXjparg^^s^^ »»^»«'-'fife:'tv^^'^'»^:: ; few :- ;*';tiiieait^:'"':,'*':-^-': â- ** "*«*^**^:v- wP^eslsjpeJ '!eipHPelpsisjf^r^g^^â- â- .i.^^asBse»F.i ,»»ja^Bas',-^^swe^s"B|B^si^^wfe^,»: wirgts^ |4> BZtnsMX.aves^ ataf Mlae ffl^sett An»b^| wm kavw to> ia«rrowf«Ae«*n»a»Wls^tobwi<^ Mr. Percy Bradley, 948 Blmwood Oerould, 1200 Judson avenue avenue, has gone to Flambeau, Wis. until September 1. The seventh annual invitation ten- |als championship will open Saturday outing at Point of Pines, Mich. at the Country, club Mrs. Arthur Hawxhurst, 1315 Church street, has returned from jMgewater club, Mich, Master David Vandercook, 2610 Har- .Tkoii street, has returned from a month's visit in northern Michigan. â- it-Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Shedd and flufjly, 1619 Ashland avenue, left to- " for Hazelhurst, Wis., to be gone •nth. te Misses Martha and May Palm, Colfax street, Jeft Saturday to two Weeks camping at One- . Mich._____^ '.* HuayMTf, 30htt" Whit BUfl'fKnJf 2712 Woodbine avenue, left Sun- tor Ponoma, Cal., where they will id the remainder of the summer. Iir. James T. Wray and his mother, iliit. Susan B. Wray, 1301 Judson ave- iae, have returned from an extensive visit in the northwestern part of Canada. • :, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Ruehrdans, 1186 Monroe street, are spending sev- eral weeks in Edgewater, Colo., with Mrs. Ruehrdans's sister, Mrs. Henry % Weiland. ,1 Miss Blva Spanner, who has been the guest of Mrs. Hubert Bills, 2016 Harrison street, left Saturday for De» trolt, Mich., before returning to her home in Baltimore. Mrs. F. J. R. Mitchell and family of Ban Domingo, spent Thursday with Mrs. Clayton Mitchell, 2410 Thayer street, on their way to their summer cottage at Spring Lake, Mich, Miss Barbara Fernald of Winches- ter, Mass., arrived Saturday to spend a month with Miss Catherine Ross, 1128 Hinman avenue, and Miss Grace Pynchon, 1731 Wesley avenue. Dr. W. T. Hobart and daughter, Louise, 1423 Elmwood avenue, left Monday for San Francisco, whence #ey win sail August 26 W the ateanv •aip Manchuria for Peking, China. Mrs. aara M. Orr and son, Fred- erick, 909 Forest avenue, who will more to Rochester, N. Y., wilt leave tomorrow for Grand Island, Mjch., to •fend the remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs, Burnslde HamUton ««d son, Bruce, of 1208 Hinman ave- •««, who have a bungalow in Glencoe |nr the 8kokle Ctolf club for the sunv **r, will return home about Septenv Mrs. b. Hoff and family, 9676 Prat- lie avenue, left Sunday on a two *•»*** motoring tour. Their head- *atter»vrffl *e atH&evffs^tsjkes W*fc, *H they will visit many other potoU •I interest Urs. H, W. Tate, 3881 HartseH *»et. entertained informally Fri- *>y afternoon in honor of Mrs, Young? •1 New York, who is the meat of her •*«thter, Mrs. C. W. Comstock, MOt â- wrison street, " ^konday for the former's home in -â€"m*mj jot as iormere ne»w »»------" â- ._ *!«%. Usihslt Mater^ win vlatt W* W» *****, ? Jf^ftt weeks In Springfield before re> -JgNi to Ivanston. ^:^:,s: $f#« eCases Bertha and Pansy Hol- f>pBB, 7lk Michigan avenue,: have re- ,^......^:mmm,'^m^'»^m- WHh thca their two cotwlna. Misses Mh and Reba Haner, who will re- hue, has returned from a fishing trip in the Thunder river region of north- ern Wisconsin. Mrs. Charles Reading Jones and daughter, Esther, 839 Sherman ave- nue, left Thursday for a few days' visit in Mattoon, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bates, 2112 Orrlngton avenue, are expected to reach Evanston today from their sum- mer home in Turner, Me. Mrs. F. D. Carter, formerly of Ev- anston, now of New York, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mitchell and family, 2303 Harrison street, will re- turn this week from a two weeks' Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Yegge,. 1650 Oak avenue, left Monday for a three weeks' motor tour of New England and New York points, returning Sept 8. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bayless, 1033 Hinman avenue, are located at Shelter Island, N. Y. They will re- turn home the last of this month. Mr. M. P. Aiken and daughters, 1816 Oak avenue, and their guest, Miss Har. rlett E. Keyes of Vermont, left Tues- day for a trip to the northern lakes. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bates, who have been visiting Mrs. C. B. Bates, 904 Main street returned the latter part *$rmt "weiar <6nweir<*!iow^r York. Mrs. I. T. Greenacre of Chicago, Miss Esther and Masters Russell and Alvord Greenacre were dinner guests of Mrs. C. H. Douglass, 600 DavlaT street Sunday. Mrs. Earle 8. Barker and son, Oliver, 1310 Judson avenue, are ex- pected home today after a three weeks' vacation spent in Canada. The Misses Anna and Helen Feller, Catherine and Anna Miller of Grover block have left for a two weeks* va- cation, visiting relatives in Kanka- kee, Bradley and Clifton, 111. , __, Miss Freda Davidson of Gilliam, Mo., who has been the guest of Mrs. E. M. Powell and family, 824 Hinman avenue, for the past two weeks, re- turned to her home Tuesday. Miss Lillian Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Martin, 1640 Sher- idan roaiL bj^ rjelnrneiLftom the east where she has been visiting since her graduation from Wellesley college In June. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Armour, Miss Margaret Armour, Mr. Donald Ar- mour and Master Stanley Armour, 1608 Ridge avenue, left Saturday for their summer home In Harbor Point Mich. , Dr. G. F. Tysons 845 Chicago ave- nue, sailed from Boston for Liver- pool, Bbg., Tuesday morning. He will take a six weeks' postgraduate course in medicine at the University of Edin- burgh, Scotland, returning to Evans- ton Oct 15. Miss Lois Linthicum, 2134 Orrlng- ton avenue, and Miss Elizabeth Stan- wood, 1687 Chicago avenue, who has been with her family at Pemaouid Harbor, Me., during the summer, are taking a trip to Nova Scotia and other C»nsdl»" points. Messrs. Frank Oerould. 1200 Judson avenue, AnAJSdwin-Dawjoft,1228 Jud- â- on avenue, left Saturday for Holland, Mien., to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hypes at a house party. They wiB he gone two weeks, ' Mr. 0. C LtatMcttm, 21*4 Orrlng- ton avenue, who has been abroad since May, will reach New York tomorrow,, having sailed from Liverpool on the sfis. tâ„¢H1 A^^iiSws^ifl Mnuretanhv last Saturday. Mrs. Lhv *%k^^£T£:2 SS3*« Weoneeday for New Z--Wm Qnr **• ** â- Wr» *•"• -.-_.. ^ â€"«-* *** vjnthimim there York to meet Mr. Linthicum there Mrs. 3. W. KreJl o* TJavenport Ia, who spent several week, with her shv «er. Mr* C. B. Battle* lt.7.Jndson avenue, at Lake Geneva, VeHenry aad other point* on the Tftm rtrer* he cempeaylng Mri. Battle* on har re- torn to Bvanston, etpacta;'^ **â- *! this wi ^-hmiN^^*1^**^ There are many necessities for;?kttitj^^^ of i^uc/L^eLlhhd h need any of these artidts, or wittn#efr^ Alarm Clocks Rosenberg's reliable seam- less brass, nickeled case, all brass movement guar- AOa* anteed...................."VC Jelly tumblers with tin cap, per dozen ig. for,.....----.........ADC Dinner Plates Soup Coups, Oatmeal Dishes, fine porcelain, beautiful designs, 15c values, at,... Hour Sales WEDNBSDAY, AUG. 18 • to lo^arWr^MieVito ♦©.«!. 8AUCC PANSâ€"Pure alum- inum, 8 qt size, FRIDAY, AUG. 1ft , • to 10 a. m. and • to 4 p. m. TUMBLERS â€"Plain glass, Table Tumblers, 4|A#* per dosen...........efvV MONDAY, AUG. 18 • te 10 a. m. and 8 te 4 p. m» PRY PAN*â€"8 inch diam., heavy, three-coated, blue or white enamel. 36c value.... .i unit Ice CriiBi Fraezer North Pole Brand. l-qt. sise, heavy galvanised steel body,, v A jj special........ 7UV > Lawn Mow^r 12 or 14-in. hardened blade. Values up«| | to 3.76. Special.X# Imitation silver deposit on fine clear finish' glass. Special at. O'Cedar, with handle, this *aje|ft ^y o^ll3f|®l;^ill:ii', ^^j^e|y •PawMy^sffspap.;' Igtyj^jsy^y v; r •vl&'i) OLIVS OIL. Sfte aettle* L. F< C. Pure Italian Olive ON, per bottle..lee Armour's Deviled Ox Tongue, , 25c cans....t7c _ CJiicken Peed, hags .....81^* WtlKLY MONEY 8AVCR8. Jello, Tryphcea, Sreman- aelon or Neenah, all flavors, 8 plwajorJfte fOe bottle K. 1. liive Polish •v- â€" Ti;\:*I0 Rialng tun ftev* Fellah To Scourene, 2 bar*, tor....So Kingeford Oleee ^fjlhreli, - Pkg. .........•»l^L:•0 Klngsford's Com ttareh, pkg...................J° â- laetie Starch, pkg.....8c Potato Smroh TformerTT called potato flour), per pkg......";........•* Coleman's Mustard, % lb. can............«e % lb. can............go Mapellne, per bottie....27c Richelieu eV Uncle Jerry'a Buckwheat Flour, 10c Pk*..............'°« Creeoent Toilet Paper, « rolls tor............18c Peacock's Silver Polish,' 25c Jar ........ .....i»e Morton's Â¥râ€" Running •alt, per pkg.........So MACARONI A SPA. OHETTI. Rsd Cross Macaroni or Spaghetti, per pkf....te 8 pkgs. for...........24s Zsrega/e Elbow Macaroni, per pkg...... .....••••» Fould'e Macaroni or Spaghetti, per pkg...Jo 8 pkgs. for.........••«« Zereaa'e Neodlee, 8 fc phg*. for.........»• Zereos'fe Macaroni or . •paghettl, per pkg.{..So 8 pkgs. for...........»• CANNED FRUITS. Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple, Aloha Brand, Mo. 1 cans...........»» 8 can* for......-.....â- •» Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple, Happyvale Brand, No. 8 can, per ««»•--•*• Hawaiian Pineapple Tidbits, Richelieu------* â€"*** California Sartlett Pear*, Glass Jar Label, can. .84a Green Gage Flume, Glass Jar Label, per can.*,84c California, tgg Plums,, _ Omss Jar Labelrcan. .84c Caltfornla Veilow Cllnnv Peaches, Glass Jar Libel, per wan,...........£.S4e California Peeled Aprlcete, Glass Jar Label, ean..S4e California Royal Anne Cherries or targe Hack Cnerriee, Glass Jar Label, Mt. Baker Pears, large cans............14* CANNED VBGKTABLKS. Cherokee Brand Corn, per can..............18c 2 cans for............1*0 Sweet Sugar Corn, can. .0* 8 cans for............88* Naehotah Brand Peas, . per can..............Uft 2 cans for............1*0 High Ufa Brand Sifted Pea*, per can........18* 2 cans for............28© French Fee*, medium sise, per can....,.........1?e Mushrooms, Pieces and „ Stems, per can.......18* Muehroome, Ibxtra Seleetad, per can..............87* French Peas, very smalL per can..............89* Hand Packed Tomatoes, Richelieu or Savoy Brand, 8 cans for.....Ste Asparagus, White Hillsdale Brand, No. 1 cans, t cans for............t*e No. 2 cans, per can. .93* Asparagus Tips, Rlchetten Brand cans, per can..tte Asparagus Tlpe, RicheUsra square'cans, per csn..SXe Urge VVhlta Asparagus, Beauty Brand, No. 2K •quare cans, per can.S4e gweet Spanish Plmlentov per can ............."f8 •avoy Spinach, can. aihnt White Asparagus, -'* ' â€"-'-â- I, 10 to Beauty Brand, _. _ _ to' the can, sold every- where at 80c; special, at...........88* Red "Kidney Beana, Party Brand, per can. 8 cane for....... Van Camp** Hominy, Armour'e Perk and No. timtttaaP Snider'e Perk and ~ No. 2 cans, per___ Union Fork and aeane, beat, beans packed, NO. 2 cans, 8 cans for No. 8 cane, each RkkWe Ferfc and - No. 8 oans, each _Anrem Forh. and-----_T„ No. 8 cans, 2 for.... Sweet Potateee, Savoy _ Brand, per can.......lec " CANNED MEATS. ~ Armeur*e Petted Meate, „ Ham and Tongue flavor, large cans............8* Armour's Veal Loaf,: 14- â€" per can .^.........f.18* Arm Armeur'a Lunch Tongue, per can..............88c Armour* Ox Tongue, ' else LJier can........it* Tongue, can.,.....*tc Cmlekeih, sngue, Derby _ glase Jar..88c .ileken, Derby sr glass Jar. .8ee .. ^., im» Derby Brand, per glass Jar........28c Pickled Lamb Tongues, __Derby Brand. ~: _,r,~â€"^ per glass JmrJL..._«iij.«*, targe Jars............tee Fempellan Olive OH, % nt. can................88c qL can...-.-.,...--------- Grape Juice, Lakaslde Pure Grape Juice. pta.....88e qts, .................4*6 TENDER, JUICY MEATS S Native Pot Roast Beef, best quality, lb........ 18'/«c Best NaUve Round Steak, No. 1 Beef, tender and Juicy, lb........................'""":£?* Native Shoulder Steak, tender, Jb............. l*V&c Choice Veal Stew, lb......................•♦•!?^0 Best Shoulder Veal Roast, lb.................1*54* Best Veal Chops, Bibs, lb. 80s; Loin, «!".•"..;®e Best Grade Bump Corned Beef, best ewe. w..18Mr« Breakfast Bacon, Mild Cured, 4 to 8 lb. Irtece. lb.88* Heme, best quality, A No. l grade, 8 to IS lb. average, delicious cure, lb..................w*o Best Pure Lard, » lbs. tor.....................4*o 5 lb. Pail Snow Drift Shortening for......-----..8fe Best German Salami, lb.......•••••-•• • *• • • v-v• J28 Morris k. Co.'s SupremeJf are Lard, 8 lb. pall for S7e THURSDAY SPECIAL, AUG. 14, 2 P. M. to • P. M. No Phone or Mail Orders Filled en These Item*. Beet Boiled Ham, sliced, lb.....................JS* Best Native Plank Steaks, »......«â- r~-'Ji^279 Best Minced Ham or New England Ham, *neeo lb..................♦................-........™» SATURDAY SPECIAL*, AUa If. " Selected Spring Leg of Lamb, 5 to 8 lb. •TW*«e* Selected Spring HbWqnarter Lamb\ ».....«... irj^e Prime Rib Roast Beef, best quality, rolled or standing; B»...........................••.....Z1** MONDAY BARGAINS, AUG. 18. Armour's Fancy Little Pig Hams, 4 to 8 lb. average, lb. ........t4yg Fresh Ground Hamburger Steak, lb.'..;,;..........18a Choice Lamb Stew ------------- Fancy Shoiae^.Lnmb Che«|^.^....^'^ 10s ..17* «t*. Grhpe Juloe, Freeervee, N& 2 cans,..... "â- per -ean.'...'r.*****.*â- •'. »S*' Napelaew 'Ptm/ir^i ,-y;• _ , % wJH. S*jCk«'».»..»4'.»_.' Ldl#^ft^«pweferj l» each f t.f-f >â- «.â- .•â- . â€" il and Csr**ets, % bbl. sack..........78e Quaker Oats ............Se Dr. Price'* oat*..,-iWv â- -' THeCUit__rr •^redded Wheat Siseait 12c Puffed Rice............18e Fufied TS/neat. ..«.»»,..• .*o Cfâ€"m of Whaet.,'i....18e SOAPS AND WASHING FOWDCRS. Cieaaeer, f cans lor. .IS* Llghthoues F*mlly Se*)p> 10 bar*' for.......... .44* 88 bar oaa*.........88.78 Hammer Soap, 18 bars 87e , 100 bar box........«M8 Flctilta Seep, 8 bare to . carton, per carton.....*c 8 cartons tor.........87« Ughtheuee Washing Pawner. 4 lb. nk&...,8Se Pel'* Naptha Seep, or Swffrw Nastha ' 10 bar* for.... .;H^m;.t>:,____-__.. SaganiO lbs tar 4»e J^l.;e^;,itt;|«f|tli; y-ci order or over. i SFCCIAL ITEMS FOR THURSDAY ATTBIINOOM, 1 IDs " C**sl* rfi»> e a> eU^eaee, ^ â- .. -. Lemon W&$0m&:0l0$mm': r 'Both' -Vft»i*5.9iHr:*:* v#»8a»(.r ___ Jrt^h*!* â- 8*ts.;|*.**-»ii-*». :'â- â- P*i*S»S*eaM*B/gjp.. s^aoaarggf s^aaBBajsavap â- 'â- L^L-- •â- "* 8 palter......>....18a Demelfe Petate Chlpa, 18 bars for.. Small Wast or Small Ivory Seep, 8 bars for......8Se mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtm 8PSCIA4.POR SATURDAY AUGUST ism Ways* a Low and^ Hot- pel u>..............».S*a Btrestty PTtean Cream BHek Cheese, B>.t1o nfw vwTwt ^viwse par lb...... '8;' Ibw. brfelE*, • •,. Lewney'e or Rsajaapn.a^isiak;' ' tie- bars for........^8* HliVe Reet Beer f^traoV per bottle............»ga BwMVfi* Fieashsaj'. Ossaajssv- gartne. par lb........88* ...:.An^ /n: 8 Iftswa* t*a,....*»*»#<e|n> li Oaty. Oat of the Oven* at "" s ycisok. r'^y BAKERY SPCCIALB FOR SATURDAY. _.; Oelloieae cc4Nm> Cakes, M e * • * e>* *•*"•,."» * • ♦ • *lswefr SFCC1ALS FOR MONDAY, AUGUST 18TH. Mo Ft Balk Starch, 4 lbs. tor. .Me Washing Soda, 4 lbs....Jim or Mall Orawm. Iae Cream Sa*V Ml a**.. -Sjsv. M) bam far.. WED..THURS., FR1 AND SAT, Aug. 13, 14, 15 sod16, ^TO^ffTOMilTIAT;SEm;EyERYTHINC> i:";-|^& Swemm u^