Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Aug 1913, p. 4

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PPPWil Cik £«*« $l»re ftew PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY , ------------------ ST -------------------â- --------- THE BOWMAN PUBLISHING CO., 526 Davis Street, Svsnston. Albert H. Bowman . Arthur Roberts . . James Leonard Lee Managing Editor Associate Editor . . City Editor SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, |1 A YEAR All matter for publication in any week's issue should reach our office not later than noon on Monday. Entered as second-class matter June 88, 1911, at the postofflce at Evanaton, Illinois, under the Act of March Z, 1878.____________â€"â€"^==== THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1913. mm- m TO DIBCVSS HHEHIDAN ROAD. The Evanston Commercial associa- tion will meet tonight In open session to listen to a talk by Mr. Jonw H. Hardin, vice-president of the Sheri- dan Road Improvement association, upon the question of the taking over of the management of Sheridan road "by the Lincoln park district. A member of the organization whose only reason for being is the making of the thoroughfare along the lake front the beautiful pleasure drive which It is possible to do, Mr. Habdix Is naturally Interested in the consum- mation of the ideals of the association and will present to the company of Evanston's business men and those other citizens who will assemble to- night, the details of the plan by which they hope to accomplish them. T The future of Sheridan road is a matter which concerns all the people along the north shore as much, if not more, than it does the people of Chi- cago, To them the drive is a luxury, an addition to the pleasures of life. To Evanston and the other towns to the north, a well-kept thoroughfare to Chicago is a necessity. The blackberry rose Is different from any of the generally known, flow- era, but the one bloom that It resem- bles most Is the carnation. It consists of many irregular and wavy leave* shooting put from the center, which is Invisible. During the past summer the plant has been blooming profusely and has been the subject of much In- terest. While the bloom of the plant la different from any before seen, tits leaves and stems retain the appear- ance of the blackberry. â€"c ^ There may bo utilitarian souls who will see nothing gained in the creation of a new product at the cost of the logs of another so satisfactory as the black* berry, those to whom the interest of the experiment and the pleasurable ex- citement of creation pale In compari- son with the good that has already been accomplished by the hand of Mother Nature. -:* ?:* * OS TRE8PA88ING. Three men were arrested a few days ago for riding bicycles on the right of way of tho Chicago and Northwestern railway tracksâ€"trespassing on the property of the railroad. In the re- port issued not long ago by the North- western company it was stated that by far the largest proportion of deaths from accident on the road befell tres- passers who entered upon the right of way in defiance of the railroad and in the face of warnings of danger and threatened prosecution. For such ac- cident no possible blame can be at- tached to the crew of the train nor to %H,:^In tonight's meeting there will be Jl^f speakers for both sides of the ques- ||Jtion. If you are in favor of giving the ^pXJncoln park board control over Sheri- |y|dan road, come* and hear what will igffoe done in that case. If you are op- i^posed, come and be convinced of the IK. arguments of the other side. What- ggever you may think today on this im- l^portant subject; hear these discussions fftonight. Mr\ :%-- * * * ,. |; PAID GOlfriGT LABOR. On and after the first of September \fconrie\M in the Ohio penitentiaries t^tite^ye^ieA families to be depen- - 'I' dent upon the charity of the commun- is ;^itjr in which they live, will be given ^compensation for the work they do, %â- '- :'- the rate to be determined by the char- L, -Scter, efficiency and conduct of the J^ "prisoner. ^r^.; â- /â-  The amount to be paid 1b not much, | varying from one to five cents an lip" hour, but, small as is the remunera- plfVtion, it will be sufficient to rekindle y§lM the spark of self-respect and to re- |p^--awaken the sense of family responsi- jjfj||bllity in men who have all but lost |;;!: jthose qualities -together with their |.fej: names and .Identity. H ^- Perhaps it was the visior. of such a fjto0- 'change in our own state which i;-',prompted the writing of the letter and *'tfce presenting of a tablet to the equal suffrage leaders in the state a few days ago. '. Already the change has begun In our penitentiaries with the adoption «t Use "Colorado system" of convict la- bor on the state roads, which is soon to be put In operation in Joliet The men of the first crew, "trusties," whom, |t!te warden says he "could trust to go l£o China and to return," will soon be set to the new work; for each thirty deys_4LJa|l*tactory labor* ten wlU be Ingteeffroni the term being served, iMMt courage and hope for a llv established for their protection, they, themselves, must bear the blame and take what consequences may cojne from disobedience. It may be that the arrest and fining oi the three men apprehended by the trainmen Sunday will result in an in- crease of caution on their part,in the future. A respect for the law which punishes offenders against it, perhaps, will deter these three from again in- fringing upon It, a consummation which is to be wished In other in- stances of deliberate and intentional trespassing. * * * THE ME AN 8 AXD THE END. - Sometimes the ways to the accom- plishment of a good thing are devious and none too far above suspicion and It becomes necessary to weigh: the Ul- timate good against the present evlL Such an instance Is before the city of Chicago now, in the matter of an ordinance requiring the installation Pftyslcal OJredtor in First Art?* cle Tells How to Build Up Body and Get tfie Most Out offtest and Sleep. ARE STRENUOUS DAYS In this age of,tension, this day of the "strenuous life," there are many people who fail to get proper amount of rest and sleep. To "the fatigued man the whole world takes on a serious and discouraged aspect: When tired, ail the faculties of the body are dulled. The nerves do not respond;, the circulation is weak; the digestive apparatus- loses strength.» Tho entire system becomes muchTnlwFsusceptf ble to disease. It Is also a well known fact that the moral sense Is greatly disturbed by fatigue, so that not only does one become impatient and easily annoyed, but the power to discrim- inate between right and js«>ng, hon- esty and dishonesty, growa. less. The tired man will do all sorts of things he conld not be_forced to do had he had a proper amount of rest and sleep.. Some men tire more quickly than others; they differ. in their It is needless to â- VVfl*, oTMNutlSECT IS - FOlrtO ON LUMBER Frank Career, President of Evanston fimber Company, findVlWcj Insect. Frank C. Mercer, president of the Evanston Lumber company, dlseov- ered^an «wa#ra|d' looking Insect In his north end lamb* yards last week that -for a fe^ mlft/p* «*ve htm * tmTul that he wfll lumber for a few days. The insect was la many ways similar to the common darning ueedlel, *»*. was much larger, It was of a green- ish color and had numerous legs, and to all appearance was very athletic. In fact, It wi»'M> athletic that Mr. Mercer decided tiat the best place tor it waa in a thick glass bottle. The young lumberman tried at various places to have It identified, but^veryone gave it up as "one on him." Finally he took it to the high school, wJiiwolone of the teachers red- ognfated it as the insect "drateromera semorata," â- '>#&*& use plain English, the S'sifejngfptlok.*' According -tg the teacher at the high school; ITIs £ very unusual specimen and, though common in sontliern forests, is rare- ly seen to ttenorth. Mr. Mercer be- lieves the insect arrived in town on a carload of lumter which he recently received from the south. "I have seen many a walking-stick, but tills ll § aiwone on me," he said after it bad-fceen identified. "I am glad to knbwi 4*at his »ting is ^iot dangerous, for when I picked him off of a ptte of lumfcer he got a thumb- hold on me that made me think for lached to the crew of the tram nor to physical endurance. .. .- â€" _â€" - ^ _.nmtknt T - . ^.^tiitt^ with Frank Bfty that the man of strong physique a moment I was wrestling wnn jrrana the railroad. Reasonable precautions ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ Jf ^ ^ Gotjeb." postpone the tired feeling longer than the weak man. Then again, the char- turesome perBonB deliberately choose acter of one's work makes a great-dif- , x. i ,i- . ^1,1-1. .-«» ference. That work which demands to disregard the regulations which are 7 ™™ of ventilation systems in metien-pfck AJeepm^aoeded is * most; toperta»t ture theaters not already supplied with adequate means of maintaining A degree of purity in the air of the au* ditorium. -:; Owners of such buildings are fight- ing the ordinance on the plea that'it l~. backed by manufacturers of the sys- tems; the city council and the health department claim to favor It because of sis m pUs existence at the expiration of the W& m mm tag BLACKBERRY R08j OsaiiM in developing hew specibs In appears to thrive in Call- ^ tsrnhv where tho latest horticultural jnsftssa 1mm hsstt aeMer^^ black- tjexry svs* T«Js new flower Is the re- of bodd^ of a rose on a blaek- .^twhi'. the saperlsssnt having asssls 17 a resfdewi of the "closest mental attention or en- gages the mind in many things at one arid' the same time, will of neces sity bring on fatigue more quickly than mechanical work. ~ :"â- â- â- â- : Must Havs "Rest. â-  â-  '"' ~^"- Because of the grave dangers of fatigue -to^ tie mental, moral, and physical powers, it ia highly essential that periods of rest and sleep be sought regularly, jtest may moan merely a change in the position of the body, a change of work or environ- ment, or it may mean the absencef&f all effort After close asplication of the mind for several hours It is susy to see that rest for the tired brain may be had more quickly by sonM form of physical oxercise ttan- by sitting perfectly auiet, because the brain, which Is engorje4wjto_b* while at work; will be emptied of the surplus when ^ara sssd leg become ac- tive and demand that surplus. Thus, during w^rng^kdnra periods Jolf rest rii(outt%u-^SMif^ position of the body. ^ - Sleep, by the general relaat*tion 0* all organs and Ussues, gives the body a chance to regain Its normal condi- tion. The -question *of hqW much The insect will be bottled in alco- hol and kept at the high school as a rare product of Evanston. s- fi-"1, â- "â- ;.t»j|B>1 ji NEW* W^NT AD8 BRING RB8ULTS â€"^W*W HI II l""MW Police Were mm^m^ the TJme i^cer >^jve|f Masher Hailk^e^ ""-'â- ' ' ?.':i':-?â- â- â- &'â-  â-  â- 'â- 'â- â-  . 'f"i:'^0^^.% Evanston ladies, who; iiiroa'ln^ parks unesoerted, 4»ews«et The oggle- eyed masher Is about in Bfvanston. it may become the duty of Mayor James Hussell Smart, when he returts front his vacation to-a few weeksf to follow th« footsteps of Mayor Ham- son of Chicago and appoint a few po- lloewomen in Evanston to cope wlta the Situation, if the masher Is not driven from the parks and streets. According to a report made to the Evanston police, two women were insulted In Lake Front park by a well-dressed man about 40 yean old. This Beau Brummel also carried a dickey. He insisted upon annoying the women until it became necessary for them to leave the park. Officer Bernard Murphy was at once detailed and broke all speed limits In getting to the park on a motorcycle. He was unable to locate the masher, However, his trip was not a "water- haul;" as he3returned to the station dragging a large collie dog, which was digging up shrubbery and flowers on the parkway at 410 Davis street Later, James Rood, the owner of the canine, called at the station and took the animal home. "We will keep a sharp lookout for the mMher-now/^aid^CBleT oTFolIce Shaffer. "Of ^ course, It Is diffi- cult for a uniformed policeman to detect this class of pests, who bang around the parks and streets and ah noy women. As soon as they see an officer coming, ttiey make their get- away." __ Ji have at their dls furnished with w veniences. And that this large number of women who 'â- â-  ' * â-  '^ "^ ij?&*i*' - Household accounts subject to amount and * per ee^^JkM^^^ Savings Department. â€" .,......? ..-':'-:---y-'"'xJ^')'ihi. < OSTRICH F GILLISPI GL Ol^Pcathtn 2lfW5n««tan BnHdlrur j)ii'iSiiifpjj;ji;i Evanston Business College A B for any branches, office gives |n exoeilent trsinii TJB^ wich all oomnraroii •oogh drill in every New term opcD»^cptembc^2i Day and Evening W. H. Callow, Prep. ion Buslnof s School^ ANKoonc mwwAUa^imHa - ^ jy. ^mm f ' TlJESDAY,;*r*lfrjWBBfl 2, 1013 v' y^'- Full StMOgrsphic and ComnUfcisl Corses Both Day and Evening :\ MJosij^vsaitos 38Q6 1557 SsetsWt Ave, cot. Grove St., Evasstes /STORM ^ you ma, HAVE â- -•- UHBMBNW, QUOTB STORK MILLWOR ; 30 W. Jackson Blvd.. CL, . fbc(MH«rriw« 2001 â- a nm in 11 â- ...... 1 +mâ€"mmm *t 634 Davis '^SlDOOBpâ„¢ cos^w»irAkB MEAS-- y&jk ' XVt1ri HtffllY KLAUfa â- *-- *JVrlH IWbbaTa Woods, Illuub Li %-m^jL. T*t,nri^ J~ r,„^#SM»SJJW)S»»lt> . WW WWj ****"^ff/', ffi m one, and here, again, people differ. Some 'are able to get along with Six hours of sleep, as did Napoleon, while . SShers feauire nine hours. No fixed, rule can be given, and tha an«stlon must be; settled by each mdividttai. VfU #afWi bOWOTSTr frM^J^'ifr average adult needs from seven to eight hours of sleep, while a younger person needs more. A "tired feeling^ li*!*"- the need of such Improvements in these popular amusement houses, If it be true, as it probably Is, that ', financial greed and not a desire to im- prove conditions for those whose solo amusement Is the moving picture show, the public must consider that the end sometimes Justifies the means and hope for the installatlonof venti- lators. mmm .. THE WORLD HER HEIRS. V Great wealth does not always go with moral excellence and multi-mil- lionaire may not always be a com- plimentary title. As applied to FSAW- cks B. WnxABD by Judge Fmnrr, It Is a tribute of highest praise. ^ As the years go on and the realisa- tion of the ideals towards which Miss Wuxjlbo was striving is attained, the *orld is coming more and ttoro to peroelve the great wealth of courage and goodness which was invested A* the general good and to appreciate that the peoples of all lands are helrs*^ U»e fortune which was poesessed by the woinan who wrought so fatlgabty and so constantly in tteir b*B*lft,:, '^%&- â- â- â-  -'.'* :^'§M" "*""' Httie sle^i of disesao, or of Isjonesa. A most disastrous custom of our day U that of *^ntght hpwkiug,* which is sure to shorten the life of those who pracUce it The human machine must ham ttittt ^^wihttUd wo^ii^ ttsstto, and mimMi^'t^-%i^ym^- rest and sleep must pay^Oe penalty by a weakened boiyv * «»ttwto^»»«, or â- Â£ perlodio -w^MM'M^-^Mk relaxatiott li'ireiry mipm^t^ All tosv slon must be removed from muscle and mind. Ire* ffie mind of all thought of business, of society'or of other ^siir ioun|?* *»â- * «t ^« peaceful sjd restful when attempUag " Bo sure to get enough rest and the best of oonditkat Allow plenty of fresh air in the room-while "iMMfr to keep the body *^*ffi^'£:^ k*$v. - s iiiWi 1 u 1 j 1 mi! â- â- ,.•.! j m*te?W&' ComplAint has oeea nu^e to;^ Bvanston pollee by W. a Brown, 1113 ' msd« by As) poUes and WBUaas .len, ^>eswsj»U, im Washing- atreet. and Fred Davia, M years ssl strewt aid »m wood ar- ._ ftMttd^o he tho guflty:.wW ni^ wsro leetsawd fw« the •M?: You Reside in Wilmette S >:â- : m. ^^rX^ils^i&'-.Oflinnetk*'^Hi^fflkr- IWe Have our own private wire rQmtih& to the 3bc^iti^ti^^i& "use orlour patrons exclusively, â- â- 'â- ^n^ *â- .' -..J :^'h:\1^m;^1K' ' â- i,fe*ftttf;> and jpitneetion is iiis^antiS? iepal^^t|iii rfi Telephone orders reo

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