Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Sep 1913, p. 1

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>lendid North §hdif •Idut^a- ona! Institution » Start Year Under.Most favor- able ConditM>ns,Scipt.15. VE NEW tNSTRUCKWS w „„ Faculty MemberrFromtoiiu* ectionsof Unltd States C^n to Fill Vacancies-F«otNH £lat#»to Be Forflf^ ^ f Hi** The New Trier Townaltfp Jooi will open MitM^««J %H, is somewba*Vtotor than the SoSifig whooto^uttto lata open- â- "Tdue to the fact ,;th*v auar. of i -adents vt^MrttW**** I by opening on a tot* date the en, J enrollment of the nohjgol will etort *time. The contrast between the opening _,i Wl «ad last fall toftwawrkable. ut yew the addition* land catenated the old bnttdtagn nn4 the new â- ttfldtoa were not competed until eJrwn, and schoolwan h$A «»*«* r distressing condition*. This year M* work Is pra^cejly completed __ there wUl be no disturbance froitt me and dirt due to changes In the nfldtog. ': ^$&^&:;% â- ,. .' / pive New inae**eetee<e. -: There will be five new facet in the Volty this year. Mr. C. BumcII nail, Ph. a, of Pfhicctoh university, rjn take the place of MillrfWiabetb L Packer, the assistant principal, who rill be away on a leave of absence for year. Mr. Small is a brilliant young im,•» phi Beta Kappa In Princeton,; ua has had much experience as » Miss Mary C Kin* wUl Ua^e charge Etbe work in the library. New Trier i not had a librarian before and i suffered in conseojuence. Mine fag comes with Tory flue training: the library department of the Una- eratty of Chicago and will be of assistance to all the depart- itS. "'â- ' >V;V '".â- â- *.. afUs Harriet Lee will take the place Miss Emma L. Parka, who was mar- is to Mr. Henry L. Miller in June. ^_ Lee tanght last year In Parsona allege, Fairfield, la., and comes very sjhly recommended, y Miss Christina Snyder will take the of Mrs. Frances B. Strain, re- Haed. Mrs. Strain wfttvkeep house ar her mother in Boaton) this year, (lis 8nyder la a woman of ftoecbar- er and experience. She taught for wal years in a South Carolina high ekool and una recently been doing work in the- University of Uesgo, She ha* studied in Germany summer and wSJ return in time * the opening of achooL Miss Bath Leonard, who will bar* of physical training work for in place of Miss Marian Tartan, . ia a graduate of the TJnlver- of Illtnots, and after her gtudaav taugtat for throe y»ar» in the unl- atter which she became director lex the Y^W. a A. at She has a most excellent per- aad She tfufntag..' i-^^'f';- â- ';. Will Have FnsrbaH Klevea. .-.'.. Maw Trier Jtv to hare a football _*•* for the first time for many frwmjd the boys hare been prnctfcv * end getting: Into ateateTnten for fhe week. The new athliOc field fur- _. r« a place for these to play and m CTrtcago Suburban High School win gtW thssn fuwy< It will be a Ugh* team, •ad aggtunelaey and should gtrc « aeeoes* of iise* before the teerer. _^ The eitfaess of Weir Trier township â- **» fine use of the facilities offered r Can school nat summer. Abnowt II Persous took advantage of the of the umtatortem and the ^^^^,oUy Mlon."m^lQ th6 first sesskm alter the summer racnr tion last night »nd transacted la a t&'-iti&WMi^<*»9' welt; be con- sldered the mojit important piece of business that hu claimed the atten- tion /Ql:'tb^;,jl^ A01* elwttona.A;'^,.,V,A;.i;'!«'v "'.'. Mayor James R. Smart's program for the' creation of a department of public safety went through without a hitch, and Walter C. Hedrich wa» ap- pointed commlisioner, with full authority orer the police, the fire and the health departments of the city. This automatically puts acting Chief Shaffer hack as a captain of police and wUl make ietin« Chief Harrison of the fire department second In com- mand in that Important department of the city's builneaa. It la said by men who know that both Shaffer and Harrison hare proven their worth an officers on the lorce and that they win be of great value and asslataaoa to thestw naavso la to be given the wider authority. / In connection with the appointment of the new commissioner Mayor Smart read the realgnation of Or. S. V. Balderston i> commissioner of health, and announced It had been ac- cepted. In doing so, the mayor said many nice thlngi about the efficiency and the unselfish work of Dr. Balder- ston and, upon motion of Alderman Topliff, a vote of thanks from the council was tendered to him. A petition from the North Shore Transportation company to huild atone < piers into the lake at Davie, Dempater and Main streets. was referred to a apoelaJ committee of five, to be Uter^ appointed by the Mayor. Alderman Topliff, a First ward alderman, whose ward lies along the lake shore, made the motion and increased Attendance Marks Beginning of Sessions in Wit- mette and Wlnnetka Insti- tutions First of Week, SESSIONS ARE EQUALIZED Board of Education in Winnetkt Or- ders Changs in School Hours in Meeting Monday Night to Meet Conditions- ^^if •hnd^J-dreaily ;:»*hef^"^;;«isjalth' ':b>::.;| tor ttie^w i^U «#«ed summer vacation, Justice ition. the Sanfort A- Qomv Gl»no©e*s popular Tburaday, | 'court,' returned home Ia*t Wednea- ible at liday ;&4rV**^::taMt*â- :â- && ________ 1lmette.vil-'bsen;'tor-|ftteer;;ttioj^ Those members of the as-1 genuine restful jMailoh fa Wa oJ Some time ago been made for an outing Trier Commerclaf date decided upon Sept 4, the members to o'clock In front of lage hall. Marked with inereaeed enroUment. the public schools in Wllmette and Wlnnetka opened Monday. Whtte many cynical rhymes and stories have been written about the children who are forced to retttrn to their studies, the north snore schoolboys and girls were all happy that it was time again for the sessions to star*. In each school in Wllmette and Wlnnetka school work was resumed In almost clock-like precliion. While classes were organised on the open- ing day, regular recitation periods and general work did not start until Tuesday. Practically no contusion was experienced in any Institution. Periods Are tuuillaad. Following a meeting of the board of education of Wlnnetka Monday nlght'Ht was ordered that the school periods for the morning and after- noons should be equalised.' instead of forty-nve minute pertoda In fh0 morning session, forty-minute pertoda were ordered. In the afternoon the periods were increased from thirty to morning sociation who are ovfi biles had offered the use for this trip. Promptip machines began to panted by a consisting of two auto bearing a large and meat of refreshments, sisting of more than of Wlnnetka. Kenll and Grosa Faint started annual outing. More of automo. hM'JMUto&- irprobnMjr WiU ; their care months bnfo>e. >he (Oeneoa justice m time tbe â- ; will lwe the entbuaiaim that; has po*. || and acconi.]aeaaed hto bonceml«|tha«»^ WW department, | mer vacation, and frienda lhrten at* Ivery^ota tentlveir to his maaf a«orIea^>f atV oonalgn-' venture and imott n* swpertenoe* party, con-. while «a*ln« and Wntteg 1>acat $. aerehanm Vermont-* , '::â- â- â- . Wllmette I ^^ltoat .'of ;th|^:a^n^er-nMmthi,w«rf their diet J wrnaed br Justice OoW with his^ wife, a dosen in and ttear Chelsea and Moatpelier, annual ouung. .:sueiw ,?f»» » ww"'^---^ TTWl~7 --ZjIZ "^^,:;,^v t*m , v;y: machinal bedecked w&lTllew Warj-ttâ-  V*"^ ^^^SL^^ii^l Ccnunercial AtnaeiaUlbn ^nmwrcwa ane9Ui«^|M. m** to apendlmi the time thaj^ '*S*' â- ^^**^*nJ^tâ„¢&^-^ ft^«l>i^:a1»^ the drat -a|p» â- wag ••â- .Pipe •»â-  **r«m ^«^ with ui isrM PcinV wherHhe a^riCS* *>!lWd by «m* «** ** «£* the local members end ftom hern oon- tinued north through Wfnnetha, Hub- _^ of friends who'whhed fur am frtartW to hint It. ' ban onlr saemed a: few nhort weeka. ^TLI^T ^'^^-^TTZI Z^,< Aoiwdtoat to ioini of the ftah' ^4?^rl5!S^I^ t# tw Mr. Oota, lug theee rUlagee m.m **J£im li>*tost with •m***-:-*:*#%' tinned through the oaen ^^^*\^^S^.\iimmi!r» tame «oa> touchtog Shennwfv^ Here a ahady a*ovu about two miles ^^ ^ experienwd with laany •mttb ^i^iJ«i*~^2IIi*S trout and other place! aw«*tea found coffee and sandwiches1*&*£+J*r only in the New Bngland atreama oar old oaks and elms on the bankgof j^ â„¢'T â-  4 4he Des Plalnes river. The merchants certainly were a hard-working bunch IIB^iii^ .... be found :&,w^;,!m*&g& »»4 full detafla of the ,^a«*Jt â- *&&* the moat:'^mi':9im^0V^;M^ Vbi eirueiiudtorlil^ â- S5fe:.:/;:,a*V;:.a^ %tiM!-'$kli!t.,,... t^lMut eaae eeart of cost to yon- v to-rta^>iii^ ^shavlf of tarns* newapaaara ta SSpbgsa^^iw^^^^ me i«w wMnnv, «•«.» â€"---------------- thirty-flve minutes. Ike «*v»»r-B' wttl probably be made chairman of I ^^ w||, ,tort from ncrfr on at tbe special conimHtoa. ; - ^ |g.w o'clock and close at U:JO o'clock. ,_ Thli wilLalVP the ch««)rfltt«t«i min- utes more time at the noon Jnterntfa- sion which is necessary for many of those who reside In too extreme boundaries of the village. The dla- tanee covered by scorei at pupils made thla arrangement toporatlve. The afternoon sesstoni will con- vene at 1:20 o'clock and dfcsanlss at 3:40 o'clock. This makei Ham aftor- noon session longer i^an heretofore but eonalizoa it with ^the morning. 975 enrolled In Wlnnetka. Superintendent B. N. Rlaodes, the new head of the Wlnnetka aotoooU, is wett pleased with the enootuaglng start of the village initltutlons of learning. A total of 671 piapin **• enrolled In the three schools In Wln- netka diatrtet. The Horace Mann school leads with an enrollsaent of 4»6 pupils. At the Oreeley aehoct Hfty children are In classes wnlle the Columbia school la Hubtard Woods, under the direction of Mrs. Jflllott, has thirty pupils. In the Wllmette schools Superin- tendent J. k Harpm* waa not pre- pered to atata the oxact enrollment. However he was sure that an in- crease, had been made over that of test years' attendance. The new equipment for the new anaanl train- ing section in die Wllmette aehooas will be placed la about two weeks. tor a^whue devourgg thf «^i« WINNETKA TEAMSTER JS'jr%^r« RUED $30 AND COSTS Niles and a^aaeton and^wlth the e* V"w^" tire arrt>redf'^S?| 868865 Heavy Fine Agalnat mmmrnnm HAVE MISFORTUNES Messrs. Renneckar, Schaefer and Ward Suffer Accidents, Neither Are Badly Hurt, Three wett known Wllmette busl- nesa men have eai^rienced acclde&tr during the last week but lucUly none of fhem hat anffered serious injury. The trio la composed of Q. K. Benneckar, dnggiat; Mr. Ward, grocer, and Joseph H. Schaefer, bank cashier. Mr. Kenneckar vaa badly brnued in an automobile collision a week ago when a stranger driving a targs toartng ear crashed into a machine fa which he, waa rioln*. For several days last week be was forced to re- main at hip hoeue. but to now able to be at his store. Mr. Sohgafer Hkerlse waa a victim of an ante accident However he was not Injured. Has car waa badly smashed when he ran Into a dellrery wagon because a itopW delivery boy turned abruptly t» ha wag turning out t» paaa Man. the accident hap- pened at night and it le said that the delivery wagon did not carry a light. Orocar Ward'e tajarr prahabiy Is tbe moat paiafal of the three. Hem forced to hobble about on erntehaa, the result of a awa» lock on the right limb by am obstreoeroue hone- At first It was thooght that the nab wu broken. *â- â- â- â- Â»â- " â- â€¢â€¢ ' " '"' ~ '- â- " ' COatbtiTTlE NAUKSV PrasWent Niahola of the Bvanstoo Mblic unrary board baa appointed a commit^ to draw op a suitable n tation in tuanmondatjoti ««the a*rviefB of Wirt It HuafBhrey aaad Oaarlas ft Coma, who recently retired froja the board at tea*eap*ra«on of fhetr tarns. The e^mmlttes conilst* of^otr^^ Thompson, & K ^al^affb|d aM5 f>. If.' Certwrlght. #': -: â- â- :â- â- â€¢;- ?;â- â- ;! ,Cy° ."vfe «*ery day- of the week and two m aadttm peel was nfiedprae- aH the ttme. Mr. and Mrs- «boba4 charge ©f this work, ***uderepatfaiioaa forthauasslvaa Ma eWMvund swy>)»ila*ara. ^;:s>t^::af- ^Vandetokeep thepe . maAwawa Iho^tsrla eeption of one . home safe about 1 o'caock. Ptary. body waa greatly pleased with the suc- cess of the outing, and Jf plana are carried out next year will sea all members with their lamjlies and all employes enjor ah entire,day In the woods. . ".â- 'â- â-  %f«^'- The increaelng nien|fafadtfp of the •4«odatlon la a. awoof faf lu» popular- ity and beneSt, no* onlr to its niim- bera, but also to their patrons of the gyrtem of cooperation. At the next meeting Mr. Jos. A. Teake of the Co- operative company of Wlnnetka will of "Co-opera- Mm m mm •eeak on the subject tlon.' HARVEST FESTIVAL TO Because he lost his temper and a* •aulted Arthur Sklthd, a feebte-mind- sd hew who was using has stack of b»y aa *'grand stand aeat to witness a villaie oasehall game, albert V. Barta, » Wlnnetka teaanster, waa Aaed m sad costs br Police Magis- trate Ciriton Front* hfr Wlnnetka, Friday evening. Ths naao was inv mm ,:Trtsw.aStSJtaa^ ;<tii^ -ar ^ AJ>1>RM8S. posed following a hairlne; in which ^j^ shmehaa baa been practically POTTAI. iNVtSTIttATIOfl Some miscreant nlled^e naafl box on the premises of John fannteaV 1TI Oreen Bay road, Oiancoa, witm^gar- mage a few days ago; ataatsfr tttend- to^ tt as a |e*a Mr. P^auOng has re- ported the matter to the postal authorities and em toveetlgatno" Â¥ being coadacted. BiR Pageant at Ravlnla Park Friday and Saturday, Bverything ta in readinessrfor ih» Harres* Festival of All Nations, which wiU be given at Ravlnla perk tomor- row evening and Saturday afUrnoon and ereattng. Large crowda are e* psotad to attead the |isgsa»t U favor- able weatha* prevaila. Dress rehearsals have bean conduct- mm Bvanstoo -fjaally^ *iWo. <#****!****. mall the event by ifa* 4^ aMat worthy and atmsfotja jgsluaeiilpttoa caopaigoa ever cottdwoted ta tale vi- ed at the park tats..... .ection of the entertainment, which includes the fofk dances and other pleasing features an esplalaed to teat week's Issue of The Lake Shore News, are weH nigh perfect. One of the vn*T "*** Witt be that of tbe tittle fsirtsa inapsrsnnatsd by dtUdraa. Vawaoas 4mm win be gtven by the children ia this fourth part of the pageant. The climax of the festival will be the busking boa seeae. an which many of the older faft of the north shore wm take part Bfany of the e«dfaah- loned dances win be given. g^Teral wttnesses, teclttdlng children, to tha affray, told of the brutal man- ner in which Barta attacked the «k- Und youth with a neaty cane. The caee eaused aoaaldorable ooav mant ta the Tillage aid the outcome waa witched with gnat inter* estr-sV-wean' ago last Sanday Berts caught the anklind boy eeated on the top of a small stack of nay belong- ing to the former. The hay stack was near the baseball diamond. He declares be ordered lata* to leave the stack and when the youth re- fused, a fight followei 4aw*etal wit- nesses teattnod that Barta struck Ba> Und three times with a hoary cane. Kkttnd was to court and ahowed an ugly scalp wound mfllctod by the Wows from Boris's cane. Attorney Bate prosomtod the case. Barta waa taut represented by eoua- ssL He admitted strfttng amhnd but denied hltthag him with a awaaty caae. Bacaaie of the feeble oonditJon of the aWnd boya' aaind, naany persons WJnmethn ceaeured Barta far has ieweral sugiested that ho should tare been Oaed glfd. • fo,g(>tte« to plaaaing the greo* offer •m it ta witii to um '***•,* p»ldeaa^faala<aasnrw juSeent proposition te presented to Twenty «ra«d rrbmo Otvca1^ Tb» Kvanston laaTy Hews and The esrlptkm enmpalgB odfar a t*tsi of twenty amlemdld a»d desirable prises. oostlns nundJwda of enters, abaoente- ly free to thehr aw^rotJ*"^^^^^^ The wmnvm flit of iwlsai wall ha beaded by two 1»1« ger fully oo^pped Ford Besides these avutomobfles there wW be elghtoen Qthsf piiM>^ M tateaa Ws^ioan aa^ Two Autemahllsa j ...___if -;e»»flseiW^ Dswaampawhaabeeaattvidedfa)sotwa; ricts. &&â- **&*' m^^mm «ai-:;|v wfa :m^;^:,*tf^M gvanatos One tltmfc dja^a**^^-:"'^^^^^^^^^ .,..., Bsstrict Ma t prtB laaluaw taa wna ; ' of - wTlssattsi ; n5anaiworth> WTirnafra, Oteaeaa, J^iluit-^^t^mV:: Highland r^rk. Lake ':fhipg:^Ani.. orosw Potet 6m>::Pmmmmm*^&*: „>ue ether prlasa w«^«l«alii«^lfc: thU dietrtet. .'â-  â- >. ^'.^^v'^'^;:^. By grring .tu^,Mlasnotatsta^-;twf;'- jm *-v^nm:"*™»**m::M:i rtterr mf m**m â-  â- *0m#m3&;. to* In the saaaner towns WIB ant be foreod to mm. "â- T^v- Test" Two ""••••♦,; •llao' LAlHBtr AID MfsTTINO. A aMttansT of the Ladtee' Aid so- vloty of the Wllmette wioopregatlonal church to WBaaette win bo held fW- day, sjsptaWBBor If, to two church. Umcbeoo wUl be serred at All naembauw are waved to used every day. Tbe clothing, awto- mlag awlla, ated sawete are dmafec^ od, washed and dried n*d returned to the tadlrldnal v*fa *«mh eatiaiie eare la deeaned aadvieabiey ff not ae> to numan the spares* of oas- C*lala.olWwia«l ti^si* at Bar- N NATION B1AN GOOD TIm Evajuton Dairy Newsâ€"The Lake Shore Newt CRAND AUTOMOBILE CONTEST :^Tne Coetere PseeruMia. oasVl '% , Please enroll thin aaano ia yonr1 i iMeifcatwaaiasa Ittaneta, - Iviawhow to wiaon* of the automobilee. .......i#f«^.v«yr«-tCHfa^*t*. Th. *wa«eton Oally Wowa Uin isaora laowa TM« gVAWtTD«I>Ala.V m^T^f-^m^ _ , j, •«•.« »•#.»• Tismp ::W]aaaa â-  • 4« ^»Y»*5»jieiO^B/ weaaa • '^'Vateg. s , .S4.7S.,. w Tltma S4« Out â-¼*• One pwar's seawlptlefi. Threa ««f..y»;i»;.f *:« wtB be gJvea away to these who b> teawat tlaeametves hi tlae bahalf at Nemo. 3^531 ,.i*sf- #**^^ ktnkmilawa^^ lite oanoa % Msjak wtTJ eonnt to* > rotes for an j eoadklate. TlUont tmimf;, Septeanber 16,) Tbe prises wall go to tbese who secure the greateot nnaa- ber o( votes la the oosatoat whtah aw- gfna bow. i';?,i;jAL. . Ueosesfly Usarsaf Ot*r. Joit think of It^uaadreds of doa- ters la prims hvludang two some aatoeoobflee for n few: effort datrtng your spare Imagioe too gtoraooe good times that would bo yours iriMb ;a haudaome touriog «ar alwaya at your sorttee. Who has not psetoret hlmaalf to the wadset nights of maglmfkm, seated at 4» wheel a^ fc e*1anu*r towday car, vttsi a aaerrr psoty ef Jovial friends, atUdteg otir Ml and dale,4 here, there and ateij wheis, eajoy- le tug all th* lamurlsa of tie raan, and kartaf fJae tattefaotlom of kawwhag mat tbe eaotor wMeh ten la drtvtag » hte own. this 1»« for ate Srat |?aad (orefront veil ae the TJatted States; Ilia iiiaasgsmaiil kaowa that the ctpecnts of the cata wBJ ha net ouary when tbey reeerre them, bat l« thw years and yearn that are to eoaue. The two tearing cava hava al- riadr ewen pnwhaaad and wB tjt, yltcest en eaWbtttoe hi. a tw^^daf*. m â-  Ttee Is Veaw'-ttesmeteJSdtev^g ' Tneea leg tcortag cars wtB go to Da two uontestanta who receive eaWfwemamssjap goas of the twodhv arte* uislien tie aulisaahflaa ;Ji|; taeoe flffte wttl be gtvaa pea wttaeat the asjaoaHuts of â€" â€"»*- - :- <^- ^v l*£Mi

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