^u^^M^iip^iiiM WSKmmMmKmmmm^m^ ,^B%.,«;v i;"-(L TH1 WJahw 6«oia Tff ' .ii â- 'â- gfaii-'iiri " â- â- •â- 'â- •â- •••â- 'â- â- •"â- â- Cbt £afct $bore fttwi PUBU8HBD BVBRT THURSDAY â- »r â- THE BOWMAN PUBLISHING CO 620 Davis Street, Evanston. Albert H. Bowman . Arthur Roberts . . James Leonard Lee Managing Editor Associate Editor .. . City Editor SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, |2 A YEAR All matter for publication la any week's Issue should reach our cflBee not later than noon on Monday. Entered as second-class matter Jon* 28, 1911, at the postofflce at Evgoaton, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. THUR8DAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1913 DINGER POINTS: There are two streets in Cranston "which are more or leas appropriated by speedy drivers of automobile*. West Railroad avenue and Chicago avenue. Danger points on the former are fairly obvious and as well pro- vided for as Is possible witb the ex- istent type of viaduct. In fact, little can be done to improve conditions) there except the reconstruction of the abutments of the viaducts and the close attention of the police mounted on motorcycles. On Chicago avenue conditions are different. It crosses Davis street, the busiest thoroughfare In the city, at a point which Is more likely to be con- gested than any other place In the city. The crossing, too, is an lmpor« tint one for pedestrians, being, as It Is, the portal to the business and shop- ping district. Children are especially likely to be found there because of the several shops in the block be- tween Chicago and Sherman avenues Which offer for sale articles particu- larly attractive to the little folk. It is necessary to keep watch but a very few minutes at the corner la question to see more than one narrow escape from Injury from the automo- nitor electric which m ever roundlof ? one of the oornsrs made by ChleafO avenue end Davis street. Driving far too rapidly for safety to persona or vehicles emerging from cross street!, ||| aMa» often than not automobUlsta «n | Chleago avenue take the corner at I Davis street with a short turn, fre ^V*ihUy' on the wrong aide' of the /street The danger .of collision with |pn|«roaching pedestrians or vehicles ii ^apparent. The obligation of the city p^to provide tome protection to its eltl* -iff***"*,*»:«Wally obvious. : Ep :';The: simplest and the best course Pfby ^ich to control the traffic at this ||P<>*»»t J* we believe, the establishment gin the center of the crossing of a red l^^ght each as are in use on the bottle-. ||faipdi of Chicago. It would be well, ||pi^«Je« believe, to take this precau- :'^§^,^-^amrt we n*ve *ome curious or ^f^W *<"*M«nt, the blame for which 'â- 'â- fw&:jm,- partially, at least, on the â- • â- %'*!&'rather than' after. r'^^lA-f â- â- '• m * * }J'0J&n?lA?8 8VOOE8BFVL 8BABQN. All during the season at Ravinia ?$&.â- &* prospect of success has been " Inlght, *«»t It was not until the close of the engagement Sunday night that thoat the extent of that success was aacer* talned. The summer's entertainment , to this beautiful amusement park has Jl^o*: entirely tatlsfacrory to the thou- W|aan4a of people from Chicago and the towna along the north shore who have •^allfed Uemselves of the privilege of an evening or afternoon in air aaar *e lake **& ot «tartoined at the same time by of nnsaiaaseed evoeiience. V^^-'li^';ytmA with a tor plfseursble siiibmiihih *«t with a ftnanelal denelt wMah mw nmst «aeoaragin« to the â- sansgeaent who had planned the at- ^ttmetiena, The year's flaa«ual siieoess aw Meoa^panlsd the gratlaeaUon felt .s**tk ;«i; ekajsjetsr *( &• entertain. * men* ai* the aMatisara eC the commit of taetr lakor and enthwjtajtfe about :^v;«WffM aaere artlHiM |san» for next l^pi^jf""'"'*"'""""s"'"'"""'""' -:"^"-:' great advantage whiah liisilisjiliii aiiis â- â- ........... i^mm^m lag the season which has Just closed, an asset which will hold over for seasons yet to come and In* sure the continuance of the open air concerts in which lovers of good music may be pleasantly entertained and, perhaps It Is not too much to hope, young people may develop a prefer- ence for' the best in music and lose their regard for the bad. * * * THE WOMEN TOTE. The usual light vote was cast in Saturday's school election in Etv- anston, but fortunately the result was favorable rather than ad- verse to the Issuing of bonds for the building of the new school at Oakton street and Ridge avenue. Of a total of fifty-three, forty-eeven votes were-"yes." Twenty-three women em- braced this, their first opportunity to exercise the ballot, only three of whom | were opposed to the bond Issue. That twenty-three women took the trouble to appear at the polls on a matter which apparently has created so little discussion or enthusiasm among the men, promises well for the interest which they and their sisters will evince in the political affairs of the city when elections aro at hand in which issues are Involved which appeal more strongly to the whole j body of Evanston citizens than ques- tions of securing funds for schools. The lack of Interest shown by both men and women in Saturday's elec- tion probably grew out of the assur- ance that each voter felt that every- one was In favor of the bond Issue and that there was no necessity for him to concern himself with the election. • t The real trial of the Evanston wom- en's part in the city affairs will only develop when there comes before them a matter of serious moral Importance. BEGGING AFTER ALL. Members of an association working In the interests of a home for work- lug girls are resorting to a "pencil day" by which to raise funds for the cause in which they are Interested. Of course, everyone uses pencils In greater or lew quantity, and for that reason the enforced purchasing of the wares of the temporary street vendor te to be preferred to its sister evtt, tag day. Both, however, are to be decried for many good reasons, chief among which la the making of public beggars et attractive young girls, whose per- sonal charm, in many instances, la re- lied upon to secure purchasers for the objects they have for sale. In our opinion, if the necessity war* rants such an extremity, it would be far better to emulate the Salvation Army lassie and make no attempt to hide the fact that the public is being asked for money which it haa failed to give freely for the evident worth of the cause. * * * PETB AND DI8EA8E. Education In the matter of the transmission of disease from one ha* being to another la steadily (rowing in its proportion*. Every ef- fort is being made to extend the knowledge of the nature of Infectious tad contagious diseases and the mesne of controlling and avoiding^ LtAVK BOON FOR SCHOOL. Misses Katharine Howard, Beatrice King, Leota Hamilton, Mary Andrews, Phtlomena Becker and Dorothy Brown are a few of the Glencoe young women, who are preparing again to enter 'college this fall. Hiss Howard will attend Berkeley college, Miss King, Stout college, Miss Ham- ilton, Chicago school of music, Miss Andrews, Northwestern, and Misses Becker and Brown, Ely school in Greenwich, Conn. One Kind of success. Success is merely a continuous per- formance of small deeds well done. HUNTER returned Just Africa < beau ti Mil five rate Woui caa#fcfimrni WOUl( Al/re'ss Hunter, Lake Sljfre News. Sunday 10 to IS a. m. __>ur§, 9:80 ' Wadnefdar, 1 Phone Central 82W RRELL 'ODIST ,JIALI8T to foot CHICAGO P. O. Box 72- KonUworth, III. m R. Wilson Builder and #obbBj*e~fardwood Floors, SBx>rm Sash, and Shingling my Specialties. Phone Keailworth 1146 f£? WB AtB MAKING Ladles'Tallof-Majde 5 suite fr>: fM3 Beat Mmm Cntnt 819 r" CHICAGO trtln Prices Plctse Everybody Complete Funeral â€" Casket, Ea- belmJag and Serviceâ€"Hearse and Carriage to any cemetery f 6S.00. Too much emphasis cannot be placed upon this important part of wrk in the public schools, nor too treat precaution insisted upon by health commissioners in the attempt :to eradicate epidemics.' . ^p: â- /,â- ;'r,. Incorporated with the teaching, however, there should be Use ability o! domestic animals to carry infection from the sick to the well Individual. ant ***» consequent danger which the est or dog which haa come In contact wWl •* btf6rt*<l »**»» 'â- *•: fBflwdy, 1 'eVary eltisen of Branston w„. aolmbnsd with civic pride aa to emu- 1*4* the example of Wamwa Bonn, croestoB watchman, for the Northwest- ern Berated end beautify his sur- WWBtoBi to the Tory beat of hia abu- tty, tto condition of srraniton might parts of IN ANY We eoad«B* fnrnerala in the city and su No extra cbarge for distance Cells answered immediately WEIMESCHKIRCH 906 Mala St. t»i. toea Evattatoa )JES CAN BE WELL DRESSED AT SMALL EXPENSE It is good economy to wear we: They always look well and * * And give yo#fifouaT'selection ^ materials atro J^Jrfamings. Spe Siyen to each customlr. Many years* esigning enables ny to five eac|i style best suitedstppBer individuality. HJNAKUTIN gaoirg- gaito TELEPHONE 238 808 DEMPSTER STREET To insure the appetite, the food digestion and the health, buy all your fresh meats, smoked meats, lard, sausage, fresh fish, oysters, butter and egg's FROM PALACE GASH MEAT MARKET 1559 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, 111. Wm. J. Bell/ Manager ials for Thursday, Frid urday, September f" Rib Roast Beef, lb. r _^oa8t, Native Chuck. ^.. ndquarter Spri|g Lamb___ bton utti ive beef..... and tender.. tra choice... lef.......... Legs of You Pork Shoul<" Fresh Pork Sirloin Stea_, _. Round Steak, ju Flank Steaks, e Rump Corned I California Hani, 5 to 7 lbs. average. Badger Bacon, §y the strip......... Peacock Back Bacon, by the strip.. Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese...... Country Roll Butterine, 20c lb., 2 lbs. Fin©' Creamery Butter, 1 lb. prints... Milwaukee Frankfurts, large........ Canned Salmon, 15c can, 6 for./..,... Canaed Salmon, 18c can, 6 for................„^^ Canned Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, and Kidney Beans, extra good quality, 12ic can, 8 cans....... 35c Pennsylvania Gil Cl of *t OF EVANS Oils, Steamer isse, Wagon Soap, Igyp W Oils, Val. , Dixon's Ore; WE SELL (-Fluid Oils, . , Brass and Colored W, ___ENTSFORTHB . Albany Grease, Cook's Graphite Greases ----" Telephone 1391 933 Sherman Al TBOWS YOU WILL RAVB COlOTOBT ^ DRBMEKT8. QUOTE PB3CB, rORK MILLWORK ao W. Jackson Blvd.. Chicago _Pboiw Harrison 2051 We are manufai and goake 1 â- §% e Dresses, •iiJhS nother lot of those sterling valye dresses that we offered earlier in the year. The colors and styles have been changed to fit the season. This new lot consists of Stripe, Check and Plain Blue that are tastily made in the new Falj styles. Your size doubt, and the unusual value in pvery garment should in for future needs. The New Sweater Coats are being received daily, v One of the most desirable styles is;theâ€" Endurance Norfolk Belted Sweater Coat _ two FOR WOMEN 604 MASONIC TCMPLX JF&r School Wear These excellent stock* ings for boys and girls are made in various weights and ribs. Linen Heelsy Toes U and Soles. j where the wear comes. made in navy, white, I a^^rir; L ^ » rr,a« crrav *kaa :?*f*^^W^'^.-«V reds/If ray. eelWfeBliBB.BsnB^ilB^ The is CO. 'ia^M' * m:m 1 Kaaoaa jadge, in o^enalag the premst atyie ia womene oreae. says Ja»,:ia: wttemher when it waa an* a^«i Bor a woaaan to arranga kf*' &Qm$&% mwwr that woqJ4 •»»» wz*g^m>^^;*&miie.......' the jaJaa* We eutaialy ' at 8.50 andgirlt^. I^air Light Weight tor Girls. Misses* Endurance Stockings Union Suits Made lfi^ll shapes silk |Stitch^d edges and||sizes that run l^Rar|<Jla^ge. «^r^rikle length, short l>r i no sleeves, high Or low neck. " f||For:^^ ^â- Cio^^$i^^:&^ of ^h^^00fw€^t that; gives better satisfac- '" " â- 'â- "â- â- ^^â- â- â- â- â- â- :--.1