Thus far nearly all that has been done by the majority of the contestants in the big race is the col- lecting of the 25-vote coupons that appear in every issue of the News. In the way of subscriptions and renewals (which count up in votes much faster than the 25-vote coupons) about all that has been done is the receiving of promises of subscriptions "later on in the race." To assist the contest- ants in the collecting of these promises now, the following BIG BONUS OFFER is made. 400,@OT Extra Votes f REE In addition to those given regularly, will be given with every club of twenty dol- lars' worth of subscriptions, turned into the office of the Contest Management before Saturday Evening, October 4, 10 O'clock DnApr^frinri Four hundred thousand votes with every club of twenty dollars' worth of sub- u,wp' OM*#*t* scriptions, in addition to votes given regularly on each individual subscription THIS 400,000 OFFER CLOSES PROMPTLY AT 10 O'CLOCK This 400,000 Extra Vote Bonus Offer is positively the biggest vote offer of any kind of the entire eon- test. It is made to assist you in collecting your promises of subscriptions "later on" in the race. Make it do this for YOU. DO NOT WAIT, however, until you have your entire club of twenty dollars' worth of subscriptions before turning tliem inâ€"bring them to the office as fast as you receive them. XU A RMTAffZf The PresejQt regular vote schedule will be cut down WW ^LAYll AAVKJi greatly at the close of this 400,000 VOTE OFFER 7n +ht> PllhlJr" If y°uare contemplating giving one of the contestants a subscription and thus help A %J M& A UUWis. him on the road to victory, GIVE IT TO HIM WHILE THIS BIG 400,000 VOTE OFFER IS IN EFFECT, SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL NEVER COUNT FOE AS MANY VOTES AGAIN. (Inn/tJ/lntPQ ^° mat^r Vrhat your present standing may be, you can win this contestin the nextlO v^i*f mc-vtu^CO days with the assistance of this mammoth extra vote offer. If you haven't done so already, send in your nomination blank immediately and win while the big 400,000 vote offer is in effect For any further information, inquiries, suggestions, etc^ call on, phone or address The Contest Department at the Lake Shore News 3gfy^^jfe|||^ #>f ! H 1.1 % I â- '>>>M !â- ':. ^jM^M^ji^^SSm^M&M^^Ss^^^Mi^^i^ii mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm '!!â- â- fflW*'*â- P, ^mv^tm&msizimzemmisimmmmx,* T^>m\ g:j