Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Sep 1913, p. 2

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immwwim tHIIIIIIIIHIIIIM What People Are Ooingi Hasen Patterson is on a tea days' trip in the sootbern states. Mrs. Perclval N. Cutler, 1016 Asto- und avenue, Is in Quebec for a abort «tay. Mrs. T. 8. Williams, of Greenwood avtrnu*. entertained at bridge Friday afternoon. Mies Louise Barrow, 230 Laurel ave- nue, la enjoying a vlalt at Excelsior Springs, Mo. Hrs. Burton Holmes, 600 Lake ave- nue left last week for a few weeks' Tliit in Buffalo, N. Y. or more members of the Oultnette country club 8«turday evening- Tbe guests were ushered from one table to another wblle tbe six or eight hos- ', J teases remained In charge of their ta- bles. Following the novel feast, dancing and music was enjoyed. Mr. A. U Bice has gone east to meet Mr*. Bice. They will return next week. Mrs. J. J. Kelly, 527 Central avenue, met with a misfortune last week when sbe fell and broke her wrist WILMETTE NURSE IS HELD AFTER ROW Accused of Trespassing and CarryingConcealed Weapons as Result of "Cuts." Mrs. B. F. Brown, 606 Washington! Jnue. left Wednesday for New York bridge party Monday afternoon at: tto f J,«..,i,'., -««v Chicago Athletic club In honor of Miss for a months stay. | who u iQ ^ mxM Percy Andrews, 411* Misa Jessie Patterson of Warren- Mr and Mrs. J. Gosgood, 521 Cen-. vllle, a nurse, was prepared today to tral avenue, are receiving congratula-1 prove that she Is not guilty of tres- tions over the arrival of a baby girl, j pass, malicious mischief or of carry- Mrs J T. Mills and son, Claude, of; ing a concealed weapon. The charges Marble Rock. la., are visiting at the! were made by William J. Manning of home of Mrs. E. J. Mann, 1152 Central j the same village. He vas seconded by arenue - j his son Ralph, who is attorney, police Mrs. J. Parker Gowlng aid Miss j magistrate and postmaster of the vU- Hortense Gowlag gave a luncheon and lage Mr. and Mrs L«ke avenue, are in Canada on an extended automobile trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Oatbercoal, 1538 Forest avenue, have returned from a visit at Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn- Edward Yunkers, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Yunkers, 911 Sheridan road, is 111 with scarlet fever. Mr. Robert Williams, 919 Central avenue, left last Monday for Ken- tucky, where be will enter a military Institute. Lattghlin McLean and Stanley Pierce left last week for Champaign, where they will enter the University of Illinois. Mr, and Mrs. George E. Cole, 911 Greenwood avenue, are enjoying a stay at St Joseph, Mich., for a few weelu, Mr, and Mrs. H. S. B. Gooding of Vinegar Bend, Ala^ arrived in Wll- mette last week for an extensive visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Dibble, 630 Lake avenue. Mn. Andrew J. Woodcock, 934 Sheridan road, was hostess to mem- bers of the "Pot Luck" club In ner home Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John DanLoan and family, of Edgewater, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Burnett, 623 Cen- tral arenue, last Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. B. Jackson Casse en- tertained a number of friends at a popular dinner-dance In the Outlmette country club last Tuesday evening. Mist Marian Roberts has returned ^f£P to nei home u Wllmette after an ex- W^vtlwW'SUjr to Arizona, where she en- |j ft- Joyed ranch life for several weeks. â- Mk Mr, and Mrs. B. C. Hardenbrook and Saturday. Twenty-five members of the Pi Beta At one time Mr. Manning, his wife and son, boarded at the Patterson home. Trouble followed when they left, so Mr. Manning charged- He said that Miss Patterson cut through seven Phi sorority of the Northwestern uni-j strands of barb wire fence in her de- versity were entertained by Misses termination to cross through a lot he Agnes Cunneen, 731 Ashland avenue, j owns, and that she carried a weapon, and Lynne Smith, 1325 Greenwood I presumably a revolver, avenue, Tuewlay. The young women Otto. florlsU 91? WIDow Maudes it Mars! aiff surveyors, 508 Bosfitt lb Wylie nta/T concrete cons Annex.â€"Advt, CHURCH BULLETIN were entertained at luncheon in Miss Smith's home and at dinner with Miss Cunneen as hostess In her home in Ashland avenue. LOCAL PHYSICIANS TO ATTEND CONFERENCE The nurse furnished 1200 bond be- fore Police Magistrate F. E. Herrick of Wheaton and then left to attend a "case" at Wllmette. Evanston Will Be Represented at Meeting for Prevention of luberculosis. ;|Ss children have just returned to their t^ home, 1101 Forest avenue, from an an- J; tomoblle trip through Wisconsin. |/| Miss Sva Blake, 921 Tenth street, ^{.arrived home last week from Ply- i^ mouth, III., where she has been vlslt- :!;0< lag for tbe last three months. Ka Members of the Woman's Foreign ^Missionary society of tbe Wllmette fv' Methodist church were entertained by ^; Mrs, William Hopp, 910 Chestnut 'l% street, Thursday afternoon. fjk: Mrs. Louis A. Clark, 716 Lake ave- nue, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. _";. Samuel Harris, of Chicago, Is enjoy- Hiding a pieasant automobile trip through the east ; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. D. Brad- |; ley, son and daughter, arrived home i Tuesday from Ephralm, Mich, after I a six weeks' stay during the hay fever season. They reside at 1104 Forest â- â- â-  igtvenue. fc W^Mt. and Mrs. S. T. Lewis, 900 Cen- tUtral avenue, have announced the en- gagement of their daughter. Miss Ala- meda Lewi*, to Raymond Alexander Wh«eloek of Wllmette. The date of the nuptial* has not been announced. Mrs. B. M. Stafford, 936 Sheridan road, entertained the several members of the second division of the Ladies' Aid society of the Wllmette Methodist church la her home last Tuesday afternoon. I^JMr, andMrs. George Balrd and Mr. :$ad' Mrt. C WL Wdrthlngton are en- joyims a trip in the east. They left for Boston last week. From there tfeey will motor through the White TOWtnts^ and other places of inter- est* ,. An enjoyable evening was spent by ^members of the Ladies' Aid society their friends of the Methodist church Friday night In a birthday i§. la the church. A splendid Pflitersry and musical program was 'plgivsa, | Mr. and Mrs. Jub»n C. 8mlth, 826 ; Oreenwood avenne, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles W, Braithwaite, 906 Green- | wood' avenue, are enjoying an extend- ed automobile trip through the east* s^ s^stea They expect to return about October 10. i-;;/Mors.than one nundred persons en* Jsyed the DJosical* given, by Mrs, ' prmao Blithe flanlth at the Woman's dab Taursdir evening. Sbe Is a tal- entsd mssUttt and her many WU- auette frJsn* am soslng .that other; The Illinois State Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis will hold Its annual meeting in connection with tbe meeting of the Illinois State Conference of Charities at Rockford, Monday, October 13. Tbe Evanston Tuberculosis institute probably will be represented by several local physi- cians, but so far no one has declared bis positive Intention of attending. The program of the meeting is as follows: Luncheon at the Elks club, 12:30 p. m. Business meeting, 2 p. m. Call to order and address by the president, Dr. Win. Evans. Report of the state secretary, Mr. James Minnick. Report of tie extension secretary, Miss Harriet Fulmer. Reports from tbe secretaries of the affiliated societies. New business. Affiliation of new societies. . Election of officers. General discussionâ€"3 p. m. Sub- ject for discussion, "Some Needs of the Tuberculosis Movement in Illi- nois." (1) Suggested changes In the coun- ty law. (2) What is tbe best to do In the sparsely settled counties of the state. (3) Form of organization In the more thickly pdpulaied counties..____ (4) Program of work for cities of from 10,000 to 60,000 inhabitants. All persons In the state of Illinois who are Interested in the tuberculosis movement are invited to attend this meeting. ON THE LOOKOUT. The Evanston police have been asked by the authorities at the state hospital for the insane at Kankakee to be on the lookout for Harry Shaw, an escaped patient Shaw escaped about two weeks ago from the insti- tution and no trace baa been found of him. He Is described as 47 years old, weight 160 pounds, and dressed in dark clothing. Leading Merchants on the North Shore The following advertisers on the Home Builders' page, which appears once a month, are good Amis to trade with, and invite your patronage: / Wllmette. fe^Tinger & cole, building avenue/' vj*J Edmund meata^rtft Cen Brethold, Railroi Shore estate** L termlnaL iJPTA. Price, vi Sreenteaf avenue. kJpfiming'B pha: ssmdy^etc., Wilme avensles. JJrilmette Fruit iome-made candy, etc^stl WWmetf l^tfobertJSae, ar'_- 431 Osjefteaf avenne kjpfinkSmlth, sfest^Wlroad avâ€"y^. iflr^v*elsh, shoeslBsM i logs,jJl6 Wllmettejpvenbi |Qt4i. Br SIT West £URh 81 esTatsr"L I WILMETTE. The Wllmette Presbyterisn Church. Tbe pastor. Dr. J. M. Wilson, will deliver a sermon 'o men Sunday, at 11 o'clock on the subject, "What Men Are Doing to Advance the Cause of Religion." In this be will dwell chiefly on modern methods and achievements among the leagues and brotherhoods of the church. At 7:45 he commences the "People's Responsive Service," which last year proved so popular and helpful. The addresses and readings will be from tbe Sermon on the Mount and la other portldns of tbe GoBpel of Matthew Miss Corette, organist, will give the customary evening organ recital at 7:30 o'clock. Program: "Fugne, a minor," Bach; "Prelude to Lohengrin," Wagner;. "March Solennelle," Borow- skl; Prelude, "Berceuse," Bizet, and Offertory. "Choral," Bach. The Men|s League will inaugurate the work of the year with a meeting Friday night, October 3, tbe apeaker to be announced later. The Orand Rally in the Sunday School vlU he held Sunday, October 6. On Saturday evening of this week the young people will go down to the Bible Rescue Mission on Madison street to conduct a service, leaving on the 7:15 train at the C. * N. W. de- pot Wllmette Baptist Church. Sunday services held in the Wo- man's Club building, Greenleaf avenue and Tenth street Rev. F. L. Anderson wttl conduct the preaching service next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.' Rally day exercises of the Bible school will be held at 9:45 a. m. Sun- day, Sept 28. Parents are especially Invited. The devotional meeting Wednesday evening, Oct 1, will be held to the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Vore. 526 Eighth street lnfs^f JMsnime mzQjkt RUNS INTO MACHINE; MAKES HIS ESGAPE Police Are Looking for Driver of Car 15,600, Which Ran Into Auto in Evanston. The Evanston police are searching for an automobile driver who Sun- day, while going at a fa&t clip, ran into another automobile, badly Injur- ing it and, who, InBtead of stopping, put on more speed and made his es- cape. The car struck was driven by C. W. Dudley of Chicago, and was going north on Ridge avenue. Asheowasedl^* JfflJMing Church street a large car came from ihe-wast and struck the front wheels of the Dudley oar, bending the axle and placing the steering; gear out of commission. Mr. Dudley notified the police. He said he took the number of the fleeing car as 16,600. As the police have not an automo- bile guide they will write to ths secre- tary of state to find out the name of the owner of the car with that num- ber. MUST KEEP TH« P*AC1./%,, John Moore, colored, IMS Idrbas street, Bvanston, wa* plaoed under * 1100 pesos bond for lis months fcy 1* lice Justice John 7. complaint was made by Laura Moors, wtfs of ths defendanU wfto ten i that h«r rflRr bs stree^** iJfnami Store^feffl sw^frge Jpsfmejlpb erocUplfii, A ^CrtD. Sh< Wllmette ette Stu tral averi G. Linden Nllles, ette ayl ort Bros., pj 1158 Central Wlm Weissenb hay, grain, etree^** I Jflams Pbarmac m and B. Wal wWfk.Jjgatlng, 648 etka Blectr! Prouty Shore La' Wtonet^ ^0gL F. Irons, pipe fitting, 570 nue^iiF* j^KtLT Hostette: and boarding stab: M. K. etka Drug y.___. tailor foi Coal Wllmette M. E. Church. At 10:45 next Sunday morning the Sunday School will give a Rally Day program. Special features of the pro- gram will be the graduation of pupils from the Primary to the Junior de- partment and from the Junior into the Interafediate department At 6 p. m. the pastor, Rev. Thomas Keene Gale, will preach on "A Business Man's Business." Good music will be furnished. Junior League at 4 o'clock. This is the boys* and girls' own service and many are enjoying the meetings. The young ladies of the church will go to Mrs. Bernheim's in Edgewater in the afternoon, leaving the North- western Terminal at Linden avenue at 2:30. Some who live near the vil- lage will meet at the Wllmette ave- nue station of the Milwaukee Electric at 2:30. Epworth League next Sunday even- ing at 6 in charge of Miss Mae D'Arcey. - The BnleV Study Class meets as usual with Mrs. J. E. Dean, 630 Park avenue, Friday evening, from 7:30 to' 8:30. Great interest is being taken in some of the discussions at this weekly class, which Is open to any one who wishes to attend. 6LENCOE. Th« North Shore Methodist Church. Basel and Greenleaf Avenues Glencoe. Horace G- Smith, Pastor. Sunday School, 10:15 am. Worship, 11:15 a. m.; 7:30 p. m. Glsneoe Union Church. Dr. Douglas H. Cornell, pastor. Sunday services as follows: Sunday school, 0:45 a. tn.; preaching service at 11 a. m.; mid-week prayer service is held in the church every Wednes- day night at 8 o'clock. Church Name Changed. At a recent official meeting of the Glencoe Methodist Church It was de- termined to change the name to one more Indicative of tbe field which the church is Intended to serve. After careful consideration of several names suggested it was agreed that hereafter the Church should be known as The North Shore Methodist Episco- pal Church. This name was chosen because there Is no Methodist Church between Wllmette and Higbwood. Tbe society at Glencoe was started to provide for those in the intervening territory* who desired a Methodist church. WINNETKA. • Congregational Church. Pastors)â€"Edwin F. Snell. residence 672 Lincoln avenue, telephone 505-J; J. W. F. Davies, residence 1004 Pine street, telephone 470. Servicesâ€"Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; morning worship, 11 o'clock; vesper service, 5 p. m. The communion serv- ice: First Sunday in January, March, May, July, September and November. First Scandinavian Church. Richard Malm, pastor. Sunday school is held at 10 a m., followed by morning service at 11 o'clock. The Young People's society will meet Sun- day at 5 p. m. Services In the church Wednesday at 8 p. m. ffcuphw\Faupei he Village Electrician nd market, nd decorat- Idlng tnate- coal, Elm The Rexall venue. eet metal avenue. everything ilsoa Bros., plumber, road ave- ing, livery West Oak handles com- d women, company, Railroad =NOTICE!= S.BEILIN \/ JEW9LRY/S ON Electric Carbine ar^Jtentral LMETTE,IL Exvert Watchmaker^ Jewelers & Engravers Guarantee to Repair or Remodel Any Watch Ever Made RICH fea: Laffat Dcaigni Made GILLESPIW CLEANED and DYED Id Featbir* BuHdiw Stm>,CMci|»! ICE Specialty s,25c Greenleaf Avenue SUfIC* IlSMMbf SMlill PHONE 9 Ivery OeeaaJotu 72S-734 18TH it., WILMCTTB Furnace Cleaning and Repairing Office, 1124 Central Ave. Sfcsp, 628 Park Art. (nu), wn««tte frbpfcmr* Special Bargains 'â-  mi^3^mM'iM^!:i^.iM^&, In conned Electrical has put In bla Grafoni You are invited to come hear them. 609 W. RAILROAD AVE. Phone 522 Wllmette regular business, of Comm- and Records, and jali G. Harris RVE SPECIALIST With _________ _ hia raluru to i All nervoV aebe. Nervooa 1 nsJ Curvature. _ . Beat of referepcM tixna former psttenta. Appolntroenta by wtophoneâ€"WilawHa ISM. IsntMct. 1730 Firist its.. Wilrefie, iMisu Do; whe my suits, properly ihr guaranteed tion. Wha! class tailoi does «$i wearing qd||| .woe* rfitirr, )0%/^8atisf|ii ior< John T. Rosbeif! Good. Clotbaa Makar -<'-.:,zi'â- ! 1126 CENTRAL.AVENUelS! - WILMETTE, ILL. ISsSr NRW8 WANT ADS BRING MWlTI W/iLMETT Pure Milk and Cream, 18J9 Elnnwood Avenue IRY Cheese rcLcraoNK tt* WILMETTE. lit BESX ANIX CHEAPEST QUICKEST, CLEANEST, AND MOST CONVENIENT ARC LIGHTS FOR STORE? SPACES. INCAJtDESC THE HOME HEATE FUEL PUBLI COMPAN THERN ILL1N SUCCESSORS TO The NedmSfern Gas Light and Coke Co. 1611 Ben^nn Avenue tsvanston TELEPHONES 89-90 V I T RIPHT DOWN UNO ORDER

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