Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Oct 1913, p. 5

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MP spssnsppxiKic I^Pi^^ijIIJiillMIII! „, ., ^inwppwp^wpw will,,lllillip^P^5»ipi 57anstoTn-wi i^ij^isâ€"r keniL womhLwi n n £ i^tfPS. Wiif'ti c^e-bi oh l a n n p a kk SECTION " â- ""'" â- -â- â- â- â€"â€" THURSDAY, OCTO] ER 28,1913. FINAL OFFER; BIG AUTOMOBILE ;.i,.v,lii.>.|i,a«g fi^lE' <â-  ^[:Wl;iW^.mi- p||p£:;?.;«W Dsvti Street ", gjgjg. PBICS WVB CENT* DAN CUPID GETSBUSY [JAMES LRATCLIFFt AND STIRS HOUSEWIFT DIES ATJOSPITAL Mrs, Walter T. Dwight Feared Well-Known Contractor and MAiivpAv ni Anrit ft,Tllnni„, to Lose Maid and Called | Prominent Mason Succumbs CONTEST CLOSES SATURDAY "*"*•• "T*WF,"<- Only Five More Days Are Left of the Greatest Race Ever Witnessed on North Shoreâ€"A11 Contestants Hustling Subscriptions on the Home Stretchâ€"Give Your Favorite That Subscriptionâ€"Contest Closes Saturday Night at 10 O'clock. Believing that the Intervention of ai James L. Ratcllffe, Veil -known Bv- policeman would block any matri-; unston contractor and prominent monial venture promoted by D. Cu-. .vmaon, died suddenly;early Tuesday pid, Mrs. Walter T. Dwight, 1111 afternoon at the EvajhBton hOBpltal, Orove street, Evauston, called upon > following a protected) attack of ty- Exciting Competition and Nerve Racking Rivalry Prevail phoid fever: The suflden demise of the well known Gvanatonian came as a severe shock to hit many friends, who had been led to {believe he was well on the road to recovery. The death of Mr. Ratcllffe was not Who Will the Bvanston police department to Bend an officer to her home post haste, and block, If possible, the flight of her coveted maid, Rose Bergen- heimer, 19 years old, with Albert bee, an electrician. Officer Devella Brooks was detailed j expected. At 12 o'clock his wife was by Sergeant McEnery. Mrs, Dwight [present at his bedside, but the pa- had telephoned In an excited manner"| t'lent insisted that she return to her and mentioned something about kid- home for luncheon and she acquiesced naplng. "Get a move on ycz," com-j in his request. But a few minutes - ; ------- I manded the witty sergeant, "and [after she had left he Jvbjl seized with Be the Winners is tne Question of the Hour- Sub1 >ouii catch the bold thug." Is severe coughing epfeii. He died a ... , _. , ltf. . â-  Wl... Brooks reached the Dwight home!few minutes later, ffhe doctor at- SCnptloriS IMS, the rinal Week, Will , j When the climax of the situation had j tributes his sudden "ei|d to the break- Tell the Storv j been reached. 'The maid had all her!ing of a blood vessel} As a last re- belongings stacked in the hallway and <»:»« the Bvanston ^pulmotor wa* â€"â€"iâ€"â€" ! wlth her sweetheart, who had been rushed to the hospital to give assist- Here Is fcold enou«h to enter the Dwight lance, but upon Its arrival the doctors Aged Evanstonian,withHisWife and Family, Goes on Most Hazardous Adventure of His Life. OPTIMISTIC OUTCOME Though the Journey Is a Long One and Mr. Deering Is Extremely Weak, He Little Fears the Trip to Florida, 'Well, good people, here is the last bonus offer of the contest the one you've been waiting for, thinking it would be the biggest eveiâ€"but It isn't. But It's an offer of such magnitude that you cannot afford to miss it or lot it get by you for an instant. The present one is the last bonus that will bv offered In the mamtrioth race from now till the close of the contest thin .coming Saturday. household, was just leaving the place.! agreed that Mr, Ratcllffe had passed "Stop them, Mr. Officer, arrest them," • beyond medical aid. cried the distracted Mrs, Dwight.! As eminent commander of Kvaus- "Make that man leave my Ro»ie here, j ion Commander?, K. jr.. Mr. Ratcllffe She's too young to get married. She had a large acquaintance In the order doesn't know what she is doing. Stop throughout the country. In August Such liberal offers as have characterized this contest have never been Iter, I say!" seen in similar enterprises. Twice before have bonuses been offered. Now comes the concluding week and with it must come the conviction that the Management has been exceedingly generous. The $5,00 vote offer closed Saturday night and many took full advantage of it to Increase their standing. There were some, however, who either failed to get In at all or failed to make the necessary amount. To these, the he represented the Bvanston knights The officer was dumbfounded. He! at the annual conclave in Denver, Im- could not comprehend the situation., mediately following His return he as "What charge, mum, do you want to!*umed charge of the Ifevanston knights place against this fellow," murmured on a lake cruise, During this cruise Brooks in a contused manner aa he,»» was taken seriously ill and for a awkwardly edged toward the swain. ; time" the ship physician feared he "No charge at all," flashed back above announcement will come as a God-send in helping them catch up will) :Mrs. Dwight, "I simply want to keep the headlinors for one final spurt for victory. ihim from taking my maid away, that's It is to be supposed that the hustlers all want to win and this last bonus jail." offer will help you wonderfully if you pitch in and do everything in your! Brooks was still fluzzlcd. He as- power to take advantage of it tutire contest, would have to be taken to a hospital nt Duluth. However, he quickly rallied and was able to continue bis homeward journey. Be was taken to the Evanston hospital a few days his ailment was dlag- William Deering, honorary presl dent of the board ot trustees of North' western university, pioneer harvester L1AM DEERING ^M$iP^ttieer harvester manufacturer,, who is on his way tokis winter home in the south in a special car because of his health. RMSHAILED '«iHi II 3MP 10 MRS. STEELE ARE MLESS Remarkable Plot of Blac er to Extort $2,500 From Highland Park Society i m Leader Fails. 0|$UqT INVESTieATI|§ Postal Authorities A.r« Busy Work- ing on Clews WW«h ProhaWv || Will Lead to Arwrt of Crank Foreign Student. Germs mailed In a letter to Mrs. Frederick M. Steele of Highland Park last month by a blackmailer who ttrls* to extort |2,S0O front we promtaeat north shore society woman, proved *»:': be harmless, according; to the latest report in the scare story which PROFESSIONAL MEN TO There, the*, is the last bonus offer of iliejsured Mrs. Dwight he could not act later *nere the most important of all. your last chance for bonus votes, unle*.she.wanted to prosecute Lee nosed^typhold fever, ^.^ ^ The offer Is made tor the concluding week of the big'.contest. In order thai ,n..H°orJ;. " tl)(f 8U1J1 rtnd 8Ubfllance of ,ive him. *r you may take fresh hope, and that you may bolster up your waning courage thJs cage>» volunteered Lee after the! Funeral services wrill be held Sun- and, if you feel you may be a trifle behind the bunch or a few headlinera,! excite<| housewife had been quieted. day afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Sec-j oome down the home stretch with a spirit and dash that will land you In ,.Rp8e and j lire engaged. We're go- > ond Presbyterian church, Kvaimton, j front of the wtre. ing to get married and Mrs, Dwight »nd will be in charge of the Masqnlc | One hundred fhouiind extra votes for $10.00 in subscriptions is certainly Wants to stop us. How can she do order. Members of Bvanston Oom-; a phenom... off., H w,„ app^to .v.rythin;, turned in on .ubsc.ption.^ „ --"Jjg ™™£*^X? between teday and next Saturday night at 10 o'clock. It affords all of Y^Je "%Vi„htened brlaTtobe church services a pr*ate service will equal chance. To those vwho feel that they have fallen a little beh.nd It; !.^eJ^*ht_1â„¢ Her thre we° K be held at the Ratcliife residence, »Z« offers an opportunity, If you will but redouble your efforts of catching up.; ^tlce tQQ 8hp can't 8top U8, can she, Asbury avenue, which will be in Those whormve worked thus far hard will be continue their earnest v{^ officer," pleaded the 'love-flick charge of Rev;i'â- Â£ typ^'^arke. imi**r efforts In view of the greatly Increased reward. maid. -of the Second I'resb^uerian church. a The offer is calculated to Inspire everyone to the greatest spirit and tho Mrg> Dwlsht dnclured that maids ^seatest efforts that you are capable of during these last lew days, tor that me unusually scarce and while she .vill be necessary If you are a winner. was giving good advice to her maid, Let everyone get busy instantly and lose not a single minute from now at the same time she was protecting { j^. â- , »T pnWQ' fk\ 11Q 4iutil next Saturday night. Remember the awards before you represent Iter best interests. ; lALIV Ml IjUTO ULUU hundreds and tmndredB of dollars. ',. ^h ^i??SL2 s!i7^^^ ~---------------- Just think how appointed you will be after several weeks of earnest ^^H. ImmrtStcly Jephoned KenilWOrth LarfS Will HaVeOp- strlving if .you are not voted one of the winners in this greatest of all news- Sftrgpant Dpmls McEnery, told the paper carrMialgns for popularity. story, and received the following in- You can accomplish this: much-to-be-desired result if you will just giv«j gtructjon f,0in the latter: "Leave 'em your campaign the very best there is in you during these last few days. ;get married; the sooner the better. Arrangements are now being made for tbe close of the great race. The:console tlnr complainant and bless the Jvdges who will make the fateful canvass of the ballots will be three In num-| bride and hurry â- her. They will be met of the very highest standing, men who are above hero, reproach, and whose decision cannot be questioned. , „ Just a few more daysâ€"and they are short. But the honors and tho ,UD- ' _________ mognlflcentawards will not fly. i»»w rftn nnrilliin ftr They will cling a constant reminder of the esteem in which the winnersijJ^Y f y|j |JrtlllNu Ul arr held by their friends. . . . j ____.,. .|n,inrn uran Don't lose heart because your favorite's name appears near the bottom nA|U|pljS HDIJSES NtAK •of the list of the reports. There is no telling the number of votes he or she, W!"» vv â- â- vvwi-w ivs. may cast half an hour before the final closing of the contest, ' I '-----------------~ Remember, the big 100.000 vote bonus offer closes Saturday night at 10 o'clock sharp. The big contest closes at the same hour. portunity of Hearing Good Advice From Many. back to the station There's a complaint here about a stolen bicycle I want you to look NORTH SHORE COUPLE 'WED IN WILMETTE A/liss Charlotte Treptow and ; William Rectenwald of Highland Park Married. The marriage of Miss Charlotte! MRS. ANNIE WILSON DIES IN KENILWORTH HOME Work on Northwestern Univer- versity Dormitories Reaches Final Stage. Ambitious boys of Kenllworth who; are seeking information concerning; the careers they will shape in tbe next | few years, will be afforded every op- i portunity of helpfulness during tbej coming winter. Professional men in i every line who reside in K.enllworth.J practically all of whom are, recognized j ftmong the most able representatives j of their culling In this part of the country, have consented to talk to! _______________„__^_ numbers of the Joseph Sears clubdiir- - â- â- .--------- .....â- â-  â- ------------- ing the winter. These talks will teem manufacturer and philanthropist, yes with good advice about the work (these j terday undertook, at the age of 87 nun have followed for many years. r\years, the most hazardous adventure Percy B. Kekhart, a well known at-;of his life: It was the adventure oi torney, was the first of the Kenilworth j traveling from his home Four generations of the Deering* photographed on the porch of the aged' manufacturer's hotae at AQ& 'ChiiriiB':"ff^lj street. At tbe right is William Deorlntf, playing with his great-grandson, Roger Danlelson. *bio Is sitting OT) ig^ the lap of his mother, Airs. Richard Ell Danlelson. formerly Barbara Deering, Beside her Is her father. Charles j Deering,. son of William Deering. '„â- â€¢. ;.:.:'.V.-"- ';'S Former Evanston Woman,; With the .plastering completed and i the woodwork well under way.vlt be^ jgins to appear as if the Northwestern linen were soon to enjoy their new j ,ne Joseph Sears boy* In the moetlna; i/n.u.n fAr \A/nrHo-Thlirrh [homes on the north campus, Busl-|nt the Union cliurch in Kenilworth. KnOWn TOr WOrK in-^riurtn, !ne8S Manage|, Dvcne would give „„int8 taik was scheduled for an hour PaSSeS AwaV. jdetlnlte date for the opening of the but ai»out the time he finished the first _________ J :dormitories, but It is understood thai part of his talk, a rain set In. The ^ _ . ',u„., „,in h, ulliv hi th«» Christmas! lw>v8 Imnlored him to keep on with at 408 professional men to address the boys, j Church Btreet to his winter home in For nearly two hours Sunday evening iCocoanut Grove. Florida, near Miami. Mr. -Kckhart explained the many'The hazard is caused by the age of phases of national und state lawn to Mr. Deering, combined with the fact that he recently has been ill. well- ' they., be ready by the Christmas \ boys implored his talk and for another hour he ex- Mrs. Annie Eliza Wilson, a wen- holldavs lf nol by Dec. 1. Treptow, daughter of Mr. Fred Trep-1 known resident of the north shore and The* hoUBep are now kept locked plained legal terms and phrases, tow of 1411 Lake avenue, Wilmette, to for many years a prominent church ^ guarded by a watchman every The Joseph Sears club is composed Mr. William Rectenwald of Highland, worker> dIed in her home west of Ken- Admitta»ce is denied to the in Park, took place Wedneaday evening, ju worth Sunday. Oct. |2. She was «»,"â- ; 8Q tna, the work may not ut October 15, at 8:30 o'clock, at the;years old. ° j . _,. k • rjr0ceedinK ai home of the bride. Rev. Herman j she leaves seven children .i«m«. disturbed. .The a ork to proce«un« a* Meyer, pastor of the St. John's Ger â- .ion: man Lutheran church, officiated.______ Miss Hattle Treptow.,.the.bride's sis- ter, attended her as maid of honor. Miss Margaret Dietrich of Olencoe /was bridesmaid. Fred Johnson of Highland Park served as best man and Anton Nelson of Llbertyville was -usher. Mr. and Mrs. Rectenwald will reside at Highland Park. . *,' . WIN POLO MATCH. The Lake Forest Polo team won a match from the crack Wheaton team Sunday by a score of 19',i. to 0. The "Lake Foresters completely outclassed the Wheaton players at every part of ' e game. | BANQUET AND RECEPTION., H Members of the Benevolent society Ifof the Lake Forest Presbyterian Church will be entertained at a ban- H'quet and reception In the church on James disturbed. Wilson, 2023 Darrow avenue, Evans- j fast as possible William n Wlirnn nt Kenil- ^rnratina la being done in somfi nt The finer Interior of boys ranging In age from nine to sixteen years. It was recently organ- ised with about twenty members. The name was chosen In honor o.f the foun- der of the village or Kenilworth, Jos- Kdwurd I^rmeiee is pres- ... . oph Sears. (he houses, and although one or two. u]f>ni and 0rant K€ehn*# 8ecretary. may be finished in advance, all the ---------------____:------_ buildings will be opened on the same date. In all cases the buildings meet or exceed expectations and th« open-^ worth, Samuel Wilson of La Fayette, 111., Mrs. Agnes B. McKinney and Mrs. Charles A. Hoffman of Bvanston, Miss Jane Wilson of Kenilworth and Mrs. Sheldon Newman of La Fayette. 111. Mrs. Wilson was wldelr known for & gaJa occM|m> her activity in church work. She was »>*._______ one of the first group of members of the First United Presbyterian church in Bvanston, and also helped In organ- izing congregations la ««»" °or{J '•«£-â-  ^^independent squad, at about 1:30 o'clock Friday morning shore villages. She was born In «J«£8' anâ„¢*[ £ a KOn ot ,3 . wn«„ ,ie was assaulted by David Han- Maghey Com, County P""^ ^^ the first game of the aea-.W at lb*. Chicago & Northwestern Left In Private Car. The aged Bvanstonian left in ft private car attached to a regular Florida train. He was constantly at tended by members of his family, by nurses and by his physician, Dr. W. A. Phillips. His medical corps was armed with everything known to med- ical science to prevent any mishap to him on his long and tedious Journey. All the members of the party, includ ing Mr, Deering himself, were conn- -d4»nt-that he would reach his dest^ GLENGOE CITIZEN VICTIM OF ASSAULT nation In good condition. The confl dence Mr. Deering. held himself a« to the culmination of the Journey meant more to the family physician than the several tanks of oxygen that they were taking along: lest he should be siezed with a fainting spell. _ During his summer's stay in Bv LAKE FOREST WIN8. [anston, Mr. Deering has been visited The independent football eleven of John' Chrlstensen. a well known clt-1 daily by his granddaughter, Mrs. Rich „,.„ Forest defeated the Waukegan izen of Olencoe, was seriously hurt{and Ell Danlelson, and her son. Roger dRe »-««r _..._„ -------- „-..,_.. „A„i-«r Mr peering and his great-grandson are warm companions. Almost every , -------- n ,, WM mi- nr»i gmur ». u.^ â€" r*„ ,.....„ _____„~ â€" - -......------ day In the little fellow's life he haw land. The family moved ^J?1?^ L nraved by the««- two elevens. ' railroad station ln(il«ncoe. Chrlstensen been taken to the Church street resi in 1891 from Ireland. In 1910 they boo P^y^J^____________ had just alighted from the train when moved from Evanston to a farm west ^_ ^ Bg84NE88 BLOCK.______Hahsen-steppedL up to^him and w|th^ of KehllwoflB. "Mr.^^ Wilson died juiy â€"^»w fc^X ,. „«»!„.. «, t^torv ,.,.t w»raini struck him down. In ad 5, 1910. ' SHERIDAN ROAD PLAN IS BEING PUSHED E. L. Lobdel Names Committee to Further North Shore Improvement. v A campaign commiUee, the duties of which will be to hasten the Improve, tnent of Sheridan road from Chicago to the Wisconsin state line, has been picked up by Edwin L. Lobdell, presi- dent of the Sheridan Road Improve- ment association, .according to an an- nouncement mud« a few days ago. Maurice Kozmlnskt was appointed chairman of. the committee. The committee will campaign 1u Uw mW?s~ emanated in this section. Postal au- thorities the first of the week mad* public the remarkable blaskmall let- ter which was sent to Mrs. Steele. which shows that the crank who sent | the missive was wetl educated chemlBtry. and other aciences. '.How-|^,,: ever, the millions of death germs ths HB: writer claimed, were contained In tl» |ff|': letter were: harmless according to' th* f|^.:.y. authorities.. â- "fv/fe. :v:::w:,S'ISflv:^l" -. Several' weeksyt0,\itfrs."'isteeli"^"J||| ceived the letter. After a Wngthy ||;||. resuine of a careful study on «oa- ^^| tagibn, which the writer stated hadl'g||. been prevalent in the southern, states j;||| last winter, Mrs.'Steele" was threat- !f1g' ened that unless she take fifty »50 c«r- f|! tlncates wrapped in brown paper and "Iff place them beneath th« Grant monn- :y ment In Lincoln park, she would not § receive bis germ killing; medicine and § would be doomed to die. .;â- :-•:.**;*«;>â- % Is Medical Student? According to tbe authorities, the im: UILD8 BUSINESS BLOC «, A. Odh Is erecting a two-story cut warning Btruck him down. brick building in Linden avenue near! dittos to numerous bruises. Chrlsten- ""--. «... * am f oase street. Hubbard Woods. As soon sen suffered a bad scalp wound In falt- LA8T BALL SAwe.. ^s -tructure Is completed, which Ing to the brick pUtfonn of the tta- The Highland Park Crests base. „ the^ngir. to £ ^ ^ | ^ He ^ ^^ ^ % hWl ,here ball team won the final tg^^^llS^^oMai^ro^wlA^ physician was called and season Sunday when they Deerfield nine by a score of 4 to *. i a furniture store. i Juries were dressed- dence of the Deerlngs to sit on the front porch in a rocking chair and "chum" with his great-grandfathor. But the baby was not taken on the train to Florida. y Those who did so were Mr. Deer- ing, his wife, and their two sons, his in-j Charles and James, and Dr. Phillips land the nurses and servants. towns north of Chicago, a distance of fifty miles, In accordance with tbe re- cent law passed by the legislature, which enables these towns to turn Sheridan road over to the jurisdic- tion ot the Lincoln park board. An ------------- __ ordinance which has already trans- ithor of the blackmail "grerm alor^e**- gg| ferred that part o€ Sheridan road dently is a well Informed student within the bemndariea of Olencoe will probably in medicine. Tbe letter. be presented to the authorities of the • which contains more than 1,WQ words. other towns Tor approval. !«» carefully written and in a manner "This thoroughfare has as great j to effect a good scare. Part of the let- possibilities for beauty and usefulness iter^ was written with typewriter aa* an any fine driveway In the country,"; another section In long hand with red said Mr. Kosmtosld. "In the long] Ink, a noticeable backhand method, course all the variety of charm which] ' Residents of the north shore are a* northern Illinois has to offer is a loss to know why the blackmailer touched. Aloug the sides «re some singled out Mrs. 8teete. Chicago sw- ot the handsomest residences in the pers cemtained a Mohtt to the section, while unappreciated L*ke, that beeamse Mr. Steelo aeeumalatsd Michigan, the Skokle, the bluffs aadja large »om of monear In a Booth ravines ot the north share with their J American mining 4e»L the bhw>taMdi- wealtb of woods and shrobs toraa an! er thought they would b» aBay TfetHsw agreeable wayside^ - - â- â- - •. 1 tor M» "«*rm" plot m^t&^-V-i ^> t â- '-

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