Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Oct 1913, p. 6

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•vr<im*- wm THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1913. ♦ Illl......«*" i: What People Are in Wilmette b Are Doing |!IMPORTANT Mis* Louise Smith attended a bouse party la Oak Park last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Casey announce the With of a daughter Tuesday, Oct. 21, Mr. and Mrs. B- G. Allen have .moved from 1155 Forest avenue to 765 Sheridan road, Wlnnetka, REAL ESTATE DEAL CLOSED Sheridan roaa, y\mn««.*». â- .â€",- , , 0 ,, ^iuag^ota^Bi^nifie-jjt-Rav^n^ood- Nortfrwestern University bens wa» » suest or „«. Harry Cumber ^^ ^ ^ ^^ to Evanston Traction Company. ON CEN f RAL Sf REET wa» the guest land. (M Fifth street, last week. Member* of the Study class met in the home of Mrs. Ralph Becker^ 1.01 '> Central avenue, Monday afternooa. Mrs. K.'T. Paul, U24 Greenlet. ave nue, is sojourning In the east. Sh will spend a few weeks iff Bosion. Miss Lulu Richardson of Newcastle, Pa,, UMhe guest of the Misses Veach,____________ 80S .Forest avenue, for a few weeks, j -" Mr* HA. Peck, <>29 Central ave-j Aa important real (state transfer nuV retnrned Friday from Oak Park \ wafi ci3sed last week in the purchase and Austin, ^where she visited friends. ; of „ piece of property 250 feet on Cen- Harry Simmons has returned to j tra) street. Evanston, and extending Denver* after a visit with his brother, \ back 5t.f, feet to Chancelor street by F M Simmons, and family. 111) Fifth Mr, c'lemen C. Smith, president of tlw The Woman's society meets at 10 a. m. Tuesday for an all-day meeting. The morning will be devoted to sew- ing and the afternoon to the mission- ary program. Lunch 'will be served at noon. The benevolent department of the society is packing and shipping YoUthflll to Chicago barrels of dothingforjhe 4-^my-^tftsâ€"tetraT~CheTfiuTrcn will be forwarded and used in this vay". At the midweek service, Wednesday night, Dr. Milton R. Barker will read , a paper on the subject, "The Phillp- Followjng a chase of more than six pjDeai^jrhe Relation of Our Gosern- miles, Thomas-J^-^Iannlngrthe-six- -gent to the Islands and Our Respon- teen-year^old youth who confessed to slbtlity for Their Religious and Moral *. L*n ., two ..ore. ,» Pen*,*, "^".JS/y ^Z^Z and a discussion following is proving of great interest The Sunday THREE COPS LOSE IN LONG MARATHON RUN Thomas Manning, Thief, Shows Fast Pair of Heels in Exciting Race. street on August 30 in his arrest more than a month ago and who has since been a source of much annoyance to school parlors were filled with an ear- authorities who had him in custody, again eluded the Evanston police Sat- urday noon. Manning was sent to a home for juvenile offenders a tew weeks ago but more than a week ago be escaped from that institution. It was learned Saturday that be had re- turned to Evanston and was In hiding al ,n|S an<i all the services Evanston Traction company. The property will be improved by an up street. Mrs. a .»- Cody will entertain the members of the Study and Culture _____ club in her home, 908 Greenwood ave-! Bvangton transportation line. nue. Tuesday. j The property was bought by the Miss Clara Nourse, 1137 Greenwood { stm( car magnate from Northwest- avenue, Is in Corning, S. Y., the guest j ern university. The deal was uego- of friends and relatives* for an *" ! tlated by Joseph Pearson, manager of there. Shortly before noon Saturday a telephone message was received at the police station that a youth wag prowl- ing about the barn on the premises at definite period. Mrs. N.&. Clark of Xew, York, who has been the guest of her nephew. L A. Gifford, and family, 917 Fifth street. has returned home. Mrs. W, J. Weldon has returned to her home at 922 Oakwood avenu- after several weeks passed in Colo- rado and Wyoming. Mrs. William O. Belt returned last week from Morrisonvllle, ill., where she was called on account of th« death of her mother. Mrs. Oliver Hinsdale^ajijteiumeil ^-t<r*er1ioiirinTeigin after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Carlson. 501 Washington avenue. Misses Hazel Hill of Bloomingt?n and OliveMellor of l'eoria are the guests .of Miss Alice Langdon, 515 Greenleaf avenue, this reek. Mrs. George C. Murdock, 1316 Elm- wood avenue, will entertain informally this afternoon in honor of Miss Lulu Richardson of Newcastle, Pa Mrs. Charles N.J&bert* 1€ â€" avenueT------ Creek today, where she has been en- joying a rest for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Orner returned home Sunday night from Washington, •p. C, and other points in the east Vbere they have been for a week or. : a vacation trip. Miss Beatrice Miller entertained sev- eral members of the High Ideal club 'Jto.. her home, 700 Linden avenue, Fri- •^^SSjP~ afternoon, Several interesting , papers were read- Great preparation is being made by the members of the Woman's guild of St. Augustine's church for the ba- zaar which will be held la the church ihe first week in December, Mrs. A, N. Gage, 1210 Greenwood avenue, and Miss Gertrude Childs,.li37 Central avenue, are enjoying a JkmU ____ _ ______ _ _ ev will return the first of next week More than a naif hundred guests enjoyed the bridge party given by Mrs. C. E. Renneekar In her home, 1022 Eleventh street, Monday after- noon in honor of her guest, Mrs. Wal- lace Ir Brown of Cleveland. Mrs. C. H. Klenam, 420 Park ave- nue, entertained the following at din- ft ner Sunday: Mrs. B. Klemm and â- ;ft daughter, Miss Helen, of Chicago; Mrs. V. Vinning of Ravenswood, and Mr. tt. Davis of L«Grange, Several friends of Miss Frances '% Hogle were entertained in her home. ? 407 Cen :'â- â€¢::â-  st a guest was dressed in costumes char- - acteristic of persons in hard luck. Mrs. P. B. Allen, 618 Forest avenue, â- â- '!•'..â- ' had for her guests a few days last week Mrs. ME. Etdridge of New '..;, York. Mrs. Bldrldge is well known ft:V' in Wilmette. Bhe was en route to y; Boise, Idaho, where she will visit her iBis. son." ':""". :-"';;:;i-â€"â€"-ft:-'fr- Mrs. "Volney irnderhlll gave a diu< illii ner to a number of friends in her ; home. 701 Washington avenue, Wednesday evening, in honor of Mrs. ;? Charles H. Holnvllle, who spoke at y$ the Woman's club Wednesday after SS noon.' F, L. McGowan a»d Miss Catherine Si Dale, both of this place, were mar- ft/1 ried Wednesday noon in the borne of SI; ;Mrs. Joseph Cfrant, 2748 Woodbine litSiavenue- Rev. J, M. Wilson officiated. SjpFw the present the young couple flll^ili reside with Mrs. Grant. I^pl? More than fifty members of the llffljjMen'* club ot the Methodist church i" attended an oyster supper which was ;>; gfcren in the dining room of the church M Friday evening. It was the first social f§ session ofthe club of the season, sev- Wi eral more of which will be given dur- ® bag the winter, Dr. Edgar 0. Blake gave the principal talk at the social hour which followed the supper, on the subject, "The Churchman's Duty In a Community." Several other abort talks were given,||p|;||5;g^^fe;W;; \ Miss Cora cieaalnil" was Introduced last Srturday at a reception given by her mother, Mrs, Howard p. Clem- ents. Mie* Clements is » grandniec© ot Un. Jtelcohn Camthers, and Mrs. __CarntliatW with her daughters, Mrs, ^ WIHi* A 'Beale sad Mrs. Robert J. S«^--asjsfsis4 i« wceivttwf. as did i. M. dsaley, M» WlllUsm 8; Mrs. Wfllis O. Orwa, Mrs. to-date car station for the cars of the j,26 Wesley-avenue. It was surmised "- - tUat the youth was Manning and Chief Shaffer, with Driver Louis Windle- born and Jack Leyner, repairman In the electrical departmeat-of the city. w«»nt in the police auto to apprehend the youth, Leyner was first to give chase and was within two feet of Manning when the real estate firm of Quinlan & Ty son. No figures are given, but it is stated on good authority that the pur-____________ chase price was in the neighborhood the latter jumped a fence and was on of $17,000. his way. His running would have Following Policy. done credit to the most fleet-footed I The property is located on the south Indian. Across truck gardens and side of Central street immediately j plowed fields he led the officers south- west of the Evanston channel. The west along the drainage canal. After sfllhiK of the property by the univer- Leyner was exhausted in a two-mile sity marks another instance of the,run, Windleborn took up the chase policy of the university since William iana pursued Manning to Peterson ave- A Dyche_becajoaeJuJusifles«LJn^ At this point the patrol ftKpftjiiiversity of selling the holdings j driver was forced to give up the • or the school which are not taxable, j"hunt" through sheer exhaustion, thus placing them on the tax list and; j^gt as Leyner was about to grab i giving the city additional revenue. Manning at the start of the chase, the ! The property will 'be improved in!|atter divested himself of a gray coat jthe near future by a fine car station. ana sweater. Then he laughed tn the I This building will set well back from [ace8 0f the officers and began the ! the street. The administration ouild ;jtarathon. i ing of the company will be in front | Manning escaped, from the Juvenile of the car station and will b* one that i home |n Chicago before a hearing was will add greatly to the appearance of i c(,naucted in the Juvenile court. The the stMel^4t-isj»id^-4t*»«er4sHrtnted|.joca| authorities say that he could „. ______ on traction building. Houses may also; be erected to the west and north of; the company's property. ^ ! To Be of Good Design.' According to Mr. Smith the build-; ing will be good In design and will. add much to the appearance of the, street. A number of architects have j been consulted and the plans now are being drawn. Details of the building will be announced Bhortlyby the presi- dent of the company. The repairs on the street car line between f>avis street and Howard ave- nue are being rushed as much as pos- sible and the street car officials are leaving nothing undone to hasten the completion ot the work. CYCLE RIDER IS HELD; LATER GIVEN RELEASE were enieruwueu »i u«s* »»«««>. ntral avenue. Saturday evening '%'srd times" dinner. Each FIELD DAY One of the biggest events of the whole year In local Scoutdom is the big field day meet, which will take place on the 1st day of November at the Northwestern Athletic Held. Great preparations are being made for the event, and it is. expected that large crowds will witness the exhibition of strength and skill and cheer their fa- vorites on to victory. The Scouts from all the Evanston troops will par- ticipate and great rivalry prevails as to which troop will capture the pen- nant which awaits the winner. This pennant Is to be contested for an- nually and remains in the possession of the winning troop unless this camp is defeated at the next annual field day.ft . The boys will compete in running, jumping, throwing, knot-tying, first aid work, signaling, bandaging and in scouting games. Scoutmaster Percy Bradley will be In charge of all events on the big day, assisted by Scout Com- missioner (ireene. Scoutmaster Clauson's troop has the honor of holding the banner for scout- ing activities for all Chicago and the north shore troops. Unlike the pen- nant insignia, this banner 1b held by the. troop permanently. Now the Owner of the Machine Is Looking for Him as He Has Failed to Return. PS is A NARROW ESCAPE. Mrs. R. J. Malloy, 800 Oakwood ave- nue, Wilmette, narrowly escaped in- Jury In an automobile collision with a large Hebard Storage company van in West Railroad avenue, near Grant street, yesterday afternoon. Mr% Malloy was driving her automobile south In the street when the big auto van swept Into West Railroad avenue from Grant street . 8he wbb ulaablo to guide her auto out of the path of the van, which struck the right side of the pleasure auto. Both drivers were able to reduce the speed when they saw that a collision was inevit- able and the impact was with too lit- tle force to cause injury to Mrs. Mal- loy or^the driver of the truck. The Malloy machine was slightly dam- aged.'. -â- 'ftft^ftft;.;:: Palling to give a clear account of himself to the police, James Kern, a motorcycle rider giving the address off 4858 Drexel-avOTuerCtoicag07~wasle^ talned here for an hour yesterday at the police station. Kern was without money and declared that the motor- cycle belonged to a friend who had loaned it to him to ride to Highland Park. After several telephone messag- es were sent to the Hyde Park police, It was learned that Kern was telling the truth about the borrowed motor- cycle. The owner of the machine tele- phoned the_ police here_ to release TCera. Monday morning, shortly after 9 o'clock another message was received from the Chicago owner of the motor- cycle asking if anything had been heard of Kern. He declared tbat^ Kern had hot returned the motorcycle and feared that he bad sold it. CHURCH BULLETIN WILMETTE. Baptist Church. Services held each Sunday In the Woman's club building, Greenleaf avenue and Tenth street. Bible school, 9:46 a. m. Preaching service, 11 am- Rev. W. B. Morris, director of state Bible school and young pep- pie's work, will conduct the service next Sunday. The naid-week devotional service Wednesday evening, Oct. 29, will held In the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Schmidt, 827 Elmwood avenue. nest audience uo hear the paper on "The Trial and Execution of Jesus from a l^egal Viewpoint," presented by Mr. Thomas E. D. Bradley. This week Dr. MJ N. Crdnholm spoke on •The Uws of Hammurabiâ€"Does Their Discovery Affect the Value of the .Mosaic Code?*' Visitors are welcome The Men's League Bible class or' Sunday at 10 o'clock a. m- is consid ering the new book by Dr. Shriver, "Immigrant Forces," in connection with their Bible study, and this is leading to a broad view of the whole foreigner question and our responsi- bility. The class is under the presi- dency of Mr. Thomas I. Neal. M. E. Church.. The pastor, Rev. Thomas Keene Gale, will preach next Sunday morn- ing on "The Victory of Faith." At G o'clock in the afternoon he will talk on "The Soul's Passion." Special music will be given by the double quartet at both services. Sunday school will be held at 9:30 a. m. Mr, E. W. McCullough, super- intendent. A new department in the Sunday school, just organized Friday night, is of great interest to the men of the church, being a Men's Bible class, of which Mr. W. B. Matthews is president: Mr. George L. Emerich, vice-president, and Mr. F. A. Buck, sec- retary and treasurer. Prof. J. It. Har- per is the teacher. Epworth league next Sunday atG:15 p. m, Mr. and Mrs. Brand will be present to finish the interesting story which they gave in part Oct, 12 to a large and appreciative audience. Mr. and Mrs. Brand spent the summer ia the Holy Land and the young folks of the church were so delighted with their talk of two weeks ago that they have asked them to tell more of their trip. Friday evening the Bible class will meet at the home of Mrs. J. E. Dean, 630 Park avenue, from 7:30 to 8:30. Saturday evening the young people will go to the >Bible Rescue mission in Chicago. Nexi Sundays'Cstterjioon the young ladies of the church will go in a body to the home of Mrs. Jacob Bernheim In Edgewater. They will meet at the elevated terminal at 2:30 o'clock. WINNETKA. Congregational Church. Pastorsâ€"Edwin F. Snell. residence 672 Lincoln avenue, telephone 606-J; J. W. J*. Davies, residence 1004 Pine street, telephone 470. Servicesâ€"Sunday school. 9:45 a. m.; niomlng7-^^!?, 11 o'clock; vesper service, 5 p. m. The communion serv Ice: *Hwt Sunday In January, March. May, July. September and November. First Scandinavian Church. Richard Mami, pastor. Sunday school U held at 10 ». m., followed by morning service at 11 o'clock. The Young People's society will meet Sun- day at 6 p. m. Services in the church Wednesday at 8 p. m. Schultz & Nord StfCWANING 631 WesTRailroad Ave. Wilmette. Miaou Phooe* "Wamette 320 and Wilmette 241 estaurant Automobile and Canlaite UpholMerintt. Trunks and All I.eaihet Uoods Repaired. Charley R*Pe GLENCOE. The North Shore Methodist Church. Hazel and Greenleaf-Avenues""-"" Glencoe. Horace G- Smith, Pastor. ? Sunday School, 10:16 am. Worship, 11:16 a. m.; 7:30 p. m. Qlencoe Union Church, Dr. Douglas H. Cornell, pastor. Sunday services as follows: Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; preaching service at 11 a, m.; mid-week prayer service is held In the church ^every^ Wednes- day hlght at 8 Vciock. CLEANED id DYED Peatbcra . Bnlldhur Stmt, CMcat I. W. SI Contractor JOBBING A FKICfcS nuBraoia RtS. 1302 WllilHtAirf,, tssa mjâ€". I Liter? f WrlftETTE, IIX. All worlt prompWy and neatly dona Telephone Wilmette 21 y J. A. SHANE Real Estate, Loaqs, iBntiDg^nd Insurance North Sho Res.. 753 Office 1128 WI â- cant St.JPhdne 1026 AvalThone 1079 I, ILLINOIS for floor Mops, Woodwork aid FunitHra I^Tcoi FOf^Sftt-E tomplete and New Si< of any housefa s Tel. Wilmette 32 , Used lull line Wllsk«tte.llL Special Bargains loom Bungalow 0-. $4^00 B. Heckler 1137 Greenleaf Avenue Wilmette, Illinois »»m.......mmmi...................»♦.....*♦......;; â- â€¢<â-º "*â- â- â-  : • :'V-'r '."ft- "-'"•â- â- '.â- ".' • " .'• â- â-  ..â€" <â-º Presbyterian Church. Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue Dr. J, M.. Wilson, pastor. The pastor will speak at 11 a. m. on the subject, "Difflcultierrin the Way of Becoming a Christian Surmounted," and at 7:30 p. m. on "The Straight Gate and the Narrow Way," fifth in the people's re- sponslve services, .readings and inter- pretations in the Sermon on the Mount, ft Miss Corette will render at the even- ing, organ recital, 7:30 o'clock, and service the following music: "Pomp and Circumstance," Blgar; "Chorus of Angels," Clark; "Overture" ("Me* slah"), Bandel; "Pastale," Handel; and Fuga, "Alia Handel," Guilmant. Charles P. "Warts, Mrs. William Burry, Mrs. Jonathan Worth Jackson, Mrs, J. V. A. Weaver, Mrs. George Knox Owsley, Mrs. Charles Fuller; Mn. Prank Fuller, Mrs. J. B. Lloyd, and Mrs. torn Taylor, Jr. A group of young women also sjded in t^j^ff* noon's enUrUlntoslppi^^te^"' \We have taken over the Wilmette Mop* Cc^Works, and have stfrted4rjfysto&s with the firm iksolveLd)^^ our customers with prontptycourteous and efficient service. Repair work a specialty. For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Goods you can place before the most dlBcdftftnatin* guest, call North f$dd Bakery CENTRAL AVENUE 'hones V/llmette 418-414. hlmette Auto Delivery IfWIImet J.A.H0TH WISCONSIN ICE OJHc* A3 Stab!* MS Ralph W.Faupel TheVillage Electrician itb his regular 3th^g\busines8, Colum- Records. to come and hear them. (9 W. RAILROAD AVE. ione 522 wilmette In connectioi Electrical Qfn has put in bia Grafonol You aiy invlt Sanitary F^ftsT C ChildrjTs Hai Al|ll HAI Wilmette 1 Specialty ;, 25c 1 Greenleaf Avtw WilmettcClub Livery CROSS & CO., Proprietora 1225 Central A4tme. Telepli/t Will Wilmette. 111. 21 tIAGES Jrreys moving expressing aX BOARDING BREA t'Jne best bread madej V the Wtlm/te Bakj£> 1165 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 449 ti- d- Phone Winnetka 777 Work called for and delivered North Ave. Sanitary Cleaner/ anA Dyers Pressing!£s%iffi^knd remod- eling, spcWl attention given to housewear. : : : : : : ': 1008 North Ave.. : Hubbard Woods ^-----1* Eltclric oe Repairing Dr. Elijah G. Hanis JTERVE SMCXAXIST w and CHWuPkACTOR tw«hsf ?2B|rV3rf22Jtt „_______cases TfcJs^siit-eBSWMeaB â- > rrtorn to pvsetie*. All nervous " ' mctia,. ml Cxvrvmturv. ,j ___ .. .. Beat of refereneas itm foriypwww* Appointmanta by tolepfcoo*â€"â- "saMa !â- â€¢â€¢ 1718 fartnU, ****,** SbopABM-FboiMlSt WOLFF metal and _ vk. Imitates, \poutsai metal 1SHEP Furnace Cleaning «nd Repairing Office, 1124 Central Ave. Shop. 628 Park Avs. (wr>, WHsiaHt i/UTILI SHOP 1141 Greenleaf Avenu£\Pkm&lrilmette 1540 Dry goods, notions and children's wear a specialty ::»e»»eM»»4»»»MM»»»»M»»»4^»»>»»»M»e»»»>»M»4#>»W 1819 Elmwood TsXtPHONsV WIUsSTTK. =SPECIAL NOTICE! ^^XMASPBKrHflSNOW at S. B&IL&rdJ&eN'S ELRY ^8TORE> ;a; ELECTRIC CAR LINK end ANTRAL AVst. 3 WILMETTE. «-l« HIGH GRADE GOODS at LOW PRICES REPAIRING A SPECIALTY ,â- '?â-  E«4»kH»«»«d ,911

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