'former Evanston Boys, Authors of Play Now Running in Chicago "The RedCanary^'Which OpenedThis W^k in Chicago, Written by Will and Alexander Johnstone^ Sons of jflrSt Minnie Johnstone, 1716 Sherman^Avenue. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY/OCTOBERS, 1*18. WILL ©. JOHNSTONE' A musical comedy written by- two former Evanston boys has been pro duced for the first time this weeK at. the Studebaker theater In Chicago. The play, which is entitled "The Hed Canary," has been exhibited in the east, where It has been declared a dis- tinct success. 'The authors of the play .are VVill B. and Alexander Johil- atone. sons of Mrs, Minnie Johnstone, 1716 Sherman avenue. Thl* Is the third successful islay these former Kv- anstonians have written. Th.' book waa. written by Alexander -I %w»tone, assisted by William LeBaron. while the lyrics are by VVill B. Johnstone. The music was composed by Harold •Orlob. Una Abarbanell, the leading lady _Jn the play. formerlM^ed on Mllbum street before she made her debut in grand opera and musical comedy. Last week "The Red Canary" was played In Washington and was a sue- cess from the first night. After it* run in Chicago the play will be billed" in New York. The story of the play deals with the adventures of a young American woman, Jane (played by Miss Abar banell), whojis visiting Paris as the buj er for a large dry goods establish- ment at home. Her experience* bring abcut merry complications of both a romantic and humorous character. The story has a novel scheme of in- terest in that it is based on the influ- jence of color on the .emotions. The music is lively and sparkling and the songs allotted to Miss Abarbanell are expected to win the stamp ot wide- spread popularity. Among them might be mentioned "The Look of a Maiden," "The Love Dluo," and "Poor Rose." She will have the assistance of a splendid supporting company, al! the members of which have had ex- tended experience in comic opera. ;; What People Arc Doing i ;^ in Highland Park*«* kludge and Mrs. Fishback have re- turned from a summer In New York and Atlantic City. Mrs. H. Scarborough's mother, aged 92 years, died last Friday. Funeral •was held Sunday. Muta Elizabeth Scarborough was at home last week to attend the funeral of her grandmother. Robert Pease is taking a two week's vacation. He will spend the time in Wisconsin and Michigan. Mrs. Jacob Bauer, who has been spending the summer In Highland Park, will open her.town house at 72 Cedar street November 1 W. N. Lowry, who has been- seri- ously HI at Lake Breeze Sanitarium, was brought home Saturday, and Is convalescing satisfactorily. The Mystic Workers, Park lodge No. 366, hekT a Hallowe-en party after their regular, session Monday night. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Ira J. Gear entertained infor- mally Friday evening In honor ot Miss Louise Foitz* who will be mar- ried soon to Mr. Malcolm Fay. Mrs. Frederick Steele, Mrs. Dwtght V. Graves and Mrs. Henry M. Shep- ard left Monday for a trip around the! world. They will be gone a year. Mrs. Frederic Ullman and Miss Margaret Ullman have taken-an apartment at the Laurel Ian until the holidays, when they will go abroad for a year's travel. The Deerfleld-Shlelds opened a.) night school Monday evetting. They will teach a complete business course,! domestic science, in addition to regu- lar scholastic work. j Mrs. Francis *AIillen and Mr. John Itogerson were married Wednesday,) October 15, at the residence of the bride. They will reside at 150 South' Second street, Highland Park. The Highland Park Business Men's association attended a meeting on Thursday, the 16th, of the Evanston Commercial association, at the Com-| mercial association headquarters in Kvanstou. •â- }.;â- I Lieutenant and Mrs. O. R. Meredith' will sail December 5 for three years In the Philippines: They will spend a month in Pasadena. Cat., with Mrs. Meredith's mother, Mrs. V. H. Will- aid, before sailing. Mrs. Ralph Chester Otis has re- turned from New York, where she was called on account of the death of her mother, and will be at the Mo- raine until the first of November, when she will open her town house at 1362 Aster street, Chicago. Mrs. John Irwin Marshall will en- tertain at luncheon and bridge Satur- day. The guests will be Mrs. Frank I, Wean, Mrs. John F. L, Curtis, Mrs. C. F. M. Smith. Mrs. Rex Jones, Mrs. Franklin B. Hussey, Mrs, Charles Q- Rucll and MrB. Geo. C. Scofteld. Mr. George B. McDonald and 4 Miss Claudlne Wilkinson were married last Thursday morning at the First M. E. Church in Evanston, Both are graduates or the College of Liberal Arts of Northwestern, McDonald be- ing a member of the class of 1909 and Miss Wilkinson ot 1912. He was a member ot the Sigma Chi fraternity and she of Alpha Pbl sorority. They were charter members of the Dramatic Club and took leading roles in the first play the club presented. It was in "The Critic/' last year's play, where McDonald saw Miss Wilk- inson, after several years' ab- sence in New York, and Imme- diately renewed his courtship. McDonald is the eastern ad vertising manager for the Sys tem Magieine, and the newly weds will make their home after Oct. 25 at East Orange, N. Y The honeymoon of the couple is being spent-in an automobile trip through the eastern part of New York state. ♦ *l IIIHMH I si *»♦♦♦**♦♦; ; What People Are Doing: in Lake Forest . Mrs. A. Behee is visiting in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brewster have returned from Europe. Mrs. J. T. McCue left Monday for a few days' visit in Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Wenbau are guests of relatives in Iowa. Miss Tremaln of Charlotte, Mich., is the guest of Miss Mable Smith. The Modern Woodmen of America, will give a ball in O'Neal's ball this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Larsen and children will leave this month for an indefinite trip abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith are en- joying a visit from Miss Hazel Worth of Western, Ont, Geo. Bradley will leave the latter part of this week for Arizona to spend the winter. Miss Mardo Peck of Washington, D. C, is the guest of Mrs. Wallace Le Roy De Wols of Ridge View, Lake Forest. Mr. J. W. Thorne and his family moved Tuesday to their town house, 1708 Prairie avenue, Chicago, for the winter. I Misses Esther anO^hel Reese were week-end guests of Miss Esther Olson of 3816 North Sacramento avenue, Chicago. An illustrated lecture on the Phil- ippines was given at the M. E. church Tuesday evening by Robert Uyball CHARLES MERW1N HOWE DIED SATURDAY NIGHT Charles Merwjn Howe, a well-known retired broker, died In the family home. 1800 ABbury avenue, Saturday night, following a lingering Illness. He was 68 years old. For more than thirty years Mr. Howe was Identincd with the Chicago Board of Trade and was widely known in financial circles. He retlrrd In 1897 and since that time has been a resident of Evanston. Pri- vate funeral services were conducted in the family hope Monday afternoon at 2 o'clcck. The burial was in Grace- land cemetery. . Mr. Howe^ was bornrand reared in Chicago. While actively engaged on the Board of Trade for many years, he also passed much time In church i nd social work. He was one of the rounderB of the Fourth Presbyterian church in Chicago and also look much WOMAN SPEEDER FINED. Mrs. William Kirchbarger of Wau- lsegan was fined $15 and costs by Jus- tice of the Peace S. A. Goss in Glencoe Friday for speeding: This is the first and fined this year along the north shore. She was arrested by Motorcycle Policeman Frederick Cooper and was charged with driving her'car at the rate of thirty-eight miles an hour. Durand, and nor sisters, Mrs. Trow- bridge and Mrs. Yatty. v Twelve members- of the Y. W. C. A. have organized a club called the Chafing Dish club, J The first meeting was held Monday evening. Mrs. D, Mark Cummins and Mrs. Jas. O. Meywlrth celebrated their birthday anniversary last Monday at the home of Mrs. Cummins. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred T. Carton have decided to remain in Lake Forest for the winter. They have leased the John Gould house for the winter. Miss Ethel Reese is one of a party of Lake Forest girls to attend the week-end party of Miss Helen Weiss of 1151 Ashland avenue, Evanston. Mr. Harold F, McCormlck left last week for Europe to Join Mrs. McCor- mick and their daughter, They will return the latter part of November. Mrs. Wallace U De Wolf of Lake Forest entertained with a luncheon at the Blackstone hotel Saturday In hon- or of her guest, Miss Mardo Peck of Washington, DC. The entertainment by the Lake For- est players for the benefit of the> Equal Suffrage association will be given in Chicago November 24. Mrs. Arthur Aldis in committee in charge of the entertainment. Mr. and Mrs, Edward S. Moore re- turned last week from a visit in the east. They have taken an apartment for the winter at 33 Belvue place, and will take up their residence (here the latter part of November. Gerald Wells, son of Mr. W. W. Wells, was almost instantly killed last Wednesday afternoon, just north of a limited t Westminster avenue, by j Milwaukee electric car. He Scarlett. i Milwaukee electric car. Me was six- A dance will be given in St. Mary's teen years old. Funeral services were tlie Howard Theatre^sJBfhaerly the Whitn\^yJontinoes to draw excellent houses wdgJe general satisfaction. Miss Caras is support*/! by an abi^cjs^pany of Chicago favorite^anpsjssflr? prosyfient members pioa Mr. Howard, assjsjftJ'ti^tisstage parr er, Miss Mabel VfcpTane. Mr. Howard composed the music of the piece, and he sings the typical Howard songs »s can only a man who has written and feels his own music. : Miss Cants gives the best performance of her career on the Stage. Her three songs are masterpieces of the Cams art, and her grotesque dancing, fine sense off humor and beautiful gowns place her high hi the ranks of th#^stars.SM' -!-*w>:^^ "A. BROADWAY HONEYMOON" will continue in. definitely at the Howard, with matinees every Monday, Thurs- "WF&1 ~dav and Saturday, ^^"mr-^m^^mm'mmm^^^^^^^^^^^' Interest In the McCormick Theological seminary. Besides his widow he leaves two sons, William P. Howe and Charles Merwin Howe, Jr., both of Bv- auston.. and one sister, Mrs. Chest**' Walcott, also of this city. hall Wednesday evening, November 6, under the auspices of the ladles of St. Mary's church. ; ., John Wall, Jr., cut hiB left hand and wrist quite severely last Sunday Several stitches were required to sew up the wound. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sterling opened their town house, 1616 Prairie avenue, this week, after spending the summer iu^Latar Forest. ~ Julian Farwell, son of Mr. and Mrs, held Friday. Mrs. May Smith of Waukesha. Dar- win Seymour mid Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ransom of Bltterroot, Mont., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lambert the latter part or the week. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert entertained their guests with a Bltterroot reunion. The marriage of Miss Catherine Jones and Mr. Edward Herbert^ Ben- the •hotrie~oT hetf was celetorateoT at the bride's father, Mr. David R. Jones, A. L. Farwell. has been III for several Saturday, October 18. Mr. and Mrs. days from a severe case of poisoning, Bennett will bust home after Decem- from poison ivy. i ber 1 at 206 Bast Chestnut street. Mrs. E. Herbert Allen of Baltimore Is the guest of her brother, Mr. H. C. NEW8 WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Tstephm* C«l«met434 Chicago Coach an Auto »BOM *3-*fl 1223-12 t&M Desli CAN art AUTOMOBILsTb^DIES GENERAL mSSmNG AND PAINTING North Shore Branch, 91 d Sheridan. &4. i CrsMtead43« pTTel. Central 612. 104 S. Michigan Ave