#8*?; THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1913. SI GREELEY • IIIIIIIII1111 m || || n m 11| 1. III III M f I II H I HI Ml + Former President of Vj^iage of Winnetka TelMYtfST Sani- tary DistrtffTs Doing for the North Shore. project of this character, which In- volves the health and safety of throw millions of people, will require tbe patience and forbearance "of those who will necessarily undergo spnic inconvenience dt/rlng the construction j period, but modern machines will bs used and the- sanitary district trus- I tees will adopt every method possible j to insure the completion of tho work j as early as circumstances will per mlt- â- I Will Eliminate Filth. .â- i It is estimated that this main trun|i line interesting sewer will ejiminato five, tons of filth per day from tin prinking wat^r supply of Chicago and VITI lATIflnlQ \A#AtJTH_ â- ... FOR SALE. its immediate surroundings within the: _**• l_UrlJjl|LIIlU fF/til I LIS Sewing machines taken In trade district. Statistics show that the. SI TWVViQ&L ^WANTEDâ€"BYJQftgsS: our nfiW Singer rot.iry. Over two mil- ravage^ of typhoid fever in Chicago! maker in fimTTT|jjwi iii^mTpl1.i.l fitter. liin cf t**'ese machines are, sold each have decr.aM'd in^proportion to the* Phgn^-*Wl^vv^va^nst6«**?^^JLtp ,f sewage from our ^^m^Jl^^ Want Ad Department The Lake Shore News TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 535 WILMETTE 1487 Want Ads in toe Lake Shore News ate charged' at th; following rates Real Estate Classifications. 1%,cents per line All Other Classifications, 5 cents per line Minimum Price. 15 cents. No advertisement charged for ks than 25 cents SITUATIONS WANTED WfLL HELP THE VILLAGES By Samuel H. Greeley In order to prevent me polution of the drinking water of Chicago ana the north shore towns bordering on Lake Michigan, within the limits of Cook county, the sanitary district oi Chicago has decided, In the near fu- ture, to begin the construction of a main trunk line intercepting sewer, to extena north from the Wilmette channel, which sewer when complet- ed will eliminate from I_ake Mich- igan all the domestic sewage of wn, Kehilworth, ation in pr*_*i,e home^wages very sineer f?S°wbQ .Â¥*****&. <tata.isinjer.aut 1153^'. guperior-st., Cfth^fc-^ sin*er> drJp ,_____________________' 51w-2tp singer, al -TIONWANTE i ia^experiencedJifill It her homejCyjthe lunch for $1. -___£ fB WHO | Wilcox &Mib "for children • Wilcox & Gib and furnish j Also large i hnnetka 723.; gains. Call a are. lieanaimitation? . .$ 5.00 . . 7.00 ew maker in -amTflBBi^nTpetent fitter. ,_. , L ,. ._ Evanstcl***^., itn year .* »»y buy a elimination' ing water supply. Therefore, recognizing the immense value of sanitary sewage disposal ami pure water and realizing the immedi- ate necessity of the upkeeps'of roadsjgpf and also that these Improvements can-1' not be completed until all under- ground systems are made adaptable. to necessary requirements, it is hope<l' ^ «•» • â- _«-~ -»•â€" ' ^ "* * â- -"^ ^^, 49w-2tc PATTERSON BROS., â- ^ â- 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. , -- «~% f Open Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- 'Aasv^sJ, dj*y evmlng8' itc _----------- ^~~ SALEâ€"CONV7-BEETS ------- 8.00 ------- 8.00 .... 15.00 ------20.00 ------18.00 drophead.....- 25.00 lortinent of other bar- see Evanston Theatre FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON AMUSEMENT CO., PROP. PHONES 2898*2699 H- L. MINTURN, MOD. TONIGHT EVANSTON Presenting t Ch A BAUANJ From Brazil WWK£ Winnetka and metre, Glencoe' This will be another advanced movement in placing Chicago one step nearer as the foremost health ; city of the world. Become Part of District. Over ten years ago these villages became a part of the Banitary dis- V»etâ€"-o^ Chicago and during that period they have paid into the dis- trict in faxes a fund of about $300,'- 000. The rapid-growth of the north shore j and the consetiue^ p»ii«tinn nf ctr^y ing ^Water lias made this" sewer an absolute necessity. A project of this character.j__volve.i more or less 'inconvenience to trav- elers and residents; There will be necessary changes and additions in local sewer systems within the vil- lages named; where such are re- quired, citizens should actively en- dorse efforts to secure the same Proper street pavingr~streW~repair and maintenance, where required, are impossible until this necessary under- ground sewer work is thoroughly and permanently established. No Special Assessments. This main intercepting trunk line â€" sewerâ€"referred -to -will be paid for from the funds of the sanitary dis- trict of Chicago and will not involve special assessments. The necessary changes or additions in the local sewer systems within the villages named, .wherein sewers do not now exist or in which changes or additions are necessary and consequent benefits derived, will not require special as- sessments. These local improvements will no doubt place an added value to the property thus assessed, greater by far than the assessments. To carry out a great engineering all citizens will lend their efforts to this work. Many months, indeed years, have been given to the study, of this pro-_____________________________ ject; the most capable engineers hav«j f ' FOR SALE. passed upon it; the sanitary" district j Pianos taken in trade trustees have carefully investigated j^coastigrande piano, made h it and village engineers and trW ing Bros. . It will pay-you tieTvetTlhto fts~secrets; an'a\"thjfs piano before By Brandon Thomas . The Immortal Farce Not Born to Die MATINEES Tuesday, 1 hursday and Saturday. All Seats 25 Cents. NIOHT PKI-ES: 400 Good Seats on the Main Floor SOc. BALCONY 25c, 35c. LOGES 50c EXj^.WEEKâ€"Ceorge M. Cohan's Tuneful Musical Comedy Â¥HE MAN WHO OWNS BROADWAY" -,F( out of it all has come a broad, prac-llftling new pianos $50 to isfcll buy I tical plan for permanent and spleu-; than Chicago hou did development along sanitary lines.! $300'Pianola .. /„ It in expected that 1915 will see the | J(H) Square work entirely completed, and it is not only the privilege, but the duty, of every man and woman within the limits of the sanitary district to be a staunch and earnest supporter ot this magnificent undertaking. Including the Wilmette channei (which will fur- nish the wat< r to convey our sewage into the Gulf of Mexico), the cost of this improvement will be about $5, 000,000; the sewer from the ch an n el to the north limits of Glencoe will Sons... Davis Mealy.. WesT Jtp BOARD AND ROOM ! 350 Conw j 450 Fisher I 450 Vos-e i 400'Halle t .400. Lyon & 4(|p Honker1 550 Chiekering.............. 225'oo COO Steinway.................. ics.oo CD0 Steinway ................ 225.00 Easy payments. PATTERSON BROS., 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day evenings. ltc THE AgjfbURV. 1554 aSUURY-AV., room/en suite with private bath and Binkjyi roo_ajrff*j excej/e|t cuisine; rates, room, 125 per weej dorf, Phone ncement Mr. J. W. Walker and Mrs. G. Hartman, for- merly \vitj*> Marshal lJjhfcJd & Co., have opened a CloIhe_ Shop for men, hoysarfMhMTf-nMn Vie second floor, the Shops S- lit.!!**_-• Aj_.?3 N. Wab«Ave.,-n«sar WaAingtorhâ€"You are^invited it yoursslf with the characifcr d& our m\rrfprndise. Phone Randolph 2275 V__< " board, tall mirro^ •w*l__r£prframe. Pho^e E^njaten-*2_f_6. ' WJ "~1Q» VT^aJ^jj^ and': Shaiftj. Encyclopedia book^Be. 1129 Cen-i tie P^one 174. ltc ! FeB___J3ALE j house, ^feeTT~niake r^_ Il(l3*-»pr11ce-st. CH Is, 12x60 C. ^aT*«-_ieursen, Winnetka. ^^^Stp cost about $500,000; When cothplet- ed. all sewers will be taken from Lake Michigan from the north limits of i ^--vj^s^â€":------------a---------______â€"___- (ilencoe to the Calumet river at South J Fâ„¢ ^T^T"^f^£EN OAK JLLDE | Chicago, except those emptying into '"" ' *~" '~~ [ the lake at Evanston. The Evanston ! situation will no doubt be adjusted later on. In order to prevent pollution in the Skokie valley, it is proposed to extend this intercepting sewer west on Win- netka avenue from Sheridan road, thence northwesterly through the Skokie bordering on the west of Win- netka and Glencoe, to Intercept the outlets- ^>f xmr west side systems,; thence northeasterly in Glencoe to Sheridan road; in other words, the work .as planned will care for all domestic sewage in Wilmette, Kenil- rorth, Winnetka and Glencoe, and later Gross Point will be able to con- nect into it. The construction along: Sheridan road, will extend from the "Wilmette channel to Cherry street, Winnetka. and the construction will be sufficient- ly large to include an extension of tbe sewer at some future date so as to Include the villages north of Glen- coe, including Lake Forest. ' WEEK DAYS BREAKFASTâ€"From 7 to 9 a Club and a la carte LUffCHEOlfâ€"Fron 12 m. to 2 p m. 35 cents and a la carte AFTERNOON TEAâ€"From 3 to a la carte. DINNERâ€"From 6:00 to 7:30 p. 60 cents. p.m. OF District No. Iâ€"The City of Evanston Who's Who and Why Who's Who? The Western Casket & Undertajfhg Co. and Why? BecauseAfattaifurnish the same casket iof WtyKmlars that the othej^ellpw clfgirges onehw dollars The fact that w makes this pos When in need particulars addrtt, V VJRYJACTbBSEN °f Dancing and Aimm Wabash Ave. Enlrance. 8th |jjjg Telephone Harrison 1207 '&j Hours 10 a. m. to 6 p. m, EatsbHAlillg caskets our prices and be convinced. f the services of an undertaker, get MED ROWAN INN \\/*-£ \f 6834 Sheridan Road, CHICAGO II V * W Totfnhnn* Dr_r<_._<, _•_,__. da a I ' Western Casket and Undertaking Go. SCOTT, Manager Evanston Store Formerly with J. L. Hebblethwaite) 1007 Davis Street ND HOLIDAYS Store Phone No. Evanston 98 Residem Phone No. Evanston i903 Electric Needle thc ArnjB, Neck. Eyebrow/ Inventors of the 5-N (Ove|20Ye_r; In bad etmes we use time, ano« remove hour; 60 islthe limit Our Metiod Co*t. . I the Me NO PAmt-fiO r\M (We guarSitee to deatrw, treat. Should anxjreturrtl remove them Ejgpi of Charea, â- 2?"'""%«*_*»b*rality. Honest VeHSv. M We jr_4ras«B eatisfactitin. $1.00 wilt â- 9_.nvl1,.l_a#ou- Consullations inyitot â- (Free.)(j(Wrlte for Booklet B. I Mme. Stiver j I , .-1*07 Auditorium Tower Chita*. j J T»l. Harriton 4223 SI tut Coa*rinlt. Auto Service 'Furnished iFAIT-^From 8 to 9 a. m. Ilublnjgni la carte. Bnr 12:30 to 2:30 p. to, 75 cents LUNCHEON, AFTERNOON TEA and DIWNEK PARTIES by_ Arrangement SPAGHETTI Mil . FAMOUS Cents . EV - Private Dininy Roe Arransemeiits MICBIOAN AVtNl AMP Uth gWHt LI'S RAVIOLI IIj4|||BAlT DIMNlR . 75 Cent* r 50lo l50Peoate - SINGING for afotol Parties cluexco Mrs. W. B. Little............ Mr. W. E. Horton.......... Mr. Harold Turnock........ Mr. F. D, Brooke....... ...... Mr*. W. H. Blacker. ...^........ Mrs. Ellen I. Scott......,...... Mr. H. A. Clawaon.. ......... , Mrs. Grace Laoemann........... Mr. Wm. O'Brien............... 1 Mlas Martha Pape........... Master George Carlson.......... Mr. Claude M. Clsael............ Master Emmett Ratcllffe____.... Mr. George Winter, Jr........... Master Thomas Fearing Turner. Miss Elizabeth RUsley. <......... Miss Amelia Scrtrilier........... Master Albert Lark............. Mr. J. C. Ivanhoff. >.............. Master Paul Aim................ Mr. Vernon Brooks............ Mrs. F. O. Challberg,............ Mr. Ernfet Vllella...........,../. Mrs. Katherine Ingalls..... jMrs. E. King........;............ Mr. Chas. Meppner....... ___ Miss Dorothy Edwards........".,, Mr. Douglass Dean............... Mr. Ariel Hedblom.......... Mrs. I. L. Clapp........ Mr. Joe tvester......., Master John Boeslger.. Mr. Emit Mlnch....... Master Irvin Bard...... .j. 19,964,215 19,048,615 18,667,230 10,903,615 9v§23,400 8,083,425 7,809,530 7,375,575 5,497,760 5,082^75 5,076,625 4,966,615 4,959,350 4,933,875 4,697,315 4.628.925 4,547,325 4,450,250 4,110315 3,188,715 2^99^49 2,496,315 2,469 625 2V444.725 2^75,1751 2,304,915 2-2_a,426 2,183-625 1,925^25 1348^25 1383*450 1,2.3,115 1388360 1314*428 Business Opportunities \jffor Young Men CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL] ^NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO Statement of Condition at Close of Business Tuesday, October 21, 1913 Do the young men in search of e and along the north shore realize t lactory business career that would be with tbe Brother* ? wholesale > Their modern bull Nortb.western Statio modern methods of merchaad entiresidÂ¥_ig in Evanston t oilort Jity for a sati_- le Vircprkh a connection stibl-shment of Butler Time loans â€"...... Denund -Loans....... Bonds, Securities, etc. RESOURCES ..893,900,888. 30,961,63|H3 15,171,6«.5l XJ. S. Bonds to Secure Circulation Seal Estate............ ..... Overdraftsâ€" Cashandl Due fro uated on Canal Btreet^_*PposIte the new Ines not only eveji^facility known to ising, but evjSrcomfort, convenience District No.2-^Outside of Evanston plilr. N. C Dally, Winnetka.....^....... pM-1*. C. C Flanders, It F. O,...,,....... ||Mlee Katherine Dahm, Winnetka,....... Master wilbert Kadlec, Nlles Center___. lir. Jamee a Berber, Wilmette...... Master RJehmond Corbett, Kenllworth... •Mas Marten MeOmber, Wilmette.,......, Mr. C. C. tehuH-c, Wilmette.............. Mr. Alee Smith, Oleneee.......... ..... Mlas KHen Johnson, Winnetka............ Mtas fraasse FHtseh, Hlghweod..,....... alaatsr Albert Ferbet, Kenllwerth,....... A. K. Arseaau, rtoeere Purk___ ..... Wellington Quirfc, Ropsrs Park......... MJr. vlttssetl LundqtHet, Winnetka...... Itaater Edward Hansen* Wlhnette.. . 9,747,995 . 8396320 ,7,104366 r~^880,935 4,520v2«5 t4«l*N810 3^)92,460 §1*274,066 ^•_,06837O 1,760,770 ^"12*306 ' S80.110 5253*0 W »M80 and consideration for the welftre of the employe â€" Butler Brothers are usually in a posiUon to place young men (Grammar or High School graduates preferred) in excellent positions with all the future within reach, and a personal or written application for employment placed with their "Employment Bureas_" may be tho beginning of a successful career greatly in excess ot their present expectations. Capital Stock... Surplus . . ...... Undivided Profits.... Reserved for Taxes . Circulation.......... _ tt (Individual Deposits: iBank..... IABIUT . >34,205.4S 8,706,571.88 13,847.00 5,6_0.3l 698.26 !21,605,942.90 •^ ..... . . $ 21,500,000.00 *"••••....... 8,500,000.00 •••....... •• 2,251,831.42 *.............. 372,942.66 *«,_.; :_»:.â- • 8»59i,4oo.co â- 982,147,000.42 98,242,768.40 180,389,768.82 All varieties o Rosea, Fruit s Hardy, Herbaci R ia IKHA9, ProjM>(ct_r JOHH F 818 Hoyes Street PBQtr. 1106* MONTESSOR.RI Elementary School Iacatifn3ltained >ut effonarstrsin. If interested, tbe teacher will be glad to call and explain the system. Address: Director, Care College School, Kenilwortn, 111, Phone Wiiraette 624 OFFICERS 9221,605,042.90 *£ RALPH van yBcmm^v°f Mi,f^<^<rn^\i^l ^LEX. ROBERTSON. Vice PrtalJfni â- OEO b ^irV-?^1*?0^' **» Ca_hier HERMAN WALDECK. Vice President WTlkvW ua^-AJS' Ca-hlep JOHN C. CRAFT. Vide Hrertdettt h pwwtS^T.HI^ â- *»»'* Ca»hler JAMES B. CHAPMAN. Vice President Jotm 1?X__? _!ffiTH- Ai»'t Ca_hi_r NATHAWIKTL R. LOSCH. Ca_hJer OEOROE a $&tA5& Caihier EDWARD 8. I_ACB_- Cl.«lrma_ •f0__S_^J^5mi.t4-'t °**bier « Perfect Fitting Suits at $30.00 and $35.00 ^JStyle and ftibri ;;:^i^c -serve t.7_ :||pvtnston and m^utd see our ne WedoCUani â- JppFp- .:.;^Ms__-r^-__|g_- ^i^^fP*" Ia S Telephone 1829; cannot be exiled it th 'ashionabl ie pleas Ics. s.xtapm 'ARMOUR - Praidtnt Annour * Company. ALEXANDER F. BANKS Pwidciit K.. 3. A K. B. R. 'Co. JOHN C. BLACK ~wideiit Bank. DIRECTORS 3PRANCIS A. HARDT . *VTo_W *___»» *"RAI*KHIBBARD Vice Pre-Uent H_bh_r_, Spen- cer. B-rtlett »o»' Fomw"Pr«4d«nt Continent-- EDWARD HINR8 rvatioiiil _»â€"-"â- ' ____•_.â€"_ _.. W\ I. OSBORNE ' Bond* naa iqTas-aaent*. Retired. r T. P. PHILLIPS Hto*. RFo^0^2_SL_ aâ€"_-. Pennsylvania Oil Co, OF EVANSTON as*". CHARLB8 T. BOTNT0N M--»-W Co-tpamr. Vie* PH-Mint Plc_u_a». WILLIAM V. KBLLBT nnr... "--------------~ Broin> k Cow C-__nn_n Board of _»lrart«rm W__^>I'IAX H- RKBM a j. BorrmoTON -^iT*** â- « ^oShS01' *££*« »<?«.•« -__it _^Jde_tI__-o_. «__. (^ W^ARDPLACET ... qSoroe II. R-WNOI_Ot|| en fi ve yonisunne ferencea furnisbed. \ Repairing and Remodeling. :?%sffi$2i$*^~ FsftOfllUNAB I^E LADIEST TAILOR 1911 Central Street p-ny. W. J. CHALUBRa MaaaCMtucr.. ALFRBp COWLB8----- Pi-ckhmt B-Uto C saw* jePbttAjm -KDWABQitA. CTTDAHT P^^J Cndahy tiw_. R9PTvA »tr_«HA_-! ||».VIca PraUwt Anbo-raoa-t- C4__n_-n AdT_KM7 C-mmittef. ^ handle ises^for s md al JehicI SpeciaWFord Oil-Sue- cessfuty tried by Ford Owners. Our Evsoston Location enaM** prompt attention to orders. 933 SHERMANAV. Tetcphoae 1391 RJ^tARD C. LAKE IT TKIJNOOLN *--S7 'jr. J* Dhactaia Bednd. B£5ARD p J. BARLJWO PrwUMtc.. M. Br- Ok CH-SM «r. « TOTORKB wm Wat« B. A. '^PW KS_____^ ^_i__5LW-_B_ fra-HMDt Manaa__M_) Kivar _...___ __ - b-_-M» l___5S5r* *"* IdJ^U^If VMKBVMH OARIT78 MIL-.VR _.V£_/T_"W^ PgJ^^rAAlJ. B. _t H^^JWAtBSCW SJk___P____iatv il#S 1_J_w^R&^Dw«" s^rYN la Qtiiihitml MARY____ Fhoos-Craastta 1150 saw an* •*• .Here Sf>_iit«fl««»^ ' I Ik illâ€"I** "r -mm and