Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jan 1914, p. 8

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■ THE LAKE SHORE^iBW<£ THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1914 GRIME REMEDY SEEN IN MANUAL 11 "1 iailJSe' schools. We «wy "te many ; ally employed nor in School from the ; cases confirm, per judgment that those j 14th to the 16th year of age. All that; -■'$ who are JmOow grade are mentallyde- will belli somewhat to dissipate the j fective. but we are liable to many • problem of rice in'irhfch we are isir - 'errors. Some day we aa;> by such terested. . ' / /'**¥ j means be' enabled to forecast whether ? "Bnf " legislative . acts are weak for not one who falls Iq/one environ-$agents after ail And here is my: i mentmay socceed iir&notBer;We^^ | second athoaght^^^S^e -must arrange-?^ | cannot now do s^-with "satisfaction.; situations in such a way that children | We are likely to commit many a trag;-,') will want to go to school, and so |edy if|we stand-by the data of. mental] that their parents will want to hid- f-tests alone, applied before the com j port the laws ] pie Uon of the fifth .grade, for our jndg-j "Cincinnati and Cleveland and many j roeht as to prospective life histories. [ other cities are blazing the way to- i Furthermore, casual obserration would-ward-this goal. Mr; JWr=S.-Bobe«s: Nnrthufoctarn llniuorcrfu Pr« 'suggest that a not negligible percent- supervisor of manual training in the ,IIUIIIIWCSiei H UI1IVCIolty nv^p^f <,* ;ettth» who rllMITTrasjrwn^leviela^^ an H- f6SS0f ifl EditCriai Pr0D0S6S ■ definitely norma' m> to the beginning ■ laminating paper entitled, "Activity ____________ \i" ?*& adofeaaeace suffer arrest of de in Education a Preventive of Delin- l System tO St6p_jjrfljVjffi Of, velopment shortly thereafter, are^nb^q^ncjr before ^eXattonaj Confer- ^. r~r|-".. ' . n * se«,n:en1J> rated asd^fectfvef, and are ence on the Education of Dependent. oOCiaJ LVI! and Lnrfle. a source of danger to the community. Truant, Backward and Delinquent &j | There is n<J statistics on this poinf" Children, at Buffalo on Aug. 26. Here---------------------- $Jk--------------j--------_------------------------ available. Such cases, mental tests, he- described the Elementary Indus woron^i??Fcwr^i$r^^ aged man is revived flay, can hardly discover Indeed ago in Cleveland. It is equipped for ______ .enable one vocational °duca*<"n-----The--selection -------~ ____________ Championing the cause of voca- tr' compete successfully with one's fel of pupils for the new school was By establishing lows. etc.. succeed ' in being very made pro rata by. the principals and '. nvea Qf gv., Music to Lure F|,h Two Pennsylvania disciple- „;. Walton tare Just Invented J **■' cal minnow for bass fishing •n1ma* device Is described as a wood* ** now, and instead of the usual!*, "i** in front there Is -carved out tk nn* of a pretty girt. In front of th! > is a miniature electric light th ** er for which is furnished by'a drV£* tery carried in the pocket of St£ 1 ermen. to throw light 6n the i which hangs on the under aide The minnow is painted red ,1.....nmnm.....i................"•m;i Want Ad Department j! IheLaKe Shore Newsj: LEP >«>NES: EVANSTON 505 WILMETTE 1467 11 Wast Ads .n tie Lake Shore News are charged at *e'following rates -; Real Esttte Classifications, 7-»£«eais^efUae-------- y AU Other Clasafkauons. 5 cents Per line. .;: Mmimum Price. 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less than 25 cents ;; ^ _________________ regulated by m «* The Largest Number of Per- ommiiuwu tinmw » n»ww.»--~.w-w^w ^ because, they have tout* whJ* - , r n--n- SITUATION WANTED--BY DRESS- firE INSURANCE--ROYAL INSUR-1 Ashing thatbasaare attracted br^ b3M^aye^-frOJ3rf(eathr^^ comTm^niHlft^™^ comP^yloi_Liyerpool, largest \ *"#*« of a cow bell-Evenia^ Local Firemen Win Prize. Phone, 2S5S-L Evanston. fire insurance company in world, insures dwellings, household goods, rents; lowest rates. Charles! A. Wightman & Co., Itc- the dard: i record of saving^ reasonable Call up 1*56 Evanston.; .........rsons with a lung: John gP^ ^Uy________________--] ^ >■■"■'■<■■«"■•■■■* : ^- : : r : ;T ^ motor duriEg th_ summer and fall,! WORK «ANTED-SE^LVG BY THE j ATTENTION--I HAVE NOW iS MY employ an expert painter and floor j finisher who is anxious to keeo„at; work, is willing to clean the rugsj aad do all around work. Charges j ^ORTH SHORE NURSES' OUTFIT- other club. The latest agents. Phone 203 tional training as a means of check- lag crime and the social evil in the uJth sciensj!fic lests All unpublished mar schools throughout the city. United States. Prol-Kobert H Gsnlt, r^i^rt by Dr. Bernard f;lueck, suggests 143 boys and girls thus selected were the Evanston fir*- department has re- 1434 Chicago avenue, assistant pro- this observation a certain Italian, of an average age of 1} years, and Ci_ived a check for S25 to be applied 45 years old. appeared at Ellis Island most of them were of the sixth grade. lo lne pension r.nd from the Life for entrant in'o th<- United Stater They were rough riders: inapt in Saving Devices company, manufactur- A<cording to the Binet intelligence academic studies: discouraged: irreg- fcr£ of ^e macn!nr. While Fire Mar- tests. he was-mentally but 9 years old By the one wfeo ap^li^d the tests h* ^Tessor in'psycltologv as North western .university, ir. an editorial styled "Preventives of Delinquency.' which -was published in the January num per of the Journal of American Insti atute of Criminai i^«w and Crimin- ology, sets forth facts gathered from records procured in the morale court, Chicago, and from observations :nad<- Rearrange School System. ■ * A complete rearrangement of tii«- schooi system is suggested bj Prpf Cault, so that children who are re riders; academic studies: discouraged: ular in habits, measured by tradi- tional grammar school methods, they gaxaeu t>y instructor the academic course will be kept-in school. With the Haven school now devoted to manual training work *-x elusive!}', this jjlai, coiiid be adopted ' 'in'":'jB&mstpn with ilttre trout*- ifv fact,:>T. L. Adams, director of tht- manual training work, ;,a.-. ^rtaugtd courses no that ruaoy not particularly Jm academic courses- schools are now with their hands i section. The ediiona: u: "One oi ■ v-.' -dresses before :: Congress, reteii'i, Olson, chief justh coiirt in Chicago.' contributing cau- methods ot i>r'-:-r. was pronounced defective. A* a mat- were decidedh weak. The seventy ter of fact, however, this same Italian odd principals and teachers had con- had lived in America earlier, accum- tributed their worst. There was ulated a fortune ofTS.OOO lires. returned cowed indifference and aggressive to Italy. wbf-r<- he purchased a farm, insolence. Inability to express them and now b* had recrossed the ocean selves in the simplest way was a strtk- to repeat the process, ft is stretrhing ing characteristic of the group. Here a point to call him defective. He has our mental tests would discover a lib- stnek persistently . to a definite pur eral percentage of 'defectives.' The -ftr*pose and has managed his affairs ad -■ w+ioie group would have eagerly seized mirably in the plane on which h* liv<-.«. shal Carl Harrison knew that the prize was posted by the concern for' the best reewrd fcRde during the sea-- son, he did not ••xpect the local de-' partment to win ;• A total of four'*n trips have been j made .since July i by the firemen with ! me life saving d--ice. Seven persons i have been resus<-;ated and five of that ; day. cooking and sen ing. Phone! Wilmet^e 15*7 or write Minnie j Lacke^Wilmette. 10w-2tp j WANTHp^A PLACE-FOR YOUNG1 girl. Bplyears of age. to care for j rhiid and do some dining room work. For full particulars call 12& j Laurel-av.. Wilmette. where mother; of child is employed, ov Phone 205' Wilmette. Itc TING ASSOCIATION--We will give you a perfect fitting uniform to your measurement. We reinforce all but- tonholes and strengthen seams to stand the wear and tear of the laun- dry. Call or mail measurement. De- posit on ail orders." 161". Benson-av.. Phone 3827 Evanston. Itc Anti-Puritan Club -J *«J ©LclBba which have com^. imrt JM as the result oT a quarrel with ^5 = s the "Keaj ^_^., -- ..--.v-uM, ^uuuou. It grew out of the refusal of the committee or the National Liberal to allow auctk.? bridge to be played. So u,any ^bers demanded auction that some^ them engaged premises nejft door h which they could indulge in th* favorite game. number have fu what apparently Industrial School Supported. Judji'- Olson undtrstandirigb rec-« imenda i:.'iu>?r:al schools for the .•: thOM- who are found In'o -uch in-ititutioun • < a:, deflect defectiv*- i.r,- .',-. ;,.-r Cftl! of our an opportunity to get away from the deatn had not control of the state a;- represented ut*^- jn the traditional school. a»ay to the streets. Then in due time some of these defectives would occupy the attention of th*- juvenji- court. Bui in the Elementary Industrial sefcoo. T.\t-v sa» a nf-v. Hahr tonP.'l"U< e '»a~ restored, and with it cam*- self-re- spect franki!*-.-.* and ;-oi->- Withal th^-re was a r^riar'-abU- de>»-ioi.ment of po«<-r in acad>-mi< studies. " Mr KolH-rt'- sa>> thai j- great « ;ro;•■jt. !<on nl thv.»*- foriif-ri- '^^--i><1 pupil? y recovered from j. -a ould have been lung motor been SITUATION WANTED--AS CHAUF- feur: careful driver: good n>~-cban- ic; good references Phone lSt«? Evanston. ' ltc FOR SALE A'jr>:- • 4 Tn bom .! •hn.o • Ml t'hl<ag< v.ivtd •■-: ! tan •. ;■- K: I> ; ,,.»-. ..T'-l rt^p: 1 To home of lt^i At ■ laiMj avenue. Lfre of Rodgers Pro'ongeb S»pi ". J W. Rodger? .">• itli gas in Ii<i.'U<». 2145 un ::.e" )<-. Suffi- )••:.*!>■ reviv. d • • !■• rh< Kvanst'.:. hospital »!.- • ! o da.v - lat' Sep* 16--Mrs. Eniina aib i'1'i. T"l'. East iiav. rre«-:-*~hnag". i»jvivcd oftf I )W j I ttr Aged Man Resuscitated. Probably the m_"st remarkable case of life saving wa- hat of an aged Ev- anston citizen Anthony Johnson. S^ years old. Ml < :,.iag<> avenue. Mr. Johnson accidenta.iy was overcome by t:as fumes which r'iled his bedroom. He was found ur. ::scious and taken si a:' : bejug revived by i,j li^ recovered s> .-.■ .: !.- novi ir. normal FOR SALE- $4n0.»>-i «<juar»- -USED PIANOS ........ .....? la.OV FOR SALE EVANSTON HOMES BT MAlWARf ir.SO Sherman-av. 39w-tf Idea Refuted. Wife--"According to this paper, hot water will prevent wrinkles." Hul>-- 'Don't believe it: Look how wrinkled Peek is, and his wife keeps him in hot subject matter ol Ids he had to say wa* 1 tk> contributed by of the Chicago \ ir* ords collected u, l»r ijj-'::-- for the iiusseli ,Sa>;e foundation - itort of the atteniiint: ; ;. -.■ ..■: morals court of ' ■<■■■■-■■ >■• j-iii-eriiUendei.t- <>'. . -.';•».- -.. • tcrmatorie*i r'!«:i.. ■ • r< • of feeble minded •■ •■ ..■ • ■ • , i-ii**ctive institu'i'i - .'•:-• ••'• lieves. or; the- bs-:- <.f~il~-"- -•• abrmi :,fi per i.nii <■: •;• who ent*--- pr«»4tituti<>i', -,%'.■ defective, or f*-ebb- :i.'":.«■.• k !::se that they up ir nl.-- ■ j..-'e on equal term- a.' •'•.■ i: . fellows aiiri to riiaito^e ' .jv'th ordinary grudenr* Data from Meals Cc>rt 'The data ftoni Hi< tnnrai- i '-•> wude* a siateun ia '.-.^v..- , )-tage it) nchool 111- 'Mat i ,.-? •■- Talned "by those <i..r^"i • --' -• court with addiciiji'. to v.- '-,,[.. and mi j- ih af.-un.i-73 . ' i to have a bearing u,'ou th" , r- ■ .. til cr.tii* ai-d i-rp-t '.'■;■■ frou. th> add: ■ 'VVher: the mora iirhed in Clih ago, v <-' j-r-f»f-(s!n' ioii. '■:■. made, are, brought the attendrtig ph . ;:: •■, K02, rs Park. --■ :ro;,t at Main <•? Wait, r Nuirt- - Suuthpon :iv- i.\i>-. -- T. i.. Brum .">as b*=lTi*r rrrr-ri. ftrir*- rowr> ii p to hofii*1 "i A A. y, .,. -tr.-t. Infant fi-., }.;.■• - !«•<•- porui. r tr. --v-ar-..!,i tf^ UiiUiii. Simpsmu iiprighT.... 375.0" Whe.-lo. k ......... V2'> .•'■75<»<' Schultz .......... !'■■' 4.,n..M.. Schubert . . . ....... 150 4"<t."•• Bu*h ec der'f . . HO 55u.mi A. }', fhaj.- . . . . 1'*" i........i F. ?. ruble JZiu*** i> w Ti*!. 7"i'.n" Eightvetgh' :;■-••■ piiy- O/gan F,i<s> pa>rii'-i.'f ,*>•' ••.-- r ns vmII pa> >'.•... •>■ .-• • •' p..1 plaver* T.-!« :•- "••;;. ,uz. t»r- day. Thursday fi:<i >a"<rii; ings. !Ja:;>-:^".. L■: f l.'i man ai' . K"* aiis;^!': &5 0f>i water all the time Private Institution for Ladies Only Broken constitutions built up Convalescents and invalids Becelve Scientific Nursing Doctors have strict control of their patients Booklet sent upon request CLARA LUXHEIM 232S Hartzell St. Phoue 1118 Evanston, HI. SPECIAL SALE r.S.O.i BABY CONVERTIBLE C •-« ARTS, making also high chairs and beds with this combination, now ..... ...... frtJi 8rr-> srvj-fraStr -zr-W-kvtrsstr Pr-.cti SEE the Live ArmadeUos. that Um M 00 Masdc Lanterns at 52.i' are made from. Set: us f -ir Theatre Prizes. $3.98 - BaskeU MEXICAN CURIO CO. SI™ 12 North Dearborn St Chicaeo Stores ' 164 North Fifth Ave. - Illinois' Ti- MICHELI'S SPAGHETTI !??.0^l.!"Ilan_R:"t.i.,ir!?t RAV OR RENT-0ffice$1| Fimoui Italian Restaurant EVENING DINNER 75 Cents - 75 Cents MUSIC Private Dining Room for 50 to ISO People Arrangement* Made for Motor Parties FOR RENT Of "F Kenilworth hie offices tri< ity and si:itab!r fev Aj-i-ly Phon wouh, 1L. d<x-tor.-, !» :4-R cr, • VER THE Vet- of dOU, elec- i« location: -r.ti^ts. etc. i\ .':♦. Kenil- 1'IW-- if- MICH OAN AVEM'fc AND 11th SI KLET CHICAGO REAL ESTATE For Sale K!NK W t.NSlN .N •.. !. EX ", ■ rcoru» :•"!! BVtr ■ ■ 'take? ■ ::•■ die, -is-h. ••■ ..od av. FOR RENT-ROOMS FOR RENT -- Ut>o\! Fl'RNACK' h^al and batl "l" Parker- Wil- mette. - Itp (•< Hie >. til pa.- Fully i... ,\. 1 -•; Oct . -T<> om«* <t E laughter. >! M ■•[. Wi! r.iff<', Oh r- . M.WTtf at-rT-mjr" -isu: ■<tf by iiihal i,j. tu.- it- \ i W lj . .■I ful,. rPCO\ •■; • >1 I . ff. 1 ;-. (>. • .'1 - '! Evaii.-Tti !. 'M-ita wh* r- I a IIIer 1.. Rat. 1 iff- • .1 >•;■! '.U-ttadatst?- in !:.:<: i-ourr a- >l.> ■^'he^ were ^-hsre--<i «i"' hflnt ;.-rost't«te.-:. a.* lo The r-n." - ;-.■ th*»y hai left srfcor>! »■ ." 'Sine*. Aiiril.-^M'-, v '. ■ u ?-- t-- '.-.Ourt . Via* ftfetah: -£:fc«J . ".!• ji<t»f- hee:. tiav;d,.-d 1, thai tour: I>--i > <*r i*ut her jfi.t-*vry V+» .".^f th*.'.--'; there are ty repeater.- - {i-ort.s that fift>-f<;ur j:;ri- through tha; court n tU<- ;. <r April; tn May,' <-»iflity-se\en.. -re^iety-four; in .luly forty -Au?wt. ti ft ¥*T§EiFr1---rf ■ tember, rilnesy: in Octobe; three. Of the»e groups the ■,..■ - who feft^--iiasaod hexai^d the grade in the *u<<»^ive niuiiil spectively, is as follows:- Two three, one. two. tour an4 foui Dwyer found -onl.- one high graduate amoni; all those Somen who l<assfcd through t .. court in a j**'ri«»i of afiven months *'!t is this phas'e ».» which we- «*r# -chie:: preBeiit. The abt»v+- nish, of course, no percentnge of uniitaS> ii<^ among those who ltavt h( him'i 5>pfore the completion, of thi grade---In1' the "sen&g la wbtt h ^ the term defectives above. "Judge" Olson is <tHlte right -' lie anysT Tliat %ve sliould look to t iiihiic echoo^ to identify the defective hefore )h» becomes delinquent. But * there is where the difficulty enters. K vast:-.--It Mr. and Mrs n Street. Was a day later. 1140 N->>. \v a > .|.'S;ui . Mi TreeslpfajEf Al! varieties of Shrubbery. Vines, Roses. Fruit and Ornamental Trees Hardy, Herbaceous (lowering Plants Perennial Gardens JOHN FREEMAN. r,..,.'ri.t~r 818 Noyes Street PHONE 1106 EVANSTON THEATRE FOUNTAIN SQUARE Evanston amusement co , Prop PHONES 2898-2899 H. L. MINTURN. Manager TONIGHT AND BALANCE OF WEEK The Evanston Stock Company "KI>KNTS Frances Hodgson Burnett's Classic Tale of Childhood Little Lord Fauntleroy The Greatest Play for Children Es-er Written Extra Children's Matinee, Sat. Ian. 17 10:30 A. M. BEST SKATS 25c. 25c----Matjnees Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday----25c Next Week ^^sioM^ drant Fredericks ..t,v»ilsi..!.f» Fully r.-«:«M.T.d. 1J '1 i Evantuon ti pjsuitai utU'Diu' 'vas mad'- tn r<vr." in Mr. ami Mrs. K M Tficm \kh- :.'-r awar» sli;>t a r'-ronl inp mB'le with th<- luna nmror -aid Fi:>' Marshal Harrison tr>- ti.l th. receipt of :h»- cluck for > a surprise to m-s However . h.t\> he* ii always ready with the •vie ' and have answered all alarms' .natch In a few cases the pr>- >niobi:> has been used to car- nachii,' It is attached t6 the ■ truck and is carried to all ie example of the city Wilmette citizens sub- t'und and purchased a t summer. Through the generosity of Mrs. John A. Jameson of Hubbard Woods two lung motors v^f*. given the village xtf~ Winneika^ one for use at the bathing beach and the other at the fire department /•/...... ir, ■'/. ;;; Work called for and delivered North Ave. Sanitary Cleaners and Dyers I're9sin^. repairing and re- modelinij. special attention ifiven to bousewear. 1008 North Ave. Hubbard Woods must (l".-:i-t from That persistent com ulk-ii' in. ii^ii^iX!^-erUne u*bi«-h- w 4n--tX dUlge wi.. n v... allow our children to ' ko from -r !,-•>.;- >o street? at T2 or l-.anurc to m euro promotion iti tli'-■ h 32 i,"-thp enforrpniiini_ I he team t lent a'Xifl tie pa.= it> attd truest Hriii--. Ti.* Us i liii-v, hi»i'( Vi-r. tali- "p"" U ^.^ular school.^ even nhen condftiong ■ of eompul^ory education up to the . Oaboriie and Aldus, vvfto ina< ure. favorable, does notJnJicate that j litji year of aire (in minolB) the eourtPtrt' '"f BatrteTban an th.,- -one- is unable to compete on equal ; may commit the truant to the Parental source of ad-uiratitn jHXOf with one's feliov/a" as a carpen- i school, under the. Parental school law f--»8r_______________________ EVERTHING WAS FREE. A tramp picked up at Main street and Chicago avenue. Frida;. at 2 a. m . was given a free ride in tie poTic' automobfle and given a free miSirtyrpjjpy^--ffir' Hip night:-'-Ir was ffryt- Two Gift Books of Quality First Book of the North Shore NE.TTIF SPOOR HANAUER 74i F.-e Arts 8ldg.. Chicago ens C'ftie Datcft &tadia OH; <Jift, -u; ef th ary -or [H?.>f4e ef finp-iei.t. Le a ' h China. Water C • Art Craft Insjrictjft:i ;ij \,eK- and China. Car.:* all occasions. tr-ra apprentice, nor in business, nor; There in immediate need for such an This gatm,-, cousidTing ti " a cAl] thought that the wanderer was a sus- •■wis The pj^jQQg character, but upon close ques to the j tinning Assistant Chief of Police John ________, Lston learned that he was merely a ir r. ist army of nnem- 4is. a lultiiedged m^n, nor what'^riol^ »me»dm^rrf^oHtlmf inw Alarms Jvpt/>y«^ w^A- wattTzma-rrttn^ the streets T?y mental tests alone We. may dig- rflQT court to commit WTTie PareStar ^eam^w one of the best quintets in1 because be had no place of shelter Tor cover nios"C~oI~IhB~mentally defective ' Menwj'i any >"onTJr"whoi'ts'Tielthor lega ~ilie state. ^---- "- the night. Everything and any- sthing in Good Jewclt y, Diamonds & U atches Edward Ivirchberg ' iliMortlt^Statc Street Otemiti Marshall Fjtu /• Cn. Price $1.50 and Second Book of the North Shore Price $2.00 Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, High- ways and Byways, Fast and Present by MARIAN A. WHITE Intensely Interesting, Historically Valuable, Pro- fusely Illustrated in sepia and of increasing value as .books will not be reprinted. Make remittancesdirect to MARIAN A. WHITW 6^^SfoeridaaRoad------^z^zr^dEMcitgD:

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