Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jan 1914, p. 5

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1914, I Mat People Are Doing ^♦in Evanston****** Rufus Dawes, 1800 Sheridan * I'uaa returned from a trip Jo JIo- road/ "'ls > hllft A|a- tf:--------- 0I1(i Mis. Clarence C. Travl*. tvrniu\ left last week for Mr. I!? Asbuiy LjforJ. TtV _MLl:.v_aul- : |k^ '"»>■ L Mrs. L^xlub Friday. ' j, v j ||. AllinK. 1315 Elm wood ave- , ,, li-r w-.k to join Mrs. Ailing nut', if" , . Mr mvijdit sf. Bobb and Mr. James «•'«■<•"" have been in_ Minneapolis Wing, 42S Greenwood William N. Buchanan, 2015 ,,,,( .nt.'i rained her lunt'h- tvenil days on business. ,1 vii Rose, 2-110 Park place. for st Miss K» . tlu. a, i k-end guest of Miss Grace r Kenosha. Wis. & McElv- r,;i„Mi Thompson ot Muskogee, j.* visiting h'T sister, Mrs. , h,n. D Mack, 11«»5 Church street. «r and M's. Frank H. Spearman, ](.j.,'.v av.nue. left Sunday for ■;,l., (o be gone the remain? Mrs Okla- der of rl> Mi- ^ TTnlirrnrTT girt-ft. !■ ' j,. M.I'M-' Mrs! in Uj/M.r tt;rn< 'J .■ visii 't> ' Mr?.""' : Jwlst'ii a' the «■ ■ '■■ niun'l s i Mr. v. ,: e'. '.h- "' ,!„> mi-' iani A. Whitehead and lit- Miruiia Louise, 'A?a Davis Mr. and Mre; Eben E. Macleod, 930 Michigan avenue, have gone to New- York. ■■■',: . -'- Mrs. A. D. Mortenson. 2400 Harrison street, returned Saturday from Battle Creek. Mich. Mr. and Mrs. R." B. Dennis have moved from 2735 Hartzell street to 731 Clifton~ptnc& Mr. and Mrs. E. E, Ol;>, 2X24 Park place, have gone to Florida for an extended trip. Miss Anna I! Muno spent the veek-end with Miss Helen Conrad of Highland Park. --Mr., and Mit*-.--Warn<-r"CoTJuin. Foi^ tst avenue an.1 Lincoln place, left Fri- day for New York. Mr. Claude H Allinp. 1315 Elmwood avenue, has gone to Mudlavla Springs for a couple of weeks. Mrs. B. D. Dean of \h nver" Colo., is visiting her cousin. Mrs. Ell-n M. Bur- li't, *>;}& Judson avenu*'. Mr. George M. Ludlow. Forest ave- nue and Hamilton *tro«r. iviurii<-d Friday from NY\» M\:,-... Miss Connor >,( Burlington, la. Is the gutst of h_r sister, Mrs. Thomas Creigh. JS72 Sin ridan road. Miss Kuth lPm.n\\a\ kit Friday for Uloomington vh«».. >hr will give one of In r-anrai-tiw readings. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. I W. Kass. I. 1117 Main sir..;. Wedm sdax. Jan. 21. of the Evanston hospital, a hoy. ; -Mr. and Mw, Henry L. Wood, 646 Hiunian avenue, will move the middle j-of February to Williamsburg, Va. Mr. dames:-SrmTtiTjr^rnBbTn^hT-Par: j visited last week at ihe home of Mrs. Frank'Milhening. S17 Judson avenue! Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Cook, 13.3 Demp-I jster street, left Sunday for Palm! . Beach, Fla., to !>»■ gone several months. Mr. and Mrs. William Terras willj j shove- n^xt -WFr^--TPonT TiiuTanapolis. j [IluL. and will live at S4U Ridge avenue. Mrs._A. M. Gilb-ri has returned to' • Pasadena. Cal.. iir't-i- visiting Mrs, j George M. Sargent, 1502 Hinman ave-j i niip, , Miss Laura HuTlbiTi of \ustin anenTJ u lew days last Auk with nor cousin.! Mrs. R, C. Knaggf. 720 Michigan ave-, nuw. Mrs. William D. Marsh, who has been visiting In PolladelphlarPa^ wilt go to Atlantic City after leaving that city:--;-------------------*~ ~~~ ' . Mrs. If. Theodore Ellyson of Rich- mond! Va., s visiting her daughter, Mrs. .less. R. Taylor. 1713 Anbury avenue. Miss Jaue "'opeland of Hai.cock. Mrs. J. \V. Slayton, 1026 Grove street*,"isft last Tuesday for Milwau- kee, Wtofcr-to visit ' her sister, Mrs. Charles McCairy. ~ * Mrs. J". M. Larimer returned last Tuesday from Detroit, Mich., and is visiting her sister, Mrs. Byron Kaw- sou, SIS Reba plae,. Mr and Mrs. Charles B. Cleveland. MA DA M E A U G U STA HELEIW Club and Society Engagements Dramatic and Operatic In tercretatic ns PROGRAMS and LECTURES Prc?.aratic« of Ttsper-* f.r Club Womtn on ii.ty French Sxkjtctj 1 246 Wilson Avenue CHICAGO 731 Fine Arts Building Alielu. arrived Friday to visit her ate-. l^ttjt Uiumaii_aVL^nur, sitent tli ttv, Mrs." Ernest Wieder. 2t*>3«t Prairie •nd wi'li tluir daughter, >trs. Edward avenue. ' Kujuirski. in Roekforfl. Miss Kathryn Kjinkle, who has been! Miss Sarah Harris. 821 Davis street, vi-sititig Miss Lillian Foster, is now the guest of Miss Gladys Bevers. 1017 Ridge avenue. Mrs t' h » ESaUJMSSS^i. SIX- Forest I avenue, lUuintd last wee! . :u Elk-. hart. In.!., win r- ii.g her parents. she had Ueen visit !• ft Satarda'v -.>v i>. nv.-v, euaa^^^ slu will stop . n' route to Pasadena on a trip of s. \. ral months. Mi-. Men iti IV Seelye ,.: Duluth. Minn., is sp> toling several w.*>ks with his parents. Mr and Mrs. Frank R. cTr TIMTT AI IS musical college/* Piymouth Bide. Broadway & Lt"and-Colle«e Entrance. ♦TOcOe Bfo*d"**y Itl.f<gt»ifl«*aa>ji 1 A SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND DRAMATIC ART STEINHAUS VIOLIN SCHOOL- Partial Scholarship To Talented Pupils I VOICE COACHING--Dancing By Miss Olive Depew 2._Jf. .vlv. 724 Judson aventu Pi iday to spend two months :.-. Mich. :h Harvey and little daugh- >i 24'.it> Crant street, re- •■ i d,i\ from a two weeks' icon. 111. Dr. Ai thin--D. Black'. 125o Asbury : i orTT To af- avenue, has gOlP> to : t« nd a dental pedagogic meeting. -Madame Eugenie de Rood.- Rice lias r.ioved from 1"".'. Hinman avenn. and its living-at i:s:!4 Hinman avenue. Mr. and Mrs. lliiaiu K. I). cli< i\ 'iii!t a Lincoln Bartlett, 14*13 (lark str... t. ft'rVv.- left for a two months' trip to Cuba-and Floi Ida. "Mf. and Ml>. ITTfani K. Becker; 60'J i'lark street. lu\o for a two month s trip to .'uba and Florida. • v. land, 241 THESE SALES Wed., Thurs., Fri. and Sat., Jan. 28,29,30,31 HE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING" Rosenberg's Red B Trading Stamps |mg| Saves you money on all 'B^Q* purchases 'P^iStf is lea\ ing the last of thtt rrrr roomer, mi^. -Ed ... i of N-m York. Miller, oiii- of t h" faculty i r Military academy, vv;e "liursday of Mr. and Mrs ,|U>-i. !'2o Judson avenue. Miss (jVrtrud.' io*r road, vvho ttit* east, r-tuni' = -Mr_;T^„M.i^.^I_IX .Qi&xuuni^shr^-rM&^ Marear. t 1 St-ward Ftbrii.ii. ' Bra. h. r'rir. Mi.- ' to her In ing .i in Mr. R"i • it. will leave the first of or Florida, stopping at Palm ksonvilie and St. Augus- w Keith returned Friday . in New York, after spend- tli at the home of her son, t H. , Keith, 2544 Bennett Cio- s t»•■ ii \ isit in'n in Sat urdav' morning. ill.- of Chicago was life week-end gu-st of Mr. and Mrs.' Frank E. Haker. 222*'.- iVnttal street, i Miss Kathryn Rose, 2410 Park place. spent the vk-o'k-. ml as the guest of Miss Grar-e' McElw.iin at Kenosha. Mis- day i' Conn. her l>r l»>2ti <i Mrs. of Ihsi N and Mrs Orri ni;; • - Mrs. A renin M;.i\ Ilrown returned Wednes- ln r home in New Milford. h. r, Mr. Arthur Nfobh st reft. Brown, Charles R. Roberts, and Lincoln street, rida for an ..'Xtended Wis. Mr. and Mrs Hartray aveiiut have gone to Fl trip. - * Mrs. F. R. Lincoln, S2:l Reba place, went, to Milwaukee Saturday to visit isiting at the home of ,„.,. sul, Ml. (-ll:irI(,s |jni.0',n, IOI. a •••k or ten days. Mrs. Edward C. Carter, 412 Green Iain, s Kirk returned the first Wood boulevard, was hostess Thursday ,wk to her home in Havana, at a luncheon Kivefi fn compliment to T'vlslflns at Th^hoTmrijf-Mrr--MT5; Ifarrrson fi. Riley, -- -"---- - Charles F. Champlin, 2.'??.0 Miss Mabel Mattern of Berkeley. avenue. Cal., has returned to her home after II. <'hilds. ir»»J3 Dak avenue, bf ing the guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. M. . .,1 Friday from Rocky Ford.! Ramsay. 2414 Harrison street. j Colo., win re'she has been spending a! Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Speck, j numb-r of weeks with her daughter, J 1815 Ashland avenue, a boy, at the j Ms llaH,v; ,1. Coon. | Evanston hospital. Jan. 24. Mrs. Speck j ^Uv^^^Ws-B^-GoH^d^v-dias-aj^--^!:- formerly Miss Gert rude Beck- j «1.....Ilin: a w.ek in Evanston, coming | s<1'0,n- ' Frank Van Vlis.-dng<-n, r ho is in | Chicago playing with the David War-' told eonipan;. w.m at home to his friends Sunday v. mm; at ;1.". Da-1 \ in str.'t Mrs. U'ull.r I.." Blown iuini.-ilv of Evanston. has announced the engage-1 j nient of her daughter, Lois Virginia,! 'to Harold Inglegar Angler of San! Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Hast fr in I Cut ;. Mi h. ii Mr. ri|.|i ■sh-.irgh and New York. Mrs. - \ isiting her daughter. Mrs. . Pittsburgh. : i Mi* Earlo Scripps re- tii'st of this week to their. I- Moines, la., after visiting; i|i|>.s' mother. Mrs. George] .J Church street. hland Park, a son, Wednes- Diego. Cal flay. Ja or Mr i:.i;.- :-.i Mi.-.- avrnii' Alumna. School i rytou:i Mrs ter, Mi- bury a ■, d«na. <:.: erai nioi Mr. .u B. Tin Rich- v left Mrs. E. L. Warren and sun. Philip. .'I. Mr. Hastings is the son llave been guegts of Mrs. I .1 Mrs. Samuel Miles Hast- al,isol) 151,; Mal)I(. aVonue. • i ly of Evanston. ; today for Spokane, Wash., to resid oh-Cue Spry, 1323 Hinmanf permanently. as elect.'d secretary of the a silver •iation of Miss Mason's (Jills at th" Castle at Tar ihe Hudsciii. X. Y. my D. Thouiau and daugh Dorothy Thoman, 1554 As left Sunday for Pasa Mrs. A. L. Murray guv tea Monday afternoon between the hours of :'. and 5 for the benefit, of St. Matthew's (lunch, at the home, 2120 Lincoln street. Mr. and Mrs Elmer E. Billows, 82:) Washington street, announce the en- irLt- BREAKFAST a FOOD. Grape Nuts.. per pkg..13c Cream of Wheat. per l»kg. Ralston. pkg. Gold Medal Corn Flakes. per pkg...7c Uncle Sam's. 1-r pkg..22c Puffed Rice, ;.er pkg. .12c 13c 12c GROCERIES A glance at these items will convince you that we sell the best groceries for less than others. Our new method of handling phone orders is giving excellent satisfaction. Try it. This Sale Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January 2S% 29, JO and 31. Sardines: in pur. '■> e.ins Sardines: 'i\, Norwegian, dive oil. .......... 25c IV- Flour: Nap , li Neptun. in. in i n- :'jc where they will spend sev-1 gagement of their daughter, Susan, to at the Maryland. d Mrs J. N. Welter, 819 Mon- will leave February 1 for an j Mr. Christopher Huffey Adams of Hartford, Conn. Mr. Frank Mitchell and family, vvho Itend.'d trip through "^rWaVrto^I have been n^upyliig the Edwin Walk-. Pin*.,, Beach. Jacksonville and I pr ho"stl at 2333 Lin,'oln st^ct; ^ Si. AH,,,.ine and other points. j tlirneo t0 th,ir hom,; in Sa" Domingo Mr and Mrs. VV. R. Dawes, 1803 the first of this week. thfc-aK.. hvhh^ have rettirned from! Thp Catholie Woman's club is to Memphis, Tenn., where Mr. Dawes at- ttndrd "iiie Prosperity Dinner" given by th-- Business Mens club of Mem- " phis. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison B. Riley and dauirln.r- Miss Dorothy Riley, 1822 Sheridan road, will leave this week for I'asadi na, Cal., where they will spend s. v. ral months at the Maryland hotel. Mr. <;.orge Lequere, playing with Dffvid Warfleld in "The Auctioneer," *as the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. W- I) (^hapman, Jr., 2310 Thayer street. Monday night. Mr. Lequere is a former- Evanstonlan.-------------------------- .The annual linen shower for the benefit 0f St. Francis hospital will take place Thursday afternoon, Jan. 20, at tjm hospital, 355 IHiflgelivenue, at 2 P_PJ The sisters of_St. Francis Hospital cordially invite the public to attend. Mr, and Mrs. William Klatt, 2118 Wesley avenue, announce the engage- went of their daughter, Miss Amelia Klatt, to Mr. Fred Schmidt, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidt, 1526 Main street. The date of the wedding has not yet been set. ' The Misses Caroline Dawes, Con- stance msieyt Elizabeth Illsley, Billie Klrkmah, Eleanor Orr, Eleanor Spry, Gladys Spry, Dorothy Thoman and Elizabeth Wells, were among the 8K>up of young women who assisted at the reception held yesterday afternoon "w the Art Institute in honor of the give a series or card parties for the benefit of the club fund, the first of which will be given Friday, Jan. 30, at the home of Mrs. William J. MeDon- ough, 1319 Lake street. A children's violin class has been started at Stow House. It meets every Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock; The class now has a membership of twelve. It is free to members of Stow House club. Mr. David Jacobs is the teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan W. Williams, who have recently moved into their newly built home at 1201 Sheridan gave a house warming party Thursday evening to a large number of their friends. The features of the evening were cards and dancing. -Edward: Price entertained his hoy- friends Saturday at his home, 2006 Shefldah road. THese~present~werer JRobert Green, Harvey Scribner, Car- ter Smith, Edward Voorhees, Ted Hat- field, Philip Lord, Graham Pendfield, Edwin Singleton, Nelson Barker, Rich- ard Aldrich, George Richardson and Griswold Price. Games, an indoor track meet and refreshments featured the evening. NEWSPAPER MAN HIT. James L. Havlland, who resides at the Phi Kappa Pisl fraternity honse, University canvpna, reported to the police Satnrday evening the loss of a pockethook containing $5 and two - ~« ^ xnsuture m nonor ot me checks for fl "It Is" thought the wat >nuts of the Grand Opera company, let was lost on a street car. TWO ITEMS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE FROM WEDNESDAY TO SAT- URDAY ONLY. One 25c can Lowney's Cocoa and one medium pkg. Schepp's Premium Coccoanut. both for. 2&c 10 bars Lighthouse Family Soap and 3 cans Light- house Cleanser, both for .................50c 5 lbs. best lump Laundry Starch and one quart bottle best Laundry Blue, both for............25c One 10c can Nuway Pork and Beans and 15c bot- tle Van Camp's Tomato .Catsup^ b©«i.....for. ■ ■ -15c- One pint bottle Vari Camp's or Heinz's Toma- to Catsup and one bottle Holbrook's Punch Sauce, both for............25c One tall can fancy Red Salmon and one can Vik- ing Kippered Herring, both for............25c Canned Fruits: Hotchkiss' glass jar la6el California Fruits, Peeled Apricots. Peaches, Egg IMuins. liartlett Pears, Creen (iase Plums or Muscatel , ., Crapes, per No. 3 VWan .................27c Pinreapple: Hillsdale Ha- waiian, sliced, per can. 22c; " cans..........48c Pineapple: .Richelieu Ha- waiian, sliced. No. 'A cans, per can........33c Cherries: Glass jar label, black or Royal Antie, No. 3 cans, per can.....31c Cherries: Lyndonville Pitted Red. No. 2 cans, per can.............21c Peaches: Richelieu Lemon Cling per can ... -33c Peaches: I.ibby's Lemon Cling, per can.......29c Pears: Michigan My Michigan Brand, No. 3 cans, 3 cans........48c Pears: White Horse Brand Eastern Bartlett. No. 3 cans, 2 cans. .41c Pears: Our Boy Brand, No. 2 cans, 2 cans.. .31c Preserves: Angora Brand, Strawberries. Red Rasp- _bexries_or Black Rasp- berries, No. 2 cans, per cen ............14c 3 cans .............35c dozen cans .......$1.1 & CANNED VEGETABLES. <5orn: Fall River or Ap- petizer, 3 cans......23c per dozen ........• .83c Corn: Richelieu 2 cans ........ per dozen ..... Peas: Dodge Early June, 3 cans .......... per dosen ....... Peas: Extra Sifted June, 2 cans..... per dozen....... Beans: Savoy Wax. 2 cans. . . . Beans: Plymouth Brand, ....25c . .$1.39 Countv ... .25c ___95c Early ___25c ..$1.39 Golden ...25c Rock Cut String, 3 cans...29c Pork and Beans: Nuway, No. 1 cans. 4 cans...25c per dozen ..........69c Pork and Beans: Union. No 3 cans, per can.. 18c 3 cans ______.......,47c Salmon: Plymouth Rock Red, per caQT...... 18c 2 cans .............33c Salmon: Savoy Brand. fancy red, 2 cans....39c Salmon: Richelieu, flat cans, per can........23c Herring: Union Jack, Kippered, 2 15c cans 19c Sardmes: lUmel. ss and Skinless, in olhe oil, p. r >aii ...........19c SYRUP AND MOLASSES Maple Syrup: Old Manse, pure maple, per pint can........22c per quart can.......37c Ohio Maple and Cane, :; itie bottles for. . . .19c Log Cabin, , per pint can........ 22c per quart can.......41c j Molasses: Lucie, ' per .'.% lb. can. ... 17c Duffs, " per 2'_. lb. can......21c pr'r 5 lb. can........37c WEEKLY MONEY SAVERS. Sugar: H. & E. Best Gran ulated. 10 lbs. 43c (with a $J.u0 grocery order or Beans: Hand ; I pounds foi Beans: Nuw . . .25c over, dour, soap! teed or 2 for 1 specials not in- cluded). Crystal Domino (full or % size pieces), per 5 lb. box........43c Feed: Best mixed Globe Chicken Feed, per sack..........$1.89 California drP-d I .i'li.i. ■_' pounds ior . . 19c Rice: Fancy Ilea..!. .: pounds 27c : i- uncy Ja ; an. ' :'. pomuls tor........19c Ccrnmeal: Cold, n Yellow or \\ hit.., ii pounds. .He Oatmeal: Fresh milled, ,"> pounds for........17c Tapioca: Bulk. Pearl - pounds for........15c SOAP AND SOAP POWDER. Armour's Hammer Soap. 10 bars ............22c Flotilla Soap, large bars, fi bars.............19c Milady Toilet Soap, 5 bars .............19c P. & G. German Mottled --Soap, 10' bars.......37c Armour's Lighthouse Cleanser, 3 cans..., tie Gold Dust, 3 5c pkgs...........11c TEAS AND COFFEES. Coffee: Sheridan (a blend to please all coffee drinkers), per lb....35c '. pounds for Coffee :_ Old fi. l"-r pound I pounds for Coffee: F.\n' . ISosnt"., Blend ;..r pound .. ; pounds for Coffee: Ronita r.-adv to us..), :: pounds for Tea: Kid« waLabel, in r lb. piT per Tea !'• P< 'a lb. . .in li Hi. can. Buff l.abe 1 lb. can ■-. ib. can. 95c 89c .....30c . . $1.00 Tepared. -r lb.35c 95c < irango an . 57c . . 29c . ,15c . 49c 25c FRUIT AN>D VEGE- TABLES. Potatoes: Fancy Bur- bank's. 15 lb. peek..29c per tin lb. bu......$1.05 Carrots: Home grown Carrots or Beets. per peck ...........21c Turnips or Canadian Ruta- bagn. -pound.- ,13c Oranges: Fancy California Navels, medium size. per dozen ..........19c large size ..........33c Best Meats-Lowest Prices Pot Roast Beef, per Ib...... Shoulder Steak, per Ib....... 8 4kc 20c 18c 25c Sirloin Steak. per Ib................. Round Steak, per Ib.................. Shoulder Veal or. Breast, per lb................. Little Pig Pork Sausage, | 7\gt per Ib.................■- *-H- Best Lard, wrrtte,, per lb.-.............. Hetzel's Best Hams, 8 to 12 Ib. average, Ib Hetzel's Best Bacon, by the piece, Ib...... Selected Bacon, sliced, rindless, Ib........... 13HsC 16c 22J6C ...28c Sugar-cured Bacon, 1 QL« by the piece, Ib......*- *772*^ Selected Codfish, 1 ^ L,, per Ib................l^t^C 23c 38c 9e Best Salt Port, sweet plckeled, 4 to 5 Ib. pieces, 1 RTIL^ per lb .............,. ■ »>'2<. Pickeled Pigs' Feet, 3 lbs. for........ _ SATURDAY. Prime Rib Roast Beef, best quality, the kind you pay 22c to 25c for per lb., only.......... | i\l/t. per lb. Spee+aL -*- *y'f£*"- Best Leg or Loin of Veal, k)d I ~A per Ib.____ ..........^i\f%Z Selected Young Leg of Lamb, per Ib....... resi- le lO^c I 25c size Crisco, for Snowdrift Shortening, No. 3 pail, for.......... Norway Mackerel, 12 oz., each....... Armour's Simon Pure A Q^a Lard, 3 Ib. pail for. Best Loin Lamb Chops, *>i per Ib...................4i-l\ J< Hindquarter Spring Lamb, per Ib..... Kosedale Farm Milk-fed Chickens, for roasting or O/'k* stewing, Ib..............aSv/C MONDAY SPECIALS. Bell-shaped Leaf Lard, -| I I... per Ib................1 I 'tjC Milwaukee fine Frank- -| *\\,tA furters, lb............A O-^C Sauerkraut, imported from Holland, S'"" lOc 8^^r.7:T-;-v7i^e Fresh Pork Sausage, 1 Q .. large, lb................*- •*'-'. SPECIAL FOR THURS- DAY, JAN. 29. No Phone or Mall Orders Filled on These Items. Uneeda Biscuits,. Baker's Premium Choco- late, per pound.....29c Our regular 45c 5 sewed BroomB, each ......28c Van Camp's Pure Tomato Catsup,iz fit. bottle..8c SPECIAL FOR SATUR- DAY, JAN. 31. Butter: Wayne & Low, or BrookrVeld. Best Creamery. per pound ........35! zc Eggs: Fancy selected. tier dozen.......... 33c None delivered at this price. -Olives: Durkasco fancy' Hour Sales No Phone op Mail Orders. None of These Items Sold to Childreifcl WEDNESDAY. JAN. 28 9 to 10 a. m. and 3 to 4 p. m. fc FLANNELS- Closing out of all Dress Flannels and V'elour Flannels, worth up to ISc a yard, for.................. THURSDAY, JAN. 29 9 to 10 a. m. and 3 to 4 p. m. HANDBAGS- 150 ladies' extra fine new style Leather Handbags, sold" regularly up to $1 50 for... '............ 73c FRIDAY. JAN 30 9 to 10 a. m. and 3 to 4 p. m. TABLE OILCLOTH --5A pleees--of- extra qnality Table pileTofh, ISTi new patterns, a yard..... ......... SATURDAY, JAN. 31 9 to 10 a. m. and 3 to 4 p. m. ! j PERCALE-- 50 pieces of double width Percale also 30-inch single folded, light and dark colors, jk ■ "Itlc qunlity.T yanI7~:~i~77.H^^rQ- MONDAY, FEB. 2 9 to 10 a. m. and 3 to 4 p. m. COTTON CHALLIE--New styles of Cotton Challie, best quality. <J|j£ _ 10 yards for................*30C J Pimento, stuffed, regu- lar 35c jars, per jar. ,23c Oranges: Fancy Califor- nia Navels, med. size, per dozen ..........16c Carrots: New Carrots. ,1 bunches for........9c SPECIAL SALE OF SOAPS AND SOAP POW- DERS FOR MON- DAY, FEB. 2. Lighthouse Family Soap (save the wrappers^, 10 bars ............36c Armour's Hammer Soap, 10 bars ............21c Fels-Naptha Soap, 10 bars.............37c Lighthouse Cleanser, 3 5c cans for........10c :Best Laundry Bluer or full strength Ammonia, per quart bottle___5'/^c Borax Soap Chips, 2 pounds for......... .9c Every ^^ Thrifty Person No Phone or Mall Orders. $1.00 bot. Tonic Syrup Hypophos- phates......................50c 25c bot. Tonsilirte .... r...... ...A- 50c bot. Bucklin's Electric Bitters.37c 25c bot. Atwood's Jaundice Bitters. 19c 25c Sal Hepatica ..,*............ft17c $1.00 Scott's Emulsion ......,."_.T.19* $1.00 Pinkham's Vegetable Comp..69c $1.00 Peruna..................., .79c 5c Williams' Quick Shaving Soap. .30 35c Robinson's Patent Barley.... .25c 25c Grove's 4-axativs Broi Quinine.......................15o 25c box Seidlitz Powders, 10 in a -- .. z. tot -i..^.».».»... JiJi!ii;v.i.^i:iSm .»» .10c LIQUID VENEER for furni- ture, woodwork or piano; 50c size................ J., Special Terms of Credit You Can't Buy Better FURNITURE at the Same Prices. If You Could, We Would Sett Them. Special Terms of Credit DESKS "DIXIE" RAO-HUGS--A verx excellent rag for bed room, bath or kitchen; washable; colors brown. *%£% -- green, blue and yellow; HsfQ „?1,25 value. ..........vmamm.- COUCHES--Full In size, massive frame, finished In golden --oakF^goaraateed rortagt^CiiTiared JbJSofc--+gm * jm-- ton leather; $14 value. If J £*. S This able at............. mmmfW^^- MAGAZINE OR"«J!OK-RACKS--Three large shelves, finished In --a#-- Early English; $2.25 value I j fOrT77.Ti7■:.-»',ivrriTi jVt^ >jfcv^ i, i .Jr. 1 V "' i 9 i TAPESTRY BRUSSELS RUQS -9xlV-OrlenteI -patterns,- made In one piece; $15.00 value ..*...........r-^-^-. Size BRU88ELETTE STAIR -. AND HALL CARPET--22% inches wide, close woven, reversible and very durable; 35c value..*«,*, KITCHEN CABINET BASES--Has two lery drawers and large cutting heard; $5 value..... COLONIAL MlRrrOflt--Slse 12x24,wblte enamel, oak, mahogany a* gold frames; $1.50 value

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