Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Feb 1914, p. 8

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HURSD4 rf-wrflJshow: them to,h© good basketball '$J*"'-'t&n' AJ nn the tHplayers, swimmers, hockeyplayers, _ '*_ i ■ * _ - ^^ '; etc., and unless they are encouraged UgH SchQQl Situation !! to form clubs and teams, *he girla 'stand to lose the. great benefits that one. Impromptu debates"*•were a away with all devotional exercises In regular feature of each meeting. For our schools: the sake of variety, several meetings ■ "The Bible club was organized In were almost entirely musical. (the springof 1911 by the Young Worn- .,r. „,.„...,..,,,.,.tr^_,. ^,^^^M^t'c,u^t ,m , .„ w^-. „.,w m^......., ....... "Hesperla's membership did not en's Christian association.- Miss Dy- -^ " "^-----'X' _ ?" ■ j their brothers are getting from this 8oar to the even hundred mark atjsart waspresent at the organization SOCIAL LIFE OF THE HIGH element of education. any time within the laist year. How- and has been our leader since that SCHOOL. This consideration has led manylever,- aU the members were picked .time. Any-girl who belongs to the In any discussion which has to do school boards and principals to add j.Wjtn great care, for the society be-'high school may Join/the club. We " the school life of the adolescent j to the teaching force a womaln, often] upves In giving everybody something * now have a membership of thirty-flve rl and boy a failure"to touch * upon called "dean of girls," whose business t0^0_ | girls, three times more than the mem- great importance of social actlv.jls to be the "guide, philosopher and nHeBper|a ha8 ^^^^ This year's permitted and fostered by the J friend"^ the girls. This dean is not jJar-eat.!^ewllts^0f^j,e-;-debntlng- world officeraL^are^ Eresldent, Dorothy, ibol,woulaTbe^W"'omlttlbiMr"1oTllh^«J:i^reta!ry,' physical culture teacher L^ great success. The mock trial i Wood; ylcfrpresident,' Dorothy Fish; idamental elements of secondary j nor nurse, but her business is the ^ Chapman; treas- educatlon. The adolescent 1b not aim- j.welfare of the girls. ;She seeks the Lf the mogt BUCCe8gfUi ever recorded urer, Josephine Purdyy ....... i ■■■.■I ill II 111 IT IT Want Ad Department! m LaKe Shore Ne^si TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 585 WILMETTE 1487 ; Wwt Ads is the Lake Snore News ate cta*d M lie following rates ; Real Estate Osssifiatioas. 7tf cents per ine. All Otter CUssifiations. 5 cents per line. , .- ., ; M.nimum Price. 15 cents. Norfverlisement ciurged for less tktn 25 centsj 11iTiTmm11iVilnliiri ■ jtciIiiiliii■ m'"l1Tir|" .ply a mind that Inhabits a body, nor a.]confidence and friendship of each body that accidentally or otherwise girl; she talks with the mothers and possesses a mind, but he is first, last! knows the physical limitations of each >ay, nor a i connaence ana inenasnip oi ««*«"_ jq he -^j^-^ tbe society.--The otherwise girl; she talks with the mother* and _ *..„ .nteat -,,-w Athena/*how- and all the time a social being. The elf-consciousness that develops in 3th boys and girls of high school age girl as the mother knows them and as no man principal and no woman teacher, whose school hours are filled metimes obscures this fact, but the with class room" work, can know •t and soul of the boy and girl j them/ If a girl loses an examination out for companionship, for the ?preciation and .confidences of con- groups, for a chance to show through illness on the regular exam- ination day, It is to the dean that the excuse is given and she arranges the ilitles other than those recognized•'! time when the examinations may be class room, but which will given later. The dean is responsible bring their mead of admiration and fapproval^ilre^ The failure to recognize and pro* for seeing that the physical exercise of the girls is hot too severe or pro- longed; at the same time she co-oper- ^hef- purpose of- -our -club -Jb--to study the literature of the Bible, This year our study has been, "The Women and it has been ered new honors on Hesperia,--The Christmas party/turned out just what j of Ancient Israel it was meant to be--an informal very. Interesting. dance, at which all present enjoyed |-«We meet every two weeks at the themselvesr~TneTTSOwnlnignBttCcess of different girls' houses. We nave had the year was the inter society debate, j several social events, including plc- in which Hesperia again carried off nics, parties, and, luncheons, at the. the laurels. The officers of the society--think^ _wel 1 organized -club and. hope 4hat-4t& in laying, down their robes of office, that they have done a good year's work and have piloted the society througha. year which will be a bright one to look back on." • : .. " •' "There "la another debating society called the "Athena/'and its call to the freshmen is quite as enticing as this, and it is evident that the friend- ly rivalry between the two Is a mpnn^of development to both. The paragraphs on the German club th e year to review the work vide lor this natural Instinct by the!ates with the physical director In roper authorities has resulted in the making use of--every, game and exer- bscurity of the growth of fraternities j else that will take the girls out of Jvi sororities In our secondary•{ class and give them the* physical de- schools. And the natural result ha« j velopment that is normal far their followed that where these self-constl- j years. ■ . --- --- ■; tuted groups navejfojrmed wiUiJhelrij But chiefly, the dean's work lies in lexcluslve choices and secret adminis- j the social side £©f school life. One rations, all other social life in that J dean, of whom the writer knows, find- ehool has died out, and by far the ifng that the incoming class In the high larger part ofthepupils have lost an school numbered 210 girls, divided Moment out of their *higli school life them into groups of ten each, and as- Ifhat they were entitled to. ^^ signed ^ach^group" to the kindly The social activities of a high 'school fall naturally into two classes, ; are both included, and second,, those pfhere -each-sex organizes--or-Is or- l«Hfeed; by itself. The classy organiza- tfc"" pSt with class pride and class her group in some simple way in the Jhe plays have been *»»*,•* ™ %elongs to the first order and is 8Choolhouse, turn -«.* a«m I attendance at them denote. Hi. Y. W. C. A, We feel that this is a welfare will continue. There are four separate musical clubs in this school, the Girls' Glee club, String quartet, a string orches- tra, and a male quartet. The Current History club has some interesting paragraphs which appear in different issues of the school paper. The first one states the purpose of the club to the freshman class; the second was printed at~ther-close of are worth reading, too. "This edition of the Comet marks the close of a prosperous year In the history of the peUtscher Verein. ;_JTwo ^yeara ago next fallv several rfn^'*rWS:^^l^^h*^F^rt|c«**^ teachers and students con- friendship o! one £J^ff"g? S« the idea of having a society and flnest~«iriB-of--4he^Benior^la«p^_^^ _jh_thrG0rman -They-were the-seniorsl~charges, right well did the senior girls dis- charge^ffielr^oblfgatlonf^irwas-an J honor to have been chosen for this yfilch knits together the hitlter-1 service. Each senior, with the aid ige and -unfamiliar members and; advice of .the dean, entertained and class! her eroun in some simple, v the dean language/The society . was to help students-to gain a better idea of the uses of this much-needed language and at the same time help them in German and give-them entertainment a^ffryaluable teacher of democracy, {took occasion to help some of the | P»Pe» and readings have been up, to pp- ®»e °' the pillars on" which the j groups to combine an<L entertain their societies, | senior friends. It is well understood in college that there Is no such formative and con- trolling Influence in moulding the freshman as the tone and quality of the senior class and college author- ities know how to turn this to ac- count. Why not Imitate this idea in high school?------■'- -----:-- The dean has charge of all parties, looks after the dancing and refresh Trent _ choruses, mixed glee clubs* civic and history clubs, French or German clubs are such. The second group would include de- bating societies, athletic clubs and other special organizations in which boys and girls would not mix. Stan- ley hall and the German students of adolescence believe that the girls In high schools Bhould have separate or ganizaiftons, partly because they make jmenta, and encourages, as far as pos- up bojarge a proportion of the attendr j^ibie, the idea of having all school ance, Ibut more because they need j parties in the afternoon. If they certai2i*otms:^:^exelopment: and:: a^n^gt -be held In the-evenlngT-tfien^s! freedom that they could not. properly have in mixed groups. l^batihgaoC seem to be a nat- a high standard. The business meet 4nge-=have^been^v*»ry^benefioiai. But last, and by no means least, the music was excellent. The Deutscher Verein owes a lasting debt to the teacher. They, have undertaken thfr arousing of interest and the arranging of pro,- grams. i i "The members and officers of the- Deutscher Verein anticipate another successful year In which all German students will take part." The next paragraphs describe a} Current History Club. "The Current History club is, as its name implies, formed to dis- cuss the latest and most current political and historical events. The club holds its weekly, meetings from 8i^_vtili-9 o'clockr^eyery--Thursday morning; The nature .of the society is such as to make it very popular with thbse~who take any interest at: all in current events. In connection with the club, there is the Magazine club. The latter is run by the faculty and by the Current; History club. Here are. the latest and best maga- zines available to every member of the society. "During the year we wllllendeavor to obtain several public speakers. The~proBpects^for the coming year are unusually bright. We expect a large membership, and everybody Is ENGLISH WOMAN--JtEPINED, ED- ucated, wisheB place as companion- maid. Is linguist and has traveled extensively. Excellent references. Address* D-442, Lake Shore News. -- , *":. ;■/ up EXPERIENCED LADY TEACHER desires to give dally tuition In Eng- __Ush, conversational iPrench and Ger- man; elements of Spanish. Classes ^formed. Terms moderate. Address liW 505, Lake Shore News. ltp NE.TTI^ 8PO g»»tti»fliitti Chlw, W*mrte Art Craft SuidSS' Instruction in l£u?- and China. Carf.T' »^occ•sion».^•^* FOB SALE--BARGAINS IN L3GD Sewing Machines; Standard . .•>••• ••• •••"■"■ • • :i; Singer Automatic ....... ••« • • Domestic.......... • • • • •••••• Wheeler & Wilson........ • • • - Wilcox & Glbbs..»~.Mi'^ Department Store Drop-head.-. Domestic, new .......•".•:-..«■" ~^Vv^"" Tiay^~:ar_large assortment- of slightly Used Singers at very low prices. It will pay you to call before buying. Easy payments. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman Ave.; Evanston. . :--•':■ ::;":.'.-itC 8.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 15.00 ANYONE WISHING EMPLOYMBNTi '^nn^lW"Fhbne to 1428 Wilmette-I %'my., Phone 911-L. llw-4tc i FOR RENT-Offices LOST^HUB-CAP OFF HUPP YEATS Electric. Return to P. N. WilllanM, 919 Central Ave., Wllmette. Phone 935-J. ltc Everything and any. thingin Good Jewelry, Diamonds &Vvaiches Edward Kirchberg 132 North State Street Opposite Marshall Field.& Co__ FOR SALE FOR RENT--OFFICES OVER THE > Kenilworth store; two seta of dou-j ble offices; hot water heat, eleC-l trlclty and gas; elegant location;« suitable for doctors, dentists, etc. j Apply Phone 834-Rror Box 59, Kenil-1 : worth, 111. lOw--4tc FOR 8ALE ' EVAN8T0N HOMES FOR SALE--BARGAINS IN USED Upright Pianos. We are Belling new - and used pianos and players cheaper than Chicagb. We buy direct from the factory; no high rates; no sales- men: ^ ,; . ............^...8 80.00 ................ 125.00 ................ 125.00 ...........____. 140.00 ........ rfiTTTM 150^00 ................ IbU.W invited to join us in making it one of the best societies at West Division. Freshmen will be especially welcome to Our meetings. "Some four years ago the Current History club was organized in order , to ^further Jthe interest of the...atu-_L kind of club that is comparatively new j -jg g fecent haP^fpg and pre8. [ in high schools, but It may help to fllU 1^^^^, ! the vacancy, that many of us lament, j ■ Itri , .. ___ Bauer.................. Wissner ___:•.........• Schultz ................ Schubert . „............ Bradford--.-TTttv.^.^. .... WHeelock V.777T.".".7.77^ Stelnway ........... A. B. Chase............. Kimball-outside--player^ 50 rolls* ..............., •. Easy payments, Patterson 190.00 180.00 -wlth- 40.00 Bros., 1522 Sherman Ave., Evanston. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. _____^^ ltc FOR SALE-- BLACK ORPINGTON cockerels and hens; also a hall rack with mirror and hall seat. 827 Oak- woodTAve., Wllmette. P^ohe 1268- tries ton have the parents attend. and all who speak from experience in j this work say that many parents I are--glad to go to-the school parties and relieve the school and the dean of much responsibility. The-uean is also of great help In Occasioned"by:rtheTaw which has done ] NEWS WANT ADS BRING,RESULTS I Wil ltc 1580 Sherman-av. 39w-tf WENT WINDOW SHOPPING. Six-year-old Richard Allen* son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Allen, 2223 Colfax streetT Evanston, caused his mother much anxiety and worry for a half hour when he 'became lost from her in a Davis street store. She re- ported the missing youngster to the police and in a few minutes Officer Lawrence McArdle located him in the 600 block Davis street, window" sfiopr ping. A 5-Room Bungalow Price $2200 Al^o a 6-Room House Price #2500 TTOMS EASY '::'■■ '. "' Also 4 and 7 Room Flats to Rent $12 to $20 per Month w.ll be completed about March 1st Wm.R. Wilson Contractor and Builder Phone Kenllwonh 1146 ' P.O. Box 72 KENILWORTH, ILL. I _______Two BlockarVni of Depot__ i^ Fortify Your Healtti By Natural Physical Methods No Loaf Ttipi No Great Expiate Jutt a Leiiure Hour ---------------USED A CLUB. Ernest Wilson, a foreman employed by the Johnson Express company, 907 Gaffield place, Evanston, was fined $2 and costs on an assault charge preferred by Mike Smith, another worker/for the express, company, by Police Magistrate Boyer. Smith charg- ed that WJlson^sjtruckjhim wttfr^ club work required of him. Phone Edtfewater 338 school boys and are managed by the boys themselves with the co-opera vrtion-=of-one - f acuity-member in many4 schools. In one such, which the j arranging for the dramatics of the writer knows well, a recent "^debate | school, although here the English was held oh the subject of changing I teaci,ers would naturally take the the city form of government to tlie j lead, commission form. So eagerly and so j As illustrative of the numbers and Trr^delyrdttad--tefcdcbjtejrs^:4e4yed--for j hinds of clubsTif-mOderrrlitgh schools; facts and figures that oh^the evening, the writer will name from a high of the debate many? lawyers and poll*|Bchool paper the list belonging to a tlclans who Were connected with the ! scliool nearby in ' Wisconsin. The existing machihery of government in the little cityfe besides many parents, attended tiie debate to hear how the future citfzehjL Were_goingjtQ_b^_inr__^<^men-teachers and named for the fiuehced by the new ideas and to see Merrill club of girls includes every girl in the school in Its membership ; ■and was organized by one of thet first woman member of the school Jhe facta rahged upUn coniparUjgjLlgr^boar-d^--The following -is the__call.-Ls- ^■M^y?8*"•■'^ei5.??8 il is nee^le9S | sued to the freshman girls_by_^the to suggest that some fathers in that I president and shows the spirit which city had beenI revealed to themselves j animates the club: as- unable to give any exact. intqrma: I ,3Tl>robahJy everybody has heard the tlon on a subject' that is liable to come (story of^he square peg trying to fit before any city, large or small, at[a round/hole. He kept cutting and any time- __^i_ _3;~= - .:___ ! cutting, /trying to fit himself to it "7 At "another time another debating; untll flrially there was nothing left team in the same high school took for ; of him, all because "he wasn't wise :its-subject- the-app1ication-of_tJie-localfenough to fit himself to a square hole gas company to the city council to be | -so this year, let's each of us try aUowed"to chang^e^hesy8t<»ar^of-atreet^-to-find^a-square hole and fit it: Each lighting, and the officials of the gas j side of us must be developed. There ;_ •'--"■c'ompanyT^^ atlended^ho7d^ate ~iir a jis the Bide we- show at homei--thev|= body to find out how the boys were;one we show to our teachers. the_oneJ ----golng-to^use-the-facts and statistics , to our fellow students and the one j- that they had sought from the com-1 to outsiders. If one side is over de-1 panyj-The" gas company and the.! veloped, we can't be square. It Isn't] _ JpoliUcians jecognize ..the ■future^ citi-1 much credit-to a- girL to be -pleasant l zens in the high school If the school j and friendly to strangers, when she j fails to. r----■■ ;: ■.y'tr-. '-------------------risnH kind and helpful at home. Athletic organizatiohs are so gen- j "It is the purpose of the Merrill ---eral and so similar that they require club to help the^ giris^o-iievelop-eaoh no _.. bgogitlng;_ anA »b"lr -influence to ; of their sides. _ In doing this, the club! -# hold boys in "school-is'.'well, recognized ; does not spare any means in pro.mot-! The, experience that team managers'] ihg sociability among the gfrTs. Fre j and captainB get* the^morai obllga- quent meetings are held at which j tlon to the team that each player feels ] splendid ^programs are rendered. It and his .'willingness'., to strain every ■ is impossible to tell of, all the benefits j faculty to keep "eligible" are welly derived from the club.' Come and find j understood to be of great value to out about them!" any. boy. One only needs Jto hear a' Then follows a description of the j manager or captain plead-iwith a^lazy | dramatic club of the .school, which is £ EGG BEATER--Rob- erts' lightning mixer, beats the white of an ti&L&S*. egg in thirty seconds, .whips cream in -- minute; 39c value, SAUCE PAN--Pure aluminum, iH quart size, highly polished, ****** extra good value. ...,_...... ZDC DISH PAN--14 quart size, gray granite enamel. Regular price 39c. Special SILVEX SILVER CLEANER ~ Cleans in 10 seconds/just dip, then rinse, saves time and work. /* 0*^ This week, 50c size.......J^ J^C SALT BOXES --^-Imported China, blue and white decora- tions; 39c value_ for -_________T . TOILET PAPER -- Good quality crepe paper, 5c size. 1t£g% Special Bargain, 10 rolls for Jj%J\* No Phone or Mail Orders. ----- VELOUR DRESS FLANNEL -- Worth up to i8cyyardr- 3 yards for...,. *...... 25c --JLLG-ILRE.D- VOILE- DRESS GOODS--New style, 40 in. wide, the yard.......... called the "Sack and Buskin,'* and i? i managed and works as was indicated Tn a previous article In this column j on high school dramatics. . The following quotation explains the work of one of the debating clubs I and" heeds no eommehtritTsr■•jsorfrahk^F ,,^v._.--v. .. . theJ-ly ingenuous: •--dub- ldea^nain^al~atMl-ea»y-i---^He6per4a--has--just--completed--one-l---- ._ .or- -careless--player to "gel; .down to buslneas" for the sake p?j4he team, to recognize one of the'strohgest in- struments that exists in school disci- ■ pllne.- ■ ..... FortunatelyVOhiJVIother Nature has "~^lven to ther average adbibscent boy The characteristics that make ---group--o to realize--in fact,.hard to kill. j of theL jnost ^successful "years in. its j But It is so different with the girls Lhistory.£jjPUring -the last ten months of the 'same age, and they need en- the policy of the society has been to couragement and "direction to make the best use of the group Instinct. This is not to say that-there are no gtris nave not bad the team work in gymnasiums that the corresponding grade of boys has had in-the Y. M° C. A, j•'Jh f'act, Uiey-bayeTTad^itttle, \t _any, gymnastic work which would interest the school as a whole in de- bating work and to accomplish this end it has-carried on one of the^most natural leaders--among theXiglrls-- ns-j-extensiTO-adveTtising campaiSPS^eye among the boys, for many girls show seen within the" walls of West Side, marked abijity for orgahltatJon jBDd Thai the--work done in advertising^ r^^^T^^7~^^^b'i^^^B^^t bore fruit was - shown by the large attendance at the meetings.*™"'" ; .{ "The types of meetings were some- j What different from those of pther-de-J bating societies. The debates were 1 on. questions which interest every- DRIP PAN--Size 14x0^, CARPET --BROOMS- lected broom corn, at.................. -4-sewed, se- 25e 25c gray granite enamel. Special CHILDREN'S ROCKERS -- Red mned-and. varnished, values up to 65c. Special this week, ^ ^» choice .......... .......Ju%)\f 25c RICE BOILER--2 quart size, gray granite enamel. Special Bargain .... No Phone or Mail Orders. ALUMINUM CLEANER-^- "Swissalu," the perfect "cleaner. Special, 3 for COFFEE MILL,"-- Grinds coffee coarse or fine as desired. Bargain at .....;.,.----- TOWEL BARS, TUMBLER HOLDERS and SOAP HOLDERS -=^Made of brass, nickel- <\fLg% plated and polished. Choice £ J V FEATHER TRUSTERS, /% *~ made -of-turk'ey feathers... /* %} C -BLEACHED PILLOW CASES-- -T^5X36f=softHinislrrnu8li 2 for ;............k SUGAR SET--Genuine cut glass, star,^flowerOr grape design.. Set, consisting of sugar ^ -# and creamer, at...........J^ ^ C PURE ALUMINUM SOUP LA-^ DLE--Well made and f%tL*+ polished, 39c value for____ju+)C HOWARD DUSTLESSApUSTER ,y.~%QM --Sanitary, Antiseptic--Cleans and polishes furniture, metal or glassvTrv FRUIT BOWL--9-inch, Nu-Cut, made of fine sparkling, clear crys- tal glass, ^ g^^ 45c value ifor..... .,,. Jj OC PRINCESS MOULDS--1 doz. in box, 6 assorted patterns, just the thing for cakes and jellies. This sale, complete....... WATER PAIL--12 quart size, ex- tra heavy galvanized. t\tL*% Regularly sold at 49c, for.. J^ jC WOOL CHALLIES-~In hew pat- terns, 1 £ the yard................. ',Qw0 LINEN SUTTTMf^--TCv*ra hM„y< blue mixtures, 49c qual- ity, the yard,-™ A LOT OF WOOL DRESS GOOrS--Worth from 39c to 59c, per yard. .......... 5oc EMBROIDERY FLOUNCING -- 27 inches wide, per yard .-.....V..... EMBROIDERED, HEMSTITCH- ED PILLOW CASES-^ A good value at........ STAMPED CORSET COVERS-- New~ityles, --J^fv each .. ."tttttttttt;. ... CORSET COVER EMBROID ERY--A regular 50c value, per yard . ..;.i...,..,^,.1, "WIDE, HEAVY CLUNYXACES and Insertions to match, 3 yards for....;........".:. IRISH POINT DOOR PANELS --Discontinued patterns • ' which sold up to $1.00, for. 25C LACES 25c Just see the Things for Your Home Buy for L JC BRASS CURTAIN RODS--54 in. extension. 10c kind, «* ^ ° 5 for.................... 25C NOXALL FURNITURE CREAM --A high grade polish, 50c bottle for... v;rv:.v. ABSORENE, or Electric Wall Paper Cleaner, 3 boxes-for... .-rvv.^rrv r, THE: SXOTE^THAT^SELLSi EVERYTHING' ^toc--quality, 4 bars for., RAG CARPET--One yard wide, Tdark; colors, 40c grade, <% (^/» yard-r.....,..'..'..........^JC ■ 1.. . :.- ..-■-.;. '.'.,"- -■"-' "■■' -' . FIBRE MATTING--Very strong and durable; green, tan^ and blue; 40c grade.. slope: wide, several patterns; 30c grade -- One yard^ BRUSSELLETTE STAIR PET--22% inches wide, reversible; 35c quality... CAK- ■

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