Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Feb 1914, p. 6

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THE LAKE 3HDJRE'|||gWs, THUllll^Y, PE^rARV ^ M*. Tliat United States Is Most ffty Ridden Country in The Entire World. - RAGE BETTERMENT IS SUGCESTED BY HILLIS FormerEvanston Pastor, Now in Charge M NewYMCtareh, / Promoter of Conference, FADS AW FANCWS FOR THE MOTORIST Older residents of Evanston have watched with interest the preach- ments or Dr. Newell Dwight Mills, pas- tor of the First Presbyterian church of Evanston about nineteen years ago, on "The Decline of American PJiysjque'." Dr.- HHHb is now pastor of the Plymouth church in New York and his sermons on the interesting nno>«ii-7<TirvkV in •>•-»-••• ^»» 1top,c has attracted world-wide atten- nbMI\ii£A IIUN IS DEFINED; tion- In a -recent^^National Conference __________ ■■■'•-■■» -'■'; on Racei Betterment, held* in 'Battt'j Iqreek, Mich., Dr. J. H. Kellogg, the v-MlM ■■ Mgry^ll.":~Chllffslif~her lecturerp,^om^cr^/the-^conference, declared- **The Machinery, and History of Party !in his opening address that the ineet- *Liii».ii-i.* ■» I., u u j. ^ iQg w«s the outgrowth of the sugges- ^nment,"» given before women tl^ maae by Dr Hiflii in his won^ eeting Monday and Tuesday in the derful sermons. i^eii;'iiiid Cen^l^Street ¥ch'6oIs~ re>'t~Dl^Heary;'rBl:' Hemenway attended inactively, explained in'-her customary J the Battle Creek conference. Because cl«i* wa|f the intricacies of party ma- j Dr. Hillls was a former Eyhnstoniah, chinery,showed how our nation ha* the fact that his suggestions were •iwayft been a two-party nation, responsible for tlie conference caused hough many third parties have arisen Dk--Hemenway/to/ta*e;:aa:n«u^uaidtt- jpMtdg the decade's, emphasized the terest in the sessions. TEi-trnoKE: '■«*.■< VvILHETTEUS Miss Dorothy Macauley Teacher of Kuso «d Voed • yii^ifTE, ill..;..; .';,; j RnFERENXE: CaBBUier'4 School of Piano Tea baskets arc more elaborate than. Gray squirrel coata, hats, mittens; tho lining matching -the upholstery -of andleggings-are very much worn by the car. lite short haired furs are [ever this season, and those of willow j email "kiddies" for touring. They I most popular. ------- . ■,. , -->•- navy taut .only drop JromV but open at make a warm outfit as well as a very j______ ."■ . j the sides as well. But,they are all attraetiveone* The^c^ ai1nn^,, fhft m«nd«"«« *«*» *ne light wares, many with Private Institution for Ladies Only - ----■ 11 i i ii ii '■" ii ■■ Broken constitutions built up Convalescents and Invalids Doctors have strict control of-thelr ; paUenta- ■ Booklet sent uponi reqnest •" CLARA LUX HEM M 2323 Hartzell St. Phone 1118 ', Evanston, til. . ' [tweed coats. ;They have suede sleeves, j '! pockets and buttons, and are made in ? cs may beif"v"rv" "^ES?""""", "~™72~ -^TJ.^J In *°me of the latest limousines tap- tone may ^!™*^r^?^*lXl -try curtains, with ground color; Overnight - small suite; ble. or. better still, may g/t a few very i ffe-.Il£^±^ffi lightandinexpensive toilet'articles forjSEMr^^^^^^^^:____idows4havtag~a double set that ma such special use. ".""-"; j ' ; {" "'"„-"------- :' I with balls and cords. Quite a number -' 1_>_-- J Suede pouch pocketbooks, with!also have the gray shadow lace under Individual fur robes made with the j leather wrist straps, are liked for trav-j the heavier curtains for greater pri- foot/and 'hand muffs; or; pockets, are^ieling use, for/they arc not always get-j vacy when they are stopped at crowd- lined .with crushplush or corduroy, Uing lost in! the robes. '. .. Ted'traiBc "centei^ sd for a disinterested, non-partisan Spjt'^'im-' the part of all, and ex- Wped that right here in Evanston a greater nonpartisan spirit would »ring about heeded improvements. . Though urging this non-partisan What* Brought About Conference. The following is: the gist of facts compiled by Dr.; Hillls which hrouglit about the conference for the dtedus- sion of race betterment: *'. Thel.real;:test„oJLJbe__condition-: of spirit,-Miss Childa advlPctl women to j tfae Amerlcan^people fanot thelnum ygt> to the all means ahdi ber of children that live;J nor the age declare their party, since, under our present system of voting, so doing puts morel power for good ends into the* hands of the voter. Of the two the less. ^ Parties Completely Organized. /••'Ward heelers,* 'party boys,* or just 'the boys,'are the men who makeup ithfe lowest rung of the party man- jf-|-«rii* laddpj^ltOsHlChildft^aid^^nfl^fhfff^ I; use the term 'boys' or 'ward heel- ers,' " she continued, "because I think at which the average man dies, but the proportion of individuals; Who reach-old age. Because the average longevity ,has\.been,I increased, - the American people have been under a ([elusion, for the reason thatrthe^num hereof men and women that reach full age is constantly decreasing. ■ We have been trying to make mn^b^^grj^ Hrishini?--""because -*■-*>=*- ■;------/ ■ ;■ ■ . ^r^. -^ *. utauco. -iiiB/ajiuiii e* .uwjcl of the large, number of young sprouts at the bottom, when, in really, the tree SOME BETTER THAN FRESH /it wettfor;us to become familiar with was dying atthetop^---.■■■ ■;-- ■-----i- ;the" newspaper "termsC These men! Hospitals, asylums and better con- have the dirtiest kind of work to do. j ditions of living have not only multi- Thelr rendesvous is the saloon; they j plied the number of defective indi- themselves are often- the bartenders.. viduals, but overweighted the race, But they are Invaluable. Than come; uniil there are,multitudes just above the henchmen, lieutenants or ward j the level of incompetency. We save ^bosses, as. they arfe called, and next la Jew great men, and, hence, the ful- the party bosses. These threeclasses; fiiiment of Galton's statement, "In jnake upjfejprJsjimL^^ . , , , , Then we go oh through committeemen j e6t men and the defective intellect, gy. thglr flavor or as a food, accord^ ing to jho omce of nutrition invesr' United States Department of ferent Varieties of Eat- able Dried taifc Fresh fruits are/^tvlbred ltAo~rWG Classes, „'!ft^v-br--fruits"--and- "food fj^i^'^according^a.sthey are valued five or six pounds of dried fruit a year. -.. ■ .•;«, / .....-| The value! of "the product rose from between four and five millions to over twenty-one/ millions i n ten yean. The average wholesale price, however, has not advanced with the increased de- mandT; on the contrary, it- has dropped from about 5% cents to about 4% cents per pound. i V cL:i.-_:__j: -;./lV#ry Useful. ""■ '■"-"•~~T^"7"'/ ?v -Dried fruits are especiallyi/useful when the supply of fresh fruits is lim- ited or where "storage "space fOf fresh fruitspis lacking." B^des^elng^used- alone, they may be mixed into cakes, and other u0a5 auii economical way of securing a-variety of die't, .which"-is often overlooked by the housewife. -~----------- - FIRE CALL THIEF SETII D. ROBERTS EDV/AtlDS. GOtfl.DINO ROBEBTS aHO efiUtDIN6,mnTr Kodaks and npTIRIAN^ Photographic Cameras UMIUIAHO SapplUs /•',.•■'." 12 South Woba»h Avenue ___£. Expert personal attention glveu to_correctlng .'all defects of the sight and scientifically fitting and adjusting of EYE .GLASSES AND SPECTACLES. Occulists* prescrip- tiohs~ filled. "The"' very best work at the lowest prices. Developing Printing and Enlarging Cameras and Kodaks Exchanged. for clty./^cTuTntyT" congressional dis- the average of life is but little above tricts,«ud state, antii finaiiy:.we come j the grado of trained idiocy." Once to the nominating convention^ which this statement of Galton Was consid- 4/am/jBlLliBow about, o ___ . j ered sensational--now JLi^bJingaci gations for the Ualfed States Depart- ment of Agriculture. Those: thatyfcre 80 per ceat-brHmorc^-watep-fttll^under - ^"Prfstjomplete organization^of^ai-cented. as the judgment of a well-^^firBt-ch^sificattonr-tappiesT-Ticarsj tles~and every party is organized mr-rxfaiiied, profoundly-informed and woll-i hetJf anfl most ofofir common ^ordlng^tois geheralplan-makes. balanced scientist. __ ffruits>, while those containing less iJoHlical leanTngs of every voter in ajhas broken down so rapidly that_the j ^ fig8) ,Thfffood valuo^f a pound ^given district, and every kind of per-j,J0lice force in Manchester and otherjof dr,ed fruit is, 0f course, much sonal fact about the voter, which will; manufacturing cities is largely recruit-" greater than that of a pound of fresh give, a line of approach to him,jeti from country districts, it not being! ftu|L A undof the latter will yield -whether even he is still paying for_; „ossible to find enough men who are an avcrage of al)oUt sixr ounces dried; hcmcjr All these-facts-are careful y■■* largo enjhgh in Manchester and SaV ^ amount Qf watet-,„ the orlg. tSbTflated~and made instantly avail-1 ford. inal fruit 4s-no^uidet;o4he-food-valufr ^n1^--f »ble by-the oard-catalogue system. , Sixty per cent of all young men test-|of thc dric. prodnct -We Are a Two-party Nation. ! ed at the recruitiog offices of the Eng-j "No country in the world is so I lish army and navy are physically uu-l Lose Water, party-ridden as the United s'tates," | fit. In 1S45 the standard for admis-j The main change which takes place Bilss Childs went^ohto say. "Foreign-f sion to the army was 5 feet 6 inches; dining drying is the loss of jy/ater, but era cannot understand us. Whigs andi in J^S3, 5 feet jMnches: in 1900, |_jjoj.heiuchanges alsozocmir^J?ery oftep Tories wctc: Uie1 two parties:bf old^ | f eet./ /^ T__ __.•_ „ '".i-L^_L_^.-^-4 the^rlght _ degree- -Of- heat produces /tlmeT^oT1 these terms~^d^oT^tahd ; So. rapidly have American mothers J changes not "unlike those /which occur: for- party-prgahization^^By-lISSlwe! %yho live .. in.-the tenement house [during natural ripening on the plant, had the Federalist party, which rep-[regions lost power to produce peffecTj In some^serthe^crude-fiber which resented the New England aristocracy j babes .that the reports of'/tlie New I forms the basis of the plant structure and controlled the govemmcnttiirJYor 1800, when we had theanti-federal istj show that 1,500 school childrea be-j Much of the starch is changed to some party, headed by Jefferson and repre- j longing to thretr-city schools showed j form of sugar. The change in-flavor sen ting thev massesr is due partly to the proportionate in- VVhiJe Firenrien Are Ariswerihg ^i^^lamit Bam of Raines Mf^Atrp^^ftone^orGen- tral Street Receives by Mail ":~i Watch' Stolen frr Aprils A~7 cbnscience-strlckeh. thief,' .who -probably--^wlll-^cep^bis^dontltyJiidi den, is residing in Evanston judging f roni - ihs ^mystsrlous return recently ofla gold watch stolen from Mrs. Au- gusta SchOne, 635 Central street,.on April 4 last. Without any marks to show its origin, a tiny package con- taining the. watch was found in the mail box at the Schdne home late yes- terday a^feraooni^^Njti-clua/Js-offered which mjgh^lead _to. the identity of the person-who has had the time-piece ^or--ten months^r It--was-not sent through,;3he-.malL;.'.. -..... - ■-'.......^.~.-~ With a small jring--the watch was stolen last April when the Schone 'We Line MBwd- Sarvicfc" ^^ItogfrEterrWeeSi w TOANDPfiOtf Wiggintoh Burns Down. avenuD_i_and.JKcdizifi atr^et^-Evanston, causing the fin':inen from. Central sta- tion aTIong and unhecessafy run, a por- tio/n/Of a large iujrse barn/at the home fifi. D. Wigginton, Jr., Ilt5 Oak ave- iyed-J»y--fire--Monday This- was- .the44e^cfaildrea--that were normal as to State ^ghtsparty^and/iherefore--thc4-eyesightr-hearingr pnfrwh^Ich helped bring on the Civil land legs, while 1,395 were defective, to absolute increase, from chemical -vas g ■war. "In 1820 this was known as the and practically out Of therace'of sue- changes. ^-T^gn/ Whig Democratic partyi and as the- Cess before they were in It. __-.;; _: - Democratic Jparty jt is known today. The increase of insanity and irnbe- v^t presenTthe south is solidly Demo- \ cility is a fact that has alarmed the cratic, and there is little-prospect of physicians of-the cpuntry^-^The" last change unless the Progressive party; statistics show that every/time the can gaui a- tootmg. It would be a; population doubles the insane people good Plan if it should; and so break j multiply by three and the defective To determine Whiqh of two fruits is more econQmicalr^nofe--enly-mttsfe-thi cost per. pound be known, but the amount of bodily~fuerthat makes fbi energy and protein imuscle-building. materialT a pound of each would sup ply. One must also conslder'/what ex "down^lffie AvaQHplTexisting between i children by four. The average i pense is required to prepare each for north and south. > | throughout the entire country shows j the table.. Grapes commonly cost* less Good Points of the Prooresnvc party ! that, even in the country districts, the j a pound than raisins, but a given sum .-" • • p,a|f0ri^? ■linsane people and imbecile are in-rspent for grapes will buy a smaller "TWb good things the JBroSressiv«^J:'msillg twice as ra^ldly as the popu-j amount of nutriUvfrmaterlal, since the iartv standafor are; : lation. . I proportion of water is much higher *' 1 ■■ A protective tariff which shall j The decrease of vitality and health I than in the-ralainsr- actttally protect the working,man anu [. has broushtyabput airzincrcasc ef im- Ju^t a8 :ECOnbTnicalfr^!= shall give hini and not the manufac-1 morality. ^The social evil includes a... 0^ihc^1Ic^fialid7iQ^v^l^ed fre8b turer,^ whose pockets-are already lined j ^ number ot.detecUves. Crime ^|fn)ltissonietimek as economical as a with gold, a higher wage.; -.-; •» M"^10""-^^ 2. A non-partisan tariff com mis- ^ :;»^ ^.W». inurrt^t^ndi1«',,"Hfthe-latter ^ould •require sugar and -slon. whldi^hall-lpolc uP/facteabou^^ii^>yery.j-oaj;. ^V^^^gi^^to-makclit: rcadyJfor .iihbliabJe, production, etc, particularly conserva | *™ ™^ ^^ j" ^S^L^SjAttention should also be directed to the extent of inedible -material. Numerous studies made of nutritive years the suicides in "EngIahn""lVave tim7"of "nattnii 'miourcesv so as to r «loubled in proportion to the-popxila- - make it Possibleaor the commp^^^ ,......, ._.,.„............................„... washerwoman to have the berteflts of}** about the^amc_mte -We are de-j^^ tho nffice of experiment sta- "the1 electric■ "current, and tho common laborer the benefit of phosphate fields,! distinctive tyne The record office of the Carnegie institution reports one rfamilv■-■ with -2.17 --members- defective may bo termed an economical-article of dietr-Fruit products in general conr tain little protein, but as-sources of radium, -wells, etc/' _ _^_____'■_■_. "Women Should Go to Primaries* .. , .,(„„..,,„.., - ;ln,r i,„i :■• nunni ^ -.msWer^to> the^a*y^UeBtion*^ ! energy, derived almost entirely from of the women- present as to whether ^ ..rshould go to U,e primary h^tt?SBBH^^^pS| ^S^S-3T^ problem should be: "-"'gMw:v*gt^ "*7^ -^^ " 1 cheaper than meats and compare fa- moral member^ and only o0 hormaH^^ .. wUh dairy oduct8> Th The whole -problem should be j „_ ^0VreveTt more expensive than as d¥ied-bea«8-andr^otatbfeS Childs urged them to do so by all means, as so doing gave them morel- -'•; .- •"" ,ffi»r ^™,oinr of edu" Iare<^ ^owever- »°re expensive th nower for aoodWomen may vote slull<a /[(fm *ne vleIwl:mn,, ° - cereals and starchy vegetables, such p.,..... 1 or^gooo^ vvonen may ^uw, caU6n ..legigiatfon-^d-family-^egoiul^,^-,,^^, „„., /n>afS,0 eration. Science has made it certain should for :t>resent;^nen--only,^vout- ot-rallr-of-r, the many involved in the party ma-j Umt the8e atarmlhg tendencies can chinery," said Miss Childs, 'but they \ be8tayed^ vromrjnarjJajje^sts^ll^^Ender ^enp Votefor presenrmen^nterested in j ^ a generatibn, largely ellminatelthe fresh and dried fruits bethought a lux- toe/rt§hrthlflg and^ ^ needed nu trltlve material as^ an integraiJ^art^of Not 3:Luxury. jm_lcircumstances JhjEvahston they can vote for^ aldeH tfce -flrfit time in history a sound race,- imen. interested la passing Jiousing ^ tallest stfdngest,- healthiest and (the diet, besides adding to the attrac ordinances which shall permit, fam- < hand80mest- people- that haAo-^\-ei4^ivenesa^f^th^o-daily fare^If^hey^ night, when tlia"/firetighters arrived tQP„late-ta save the structure. T\y alarms turned in within four minute of each* other caused theTdelay. ^/At 8T5T trtlock 1 Itlllf alarm^war given trorar^#^hg^enne^nnd=ker zie street. A <|Uick run was made t the-rplaee--jviiere-- carefully/, guarde salamanders injt residence structur in course of ton^truction,were foun burning. There' was no fire. Whil the firemen wfieienioute in answer t. this" alariu, ar~J:5iriTeTdck the alan ivcji from the Wigginton home they reaclred tlie Michigan av« family moved to^the Central street ad- dress. The theft was reported to the police but the officers were unable to -getu=any -yeeter4ay4ifter4ioon-Jlrs. Schoiiejvent' totho mall--bQX--toiJook for the mall. She found' only y the-smalLjgckagei Jtiecause some person."-.": became alarmed .at ..liaUnuaiKlers smouldering in==a^ttew^€ot«<la1ThduTfe at MichiganE4^ffh!~no markings^on iL Uppn tiii^ wrapping. Jt /.she was almost _dumb--j founded to find her stolen watch. The | watch Is valued at $25. ,; -j FREnYPHOHT SERUM IS BEING DISTRIBUTED The state board of health has an- ..ounced that free vaccine for the ^rcventtrj^r7"bf^typHbid feWf'ts* iw L^dy-for-^Jstrfbutiqn^iiF ail pi lltnois. One agency in each county ...ill make the distribution.' John Vyetli_& Brbther, 174 West Lake treet, are" "to" handle the supply--for Jook county. The board recommend? hat all persons be vaccinated who lave "been exposed*. -- ,i_Dahlel!aipharmacy, Foster street md^Taine^vehu^^ center for the serum in Evanston. me place and found no lire they quid y retraced^thFitrroTtte to -the AVtggfr~ an fire. Whoy they arrived thestbullc ag was a muss of flames.' ■ / Sixteen horses helohgihg" to ""M- Vigginton wn-e rescued from, th' liming Ktniftin'p i;y neighhors-- am •thers--who were attracted by th iiare of the l>ig bam blaze. A larg mount; of hay,":/straw and other feec *as consumed.'- The damage-will */c al about ?3jia0.,._ It is thought tha ^Hhe fire "started from defective electrh yjrlng. _ .«/; _ ■-,£/:: 1/LConsideraole AIfficu tt-y---was exper^ meed in tak'"1?. the frightened horses 'rem the lawning l)arru.__A..-larg^ jrowdgaihcri!! to Avafch the""fire an? iho valiant work of tho firemen ii atiyinB; the adttHionul barn1 and shec room...-- -- ".:.-: v":':".."""" CHICAGO RUNAWAY IS FOUND IN EVANSTON Ames Male as, the 10-.vear-6ld hov who resides at 1002 West ■-.Forty-first place, Chicat.», was by the Evan^on police Monday after- noon as a n/iaway. l^ast Thursday Ames-<came-4+i^Evanston^beeaHiseHile: did not want to'attend school. Mon- day he--gavt as. his excuse that "lfe wanted to -visit his aunt in Milwau- kee " "" --;--"--. •'------".'-. __H.e^_was-_fouad at the Davis street station, of ,th(> Chicago & Northwesti ittes from crowding into damp cel^ hire and old barns, as they are al- ready doing in', some, parts./of: the-city today--; ------■ ^.- - Greater Integrity Demanded. : "Nowadays we are demanding that the^raen^we"elect shall stand by the d€v!a"e ' WuGit • iiiiu iiig lliis /means that the for■election. party rplatform is not, a jumble of stood forth on^our:earth.- to""be^eaten"'raw, brands7 made and and given intojhe custody pf Officer marketed ih a cleanly way should be! Abernatby. He did hot have any wordy, but a definite statement of j obtained. " j money, and when-asked how he ex- changes that party honestly intends j The amount of dried fruit produced j pected to readh Milwaukee, said-he to bring, about,-andit means that we j in the United States increased 575 per! Would_get, there some way. A-dln- can urge men everywhere-to be inter- [cent between 1890 and 1000. -Califor-i-ner-loj^ordmary-jail-/food;,-wa8-given4at-7iJiz^uthniWabashBa^ehtteV wherg ested in needed reforms and declare ! nia produce« mor<» _t ban four-fifths'of such, in terest- and/ TufUieriHOfcv be .1 the yearly output.0 Accordln|| to a true to"/ajicli InteresL / wliatever |v»ry".!rnnfli ostlmate. each person "in somes.". ____ this country: consumes on an average the young runaway and then ho was locked in the hospital room at .-.the police station until relatives called for him last night. ■ -: ---VIA--'; Scenic St. Lawrence Route Hostrtal-^O'-etec--Owrpccl " --llwtfeai-^Qoeiie'F^^sjovrT"" Montreal--puelie:--Kawe--Lccdsh ------ Bastam^C&spir^----- Tha new Turbias Qu3drup!s Screw -SrSr'trtlsaiiaa^ aflc^<*CalgariaIl,, 25,000 Tons DispUcsmsnt 44R£ISI-^f}NE8M^S«Sf- ~CANApIAN ItOUTE" Ocean Fassagc Less Tlianfcur ihys ' Die Steaiser it Many Afiraciiccs ---Cabirm -jir-Kuilt" with "private bath and"t-ailct. Spacious t-tate" rooms. Glass incloftgd promeiL-- adedeefc. Veranda Caft>. Corn- __fovtabIc Lounges. Elggtrjc Baas -Iserigcrl Elcvatoia. . Orchestnii Gymnasiuni. Unsurpassed ac- comodation, all classes. Lo-sveat ■ rates. Summer reservation lists now open, i-'aily bookin?rt> rcc- omrr.endfil.'• f?end for descriptive Booklet "Q." For full particu- lars 03 to,Failings, rate*, etc., apply neartSt Agent, "or' AtUI|-&C3.^eneraHieat3; 1h iB»2rlcrn~ScM^CHTcaH- nnasBaii(JolpiiCD33.Jli:!cnist!c 44-003 SSS gna tittle gulch frtnmn Gifts out of tho «~1:- My.fjor people oZ~i£ fincment. Leather. China. -Water Color* CXi Cl-»** SundrlS Instruction in Leather and Caina,. Cards for all occasions. l^^ifyYburMealtli -. By^ Natural Phyticil Method* No U»*#T»tp»:■:/'-.!■.:-.'■■j/NoJBnat Expense Th8' Edgemere-.Meiliaal 'Baths 4811-4813 Broadway; TCE1CAG0, ILL. > Phone Edeewater/S38- Music School Founded by.'Wm;.H;iSher*roo^/. 712 Fine Arts Building GEORGIA KOBERrPresidejjt^ r .t-- ^ , WALTER KELLEB. Director Highest Stajidaid of^rtistyy Piaao, Organ, Harmony, -Counter Point Composition, Vocai, Violin, --Public School Masi^Musicaf-His^" toryVSchqol of Expression. Voice Specialist Til. Harrison 4577 59 i. VAH BtfREII ST. Pupilr fittefifojr ©litii'cli^ Recital, Concert, Ora- torio, and Opera. ; ; :' Eour thorouglily equip- ped assistants. Pupils booked at any time' * ,j_ ^Ir.Hunmt^itsailyoices u^upe^vases all■:m&tk^ FEBRUA^T SKIli OF ... COMMUNITY CLUB FORMED IN EVANSTON A men's club to be known as-the )elano Community clubt was organ-} zed in Delano chapel Saturday night. •lore. than, thirty representatlve-citi- . eha of the neighborhood ihwhich the hurclt-4s- located attended the meet- rig. The fol to wing officers were hesen: President, John -Frpcman; icefpfcsTdcht, John Foster; secretary iid treasurer. Richard Lindsay;' mem- jers of hoarjtLjiLxohtrx)! ROBERTS nore and RoheftrCorletCT The object qfjhe club is to promote i neighborly^sidrit and uiceliiigs will "SeTfeld every Sa1^rday-x>vcarng i«-thV chapel. Programs and 'other enter- tainment will be provided. In the iu- itialjueeting PFof^Henr},--Crnw-gavc an interesting lecture and demonstra iron on •Liqaid^Alr."-;-- •'-'- --»-.. . - Any. resident in the -IMaffo neigh- Wime liilCkSKin.JjuttOn hoiiiood over 21/years of age is elig-'.; Boors ~T ible to membership in the newfy-: formed ciuh.--Aeeerdiag ttf the entire jiasm, shown in the meeting^Saiurday I nrAcC eiv/Tp RighMt is thought Lhal^ Iheiueiuboi'-i ' ' ^"° ^""F ship will be greatly increased in /thel Leather'.-. . aeXLifew weeks. •----' ': . ' We wish to call your attention to 1 r\ ;i thc advertisement of Robert & CouldI I -LTCSS DllOeS . . ....>.., , . . v, ing. which appearji,in/this -issue/i--Jii" Roberts is a resident of Wilmettfand ahd-haa had=eharge-of-the optical sec- Brmrnf7Mal"8Ball FieJdr& Co. for the past tvffo years. ..M.&r Goulding had charge of the photographic section for this; same-JirmrfoT2rtto67pa5t~lhip teerr-yeara. These gentlfemen have j oi^cned a photographic optital store} GjrJszBehooLand Di;essi Shoes, sizes 2l and up.. ;4.0©il$SiOO they will he jileased ~ to ser\-e those uefding.anyihing_in thase2l|n©s.; TJ10 very-beat merchandise -and personal service^is-assured. ~yf ~ OS^^^ 1608 o^Ave^ ■. _.* EyanstonfHl*

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