Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Feb 1914, p. 8

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, MI'S WORK IN Y. M. C. A. active season. The first season was one of great popularity and success with a live work under way in all sec- tions where work was undertaken, and the year closed with air bills paid or provided for; It became manifest in the early part of 1913 that, with the passing away of the novelty of a new institution and the emphasis that had necessarily to be laid upon the Asociation work as distinct from other types of a: more general nature, a more aggressive work had to be conducted thai*--was- possible under the leader- ship of Mr.JVatkins, at the time De- partment Secretary. J Richardson Appointed. Jr~"Hen«ra "search was vJmm^hitelxbe- t-yr-- - ■ ,.,■' .; .. •""""■'- 5 gun for the right man to fill ithe posi- |^BERSHIPTOTAI^1,066li;Sa£n^^»^^- i iin i -i ■'______ tered upon his duties in that capacity The north end department of the;that 'have preceded it , The oppon- Association on November 1st, 1913, j tunities are manifold, we have the completed Its second full year of ex- equipment, the benefit of the knowl- istence and entered upon its third!edge of over sixty years of associa- ieneral Secretary of Central Association Oesef4bes4fi-Oe^ tail in Annual Report Activities In 1913. ;"'Activities in Y. M. C. A. circles in Evanston during 1913 are related in Being a man Of some years' Associa- tion experience; his work was Boon n , „ . t, „,, . ..I moving along In approved lines, aind v, ateh^has. iust been compiled -by Ar-; g s^g^ful-year^^rheopening &££ va™ ^T1 8^retarjrof_t hT[banqueiattended by nearly 200 of the Central X M. p. .A Hhrery phase of \** people ofu,e community, wat the «oi* «tm***^ been ^conducted i« * JU8Jiclous beginning and wai p,jey,ewed by Secretary Pale In an!addressed by the mayor and othei interesting manner. ! local and Association leaders. ?fume^8bJf :*VSfd"y fri Following this, classes in the gym e^tte popularity of the association nasIum. Were at- once begun and pro pch toeyoung men and boys s manl- d finel UnU| tpe month 0f De Hcaj*d with: the^eMmWspirit^eJt^ director be prevails among those ^members. The gan a perlod of neg,ect that culminat cheers are encouraged great^ with ; - ^is dJscharge the latter part of -e.ahowlng^made^ during the last j , month Slnce that time, Mr. twelve months and pred ctr greater jll!chard80n has been endeavoring tc mm In the future for the associa- carry on the work of both his own tloa. - ; _ „ r ^fflce^nd that of the Physical Direct Vl^CfOSO Touch With Churches. or, hut necessarily at the expense of :l*|ne Cfeatnre^of^aFkc^ been the closed,relation with the local churches* and an- increased spirit- of mutual cb-operation w hereby each may attain a larger efllciency in its own 'field./Practically ever since the Asso- ciation was organized back in ,1844, it has claimed to be not a separate or- ganization from the church, but the united church at work along certain specialised lines. Its lack of organic connection 'with the church has been: only because in this way it could have jzeris, payable by February 1st. a freedom of action and initiative dif- statement is as follows: withstanding these latter adverse con 4«tionsi=how«vcr, 4ha work, in-the de partment shows- well-and a readjust, mr-nt of the working conditions atth' building should restore the depart- ment to a very efficient orgarihjatiol: for the good of the community^- The financial statement of the yea? shows the bills outstanding to vided for by what are considerec ample guarantees of reputable citi Th< .fieult^ojj-iinpoBSlblft otherwi! : The fequest of $5,0j>0 by George M. Sargent to the association has in- creased the endowment fund total iron* ;$Sft000:to *26,ooo7 ';#|lnan^es of the department during "19J8 have greatly eclipsed those of' former years. The total amount paid out during theyearfor various pur- poiea for maintenance, equipment, etc was <2T.337.33. gated $29,343.86. receipts, ..,..............." • $3,673.7? Expenses ..........-.......$3,703.4* The membershlp-of-the Departmen is as folows;_______ ____^_i_ Sustaining, 28; senior and student 85; Intermediate, 18; Juniors, 24; spec ial, 8; totaj^ 163.__________;____i__. Colored Branch Enthusiastic. *fhe Emerson street"departmeht, e *£h«--i^eip^B--aggr^i»«ria41y^ Tbei_source_ot rev-jcity, has, scarcely as yet'taken fonr enue for.the largest! Items in the re--nor enrolled a membership. Sinceth> «flpl£B Jwias the* Tcntal of stores andfpM"ffor such^vork has beeiLJiSair ylendTd co-operation in heart and ervice the work could not possibly jvc-prospered as it has,- and J owe iem my heartfelt thanks. . "It has been the greatest inspiration s well to have been permitted to work ;nder the direction and counsel' of ou gentlemen. Year by year the di- =^ectors=and^committeemeu-have-been 'dormitories which totalled $10,642.34! taken, the interests and activity of tin during th«' year, [colored people have found expresslo: Membership at Hioh Water Mark. \ through a provisional committee A'^hVln«bib>rshrp In the Central De-rseven of the leading colored-men o' partment reached and passed the high; Evanston tinder the leadership of Dr fater mark of 989' attained December j w. F. Garnett, Mr. Jlame^ .B.t3WUy, Jr 31/IJtS^hevhighest i°g!J.tute" nat the history of^tho^ Association), thoTbeen dmployed to collect "the subscrir total on December 3l, 1913, being 1066, j tions made by the colored people ii ■jaft-^qilbwji^._l-.-,.,;. -:~., . iOctotciu A912, and at the same time t< Sustaining,^205; senior, 19 and oveir, do what might be possible toward, o: 4T8f Student,.'16 to 19, 131; interme-; ganizlng and promoting the interesr diate, 14^tp;l6»i23; junior, 12 to 14, of the Asociation. i$»; total, 1^66. 4 It will be remembered that tbr This does>qt:jfifhide 73 boys from promise to this Department was.the Iff to 1* years of age classed in a pre-j when the $4,000 guaranteed by the! poratory group, but on account of con-, people should have been paid in, wor. stltutional rennirements not counted! would be begun upon the building df in the regularrmembershlp. I signed for them on Emerson street ITL'L^'^JL-Mr -Tg"v'a efforts and thOBt [of the members of the Provisiona Fee Was Reduced. /Last January the membership fee committee this was completed-abott== -i*n era. for therBbys* division was reduced tjie middle of November and plan; ^rom|9^and^i0rfor Juniors and inter-j wcre at once perfected and on almos mediates ^b^o^nd^fi^t-Teat^--^ris tbe last, day of the year, the work o! encouraged'--a,large nuthber of youths excavation was begun and at the pres, tq become member8 of the association, j (nt time the building is well out of "lii;building oi> the membership over}the ground. ......>■ ----^a' - the 1,000 mark thb work of the mem- j The contractors, Messrs. Anderson /berablp committee represents much]and strandberg of Chicago estimate sacrifice of time in their efforts to tnat ,f the present open weather con build tip the assoclatlou. * ■ i tlnues, they will be able to complete In reviewing the religioua activities ti^bulljdlng-abaut Jniie^lBt.-LShattucl! In thXaMcch|nott^llvT^ the architects, have plan jhe number ot Sunday afternoon meetjned a building 50x100 feet and one Jttgsr"held last whiter,^spring and fall.] ard a hajE stories and basement in The numerous but of door meetings"in; height. It will be of pressed brick; take^ Front park last summer are also. will contain the usual Asbciation mentioned. Mbre money is now belngj ecjuipnient of socfal rooms, gymnasium given by tbejtesojelation^for,^ *qrk; in tho ,-for«ign> fields." In 1912 jca and in addition, a modern lodge only IMOO^as given. Last year an, rcon^ 40x50 feet in area, extending afiditional $4,000: Was raised for spec- fovcr tne gymnasium. The building. ial. wpfk in Calcutta. , j when completed, promises to be a rev- * Look After Physical Werk. ■ ' | elation in the line of small Asociation -. . , j buildings, and will be eminently fitted The physical work in the associa-, to (he nocd Qf the new department. tiop has been well looked; aTter and^ Not al, ot thc $4,000.00 referred tc : fibnr statistics^^ compiled in tbe-report. u.^-^^ came-from the ^orjginar^sub thoyearl^^ dcpa4*PWmL : A^ from entertainments from time to time, so that there still remains 8 balance of-theorigrnal-$5;300;00-pledg^ ed during the canvass amounting to over $2,000.00. Of these • entertain- tion experience in dealing with aim liar situations, and the confidence of the public in our ability to make good. "I: wish-;' urge Upon ali alclear viBion of our objective as an associa- tion. At the first world's conference of the Young Men's Christian associa- tion, at Paris ln_18J5,_Jhe^tow^hi2 statement, since known as theTParis basis, was adopted and has been the slogan of the organization ever since: The Young Men's Christian associa- tions seek to unite thove young men ■vho, regarding Jesus Christ as their Jod and Savior according to the Holy Scriptures, desire to be his disciples n their doctrine and in their life and jo associate their efforts for the ex ;eiisioiu of His kingdom among young nen.* We may pay our bills.-from jacnth to month as they become due; jfe may Increase cur membership and eal estate, our social activities and ^rTmysteai-worky but^unless^e"are: A the same time, through these means -jotA, other wise,--worklng-=for-_ the __ad- - ancemenjL-Of-JHia,; kingdom we. are ailing short of the objective reedg- jized all over the wbrld astbatof •ur association. The temptation eon- Inually comes to consider our work rom other standpoints than that of he spread of .the kingdom of Christ .nd to use means for its prosecution ut of harmony with the purpose and olicy of the association as developed hroiigh all the years of experience if the past. The association is per- aps the most adaptable organization if. the present day and is able to fit it- ;elf Into more differing conditions *fiiih^veT=befbr&J"lt"hW^d^ iver, without ever surrendering its ......iiiiin......1................ WantAdDe_ The Lake Shore News TELEPHONES: EVANCTON 585 IWtMETI* 1467 i Wtnl Ad* in 4* Lake^Sftorc News are cli3rged~i^tle"fbUow»g*ntes ; Real Esttte G!»ssific»tioa$. 7 Scents per^ImeV . Mmuntifn Vttu. 15 c^ats. Nb aivcrtiseiaeat charged for lessto 25 ccatt ; ^|H|IIIIIIII»»IIIIHI>»IHI.....I........'♦.....5I" HELP WANTED --OIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 710 Linden-av., WHmette; ;Phbne 142. ltc PpR^SAXaEr^SEWINGiaXCHINES rtaken In trade on our new Singer ethings thaV iraVemadc i rbfary^pie^ii^e^i^^ombi tion of the Singer and Wheeler & Wilson. It will pay you to see and try this machin*' bpfoire "buyingT There is no comparison between t in the past the power it now is In len's UveaT^rAs |ong as we hold to his position,^ so^fohg will we continue 'o prosper in our desire to serve the -jaen of our day^--------k-t--;------------- "Again it is- my pleasure to ac- mowledge the invaluable work, that tas been done by the employed force. <fo general secretary ever hid more >yal support and counsel than I have eceived during the past year from lessrs. Crane, Bixby, ^Turner, Rich rdson and Tally; without their r the work as well as its larger pollcj nd always fcr the good^of the work -tie year-4S13^mark8 high tide in this egardrand I want at this time to ox ress my deep appreciation of your Undness to me during the past year.'* ORIGIN OF SMILE. ---- The original or "the "RooMvME mile" has been discovered in the uins of Quirigua, in the Republic of uatemalay Central America, fifty- even miles from the Caribbean Sea. 'ho discovery is described by Syl . anus Griswold Morley, in a com vuuication to the National GeographK ociety at VVashingtJn, D. C. Qulngus e says, was one oT the older center i the great Maya civilization, whic' nourished In scuJiern Mexico, Guatt7 halaf and northern Honduras duriri, WANTED i-itJBLIABLE GIRL TO work in bakery and lunch room. Phone Wlnnetka 582. Ito WANTED-^ALL AROUND MAN TO clerk in bakery and lunch room. 1M rElm-st, Wlnnetka. 1*P FOR SALE--PIANOS ' TAKEN IN , trade on our new pianos! and play* era. We overhaul and place these ' pianos In good order. It will pay yon to see us before buying. Upright piano .........; s. *f 75.00 Upright EmersOn ... •... jM 85-00 Upright Schubert ....... - - • 125.00 ifpright Schroder .......... 145.00 W'eisner................ •- i 150.0° Bradbury .................. 16500 Easy payments, |5 per month. PATTERSON RROS.. 1522 Sherman Ave., Evanston. Open Tuesday^jrhursday and Satur- day evenings. YOUNG MA# DESIRES POSITION FOR SALE _ HOUSEHOLD FURNI- as gardener on i»rivate place; six years' greenhouse and gardening experience; best of references fur- nished. Address D 202, Lake Shore, News. ________ ltP ANYONE WISHING EMPLOYMENT can call or Phone to 1428 Wllmette- , av., Phone 911-L. llw-4tc FOR SALE LOST' --- I^ARGE CAMEO_ BROOCH, between^Eleventh-st., Wilmette, and Star theater, Evanston, via electric ina«-j--carr-on-cvcnlng^ of Mondayr^i'ebv-gr Return to or notify Miss Margaret Johnson, 100C Central-av., Wilmette, and receive reward. ' ltc _our new SinggT^aiuL-Qther-jadyc r^ Used machines. New Home ...._.., .....------? 5.00 Domestic •;.................. «.00 Wheeler & Wilson............7.00) Singer Automatic ----...._/.. 8.00 Singer Drophead ......-.....--15^y Wheeler A Wilson Orophead r^Ti'M New Domestic Drophead.. ••. 13.0P Ncw-New-Home DropheauV---1+0^ Above machines guaranteed one to five years. Easy payments, >, PATTERSON BROS., / 1522 Sherman Ave., Evanston. j ■----------- ■ :■■.--------:------'_______U9 tlger,"peccary, moVkeyr-a^t^eatgir^raft the lnflniteJhos^oL^e .tronlcal fores^. , The jungle haS again reclaimed ito ajkijg a larger Jftterest^^ ceeded there gradually developed from this mound of earth and fallen stone the-ground plan of what had arlginaljy .>een an imposing temple, 105 feet loag and 29 fee^wloW* ~ ~ ~r~ More than^26j0 hieroglyphics have been -discovet^d.tmt ct these only ibout fifty haveroeen/ deciphered, anc ture; reasonable. Inquire 1023 Ash- land-av., Wilmette, Pbone 805tW, Wilmette. ^tc FOR SALE -- ONE 1,100-POUND horse; price $150. William S. Lord. ."■* -L±ii ■ .. •:>.-;- ltc LOST AND FOUND FIRE INSURANCE--ROYAL INSUR- ance Company of Liverpool, largest fire insurance company Jn tine wojrld,iffisures dwellings, houieholll goods, rents; lowest rates. Charles A. Wightman & Co., resident agents. Phone 2037 ltc _= =^FOIT8ALE EVANSTON HOMES leged further that the" shipment in, question was mad^ by the American Pickle & Canning company, of Wig- rins, Mass. At Philadelphia,- Pa., on December 29, 1913, 94 bags or nutmegs. were seized upon the charge that the same .vere adulterated in that they consist- j a!JLol_th£se_ de^with:-somo--phase- 04-j ^-jg part of ftlrtiy~d^co'mpo8ecrvegZ he-calendar.--A3^arTesu1t.""the motf j etahTe T"q>t«>*•■ ____: - ---| MICHELI'S Fmboiw IulUn RcMtnrsnc EVENING DINNER 73 Cent 1 • fSCaala MUSIC -Private Dlnlrg Room for SO to ISOr«o»le - SINGING Arranssnwntt M«4* for Motor Panic* MICHIGAN AVBNUB AN1> lllb STREET [ CHICAGO Bell System Talk gets results that cannot * be had in any other w The spoken word carries more weight than the writteii. It is more effective in every way. When distort |^ to-face talk impossible, th^^ext ihest Aing isjdie^^ tone. : "; -r*rr~- ~;^7~^¥§fi Chicago Telfephone Company H. B. Gates, District Manager , Telephone 9903 Tailor Made Suits^for $30jit jind workmanship guaranteed. * Spring and Summer styles and samples have^arrived. References ^a^j^uniishedr^ I ~...... ...y} We also do Cleaning, Pressing^ar^Iiemofylirig I. STEIN more 1823 1912 Central Street he first fifteen centuries of the Chris •Judglngjrom the dated monumentb hlch were erected In its several ourts and plazas, this ancient Amer can metropolis was abandoned dur- ng the first half of the sixth century, t. P.," writes, the explorer. "Towards ac close of the sixth- century the J ay as moved out from the older cen ers..of their civilization in the south nd migrated northward into Yucatan, [ere-in-the-stresa-ot cotoniziug-a new^but--all-^the^ cases- will--^shortly~br reviewad togetherTwith special work tlvities. :; •■"'■ In1 tne social work the various din- ner^ and social fuacliohs conducted i'^tg'Vhe most "successful was the durlci; the year are pointed out. the Concert of the _ Tuskegee iBapd and Hugh Fullerton and Clare Brlggsopcn+oteticlttbhel^2tni^h^-Northwcstern ffleetinjrKovember U,- wab i«cordedTUniversIty^gjrmnaaium July jg.-iir as tbe largeat :and; most: auccessful 4 ^^^ of a street-car strike involving a md unfamiliarJgnjLlfaP, remembrance ;f-their former homes gradually faded, :ntll Quirigua, along with many an- ither southern. city, became only a Memory, a tradition. Finally, long be- ore the discovery of America, even he tradition^of its^former^existence' .ad passed from the minds of men "The exterior of one of-the build- ngs recently unearthed." -1 says Mr. ibrley, "was decorated With a curious culptural mosaic. This design; a aviation of the humorous head mo- he found throughout the Maya area, ccugjuji pach of the four corners and a TBe^mlddle of the back and side vValla. ' * "In this particular example," he oon- inues, "the incisor teeth are as "Tromiheht as CoTrRpbsevelfs^ and tlte irst visitors who saw the head imme- liately called it the original Roose- /ell grin. Under' this name its fame rapidly spread," until it became the ^rhief pOint~of tourist^tnterest in tlie social gathering during the year 1J^B3 Coy Members. stoppage of the service, 1550 people v-oic present and the net addition to -co , .,., „.,.!.«ithe fund above all expenses amounted There are at present 483 boys under j^- .-^ - nineteen years of ageenrollea in. the j la*c)osl^ secretory Dale makes the boys^^nartment. These ^ ^? following statement: _ limited privileges, graded ac^ordlmrwp -_tT ^----- - - ■:---r--r --7^ age. ^lpi^^^o^^l3^1 "Thl8, *e,m™' «"»!»"■« the ^&e^the"hoy a Class 0r3elnbersbip L^S7™1 ?ll\A*Tci*Uo" ?*2 tShtereas'J privilege whence shall I whblejn -pvanstpn, has been able *Ldo have alaihed the neccssarTyears, Tb^during the year-that-iH-past^ It-has u la >n«t>iHofM) alona accented i been marked this year as always. bv_ J!^in? 11.^ bSown n^ thc^^r^^ citv' pVPfrr niiB'wirn'1 "ffffmitn catsup was al scientific lincalaiddOftn as tne rcsuij 1 . ___ _ .____^^^^^^-■^^■r=-.^-Tiiv».»M«--tta- F»»n ,^i nnrnaiSMr»nTVi,;«fl- f« .Sft-jKiuHeratcd aalt consisted human side of this great aboriginal ivilization, ihe record of its wars and zonguetsts,74ts religious - and socia" movements, its rise~3Iui-fall, still re' main a sealed brjgk." & ' - "So far as th«'possibilities of the .ite are concerned, the ground at "Julrigua may be-regarded as having een little more ^^n scratched," con- !u'Jcs Mr. Morley. "Meanwhile, in 1 dfeo twilight pf a tropical jungle the crumbling remains otnthis once! T if teen boxes of macaroni, alleged to have been shipped by H. Polinskyyj Philadelphia^ Pa., were seized at Ba>( • imore, Md.. on December, 26, 1913. J Misbranding was charged On the,' --round that the label implied foreign "rigin, whereas the goods were of ado-; mestic manufacture. „ „ SEVENTH ANNUAL MEET. The seventh annual Indoor meet of_i prond_clty_Jie ioJcgotten^Jts,-builders jJhe-Evanston-y-^iL-C^A, will be held unknown, and its very name lost In I at Uie central association gymnasium obllviott-^a melancholy commentary of its vanished glory." r;--:- hfixE -Saturday- nighfc Last season over twenty organizations were rep* MAKES FOOD SEIZURES. j resented. The meet next Saturday Upon allegations of adulteration 01 j will be the first big meet of the jea* misbranding, a number of shipments j ^on f0r a. A^F. athletes. offoodstulfi have^been s^ed^recenUy ^g^jj^^--4^5^ ^ju bo on the under the Pood and Drugs Act_gn tht _. Twenty.vard dash' 10ovard recommendation of the Department 01 Program. Twenty-yard dash, 100 yard Agriculture. Trials of cases involving dash^ eighteen^foot rope climb, half- these shipments have not yet been had mile run, mile run, twelve-pound shot brought-before the^courts^when It will be determined Whether the govern- ment's charges arejustifiedr-- ~ Eight and one-half cases of tomato catsup, alleged to have been shipped by Lewis Packing company, San Fran clscb7~Car.r"were seized Dectmber 19, 1913, at Portland, Ore. Adulteration was charged on the ground that the product consisted in whole or in part of a decomposed vegetable substance. Part of another'.shipment Of tomato catsup, consisting of two" and one-half cases, alleged to-have been shipped by Sunlit Fruit conapaiiy, Berkeley, Cal., j was seized Dectmber 19, 1913, at Port- i land, Ore. Adulteration was charged; because an exaialnation_of sample in-1 dlcated that, tiiu-product. consisted of| a partially decomposed vegetable sub:j stance. Three hundred bags Of cull beans,! alleged to have been shipped by the; Richmond Elevator company, Portj Huron, Mich., were seized at Balti-! more, Md^ oni: DecemberT'^29r^^913r] Adulteration is charged on the ground; put, pole vault, running high jump, running Tbroad lump, three broad jumps and-relay. The relay will be lor five-man teams. Medals will be awarded Winners in first, second and third places, and a shield will go toithe wlnningiLeanii-- : Entry blanks have been mailed to 100 organizations in the vicinity of Chicago. FOUNTAIN SQUARE Evanston amuseivent Co.. prop. PHONES 2898-2899 H. L. MINTURN. MANAOKR TONIGHT ^^IM^gt0' EVANSTON STOCK COMPANY Presents DAVID BELASCO'S Stirring Labor Play iitl- iftftTnininiorif THE BIO MILL IN OPERATION THE EXC1TINQ STRIKE SCENE THE INTENSELY THRILLING SITUATIONS Usual 25c Matinees Tues, Thurs. and Sat. Waieh «he Papers (or,announcement of Reception Matinee 11 ' " ' \ ' ..I.. ." ". ------^--mmm*tf^f Next Week "THE GREAT DIVIDE" as played by . HEN RY MILL En. aod MARGARET ANOL1N ^ Everythitig an(J any- thing in Good Jewelry j Diamonds & Watches Edward-Kirchberg 132 North State Street Oppotitt Marshall Field'& Co, ancient cityv .....^.-^---_r..^_ "But for the .ehferprise""ot a well known corporation interested in fruit j that tne^^ beans- oonsisted-4n. whole-ori -tnUivationr-the-rains might haver re- j in part of a docdinwsed^mgetable-sulJ^ mained uncovered for; cenTufies"hiore.: stance. k~_ \ ~~' " The company purchased a large tract; Twenty-seven barrels of tomato cat- of land in this vicinity for a banana j sup, alleged tb have been sh 1 pped, plmitaUon, and, through-an-arrange/^y^price-&^ ment with the School of- American ipm^psLny;;?^!!^!^"^^,^^ seised, Arclieology, the systematic studyZJoXiiifi December ly, 1913, at New Orleans,; the_xulns was undertaken. During the :ta. Adulteration was charged in that] centuries that-had--elapsed ^since-its'fthe. product coDsisied ofa patjiaUy de^j abandonment aL_de_nse.-..tropicai -vegeta-1 compoaed vegefaoTe^Tuhstanco. y o- h^««tl*tf^ iHmT-and natian-widoldirectors and ocmmitte^monr^yiTi tllvrowing-lts Tiemplcs andpaTacep an3 : leged to be adulterated as It consisted S^the -Internationa T.^b¥&ST=imiiTfte membership and by most gencrou^ of-^the latemation.- boya of any prominence: rathered at! support dn-.tlifcjartjgJL.the public, it, GBiver Iridiana, aadiepent the entire] remains far us to face 19M -with « time in tnts closest conference as toCrenewed determination^ to make that methods and means of work with jycsrr oner cf-marke<t advance in spirit , W^--- ■ ________ fand accomplishment over.the yeaw pOJS. - . [posed putrid vegetable EubstangferMisr falhnt=masonry,"-writes Mr. Morley. >'The Jungle had won Its AyajrtnEo Jhrandiagywas also charged --against sthe ihtrdiflcreftt courts and plazas^ Tind ; product in that the benzoalo of B3da these public squares,- once teeming ' contained thcrxia" was: hot "declared; "with the life of a populous common- j This seizure was made on pecembar, ity, had become tbe^ haunt of thej-l*, W13, at New OrleanBr It was^aPy rrjK^SEE A 5-Room Bungalow Price $2200 Also a 6-Room House Price $2500 TERMS EASY ■.■.; Also $12 to $20 per Month will be conttilcitid about March 1st Wm.K. Wilson Contractor and Builder jyi&.,e KiBil wo r :h J J 4 S, -" '::■. ...-B. H.-hex 7 2 KeNILWORlH, ILL. :-:-:-• T»0-Blccki W<St of Depot : '•.-- «*** First Book of the North Shore Price $1.50 and Second Book of the North Shore Prwe32JML Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, TfigS^ ways and Byways, Past and Preseiit Intensely Interesting, Historically Valuable, PfG- ^iiseJ^^ii^raied-ln sepia and of increasing value •• books will not bo rcpfinted.Makeremlttaneesdirec^ to 6928 Sheridan Road Chicago

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