T&R LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, FEBRlUrARy 19,1914. 13 " Elizabeth . :l*der> 1334 WU- Aette avenue, is convalescent after a elx weeks' Illness.' Jamea E. Cros^ley; 407 Washington avenue, is entertaining his father, J. H. Crossley of Hataesdale, Petin. Master, La Rue Davis, 238 Doyie £«urt, left last week for Cincinnati, O., where lie will enter a military school. Mr. v.X.' Ease, 23*8'; oo^e^tWirtV lias removed to Richmond/ Va., where e will remain the rest of the winter. Haskill Avery of New- York was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George L.Mar- jrtia,; l ok; Kim wood avenue, last week. ^Ahirthday party was given by the. pialrents- of^-Master Robert Tucker )rake in his home Monday afternoon. ^Aflyn Anderson is -home f rom-Ann Arbor, Mich.; where he has been at* hiding college. He will make only 'short visit here. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Winly Mil I es of Kline street is recov- ering from an operation at St. Francis jospltal in Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flanner have aturned tp vWllmette~ Yrbfii their lobeymoon trip to Washington D. C, ictd points in Virginia.. Jnr. and Mre, Rufus Ii. Kirk, 1044 fpTest avenue/ have foFtliefr guest their daughter, Mrs. Herbert Gates, jf^Rochester, Jsr, y. Miss Mary L, Childs, Speaking Before Women at Noyes Street School- Says it is a Dry Subject New 'Trter^lfigh j I School Jottings \ New Trier has had many social events the past week in honor of the good Saint Valentine.. On Wednesday. Feb. 11, the Eliza- bethan Literary society (freshman and sophomore girls) gave a dance to the Zenobian Literary society, faculty, and invited guests. The hundred-br more present pronounced the party one of the most attractive and charm* IngLof the year. Open Nutshell and ' ; Leirn of troth Unique Method Employed at l^enfiheWffiyfo AhWomice Engagement of Miss Mussey. ALL SHOULD KNOW FACTS Miss Mary L. Chllds, in her talk before the women meeting In the Noyes Street school Monday, took up the subject of "Towns and Townships in Illinois." Terms Confuting. "This subject is as dry as dust--as dry as bones/' Miss Childs said, "but It is just a3 necessary to understand as It is to have bpnes_Jn__our bodies. "The, terms town, township, civil 9* Thirty guests at a Valentine party given n the home of Mr. and Mrs. M E. Barker, 3'r., 914 Forest avenue, Wilmette, Friday evening pleasantly surprised when the engagement of Miss Meta Massey, sister of Mrs, . .Barker, to ife ttelbert W. Po«-of t. The dance was held in the girls winnetka,■• was. announced. The -an- gymnasium which was decorated withnbuncement was made in a unique hearts strung from end to end of the „,anner, eachAguestTbeing presented large room, Orchestra music was w|th a iarge black walnut wheh con- furnished most admirably by the {tafned the a|jno0ftcenient neatly: writ- Bauman brothers of Wilmette,, brbth-1 ten_ on~*-*nmit bit ofpaper.-HSaclr era of Miss GeorglnaBauman, one of &ueBt was requested to crack the'nut the^Bliaabetbair-liostessesf-^---i~~ On Friday evening, Feb. 13, the Ze- nobiah Literary society (upper class girls) was entertained at the home of the Misses Charlotte and Georgia Tut- tie of Wiimette. A delightful musical program was furnished by the Misses Elolse Bedlau and Frances Schneiden- helm. Miss Ruth Leonard, physical instructor for the girls of >ifew Trier, gjave interesting Spanish dances. Six chaptersf'ot the continued story, one 'chapter of which is written each week Bev. and Mrs. Roy E. Bowers re- throughout the state. Definition; and congressional townships, and in- rby" some member of the society^ were corporated town are greatly confused Irtad- The story is a romance of Clvfl Wartimes. - " turned to their home, 1024 Eleventh street*,' Friday evening after a visit f with relatives InAshTand, Ohio. Mr: and Mrs. William H. Maclean have returned to their home at 825 Lake avenue after several weeks passed on a trip through the south. Hugo Meyers, 411 Railroad avenue, entertained about forty friends Satur- day evening with a sled ride to Chl- cagi>;; A dinner-jwag^enjoyed at one of the Chicago hotels. ;: O. Riley-of-EvanstOTrhas-movetrhis ■\tkiuily to Wilmette and will reside at 238 Doyle court. Mr. Riley recently purchased the grocery department in the John Nilles store. Mr. /and Mrs. E. Jackson Casse left pMilS: week^drvFlorlda and Cuba where -they;Hvltt:Tipeint-BereraI weeksr- They also expect to visit in the Isle of Pines before returning to Wilmette. Stanley Gonyo has recently sold his home in Kline street to Robert Simp- son. With his family, Mrv^Gooyo expects to leave soon for the sputh wjiere he will spend the remainder ■ of. thp wmtet Mrs. H.-W. Mons entertained sev- eral neighbors at a Valentine lunch- eon "IP .her Home, '921' Oakwood ave- nue,' Friday afternoon in honor of her mother? Mrs. A... H. Thompson." Cov^" ers'were"laid"for'fourteen.' " ' Miss Mary Gates' suffered a severe sprain of the ligaments of her left based on the revised-statutes and de clsious of the Illinois supreme court are perhaps the most helpful. ^Thej: indicate clearly that "wftat is ordinary lly spoken of as township designate! a section of land approximately si> miles square divided off accurately bj governmental survey for the sake oj fixing boundaries, and that what it known as town or village is a civi. division, a voluntary municipal cor poration organized by the voters liv- ing within the territory included is the town, or village. The term town sbip, or its abbreviation, town, is alst used to designate a civil division o: the county, which, is an involuntary governmental agency." •;' . (For these definitions consult Mist Childs' new book. "Actual Governmen* in Illinois," pp. 54 and 55.) ". ■ Pay Your Taxes Promptly. "The city of Chicago has seven com- i On Thursday, Feb. 11. the Senate, tbe^bdys* literary"_society,' was ad- dressed at a Lincoln Day program by..Mr.:Hildebrand,_the-much "appre- elated "instructor'In" bfplogy. | On Monday, Feb. 16, Tech, the boys' scientific society, had a special pro- gram; , . ' On Friday, Feb/ 13i Miss Esther Bed Iter of ther domestic science de- fend tsen thty were apprised of the coming Massey-Poff nuptials/^-^------ This is the third time that Valen tine parties in the Massey family have been turned into announcement of engagement affairs in two years Two years ago, Mrs. M. E. Barker announced her engagement to Mr- Barker in a similar manner. The date was- also Mrs. Barker's birthday anni- versary. A year later. Miss Aileen Massey announced her engagement to Mr. George Slocurn. They were mar- Tie* last talfe^:~:"" ---------- Miss Massey is the daughter of Mrs. Amanda R. Massey, 9.14" Forest avenue, Wilmette. She is a charming young woman.and has a wide circle of friends h WtimPtfP and jChlcagO- v.here she formerly resided. "Dr. Poffiara" practicing dentist in Winnetka and is well known along tlje north shore. The marriage will be solemnized sometime this sum-" mer, the date to be a*ino»nced--!at<?r. Fantasia on a Welsh March...,:-*Best Andante ..,.___........Mendelssohn Sonata, B flat major (Allegro;..... "...............'•.....". Mendelssohn Congregational Church. __3VMroeJte„._ay!enue._.jand Eleveptb street. Rev." Roy E. Bowers, pastor. President Blaistlell of Alma college, Alma, Mich., will give an address next Si)|nd.ay J morni ng on "Education for Leadership." Sunday-schbot at 9:45 a. m. Men's Bible class at 1Q a. m. i. .:.':;/.;; -".-/:. ,'; H-~-$: At 5 o'clock. Sunday evening, Rep- resentative Monroe will speak in the church under the auspices of the Com- monwealth class on the "Community House Law and It's Bearing on Local Needs." Representative Monroe , is j author of the commmunity House law and will explain in detail its work- ings. Baptist Church. Pastor, B. Frank Taber, IMG Green- wood avenue. Sunday services held in the Woman's club building, Green- leaf avenue andrTentb-street. Bible school, _9r4fr a^rtn^ -Morning service,- il a. m. The devotional meeting at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, Feb. 25, will be in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Weldon, 922 Oakwood ayenne. Commencing Sunday evening, March 1, the pastor 'will conduct a series of evening'services, culminat- ing on Easter Sunday, April 12. These services will be planned in such a way as to make them interesting and helpful to all. ------------M. E. ehurcHtr------------ -1- rr--r■-*, -WltoyiiTKA^ ^?^; .]... Services--Sondar «ehQhi>!g.45.._ m... Co,lCT|^2*,^h5ch- .. ^imornlng worship, 11 o'clock; vest* Pastors--EJWlu r. aneu, resiaence; „ „ ^ ^' ■ ™"?*p Hi Lincoln avenne. telephone 6Q&4; j*»»Ic«v 6 p. m. The cominnnion serf. J. W. F. Davies, residence 1004 Pino ice: First Sunday in January, March, street, te!epbonM?0y- . - JMay' Jaly> September and November. UntilFebruary 2$th TiffS^NrtTO^ere^^ the beat and §1.00 each for all other ad- vertisements which it uses. "Copy" must bo prepared by girls or boys and submitted by close of business Thursday, February 26th, 1914. 1X Tbi iSeofetary witTbeuat thtBank fromT 7:30 to 8:00 each morning.until that,date. He will assist "and advise as to the kind of advertisements desired. ' . T~^ / i Mi ankle, last week in rehearsing in the folk^ dances which were given -at "the plete townships within its limits ant Jjgrjs^pl^. ave townships." cdiitlnnsa Miss Childs. "According to our laws delinquent 'taxes must be paid at tin county office, rather than the cits office. The county treasurer receives 2 per cent of all the taxes paid thus to him. A conservative estimate gives bim-|15iO00 yearly for this work, &n£ this, in addition to the 120,000 made in other ways-because of his office makes his" salary $35,000. - If Evans ton taxpayers would pay their taxe: before March: 10, at least $6,000 woul< INTERESTING ENTERTAINMENT. ^nlJMerestlng_entertalnment was ... , » ...i vii , ,^,„, c, ...„„, ,j» given by members of the "Young La: partmpnt, and Miss urace Stewart of--^»----T------... __--s-.v ,„..- AM n* --- 7».„ eL-ILi. jrlZ7*»\J2u* „„.^-.«i„„j dies auxiliary of the Wilmette Worn- the French department, entertained _ , , . .- ■ ■. ,A . . ,. « *±m «# *i.«i- r.-«...iu „. .U.I/L-. ans club yesterday afternoon in folk a^i^^S^hSJSSS 5lB9hJI and folk lore songs. The en- Sface nvenile^ttild * ??£*"W | tertainment took the place bf the reg- 1 a '■ ____ j ular programs provided by the enter- On Saturday evening, Feb. 14. Prln- tolnment committee, clpai and Mrs. Henry B. Brown gave a Valentine dinner to six of the faculty at their. home in Wilmette. All were charmed with the gracious- ness of host and hostess. Invitations are out for^-applher dinner to tire Rev. T. K. Gale, pastor, 1024 Lake avenue., Phone, 654.* Sunday school at 9:30 next Sunday morning. Good music by a good orchestra, under the direction of Mr. W. H. TLbayer, faculty thft coming Wednesday. --■--Athletics. ^ « New Trlpr played Oak Park high school at Oak Park Friday, Feb. 15. 3oth light and heavyweight teams won. This victory means that New Trier has tied with the^3Svanston! high school for first place in basket- ball in the Chicago Suburban High School league. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL. Louise Holt, colored, who was taken ill in the home of. W. H. Williams, 1705, Lake street. Thursday after- noon, has been" taken by tbe.polide to StT Francis hospital for treatment. It was first thought that the woman was demented, but a medical exam- ination proved otherwise. CHURCH BULLETIN Wohtan^s clfib^yesterday aft'ernobii"T^ be save^^to Evanston members of the Young -Worn auxiliary.' "She "will be forced to use crutches for a few days. Mrs. Barton E. Buckman, 72G lau- rel avenue, gave a reception for a number of South Evanston friends last. week. During the afternoon, the engagement of Miss Ida Caskel of Betrolt, domestic science instructor ;Itti"the^^chobl8; of -Bistrict^ No* -56, Evanston, to Mn7Irwfh M."Hunter of Chicago, was announced. On Thursday evening, ^'ebjiiary 26. at 8:15, , atf' Artists* cpneert will be given at the First Congregational church. 'Some~irt7Ch1caga1r"best tal- ent has been secured for the occasion, and the program, to be announced j later/ will be fone well worth hearing Rose Lutiger Gannon. Chicago's 1 ing contralto; Ludwig Becker, violin- fist*, formeriy-tohcertmeister Chicago Symplipny Orchestral Ralph B. Den- n is," reader^ acting Jiead_of- Cumnock- Sclippl" of Oratory, will appear. he-thing-this sum would do woulf be to light every part of Evanston ade quately. At present it is impossible tt get funds for even one new light but $0,000 would enable the city t< nave ninety-three new overgrounc lights or eighty-three new lights witi connections underground. The tax payer wishes, of course, to keep hit money in his hands as4png as possibh for the sake of interest, but surely hi can sacrifice something in order thar his city, and not Mr. O'Connell's tot i The same evening at tfie New Trier; natatorium New Tfier met Hyde Park j in a ewimming match--hut was- <le-J-a wiImette, Presbyterian Church. Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette. Dr. J. M. Wilson, pastor. The pastor will speak Sunday at 11 fat pockets be benefited." Public Bids for Public Money. Another extremely interesting mat' ter that came up in connection with the general talk was the matter 02 interest on public funds. Money paiq tthe^ount^Lofflce-is-putJn-bank* secretly by the county, treasurer and i no record is made of it--for the pub lie eye. Banks bid for the^usejof this moneyiHbutrnotTpublicly: -As Tnatters stand, Mr. O'Connell has doubt|ess_re- LEVERE Tp 8PEAK/ A .social entertainment featured by an illustrated JectnreJlylJVvUlliam--C^ ^ompeUtion^between banks,--Why-not Levere'ion f'TbeiRomanceof Old New York," will be given In the Lincoln ; school Friday evening lat. ig e'clcck. Preceding the lecture, a'short mu? ical prograni -will be given. A. social hour and dancing will follow the lec- ture,; A.small admission fee will be charged.: '•'• - .■■-?-■■.;•-■'■ --^--':;'.;" ' ' '- ceived in the three years of bis-office $800,000. A greater sum could, un doubtedly be gained if there were open FAMILY HEIRS WANTED. City Clerk John F. Hahn of Evans-i -ton,^has- received an-inquiry-^rom^Cr JEi Beckel of Bethlehem, Pa^T asking Mm to furnish the addresses of any residents of Evanston by the name of Fehstermaker or Wludowmaker. .lieckel states that he has information of interest tp_ communicate to mem- berff iftr-descendanta"cot thilrfaBihy: Human Culture is a perfected. Art with: which I can bring- about" perfect digestion, ab- scni c n, ass i m i I a t i on a nd exc re t i on. The blood thereby, is replenished, "ifcVeelhrand tissnesa1re""rec«n^rucl:r~ ed. W'thout the use of Medicine, struments, or anything that is nn- pleasant. I cure chronic^ ailments, in many cases' ailments of twenty years duration. ' * These statements can be verified by..anybody who will investigate "To know" what I have done, or to talk to one who has been cured by me is to be convinced that these statements are absol ute facte. Human Culiurist 1812 Cbicsfo Avenue see thaL-there is open--competition and that the interest goes to the pub- Hc whose county^ institutions are hi such dire straits for money? The pub* lie efficiency committee has done its best to show matters in their true light. HWohien Should Declare Their Party. Miss ChildB--emphasized agaifinnB in last week's talk, the value to women of declaring their party--in short, of attending primaries. "This declara- tion does not in any way prevent your 'scratching a ballot-,'"'she said, "of voting a split ticket, in other words; It means only that for two years you may not declare another party at a primary -election. Evanston^wom! do not need to register before the February-eleetlon as -they had to do in Chfcago, but It is a convenience to the city clerk to have them register with him' before April, in case tiiey-^--are^ strangers -pr have not-voted before. This registra* tion does not involve anything-more than giving one's name and address." Seated, 28 to 25 One of the interesting features of '.he evening was water soccer, a com- bination of American and English polo which New Trier is the first school to play. Mr. Hyatt is respon- sible for introducing the popular game. . The great event of the - season comes Saturday evening, Feb. 21, the annual orchestra- promenade, con- cert and swimming meet. The swim- ming meet is at 7:30, the dancing at 9. Tickets,. "fTu couple, including the meet None can afford to miss the nr.~on the subject, "The Spirit of- 10:45 the pastor will preach on "God the Sw|mmer,"«;nd at 5 p. m. on~"The Tragedy of Judas." * The Junior church will meet at 3:30. This is a new venture in a service for the boys and', girls. Miss Rae will train the junior choir at 4:15 each Sunday. Epworth league at 6:15 will be a patriotic service in charge of Prof. -Jr R. Harper^--At^ 7^4» t&e^members of-- the -church will join in the-union temperance service at the Presbyter- ian church. mm GLENCOE. The North Shore Methodist Church. Hazel and Greenleaf Avenues Glencoe. Horace G. Smith, Pastor. Sunday School, 10:15 am. ^Worahip^l^UlS^-m^-^SO-Pr-ni.----- _______Glencoe Union Church. Dr. Douglas H. Cornell, pastor. Sunday services as follows: Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; preaching service at 11 a. m.; mid-week prayer service Is held in the church every Wednea. day~night~at 8 o'clock. ------- MJ^ha^£_Mksm xmer the JVUrr^eUe^ M^ and have started in business with the firm resolve io iieai imr custotriers with prompt% courteous and efficient service. Repair work a specialty. GEO. DESMOND, Prop. Phone Central 3161 Lace Dyeing a Specialty M. Gillespie r.^r%.aee Spring Novelties Made From Ostrich Feathers 217-218 Venetian Bldg. is C. Wasningfan St.. Chicago fun. Mr. Chauncey A.-Hyatt, special phy- sical .director in swimming, starts this week assisting two hours a week in the playground work of the Win- netka public schools at the New Gree- ley school. ' - -- - '-- Grace and Supplication." At 7:30 p. m. there will be a grand Temperance Rally of the churches and citizens of - Wilmette in the Pres- byterian church. The following speak- ers will take part: Hon. John G. Woolley, Dr. F. Scott McBride, superintendent of the Illinois Anti-Saloon League, and Mr. George /IV Morrow, fhjkl secretary bFthe Na- tional-League. Xprof. Alvin Thacher, the bass singer, will sing. Miss Corette will render on the or- gan the following musief--------- Morning. Prelude, B minor...............Bach Berceuse .......................Bach Christ unser -Herr, zum Jordan kam.........................Bach Evening. Star Spangled Banner (variations) --,-;;............ r.^v.....".-. .vvr-Buck Coraages awl Nosejtaya l'lanU In UlOoui !"_'..... "TWvon Itialincflvalv Ortalnal For Lunclieoiitt au«i Dinner Portias BLWYNJENNINGS PboM^IVUsneU* 4is tl63 AVILMKTTE AVBNUK -- WIttlETTK, ILLINOIS The best bread made on the North Shore ------------THE------------ Wilmette Baking Co. 1465 Wilniefte ^rtve. -- Phone Wilmette 449 Pare Milk and Cream, Buttermilk and Cheege 1819 Elmwood Avenue TELEPHONE 824 WILMETTE. III. TELEPHONE: HIGHLAND PAKK 3 2 0 Mrs. George Smith, Jr. CALL ME! I furnish good help with.good reference. 35 St. Johns Ave, Highland Park.IH. Office Hours: 8 to 11; 1 to 5 Saturday, 8 to 12 ■ .w,.' j ,M v-,1,■■■;■,-.:, ■ * ,■■ Mrs. Catharine Waugh McCullocb "reiterated her advice to women of^^Ev- anaton not, to. become candidates for any city office this year, in a talk be- lore the Pifth ward Citizens' club at the Foster Street school Wednesday, More than 200 persons attended the meeting, half of whom were-'women. After talks by Alderman Amiel J. Changelon, Harry M.- Baglettr^John ; Powers, and otherti, John Powers was endorsed by members of the club aa candidate for alderman from the Fifth ward is the coming spring election. '- THE piily thing cheap about our caskets is the price. We carry a full line of Solid Mahogany, Circas- ,.:;*.. Slan Walnut, Solid Oak, etc., as well as tin usual lineof broaid cloths and crepes. . For the Teason that we-ni^ij||actlir^ll-o^ur^w^ we can and do guarantee a saving to the public from one-third to one-naif. T ^ Win. H, Scott, formerly with J, h. Hebblethwaitc of Evanston, is manager and part owner of our Evanston store and will nersonallv snn*>T-i«t*«rl *>v/>t« Aetail store and will personally superintend every detail. --4^ : Automobile Seriice Finished Store Phone Evanston 98 Residence Phone Evnaston 2903 WM9 1007 DAVIS STf ********** HTSCOTT tifinagtr---^VANSTONrltt; mm 4 (Kai luring NEW PROCESSCLEANING AND DYEING 631West Railroad Ave. Wilmette. Illinois Ei'mcvig^jaO ' ------ ^orBa^e^GootisoF Superfine Quality Goods you can place before the most discriminating guest, call WILSON'S North_Shore Bakery t148 CEtaTfiA^ AVEl^PTE ^_ Phonea Wilmette 41&414. Wilmette Auto Delivery Sam's Restaurant --gHE-BRST F00P AT THE_____r MOST REASONABLE PRICES 619 W. Railroad Ave. WILMETTE, ILL Real Estate, Loans, Renting and Insurance -----North Shore Homes 11 ml Vacant _Rcs.. 733 Twelfth St., Phone 10265 Office 1129 Central Ave., Phone 1079 SIS WILMETTE. ItLWOTS . __= ContractorGlixnldct JOBBING A SPE1CIALTY > fR-»CES REASONABLE _----TE1XPHON* WILMETTE 1384------- Res. 1302 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, III. Ralph W.Faupel ^Die\0iJage£Jei:triciaa In connection with his regular 1137 Greenleaf Avenue Wilmette, Illinois Real Estate, Loans Renting and Insurance Real Estate bought and sold on commission -, Firat mortgage Loans Negotiated Rents collected and. taxes paid Estates managed for non-residenta Phone Wilmette 500 Too Bad IfWas Broken ^Oh, that'g aUrightf just send it np to Electrical Contracting business, haa put In a full line of Colum- bia Grafonolas and Records. You are invited to come and hear them. ____<09.W. RAILROAD AVP.___ Phone 522 Wilmette they will fix all kinderot GptOSpreW fr,ORu,t<?R.Ei!J A*»* Riooe, ave. Phone w.in.etto 1381 Wilmette. Illinois Williapf G. B^yrer Electrical Construction, Hardware, Gas and _ElectrtcdLlFixtures,AutQ' , --mobile Supplies--~----;-------: Thia Season we will carry~Perry*a Garden Seeds VILMETTE, ILL. 1150 CENTRAL AVENUE. Automobile and Carriage LTpholstorfhs*. Trunks ana All Leather Goods Repaired. Charles R. Petersen Harairjss Maker J' t«85 Central Antra* «*•>! WltMETTE, it.lL. - All work promptly and neatly done Telephone Wilmette 21 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW SPECIALISTS 11 john nvG&^tte&e 916 Chicago Title and Trust Blflg. || w. WuftiaglosSt. Central IS87. miMm» nai om at., Ei»ttsa. t.i. ikb 7TAtJTOM0Bi|^REPAIRlN<} For Eaisy Starting in Cold Weather ~We equip your-FGRD with a ^ashrPrimer forSr.SO jJeJSLMe ye£& Sots 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 =i£ Wilmette Offlcs Phone »S Shop A Haa. Phene 1W A. C. WOLFF Tin, sheet metal and furnace work. Furnaces, ------gutters, spouts and i roofs.. :: ;: « » feSTTMATES FURNISHED Furnace Cleaning and .Office, 1124 Central Ave. Shop. «25 Perk Ave. (raar). Wlloiatte fcAWIl <mKASAlANi>XLaVER SJEJaJP Self^Waterliig fliwirejt Bo*«*^ ^^s Telethons 629