Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Feb 1914, p. 8

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19,19M. BY MAY FIRST Alderman Sam Topliff Read Communication From Rail- way Superintendent to Evanston Council. TEN N£W CARS ORDERED The new can of the Evanston Rail- way company will be delivered on the first of May. This was the reas- suring news Alderman Sam Topliff of the railway committee of the Evans- 1 ton council announced at the council meeting. There will be ten care. It Is thought this number will be sufficient to give first-class service on the line. The, cars will be of all l^rteel-^onsteuctloi very latest In design. They will be forty-two feet long and will give seat- ing* to forty passengers. An argument arose when Alderman Topliff reported that the seats of the cars would be four inches wider than those in the present cars. Aldermaa 'Carter wanted to know if the cars liwbttld^ibeLisb :wide that the; create a "death "strip" when running 'ttytkQtracks. No personwas able to answer the question, bo the rail- way committee was requested to make a. report on this at the next meeting of the council. _ .,^_. 1^___ No "Oeathr 8trip/' Charles Speed, who Is in charge of construction for the Railways com- pany, stated that the cars would be no •■'■ widef,^the"~]fouT--inehres~iBr~tbr1TeHleiice width Of the seats being made up by the use of all-steel In construction. Mr. Topliff read the communication irbm the railway company to-the council and the solOns seemed greatly pleased wlth^theeffort-the-company is putting forth to give Kvanston- bet- ^ service. Mr. Topliff renortedthat stoco the new company took over'the road they had^pent more than *100,- TWa Is the report Mr. M. Kroner, which by means of a tan warm air Is delivered uniformly throughout the car. They will be equipped with the most modern type of ventilators and by means of the fan operated heating system, we hope to obtain the best possible ventilation. ""'■-- "The trucks will be furnished by the J. G. Brill company,of Philadelphia. These trucks will be 4 Inches longer between axles than the standard gen- erally used and will provide a cor re spending comfort in riding. There will be two motors on each car which will be furntsb.ed by " the . Westing- house Electric & Manufacturing com- pany of Pittsburg. These motors will bo so constructed- as to give ample power under all conditons and to op- erate with the least-possible noise "The car bodies will be 28 feet over all, will seat <0 passengers, and the entire length of car over vestibules will be 42 feet. ""' ' ;;..;■ ["'-iulidihgjcar station. ';• "The car station and office building which we are now constructing and which is well "under way Is located at the corner of Central street and Bryant avenue. ,Thp south front ot the building will be ah^it 70 feet property line of Central street. The east line wll be along the east property line of Bry- ant avenue. 'The building Is being constructed jn' three divisions or bays as follows: TjK "The' Offices, trainmen'ar quar- ters,^ore roonrand shops."-----------~ This portion of the building will ue and will^be provided with ample space for the headquarters of the company, includ- ing rooms for general manager, super* intendents and accountants. A filing room wilipalso be provided for filing the company's vouchers; and records. Immediately adjoining this to the north will be the trainmen's room, which will be of such ample size as to provide every facility for the con- superintendent of, the Evanston Rail- way company, has Submitted to Alder man Topliff: "I beg to advise you that the Ev- anston Railway Companjrjias ordered #tinii iim ii 111 n....."' * *M• *m";*'{ IS TO BE PAVED Historic Property Near North- western Athletic Field Soon to Be Improved by Hav- ing Streets Paved./ WILL PAVE OTHER STREEXS The historic Kidder property at North Evanston Is about to come into its own. Always considered among the Choicest holdings in Evanston it has been held back by one thing or another until residents of that por- tion of the town have at times des- paired Of its ever being developed. Twenty years ago Col Kldder-badtthe larger .portion of it sold* at $25 per front foot but was unable to get sewer and water in and lost the sale. But now comes the announcement that the entire section is to be improved with the most- modern of pavemehts---con- crete*--r---:------------^=JLi. _-------I - ! AgWed.toPavlng.:' .._„,..'„^_J... leetlng of the board of local improvements held Monday evening, Feb. 9, Col. Kidder and the Murphy estate, McGuire and Orr, and other property holders, agreed to the paving of Lincoln street from East Railroad avenue to Asbury avenue, Boomer place and Dewey, Ashland, Jackson and Asbury avenues from Lincoln ave- nue to Central street. Several of these 'interests who were opposed to aTno^co'mT6rt"r6TP%e^wn^paving preced- ing Thursday stated that having looked into the merits of concrete pav- ing,, they were willing to proceed. Ac- cordingly the board of local Improve-, menta ordered the Improvement, an pany's employes. North of the train- men's room will be the shop rooms for taking care of and repairing the cars -when needed. 2. "The heated storage or shop Tssy; "Immediately adjacent on the west to^the office bay will-be located the heated portion or pit bay which will be capable of holding nine .cars, six of which can be placed at one time ten cars from-the St. Louis Gar com- pany: of^^rg{7-Ll)Uls^~^sWUTrr^nd-de^ Uvery is; promised next May. We have advanced the :work onronr new: car station so far during the present winter that yte^ feel the-station will be ready to take carei of the cars as ; : seen as they arrive,"and-werare-makr ing every effort In ;that direction. , _^ ^ Unto Date. "As thecars we are, purchasing for Evanston rv^-rbeing-buIR--especlally- Jror'thls service on our order and wll! be absolutely new and up to date in T every detail,* we are exceedingly .anxious ibat these cars shall be stored and cared; for Ja: our_ own station rallier than belhg^kept^evcn tempo- rarily at the Devon avenue station of the Chicago Railways company^Jor notwithstanding the kTndhoss and courtesy with which we have been treated by the Chicago Railways com- pany attdrlts employes, so many cars i afe cared for at the Devon station that we feel It would bo Impossible for the Chicago Hallways company s employes to give as much attention tii!flur /it**'-^riFiir^frMh-glve-^em at our own station where we will only have these cars to look~~after and where we can bold our own employes strictly responsible-^forT-any--careless- ncss or. damage done jtojtke cars,. We feel that the people of Evanston are not merely anxious to have new and modern cars operated on our line, but also that they shall be taken care of and kept in thoroughly first class con- dition so as-to he a credit to the city ftp. well as to our company, and for tsiu reason we have felt it very unde- sirable to have the cars delivered un- tlilour own station Is ready.- ^ • "With the aAslfjtance oftheTcom: over pits. This portion as well as the offices will be provided . withheating apparatus sufficient"tokeep it^warm in tfrfe coldest weather and will bo equipped with other necessary: con- veniences for inspecting, cleaning and repairing cars.__________„___!____1_ 3. "The storage bay which will pot b« heated will bo located along the -west side of the building. This, bay will provide room for 9 cars and will be used to store such cars as do hot np^rt tn iw ^ltejujnto^the-shop-bayv-- "The entire building will be abso- lutely fireproof in its construction. The walls are of solid brick and wher- ever there are openings between the several bays, these openings will be provided with steel fire doors. The doors to the front of the. building for admitting caTs" w^l"bo[oOhT^nrnt stceTtypeT" ~ ~- ■ ^__~_„.,, 1,::'.. ~"Tfre'"robr will "lin conilcStedl wltb- steel roof trusses with concrete roof. Numerous skylights and ventilators will-be provided over-all parts-6t tlirr building so that ampin light and ven- tilation will be furnished. The floors n-aH-parts-ef-tb.e-buHding except the ^ojrage^_bay_JKill_-be constructed of -concrete;-------------■----------------------------- "The foundations of the building jro of solid concrete. -^W^=believe- that Ethe^arehteectlffe of the building will be highly satis- factory - to - th c - people of E vans ton 'ti nd' particularly to those -residing In the nj^ghiojrhood^of^thp^ation.-- In-order to make the building as attractive as possible we are facing it jwlth- care- fully selected red brick laid in Eng- lish bond with cement mortar, and we believe the better appearance of the ,Tiulldlng-and the consequent ap- proval of our neighbors will justify the additional cost of this more ex- pensive, brick. • J* We regret that we have not been, able to equip our lines with new cars as soon as the people of Evanston mteBJoner of public «*»«*« of -t hejBltyjjyoujd^jmye-Uked nor-es^soott-as-wc i TEe take Shore News l TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 365 WIUttTTE 1487 ! Wiai Ms in the Like Skote News are ckirgei at the following rates ; ____ Real Estate Qa|stf(ations,7>5 cento pet line. ► All Other Classifications. 5 cents per liae, _ /* ! Miaimam Wee. ISceats. Noadvertismeatcliargedforleis t*aa25 '.....^M|V|MIIIIIIMIIIMIMMiji1>#*»**!^"r"- cents HELP WANTED WANTED-PIRST CUASS 60LICI- tor to coyer Chicago territory; steady-Work and commission; Phone 388, Winnetka., ,:.-..; ->>,.■.' ltp WantedtobuyHOUSE WANTED TO BUY FROMiPWNER, Evanston home; not over $7,ooo. Address D 418, Lake Shore News. •'.:..:.. up SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED^--BY A SCHOOL TEACH- er, several hours' work for five'after- : noons of the: week. Will read to in- - valids, entertain or tutor children. Address W 234 Daily News. ltc A COLQRED,WOMAN WOULD LIKE general cleaning by the: day. Phone Evanston 4725. w-2tc YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION ~as gardener on .private placer six years' greenhouse and gardening ex perience; also good hand at house and repair work; best of references. J. J, Balmes, 1G27 Charles-st., Wll- mette. Phone 936-J. ltp WANTEO-TO BUY WANTED ---LIGHTS T A TIQ N wagon, low surrey, horse 1.200 lbs. 410 Linden-st, Winnetka. Phone 74. "--~~Ilp FOR SALE FOR SALE--USED UPRIGHT PIANO In fine playing order, 875. Patter- son Bros., 1522 Sherman-av., Ev- anston.- .,_«.•.., - ltc FOR SALE--DO.MKSTIC SEWING machine, In fine sewing order; guaranteed; $7.00 Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. ltc MISCELLANEOUS AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO Invest your money safely in Evans- ton. Guaranteed 7 per cent per year. Secured by valuable real --estate and other property. For in- formation write or call at once John Hugh Lally, Attorney at Law, 1131 Oakav., Evanston. Phone 1886. ^j__ ; ..... _.. ' „.. \ ... ... -• ...,ltc FOR 8ALB v EVANSTON HOMES 1580 Sherman-av, 39 w-U glngerf Tpour into--buttereehTiudding dish and bake 2Thours in slow oven; serve with cream*--' zyr7:~.77~zr~7~-T; : Corn Meal and Fig Pudding. One cup corn meal, 1 cup molasses,,6 cups milk (or 4 of milk and 2 of jcreami, 1 cup finely chopped-flgSr-2 eggs. 1 teasboon salt.. Cuoklhe^cdro meal with 4 cups of the milk, add the figs and salt. When the mixture is cool, add the eggs well beaten. Pour into a buttered pudding dish and bake In a moderate oven for^hours or more. When partly cooked add the remainder of the milk, without stirring the pudding.--------------------------; Corn Meal and Apple Pudding. For the figs in the above recipe ordinancerwlll be drawn for~the~clty council, court proceedings will be puBbed^md^therpavingrrput in as soon as the weather permits. To Use Concrete. At the Thursday meeting, it was tie- cided to have Sherman avenue from Noyes street to Cefitral street paved withTConcrete, so that these two sec- tions will have the first cement pav- ing In Evanston. Tho UnivorsatPort- uhd Uehtept company was in part re- sponsible ^o** «h»« dnpJBlon_slnce_they^. FOR SALE--SLIGHTLY USED HAND washing machine; good as hew; 84. 414- Hill-st. WiImette.__Phone^526--j-gubstitute a-pint--ofrflnely sliced-or ^________ -<■■______________*tcj chopped sweet apples. Fp^ SALE --SLIGHTLY USEDJ it is oflen possible to substitute Singer; -Wheeler & Wilson sewing {corn meal for part Of the flour lm machines; guaranteed; price. Patterson tiros., very low 1522 Sher- man-av., Evanston. ltc FOR RENT-HOUSES WILMETTKrrtf-ROOM HOUSE, H. W. heat. Phone Wilmette 1022. ltp WtE|p=^T$. offer to furnish specifications and an engineer constantly on the Job* whether their cement is used or not. ; jB«flneton»s Finest Anartments Paving t his stretch of Dewey avertue fcV8nS jj|j. PARKER making cakes. In some is no special advantage In using cases there it Hinman Av«nue fcnd Church Street will mean arconcrete pavement north ^UBabella ^treet, ^^ff^Trft- featfew. J-arcfflHHfctcd roomrVae- ttCW route for the through" automobile i uum eiMntts System.. Lourie Wall Safes. Larofe travel from the north.,turning west onj f^t^l^ZJ!Ttoomamnd 'aundrics Lincoln street to West Railroad ave- ^ *^*«2»Bj^Kwa. nue- - ■ I ;____L___J i. Mini ii'.....'n" The -Improvement is pound to en- hance Ms value of frontage affected and the combination of fine trees. REAL ESTATE clcatreoncfcttr pavhtg^and- broad; parity xoR SALE- FLORIDA"TARM, OR ways will make tbis property a beauti wjh exchange for 2 er^passenger fttl-part-of the city.-SInce-lt has Cht^^rr Address W :; 18, Lake Shore cago and Northwestern railroad trans -; News. Up i%rW&k e^Goodies »>» portal ion on its west land the North- western elcvatedjon Its cast boundaryl_tUfu.^-^-^^a^-^^--qg-arf^^r-P#-^s^ there Is no subdivision with better {JttClC OCLftl I 4?US tlOW transportation facilities. _______A Curious Coincidence.---------- By a curious coincidence--or some- thing^ore-^oe-HJoone^was^TFlfneww- that this hew concrete paving was to be put In than a number of copies dr a "Report of tho Cement Roads of. was being clr- wayne county, Mich.," culated in Evanston. The^___matter United States Department of Agriculture Gives Expert Ad- vice on Corn Delicacies* contained in this report was reprinted ; from'the Brick and Clay Record, an1 Jluo peculjar^oiisisteJi£y_oL-EQcn organ7~oTthlT paving nriclT manufac-J meal, which ,is a disadvantage under -tories, who naturally do not like to' somo circumstiinces, is an advantago see the product they manufacture re- [ m making griddle cakes or ^waffles, placed by the all-conquering cement, for it renders them very -Wayne county has become famous I Among the recipes which- as the battle- ground for .-the-cement | farmer18" bulletin .(No. 505) and anti-cement forces and both the United states Department of. Agricui- tender, a new of the but it is well-to know" that^ it cart bo used-4n^emergencies. In making doughnuts^ however, ther^js^a^de^ clueiriadvantage "In Substitutihg- corn meal for part of the flour, for dough- nuts so made are more likely to be tender. --r---"Irwitan "Meal Doughnuts. - "" Three-fourths cup milk, \*k cups very liner white corn meal, 1% cups wheat flour. _pne-_fourth "cup butter, three-fourths cup sugar; 2 eggs wel beaten, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 tea speonl^^ia^ttg^pewael^^ spoon salt. Fut milk, and meal into a double boiler and heat together foi about 10 minutes. Add the buttei and sugar to the meal. Sift togethei tho wheat flour, baking powder, cin uairion, and salt. Add these and th* eggs to the meal. Roll out on i- well-floured board; cut into„ the de sjred shapes*; fry Jn..deep JutL dialil and i-o.lLln-PO.wdered..8Ugar. Corn meal, because it requires long cooking, is peculiarly adaptable fo; preparation in.....the*- lireleas cooker. Also, like all finely divided food^ .which are cooked in water, it. cai' easily b& brought^to-a unlformlyJrigb temperature, and there is no danger, Jsin-tuioklng JaEge pieces of meat, for example, that some parts will be cool when the food Is put into the cooker. The large amount of water with .which it is combined is also of advantage, for water has a "Very high specific heat, and for this reason cools off comparatively slow- Tyi In cooking" corn meal in the fiieless cooker, 5 hours at least should be allowed. of Evanston. ^e have given the uf-j-hoped to do, but as we found it nee mosit^attention to all the details of jessary to lnake* very careful and com-1 not well put in and can be ........ ..... these cars and believe they -will rep- j prehensive plans "not only for thejas an example of--what paving IookSJttddlgilH ^H<l WjlJBalHlu^ dry 'Ingied^ resent the best and most modern con-1 cars, but also for the building, which j ijkc. Lents mixed and stfted, then tho egg brick manufacturers and cement turo recommends are the following: manufacturers take many parties of, Corn Meal Pancakes, intending purcliasers there to show | » them how. cement paving looks when-j. Two cups flour, % cup corn meal. Improperly laid. At the same time ilVi tablespoons- baking.powder^J464 -- ^(PTvrlfirTo^fln A ^riv» Wayne county contajns_jniany mHt»s i tnaaponim sali^^Mic^Urd--cun--6ugar4| tivci y»mt^-«wu-tf*iy- ofllproperTy JaidU cement~paving and |l% cups boiling^water, 1% cups milk, nearby is some brick paving that was \ I egg. Add meal to boiling. water held up land boil 5 minutes; turn into bowl, Unchlvalreus Comment. Professor Rlppman of London an* pounces that'1 girls begin to talk ear- lier than boys. Yep! Earlier, oftener, longer and later.--Exchange. structton available. We have Inspect! would suit the requirements of Evans- ed. Similar types "of cars at other! ton, and could not buy ready made places and,made such Improvements j anything that would be-at all satis- as our situation jeemed to suggest-^-f factoryj-we--feel that--our patrons, Will Be AH Steel vfavtieh they appreciate all the circum-* »Tt». ,.r hndl^l will be wbiiL isj?^8^0^ Tather Prefer Jawalt known as "ait steel construction-" Tber* »«Ie l^f^ T™X^ "* ^ onfy wood used will be^ In^ the roofiltoz^J^ton^ab^uteJy^dern. Ae-nooVand w^erevw^ecessa fur out the steel membersr The mov respect ^te.3Kliidojfe=aagh^n^ '"' sggBe*--..'.[•• .---= will be Forsyth brass frames with ad [ APOLLO CONCERT, ■ Justa'ble locks. Tlie^seats will be cane | Ncxt„ Monday nlghQ the Appilo covered^ m§de extra" wlde.^^The car Musical club of 300 singers, Harrison bodies themselves-willxbe-3 inches j m. wndr^ondiictor, will 'give ltailftlL At Highland Park, where this re- port was first used, the result was that the city decided to^put in concrete pav- ing oh Sheridan road."Highland Park has declined to join with the Lincoln park board and_ will improve Sher- idan road on iti own; Plans, 1 _ . ... --------^-BuHt-irr Two-Ways. ^Tfie well beaten, and butter. Cook on a greased griddle. _ Corn Meal and Wheat Waffles. One and one-half one-half cup --white 1%. cups milk,.. \ 3 water, ^meal,- ]\ flour. i-SZtaWespoons sugar,--D^tahlcspoona. -bakingr-pmulvi-, 1V> teaspoous salt,' -cups-- =eorn= ^Icups thing in Good Jewelry, Diamonds&W"itches Edward Kirchberg 132 North State Street - Opposite Marshall Find & Co. teaspoons yolkaJ^ggs. .wjnUes 2 i^'-;8^EaMS wider thsn the"-ordinary^ car andHheT-gonMff of platforms wttfebe made unusually long j Orchestra the present season at Hail. Edward" Elgur's concrete"■* paving in Evanston will be built-in -two ways--one-course-- ,,,,.. ,. ,. ,<, , , , . ^>a-modei^w1dtfr^e^m1 ^ ,; boiling wa„,r 20 minutes, add milk. course on streets Over tjW^nj^ ^ "ntcourse construction wUI ]*>** of ™* welt beaten^ butter and j consist oflone part^cement. two of J^a^Jg^S^^1? ^^t«^tonaif|rt^V^^ choral work, "The Music Makers, the passengers entering and leaving will be sung for the first time in the the car. -■ The cars wll]^be^cqulpjjedJjiYesUand: along--with-this "hew work with folding steps^ and""'closod."doors jwlll be presentodDvorak'^ beautiful so as to prevent accidents. Tho doors "Stabat Mater." The solo artist will to the right of the motorman and be Leonora Allen, soprano;- Mildred conductor will have wire^glass pan* | potter, contralto; George Harris. Jr., that iae^tratainea-wai^e^bieHit^ VIB W anu~ uustav i lolmqu 1st, pass, to see children standing along side of ] The entire Chicago Symphony orches- the track waitings or the car. The j tra- willi assist wltA Edgar Nelson, or- cars will be heated by the Peterjaanlst, and^ Harrlaon MI Wfld^^eOn- Smith Hot Air Heating system through ' ductor. of all the forces. L*ooK on granite. large variety of! ^opnlaT^aml^ver^nutrtJfious pudding that may\be made with corn meal al- quently used. The .-department's ex- perts in nuti itibu suggest that tho housewife try these; The two-course^pavementF w^lll con- sist of a five-Inch base of limestone or gT*vetr^th^~lower^^ourse" will be"one part- coment,...two and one-half sand and four Of stone, a-reinforcement of fabricated wire mesh, and a top course of two parts cement, one of sand ami Indian Pudding on^fof^ravel. ~ ___ .T____ Vfy* riip^-inilk^one-thirrf-tHtp-corn- llcpMeSeK^ thickrarUie~ctirh andelgbt at the cen-[spoon salt, 1 teaspoon ginger. Cook ter. Every twenty-five feet there will j milk and meal In a double boiler 20 be a steel-nrotected expansion Jotat.' minutes; add molasses,- salt, and F Mt SAfcB A 6-Room House Price $2500 TERMS EASY 4 and 7 Room Flats to Rent $12 to $20 per Month will be completed about March 1st Win, R. Wilson ontractor and Builder Phon« Kenllworib 1146 ---- P.O.Boi72 ^---KEIIliyroliTH^ILL. - --------T»o Bi»cks We»t of Depot EVANSTON TmkatRk* m+ EVANSTON AMUSEMENT CO.. Prop. *^ Fountain Square H- L. MtNTURN. My. Hy »»a>aW9 TONIGHT and BAleANCE 0^ WEEK The Evanston Stock Company PRESENTS WM.. VAUGHN MOODY'S Powerfnl Amtricon Drama n AS Produced By Henry Miller and Margaret AngUn Irls^i Pofrarftil Play Telling a Beautiful Story TUESDAY MATINEE NELLE REDD'S RECEPTION PAY. EVERY PATRON IS INVITED TO ATTEND ■ NEXT WEEK Jas. A. Hearne's Shore Acres Wanted To Rent !IN! Winnetka - Hubbard Woods - Giencoe We haveoa large listjof appli- cants Tvho desire to Rent Fur- iiisliecf ancTDffirnishedllbnies in all North Share Villages* LIST YOUR PROPERTY WiTH US WQW McCrUIRt © ORR 74 West Washington Street JCHICAGO Wilwtte Office Winneika Office Siencoe Office Central Ave. and Mil. Ciectric New Bank Building Opposite the C. & H. W. Depot -~-- O P EX D A « X Y ---- T^ ~ %iiar can generally reaclt peo- ple by Long J3istanee^%Jfe-i: phone when; it:i$:;tffeal^if;np|l: iin^iiffiKr^Pget1 atten- tion in any other way. A Long Distance Gafh straws the bank director from his meet- ing_and the tradesman--ironv his counter. --^^^-^ Sam time and get quick results by using Long Distant Lines, Chicago Telephone Company H. B» Gates, Distrtcfc=Manager=^ Telephone 9903 '______ First Book of the North Shdre Price fiiSfr ani Second Book of the North Shore Price$2J)0 ^Jjornes, Gardens,, Landscapes^ High- ways and Byways, Past and Present Intens^ly^InfeTestnT^HistorlcaTI^ fusely 11 lustrated in sepia and of increasing value as books will not be reprinted. Make remittancesdirect to liffiASA:W WIT E W2S SheridaitBbKU--^-^ :: Chicago

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