Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Feb 1914, p. 2

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY; FEBRUARY 86, 1914. tWhat PenntaAfe0mnff ; ratio and fancy dress ball of the year J will ■<be"■^tiJoy«d^'iby.;ibo senior menv * Mrf ana. Mrs. F. Bf Crossley, 60Q (Washington avenue, returned from posed largely of the house of Morgan & Company, and :thjiii6u^enhetass» have constructed Borne railroad and Me4tta«°5 ; Elgin the first of the week, whore they I were called by; the serious Illness of j. G. Itay is in Detroit on a "bust-J Mra. Croaslcy's mother, Mns. F.* B. Jen- ncste .trip,-; . , J kins. The condition of Mrs. Jenkins, Mr. Theodore Brcy&r, 725 Washing-) *ho ts well known In -Wilmette, is re- ton .avenue, is. in'peoria this week, i ported as improved. Mrs;. Alfred Mergbach and daughter! J*™- B. p. Callow^, ""~r-••'*£* , club, is making extensive arrans* Mrs. F. D. -Day, Sto Qakwood aye-1^^ tor tne instructive ^meeting.; nue, ..will entertain at bridge In her j Announcement of the program proV home Satoirday^arteTnoonT "7T . J. ably will be made In next weenie George C.Hughes, lj()06 Central ave4iaflue of TheXake Shore News/ t: nue,-cntertsiiied George W. Willard of Mr. Irving C. Harris and family Ypsilanti, Mich., last week. Ur Mesa, Arte.. havev.lMateda| 120(7; Mr. and Mrs. Gale. Meginniss, 518 j Michigan avenue. Mr. karris is e»ljit:i IWashihgtbu avenue; entertained atjneer in charge of inspection, of the, euchre -in their homo Thursday even- [machinery and materials being mad* lug through the east for the United States Mrs. C F: Evans and her daughter reclainath^ service an£bas recent*, rhed to their home at 6161*** transferredtp,Cht<*g<>., M tried to get control of all available public coal lands. These efforts have! succeeded in part and failed in part The,laws were grossly violated and this ;led to a halt on the inroads .being made on the public property l>y these private interests: ;.;..-:?- ■-:4<0t succeeding in their projects, Mw^r^^owa^who will be in this syndicate decreed that If it should not build these roads and get have retur! j| 7%dJ7fpso/i £e#fer i The Alaska railroad bill has passed; lop- j botli branches . of congress. As it I passed the irott3^Bn^gednesday, it hdiffere^spUfewhat c"f rom-the • fora inj which it had previously been passed- government not; undertake to do this work, it oa«u*"^.f:'d(MB*-*^^. '.*■ : Therefore, the question involved in the bill was whether Alaska shall belong to the people of the United States and' 'Itsr reaott*ee*^>de*taoped for the benefit of those people and for the benefit of the people living in Alaska, or whether Alaska shall be- long to -the Guggenheim-Morgan Syn- dicate to-be developed by and for Gregory avenue:after a visit in Bonne ##>t>0»»>»»>Mt»#>>»»»»»»» Tvr he, Mo. r.-; --.-,.,-i.t-^- -----■ -,- J*'-'"*' ■" ;'*' 4 Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, 814 Linden ave- ***" 'nue, will entertain membors'of the Metimdisilcixele in her home tomor- row evening. _ j-_____a____„ _'____JTo-tfae JEeople- of-the TeaUi-Cong«ejfc|| Mrs. ■Aivin Eutz, 500 Central ave-j slonal Bistrlct:---., nue, entertained^ members of the 4JErlc"»trh~ "ffrfiffy" class Jin her honu day aftetnooh. ':"',■ ■'•'•.."■: ■■'■' , Mrs.. Frederick M. Bowes renter talned members M the Dmma^Read,,^ . ^ prIncipal change ing circle in her home, 1033 Greenleaf ^by m housewL in eliminating avenue, luesua^. ....... | Uje sectfouproviding foran issue of Mr. Archibald A. Beobe is enjoying jt^s. As thus amended, the money a, trip to Nassau. Bahama Islands, j ^j.^^jconatxJMfion-Pl-the railroad. :j^% "Li"e Next mohthlie will oe at; Palm Beach, tls to be made available by direct Up- ttl?m W2&Z Flu, lor au Indefinite- stay. . jpropriafions which ;are to be re- Mr. and Mrs.-B.>-F. Brown, C"6;^einc?j or jiepam by■ & redemption Wimhington.fivenuc,.entertained mem-jjy^^*^ whicb the; bill provides and hers of the K. and W. card club ^j into which shall be paid one-lialf'*. df. tiKir homS Tuesday .evening, -r. ..-■ rail moneys derived from the lease, Mr,^ aTid:Jdrfi.John_Clark-Baker, 347|sa|e-pp (jjgppgai of'any of the public Hill street, ententained Prof. George j jands^ih- Ajaska, or the coal or min- -Wood of North field, Minrn^, last week.. erai tlioreTn or the timber thereon and Prof. Wood is ah instructor in Carlton j jnto which tund there_shalL-also-be college* -Mr. and Mrs: 3; A. Knightpf -Wash-i to .becbOTtructelar^bove: maintenance ington, D. C», are expected to arrive in > charges and operating expenses. It Wilmetto today for a few days' visit;wjh thus be seen that the resources, with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, 814 j of Alaska willW every cent of the | aga^8^n^,mi9°^p0^y' TUum^u Wndeh avenue. ~ ~------rr^r--r- "^ironbullding the railroad. ^i waaliineton D - lAjneJ^ngjOtiibe-Mlssionarysociety | -In a recent message to congress, n" '"• " of the Congregational church will be j the president well said that the pro- _nejt^}^he-ehureli^arlor8-tomorrev^jjEedrrailroad Is the keytortlie great afternoon -at 3-o'clockT--Home-mission jstorehouse-Tof "this vast ^territory. day will Jyobgerved. :'■■'■"" j Withoutijiroper, railroad transporta- Mr. Waltei- M. Clute will address! tion that storehouse will heyer be un- merabers of the' Wiimette Woman's i locked.- For whose benefit it shall club at the "View Day" session at the; be unlocked depends .< wholly upon Airt -Institute- in Chicago-iomorrowJ who holds rihe key. The bill just 'morning at 10 o'clock. :passed is based.upon the theory Jhat i^Mr^ and-Mrs.' Stepheh^^:SkiniierTiiiieTl)wher of The storehouse-should- these resources, nobody should. At- tempts of others to acquire ^property and xbuiltf^ ;ti»nsport»Ufflu ^^a|«t:iwsre met with force by the sywiteste. , The history of railroad building in Alaska, with a few exceptions, Is a history of lawlessness, murder, high ap?n*»a'.wlf)rt ■ffhtl»»n«iy-^;.;4w~-->.??■ --'- - A careful study of the testimony submitted to the committees «n ter- ritories of both the senate and the house, must lead to the conclusion Abut the Alaska Syndicate now con- trols the railroad situation; in Alaska, and thus, holding the key, they con- trol the resources of Alaska, and they will continue to do *o unttl pur gov- ernraent accomplishes < atbj&v railroad construction provided ifor in the bill just passed. The testimony further demonstrates the fact that should the Air from Sonata "Pathetique"...... 1^.....-,.......... • •.. Beethoven ^~L.. ->h.:*,... aiassenet Tocata (Sixth Organ Symphony)... ........;.....-..____-..•____ Wider Canon, B-jpiaor.-.......... .Scbumann Lieder ohne Worte-- (1) Jaegerlied , ■_ (2) Traueirmarsch (U) Spinnerlied : i j :(4) Fruehllngslied ' , ! Offertory, Prayer ......... .Lemaigre} Finale (Symphony) in F..... .Haydenj .Mr. Alfred 6.Freemanwill sing "A j New Name,' by Mc Derm Id, and "Just for TodayV'»t»y Abbott ' The chorus leads the evening singing. • Mr. Cart ^i£elier wTll read a paper Wednesday; night on "The Every Member -Og^iiss and EJwry Member Efliciency." '■}•'• >'..'".■' , At the Woman's society meeting, Tuesday at 2 p. m., Miss Duncan, head resident of Bohemian House Settle- ment will speak. The Men's league convenes Friday night and will elect officers. - Wilmette Baptist Church. Sunday servicer will be held in the Woman's^club-building, corner Green leaf avenue and Tenth street. Pastor, B. Frank Taber, 1046 Greenwood ave-' nue. Bible school,. 9:45 a. m. Morning service, ^tttrm; Evening serviee, 7:30 p. m;.;-..; At the close of the morning service nextrSunday, the ^ld'aTBififrfe^^fr be commemorated. " "1^mmencbjg^March-\l, the^pastor will conduct a series of ♦special even- ing services. They will"'be interesting and helpfut,- Special musio.iwill be u feature. . " ' The^Wadffesdav evehlng'^meeting,. The bill having passed, the real de? veldpment of this: vast territory * is bound; :t° IbHow. The population of Ihe^'Tie^torjr;;*jwilt rapidly iiicreasei The people of the Pacific coast will be enabled -io-procure good, coal at reasonable • prlcWv^The, riches rot Alaska will be conserved- in the. high- est sense for they Will be pot to the ^Ipald thenerearnlngs of the railroad ^^^»SgJBreate8t i!"» ^^^^rvft^ai-«tk«v« Tssinffinaiice i possible numberrorpeople. In passing the bill, congress has declared for the public interest as C. - February 21, l?14.?sV CHURCH BULLETIN WILMETTE. First Congregational Church of Wil- .- -----'.-'• .-•-.'.-; noette. ------ A welcome is extended to every, , , , , ,„ cltizetMnd-visitorHto^fe tend^Tthe 10 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. Vesper service,- 5 p. m. Indies' Bible class, Tuesday, 9:30 a. m. Mid-week thaitmeeting',^ Wedhesday; 8 pl^ml Com- ^^ntrai.av*nue^are^n5oying^i^i^d^ frf^S^HSl1' Kn'«%hJl^ v^eks-visjt-in"California. During | There were two great contending school at 9:45 a. m. Men s Bible Class- their^absence Mr. 'and- Mia. .Bichardj interests, involved In- the considera- AfJfm win eccu*>y their^ home. ^ ^ion of this legislation-r-private inter- Mrs. Charles McCue, C31 Washing-1 cst3 and the public interest. Tnii ivfrni^who \vas called^to^Lruverne, ■ Conservationists contead.C- ifnn^tweekon^^^^ be re-^mnwealth class programs, second and ;Sn£f^^ScftSo sSirSi^= 'the present owners sball.contlhue to P. m.I Moifthly^ncheon^^cond^ ^Tr^i^aTSShSiSS wil»'x>wn -and control them while the oi»]day; at noon. Communion service, SSI^a^ ^^^■2^^i«r-'lr-,'K-'--„'-wTlMa««|the entire storehouse and its' con, I of the morning -sermon will be, "The i; M^ Edward Kirchberp;. 918 iiinden j tent^ I Church Going Forth.'" The service avenue, will^ntertain-several ^h^, T£e development _of, Alaska-hasjwili^efollowed by a communion serv- at dinner this evening in "onor-o^^^ Jt ^ Bf5iSSSjj for year8. Con-] Ice. At the vesper service at 5 o'cIock Mrs. Rose Lutiger Gannon, who will | SprvaUonlstg on the one hand have 1 the theme of the setmbn will be, "Real appear in the: Artisis^concert at the, uj,ged legh.lation opening up this vast-lForglvenesB." FirstCongregationali church. .^country, with proper "safeguards to Presbyterian Miss Ruth Cfancy, who has been vis-: ... u.1l,lo _,, th„ oth„r jiand Ninth street and G ithe public, while on the other hand Church. Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue, IsperciairinteTems^fogeTher: with some Wilmette, Dr. J. M. Wilson, pastor. iting friends in Madison, Wis., has re- turned to^JV^^ett^fo^^ pastor will speak~Sunday atr^lrt wiai hct ..aunt, Mrs. B. CTrHarden-j ural resourcC8 of this Country belong i a. m. on the subject, "Reconciliation ^xmrn^mTiPovcst avenue. Slie plans.|t0 the man who ig WiHmg to develop I and Reconciled." The ^b;fei^tom-fa3bAgr^lmme-4H-^oston^l^^ j and a it. opposed to a»y-: legislation..]..._ At .7:30 p. m.,Jie will speak on "The dancos will be given , l]uit wilj BOt piace these great re- !!King*s Son and His Demands: Render about two... weeks. Two enjoyable at tin week. Oultmelte Countr^^ub„iM&j^OT,rcc anu~lo God the Things TOhiorrovs eyening the junior | e„ricliment aione. Between these j Which Are Theirs." This is an ex- niembors oLthe; club will give a daiice.i two, Alaska has been caught and held i poSItory sermon and will, discuss, "The On Saturday evening the first masque-! f^ - ~'r'"';-. ■';; v j.American Protestant Conscience." -1- ■ ..'■■ '■-■.....'■ --: -- --- ' ■ ■! Daring this time powerful private: Miss Corette will render the follow Human GuJture is a perfected Art with wiiich I can bring about perfect riiggjtionz-afe. :i=^iFteresta" havBnprne'KTlrcat lnngnrs"Tiftg 6rgan program: j in their effort to get control of tho i Morning. I f;nnntrvl_^rAc-Aiaska--Syiaiiciitc,rcOrfl--!Sonata ^AilegrolT^^fT-.- sortion; asstmilarion. and excretion. The blood thereby, is replenished, the cells and tissucis are reconstruct- ed. Without thense of Medicine, In- strumeats, or anything that is_un-- pleasaritj 11 CuVe_Jc^rpnjc\.aUnients,-. in many crises ailments of twenty years, duration. .These statements can be verified by unyhody.'Who will investigate ': To know what 1 have done, or to tnlk tf). one jvho has been cured by itfle is to bo convinced that these statetnjjntsajreabsolute facts. ■• Gfiester Levere Human Culturist 1812 Gbicago Avenue, Hidden Values in First Book of the North Shore Second Book of the North Shore Sohae automobile 'jitakerS boiist tlto hidden valucs^of Uieir cars--values invisible and impossibleof Iabc»Kitory analysts. "Under the Host!" is.thfcir summary. In the case of SEEDS, bidden val- ue* far greater Ke dormant bcncatlvthe sevdcoais. tjuaj^. iries- definite and poun»ti^il, still not to be estimattd m -the-laboratory or -wiiUQ>it; 4.-alac»i4d-be-seen in ttm maturing e«ip oalyratter jd_ 3eSoa'a-titjjev^i:{I-4?l;<>r is aeeat--thtn v/hatdiffenaiQM- are manifest? Thedifiei enr.c cctvveea pleasure and disap- poioUncnt, and for.the Ort>- ^cssionaUsuccessand failure^ The Ktdden qualitlif j n MunSrS SP«^« Strains of Soedi arts-rawie plain r.t our-iaM- CATAtJOGUE.jaaiiedj»ifli. 'gagy: pacVrgf FRKKs upoit^ reauesK Send youfT :-riKmeand address and that; ^J-of-y our nfcijhboMtr Send lOc for our H^^lt y^fa* C<«M<^*tg« of -- ---H^Bs^Sisdsot earliest vagetaSiles. VAUCHAN'S SEED STCRE 31-33 W««< Randolph Street, CHICAGO wmmsamammmmmmmmmmm Ptwe%2SQ Barac« Q. SmlthrJPaator. Sunday School, 10:1.5. am. . ^?br^Spi~ll:15-fe-!s,:-T:30 P« mr-~ Glencoe Union Church. Dr. JDou^la»;H. Cornell, pastor. Sunday •crvlces as follows: Sunday school, 9:45 a, m.; pTeacWnf service at 11 a; in,; mid-week prayer •errlce is held lu the church every Wed08** day night at 8 o'clock. - WINNFTKA. . Congregational Church. Pastors--Edwin P. Snell, residence •572 Lincolnr avenue, tejej^one 50&J; '$i 'rW*. F, Dayies^ resl^encta 1004 :Pi,no street., telephone 470.f!... ^Services--^unday school, S:45 a. m.; morning worship, il o'ejock; vesper service, 5 p., m. ^e communion serv- ice;' First Sunday j la Jsausry.r March, May. Jnly. September and-November. remodeledlntoabsolutelystyllsh shapes Herbert RA»ttHftes Piaae tuner and Repairer 1117 Main St., Evanston Telophone3Evanston3475.Jand449 Official Tuner for NoethiTaWn School of Mnaje TtUpmuWinnttka 278 THE GONTKST offering cash prises to boj-s- and girls for preparingadTCritifementsfor The V^iltnetteExphapge State Bank closed Feb.T 26\h.. . - The following gentlemen have very kindly con- sented to act as1 judges of me,advertisements sub- mitted:^ '.-- '-rK'- ■ .;■»;;■' --::■■■.-_■ ■': -".:-"-::.:■- J. O. Ball, ofjhe J. O. Ball Advoitwhi^ Agency! A.?P. Johnson, General Manager Chicago Record Herald. ....... i:'^, '..';> --,'.:' ".'. ^^SJS^Cramer. Cashier of ;tbe Old Colpny Trasit - & Savings Bank. • -The advertisement awarded the first prize anti the winner's name -will be published neit week. $JOO IS AGAIN OFFERED 0KJ OUR BOYS AND GIRLS FOR THE BEST AND . SlOO FOR EACH OIBUt ADVERTISE M»ST WHICH THE BANK USES : ' i OFT TO BE SUBMITTED BV APRIL 23, >9r4 " ■■'" ■ -•■ =: WILMET'FE^EXCHANGE STATE BANK^ March '47 #111 be in the^^MB^ of Mr, and Mrsi *?»: • Grcig, M^^p^enwood avonue."".') •••S:'i ;■■"■ ■';^?..;; 1024 Lake iivehue.;^|i^wic CM. Itev.' T.:iKv^aie, ■nas'tiir^'^M ■- ;The Sunday school ^ill4;ineet at W^S(T next" 'Sunday mbr^i^^ Mr. E. | W. McCblluish, superlnte^^t. v j _^JLJft^Siibe pastor wfll preach on j "Why Me&lJpo Not Go to; ChUrcH?'] Goodnnittslc At 5 tucky C.T-NORTHROF REAL ESTATE and RENTING Gage St., Hubbard Woods m HARRY I^YNN Staple & Fancy Groceries .;..;^ltB/#nd Vegetables In Season. Kenilworth, 111. Phones 10*1-1042 KING'S RESTAUR ANT 7^ For 30 years the name has stood for pure, " , Ideal «ervice and n'■'■%*'•. »ov r p Glhhq 1 "Kpii. i .For «o ijr««f» we name n p. m., Re\ C. tVblOD.8, a ».en icltmn tw,V.perfect cooking. _ mbuntaineer, Will lectnre on 'rightprices; KINO'S take a particular pride mhiQ ic. in their tui»lne*» a'nd yoaget the benefit of it. .f.n_,?_.*?a Eat at KINO'S to-day and you!ll come beck toi "My Old Kentucky HQme. tne first in a series or special serv an ........... 10 Course 'Iable De llote Dinner ices" during;-.the Lenten season and j *?tn^£fLc CIL MCHIIC Bet, Madison and Washington Sts will be h^ft each Sunday at 5 p.,'m.j '«» *,ti¥t Chicago, uiinois ,der~ thB^'auspicea" of "the^iTarper Men's Bible class. EyeryoneMs in vited tpjattiehd._____ At 2tS0'the Junior tshutch-^vlll-meetrp This Is,a Teal church^ organization run entirely by the boys arid .girls under the able supervision 4>f--Roy M. Kirtlarid. .- ;^:>pLENCOEil_..^i____1.1. .The North Shore Methodist Church. Hazel and Greenleaf Avenues ■ ; ^^Glencoe.- -.- ■ « . ' , Phone Central "161 Lace Dyeing a Specialty GilleSpiC Feathe'r Dresser SprlngNovelties Made From Ostrich Feathers 217-218 Venetian Bldg. isf- Washington St.. Chicago Ladies^ttaw of Any Km<t^^^; I?c-b!ockinpr. Bleachinsf, Dyoinfr of Panama Bats. Ask for catalogue and px-iccs. T Chicago Hat Manufacturing b Bleaching Co. k^.'-^.v?*?'^ >*-i System of the % ^pes to press one Service, attend to it now. Call the jjoirniterc^^ and_as£- that contract be sent you for signature. Local and I^ong Distance Service from every- :ton;--t. Chicago Telephone Company HfB. tjates, District Mahag^ _j_______. Telephone 9903 '"•' ~ ' Homes, C^rdenSyil^ndseapeSy-Jiigh* ways and Byways, Past and present fuseJy Illustrated in sepia and of increasing value as books will not be rcpiinteU. Make remittancesdirect to gRlNA. WHITE Q92& Sheridan Road *" :: Chicago 1 &am0*0immm*mmm!i'm)tm»'i<!>m*mmmmm**>m**m wE iHjE^nlyihing cheap about our caskctsis the price. TJ We carry a full line of Solid Mahogany, Circas- sian Walnut, Solid Oak, etc^|jwen;a$^ usual leof^Bfbaircloths and crepes. For the reason that 3^m|inufactujpe^ll^^^ \: ^uaraiitee a saving to the public from one-third to Jine^l W&H, Scott, formerly with J.X. Hebblethwaite of Eva^tonTis manajger^n^^aTfowrier^^ store and-^44^ersonally-superintendj£3iery detail • ; --_Automobile'Service Furnished Store Phone Evanston 98 Residence Phone Evnaston 2903 -^^- WM, H. SCOTT 4«7 DAVIS ST. Manager EVANSTON, ILL. i %m*i*0m*0Mm4m**m*m*mw**m*m*mm** We vKave takei^i&er;4te and have started in business with ~4ke ttrmr resolve to ireMlmr work a specialty* - ~ 1 QEO.DESM(mD;I^op. >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦•♦•^♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦i Get an Opinion From Anyone --i-\Vhp-is-'wearing glasses made by us. There will be no.-nced then for us to employ flattering terms regardiag ihejn^ .Eilteii--_: with specially adapted lenses by us, they can not give.other ' than perfect satisfaction---for--r-- 'we -.know-how-. ___ WATRYM HEIDKAMP >> Opticians (Est. isss) 56 w. Bandolph St., Chicago '30 Years tmOut-Pxeitnt Location--=x= HEMSTITCHING Pleating, .Butters Covered While You YTait. E.M BROIDERY 1*. J, VwrBmBe cesj«iS««,.::4. Mailordera'haveo'ur.prompt attention.... Write for price list. TfilEPHONE: HIGHLAND PARK 32 0 Mrs. George Smith, Jr. CALL ME! I furnish good help with good reference. 35 St. Johns Ave, Highland Park,111. Office Hours: 8 to 11; 1 to 5 ■ .>._---;-..j.:^^,.^gt'>.;,. Setnaaey, 8 to 12 .: - Sam's Resiaur#nt 1THE BRSt FQOP^AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES *m 619 W. Railroad Ave. WILMETTE, ILL. For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Gooda you can place before the mdor^lwrirnlnatinK saefit, call North Shore fiiakery 1148 CENTRAL AVENUE Phones Wilmette 41*414 Wilmette ' AutoDfertyiiy J. A^HAlSfE Real Estate,; Loans, RelfiBg and Insurance . . Nort I« Shore Homes and Varant Olfice 11Z8 Central Ave., Phone 1079 WILMETTE. aUNQlS iGofitfaetor 6 Builder JO>JM|gNCUIi^PIlCIAI.TY^ PRICES REASONABLE TELEPHONE WaMETTE 1384 - Res. 1302 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, III. In connection with his regular Electrical Contracting, business, has put in a full line of Colum- bia Grafonolaa and Records. Ton are invited to come and hear them. ....;_;, . -.- (BOfl^VVVMrtROApAVEr-- Phone 522 * Wiimette BREAD The-best bread made -on the North Shonr THE- Wiimells Baking Go. 1165 Wilmette :Axe. . rhono, WUroette 440 I NEW PROCESS CLEANING ^ANI^DYErNG 631 West Railroad Ave. '. Wilmette. Illinois'.V^ .^ Phone* Wilmette 320' SEEtLAJLI^TS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING JElorJEa^^tarting in "^^eoIdWeather We equip your FORD with a • ;-j: Dash Primer for $1.50 J. W. Meyer & Sons 715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette ij Phone Oh, that's allright, jnRt send 4t up to Be Amerioen Welding fio.K.. they will jHx all Hinds pt iJ'^ings, etc. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE AVE.; Phono Wilmotto Kisi Wilmelte. Illinois William G. Beyrer EtwfncalCmsifuctim^ttuT&warei -.-Ga&an&^EtectricalF^ ■mobile Supplies_.__ -ThlsSeiMn-v^^wHIxaTrjriPerry'B) harden Seeds ' Residence 655 WJLMBTTE. IL»" Off ice Telephona-81^-----" : 1150 CENTRAL AVENUE Automobile an.! Carrln^o Upbolfitnrlnc. .- ,_.- -- TrunfcsariiTAn IieataeriJoo<l»Kopairoa. Charles R. Petersen Harness Maker taag Oeatral 4v*ry'---^ WtfciOETTK? ttX. All work promt>llf «"d neailj^dono ^ ATTOBNtY-AT-LAW 9l« Cnicags Title and Trait 8Wf. 69 ». WuWatHj «• Central 1667. 8|sijl«at» U3l Oik li„ Intuitu. Ttl. 18W

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