THE >ffm>^m>ii^m^f^m^>>^l>m *^y)\n 2= LAKE SHORE ^Pft. THURSDAY, APRIL ft 1914. i â- mm 'M ' *w'»'i 'â- *' ' i i , mi i i â- s SOCIAL MnFFEMIMGS IN jt*\ Wilmette Societies and Clubs Mrs. H^B. Gates, the president' of 'the WilmetjeWoman's club, Ivcntcrtain the Board of Director^ of the club for the year 1913-14 luncheon Tuesday, April f. The members of the board are Mrs. •Vfirawnjr Mrfe. A. ). Butz, Mrs. F; E>. Bay, ITriH^^East^id, *.E. L, Fits-Randolph, Mrs. IX M. Gallie, Mrs. G. C. Hulst, Mrs. J^l Koonti, Mrs. D; B. Macauley, Mrs. J. B. Olwin, Mrs. M P.' etjj$e,; Mrs.#. J. Smith, Mrs. A.-^^y^\^^M^^S^~^^- #»<ljiiiii»jnnmtmiii •^,^l'!i*â„¢,W',iWf' ) Mrs. Louis Briicii, 1201 fcree'awobd avenue, entertained tho North End circle today at the homo Mrs. Frank Barrett on Sheridan road entertained twelve friends ^Sunday evening. {Ihl, "'"" --\" v.-v* Mrs. James Glcndcnning Wray, Mrs. i sterfiopticon views on the Congrega- Ctiarlcs J. Carlson and Mrs. Mia B. tional church, lis work and Its poa- .vWiltfams were hostesses to almost 301),; sibllities. pfrlehas at one ofth% fiioat elaborate! â- V.*; r*--. 'â- < .^» â- ;receptions of the eeaspn last Tuesday; . Mr. and Mrs. S. H. VpwcII. 11$ Sixth at tho Woman's club. An hour's inu-j street, entertained informally at din- >slcai: program was given by "Miss tie-: rier Wednesday, March 25. Out-of- |pia Gallagher, soprano, Mr. Arthur Itpwn guests were Mr. and Mrs. Chote P»: keineckel, 'cellist \vith tlie Chicago of Edgewater, who expect, to make ^Symphony Orchestra, and Miss Vera their home in Wlnnetka in the near ^. Pjuminer, piartiat- j future. f Miss Gallagher sang with lovely! M ' ' _ ~* «,._ , . ftono and artistic finish a group ofi Mrs C C. Dunbar. "l5J**« gj German and English songs, â- 1to\^**?***** members of the Pive |»> an encore the luIlaljy^roOT'theTRPT®^®3*82, __ Keanjt, ""Light and Darkness," which| _ ,„ A pie J&ang last spring at the Auditorium I *»»• Merry Matrons met Chicago. Mr. Heineckel charmed his hearers Ith the soft velvety tones which he 'CW- from his inging rliythir. §?&£Ks Plummejr h^fy a Chopin s well as ildvt cello and his elastic in the home of Mrs. Albert E. Clyde in Glen- coe, Wednesday afternoon. Miss Isabella Corrus, 1215 Wilmette avenue, entertained fourteen young ladies at a miscellaneous shower on Thursday evening In tho home of Mrs. Fred Baron, formerly Miss Jennie played most bril- Scherzo and Prelude ing and sympathetic pelke. IpBCconipaiiiments for the other artists, j â€" The _color scheme of pink and green A birthday surprise party was was 'carried out in floral decorations: given Mrs. H. D. Skelton on West Ball- ' Tfthd 'refreshments. road avenue Thursday, March 26, by '* v â€" 'twelve of her neighbors. The even- I^Tbere was a concert Sunday eve-1 ing ,was spent in playhig, bridge. ning nt St. Francis Xavlers church, given by the Paullst choir from Chi- cago: PyOver seventy-five people attended ^thet "Workers Dinner" given in the dining room* of the Congregational -'church Wednesday. March 25, for the trustees, heads of the different Uepart- phents, teachers in the Sunday school and all the helpers in the church. The â- .dinner 'v/as served by the ladies in /the Primary department of the Sun- day-school. In the evening Rev. Bower.*;, gave a talk illustrated with Human Culture jfi' a perfected Art with which I can bjing about perfect digestion tib. norticn, assimilation and exereuon- ^hesbhs^K^herebyviis .replenished? the cells and tissues are reconstruct, cd. Without the use of Medicine, In- struments, or anything that is un- pleasant, I cure chronic ailments, in many cases ailments of twenty ^e'ars duration. :l$Tbese statements can be verified by anybody wbo will investigate M-JTo know what I have done, or to • 4$k Jo one who has been cured by mc is to be convinced that these statements are absolute facts. §|hester Levere Human Sulturist / 1812 Chicago Avenue The Northwestern chapter of Delta Gamma will have a benefit perform- ance for their scholarship fund Mon- day evening, April 13, at the Evanston theater. "The White Horse Tavern" is the play for that week. Mrs. John Harper Long will enter- tain the board of the Tenth District Federation pf Women's clubs for luncheon this Friday at her home on Chicago avenue, Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Kibby. 8?u Lake avenue, entertained six couples at din- ner Friday, March 27. They Will en- tertain the same number at dinner this evening. Cpiy of Mrs. Albert P. Fags, *&b Green- wood avejnjii..' â- ";;'?.'. [' afP^ ' Tne'Merry Matrons'club met* Wed- nesday afternoon with Mre/ Albert Clyde' of ^OIpncoM- V'rf]fTm The open meeting of the Child and club, march 25, was exceedingly inter esting and instructive. ' It is to be regretted (hat more people did not take advantage or this splendid op- portunity to {earn the possibilities |n modern instruction of music for chil- dren. Mrs. Gertrude H. Murdough and Mrs. Mildred Buhl were In charge of this meeting and were assisted by a number of the little "music stu- dents" of Wilmette who gave a thor- ough demonstration of their progress. The ladles of the fifth division of the Methodist church, held an all-day meeting Friday at the home of Mrs. Earle Smith, 208 Woodbine avenue. Mrs. Q. C. Eastman, 412 Central avenue, will entertain the H. and W. Card club Tuesday evening, April 7. The French class met Monday, March 28, at the home of Mrs. John Clarke Baker. 347 Hill street. Mad- ame Moreau tie Beauviere of Chicago has been secured as the new instruc- tor. The next meeting, April 6, will be with Mrs. John Rippel of Oak- wood avenue. WiialPss Dr. Frank Lower, 614 Hill street, is seriously 111 at jfedii home. ' Mrs. Leonard Lower. 1046 Linden avenue, Is' ill wife influensa^rr; " ~l Miss Zeta Massey, 914 Forest, is Foose and family leave soon for the â- East.' where they' wiii remain during the summer. Mra. EC W., Anderson left, Tuesday March 23, to spend two weeks with her cister, Mrs. Charles WcHrsaa. in Defiance, phio. ^...Mr. and Mrs-lF, :A.'Wa^fj. sja#. daughter. Miss" Ella, 104S Lake avenue, returned Tuesday from a trip to St. Pete^bnrg,"'N;TD:""T:'"7y ' ,'j'^-y,^ The third division of the Methodist •^l1*8- **â- ^"fW- l6?5 Lake^vp" A tundbergi'r53g-Cbbimn ^iefjs visiting her brother in War-|^^ya^i j A Lundberg, 1538' v;oiuuibus avenue, Ind. right, 220* Broadway,' for-fev-. m P- Dolg, liOf Greenleaf maj^U-^^M^WS^^St^- who has been JB| at his home, is much 1^»ffl6Hl^"3H^r ?uest 0i irs improved. " :â- '• | i • | Miss Decker, who teaches In tho ^ j eral 9ays last week gan school, is spending the vacation /. Mms, Maurice Ar Smith,';88& vPark In Galva, 111. ."" "^ m *: (avehne, has been fllfor the last month Mrs. Edward Marple is the guest of; with hervous prostration but is now her brother, Dr.tiByron C. Stolpr, 929 j greatly improved., , . ,^,yi ->. Thirteenth street. Miss Haliie Bockins, who has been Mrs. D. K. DIckeiiKfrn, 511 Washing] 111 at her home at 1035 Central ave ton avenue, is spending several weeks nue, was taken to the Augustana hos- iu Asheville, N. C. |pital last Sunday. Mrs. O H. Johnson, mother of Mrs.j Mr. and Mrs. F. J, Baker. 507 Lake - - - avenue, have ' as their guest, Mr. Baker's sister. Mrs. Albert Benedict of Mt. Clair. N. J. . Miss Ruth Clancey, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Burt C. Hard- enbrook, 1101 Forest avenue, left for her home in Boston on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brethold, 1102 Central avenue,-who-irave spent nine weeks In Florida and other places in the south, returned home Friday. Mrs. Ferdinand J. Brahm of Green- his! wood avenue, was called to New York I Sunday by the serious Illness of her y'r- ;$â- - nt #bktc 3f6r Mir rf^y^$iffY boys and girls have been paid by â- -1- '^- Wilmette Exchange State Bank for â- '/., advertisements submitted ii^ our last contest, f', IMany of these will bf'.nse4• witfi Jput'Httla*baiJ^. 'â- â- :'T^|^B^k'";a^a:"<i^3ai" bc^^asd girls S3,«_K) â€"- ^^fb^»ti#aa>l;00 each forj other advertise- ,: men#>bJcI]I'ituse^.-"!;,-: ": ^^.-v*'" ', ^ ^ '"Y-i," â- To'.lighten the work of the; judges, it is re- requested that advertiseihentslwtP18^1!'written on only one side of the paper. ?;^famet age and * address o? cohititintors mtlst/be given.,"â- ' . _, _ Adver^pmehts may b^t|!WUed to the1 bank- iS^f? or handed to any Of the banVs officers. '.~rV xr-i F. D. Buckman, has returned to her home In Butte, Mont. Miss Beatrice Miller, 700 Linden avenue, has fully recovered from an attack of the mumps. Fred Allen of Hinsdale, was the weekend guest .of Mr. Frank W. Hop- kins, 116 Ninth street Miss Fannie Ferris left Saturday to spend the spring vacation with her parents in Eaton Rapids, Mich. George W. Kibby. 835 Lake avenue, bad for bis guests last week, brother and nephew from Iowa. Mr. and Mrs.'Charles H. Brethold,! mother, wbo passed away Tuesday. 1102 Central; avenue, have returned Mrs. S. T. Seely of Cincinnati, G.,1 home after a sojourn in Florida. and Mrs. C. Davison Case of Chicago Miss Ray of the Ouilmette photo-Twere the guests of Mrs. Henry L. J.A.SHANE Rail Estate, ttm Jtitiig aid lisiraaet North Sbore Homes and Vacant Res.. 753 Twelfth 81., Phone 1026 Office 1128 Central Ave., Phone 1079 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS Mrs. Charles H. Eldred of Fourth 'street entertained twenty ladies at a 'very delightful luncheon Thursday JTTarch 26. BweeTTpeaai anff tulips were! eygnj^g March I used lor decorations. Out df town' j guests were Mrs. Rufus Stolp of Ken llwortb and Mrs. Walter Lewis of Ev- : anston. Purdy of East Railroad avenue, last week. F. I. Walker, teacher of English at New Trier High school was called to New Albany, Ind., last week of ac- count of the death of his father. Rev. Francis Walker- graphic Studio.spent the week end with her parents'in Winnemac, Ind. ~ Mrs. Emma E. Howen of Minne- apolis, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. H. Palenskc of Tenth street. â€"" . The condition of F. Shoeneck, 815 The Reading circle met Monday at j Oakwood avenue, is greatly improved the home of Mrs. Lyman Drake on following an illness of several weeks. Lake avenue. Miss Marjorie Noyes returned Frt- â€" day from the Francos Shimer School The Drama Study class will meet i vacation at her how, 827 Oakwood Wednesday, April 8, at the home of avenue. Mrs. W. A. Mann on Greenwood ave-| Mrs. Thomas R. (;reason of Sche- nue. "Monna Vanna" will be read. ] nectady,_N. Y.^ la visit ing her daughter â€" ] Mrs. Merritt B.. Litm. 1320 Elmwood The Crescent circle of the Congre- avenue. gatiohal church w|l| hold its April] John Cuatafson, I"'2s Creenleaf ave- meeting on the 7th at the home of ] nue, who has been ill \v|th typhoid Mrs. J..C. Gapen, 1021 Greenleaf ave-j fever and erysipebs is greatly im- nue* ! proved. â€" janien T. Sheridan f>r 1336 Elmwood The Fourth Division of the Meth-1 avenue, who is ill with typhoid fever. odist church met at the home or Mrs.j wa8 taken to tbe Kvanstoa hospital H. 8. Gcmtnel, 820 Greenleaf avenue, I Thursday yesterday afternoon. j P j Walker,\ir, Kim wood avenue. «-_... will return Fridav from Louisville, Mrs. Charles A. Lundberg. 1538 Co-j Ky.. where he.was railed by the death lumbus avenue, entertained the mem-[0f his father. * ^iera of the First Division Monday! W.TJ. TJeeihlhg and family will occu-j Watson's visit in Wilmette was to see **â- • py the homo of M;-, A^ P..Foose, 1207 her mother. Mrs. Coxe, who will leave Elmwood -avenue, after May 1. Mr.[for Berlin In a few weeks. '.,.-..... ....j ' mm .. Mrs- Oliver Hinsdale of Elgin, who has been spending tbe winter in tbe East, visited her daughter, Mrs. Charles Carlsen, several days last week, leaving for home Friday. Rev. B. Frank Taber, pastor of the Baptist church, has been invited to address tbe business men's class at the Wilson Avenue branch of the Y. M. C. A., Chicago, Wednesday noon, April 8. Miss Louise Wyman of St. Paul, who is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Thayer. Jr., 610 Central, this week, is here to attend the wedding of her cousin, Miss Florence Thayer, which takes place Saturday. Mrs. C. W. Watson and her two chil- dren of Kewanee, 111., left Tuesday, after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Hulst, 1232 Elmwood. Mrs. William G. Beyrer ElccMcal Construction, Hardware, Oat and Electrical Fixtures, Auto- mobile Supplies This Season wo will carry Ferry's Garden Seeds Ofliee Telephone 81 Residence 655 I ISO CENTRAL AVENUE. WILMEfTE. ILL. ABtjJBoWUMdCijrrlwUi^taterliw. Trunks and All Leather Goods Repaired Charles R. Petersen Harn ess Maker 1385 Central Avenii« Livery WII.MBTTE;, EL.!.. All work promptly and neatly done • Telephone Wilmette 21 J , .i,,4. ... BgP m Wj -»â- .â- â- â- â- 'â- .> A â- â- â- American Welding Co. (Not Inc.) A-..*, 61)AHAM, Mgr. ' 'All kinds of metala weWed. S* Sotorcfdes Repaired. Uwn Mawer^Sttarpened.etc. Wc do evorythinir in Machinery Line. COR. FOSTER AND RIDGE. AVE. Phone Wilmette IjBl WlbactjC, IlUaols TELEPHONE WILMETTE f6 1209 WILMETm AVENUE Sam's Restaurant THB BEST FOOD AT THE '.'. j1 1 ' . . ' ' ". I 'i a^ MOST REASONABLE PRICE8 • <•< ! i ' i 'i *â- » 619 W. Railroad Ave. WILMETTE, ILL. Real Estate Exchange Phones 1646-1689 615 RAILROAD AVE' Loans and Insurance. Buy, Trade and Sell. Houses, Lots and Farms j. W. KEYS & GO. SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1,50: J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Witefttt£42s~ -? One of the first of the aprlng wed xlingB will take lilace oa Saturday. April 4. at the home ot Mr and Mrs Nathaniel C. Thayer, (jlo Central ave- nue. The marriage la that of Mlas Florence Whiting Thayer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel C. Thayer of 6^29 Woodlawn avenue, to Lee Podge Parkinson of Fort Worth, Texas, and will be a simple home ceremony per- formed by the Rev. Roy E. Bowers •. -- ..- . ,. _â- â- â- MliTThayerwlfl be sttenUe* by herMJ®^, °' d'^.tors of the Woman's little nelees. Eleanor, and Bessie l?^**8 held Tue*<»*y morning at the Thayer- The decorations are to be The next meeting of the First Divi- sion has been changed to Monday, April 6, instead of the regular meet- ing on the second Monday of the ntoiith. and will be at the home of Mrs. William Pauushka. 1041 Forest avenue. Th«> Ouutial AveiiUu *-l»t,it. t,t (lit Congregational church meets to..ior row at the home of M.a. Nev^jy. 43fi Lake avenue. The last meeting at iiu, 1 clubhouse. Have Your Clothes I Made to Order by j pink and green roses, sweet peas and carnations being used Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J B. Oiwiu oi Waohlit&twii u>< li Parkinson will leave that evening for j |iue ****#****& t'«e members of th,- | Tuesday Bridge club for luucLc-ou, MJSY Shops 29 East Madison St. fSpcond Floor, nooro 2M. Cor. WABASH A.VESUE | 2646 W. North Ave: Fort Worth. Texas Ml aad AI in I U Uinl wis VV»t,li ingtoi., ehtertiwncd ihe mombdra of the H. and \V club at dinner in t.Iil cagu, Wednesday ev. ning. aft»;i- which : tliev visited tile subway, knuwn an t\\p Chicago Tutci'faoQu company tun i nel. â- "â- "â- "-â- nt Pi .J " Is special workâ€"It is not tinkeringâ€"and it cannot be done except by mechanics familiar with Automobile Construction. We will ex- amine your car and tell you what is the matter with it, and what itivill cost to make : . it mechanically right. MOTOR SERVICE CO. i VSSEllâ€" 611 West Railroad Avenue Telephone Wlltncite loa5 .-MT-NOTICE!! ONE WEEK MORE OF MY WONDERFUL OFFER MKIIE'S THE BEST TAILORING VAf>UK EVER OFFERED i^CHICAGO TOMORROW I will r>law on »»te ™¥ entire stock of Imported and Domcatlc Woolen*. FOR 3 O REASONS- . 1_ j ^ -,ftt--Td make new cuatomerB. m I *nd-Tq INTRODUCE my new Block. **+! j Tuesday. April 6 The Country clan «uui„ui.. ._„ ,......, barty, lilies. Friday. April 3. ,.t 2;Sfl p. m. and a senior party (doming). Saturday. April 4. at 8:30 The t*«i«uis' . iub of th. w»»......,. logan school v. ill hold an afternoon Th* young People pi the Ba,.tW mee"!Je in t'!e 8ch°°» *<>^*> A„rll church had a pleasant aunday after 6 Jhe meeMn* «iH-coramem, at 2 noon sing" at the home of Rev and PromP"y °*»«« to tho length of tho Mrs. B Frank Taber. 1046 Greenwood, P«W»««". M««s smedley. the p.lmipal avenue, labt Sunday afternoon. An of the ^,°yes strcet Bch°o1 »n Ev«"s . hour was spent in becoming better l0n't w,n flPefk- and ther« ^«» •* | acquainted with each other, as well as mock voUne ,n char8e of Dl M»nt with the Bong book used in the Bible s°mer>' school and church services. IJght re freBlunents were served, and all went, Mr*'- " u «i"tes', i .i., in a body to the evening service at >'emb^r* of ," ' Heading the Woman's club building Twenty- seven inon members were received into the church last Sunday mmmmm ^^a^-» ..... l"^^"WPP«WP»»«l««»Hi"Wf + â- B 'ii". iiiiifiri itch day afternoon Th« NeighlM.. t../6d . i..t.> wtn . Tueoday. April 14, .it lh< )k»i < Mrs. Charles N ltobt;rtb. ln&iead >> the usual day. the lli»t i \Vl T ~ *rf-Tokeop niy tailors liuay mm iinatCutiit Prices! i 1 CM Youjwjuit to corae up and leavo your or der": early If you want Jtb bay an-reetjja'; -$Z5 and *30 NEW^PRWG SUIT JAN© JEXTRiVi*ANTS 'Of the Same Material at Your Suit rMtaar Vfe>%/^ Hand Madcjjt --^ thin----- â- %2t Measure Mrs. William R Mabon. T%^ tim wood avenue, entertained twenty coup j flea at an elaborate dancing party Wed-}118* of the month. nesday evening at the Ouilmette Coud-; jiry Club A dainty luncheon was! Tu" PatentB' club «.f iho . „.... 'served ' school will hold a joK.t n.c>eti..K v.11i» | the Civic ciub i.i the Hthool building Mr*. C G. ;du«heii 9i4 linden ave-} 1*ur8da» evening.. A».ril 0. at 8 Mr nue. entertained member* of the vVil -Myron West will speak o„ "City Plan mette Art league Tuesday afternoon j n'nS Mrs William Meyers.. 1341 Elmwood} Mr o W Hilton. 1410 Hin an... a. t h. left Thursday for Mudlavla.i who Las Deen vcry in at the Alexlai Ind.. to he gone several weeks. I hospital for a number of wpeks. is im ________________________j^ j proving slowly and his recovery Is practically 'assured. 545-S5D Suil and Eitra Pants R«« $30 Contractor 6 Builder JWt.â- ' atyle. character and workmanthip. suarantewlor^esrrviicr"... ......... NO K*T«A CUAKGK8 j for ft)7.t» or liaihKs durin;: this offer. Now I is your chance to g*t tv» »t>St»=4or ^*- |j«ic* at-wae. -â- -,â€"- â- â- .-'- - â€"..- â€" U«reÂ¥oor Ortter Tomorrow AU Goods Marked in Hain Figure! 1000 new Sty Ice to select Irom. Potiiivety No Diu&PQJtUments Mr. Simeon Col ton, 600 Central ave- nue, has rented his home td'-jjr. J. R. Day, of Ceiitcrville, Iowa, affif I'or the ^resertt will locate-in-ChleagOr-------â€"'- 1,1 .1. ..i.. i i f L. our Suggestion No. 2 Ham Sandwich, Chocolate Eclair Ice Cream Coffee or Tea i ^iJivoanJ Novelties for Easter Prof.Munier Confectionery 1161 Wilmette Ave. Telephone 1S91 Wan.ii for the installation of our New Ice Cream Plant Charles A. Fleming J. J. Bell ticu,re starting we thought it would be _ an uphill proposi- tto«i on account of our location and the former tenants oi this garage, but we have been agreeably surprised. Keep the sur- prise party going. Gasoline. 18c Kc^t.0 oils and Accessories. Free air and frae carburator a.ijtistment&. presto-lite: service A tumor has been started that Mr. Fleming has discon- .» the Carpenter contracting. If in need of a carpenter -all up and find out to the contrary ': 721-723 W. Railroad Av&fue Wilmette, Illinois i otophone 305 Res* Telephone 339 WW! M.)J. *r»iw 11 '.'< "J' JOBBING A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE TEUPHOlfS WIUttTH:i3f« . r«-WllalilW aWi|"W. Jllvf'iiir â€" Au Wo,k Quality Is Oar Motto Corsages and Noictfayt Plant* in Bloom 1 avors Distinctly Original for Luncheons and Dinner Parties SPECIAL EASTER DISPLAY Commencing Saturday, April 4 at Telephone Wilmette 418 â€" ^BLWYN JENNINGS 4163 WtliMEfeB AVENUE Wilmette, Illinnis I^et us relieve yon of the burden and^rutdgerytBT ^*~ cleauing and repairing your oriental rhgs and car- pets. We guarantee our work to bejthe best and our ptices most reasonable. Give us4 trial. As a Special Inducement Wc ^p extend oor offcr-for two weeks ^tmgCT and~ willgiyea discount of 20% on all cjleaning and repairing of oriental tugs and carriets. Orders must be placed with as before April 17. Phone us to call for your work. -â- *£- I r Formeriy Eastern Rug Cleaning Co. ^ ~^_ 1145 Creenleaf Avenae WILMETTE teiep/ione 'WJltneite'1^00 Store Open Erehinrfk steam