Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Apr 1914, p. 5

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THE BAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, rtJf j\ii/ ov, jox*. niiiiiiiniiiiiimni»H 4 ■Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crickmer left last week lor? their; new home in Ronceverte, Vai ( Mr. Stanwood N. Osgood, 2230 IPI07 neer road, is in Cincinnati, O, on a tVo weefcs* businessi titp. j _ _ Jlr.and Mrs. John JWaU-an*. family will move this week from 2712 Wood- bine avenue to 1725 Chancellor street. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bennett have moved from 1047 Forest avenue into their new home at 1007 Judson ave- nue. . % tr' f The North Bad Dancing club will hold ja^May\ party on Saturday even- ink. -May^jajf fett'tytoatta Woman's club. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt J. Carter, 1725 Chancellor street, have moved back to their old home at 273C Woodbine avenue. '.'"■" Miss Alys Tyrrell, who has been spending some time in the west, re- turned last week to her home at 1238 Elmwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Richard C, Lake, 1708- Ridge avenue, will return Saturday from Clearwater, Fla., where they have, been spending the winter. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Spry and Miss Eleanor Spry, 1101 Forest jivenue, re- turned on Sunday "from New York, where they spent ten days. The Zeta Phi Eta sorority of Cunf- nock School of Oratory will give their annual May party Saturday evening at the Wilmette Country club. Mr. Duke Banks has returned from Joliet, Hi., and is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Banks, 1204 Sheridan Road. Mrs. M. J. Garty, 833 Forest avenue, entertained at a dinner and theater party on Saturday, at the Blacks!one, for her guest, Mrs. Charles E. Webb. Miss Helen Haunt, who has been the guest of Miss Mary Glenn, 1131 F«rest-a*ejuje, for several weeks, will return to her home in Philadelphia, today. t Mr. and Mrs. Horace White Arm- strong, 1101 Ridge avenue, will enter- tain at dinner preceding the Bachelor and - Benedict ball, on next Friday evening. Mrs. Charles E. Webb, who has been visiting Mrs. M. J. Garty. 833 Forest avenue, will return to her home in Richmond, Ind., on Sunday, after a three weeks' visit in this city. Mrs. Walter Meserve, who has been the guest of -Miss Florence Reckitt, 1120 Forest avenue, for a week, will leave today for a short visit in Wil- mette, before returning to her home in Baltimore. The annual all Chicago Epworth of the" Methodist MISS RUTH PORTER GLEN VIEW CLUB DROPS Jot leas versatility anJ have an easy time of it landing in the finals. llUUntO in nUlllHNOt MVIlAllUN UULI* Witt I P08*-°f tne m**.,8 l08t- The matches '■"'■.. ■; • - h-™*-* ww ,'"^' ,ai^often unwttal. and interest among^ "'■.:.;, V.:_" >- :,'------..- .. : }■', ( , /■ '■'"„• ^ • i ■; 'vjthe club members and their'guests i n**A '** ■•■'".t iiiMi n 'tT::.' -.'.::'. :...!■ •"_.•■...:;." .' ;'i"'-fv • diminishes rather than^geows to aj ana ropular Coed Will; ropttiar Annual Tourney Is Re* kimax on»the losing day. And -««f ~ (club has been put to a great .expensei tilT"staSing'"-W^rmeet without seeing! i many of the*y«0uns star players in; i action on their^Durso. . „: ..->-] The season wiii open at Glen View ; HI^GONSALVES €omractorandB«IWcr KerJttitg Promptly AttenJed To «3»« Wtaqfttm. Hi. Shop: 909 Lir.itnAvt. ■--' Hubtctd Woods, Illinois WeiJ Cfenlis Grady, Purple "football Mentor. -A^rx»nanc^4aMng^fronvthe night of a fraternity, dance last fall -resulted Thursday in the announcement of the league" meeting churches will be held at the Irving Park Methodist church Friday and Saturday afternoon. An exceedingly interesting program has been pro- vided, -g--- ..'*..,'. Mrs. Frederick Arnd, 418 Hamilton utreef, returned Saturday from Otta- wa, 111., where she spent a week coach lag a play presented at the opera house on Friday of last week, which was given under the auspices of the Drama club. The engagement has been an- nounced by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mari- mon of Valparaiso, Ind., formerly of this city, of their daughter, Harriet Tilghman Marimon, to Dr. Benjamin Allison Cockrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Cockrell; of Winchester, Ky. Miss Edith Shelby of Bloomington, ill., and a graduate of Northwestern university, was elected president _of the Intercollegiate Association for Woman's Self Government at a meet- ing held there yesterday. The next meeting will be held at Northwestern university in November. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer T. Adams and two sons, 214 Greenwood boulevard, will sail the latter part of next month from Boston for Europe, for a two months' trip on the continent. Mr. Ad- ams is the representative of the United States Chamber and the Chi- cago Association of Commerce, which will hold its convention in Paris in June. Miss Clara TaHey has been chosen Queen of the May bj^tlm women stu- dents of Northwestern^ university. Miss Tatley is a member of the junior class and of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Her home is in Bismark, M. D. The crowning, will take place at the annual May party of the Wom- an's league in Patten gymnasium on Saturday, May 23. pi a c e d by Three-Day Members'Contest. HARRY LYNN ^Gien^View^wm not staged inv^^ *>---i^i^--^-^--!^""^-->s».„iment and the qualifying round for the lion tournament this year. Th?}*,^ cup now he id by Andrew Mc-I 3 with the Har-!Kcn,,wortn. HK Fruits and Vegetables in Season abandonment of the big annual event xally. It closes Oct that has attracted some of the moat i.vest dup competition, in which Charles representative fields of golfers in. Chi-; E. Dox was Successful last year. A] A-lljMt-.3nT)A o» j «w cagoin past Seasons was disclosed 1 cup presented by President Louis aJA11CIIQ&1C JDlFCl JtlOllSCS yesterday when the season's schedule J Ferguson Willr«e played for on club! Made ** ,h* *«w «t AUmiatt farm was issued by Chairman Charles E.j day. July 4. % iS&ShnLf1"n $3 oo u°usf- fu3*; Von Be*-.! Yerkes of the sports-^and pastimesT"3Cne qualifying: round -for the ehilv Martin Ik?***, t>J.00 to «MM>o, a^m:*0"' committee. The invitation event has j championship and '"Old Hickory" enps( ARTHUR PATEE President and Shipping Clerk been replaced by a members* tourna-iare to be held Aug. S, ihe finals beinK ment to be held from July 23 to 25. j scheduled for Aue. 29. "Twa Days." Exmoor is now the only club in the the Glen View feature event, falls Chicago district holding an invitation i upon Sept. 25 and 26. Throughout the tourney open to golfers of all ages. All j senson there will »>p a choice score of the other large clubs have already j contest for the "ltingers" cup* pro- turned to the popular "age limit" j seated by Conrad H. Poppenhusen, tournament, leaving the juniors to j won last season by David A. Noyes. LAKE. VILLA. ILL. ^Ta?fclce 1°£.J*? championship classics as best they can. An official of Glen View placed the BOY PRINTING OUTFIT. A complete printing outfit, costlnc responsibility for the general waning | $800. has been purchasorl by the board of interest to the unlimited invitation j 0f education of tho Winuetka Public contests upon the young players rliem-1 schools. The equipment has been selves. He stated that it has been thej placed in the Horace Mann school or repeated experience of the Chicago j that village and will be in charge-of clubs, after the tournament commit-, jfr# Funkhouser, instructor in manual tees have gone to great lengths to In-, training, vite the young stars, to see but one or i mmmmmmmmmmim^^mmm^mmmmmmmlBmm^m two of them apepar. The result is! that these few experts are thrown Into the first flight with older players MISS RUTH PORTER. engagement of Miss Ruth Porter, to Dennis H. Grady, Northwestern Uni- versity athletic coach and law stu- dent. Miss Porter is one of the most popu- lar young women students of North- western, and the announcement of her engagement was the sole topic of con- j versatlon on the campus today. She is a senior student In the college of liberal arts, and is an accomplished j musician and dramatist. Miss Porter's home Is in Mount Pleasant, la., and she is a member ot the Phi Beta Phi sorority, vice-presi- dent of the Anoniau Literary society, a member of the Dramatic club and| chairman of the social committee of the university. Mr. Grady, whose home is in Lafay- ette, Ind., is a graduate of De Pauw university and a senior student in the Northwestern . university law- school. At De Pauw he was known as one of the best all-around athletes that uni- versity ever produced. While at Northwestern lie has acted as coach of the baseball, football and basket- ball teams. UNFAIR STATEMENT OF SUPERVISOR'S REPORT Automobile Tins aid Tubes Extra Heni Construction 6 and 7 Lajers of Fabric Siaodard Prices Expert China Repairer China Restored by BnV »n»r Proofs. Bi-otirp, Marb!<». Ivory. otc Missing imrtfi replaced. Only Exclusive Shop ot" its kind in Chicago. JEAN BOETTER.SIE Phone Central 54171 17 North Wabash A.enu. The Chicago Little Theatre 9 Fourth Floor, Fine Arts Building Beginning Tuesday, April 28, Maurice !!rewr.cprpi;.'5!a Si in10. Kerzny Hammer from tho National Theatre. Krisl unb. in ."HEDDA GABLER" SI Eves.. S:15. Mils. Thurs, and S»t.. 2;ir. ->1 On May 1st we will occupy our New Stewart Building STORE AT 104 STATE ST. Edward Kirchberg --Merchant io Diamonds and Watches-- norm state Street, Oppose Marskatt Field & Corepari LAID. SCRAPED. CLEANED' N1SHED.------Estimates Free. Window Shades -- Paints -- Varnishes -- Brushes -- Vaccum Ocaners E. B. MOORE. 6 CO. 129.131 N. Wab&sh Ave, Chicago Phones: Central 338837*6 FlfilE ARTS WALTER HA ST Producer of "The BtttMtneM of Virlurc" and "liunty Pulls the String," will present at this Theatre CHANGE Some Press Opinions Follow!- "The Find Argument for Woman Suffrage" -Lieut. Governor of Illinois. "A Gripping, Vital Pl»y" - --- ; --President Wilson. "The Acting Is Beyond Word Hreise" -- Charles Hann Kennedy. Ladies' Has of Any Kind ■*Sg$RB*« Itc-blocbinir. nieachinir. hyeinfr of Panama Ilata. Ask for catalogue and prices. Chicago Hat Muufutariofi 6 Bleaching Co. NTISTS Si»outs»slBraTI-:KTH ln«jf!»a(« «cm» of WITHOUT and SSflifS PI.ATKS (MtBOfl 4 Mittal 61 coaaforl and dutibiii**. Out eaiabtated SB 00 nli data ttood tha test at tlm». PMnliss ailrarI'ng, hit loollii»»lngsBecbllicd. cossf 1/XATION HiKK. Southeast Corner Rondoipit and Clark Streets Open evenings until 7--Sunday 9 to 12 1 Real Estate Agents^ Brokers and buyers of North Shore Property Stores, Offices, Flats and Residences for sale and rent in Evanston, Wiimette and Winnetka. Leant Negotiated and tnsmrane* Plate* 1564 SHERMAN AVENUE CYPSIES Rumor That Band WasSpread- ing Contagious Diseases To tei~ Recdvlpg-a rcporc that" s band-nf gypsies stationed at Riverside, just west of the grounds of the Westmore- land Country club, were Buffering from- diphtheria;: scarlet fever - and measles, the Evanston health depart- ment Monday-made an investiga- tion. Dr» S. Victor Balderston and -Director'^ol^:Pa1^6'T&B^y'~l^:t&k went^^ T^tBe"placeTwnWe~tn^~!^^sT^^ were stationed and made a rigid in H.K. Snider Is Made "Goat" In-moorfee^Article Pub- lished About His Work. was not true. In the tribe were some 300 men,'-"women'- and "children. Eor, weeks members of the gypsy camp had been selling their Wares -Btout~-tl»BVdt^^iB^ eral of the members bad been stricken with contagions diseases alarmed the During the "wind-up" ot mo recent township election campaign there was published in a so-called newspaper an unfair and unjust criticism concern- ing the report of the retiring super- visor of New Trier township, H. K. Snider of this place. An inference was left that inasmuch as Mr. Snider was voted $407.25 for his services for the last six months he was in office, that his pay for the entiro year was double that or more than $SO0. A comparison was drawn between tho |500 a year paid tho former in- cumbent of that office, Michael T. Lan§ of Glencoe, and a feeble and also unsuccessful attempt made to show that during the twelve months that Mr. Snider was in ottice, more money had been voted fWm than to Mr. Laner AsjS matter of fact, the to- tal amount of money allowed Mr. Sni- der for the full year in fees was $479.75. Deducted from this amount, the $100 interest on .the township fund which was in Mr. Snider's possession, reduced tho cost of his services to the township to $380 in round numbers, as compared with $500 paid Lane in for- mer years. The queer thing of tfie entire affair,! was The^appearance of the Writer of] the unfair article before Mr. Snider before the so-called publication"was Issued, wltn the statement thut^rewas going to give a ] fair and impartial statement of the situation. When a directly unfair article appeared, Mr. Snider was greatly chagrined, He is busy now explaining to his friends the true state of affairs. offielalB^f^Kebealth department, who mad«> 4 ;<B»ick. trip to ,the:capg. They arrived lust as the gypsies were break- t J> m * TPattgation. They found the rer^riL[jpg^amp^Jbnt held them until they^ completedjthMr^toeatlgaflon.- Later the gypsies started^soulh and" as they passed through Rogers Park ffftTtpf them-were arrested, the same; report:- having ,,-reached the .Chicago [ police as had come In at local pblicel headquarters. ~ The cost compaTiirg~favorably with wood shingles. Equaled in appearance or durability only by slate or tile* Neponset Shingles are ^not lik© other asphalt shinglesr you receive afl the value of^asphalt ropfing, without losing the desired shingle effect. Telephone Evanston3950, lor the loca- tion of buildintfa where^this flttraetive and dtiraplo shingle has been applied xuMBEit cm of the North Shore Prieetf^SO Second Book of the North Shore ♦»•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦•♦•♦♦»♦»»»♦»»»♦♦♦♦♦»•♦»♦♦»♦»♦♦♦•♦♦»»♦»»♦»»»♦♦♦♦♦<•»»••»•>•»•»» Price $2.00 Homes, Gardens, jym^fscapfSv H@- -^ays and Byways,--Fast -aad Present M WKHTE Intensely Interesting, Historically Valuable-, Pfs- fusely Illustrated in sepia and of increasing vilue as books will not be reprinted. Make remittancesdlrect to MARIAN A. WHITE 6928 Sheridan Road Chicago :«£'■ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦»♦»»»»»•♦♦♦< | Subscribe for^The Lake Shore Nev - sm^f^

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