Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Apr 1914, p. 6

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~^>^mi,w,m$ THE NJSWS, THURSDAY, #HW> W, *»**• iiWiintka«-t Mies Winifred Hamm is leaving this ek for a visit at Morgan Park. i Sowes, of New York, spent the end with Mrs. Edgar Foster Al- moved into the house at 015 Uncoln Meme. "■""■' ■■':■ Mrs. Miner Adams visited friends in j OInoy, 111., last «*eejt_.„, "..__ IsaUMt jWtoh' .*■£•££ sse^k .""^l S5icsis ;?£ l-Csorsc son of Charles W. Cole and forother^n law of Arthur M. Kloepfer. After a two weeks' wedding trip they will re fSMsr^ijjrj^ treaty oi- ;v; Mrs. 1. R. Leonard and son have re- turned from Atlantic City, where they . have been visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Adams entertained a number of friends at a dinner party last Saturday night. ..... / .j...-....1...; W~ Austin Cazel of Olney will spend the month o| May With his sister, Mrs. Lydia West, ca Pine street. .. .J Wm. A. Baehr and family have moved Into their new home on St. Taloas street, in Hubbard Woods. On Wednesday afternoon at 3:30. MIsa Henry gave a reading of Brown- ing's drama, "Pippa Passes," at C1 rton sehecL ;mts. Wing furnished the songs. A reading of the French play, "La ijeunesse Francaise," was given by Monsieurs Roll and and Cau net, ju. the home of Mrs. J. It. Leonard, Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. ; -jBev. Frederick A. Pudiong, rector of W^^4^^S^f=-^^S^^riM^: tW«^ from Boston, Mass., where he has been the special preacher at the noonday ^services In St. Paul's Cathedral the Unfit. Wfi©lc Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Cole left last week on a western trip. When they reached Phoenix, Ariz.. Mr. Cole was stricken with sciatic rheumatism and tfiey are now forced to remain in that city on account of his illness. Mrs. Douglas Smith has isBqed cards for an at home, in honor of MJas Cor- bett, who has charge of the music in the Woman's Union cojlcsre of Pokin. l^jW^^also^j^ti^s, William ^ammhWtferotJOS-VatiM States Minister to China. . AiiriSMet have; returned from JPasa christian. Wkmr **er* ***r *'&* eelled on the aecount at the Jd^ness Ijgueats. Jftds's gwatfear, ■¥*■ and death of Mr. H. S. Dale, who was projnlnejpl In life Insurance circles. Mr. Dale WAS treas- urer of the Chicago Life Underwriters, also the National Life Underwriters association and was an Insurance man- ager In Chicago for many years. well, Jsomand Mr. Leonard D. Cole, of Winnetka, j members of the Alpha Delta «hl atj*ft0|- J&W& and Miss Marie F. Butler, of Cblcigo. j champaign. A dance was given m1 Mrs. Charles were united in marriage, Tuesday j nheir honor at the sorority house. Mrs. Mrs. Edgar " J Mrs. Paul Schulze will entertain about eighty-five ladies this afternoon fluy frame .on' ^f^pm-^n^^rpf .honor of Mrs. Charles M. Armstrong, who has recenUy returned from~'m/e*r (Belated. ....."" pi^^ftiftej^dfaifft"' Bridge will elalm <*e interest of mm fit '■"(#• ■■M'MMMMJ'IM'fM'MfOtj Mrs. Frank H- Martin entertained friends at a luncheon Tuesday. Mr*, lames Murray and sou have rc- turned from an extended atay in Plne- buJfsL N, <5, Mrs. Blake Jackson of Toronto, Can- ada, formerly of KenM worth. Is the guest of Mrs. Clarence W. Casque. Mrs. Robert Erbe entertained friends at a luncheon Tuesday afternoon. Bridge was enjoyed during the after' noon. Members of the Literary division of the Neighbors were guests in the home of Mrs. John Venpema Wednesday af- ternoon at an Informal luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. William Zlmmermann are guests in the home of Mrs. Zim- merman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward J. Phelps, \n I^elcestcp r«ad. Mrs. Frederick Willis entertained eight guests at dinner Saturday even- ing. Following dinner they enjoyed the motion pjctwej at the Assembly: ball.___________________________ Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE, WILMETTE, 1640 W«nt AdV in the lake Shore News arc charged if the following rites Real Estate Classifications, 7 Scents per line. AM Gihcf GIsMiiiciHons. 5 cents per fj»e. Minimum Price, 15 cents. No advertisement charged far Jess this 25 cents. HELP _W AN mvtmmm TWO WANTED days a wens', Tel Uc. Wantbp^-a laundbkss most days; permanent; general girl; ref TOITSAL^A CJOLDEN t»AK COM- binatinii book case and writing desk; also three piece golden oak -set,--W,»en«--Kenflworttr 831-L. Itc. erences. :Wl^Cenirolav. Wilmette. Vtp. GOOD"-LAUMDBI5SS (COLORED) wants day's work or laundry work. 1402 Elmwood-av. Phone 1661 Ev- anston- i- ____^___I*C. BOARD AND ROOM JB51 ASBUBV AVE., THE ASBURV. ROOMS SINGLE OR EN SUITE, EXCELLENT CUISINE. PHONE 2382. MRS. F. C. DIEFENDORF- W^--"- ■•■•-______-- ----------- 16W4I OR SALE FOR-SAi*E~"PIANDS TAKEN IN trade on Our new pianos and play era. Mi will pay ypu to see us be ■ ' tofo buying. |350:0(r-Pqmeroy.......• • $350.00 Vose & Son...... 1350.00 King»bury ...... 1375.00 Adam Schaaf ...;. 1350.00 Storey & Clark . Organ ............... Cecil! an outside player 60 rolls ~..~ ...;r..... Easy payments $5.oo Patterson Bros., 1522 FOR SALE--1913 HARLEVTRaVTD sop motorcycle in first claBs condi- tion." Fully equipped- Inquire at Lake Shorn News office. Wanted to Rent Houses WANTED TO RENT -- A SUMMfcJR home within twenty-live miles of Evanston; must be furnished and contain from seven to ten ruoms and have grounds fur children to play in. Address A. H. U, Lake Sliore News, 582w-tf •H Patronesses jfor ti>» May day eard party planned for the benefit-of ?/el- lesley college In the Assembly hall in- clude both members off the A^^geflW* mothers of the students who bave gone or who are going tli ere. The af* fair promises to toe 0 most enjoyable one. Ttoe flat totitfs»: Mr». ^w Allen, Mrs, p. M, Rnth^ Mra. -----------------^im V Mrs. Fred1 ••-5, Mrs. ' and Misses #or»- Mlsses Charlotte Parmeiee and Mar- J Horsweil. Mra, |ferrltt ^s^ay: M>i. [tbe directors .of the Aflie^can *9#*fc teed £ mm- ^ ffi0iteM£*: &«^»_$_s toad such aW WtW J* "jwww* fi9 w# euresfdon «ad' 4W*^BW# # WPl mm mmwf. I The plans fa ®fi m0#te%£g£. iLusjJUjuay-ayj.i.........iw Superintendent of PubWe »^*a f public official ^eopgn>^0» #.. $&&&: 4aents under the direction #t $10 ^e^r cpmmittee and been placed on the . receive >>m^leSm^J furnish gold ^mmmjmtm.^ initials Of the *»*)<&*&& »kr A- A-'. Lindstrom ##tt iP..#^jgK .8ey,e^. - possessed /pf mechanical genius, have fj^0^.*^* «* ^Odes*p. ^ye Adasses g jcgey^ WJ*W xuent bave been on<ttW« 0 gjffi: nSTnatur* xrf *he acideyements |» te |B &f I p^» !SS SMS .ffl^a^w. W toa^ds: moral basis •CKtt iMsiMBIBBHiS I^^MMIMMMOff^mMfM^IIKKMMIWMMHtlMfr Deep Cuts in Drest Goods Prices t | im^r»? aw 0oiP4 lrt* i (^ffl P»*W l»WM»»i» JV»»f» iWff Wf^ L who wm m mm tium item of mnnm tomjatem »t * * very great saving. Are yow goiag IP t?e one of tMepi? r" JP * ^^ ^KW Wr ^S&' ^p*i ^w' ; For Wrnte mid Preeeei, pfow wMt^ a»4 pre^f fo^gFpti- : 0/ ^^ Season 1 terns. No one cat> poesWjr mufc* a mis^aM ^ " in selecting any pMce of tfris goods, for e?erf ; one is a real bargain alt the sala price, yar4 RATINE, EXTnA WPAVY FPrf suiting, plain colors, 3c Mp»«» fM0f (C5e^waUty, price, 40£J wide, In designs. PREC9 woven regular 60 PIECES OF Goods, 27 Inches Btrlpes and doral price 12Msc a yard, for................ CBEPIE ORPSS COOP3, PLAIN ANO fancy stripes, 27 Inches wide, Special for tliis, sale, per yard ■.. • m*i FOR RENT-ROOMS FOB BENT--TWO F V B' NIS H K p rooms, 1400 Charles-st., Wilmetto. 1 2tp ■at ah r A'i 1*1:11 -ggaa-aa-iiM ipw .uftiiorc llUU>t5 .Evanston. ...| 55 00 .. 85.00 ... 110 00 ... 00,00 ... 185.00 ... 10.00 with ... 25.00 per month. Sherman-av. 1-tc. FOB 8AUE--3 SUBDIVISIONS. rr~t-- ncmfT Wtldows. Wllmette^venue w of 15th street, S&OkISS-~^ ^ --.............»™» McDsnieiy Woodt. Hill street w of 14th. 50x171.....l»o'i Gregory avenue w of 14th street, B0X171 ........•-.............*!,0° Isabella street w of Hth street, OR SAUlfl--710 MADISON-9T., 8 rooms, hot water heat, hardwood floors, tot 50x130; $4,250 for quick sale. Exclusive agent. 217 Kedzle-st., 8 rootrn*. i.ot wnter beat, hardwood floors, lot y4x\'&5; price if sold quick, $4,750. age, fruit and shade trees, lot &ox 200. Bargain. If you are going to move this aptlng call and see what { have to offer in houses, flats, apartments. 22w tf Goo. H. Grain. 845 Chicago av. LINEN FINISH SUITING, PI-AIN white, 30 Inches wide, -| Qb/i special, per yard........ #■ W^M WHITE G00P6 Mercerized poplins, brocaded madras and corded pique, per yard- TANGO CHIFFON, FM0BAL RB- Bign, 40 inches wide, Oftfl Itt^t? a yar*! PHWt WHITB, FOB PH^PBPW'S coats, 3G inches wide- 49c qtyMtfr special vrtee, _J0o a yard......................m**v* _GCfiiCH _EkMB-^M&imEt-JiSXL styles, special, 4-0O a yard......................^^" NEW CLOTH^ FI-AIN COLQBSf 29 Inches wide, all leading _J 1 rt sliadfip, special, a yard.......w •"" CREPE EFFBCT PBESS OPOPSf extra fine material, striped and p|s|» colora, 36 inches wide, QKffi u\, a y»rd.............*^ ,;;;„.............,...............nMn................. other sum at$im,$j8 mm^ Special Silo of Ntw TaM« Linsni 00 INCH MERCERIZEP TABLE dan.ask, big assortment of patterns, 40c quality, specie!^ -- a yurd................. 33c 66 INCH afcBMAN TABLfe PAMA8K, double mercerized, beautiful pat- terns, «|,^clul. 4-Olt a yard......................*^iM-%2 SUmmEH HOTEL "THJiirrrvr................. g.Tt F«n!'I Pivlsion. Bimwood avenue w~oTlGth sCreeT .50x140:;;;;,............■,.....w* Write for flats. C. B. Schiller. 19 S. LaSalle street, Phone 008 Randolph._____________ tt FOR SALfc--A NKW UOOKCABh. early English flnlsb; round parlor table, golden oak; »xia Axmlnster rwgr niO sised double deck springs; WIUWU «he*D- Mrs. A. P. Speedie .. JCenllwnr^^^^^^^^-: -.---=«»= "MaciTineh voir lALri--BBWING taken In trade on bur high gra<i« Singer. Prices are very reasonable on a new Singer- Po not buy a cheap Imitation. Domestic .... -................*6 00 -Standard ,...,.,.._... v.oo .. 7.0U .114.00 . 14,00 Singer ,........... •;--• • • • Wheeler & Wilson _4rop-head White, aimost new--5rr.r.-.-?-.- W««o* 4b Glbbs .......^.....18.00 ^TOt^f^m^Brog^-B8a-6herman^av, -'BWiBitO^-- 1-tc. GRASS SEEP. AT ?WCE °? Vic per lb. delivered. Address. Oreg- ory av., nr. lOth-st. Teljpi^^jtp pb"R~lB"AirE=::ICE-BOX; frmt.*5 tiw coadlttoa Oakwood, tel785^ "-"WHITE fj^OiL-^jaL Wiiniette. :-4*ev A CHARM1NQ EXCLUSIVE bt'M- mer hotel, house and three bunga- lows, hot and cold water in rooms, private baths, electric lights, screened verandas, tennis, croquet, dancing, boating, bathing. An ideal spot for children. Very accessible, boat or train from Chicago, For rates and further information ad- dress S. K. Rogers & Co.. 1824 Hln- man-av., Kvanston, III., Phone 3040. 22w-tf 70 .*CH B*TBA PINE AM- FWB& linn satin damask, all Urn newest pua.rns, specially priced fo» ttiia Bate, a yard...... Soniatioiiftl m&SteBon S Haft iehifi&fr & Marx Suits Snappy New $U,QQ Suits at $§0M almost at the Beginning You can scour nil Evansioo and Chicago and you'll not find a sale of this truly sensations! nature, Just think of brand new beautiful suits, smart models men and con- servative for aider men right it the be- ginningofsprlng m -m 98c? nCH AL». LtNI^N TAKL^ PAW all the Wtest sloped paiterns, ,lAlly priced, •«d............ _______A----4S forters, sold regulsrly for 4 ft€% 1240, Special for this sale • ltV9 ---!S-H---,f-f" nujui.iia i. Mwmmmmmm *ifiif ■lull ! J.! .L -v# Dst-^cL-nift A fortHnate purchase pt mW* PPrPPHftlt WtfRffJJSJpMllL?* UNION SUITS sSffifrmmmv spirPfl, spwp h»ve .4 pr seme twisted wimmmmmmm slngfe iQst stitPh \Ve4nesfJay, pn»y.............•?• threap, MISCELLANEOUS ■ ' Silkoline Great Bargains in Good quality, yard wldo. new patterns, regular 12'Ac material, per yard....... Oc Cretonne STOLEN - FRIDAY' EV10N1NU, April 24. as people were leaving pic- ture show at the Community house Winnetka, a large, grey cat. Was taken from Cut Lincglnav. a^ re- ward ^wJUiSo ^tveu far return of4 same. Mrs. W. J. Champion. It LANUarAPE OAlVuEN IJH; Tl IOu4 oughly experienced; over three years oq last place, with the best references desires a position. Ad- ___dress-XHa-i,aka-Stora-News_Qr-t£Jtj: Winnetka 419. -tp 9TOHAGE -- IKBI1AL.E FIREPHOOF Warehomus Facking, Muviug, Ship- ' I6;0B{' ping.'--1731-1333 Uensotrav., Fhone »65, Evanston. ill. 2iw-tf z~-f ©R BAtE ST 27 Inch basket weave cr^ tonne, good quality, new styles, specially priced a yard. Oc Children's x/xc3S65 POTTPO Swisses, 36 Inches wide, iz\'^ ma- terial, a yard........ 0c CURTAIN «w . faQga, dotted and ugi>r-u, U»c quality, a yard..... 1 l^o scrim 4 vuu 1. satin border. •'*> >» luiced, per yard....... vyiTM Wlde. !<>%C of llueue7~ready made, lu tasteful style, wtVn toelt, colors tan. blue and white, stamped yoke and sleeves, special price, of........... 25c PLAIN WHi I ► c " «TA.|N scrim, with hjiu titehed border, ?5c quality, yard ! I*§f5 (WipPIIWi-J-WIWWSI^^ Handbags TWO 9PBCIAI. OFFPRS for thla week from our comprehensive selection of stylish leather bags. GOOP QUALITY LPATM er bags, leather U«ed. sev- eral styles of bags that you will appreciate, 5!?.......43c YOUR 0ltiMC*i Of T^N dlffereut styles of very good leatuer bafca. I* very stylish shapes, prettily lined, aftd modi.auiy equip- ped. a»V e*cc«eni <ika value for........"^^ A LOT OF OURiaii^ MA draa, with color.-a ilg^es, worth UP tP 60c. a yard.......... 28e ^B ^Kr ^Wl mmmmm-mv........."■ sa - . ~ -'i €S4BAY i§ REMNANT PAY All remnants will be »ui4 Friday at ON^-FOURTM OFF- ' --1wr..... ISJIP««"«*~«~*~-*-~" M^i) NesHsee P)rHp4 pwffs »^ in fowi light; ft|oi4 ^ 4ftrH c«1pt§4 m^- 4r«8ftn4p§rp«lps, YftJwe, «rv, ... ,.■'-■.■'■: ■■-- -" T7C A WmiwM Opportunity for Rvery Woman Wvmm's 8$fa £taW Pwmp, In Ui«, p^ent calt skin or c^Uskin, n^d^ on the regjuUr b^hy doll las* with Ipw flat tl^efe and gnud wid^ to^ ^nd straps, One pf the very best hargains we have e w m A g 78^ t Mtaf• Htgligtt 8Wftf f^^^ Comf ortSpecial A lot of c*tiu goud quality bed uom- ; HftPfffttRl ill Bays' I Rtt!»?FT Wa^e ^flwseffl, V«p^ w^ VPH t,ftped„ grey ft^fl |a^ fflNlfflj' sizes ;fl t,q ^7, TP^«r( I75P W$ |8fifl VWrW Thp ^le Rf M§ ftff-WWrH->P-ft^ has been ^rewefl^ti. ;t |s »p || e^pppt,ea, \fy vto»m"m mm. a,r^ ?p PTeHy ««^ *fr| ^9t* H ■ Kntt« special ......■""".'..- - - ... At ririinj «tf^""pS «w 4f^4 but 4o yau |?wow thrt sbw ?w# <;«« Sl ^4 Tw^ieg Stampa are giye^ v4w-W WW re^r^gV Mini Tiw A wQudertuRy beautiful ataar^ Excellent quality pure aUk _mes- aatnw, latest nvo^pfi, 4eefnwflNur shades ami changeable sf QQ effects, Friday 2 to 5 1.JM............. y^ ■ •» OPEN TUPSDAY Tl^ 9 F- W- SATU^PAY Tl^, W ? W- mttoito^« that mM zymx^imw

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