Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1914, p. 3

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LIBRARY REPORT WUSTIEH Thirteenth Annual Statement of Facte About fm fuMfc Institution by Ubrarv iao Interesting, STATISTICS SHOW INTEREST Number 6f$omweift CanTInEffect, Together With Other Data, Demonstrates Appreciation of Patrons Here, of Season Held Thursday m*rte4 HWr Much Enthusiasm. Marked withmuch"enthusiasm and interest, the last meeting of the' Wil Well-Knovyn Attorney Home from JErys Three Chmtwi ttmrwl Wilmette *Jmxm,m Death relieved the suffering of Frank Lincoln Fowler, a member of in the only patriotic ecmmaiiity sJcng jJ.;e north shore. Following closely in the fapt- __ .steps of the village on the pprjtb, ^Jl- mette is soon to have a patriotic demonstration and Hag raising, prpb" ffSQfe Cleared at Way (^jJ(|rj«^eliao^^ »^to PoWte School Art league for the law firm of Fowler and McDonald 'ably P? MemQjfyf §g?r the season was held to the Central jj^ the family home, jf#« Linden ave- avenue school last Thursday after noon. A splendid program was given, following which the annual election Of officers was held. Tbe following is the Mat fit onlcer* chosen: President, Mrs. s. 9. Din- gee; vice president, Mrs. Helen Page; recording secretary, Mrs. 4. it. Harper; corresponding secretary, Mrs. E. O. iiiie, Saturday. For more than three In the first session of the new board Of trustees of ^j?|^a,e«e Tiuesday weeks Mr. Fowler suffered frpro *P J night, Trustee ft. £> Arns presented attack of erysipelas coupled with tyj figures on a proposition u> erect a pholt! fever which developed. seventy-five loot $l*f&#P ia *« yard Private funeral services were held 'in the home Tuesday at noon by Rev About IJ5Q was cleared to tho May F**P seems against the m,embers of Pay card party given In the Assembly" the lrWW# ¥• W «WJW/ W hall at Kenilworth Friday evening to I Centra* ayepue. At least the two ftoy K. Powers. at the village hajl. Pie stated that aj two-j)iece flag pole would be the most The interment was jadvisable a#d that the cost complete in Mt- tfope cemetery. Mr. Fowler was well known in WM- Blake; treasurer, Mrs, J. B. Olwin; j met te because of bis prominence in chairman of art committee, Mrs. F. j legal and political circles. In 1912 ho I/. Joy; chairman of bouse commit- tee, Mrs. \V. H, SheHman; chairman of membership committee, Mrs. Paul Lobanoff; chairman of portfolio com- .mlttee, Mrs. c. S. plpgee; chairman of entertainment committee, Mrs. interesting data, .bowing that the WiPMs» Scbmedtgen interest to the Wllmette Free Public library Is increasing each year, Is con- fined in-tbe-tbfrteentb annual report of that Instituton v/htch has Just been tiled by Miss Anna B. Law, librarian, with members of the library board. The following Is the report in full: To the Directors of the WJImstto 14= brary: Herewith Is submitted the thirteenth annual report of the Wllmette Public library. The progress of the library t!if» year In more satisfactory than in previous years and tho interest is shown by Its larger circulation and at- tendance, A total of 17,007 books wore circu- lated, being a gain of Ml.? over the previous y§or. The Horary is growing and making tho progress we would like; however, the -great interest shown by Us dally patrons is encour- aging to thoso who are trying to make It a Huccess, Tho children's interest In shown by their dally presence and large numbers. Children's Ration Popular. Tho children's, section grows in popularity and tho little people never tiro of looking over the picture books which are nearly worn out by con* aunt handlings it la indeed hard to find'a copy of any • boy's book. Many of tho old sets have been replaced by new onea. The following series have boon purchased during the year for title* department: "Five Little Pepper stories," "Little Colonel series" and The program Was throughout. Miss Caswell, art in- structor-In toe Wllmette schools, read a paper on "The Influence of Art in the Schools." Miss G rover, bead of the art department of the New Trier Township high school, spoke on the =0*1 work being eenduefeed to that institution. Superintendent Harpet and Mrs. Coburn each gave a short talk. Mrs. C. C. Mitchell gave sev- eral solos. Miss Sara Gallagher was the accompanist. With the season closed, the next meeting of the league will not be held until the second Tuesday in Septem- ber. Various reports read in the meeting Thursday showed the league to be in splendid financial condition. However, new members and donors to tho league ore always welcomed- was a candidate for congress In the Tenth district on the democretfe ticket. Prior to bis removal to c*>- cago from Manistee, .Mich., seven years ago, Mr. Fowler was prcsecut ing attorney of Manistee county, and ope of the leading members of the Interesting 1 Michigan-bar, Decently his name has been mentioned as a possible succes- sor to James S. VVflkerson, 09 district attorney of the northern district of Illinois. . porn In Manistee, Mlcfr., forty-four years ago, Mr. Fowler was reared and educated in the public schools of that place. He attended »pd was grad- uated from the University of Michi- gan law school In 1892. Pesldes his widow, Mrs. Flora Hansen Fowler, who Is president of the Wllmette branch of the Illinois Women's Pom ocratlc league, he leaves one daughter, Gladys, and three sons, Hicluird, Horace and Frank Lincoln Fowler, Jr. Ho also leaves one sister, Mr". Angeline Fowler Branch, pf Big papids, Mich- Impending Panpr of War Call * May Keep Militia From --Appear m infarct Because fear of further develop- ments lt» the Mexican trouble might , „„ , „ i% .mean a call tor tho Illinois National •The Patty books and Wizard of Or.; Qwvdt mompors of tho committee in Berlou." I charge pf the Memorial day observa- Th*> 1 ending rooms are well patrun- j tj0|, jn Wllmette are at sea to perfect u«d by both old and young.. A total | pmn8 for tho parade. In former years of 0.4U7 renders were registered dur- ft company or mll|tla has always been procured from Chicago to march Inn the last year. However this does not represent the entire number as o» many evening the crowds were so in the parade, but the war talk this spring makeB it uncertain at thlB time huge that many did not register. A, to plan for the "BoldlerB. Hpiendld addition was made during! However, a rousing meeting of the tho year by the gift of 100 volumes In committee was hold last night and tho memory of Mrs. E. T. Haul. Tho| reports 8howed that unusual Interest gtfi included roan^of tho classics and jw being taken in the- evun* ritfs works in philosophy, also a set ofjspring, »„d, evon If it is impossible Nlcoluy and Hay's Life of Lincoln In t0 procure the company of National ten voTOTnes, three Classic diction- nrltu», etc. A largo number of books and pamphlets on Christian Science wort also donated duping tho year. Contonto of Library. Guard, a good parade Is assured- Several reported that villagers have been generous in their subscriptions to tho fund this year, It Is hoptd that a full showing of else* this spring. The members of the general committee are on the was given tjhat a tptjftl of.5,448 vol times were on the shelves at the li- brary. During the feat year we htjve^ - „ Yeteran8 qf t^e8e tWo purchase*m volumes and w"^IST^TeS will hi urged to nie by gift tfl voluraea. a total of 6tW wars and their- names so that they will be ™**^*^*Wif^f*WMttfxw to take part to the last year's accessions. A total of 848 ~J2gii nd observance, books were purchased and donated P^do ana onsen ance, over the same classification during J _--_------------------- 1918. The total number of books classified and catalogued was «»7. forT which it was necessary to Issue 8,»38| cards, Tho term of borrower's card is llnvj bed to two years from dwte of Issue.< At the end of that time a new regis-! % tratlon is required. The number ot}«<pa^er"ofConStItUttOfial Vm eawls issued to borrowers during the* *»ww 1 ^ ■ year was MT, The total number of j VCRtSOR rlSR 10 5p8^K (Q burrowers' earda now in force ia LM5. t A total of ninety booka have been; abound during the year and l"6 voV- uroea withdrawn on account of the; wornout condition, Miaa Frances SCORES OF CHILDREN VA00WATEDIYM,D.'8 Health Commieiiener Moore "Spratehe^' and Applies 5e* mm to 200 Tiny Arms, More than 200 children were vaccinated lasi weok to prevent a possible spread of smallpox which is still keeping toe MpPowgaii family, 218 Tenth stroet, In quarantine. The two Bmall McUougall children, aged live and three yearB,, were attacked by the diseeso last week and as a result the) other members will be forced to tcmain under quarantine for two or three weeks longer. Mr. Mc- Oougall. the first victim, has com- pletely recovered- it is not thought that any spread of tho dteease will result, as every pre- caution has beep token by members of tho unfortunate family and others after tt was ^epidedr by the author- ities thai tjje disease was smallpox and not me&slea as first diagnosed by the attending physician- Pr. 1$. P Moore, health^ commissioner, who js also medical Inspector to the pjtolie schools, advised that every child he vaccinated. Many went to th,elr family physician, while wore th«»n 200 visited Dr- Moore's office In toe vil- lage hali Friday and aatorday morn- ings and were vaccinated- change \H GRPP?«Y flRW. Announcement has iU»t been PWde of the withdrawal of |. Ward from the grocery h«m of Ward and Aspe- gren. Swan Anderson, snooeeda A"r. Ward; and tbe bnsiness wiii be con- ducted as a co-partnership along the same i|ner a» heretofore including the erection of same, would total about $189. President Conifer jpM1 that he bad beep informed that the school Chil- dren of Wllmette had a plan OB to present fp the village a |arge Ameri- can flag. Ff>ltoWty£,0W* 'n'orwatton it was vpte4 unanimously that toe public .service committee be empow- ered to eptor Into ft contact for M>o big flagstaijr w|tb ia;jab|cago ttm Obd have it in place by p#coratioo day- Three cheers for Mfiwc Wlfmette! OBSERVED SUNDAY 1 .,u,.,t.." " Beyf Bf Frani BliranrtOiw Pa$tQrs to Blva fermone on Mother l-ove, the social function-benefit given for Wellesley college. More than 135 per- sons attended the party including many out of town guests, and aii <■'" joyed the affair immensely. Tbe hall was tastefully decorated sma^ siopsF ^al'lac% jtf&. yjeara Old, and Tbwdore, ^Igbt years old, Me!^ thajt ylew. ^>n Saturday pjgbjt Wal- lace was painfully injured when he was run down by j&n #ut» owned by P. fl. Nicholes at Central jOn#-Wll- mette avenues. Co Thursday f^ep-i Jore was slightly injured when he Was j LIKE VETEBANS Mm m iTrn ■h * COWWdTf^S APPOJSIfi ofHw !-. "•'.""." Next Sunday, the sppopd Sunday In' May, Is Mothers' d#f The day I8 observed .exitnaively thoughout the copniry and approprlato services win be hpjd In practically Mhpt the WM- metto cburobes in r»?oj|ence to Mo mpthers of the land. Rev. Ii. Frank Talf^Ff p»stor of Mto Wllmptto RaptlBt CMfffFilr W* POftdHPt a spppial service Suttjiay.niprptog In ihe^Wttipptto Woman's fiHft'ttm ropet- Ing place pf the cpngrpgatlop. rlls sermon will he on -TI»P Christian Mother" ApproprWP "m»lP fl»8 been prepared; for tfoe service. All who attend ^is servfpp pfe Hiked to wear » ffowor In Wopo^of fcfip pippv pry pf toelr mother" TbfrfSnfnation Is the official flower for the day. a white one If the wearer's mother Is dead, and any bright colored ope If the mother Is living Rev. ,1. M-„Wilsqn. »,»»tor of the Wtl- aietto Presbyterian ciiurch, will b'vo a special sermon at the morning hour of worship on "Tbe Mother l-ove. In spring flowers with the blue Wei lesley banrers draped about the wall? apd beams of the ceiling- Tbe patronesses were: Mrs. I-.e<n j Saxe at Central avenue and Fpur.h Allen, Mrs. O. M- Ruth. Mrs. Charles! street. Horswell Mrs. Merritt Starr, Mrs. The injury tf> WoUace Satvrday |fl|jBr#sJffig S^sim4tim4^Mml- qeorge Sbipman, Mrs. H- a. Hasten, night about 7 o'clock caused copsid- Mrs- Ij>uJs Cu^is, Mrs. Fred Ppljley. j erable pxcUpmpnJt. ^.e was riding a Mrs. Charles Chandler, Mrs. Nuttlpg, I bicycle west pp Central gyppaewb^p Mrs. Fdgar flurcbard and Misses tbe Nlcpoles machine was turning ftprswejl, {soni ana Kasten. They I east put pf VViJinette avenue on Cen- greatly appreciate the co-operation j tr»| avepue. The lad was knocked to and interest shown ip the affair by the ground apd suffered painful, the general public j lisps' Mbont the bead and the iiga- L *£*&*** ^tWM PS^fSili There are at presppt five Fenll-1ments Ip the left leg were strained.\fi p: WcWa»' »• W• ecbmldt »p4 worth glris who are students at Wei- U|e was taken Into the Spider phar-' q^r'es C 3chulto, toe, torep pewly lesly. Interest has always been mnv Imacy, where his Injuries were dressed- i e,ectedl> WtiHf*. ^sto.e* pf WIJpjpMe, Ifested |n the welfare of the Institu I later he was taken to bis home. For ftpb W0* **»& to tot l*W- ^tmfM tlon and when its main building was|a t|me It was feared that the boy pas! W*-Byng »t &&? &m Tuesday pigftl. destroyed by lire several weeks ag >. 1 seriously Injured- He was da*ert by I V P»WnoB*-« fit »ny kind mgrke^ Aenilwortb folk were concerned over j the shock and did not fully regain >« the calamity. Immediately p|aps were:consciousness until Sunday>wrplng. made tor the May Pay wrt party His bicycle was atmmkd- apd it was made one pf the most at tractive soc prize winners were the following: mmm ,ma m neftrfy w aer,pl,8 Mrs. stjvpr pf Toronto- toe guest pf the seating of the pew trustees. Aside frppi the appointment pf village p||- clpls apd tbP naming pf th^ yartous- eommittees by VMJagp prpsjdent ?opp ictlvp fnnctmns of toe season P.|(C!B\Wlt^^ ^tjWm m*,^ Among to! %%%$Tt, T$»& Zfi % ESK. WJ* mf*. rmrPF w fowpw, hm* gaes^ m fts fhat pf h.8 KrQther Injured Bator- Mrs^v^c. sanhorn; Mr- jryfng Wood- TwTm ^ng^b.^X?•pVuS. Z*Z"' J&Lwt.l,?!i nT^ W"*l MW family was qnaranVed with Mrs. Mrs Cppe, Mr II v. c. spnhprn a. Hasten nnd BUSINESS SLOW FIRST mmmu Justice Dunshee In Offlpp apt) Boariy lo He»p Firsr 8t»ry of Uwbriftken, .ipstfce of toe Pence p. p. punsbee, WMntette's pew "stay-at-home" ^ns- tico of the pence, Pntered npon l»!» duties in thnt office Monday morning but at press time of this paper "bns^ n«s8" bad beep very quiet with fllP new ohiclal- Only one prospective litigant "with blood In his eye" an- scarlet fever- SUNDAY S0M WORK TO II ON MM Pfeplfiy of MMSBHReWln InitPwoflpnofrJIWeltwdy rlf Iflf SDeHaimuaic win •!-? ^TiiVw at i l^wwl M»p m »wp day« of tbe WP*t of the M- 42- church, and Rev- Roy B- .iiowers. pastor of the congregational IMPORTANT 8UBJEQT Commonweilrt Cteis, After h° Imd relaled the facte in h.) case to gjudge" Pppsbee, he was nd- vised to take another conrse than that whhh brings the law d,pwp ppon the bend of the "other person" in the case. The new court hit beep established The service of the Papth* Phurcn j j" t^JTx^y^Y^mlZ at tke Woman's c|pb bullSlpg Sunday«f MJgJ JSJL"OK S.,f! evening will be rn Ike pfttnro of a '***/^^Jf fv^raHrLTtSSE stereoptlcob sopg service. : fm\m: ISHSJCSSSLl autS arMo iWeaS by hymns will be hewtttully Wwatrated JSVe^nSSihBe WWWnW and Rev^ P- Frank Taber m tell tne ***** Wnaftee. story of tbe anth.ors np^ Incidents church, will also give tspepin! sermons relating to •mother love" connecteA with their rise- ] Miserahles, ad.a»toH front V<p- VYi>j- aiNQ AT HAKtMITi iw Hugo's masterpiece, qf fhp mm Miss Obtrude Qjendorf, ^ftHlWer of name, was sfoown, I,p mflMfln ^P^MTP^ Mr. m Mm. A' Q Oiendwl. mi Mn at thp CoftmunHy homsp PftWflay d,ep avenne, appeared, at an, aniertw-•events, the hfww was wjm *o the meat wd banket irtven by marchers seat hy ap npprecla.tlve a,wd.<onpo who, of tho Hardware elub in Chlpago wntched with hreaM^ess w«reat w Tpesdny evening- Wttla Ifles Plea nan^mlme of t,ho Wo of jean, ymm dorf <i a tainted, soloist. repd,erod, Ml W WMm W?w^ WW«. M Honrt l?ranaa, Fow mm wm W chance in conpition. carry m ^he haa^vy pan o,f ?ha mwy a snnday aphooi wMWh showing the wprH whfPh W hfipn appom- pushed jtortng the »a»t yoar hy pur!I« ip the WtMrP PongrpgaMsnal Sun- day sphoo), will ho held, fo M»p PhWrph next wpdnesd.ny »ftendon »nt|.pvp- hlng. May in. vvorH hooks iieippging to the children *n fho varlona pla»ses win he on dlsplny- Also |p the eve- ning, an oraj tpsf will ho gjvep show- ing the mpmory worH whlph l)»a h«en condHPfpd, In the yarlmm gr«rt.ea- The children In the primary flenarf- ment will havo a room flevptoq to their worlt apd also sampiea pf wqrk done Ip the "Children's phhrph" will be shown* A worhar's tllppar will he wrfed, |p fhe pbprch af fij^-p. m- TloHPte may he prophrpfl from Mr»- PBJRWJqr PI Melville ^rown m or hpforo Tuesday. 'May i2- fpii and. ^hnsp Interested |p the wprH nt iha PhlWrw are m^ged t« Nq change is reported fa the con- and fataM ahaagea to wWah YaMaaa dittoa of M- » flarfcer. whp, is erlttcw^s saWaa^a*. a* m *$< fmm Taa ajiy \\\ In a*a home, I** y?im atroet- piay was shown In alaa raalav Oeorge K. Cole, the original const!-. su»ji"haa alsi'sNme tbiougbout tbe tutlonal convention ad>*ocate, will be year and bt« proved a ««p*We the speaker at the last tneeMngiff <he worker, ICommonweaUb class of tbe WUg&mi The library was closed one weekJCongregatlonal-obotch Sunday after-J 1« August on aeeoun* of haus«t!leAn.!jBoop at 3 o'clock. He will talk on the lag, Ubrary ball waa redecorated j "CpoatUwUooal Convention for Vffr during tbe winter audi all tbe lowMLLnplaJL------ K 8oer put in nod «ondUton, Tb« bal^ Mr. Colo la widely known through* has been In troat demand tar use for jput the state and. also in other aec- auWte functions daring ta* year, Nohteaa of tbo ValM States as vm ^ tiiawfm^^ *** conatllatlonal eop- i blaee, wben l%-^ss-«ae4 to? tbo gon^ventlon movement Tb« ^PH »a Ig »»al public, Wbe* ronle* to private ing accepted by many of the well in- |r ^^IftaUons a fee of IS was charged, formed cWyaa y -^.ffjf ffiSSi r^^Tlw^ »tewt»la« ftgftw-.'Uta-'-giWQr^iHMi wnereby <he wwkbwl-«r st^tej twdty ot tbanklnu oaefc member of 5 and cUy goxernment cart be aimPUoed L..ft»- b0M4 tar getlve l^erea^aa»:a^d made mpro e^ctent^--^^^ a^rty «rroj>«rottiwc aidr^m ^rvuptwut tbe year and regreta that the m% fttlerpala «M*»-£4fcM1 In appToci^iap Of the weicawe wWcli haa ^||!f1ll alops, to Ron tho plaa af warH and what haa haan aapampllBhetl rHHIflT rWitil was trans- acted hy the too»r$- Np chahges wprs made l» either pf the appplpttnepts^ ¥|l!agp plflclftla ^4- by president conffer- He reapnpip^ ed Attorney Charles $. Jacksop, village pttprpey m4 frank pojfres- tar, s^psriptspdar^^f psjbi'pc wpr^ and village .collector for the ensuing year- Poth ppnolptmpn'ts were pipja- cprredJu-^anlinpusly hy tho trus- tees. ^»nd|pa PpmmlttfSf. Th» foJlpwJBgjaj^Jntrappt* on «»s Standing committees were announced by president Ppuffar? JNpaJtce=p. p. 8phh|l?r n, P, Ar»| and p. p. Ppphpwp. spwar apd \yatar-^W. t* Mmtowf HuhiIprSPFv|ce-4*f._p. Ar»»» r|offpn|| Hulpssen apd P. P- SPlmits. 3Hd|ctaryrdffl|fiph tfa|n|pjf W- 3. Moptgomery mn p. P, HPh«ili. 9tp^fM)toM)|NMl^^.^ P- ft- MRchmen and MiillL'^MfK^ Fire-p. p.. nimkniap.p.W?*h!nldi and yv. 4- Mpptgopwy- Aw ordlnaapa ^Ivlpg lha PH»tam&r* powers, to fho hoarfl pf loaa! Improya- monts for fhe coming year nty'.fHHn?- lag tho memhpra pf that ww! >v'aa nnsse^. The mprnhftra pf ithaitaw board are: ftp; Afh^f fl. W Sphmld.t nni| p. p. schult». Mftrary Rtpart m MllttWj T^. yp, poddtnBhon«p. fawlflirfW^ Itaowa in Wllmette a^ *'tha latnar «f tho Pahlla llhrary," filed an Intaraal- lag rapnrtf whlPh alan pastaiia4 roach historical information cpnn«rnln«r tbn. i'patitatlaa^ w4tiirSaT-hSir-T^a Ta*-- uort was read, and placed an tha f||0. it pontaiped. tiata frani tho tune that the free Pahllc iihrary waa ftTPfaWy Yofe^ pppp fn, April, 1W1 «a,,i^eJK1sirssf 'siw^rw^*«sSf m year retires from ttta praatfiancy af tha hoard; of diraatara pf tha ^HW<a libra"- ^|ppa the iihra?y wati apana^ in. WQt\ ha haa always ta|an an ¥*<■ tiya latareat ir, promoting Ua aaa? interests, - ' A afivjinnniaa^ »!ina^ pf Wall r;in« anjl other waaVwda P?ap#f* pwnar^ aalting far tha mm nf i^fteenth atraet tn l^r^Tipfi^ aae waa raad,. ^pae.\% was raa^Yad, in the1 laAtjataa*b^ojJha }^nmM W* taea that the yittagn of wiM-m IraffH iilizens far their g^n^i^a mpport M W" prjnwce4 ae?er^ mm HtoyMiMwv^™ mmmmfmmm wK;ch will ha inr the heal interaata af tne OQmmMUfJ< 1 TWw kw Mwflf mi\M M wWww «tworn <4 W««\^e> indeed encouraging. In fact, this unstinted support and ca-05>eratu>n W.'mme and other North Shore villages a genuine, up-to-the-minute new»papcr faVrUcne* U^ O^T \mvti9* Ml %* ^'uish our patrons with a thoroughly news> tveriuwhi evary wtue-a-waj keen It 'Ms* WWS* ***** » roMr-Kwd ttio meeting and Uaton to a eomr als uib4> ma« frh<» V> K'^'ff>hfa /^^ Aa tbts is tbo last meoUng of h^?» ^ r^mrinus to tnsrit the ccHancknce ^n<l J -J^iri?: Hasp*- rf «sa i~i«-lWa -----'-fig^g*-rJi^-- ©olaHar^n-WWWin intarested. wint" of an euurpttstng and progressive w enytrong. -------:■____. _ ■ ~7Z Tha FnttnwattnpMa Pawn fm alrla af KanHsajta gajyrm Mvartafenaanv § tha hall la tha nrawn hatWInf TO urpy af^aaop. la P^aarafrtha^en^at-con^ hersof theNaYaloand I'attawattomlelaiMng In th« fatare, YWwa Pierl p^mp flra glria af Wtlraette. A plax Orner waa laatraetaa' ta an mm* tha was presentea py tha ^aMafPr^ patltlaaara. pip vaa mm hy ana nl fopaaa^n km'*mfo::-- ^a foartaan yaar aW taaa^afaj^fj ?Ue resisaatlm w aw#T«aMK ^bat camp- ; one of Jhe village Vomica al^rs, M VpUowlag the e^tarta^ant. far j take effect 4naa h Km w* UnaW fresbm^nta prayidaa: tur tha taawharajeapted, nath ban hsen aattag aa M-the wthnettn aampa wata aana^- vlUage poiiaetaa^ W a**ern\~W$f Mlsa Campers, guardian of tho tCeniVami stated ip his rc9Uu*,tlw taaA m- wprth aawjp. *<m, a apart ^f^pw.|aevera,uraa«oaa na afWaa*:ia tathft Ing tpp .eptatta^ant to .artHan jjgfttoat the twee. ■ toHV ^boat^l^b^^ararkrUirgTris ofi Apothar co^n^aa^atip^ ^eai>fm that village had accopjPAl*h.«4, during apd m& by Pletk Orper wan a Ptar tho last sea?. At tha alasa «f tha [test on ^ water alii by imm H^rMla eateria'wwant' ^-an^a. afaka. thjlr j t>eoi!% '^a ..waMw: wm "r»f«*r#:.'t$;- parts in tho ceremonial meeting. f the «a,ter- and '•*?**** COmm^tW, :| LJj<wrjt_a«a^_^ k>y*i sa^at r^^atl A, ^ fy? ^ba ?t>lag^prt&ti5i^J5^M i ^opriataT, will ttta arm* %^AP*|i«##ir#"W*^^'aX *» *Wm members pf ^a'NaxnJn.aamnf^n«t|nc^c^.«dia%e^ ptc.^ aA_aibiaj@ week on how ta any tbe differept n^i lag to the *m>$* ampajta^ # of meat. . ]. prtcea now helag pnarged^ W*a p*ap9# ""__.------------: jwltb tbe board by Tha t^kp Siior* -;.-YfWHIT^-nMnA V^H-^W^^^-^riiiliii repast aj^piuadi'byi?-'"- Tho \viunetka, ppba wo^^uuttaAtaa ^attwtorjf^wmfinM ty game pp the kome mm&M^te.miI?i-^Ha.--a<:iia»rka4 beanrwmm: of 9lwM'iliK¥.#'*i^Wl::^ »W on'^ scora of eV?xen-to* \atar-.. V® *mw$m^3teimr~ " 3C I no ivataro held the county ojfeaia ^ mo^kte Jteport ol ^*ig fesaia|i " cubs w^-^wr tba-C»ox»^ Of lBfPWiW«a¥^!a^.-J^^JWg ton ne^t Sunday at \VtnneUa. Tke uo* t« ti>e whwl ta^ lunA t* I 'g«ma^arlW, be call«d at tbreV o\lock. I according v ' 1 '

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