Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1914, p. 6

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-. .9 ,.m.,m m......■ THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, MAY 7, Wl*. *^ lAveMiimite and North Shore Newspaper*9 CHADC UI1VI\U JttJDM^ -T-H^J PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ••;:;■:'■-'^..v.........mV. ,"..,.. fry..-■-;.:...,. .,-_,; ,,„,„;. ;;_ BOWMAN PU^lrfSHlNG COMPA Wiimette, 111. Offices, Room 2, Brown Building, 1159 Wiimette Avenue ^L Telephone 1610 Wiimette W.JB. Church. I Mm. Clarence W. Gasaue enter- Hev. T. J. Gate, pastor. 1024 Lake ! tained atluncheou Tuesday afternoon avenue, phone 6t>4, .., \j('tor Mm. Ernest Clayton of DesMoines, Next Sunday morning H. A. Gobm.jlowa, who Is her guest. , ea-pres!dent of DePau University- wiil j Airs.- V.'K. Splcer of Montreal. Can- preach. The entiro day will be given'ada, formerly a resident of Kenil- up to the "moth era." At 5 o'clock I worth, is tho guest of Mrs. V. C. San- he junior and intermediate churehWj born this week! Next week she plana ill give a very beautiful .program, to visit with Mrs. H. O. Edmonds. *XHtttE8T POLLARD . I^JYS 'p.KGLLIoTER . . * . . EDITOR BUSINESS MANAGER SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 A YEAR m^^tef\^^^^tTi^h M; mi' ** *• *»***» ,** Climate. ™"I?°".."?. *J"„"ct ^^"r™" Rejected mnnu.crlptrf will not be returned unless accom- THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1914. Automobiles will ho provided to brln* liny mother to tho church who la un- able to* get there unless conveyed. . The Sunday school, will meet «t 9:30 next Sunday morning. The in- termediate and Junior churches win meet at 3:30. At 0:15 tho Epworth League< will hold their regular Kp- worth League service and an invita- tion is extended to all young people of the church to meet with them. ■ A Woman's Home .Missionary society has been organized with a charter membership of thirty-eight The officers elected for the society are:, President, Mrs. Elliott; vice presi- ■ honor of .Mrs. Chorion .WL Armstroisg, who has recently, returned from an extended trip abroad. She was assisted by Mrs. Charles S. Deneen, Mrs. R. S. Farwell, Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart, Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr., and Mrs. Henry Sennits. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen, Melrose avenue, returned Tuesday from a visit with their daughter. Miss Pria- cllla Allen, who is attending Welles- ley college. They also visited a few days in New York. /. .. Mrs. Louise L. Drake, Warwick road, entertained at luncheon Wed- nesday. Her guests were Mrs. C. K. Parmelee, Mrs. Henry Taylor, Mn. William Taylor, Mrs. PauJ Schulze, Mrs. Calvin S. Case, Mrs. Ralph Far- well and Mrs. Charles M. Arns. Mrs. Paul Schulze entertained at cards last Thursday afternoon in PhoiM Central 3(81 Lace Dyeing*. Specialty M. Gillespie r..&V;V&...r Spring Novelties Mtde From Ostrich Feathers ItMllfWthalMl. iiLStsMkltMSI.. On May 1st we will occupy oar New Stewart Building STORE AT 104 STATE ST. EdwardKirchberg --mmm in Oiaioris aid Wateies-- tort* State Street, tppwit* HarslaH fHH & Cwpuj \ vyct • ^ NORTH SHi dent, Mrs. Thayer; secretary, Mrs Smith; corresponding secretary, Mrs. treasurer, Mrs. Sturgeon; GOQD ADVICE GIVEN BY SOCIAL WORKER. : -Avoid cfiquesnaiichfactions if a genuine and sincere community IReese; spirit is desired. That was tnc keynote of the address given by Miss|mllt^ ^O^etory^ Mrs. Brown. Mary McDowell, the famous social worker whose efforts in the ===== gj""._;. stock yards district of Chicago have attracted world-wide •»+»-- *;~y jltl11111II111111II11IIH before the Commonwealth class members of the Wiimette Congrega-'* "• tjonal chiirth, Sunday,: April 26. In her varied experiences among all classes in sociological work, Miss McDowell has learned the most effective way of gaining results in community work. Harmony is the main idea, but this cannot be worked out where cliques or fac- Ta ~^tions exist .Miss McDowell did not attempt a comparison of conditions in ■Wiimette with those in the south side in Chicago where her work has been conducted for the last few years. She is aware of the fact that the residents of this place have high ideals and arejstriving to- ward that goal, while among the hundreds with whom she is work- ing, it requires strenuous efforts to persuade the poor and foreign element toward right living. However, Miss McDowell knows that , Wiimette, like any other community, must have it different sets, cliques and factions. She is right when she advises that the only method by which results for the good of the community can be ob- tained, is through harmony and a general unification of these cliques or factions. The defeat of the Community House plan in the recent village ^election is an example of "factionalism" which exists herein a de- gree, while it is explained that political capital was made of the ques- tion on the little ballot and that aided much in its defeat. But all of these narrow views, held by certain residents who live in opposite section of the village, should be obliterated. Then let everybody put his shoulder to the wheel and, as the backers of the village ticket said in their campaign material, "Boost for a Creator and Better ■Wiimette." Will you help by forgetting what little .differences you may have or grudge you may hold. Mr. Wiimette Villager? CHURCH BULLETIN Wiimette Baptist Church. Services in the Woman's club build- ing, corner of Greenleaf and Tenth. Roy. B. Frankr-Taberr~pastoT. Resi- dence 1020 Eleventh street. Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Morning service at lno» o'clock. Evening service at 7: an o'clock. In -the morning at 11:00 o'clock a special Sorvtco in honor of "Mothers' Day'-will be held. The pastor will preach on the subject, "Tho Christian Mother." Ali who attend are re- quested to wear a flower in honor of or .in memory of mother. There will be appropriate music. In the evening .at 7:30 there will be a stereopticon .Mng^service^-JSfelLknownJiyjnns will -^bejllustrated on the screen with the . story of their authors and incidents connected with their use. The prayer meeting on Wednesday .evening will be held with Mr. and Mrs. Mahnn. 718 Elm wood avenue. Presbyterian Church. .Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue, Wiimette. Rev. J. M. Wilson, pastor. The pastor will speak Sunday at 11 a. m. on the subject, "How the. Rem- the Walls of an Ancient 7:80 (Mothers' Day eel One ; worFhiper is roquested to wear a white flower In honor of his mother. _JTJu3^oung-pcopl©~wilUhawL.charj of the Wednesday evening serv'fv and brings messages from Porto Rico and Siam. showing, in an exhibit some ot tho interesting things of those lands. The regular May mooting of the Men's League of the Wiimette Pres- byterian church will be held in (he church parlors Thursday evening M.iy j 7, at 8 o'clock. Prof. Benedict Fapot will lecture on "French Thought Since the WaT of 1870." Professor Popot enjoys the distinction of bei.v; professor in the Chautauquu institu- tion. New York, and extension lec- turer In the University of the South. The ledture covers much of th-i best modern French lltrnture ai,d id of great interest. "How Firm a Foundation, Ye Saints of the Lord," "He Leadeth Me, O mossed Thought," "God Be With You Till Wo Meet Ag*in." Tho evening service, l«i in remem- brance of Mothers! -Day and- every I formal-tea-Friday afternoon in bono: Mrs. N. A. Farwell is the guest cf her son, R. S. Farwell, in Warwick road. Hallet Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. M. Cole, is ill in his home with rheumatism. George Lane returned Thursday from Indianapolis, where he spent ees;- eral days last week. Miss Mildred Witherbee of Kansas City, Mo., Is tho guest of her aunt, Mrs. F. D. Huntington. George Stuart, Jr., gave a dinner party for his guest, Theodoro Roose- velt, Jr., Friday evening. { Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Tlnsman have returned to Kenllworth after a two months sojourn in California. The members of the Zeta Phi Eta sorority gave a dance at the Kenil worth assembly hall Saturday even- ing. Miss Mary Taylor is in Madison, Wis., where she is the guest of friends attending the University of Wiscon- sin. Mrs. Charles Ware, Abbottsford road, entertained several ladies of the Bridge club at' her homo Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Clarence Casque gave an in ' French. German, Italian and Spanish Laneuaee Outfiit ,•: Wkn ,m sMaf / m Maehim* or MteorU, call *p Winntlka 693-W,or *nlral3507. JAMES 1.11011,25 West Lake Street, CHICA60 Dornsrs 1 •wnrtl tf twfort«rt*«sflllT. 0w cttosnM St.00 nit km ttori tkt tMtk ti»M tMcumt CONSUI.T at"on"!{Skk! Southeast Conwr Randolph end CUrk Streets Open evanuiEs unUI 7-Sunday 9 to 12 Real Estate A&ents, Brokers and Buyers j6f North Shore Property Stores, Offices, Flats snd Residences for sale and rent in Evanston, Wiimette and Winnetka. Ujau Nnrtiiud ami hiifiiw Haemt 1564 SHERMAN AVENUE IS COMPANY THE LAW provides for tKe descent and distribution of prop- erty--but ihe law may not meet your individual wishes ordesires. ■;; The wise plan is to make a will devising just how your property is to bemused and whom it shall "benefit, and appointing an Executor who has both the inclination--^d"'^iiity"to^catTy'out, your wishes. ; Complete equipment for handling any matters connected with the settlement of estates, experi- ence, permanent existence^--these are some of the features of this bank which make it ah ideal Executor. . --*■ '"•"*■'--~:--- ■'•""•" ■"".'.-£- £--* 12 North MieUsaa. Ave, Wenard Buildins Ltdies* Hats of Any Kind **&%%$*• Re-bloelcintr. Bleachiiur. Dycinsrof Panama Hats. Ask for catalogue and prices. Chicago Hit Mannfacruring 6 Bleacatsg Co. ■aa sMsaaaataaaasi Littie Theatre I Fourth Flow, Fine Arts BttfMag Beginning Taesday, April 28, "HEIHM C^BLER" SI- Eves.. 8:16. Hats. Than, and Sat. Ms% of lier guest, Mrs. Toronto, Can- lllake Jackson, of YOU NEED NOT BE ILL TO ENJOY nant Built City," and at ebration) subject, "The Story oi ;•■ Mother's Love.'.' Mr. Alfred G. Freeman will Uor, ~""TBou, O Lord, Art My Protector," by Saint-Saens, and "'There Is a Green Hill Far Away," by Gounod. Miss Corette will render on the r-rorgan the following program; ____ Morning. f "Itosannah" ................ Uuhois -cr^BerceUiBe" ................. Godard 4 Postlude..................... West Evening. "March Rellgioso" ........ Gutlmant "Meditation"............... D'Avry "Berceuse"................. Rugertj Postlude ....'.,,,,......... Cappelen Tho chorus will sing the following : hymnsTat The evening service: ^ "Day is Dying in the West." -Abide With Me, Fast Falls the Eventide," St. Augustine's Episcopal Ct.,.. Hev. 11. B. Heald, rector. The services on Sunday, M«y will be an follows: 7:30 a. bi.--Holy communion 9:45 a. m.--Sunday school. ll:0u a. in--Morning nra.v.i sermon. 4:30 p m - Kvening |>rrt>«:i Thfi annual meeting of llx, an's Galld anu Auxiliary will i,, in the parish house on Friday noon, May l.r>th, at 2:30 o'clock 4811*4813 Broadway Baths Chicago TRONIC Treatments are * provided also for those who are not ill. Vapor. Hot Air or Electric Batfi $1.50 Massage, Battle Creek 1.50 Ball), Douche and Massage 2.50 12 for the price of lo ▼TIIXIAM S.LoRD Evanston, Illinois v ..irt- held after- It «• i ports of the year's work will be road, | and plana made for the next year. | The various organizations of the | pai'ltdi are having their (lnal meetings before the summer recess. On Tues- day afternoon "The Little Helper*" were entertained by the directress I and assistant directress, Miss IV >:ely j and Mrs. W. M. Drent, and on Wed- nesday the Junior auxiliary conducted a successful salo in the parish house under the direction of their leader, i M iss Margaret Weinland. MOORE'S FLOORS LAID. SCRAPED. CLEANED. FINISHED. Estimates Free. Window Shades -- Paints -- Varnishes -- Brushes Vaccum Cleaners E. B. MOORE. 6 CO. 129*131 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago Phones: Central 3388-3766 SIXTH MUSIC FESTIVAL ' ' ' - -Jforthwestern University Gymnasium May 25, 2Gu 28 and 30, 1914 FOUR RIGHTS AND ONE MATINEE Frederick Slock, Orchestral Con- lHtum Choral__C.oni.iuctor. Vfstvr Christian I.ntldn, Musical I'irector. iJUnlor. Oshounie McConathy, AsslHt Festival Chorus at 600 Singers VounR I^idica1 Chorus of 300 Voices '-- Children's Chorus ot 1,500 Voices. . Entire Chicago Symphony Orchestra (90 Men). DEFIANCE Automobile Tires and Tubes Extra Heavy Construction 6 and 7 Layers of Fairic^ Standard Prices . H. E Chandler & Co. 630-63?. Davis Street EVANSTON - ILLINOIS Now^on sale at great reductions Jewelry at half price. Stamped Pieces at half price. Fancy Work and Novelties at a fraction of their real worth. Aft Ww nave all the patterns of the Ackiey Shop and will continue to do this work Our May Festival Sale Is NOW in progress Every section offers bargains ^ =D SQMETHNG FOR EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE "ALM A ^M»UCK, .. ALICE NIELSEN HEl FLORENCE HINKLE.,.....Soprano EDITH CHAPMAN GOOLD.Soprano MARY ANN KAUFMAN___Soprano MARGARET KEYES.......Contralto 3QLO.AR.XIST^ .Soprano .Soprano Evan WILLIAMS.............Tenor t^M5J^T...M.^?PHY.........Tenor ...... ..... enor PASOUALE AMATO .......Baritone CHARLES W. CLARK.....Baritone BURTON THATCHER ...Baritone HERBERT WITHERSPOON ... Bass COUItSE TICKETS (Five -Concerts),-$10, |_______C___| and t2M. Boraarao SING1.K TICKETS!, %2.W,%2, 11.50, II, 50c. Box »25 LADIES' TAILORING. Plain and Fancy Suits at Reasonable ^3I^S&^4€ftiin!S=4ft9W^«N^ and single tickets on sale next Friday, May 8th, at the Festival Box Office In Lypn & Healy's, Wabash and Adams, Chicago. Phone Harrison 5620, arid at the office of Mason £ Snvari, iriS{>:Siifrrman^Aji'Mue/_it«tnerJD^ Kvanston 40------ CARL p..KIN8EY..iluMl.ififigManager, Pricear Workmanship Guaranteed. XH)WNS TMPORTmT 7 Phone Evasstufl 1997. 51S HaraHton St. A^NXSTROM. _ SMOKING, MONOGRAM NaVBLTIES. THE NEBDLECRAFT SHOP, ; 717-711 Venetian Bldg^I ZI 15 East Washington SL, Chicago. ; m Central MIL ~ 741 Fine Arts Bldg.. Chicago. LITTLE DUTGH STUDIO. The Little Dutch Studio announces a sale of art objfiftfB at cost to make roem^of incoming novelties. May 5 to May 15. Phone Harrison 3535. THE ACME;: Scientific Massage. Electric Light and Shower Baths, Therapeutic • -. Light and Vibratory. Manicuring; HdnrS 10:0tt a. m. to T:00 p. ml Daily,, MISS M A E OLIVE R, Proi!.^ Suite 90, 39 W. Adams St., Chicago. YOUR SELECTION OF A SUIT OR COAT HERE :_ shows - marked degree ,«* distlnctlvs __.__■■ taste in the selection of "-1":..'. .- '.-.___'-'/' yourlatUre^ HAHRYBiNHORN & CO. 904 Mailers Bldg. Chicago, HIT"

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