Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1914, p. 2

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, MAY l£ 19ll C^s= =D WILMBTTE The annual luncheon given Monday by the Young Woman's Auxiliary at the, club house was as much a suc- cess as a couple of dozen young women, each In the best of spirits, could make it The large square table which i waa .placed ■ is the; club xoonv was decorated in yellow and ^rec-n, with tulips and yellow -violets. The OUt-gbing and in-coming chairmen, Mrs. Hulst and Mrs. Blake, held the positions of honor at the head :>f the table. Miss Florence Pond was toast- mistress. Clara Nourse responded to the toast, "The Officers of the Auxil- iary," with a humorous poem full of clever hits. Katherine King gave a dissertation on "T^t^a^ilind frcni the moment she aro*e and announced that she would rather make toast than 8enre;it,;!she kejrtrthe table in' poals of laughter. Miss Maude Allen re- sponded to "The Pulure of the Auxil~ iary"; with a spirited and enthusiastic appeal for co-operation ill the work of the club. After luncheon Miss Dor- othy Itae sang a number of songs. She was accompanied by Miss Louise Lloyd. Old time members who wore present were Mrs. Arthur Sogers, Mrs. Walter Clark and Mrs. Waiter H. Itt- busch (Margaret Paddock). The dinner at the Methodist church Thursday evening was the last to be given by the Ladies Aid society until next winter. There was an unusually delightful program consisting of songs Mrt.,H«i(ry L. Ptirdjr gave a surprise party in honor of her husband's birth- day anniversary in their home, 440 East Railroad avenue, .Monday eve- ning: Twenty guests enjoyed the eve- ning playing five hundred:and other games. U ,■';/'• - - .• *.-/;-l-V' -'- Mrs. Orvllle D. iones, 1615 Forest avenue, will entertain members of the Idle Hour club Saturday evening in her home. ' -• :i MrsI P. A.MeyeJr eiatertahied Several ladies at » thimble party Friday aftfer- ^yHtejTTtwo of McDowell's composi- tions prayed by Miss Almeda Lewis, and several readings by Miss Ethel Dunn, who will graduate in June from the Cumnock School of ^Oratory at Northwestern. Miss Dunn is a most avenue, Orand and Drexel boulevards, to Washington park, thence to Jack- son park and the South Shore Country there will be an immense excursion by automobiles. One will leave the Audi pleasing reader with a graceful, L^ go|ng aouth on- Michigan charming presence, and she held the attention of the audience thoroughly. In the humorous sketch, "The Lady Across the Aisle," she was rewarded With continuous ripples of laughter, and a few minutes later she brought tears to the eyes with Paul Dunbar's "Tw,0 Little Boots." Miss Dunn has undoubtedly a brilliant future in her chosen work. Announcement has been made of -the marriage of Mrs. Elizabeth E. Bowen to Mr. David Williams Stearn. Mrs. Bbwan was the widow of the late Senator Tl;o;na3 E. Bo wen of Min- nesota. Mr. Stearn held tlm -position of supervising architect during tntilan construction Of the hew Northwestern station in Chicago, and is associated with Mr. Charles S. Frost, the well- known architect. The ceremony took -place at -the residence of Mrs. Bow- men's daughter, Mrs. R. H. Palenske, 22ti Tenth street, Saturday, May 9, at 6 o'clock, the Rev. Harry B. Heald of St. Augustine's officiating. The wed- ding was a very quiet one, with only the members of the immediate family .present. Mr. and Mrs. Stearn left that evening for Minneapolis. They will -reside at CB21 S, Peoria street, Chi- cago. ---- Societies and Clubs Wilmette club women are interested in the plans Chicago is making to en- tertain the 10,000 delegates, alternates and visiting club women who will at- tend the Biennial Convention of the General Federation of Women's clubs, June 9-19. Boy scouts will assist the two hun- dred members of the transportation committee in caring for the baggage of the women as they arrive at the dif- ferent railroad stations, from which they will be conducted to the hotels by r Misses Claudia, jCoxe and._I*aiu^t©-^lch"tliey a, e assigned. Various attractive musical features by people of national reputation will brighten the hours deVotfek to* work through J TJh«LwHBa,ette .. ^heftee^ etefc was entertained Thursday by Mrs. Arthur Wilson of Waukcgan who is the guest of her "daughter, Mrs. Arthur Rogers, The Men's club held Its annual business meeting for the election of officers Tuesday evening at the Wom- an's club. A program consisting of addresses by Judge Owensrahd^thjr Rev. L. A. Convte and musical ■eiec- tlorti byj the Oriental quartet,, was gt««jnfv-^r^ r.^ r^£&4$M: l^rat' George Welterlclii ehtertauied her luncheon and hridg«/c|ub on frt day. "■ '.__._' ,.■_/, Tho third division of the Methodist church will meet hext, Thursday at thWiib^Witfrs. E. Scliultz, 1121 Lake avenue.' nesday;;jwif, tlatrons' club met Wed- WS. Orvllle Jones, mm m rri irrrj ri f tin H ******* ■■■-■ Miss Pauline Lewis has been ill this week. Mr. Richard Webber returned Sun- day from a visit to California. Mrs. Chambers, the mother of Mrs. William Struggles, is ill with pneu- monia. The three little children of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibson on Tenth street have whooping cough. Mr. Giles Harrington attended the National Marking Machine convention | mette. in Bay City, Mich., last week. Miss Edith Corette, 1300 Central ^crchssedr-.«i£-~liCR*::: **r" 213" Nli^th street and took" possession the first of the month.-, % .-. ■-,>V/,-'" /•■"■';> .v.-; Mr. aAd^M|». George^E, RedfleW and Miss Dorothy Redfield returned last week'^a ittieir hoiitte,.,Mli Lindea avenue, after spending' the winter' In Chicago. .;'".;-; .*, '/'■ :'• Mrs. Giles^ ^Harrington and j'ker daughte^^jUina, will^^^rcjaiaiP tot^the summer in Philadelphia. Mrs. Har- rington was called there last week by the illness of her mother. ■'_• William Schroeder, the sou of Mr. and Mts. CiwrSchroederV of pirk ave- nue left Wilmette last week to travel for Held, Murdock & Co. He will make his headquarters in Burlington. Iowa. Miss Harriet Trubel and Mr. Tad Wateman, of Logan Square, Chicago, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Huntsman, 211 Ninth street, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett. 124 Twelfth street, will leave May 17 for an extensive trip through the south. They expect to be gone about three Weeks. V"; Mrs. T. E. Adams (Susie Watson) and little son, Robert, of Marshall- town, la., came to Wilmette Tuesday to spend a month with her parents, Mr. and MraY James Watson, on Forest avenue. ^ Mrs'. John Begs worth returned home this week after spending a month vis- iting friends ahd relatives in the Cast Miss Anna Gilder returned with Mrs. Segsworth to spend several weeks in Wilmette. , The funeral o{ Mrs. Wm. Schildgen, who died at hpr home in Ravenswood May 5, took, place Friday. Mrs. Schild- gen is survived by her husband and two children, William and Gueneiveve. The family- formerly lived in Wil- seven days of the Convention. Then avenue, is attending the spring term at Moody institute. Mrs. W. S. Meserve of Corry, Penn., is the guest' of Mrs. Herbert B. Mul- ford, 835 Elmwood avenue. George pi Nichols; Jr^r te iir Pitts- burgh, Pa^ on a business trip. ; , Mrs, g. H. Stevens will entertain at luncheon.fa her home today, ; « Mrs. James C. Murray entertained friends at dinner Fridayf eyenlii^ j ■■* Mrs. Kerry. Meagher .will entertain at bridge Wednesday afternoon, May 20.. v. ' ..*■• . ,.•=•.' Mrs. Clarence W. Gasque entertain- ed several friends at dinner Monday night, Mrs. O. C. Owens entertained sev- eral ladies at bridge yesterday after- noon, Mrs. V. C. Sanborn entertained sev- eral ladies at bridge Tuesday after- noon. Mrs. Walker Evans lias returned from a sojourn of several weeks in At- lantic City. Mrs. Robert Erb gave a .musical Monday evening. Fifteen guests en- joyed the affair. ' Mrs. H. E. Saulkner of Davenport, la., is the guest or her sister, Mrs. Charles F. Southward. Mrs. Claude Burnham entertained several friends at an Informal dinner Tuesday evening . Mrs. V. K. Spicer of Montreal, Can- ada, is the guest of Mrs. Warren Pease'and Mrs. Edward J. Phelps. Rev; E. L. Eustls, rector of the churcb of the Holy Comforter, re- turned yesterday from Boston where he has been for a short stay. Mrs. S. Kennedy entertained at bridge and luncheon Wednesday. Mrs. Robert S. Simth and Mrs. A. E. Ven: ness were the prize winners. Mrs. P. D. Rathbone, formerly of Kenilworth, has written friends that Mr. and Mrs. Maynard have rented ) their home at 1«09 Chestnut avenue • for the summer to Mr. and Mrs. E. B. | Kitzinder of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. | Maynard. with Dr. and Mrs. Macauley I ST^SJ^J", s^y'ta Rome,'Italy. ! will spend this summer as they did ; ex %Q vi8,t pari8 the flr8t of I last year, camping on the lake shore | ' m0nth I near the foot of Chestnut avenue, j wilHnm P Hietipo will be tlub. R«urntaB. » ,1.1. will be pald,'^, ^rSSLS:"™.™- ?*Z [ %£7l?3£°~-^'l".'^..^.: honor ot Mr.. W. A. Youns of New the University of Chicago, the public playgrounds of Sherman park and Cor- nell square. Fellowship house, a spe- cial center of which Mary McDowell has been the leading spirit, and Hull house, the creation of Jane Addams. Tour B will leave the Congress hotel and visit Hull house, Mark White square, a public playground whose activities have been directed by Mrs. i Frank Jerome, Washington park, the | University of Chicago, Jackson park. | thfe SputlKShore Country club, Drexel irx". andhQrai^bouievaidB;--------------------------T^ Tour C leaves the Blackstone hotel, visiting the Juvenile Delinquent home, j Henry Booth house, a social the Foster school, where the women will learn Chicago's method of serv ! Hill, 1520 Columbus avenue, a rew with Mr amj Mrs carl Johnson of jdays last week. -Tenth street. Mrs. Hurst, who was Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Buckman, 726 | Miss Ethel-Dairympie, will be remem- Laurel avenue, leave Sunday for New bered In Wilmette. She has been en- York City. They will be gone about ' tertaining a number of her Wilmette ten days. ', friends on her Saturday at-homes. Mr. Mrs. A. G. Tillotson of Michigan!and Mrs. Hurst are residing at 4275 City, Ind., was the guest of her siKter, | Clarendon avenu<Mrs. E. M. Stafford, several days of I Some of the'out of-town guests for last week. \ the Skelton-Huhliard wedding were Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hinman of EdI-|Mrs. I. S. Glover of Harvey, 111., who son Park are making their home with j was the guest of Mrs. J. B. 01win,iand Mr. and Mrs. Rcxford Bellamy. 1050 j Mr. Leonard Ijeifihhour of Dixon. 111.. -avenue:-------~ Jajid Mr. George Disart of Madison, Joel Gates who has been the ; Wis., who were guests with Mr. and guest of her aunt, Mrs. James Wat-1 Mrs. Gemmil. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hub- and Mr. Francis" rarwe Invitations to 200 friends for an enter- tainment to be given Wednesday eve- nine May 20, at the Chapman home, center, son for a week' ,eft T«esday for her j bard of Rock Island were also guests , Cha6;ie8 R&nn Kennedy> the noted home in Superior, Mlcii. ^at the Gemmil home. York, Mrs. E. A. Gowran of Portage, Wis., and Mrs. M. L. Golf. The annual dinner for members and their families of the church of the Holy Comforter was held Wednesday evening. The affair was held in the Union churcli because workmen are busy remodeling the church of the Holy Comforter. A parish meeting of the members was held following the dinner. Mr. and Mra. James RT Chapman Have issue : Mrs, Edgar O. Blake, the chairman ol the Young Women's auxiliary, will entertain at luncheon Monday the members of her committee, Mrs. M. .H. McMilleh and Mrs. Hoyt King, and the following young women, officers ^la^tfee club": Misses Katherine King, LAlice Wheelock, Florence Pond, s Bertha Northanv, Clara Nourse, N'et- liec,Kaufman, and Margaret Hall. -Mrs. R. H. Palenske entertained in- formally at dinner Friday evening for ■her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Bowen, and Mr. David Stearn. Mr. A. L. Bowen, Who was one of the Chicago Journal's cartoonists, and Mrs. Bowen were guests from Edgewater. Mrs. H. 3, Gemmil gave an at-home Thursday afternoon from three to six in honor of Miss Marion Perkins, who Is sObn to be married to her son. Mrs; Orvllle Jones, 1615 Forest ave- mi«\ entertains at luncheon today in honor of Mrs. Elfir Rogers, the guest orMrs. A. W. Wlgglesworth._________ „. . , , •,..-.->, playwright, assisted by his wife, Edith Mrs. M. A. Smith of Park avenue ! _y°,r,d_„ha^!?.!!" JS1H? JSf^iJfl' ! Wynne Matthison. will appear in the [entertainment. Both tre favorites in i Kenilworth and a delightful affair is and Mrs. Edward Conolly of Wood- Afg Yotif Valuables Keepsakes, jewels and valuable papers should be protected from theft and fire. ' Wiy tale a chance? Seciirti the most positive kind of safety. You can have secur- ity for the things you prize and at the same time convenient access *6 them. ; : Put your Valuables in the Safe Deposit TELEPHONE WILMETTE ?6 D. 1209 WILMETTE AVENUE J. A. SHANE Real Estate, Loans, Renting and Insurance - North Shore Homes and Vacant Hes.. 753 Twelfth St., Phone 1026 Office 1128 Central Are., Phone 1079 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS ressmaking Including fancy suits and evening wraps. Corsets'made to order. Miss M. Boland Room 54, Brown Bldg. Tel. 1336 SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in 9S Cold Weather -- We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette 3- Sam's Restaurant THE BEST FOOD AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES 619 W. Railroad Ave. WILMETTE, ILL ing penny luncheons. Hull house, the left Thursday to spend a month In St. ! ana Mrs ^ara ^onouy or vvpoo- West Side Woman's clubhouse. Lin- Paul, Minn., with her son and his wife, side. Californfa; Sife the happy Parents coin park, Garfield park, with its splendid conservatory, the Cook Coun- ty hospital and Jackson boulevard. Tour D will leave the Young Worn en's Christian association. 830 Michi- gan avenue, will pass en route the Mr. and Mra. Harry Smith Mrs. Weddeis who has been the guest of her sister. Mrs. Frederick Brahm, for several weeks left for her home in New York Thursday Mr. and Mrs. [Francis Irving] F. I Jacobs left Saturday for their new home in Los Angeles, California. They leave many friends in Wilmette. I any i Hamlin park, two of the public play- grounds of the city, will cover the Lake Shore drive, passing some of Chicago's finest residences, will visit Lincoln park, Garfield park and its conservatory. Humboldt park and theimer homo in Chautauqua. New York UA...O Af rnr^inn I Mrs L K Gilson and Mrs Carl Angelas. California. They leave warm friends in Wilmette Dr and Mrs. Veach and ihcii .lau^h ters, Alice and Margaret Veacl., left lam week for their sum of a son. born on April 8. The child lis named Kd»ard Stanton. Mrs. Con- oily, who wan Miss Marguerite Wil-j | lard, was wtll known here during her' . high school .lays, being prominent Id ! girls' athletic sports and other acllv-1 j ities. She warf graduated from New J Triqr i« l:>'ti after wliicli the family | left Wilmette to reside In the west. I anticipated. House of Correction Toiir E, leaving the Stratford iiotel. will proceed along the Lake Shore drive, through Lincoln park, Humboldt park, Garfleld park, stopping for a visit at the conservatory, the Brhtv^ well, Washington rark, the Unlversliy of Chicago, Jackson park, Chicago Beach hotel and Grand boulevard Tour P will no a tour to Evanaton. over the Lake Shore drive through Lincoln Park, Sheridan road to the Northwestern University, a tour or the city of Evanston and a visit to the Evanston Woman's club. The North Shore Luncheon «.i,.». ^ entertained yentenlay by Mrs. At.hnr iiaigh at the home of her sister. Mrs. Arthur Rogers. The Central Avenue circle wiH.morft. VOUR ATTENTION j Friday with Mrs. \\r L. DeVVitt. ZVJ :._Alblr4thday surprise party was given ;Moiiday7*ve"nTiig~Ior Mr. Henry Purov. 440 East Railroad avenue, by a nuin- ber of b'ls friends. * Woodbine avenue. The French class will meet Monday at the residence of Mrs. Lyman Drake, 933 Lake avenue. jj^m^fP* jfe^^Hgfgfr jqaLgn i The monthly meeting of the Local informal dinner Wednesday evening, [ Charlty organizaUon was heid Mon- May 6f for the teachers In the Wil-jdav May 4 ftt the Woraan.8 club mette schools. . . __ V- " The H. and W. club will be enter- The members of the Tuesday club' tained next Tuesday evening at the *ere: entertained at the home of Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor iamiiT B.HSpT'irfger, 430 Hill street, | on Central avenue. •^nesday-afternoon; -- ^j^^£j^z^~x^^----i-- -, ------ --\~~~k very; attractive program is an- | -Paul T^pbanoff. XI18 {Jreertffaf ave- j nounced for the members of thq..Coun- sntertalne'd ttdfew friends at din- try club this Saturday which reads: "Guest Night, 8„p. m. 15--Big Acts --15, Count them! Bring the kids! .Admission free, * We have ordered ington avcnu^^jj^Sjijria'gfe^Pj!1 Co-Tmore chairs to take care of the crowd. «nanci club -Tueaday* afternoon, v r\ Be on-hand early and get a goodzeeat." schroeder ware delegates fron. the Wilmette Woman's club t> the Mothers' < ,,iiKre»s held in M«.lin. 111! nols, May «. ? and 8. Mt, Fraisk K at ten and Mr iiofl man, who have been traveling in i Europe during the last three inoiuns. j are expected 1. jmo the latt^i i>art of j next week Mr. and .vim iinmi>ni.•> Wu.d j Bourne formerly ot \Voodla»v.. have i ! Florence Chase PIANIST AND TEACHER. Five years' study abroad under ... i. I (•rated teachers 431 tlQHTH STREET, WltMtfTE. Tel. Wilmette 250. Golden Seal Made Clean Handled Clean Delivered Chan Ask Your Grocer or dii up Wiimbfte Baking Co. Telephone 14 9 1105 Wilmette Ave. is again called to the fact that we can malic LADIES' AND MENS SUITS at very Reasonable Prices. We also do Clearting, Pressing and Remodeling. Creasing done by the month The Up-To-Date Ladies' and Men's Tailoring 1 Electric Place Wilmette Telo).bone-2« ner Suriday^eyehlsg. • Jlrs. George I, Dletericht_i2g_ Wajh-, WORK CALLED :: :: FOR :: :: and DELIVERED Phone Wilmette 1686 We Are On the OUR Goods, Work and Prices are Right--wilh these in your favor you can- not possibly be wrong in having us fit you with that New Spring Suit We do Cleaning, Pressing, Remodeling and Repairing. Worfc Called for and Delivered George J. Eber Teiephone 18 1131 Greenleaf Ave. » WILMETTE SIPE.S Contractor 6 Builder JOBBING A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE TELEPHONE WILMETTE 1384 Res. 1302 Wilmetle Ave., Wilmette, III. FOR RENT 7 ROOM FLATS Price $18.00 and $20.00 IH Block West of Kenilworth Depot W, R. WILSON Box 72 Phone 1146 American Welding Co. (Not Inc.) ». P. CKAHAM, Mgr. All kinds of metals welded. Blotorcycles Repaired, Lawn MomersSbarpened, etc We da every thins: in Machinery Line. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE AVE. Phone Wilmette 1381 Wilmette. Illinois 2831 Washington Bduleiard, Cblcigo Wilmette Branch, Brown Bldg. Boom 23 Strictly high grade instruc- tions. Piano, violin, voice, expression, etc. C. W. Edwards. Marie ttward* Roman Girzln and others Write or call for Inlorraallon «••--- Pink and White Killarney, Richmond, My Maryland, Mrs. Taft, Mrs. Ward, per doz. for all kinds of work. Cannas. Geraniums, Salvias, Petunias, Asters, Snap Dragon, Pansies in Baskets, Roosevelt Ferns in Pots' and Basket!,. !,.-. ^ r EVERYTHING YOU NEED CUT FL This cloth covered Casket, lined with white silk, with" complete furnishings, "Only VvJ.oo. WOMESCHKIRCK EntablUhed in 1888 Tel. 1610 1225 Wilmette Ave. SB, DO YOU KNOW Tha, u wlSTEI^N CASKET 6 UNDERTAklNC CO.ciomu you icom JO to 50 pcr-cent on all Funeral Supplies? HOW CAN WE? Well *c manufacture all of our own Caskets and Supplies. That's H WE CHALLENGE a comparison of prices and Quality. Automobile service furnisher! when desired. W. H. SCOTT (who was formerly with J. L. Hebblethwaile), is financially interested in our Evanston Store and wilf Manage the same. 1007 "DAVIS STREET Phone 98 EVANSTON r KKSIDENCi; PnONK 2903 _____________;____'V' m________________________s_ Anything you wa'nf, for any occasion. DELIVERED fresh from our greenhouses, 1625 Central Ave., Wilmette. Tele- phone Wilmette 23. Work, Weddings, Estimates furnished free. Motor Delivery to Any Part of Evanston, Wilmette Kenilworth, Winnetka, Hubbard Woods, * Glencoe Successors to Telephone Wilmette 23 (>oIdi<n <mk <Iinlnir room ant. &4 Inch rouiK*. ttiblf, lOchntra. beautiful Co- lonlnl efyle bu0«t ami magnificent curvi'Mi china ctoaet. We nre orTcrlitijr tnt« wt at a-reniarknMe low es«B price of........................... Hot ■% Wo hare a aplfBtlld lino of now IIQUO wicker and cane porch furnltnro UQfO tn hinke your porch comfortable "^ * on tb«? hot day*. UV.-hv mnkliiff a uporlnl on extra heavy canvan porch.awin«ii with iidjuntuble bucks an>l felt pad*, at.'.;;....-..;:..............,___ SMITH-DUCE CO. T.I.Wllm»tW32 -ilWWIBiMtlsAM. - - account of tlie rainy weather we have exi loflhree more days, THURSDAY, FRIbAY 109^t8€ottnH6r caslron alh"got^^o#^ulRiig feuF^nual^rio^ale^^^w^ "■*SATURDAY, at^aOyrL4ittii&Kit^^&^^m^#fi^n a SMITH-DUCE CO. GEO. R. DUCE. Manager Tel. AVlImctto 32 1217 Wilmette A»«.

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