TftiS LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY. MAY *». 19M. Millinery, Hair Dressing, Manicuring, mmm 'mmm MMMrf "CREATION" SUN6 Av WaMcr AlJUsn Gtufta. WFW \wT4^npCTK W^TT "^"^r^T-^--^.-v.--: DRcity 4Mm<ivflriftflP Dean L<utkiu and >y*t* *# tmpre&i&ye rwjy#i of my&n'z evening, perfojm&nm w»» me of djs- E?e$t e&H)PQ&eF.$' U? fftskfi MfttfHStt in-~ ietUeiblG "■■<(» i&e Pfwnfftfyn ne/mie. F&tfoeF @f ifoe sond&fe #o/w ##4 <9jf tfee wmjtomy *e w#J> ft *» 4» Mat: 0w* fl)0&&Fft ffffftfiffffSfftSf tftffff^ ffWGfl U§ early. Aeyetopment, "The eremion" is the OXOSt f»OI)ili£F of tis tligraj wrte,fm4 Wft JteMte jts pteee anwrns fff(fffffxf>ft - ffffi fo agflj^e respects f##9 to arfss »»4 dw**? ere stJH ocfenou^ mlmbte, Hay&»'& naivety almpte MyUi ample/} with an unfailing torn of memte freawity are attribute* wfeteb unite to pate a §irmg appeal to tow* mmieian an4 layman.- Then, im, the mrif simplicity with which ne mote tortfw elwrm Pm4a Itself to tito e»- plwment ot \mmtorim, InpteS*?-jMfc-im-rt mmptemv of forces, an Influence which mmlc has In m way escaped, tiw tfagUng tJtitlatigroi 0' tfw» mchestmtinn of tint day at first Impress m m twins tbto a»d inadequate &»* when one m* listened !»»» ewwgft to barfe back to the (tjjjw n»4 vJewpptol o' "Pftps" a»4 Fefrp»ft(84 by ttort same sfmpjfcity. Pop (these reasons ft Appears theft the ma»»gemiepit chosp wNely J» elepthrg to jise "Tto <3re»tto»" for the ©0§# *n« worft, Fr»»Wy gtople In *»fryl© and effept, it was wbtoh the »h- rfJe»Pe cpu}4 Jean bapK and enjoy without making any great effort to foHow its eoHrse, 6hoFHS Did Spltndidiy. The huge eborug, ably aided aad fthettedfcr the Cbieago Symphony Or^ ehestra, gave apiendid aeeeunt of itself, It Jb denbtful whether any pre> yfons Festival eborns baa developed a tone of saeb sonorous beaaty, The sopranos projeeted their many telling phrases through the medium at a tone that was Impressively powerful, but ni¥i£_jQFje§£---The, tenors, though- sadly outnumbered, nevertheless gave yeoman serviae and were responsible for numerouB moments that were tonally beautiful, The altoB, as hbubI, Bang with that suavity of tone whjeh has previously ebarapterteed their ef« foris, while the basses employed a tone that was notably musleal In quality, Daanitft the enormour vo> ume of. sound1 produced the chorus was finely responsive to Bean kut' bin's baton, and the various choral numbers ~were" delivered with a pre* elslon that was as welcome as un* usual,' Especially striking fas the brilliant chorus, "The Heavens Are Telling,1' In wnteh the dean workef nis forces up to a ellma* of stunning proportions, Chorally speaking, how- ever, the surprise of the evening was HI velvety texture ef the planlsslmos that were frequently In evidence, When an organisation of such slie undertakeEi to sing, we at once eonx pede its ability to develop huge ell' mases, but are-not, as a rule, wont to expect planisslmos of^beauty, and lsst evening's performance contained sev eral such momenta for which thanks should be vouchsafed, f ht talaliti. The soloists of the evening were -mil FioHmeerBUHsrrMfWRwrt ^ hart Murphy, tefier, and Herberi Witherspoon, bass, With the «eep> 4im of Mr, Murnhy they^were ^stahL, , ^#^i^^fc^u^Hii^feartMILttfi work ^pens was finely ae ewately estabUsheo:, Throughow ihe orderc evening, with the nosaiWe exception of the aria, wlu Native We>th,,, which m«aa strong appeal, .Ma efforts were marred by ^lstre«sT«« vlhralo which at ttw« aasumeti such proportion* as tomMt'to intervaWie iaaccuraey, Wh«i he eleeted to slag without fordnt Ms work was^ettgMfaVJ* M: u , i&mmMfi£:-fr*d£MM us aanepta, ^aa^Mch ** ho phrased Hundreda of Pooplo trowaea ^M*Att««My and sang with a keea ap- - - .. * m £«t&.i ->^m ureelattoft e^the^ft««rtBtoLtbeitext, --"^MfiaTWalieTaasi ^l^bir wm\* totsM iwrtty <m4 suavity af tone, whteitf^e^rleT^toje^^trp^ 1 e*«oaa a? W«* WMkF«««ie> :w*e»er «h M&foM of the SHaa^n Trust »« ^ wwi yp»M »• aeawTO aattiKU» had *M Ate aawaraae* a* * ceaa with the wMw* «« *™** ?*2 '5 fr^^ ttJ rtleMa *** om^% ^wOag *w effort* sw^^SS.^ the W.H.MOSHIERCO. We wkh to announce that we are mak- ing special prices on all made-to-order tailored Dresses andSuits, made[up\in the very latest and most exclusive wash materials. These garments are especially suitable tor traveling and the seaside* We are also giving specialprices on Sfflt Suits and Dresses, made in the latest authentic fabrics, imported direct from Paris, "•■"* '* ; : /;?;v-^; A visit will be greatly appreciated, mm SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO &■■■■ ■' Gowns, Studios. Shirt Waists, Tailor Made Suits, Sitverwar MME JULIETTE mikes smart gowns for all occasions at v jBodcfate prices. Also gowns made on short notice '. and •'■■ high class remodeling ONLY ONE FITTING REQUIRED fe22 Michigan Ave. JU^nlS^L Telephone Wabash 6614 C^i^irillNlTIES iO SECUbI tHE BEST IN MANY LINES ^ RE^NABLE €^ We wish to announceifeopeningof THE CRICKET TEA ROOM No, 9 Arcade, Barnheltel Bldg, ^ i 6UM22 So. Michigan Ave, Everything served is strictly borne pre- pared. You will noj be able to obtain elsewhere such good Teas and Coffees luncheon 11 a.m. to B p.m. Afternoon Tea 2 ';_i.:_r:Li.._-_!__:. *#«•»'.■ ,ff. ■"!*:« <■ • .?"»"«- ■* S»'T*» »«»,*» ««/fcK C, WALTHUR mumP.WAZM Arcade Shop Manlcurist^Hair Dressing 6188. Michigan Ave* T*l> Wabash 4973 CHICAGO THE lipNHEISEL BUltpNG 6te.62| MICHIGAN AVENUI, SOUTH SUITE 1012 PHONE WABASH 3774 ^ Paulson, Hansen 4^ Go, Branch Office Now Open at 613 Dlvcrsey Parkway HGHieAGO Td. Wibash SlflS • ; ^HPHONE WABASH W2 S.A.NAHIN INC. IMPORTER, WOMEN'S TAILOR SIXTH FLOOR 1 CHICAGO ptronooHB opera season and hia volae BonndotJ Urea and worn. Evidently ne lifis been resting slnco (he elose of the Metropolitan season, for Monday eve his voiee wns In superb eondltion and he sang with that vitality of tone and ooneept wbieh has for years dig- tinguished his worH. He is a master of the oratorio stylo, Barring an oe< easiona) vowel distortion his diction may wall serve bb a model, and the facility with which be colors hia voice to meet the passing mood ia moat unusual, Notwithstanding the fact that his voice hai never been con* spieuous because of its innate beauty, there were moments when it assumed quality that gave supreme delight, This was notably so in the "Hoftly Purling Brooks," which waa delivered with a tonal smootbnoss and beauty thai immensely hoiBbt: eped ^jberisiteet of the teitr jffbr handling of th© "ftlnuous Worm" waa another moment that Justly made strong appeal, Thar orchestral, though wearied from Herbert an arduous season of travel* played with Evident care, The reading of the curious representation^ of chaos with NEW BANK LIKE A SOCIAL lato New Institution to Congratulate Officers, «^: itcjaLi *a » tfc¥»etrTfrwr of the guests were friends who had come to express their congratulations the great' proportion; of them Ware pooplo who bad come to do business, The building was very attractively decorated for the opening, Across the great plate glass window was a huge American flag, Within, the building was beautifully decorated with floral tributes sent Jy admiring mercbanta and friends, The pew bang wa» the chief! subject of conversation among the south end residents and everyone seemed to take a personal pride In the opening* or the new Institution. J The officers and clerical staff were rushed with business from early mem to late at nignt, during the day Ml sayings, pecounta were opened, which fap exceeded the fondest hopes of the _ officers oml directors, Other business OlTIIATinilO .lilAIITCn la said to novo been In proportion to 5IIUAIIUN5 WANitU that done in the savings department, '• i....... .1 ii n_ AVENUE HOUSE SALE IS CONFIRMED TODAY \mmmmmmmmmmnm. DeedofSile Made by Glydf 0,Fo8t«rofQu)nltn&Tyton flrnrtrftteK Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE WILMPTTE, W40 Wist Adi in the Lake Shore Nawi ire csifged it the following ntei . Reil Estite ClasHfJcations, 7 Scents per line. AH Other Classifications, ft cents per Miaimsm Price. IS ceatiV No advertisement charged for less than 25 cent*. WANTRO-rYOUNQWm>, f° HK,^P with home ,wort jdt^rtpg vacation months, wilmotto 78R-J, nai oak. woedVav. A * < auw.lto by ■ I at class Jaundresat West r«fer« enoes,' Phew Wllmette 983-N, ..:-,-.=%;.v..:*:.^ .;.-:■.;. ^"^z::r:'.: ~ -39W-ltP mahriku cqupuw wants rosiv tton as cook or general houfloworb, and av. houseman- l'hono-112-J Call »4a Sherman KvniiHton. 28\y>atp about nine mouths at-about bait. , Cfociltnn outside player with "r.o roiiH, lan.ocr. ::W £ x> Rosy payments, Patterson nros„ J 528 Shorman-ov., Hvanston. 20wtto FOR SAUR-USKDTitRWfNO- MA; 9 ohino taken In trader on oUiLJiew- l»l«lrgriido SlhgeftivitiwUi way ?eu Jto jeo this new Singer before buy. lag." ..- ■••■'--■' ':'■; ; Oomestlo ..,,;.,.....iVu-^vi^itMu ataidard-Ti......•>»«'"■«»• ■ ^HM>e Wheeler-*- Wilson^r,-tffrzrrnrr-^M- Singer Prophead ,.. V..", v. WhRe, almost now .,i..,. Wilcox A Olbbn WW aRNT^pURNISHBO VBOOat modern; bungalow, botb,: :«as and oleqtrlc, large sleeping porch.-"Prom June 1, during summer. Address, Moi; 41,rWlnnetka, 111., oir phono Wlnnetka 7H5. ■> POR_^BNT^PlJRN18HRr> STUCCO 7 home for summer raon^a^aejren rooioa; dining ana sleeping porcbas, ' iilfo lawn and shade trees; reason. able. I0M Llndun-av. 39W4to 817 KRUJSIR^T.; RIGHT ROOMS, hot water beat, hardwood floors, lot _48ri2&^riceUf-sol4^u^ Qeo, It. Criiln, sir, oninigo-iiv. . aaw-tf .STOKAQH -- 1RRUALH PIRRPROOP Conflrmatlon of the sale of the Ave ope House, Rvanston, to W,», Murdook waamade Mondaj' by Wing of deed from tbertr»atee*r Edward R, Quintan, Ciiarlea S« Qutalaa and Ruth «. Ojsl^ Um», a; nominal coaalderattoii Is MAM tu the deed* Mr,-Mw^ajUpW: that be ha» «o Immediate plana for the (Nvetapraeatr^er the prejwrty. Clyde U Poetw ;WWt Q«W»» -^ff* rppwaentpa tb* men and JWaHer Wilson of Murdoch;, ^amea * €J«mf»e ^fc UARKIN IMPROVl^ J-itiSB Mm I** l*rWa, wfca ©t PROPRSSlONAh NMIRRR TO (WRK L for invalid Infant, or would caro for elderly' eouple; weuJkt leave olty; doetara' and othor good reference*. ^Jul!-iftig N,: Wearbernat »'h»ne Superior jtW. Chicago, III, Upd BOARD AND ROOM 1554 ASHITHY AVE.. THR AHlH'UY, ROOMS WIWUR OR RN SWTR, R^CRU.RNT lUISINE. PHONR aaaa, mus. p. c, dirprnoorf. law-a =4M^^UPRiqttT--~ PtANtiS, taken In trade, no our new plaoos »**^fcy*r»r^--"^ •■■■d. PWd >44.......,.■.....v.......WW r 18.00 . 1-M'ii Above maeblneir anaTanto*tf one to | \VAN!TEO-110iiRBa^ldrtA¥R^T3 live years; pattenwiF>4iroa,r|53S 8berman.av,, Rvanston, „_ 8»w-lto POr rSAI^K^RWTRHlNlpUftNOBR aide lolng too lb, whlto enamel ice - hoses; crJJnary price, V&\ ear ^irtce, |a0. Smlth-Ouee Col, 181T i WtlmettfrttT, Open ovonlnga, tf FOR SAUE-3 SUBOIVISIONS. .■/' \"-|ClipyWe^ovw,-":-'" \VlluH»tte avenue w of r.troct, McOametaVWoods. Qregory avenue w^c* ittb atraeti 50x171. ?,.,v.,,,...,..*,,,,,tPpO Iaal*Re7^tr«e^w^ifil Htfc idreet, 50«tT4 ,,,.„,.,.,.,.,.,.,.v,,|«8« :'~~-----:«i T, P«t|t> OWabmr t Rlmwoed avenue w of lain street _ -' Warehouse, Packing, Moving, Snip- ping. 17214738 RensonHiv., Phone !ir,r,, Rvaiiaton, 111, 21W French. German, Italian and Spanish Language Oat fin Whtn vu« wtnt a Mach(n0 or ffttorifi, taO WmntlH 69SW,ar nHrttJSQt* JUKI I.LI0M.25 Iu» lilt tm* f c» YOU HEED A JEWELS ft YOti If WILL FIND EdwardKlrchberi A Dependable Merchant in --BiiiHts, wittitt ui fin Jm«r- 104 NO, StAtC ST. Iise*«#a Om Boor North •/ Wathinglon Strut SUsrHiHe^ IM* MtilHm »w* .WiiUlMMiii,::: CHICAGO. ILL. Pttfular Prtaa l\e«u«r«M itM-KHieaiao' »urTbitur v. cu«h eustomera for 17.000 to |fS0? houses, Mlaa King. Wllmette 815, FOR 3ALE 4t V A W -•■TOH-H OM R • :.;.■, ;«;.------LI---- --------I^ShaCaftr*" k>±jjij|iiattaibam. ' ■•■•■sEl^iWPt^aV ■--"---- : Cs?5« Saaasssa ^J~ i i vn*lutm m%a v~ 8*wm# fl|g; ttW-tf ^ Tin Chlugo llllla Thilw; nil) street w of MU«, 50al71.,,„t80a f W?m&nmm* !%• Art* Wlltri UHEDDA GABLER" m Mat». Thwtm. wl B»t..MS-» mm mm mu union- EdE8imre mmn mti nrONIC Tt««tai«it* tf* * provided alio for tbow who art sot UI. imMOt90smm%\M