Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1914, p. 6

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THE LAKE SHORE NEMTS, THURSDAY, MAY 88, 1914. ;■......I.............Ill ftllihlf II V Noithweaterfi aophomore hop ■' will take place on Friday evening: Jane 5. Mr. Theodore W. Chaffee. 250 Hani- eon atreet, la at French Lick Springs, lttd. ;'■:-- '.«•-"»* •■;•' Tbe asaar club met Monday at the !mp«b* of M~ Jasaea Lyman, 13SS Ma- ple avenue. --■■----= Mr, James A. Peabody, 2512 Hartzell street, ia In New York on a business trip tklUi ve^t> "the high school "junior prom" will take place Friday evening, June 19, at '-&&■■ Country club.■"■.'".' Mr. Hubert C. Hlls, 2016 Harrison street left Monday for' Cincinnati for;:«v abort business trip. /-•-•-- Miss Grace McElwain of Kenosha, Wis, la the guest of Miss Bertha Moore, 2406 Prairie avenue. . Mr. Norman Ellis. 818 Colfax street, returned Sunday from New Orleans, where he spent three weeks. Dr. and Mrs. William R. Parkes, 1428 Maple avenue, will sail June 9 for a two months' trip in Europe. Mrs. Lyman E. Cooley, 2010 Sher- I man avenue, returned last week from Toledo, where aha visited, her son. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Montgomery, 1130 Judson avenue, entertained last Friday evening at dinner and bridge. Miss Dorothy Haskins of Chicago «u the suest of Miss Carolyn Dawes at the Evanston Country club lunch eon Tuesday. "■' i; Mr» Eugene L. Spearman. 1612 Wes- '.ley. 'avenue,„-'Jreturps to this city Tuesday after an absence of five months in Europe. ,.,-^~'- :. -.: '~--1 Mrs. John Anderson. 2505 Hartray avenue, baa returned from a abort visit with her daughter, Gladys, who is attending school. Mr. F. & Buhre, 8*47 Prairie ave- Miss Kathcrine Morse. 1019 Mich 1-J Mrs. Harry Ives Robinson and two gan avenue, in spending three weeks j children. 1122 Michigan avenue. re> J»J*9K..V*e*.-- i'."sv-.' ......ItJ^eS *s^ .wsci Ka. Bert L. Sbephard. 1121 Hinman I where they spent two months with avenue, returns? Sats^day from St.] Mrs. Robinson's mother. Mrs. Hill, Luke's hospital. **»« a!** returned with them. Mrs. Harold Griswoiu, 1232 Ridge I Dr. John Hv Boyd of PorUand. Ore avenue, entertained Monday for Miss j and a former pastor of the First Pres- Adrienne Tracey. :'„> byterlan church, preached at that Mr. and lira. Thomas Crelgh, 872 church Sunday} During bis stay in Sheridan road, annoonee the birth oil ibis city Dr. Boyd is the guest of Mr. a son, Thursday;May th,■*"'■*■ \^r «n4 ii^-J^^.ILMvfi^-^^'-p^ Miss Shoemaker of Sandusky. O^ to ^^^^^ _t# _ ^J^^ the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Shoe- Mias M«dred^urrltt;*^£y*J; iiii*er,S«»Baii^hidreet \*** of ^a^d Mrs. Nathaniel^ 1 Jones, 1639 Hinman avenue, will be married to AlVUh L. Miller-of-'Pasa- deaa. Cal, on Monday. June, 11. at the First Methodist Episcopal church. The BOYS ton, is very 1U af the, aerman-Ameri can hospital in Chicago. : MrSikJohn^Burchmore of Wash- ington, pi. c:, has arrived Jpr ah ln- deflnite visit with her son, Mr. John 8. Burchmore, 2407 Harrison street. The Rev. Harry F. Ward. 2512 Park place, secretary of social service of the Methodist church. Is Wiihg a ten days' lecturing engagement in Pes Moines, 'Iowa. -' ■■ ■.•....,..->■.------- i| Miss Louise Nichols, daughter of Prof, and Mrs. ■ -'FVW. Nichols, 839 Jud- son avnteue;.-.wiltletofafronrTuscolar III., where she has been, teaching, on ~3iPrlday. "" "•',<"■„• \ Miss Rena vBabcock^ot Chicago is gpcuuiiiB •oVero»"'ttay» ifi~thi» City^*8 the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Banks, 1204 Sheridan road, during the music festival. "-■-,-.'■ -■• '-•-.'.....■-*-■ - V. Ail members of Evanston lodge No. 673, I. 0- 0. P., are requested to meet at the hall to participate in the Memo- rial day parajfev at 9;30 Saturday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Le Roy Jenks. 814 Colfax Btreet. announce the birth of a son on Tuesday, May 19. "■ Mra7^BJu^~3E^Peiis1onir cago avenue, has as her guest Mrs. Joseph Rawson of Cincinnati. • ■ Mrs. Edgar S. Nethereut, 706 Michi- gan avenue, entertained the "500" club at dinner last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crlbb. 2036 Maple avenue, spent Sunday in ragin. 111., as the guests of Mr; and MrsfSchnTL Mr. James Malone of Colorado is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roberts, 2203 Central street, for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Phillips and family, 227 Dempster street, have gone to Sodus, Mich., for the summer. Mr. Edwin Bynner of New; York, who has been visiting relatives In this city for several days, returned to his home.' . '.,' ' Mrs. Harry James Coon of Rocky Ford, Colo., is visiting her parents, Blr. and Mrs. A. H. Chllds, 1563 Oak avenue, Mrs. John Pynchon, 1731 Wesley avenue, la convalescing at the Evans- ton hospital after ah operation for ap- pendicitis.. Mrs. Perry L. Landls, 931 Judson avenue, will entertain at a kitchen shower for Miss Gladys Burns on Fri- day, June 5. Mrs. Perry L. Landls, 931 Judson Rev. Timothy Prescott Frost will per form the ceremony. A sister of the bride, Mrs. Chauncey Goodrich Hobart, will be matron of honor and Miss Emma Hall cf CrawfordsvIHs, Ind.. Will be maid of honor. The brides- maids will be Miss Lucy Bowen of Logan, 0„ and Miss Lucy Williams ot this city. Charles B. Harrison will serve as best man, and the ushers will bo Albert Stump of Bloomlngton.Ind and Ralph Boggess of Milwaukee. The young couple will llye;in Bloomlngton, Ind, for a year after their marriage and fiien they expect-to-go-to a for- eign nrissiohary Held. TEETH ARE CAUGHT Lads Who-Rubbed Domestic Science Training School of Goodies Caught by Sleuth, WELL-KNOWN ATHLETE D BY George W. Randlev/ Member of Famous Crescent Five, Passed Away* Saturday* Detective Sergeant Arthur John- ston of Evanston is thought by at least ■ ■ six boys In that - city to be " the greatest sleuth via the world. The/'hare reason so to be- lieve, for he tracked them' and has brought from one of their number a complete confession of how'the '.'gang" broke Into the school of domestic science, adjoining the Haven school, Church street and Sherman avenue, after the annual exhibit of cakes, pies and breadstuffs, made by giria tat the cooking classes, Thursday night, and stole the edibles. "The food-stuffs looked very attractive to u^ «o; we broke down the rear dro'i^itsfc every- one had gone from the exhibit, and then had a feast. They were good." So said one of the six to the detective Saturday.::/^";" '..:X^'4-h~^ The boys, three white and three col- ored, ranged in ages from 14 to 19 years. They were turned over to MIso Juno Wood, probation officer. AUT0?f10B!LE ACCIDENT FAM TO EVANSTONfAN EVANSTON 620 D«vis Street Tab. 3414, 2415. 3416 WILMETTE Central Ave. 612th St. Tels.Sie,31!#5!3 TOST QUALITY GOODS. GOOD SERVICE. *AHV PtUC*S avenue, la convalescing at the Evaaa- nue, an old resident of North EvansMdmwer for Miss Gladys Burns on FrI day, June 5. Mrs. J. A. McCleod, formerly of this city, who has been visiting in this city for several weeks, has returned tober home in Toronto, Gan. Miss Manly and her nephew, Wil- liam- Dyar, have returned to their home in Canada, after a vifit with Miss Dyarnf this city. - - nt Miss. Lois Poole of Black Lake, Mich.,' arrived Monday In this city, where she will visit Miss Bdna Ritten- house, 1109 Grove street. - BlfsrArDrMortenBOff and three chil- dren, 2400 Harrison street, have re- turned from a ten days' visit with relatives at Round Lake, 111. ^Mrrirau"Mrs. Harry :w.T3eyers and Miss Gladys Beyers, 1017 Ridge ave- nue, have returned--from California, Where tbey .Spent 'several months. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bruce of St. John. New Brunswick, Can., formerly of Evanston, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vail!. 2402 Pioneer road. Mr. Sidney Foote, who has been vls- Misa Josephine Mahony of 1023'itlng i,ia parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Simpson street entertained at her home Monday S™ in honor of Miss Mary Jan?, whb will Jeave lor the east in a few days. Miss Ada Aker/812 Wesley avenue, is visiting her sister. Miss Ruth Aker. at De Kaltt, 1)1. Miss Ruth Aker Is a student In the Northern Illinois State Normal school (u be Kftlh. The last meeting of Jhe: Visitation B. Foote. 820 Hamlin street, returned last week to Mis ' home in Denver, Colo. Mr. Livingston Houston, 1143 Hin- man avenue, arrived home Sunday from Mobile. Ala., for a two weeks' visit with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Houston. Mr. W. L. Steele, 715 Michigan ave- George William Rand lev, age 2? years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Randlev, 1011 Maple avenue, Evanston, died Saturday night in the Fresh Air hospital at Howard street and West- ern avenue, where he had been since February. « George Randlev was born In Evans- ton March 28, 1887. He had always lived here. He went through Central school, Main street and Elm wood ave- nue, and entered the Evanston Town- ship High school, where he studied for1 two years. Then he entered a business career. He was vice-presi- dent of the Manufacturing Sales Syn- dicate In Chicago. In 1006-07, as a member of the famous Crescent Five of Evanston, he toured the country and played- In t important games of L^ y ihe^Bn^Sp^ andi^h^Bjtefii the tour. He is the second- member of this famous quintet to be claimed by death, Charles Young, a teammate, having died ilve years ago. He also played on the Evanston Y. M. C. A. five. Besides his parents, the young man leaves two sisters, Misses Helen and Margaret, both living at home, and three brothers, John Randlev of Rogers Park, Frank Randlev of San- tiago, Cal., and Paul Randlev, who lives at the family home. PUPILS GIVE RECITAL. A Joint recital was given by pupili of Lorette Coffleld Clarke, instructor in elocution and dramatic art, Sat- urday afternoon at the studio, 120 Woodbine avenue: -TbeT>rogram was very entertaining and was thoroughly enjoyed by the parents and friends of the pupils. Recitations were given by ^_ Jiue^Jeft Sunday on a business trip Alumnae auxiliary will be held tomor- (t0 R|yer Pa„8 w,8 and Duiuth, Mrs. row;; May 28, at the Evanston Worn- stee|e hl8 mother, will return to this en's club. Mrs. Frank Corby wil1 S city with blm. it^&^fe^s^ 3T' oti[Masters Richard* Callahan and Lyle Mrs, Tenny And ^cr^aughter. who SalJna Cruz MeJ[,co announce the Moore and Misses Murial Bisbee. Mar- have been Vlslt|ng Mrs. Andrew wooo-, b|rth f daughter on AprU 20. Mr. t fl Cotherlne Smurr and Edith man. llliTHinman avepue. returned ^^^ |fl ^ 80n of Mr and Mr8 « McNab of 1206 Elm wood avenue. The next meeting of the vVestmln- ster guild of the First Presbyterian church will be held at the home of Mrs. C. D. B. Howell, 330 Greenwood boulevard, on noxt Tuesday. June 2. Prof, and Mrs. Norman Dwight Har- ris, 1134 Forest avenue, left Saturday for an extended trip In Europe. They fo 'their: hoine in ebeJsear-Mass, HMod- uay after a short vIbH in this city. 'fJ; 'Mr. and Mrsv>Howard Jones have returned from their wedding trip and are staying at 2204 Grrlngton ovenuo for the present- Mrs. Jones was Miss Hayden ef Pprtland, Ore, a bride or this month. The annual ladles' luncheon and ^Ii|ge;7-"woa--"-iilviiii Tuesday at the Evanston Country club. The guest of honor was Mrs. Howard FINED FOR ACCIDENT. A chauffeur giving the name of John Smith of Chicago, was fined $10 and costs by Police Magistrate Carl- ton Prouty In Winnetka Saturday after a trial In which he was charged with speeding. While driving south- bound "in Green Bay road In Glencoe last week. Smith collided with an electric car driven-by A. J. Wash- ington, also of Chicago. The accl- BSt for the luncheon, which was fol- |e|„ 0f Chicago, which will take placement was caused, it was alleged, by will visit In St. Petersburgi Moscow and other places of interest in Russia. Miss Gertrude Roberts, 235 Oreen- Hoyt, who ha| just ^returned after an wood boulevard, will serve as maid of absence of Beverai months in the (honor at the wedding of MIsb Frances Orient. There were forty-four tables McWhinney and Mr. Raymond E. Dan ' ._.. m___.^_ «.i_^.i____!_ ...i.i„i. ..,„„ t^ljs . . . _. . r . . . ... . ._ _.____ and Ruth Moore. A play will be pre- sented at the next recital to be givnn by the youthful pupils. The classes will be resumed in September. lowed by pivot bridge. ^ Mrs; C. W. Rlttahhbuse of 1103 Grove Street announces the engage ment of her dau|bTer, Edna, to How- ard Van Under en Tracy, son of Mr. on June 13. Miss Nora Butler, who has been traveling In Europe for several months with Mrs. Ernont Hamill and Miss Eleanor Hamill of Chicago, will retnrn Smith's carelessness. Herbert F. An tunes Piano tuner and Repairer 1925 Sherman Ave., Evanston Telephones EvnnBtbn 3475-J Slid"449 Griswold for Miss Adrlenne Tracy, two daughters, Lois and Antoinette, omei,j Tuner for Kortliwestcm School of Mu»i« and Mrs; Howard Tracy of 1553 Oak (to her home at 1655 Ridge avenue on avenue. The announcement was made .Wednesday. at a luncheon given by Mrs. Harold) Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wilder and -,whp^iU-he-n^ride^pfUbe^ummeiv-^ The pupils of the School of Oratory £211--Hinman avenue, -will leave- on Thursday, June 4, for Montreal, where presented theft annual May fete Tues- they will sail on the 6th forv England, day In the Northwestern uulver-They expect to spend the summer in -, sitf gymnasium, ^ before a delighted , the British Isles. -^^nhdtence.-G¥er-one hundred and-ilftyj j^ttUe William Qllmore, 1016 Leo ^ jpi»den*# foo^ part in the pantomime P«r^t- celebrated his -third--Mh And dance, which was entitled "A by entertaining a number of his May Day Bream/V by Miss Emma friends at a birthday party on Satur- Behl. and given under the able tute- aay afternoon. His young guests were lage of Miss Laura Lee. The opening Mllllcent KelBey. Jane Hanchett. Free- scehe showed a group of peasants man Srniih^ Betty Lelsenring^rWilhelr gathering to sing and dance on the mjna White,, Alvln and BuddleWeln- f green, the day before the May Queen forg. Cecelia Candee. Hempstead was to be chosen. An old witch ap- Lyons, Ernest Lyons, Jr., Glenn Bil- V -ipsears^ Side, AH the dancers Ignore her ex-J on Tuesday the pupils"ef the cept one named Rosebud. In scene visitation academy gave a demonstra- -4wo Hosebud-slts alone^weaving gar- ^on of gyimhasllc dancing. The flrsJL --lands^Hlo*e*s,^nd^teMheHianeer8i^&^Tl^pro was~the Entrance leave, she fins aslesp, te dream that March, followed" by a dumbbell drill she is cboslii Queen Qt the May. In Dy the seniors, a minuet danced by, .the next scene the p.rinee appears and tlie primary class, and an Indian club Rosebud is chosen queen. In scene'drill by the pupils of the Intermediate i five Bosebnd la crowned, attended by class. Mfss MhrU>n Seng will give a court of fairies andlall the jeasants.^ty^ gpio dances, a valse brilliant and -Miss Butt -I^skierMook-tlie-^le-ot and Miss ■';_- Roeebad. There ware a number of Anita Comfort will gfv«> a„- nighHln- solo dances and chorus dances that gale dance. The closing numbers will were thoroughly enjoyed by those in be a Swedish weaving dance, a high- ?■• -fh" iii*«'««^ T^-^?'-?Bl<*^jaf**~<r<>r,^*4,>'1--sosettische jaad- a; May ^psUs pished by Morgan's orchestra, 'fance. Typewriters S6ld_bn Easy^Paymshts For Rention Easylerms jiilMakes jieuLand^rebuilj Some Special Good Fantalns Full Line Typewriter Supplies H. E. GHAi 83G-632 D.vis St. Evanston James A. Bingham, a retired cloth- ing merchant; who had lived at the Greenwood-Inn,: Hinman avenue and uiceriAvood bouievaru, mvanston, for two years, and-Wbn was struck by an automobile May 14 at Adams street and La Salle street, died Sunday at the Washington iioutevard hospital, tha result of-vlnjuries ho sustained. Mr. Bingham was €7 years old. C. E. Bledermann, wholesale coffee dealer, who was driving the auto that struck the Evahstonlan, was a witness at the coroner's inquest, which was held at Jordan's morgue In Chicago Monday. According to one report Mr. Bingham stepped from behind pile auto in front of the Bledermann ma- chine and was run down. One leg was broken, SJiia body ^was--badiy; bruised and he was taken to the Washington Boulevard hospital. He was on his way from the. Union League club, of which he was a mem SPECIAL Sale, May 25th to -0^===^=*Iue^S IN FORCE ON]TttESE DAYS ONI-T SllOAlM-Granulated/ Eastern. i«Cane. 10 lbs. 47c Canary C Light *rpwnyl Lb^.Vr.---------:J^c *■ cdntectlohersv 4jc. Lb;.&*».%,.• rv••• -•••*«« Oriole. Icing. 1 lb. pl)«vv.»...rr.v..".."--i?f Crystal Domino. 5 lb: pkg....f.v...........J« Crystal Domino. 2 lb. pkg. (% slsp pieces)..20c Non-caking Powdered.- fi Jbi pkgiV#i> ?»■••• •-**" SOAP--American Pamtty. Jas. & Kirk: & Co/s. CG bars in box.... .*M0 10 bars v*. ...V47C V.9C ..9c ..9c . .0c .23c .20C Paimolive. Toilet Cake.. Jap Rose. Toilet. Cake..... Juvenile. Toilet Cake...... 1 Oliveilo. Toilet Cake;..... Cutlcura. Toilet Cake...... Packer's Tar. Toilet Cake. CREMO. -- Butterlne. Churned~by~ BlantoF -"E" Co. of StTLouis: Composed of the most ^Whole- some products, oleoi neutral and cream. Lb. .20c OLIVE OIL--Antohlnl. Has a right to Its rep- utation. Pleases everyone. :■. .^...'-'___ „. 1 gal. Can. .T777t33»--jMtg^tF^BrT^nTVlT^f^ ~7_^*Tp[t^can.T...*f 1.7& Medium bottle . % gat-can^^ri... .>«5e Small bptth?' w;.. GINGER ALE--Root Beer and Birch Beer Chippewa. Made with pure spring water and all ttiher ingredients of the best. Qtsi Dos.. .f 1.15 ; 24c doz. rebate for bottles. M? " ' „ Pints. TJoZ.,....i..i^^*.r..».-H?>-----V'75<V 12c doz. rebate for bottles. '^ GINGER ALE --Cantrell & Cochrane. Imported .42e 27c GRAPE FRUIT--^ Florida.- Very toe, heavy Juicy fruit 46 sisei - Verylarge. Each..............;..»« Doz. ..i..»>•:......*1.0o 80slze.Ehch.^..;vi7^:Dpz. .,.;...,.......80c NAYEL ORANGES-- California. This is real- ly the most satisfactory fruit op the market today. 200 size; Doz....i.30c1 170 size. Doz. ....;$5c 150 size. Doz......40c 12G size. Doz.......46c LEMONS--200 size. Dcz...................20c CRACKERS -National Biscuit Co. Uneeda Biscuit, ft.pkgs.,...>;...............25c Saltines. 2 pkgs. ..........................25e Saratoga-Fhtges. 2 pkgs. ................. .28c All 10c packages;.„. 3 pkgs..._.....,,;,.,...,25c 20 different kinds of crackers. --Lady Fihgbra. Lb.... Dos. .$1.60 railroad station at Canal street to board a' train far this city. Mr. Bingham":was a widower. He is survived by p{0 daughters, SEND COPIES O^THE NEWS TO YOUR FRIENDSJ»#T OF THE CITY *»#**' ..20c ..25c Mop, ..98c ..40c: _ ir«SrE;:'JU«CB--' Meier's Conc-drdi Quart..v.i ........*mc Pint Meier's Catawba. '11 '■:■.... Quarti"..r..'........-i48c -Pint ./;...... JAEGER'S OIL MOP- t . Triangle shape, so it wiirgo Into comers. "handle; and pint can of cedar oil for----- . The oil alone sells for 35c a can. * BROOMS--Carpet No. 1. 46c quality.. Cottage. 50c qual..4Sc Imperial. ^Oc qual..45c CAN|>LES^= Wax. Any coloTTviox....... 22c-- 8 or 12 in box. *f| „ . i_ ^itoctlc. Long and short 12 nr S$i1n box.... 15c NUTS -- Almonds. Jordan. Shelled. Lb.... 58c v Pecans. Shelled. Lb.........>k£........ .52c English WalhutaC Shelled. Lb.^m*........45c Jumbo Salted Peanuts. Lb...,»,^-....^.r-35c 7TT Mixed Nuts. Almonds. English Walnuts, Pecans, - Filberts and Brazils. Lb........~m • • • • «;• - • • >|Pf Pecans. Jumbo Papershell. 1 lb.;Jar........ ,60c, COCOANUT --Oriole. ShreddeM U „,_ JAM--Pure FtuU; % lb. Jar. ~Coxp#wed of sugar, W fruit and apple juice, .... . ; Jar................Mc Doz. ..;,..........W^O. MATCHES--Safe Home. Non-ppispnous. Treat- ed so the embers will not fajl after the stickjs ^borhed. Pkg...................;.;,,.........20c Vanilla Wafersr Lb.------...... *;.t^...;.;.. .22c Lorna Doohe. Lb.-................^....•....-..20c Bunty Shortbread. Lb.......'.......,• • • •>• • .26c Sea Foam. Lb................,...'.'........, .26c Chocolate Puffs. Lb.•.....v*..»..■_..........,.20c Marsbmaltawtpecans. Lbr.......v..........?2c Leap .Year Jumbles. Lb...... *.......>>... .,25c -. Ravena Jumbles. Lb................./......15c WHOLE WHEAT CRISP1ES- ^T A very delicate crisp whole wheat cracker. . . . Pkg. ..... ^. .Y< .>. /.. .;i..'..... V..,,....v... ,25c SALMON--Richelieu. No. 1 flat can. Salmon Steak. Can..-----..23c. Doz. ;i;.^^.;*.,iii,f2>70 Richelieu. No. % flat can. Salmon Steak. Can....;......... ^.14c Doz. i"^..; i :.;;.^;>f1.65 Yacht Club No. l talt can. Alaska Salmon.7 Can.-i.'*'...:..• • • • • ...I*?., Doz. '•■..*.'.;/:• if,-•!•• «*1JB5 SARDINES -- Imported: Superior quality and reasonable In price, . . Boneless and SfcInlesSi.r % ^ can.-.-* i Boneless. % S can.....-......f. i.. • • With-Bones. . % S can.....*....... With Bones. % Scan............... Norwegian Smoked. % S cap....... CATSUP --White Horse. IS oz. bot CHEESE -- New York. Full cream years old. Snappy. Lb.. --^Wisconsin. Brick. Lb.... Roquefort Lb.... ............ ___Imported Sweitzer. LIk^. Edams; Large. Each.... Cottage. Pkg. McLaren's 25c size....... McLaren's l^Oc size....... Delicious. Cream. Jar.... Delicious Pimento. Jar.. Delicious iCIub. Jar...... Dti ?Lac Tic. Cake........ FINNAN HADDIE-Regalia r^viV.280 rivivVdSe ...V..^a>c ...:.12»/a^ .......100 Over two ..^.....iv....v1:.28c .........^...v....1»C ,.\..........;.♦...38c: ....;.......... i.w70c . .-.*»... .•..;■'►: »-r.'.vi10e- .;.i'.-..i:...>i.:v.-..;.22c; ............ i.^W.fic K-.^!^»v.-;.-.-»w.;*v;itfc- ......;..,,...,....18? ..........,...>.^.l6p ........... ;..V.;,v1§ In glass....27c niauiiiia. ^T7^v^.746pr pge. CSJnyES^™^taa3olph. Qt can....;.....'; Princess. Large Queen. Qt 'Jar..........., .48c Bismarck. Medium Queen. Qt jar..;......i8* ^Princess. Deviled. Pt.....;......:.....,..28c Admiral. Deviled. 13 oz.: v.v«........♦.;.., 28e El Capitan. Deviled, Nor 9.................. • '1Se System emory plays strange tricks. It cannot be depended upon when calling a telephone number. Limitless combinations are pos- sible with li&ttibers. It is easy to "get fi^reirt^tt^s^ Many wrong Cohnectipns can be avoided Jby%lways referring; ^ the directory before making a :alL_____1^-____------------:----------- Chicago Telephone Company X H. B. Gates. District Manager . Telephone 9903 Individuality HTH E FosterX&lonial Winp is^cor- #-rrcHdr aftenioon and sjemi-iareRs weart thia^ season, ^erfect^proportion olhigh arch and Span- ish heel is the feature _0f this shop. Shown in- patent leather with white calf uppers and other attiactivc combinations of leather. M.rosterS Co., 125 N.Wabash Ave, ^t^7"">- ---Ossffilte »lel««rC«ic*oo - - EuBitis Start, Cttcw tot. art BMs Si. Homes, Gardens^ jyfriS^pp^J4|gfe ways ind Byways, Past and Present ^1#ARIAN A. WHITE Intensely Interesting, Hfstorfcally Valuable, Pro- fusely Illustrated in sepia and of increasing value as books wil| hot be reprinted. Make remittances direct to Q92S Sheridan Road----- :: Chicago I

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