Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1914, p. 2

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" " THE LAKE .HORB H«W«. TITOMPAY. IUHE U. »t4- 55S wai &OCIAU HAPPBNIN&S IN ■■ ' U- WI LMiTTft Tee mantes* of" fttas Beatrice Bet- ker, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Milton Reed Barker off 74? Washington ave- nue, to Ira Lewis Grimshaw was the moat interesting event of the week. The ceremony took place Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock in the Wil- mstte Presbyterian church. Dr. James Marquis Wilson officiating. Miss Mlth Corette gave the following pro- gram on the organ during the ser- vice: Fugue, E minor, Mendels- sohn; An Den Fruhling and Anitra's Dance, Greig; Second Concerto (al- Mlss Margaret Simpson, daughter of Robert Simpson Of 1503 Sherman avenue. Bvanston, will be married to Earle Leffingwell Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clarence M. Puhlman, 623 Wash- ington avenue. The Rw." Marry B. Keaiu will read the service. Miss Charlotte Simpson is to be maid of honor and the attendants will be Misses Mary Helen Leffingwell and Janet Anderson. Misses Margaret and Charlotte Anderson are to be flower maids and Sward Floury will serve legro) Handel; and Mendelssohn'sj as best man. A reception to about Spring Song. The bride's gown was {sixty guests will follow the ceremony, of white satin and princess lace with --- a tulle veil and hood wreathed with! The Eighth grade graduating class orange blossoms. She carried a Lf 1914'has had a very pleasant and shower bouquet of white roses and memorable week with the parties and lilies of the valley. The matron of entertainments given for them. A honor, her. sister, Mrs. William Magee class party was given Friday evening Raiguel, and the bridesmaids, MissLt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gladys Stevens of Urbana, Miss Ruth Hogle, 407 Central avenue. The dfav Oliver of Kenllwortb, Miss Eleanorj trtbutlon of class pins was a feature Bradley and Miss Florence Ayres of of the evening. Excellent music was Wllmette, were gowned in pink satin furnished for dancing, and a program and chiffon, and carried baskets Of of games was arranged. Miss Cas- well and Miss Hayes were guests of the class and over fifty young people pink roses. Mr. James L. McDowell of Oregon was the best man, and the ushers, Harry Brown, William Ma- were present, gee Raiguel, Ralph McDowell and Boy C. Heimbaugh were fellow stud- ents with Mr. Grimshaw at the ini- verslty of Michigan. A small recep-; „ % clag8 g turday evening tion for the intimate friends and rela-! nomo lives was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Barker Immediately after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Grim- shaw left Tuesday evening for their wedding trip, and after returning to Miss Virginia Olwin entertained a number of her friends' In the graduat- in her A progressive dinner was arranged Monday evening for twenty-six of the graduates. Courses were served at the homes of Mrs. J. B. Greiner. Mrs. Wllmette for a «hort visit, will be at jg, L gChejdenhelm. and Mrs. E. C. home in Santa Fe. N. M„ after Aug. 1. j Schweitzer. After dinner the young ! people visited the "movies." Miss The Womftn's Association of 8t. Au- 81bba, a tormer teacher, and Miss gustlne's church held s social meeting Hayes and Miss Caswell were mem- Jrrlday afternoon In the parish house, j bers ^ (be party. The Rev. Frederick E. Budlong of j _ « Sl?t^f2'?rl?.,,etk*'8P!>k«0n^ei A beach party was arranged for work done lv slmUar organisations in j afternoon. chaperoned by 222""-?^* hl ," bee° '"^i several of tbo loaders, among them csed explaining their purpose of, also ,ormer teach bringing the various guilds of the; d ef ^ mother8 f ho church under one head, working to-! „.„,„ <„.«,,»„„,„., gather for the elimination of waste young *raduates •_ -and better efficiency. A musical pro- gram, consisting off piano duets by I Mrs. H. B. Mulford entertained her Mrs. Fullerton and Mrs. Wrigley, and,' bridge and luncheon club on Thurs- several solos by Mrs. Waff el, was day. given. Refreshments were served by j -- the social committee under Mrs. Wan-1 Mrs. J. Fiagg Stone. 706 Linden ner. The meeting was the last one avenue, entertained at luncheon for this year, and the Interest shown i Tuesday In honor of Mrs. O'Bannon in the plans of the association. Which of Davenport, la., the guest of Mrs. was formed recently, speaks well for 1 Arthur Thompson. the work of the coming year. _ Bart A. Crowe is til with typhoid fever is Us home, 816 Greenwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Graves. 103 Sixth street, spent the week-end at Milwaukee. A. W. Hawkes. 714 Central is on a trip trougl Mississippi. Herbert G. Craves, 105 Sixth street, departed Monday night for Detroit for a few days'stay. Mrs. B. O'Bannon of Davenport, la- ta tho guest of Mrs. Arthur Thomp- son. 707 Linden avenue. Mrs. Kate V. Taylor is spending the summer with bar son. Arthur J. Tay- lor, ttiV Central avenue.-----■ .- ■»■ ■. ■■■-- Mrs. A. W. Hawkes. 714 Central avenue, Is sending a -few weeks with her mother In Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. I. J. Ekatrom of Chicago is the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Gor- don L. Smith. 1515 Lake avenue. Harry DiUeobeck, 1110 Lake ave- nue, spent Saturday with his mother, Mrs. C. Dlllenbeck at Woodlawn. W. D. Baker of New York Is the guest of his son, F. J. Baker. 507 I>ake avenue, for an indefinite stay. Eleanor Buckman. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Buckman, 831 Oak- wood avenue, is 111 with the measles. Mrs. W. R. Blunt, of Detroit, Mich- is a guest In the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Blunt, 1008 Oakwood ave- Mrs. George Bayliss, 101 i street, will be hostess today 1 luncheon for Mrs. O'Bannon. Mrs. E. Jackson Casse, 633 Forest avenue, entertained Informally twelve ladies at a conversation luncheon -Wednesday. The subjects j Of drama, opera, literature, suffrage! Mrs. Arthur Thompson, 707 Linden and feminism were discussed. Mrs. | avenue, entertained with bridge Mon Marion Coryell Webster of Gary, | day afternoon. Ind., an accomplished musician and 1 -- composer of songs, gave Beversl of! Mrg F T vvmiauiB 9ly Ceutrai her selections which were greatly en j avenue. woa hostess to .nor* than a Joyed by the ladies. dozen membt;TS ot the Saturday Evc- '.■■.■•, ! ning Five Hundred club, Mrs. Frank Collier, 601 Lake eve -1 evenmg- toue, entertained several ladies ~m j luncheon Wednesday at her home. Mrs. George W. Rose, 1232 L?':c avenue, entertained' informally twen- ty ladies at her home Tuesday after- noon. In honor of Mrs. George Oil -fatter tttfr--.Elmwood avenue, who soon leaves for California, and her house guest, Miss Anna Buell, of St Joe, MO. Mrs. Benjamin Gage entertained * number of her friends Tuesday after- noon with bridge. There were twelve tables. A club tltti.c. will I,,- ciiji.,.i..l t,y j the members of the Ouilmette (' j try club Saturday night. Mrs. Uoi.Jmi.Hi JO. (ingc Wkfi liot,i..o.. {at a bridge p.r«y in li<>.- home, t»01 Oakwood avenue Tuesday afternoon 1 Several pu.nii, were . nt- rtaliieJ in 'me home of Miv Jon.. W lllff, 1115 Greenwood avenue; ye»ter*lay after noon at luncheon and bridge. .Meiutkri- »I ll.o lilrn.ln.i ..lull „ . . ' I guests at a h. nehcon in tlu ut Mrs. B. G. Calloway, 920 Linden a«e> Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke. .2»> nne, entertained ten guests at dinner Washington avenue, Tuesday ..iter Wednesday in honor of Miss Marjcrie. noon. T&y. MIjjb Mui-Wlo Hatui. 8i*> ........ L. E. Blunt. Jr.. of Boston is visit- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Blunt, 1008 Oakwood avenue, for a ..nort stay. Mrs. Dallas M. Libby. 1505 Elm wood avenue, left yesterday for Pitts burgh. Pa., for a visit with friends and relatives. Mrs. Edwin Ranadell of Wakefield. Mass.. is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ira Ryner, 116 Fifth street, for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Moersfleld are visiting friends in Wllmette. Mrs. Moersfleld will be remembered here as Miss Millie Kinney. Curtis Bird, the son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bird, has recovered from an attack of diphtheria and the family is out of quarantine. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Brahn, 1330 Greenwood avenue, motored to Cal- vary, Wis., last week for a brief vis- it with friends there. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hayslit of Brook- lyn, N. Y.. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Burnett on Central ave- nue a few days this week. Mrs. William R. Johnson and little daughter of Syracuse, N. Y., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred M, Sim- mons, 110 Fifth avenue. Mrs. H. S. Tarks of Mount Vernon, N. Y., came Friday to spend several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mul- rord, 835 Elmwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Harper and- Mrs. Edward Corette returned Saturday from Hartford, Mich., where they «pent a few days last week. Mrs A. W. Hawkes. 714 Central a venue is visiting her mother, Mrs. WittfleU, in Kansas City, Mo., and Is expected home July first Mra C M Klenim. 420 k*«,.K *vo nue. returned Saturday from Diamond Saturday j iake where she was the guest of her cousin, Mrs A. W. Lowvell. Mm I. A Marsden of (iccund. O., rsi.iri.od to her home Saturday after an extended visit with Mrs. F. B. Hopkiaa. 116 Ninth street Mrs. Robert Newcombe returned to her home in Woonsocket, It I. Sat- urday after a visit with Mrs vViulani R. Malum, 71A Elmwood ave.iue Mrs. .Ian.on MacPberson with her daughter. Miss, Helen MncPi.eroo.., of Canton, Mass. Is visiting her cousin, Mrs. John Gag.,, for seveial vceks. Mr and Mrs Arthur B Seibwld. 523 Washington avenue, returned Wed nesday fron. a month a «tay !., Call fornla and owicr states on ti.e ..oast Mrs George Carroll ajiu Madame Sixth at a Miss HeMa Osterlund. who has 5Bs» Josephine MueUer. who has Just returned to Chicago from a tour {been teaching in Readley. ^-«J™»* of Europe, was the guest over San- schools during the winter, ****** day of Mrs. R. H. Huataman. fli Ninth stress. Edwin W. Spear, who has been the guest of his jssJB, w. O. Spear, and family. «07 Forest ave*ne, for fin last two months, returned to Balti- more, Md.. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smythe of Mar- lon, la., and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Geer of Rockford. 111., were out of town gvents for the Berker-OrUnshaw wed- ding. Tuesday evening. Miss Com rUstdhouse, a former resi- dent, is visiting Mrs. M. B. Skinner and other Wllmette friends. Miss Feld- house has been residing in Oakland, Cal., for several years. Mrs. J. B. Bod'iie, 816 Fifteenth street, and her cousin, Miss Mary with her father. Baptist MueUer, 1328 Wllmette avenue, last week. She de- parted Tuesday for New York, where she will join her slater. Miss Louise MueUc r, and miser friends for » trip to Germany. Mm. J. L. Willtams of Chicago. who has been the guest of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Joseph E. Shauts, 1053 Linden avenue, departed Wednesday for Vancouver, B. C. Mrs. M. Wig- gles worth, aunt of Mrs. Shantz, also leaves for Spokane, Wash., to visit Mrs. Sarah Banker, a former resi- dent of Wllmette. Mini Mabel Rogers, who has been . the guest of Miss Evelyn Segsworth t>>e last two weeks on her way home -. from school In MimManrtt. left yes- Boddle Patterson, of Gallatin, Tenn., \ terday with her father. Mr. A. A. spent Saturday with Mrs. Lillian Bal lou in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Babe. Dr. Her- bert C. West and Miss West motored to Union Grove, Laving Friday, to .southwest, spend the w-efc-end with Mrs;Herbert' C. West, who is there for the summer. Miss Pauline Patten, the eighth grade teacher in the Central school several years ago. was visiting friends In Wllmette this week. Miss Patten hss been making her home In Spokane. Mrs. M. E. Mbgg with her children spent several days with her sister. Mrs. H. B. lislford Mrs. Mogg was motoring from her home in Indian- apolis to her summer home at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Baldwin and Rogers, for their home in Porteles. N. M. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers lived in Wllmette until about two years ago, when they removed to the Guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. M. R. Barker this week were their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vincent, of Everett, Wash., who ar- rived Friday; Mr. Ira Grimshaw ar- riving Tuesday from Santa Fe. New Mexico; Mr. James McDowell and Mr. Ralph McDowell, who came Saturday from Oregon, and Miss Gladys Stevens from Urbana, III. A former Wllmette resident spent last week here, Mrs. E. B. Mendsen of Plainville, Mich., who visited her Mr. and Mrs. Harry u. uaiawm ana ~------------- ;--■ „____«^^« children. CeSla >Uce and Harry Jr.. P™**{ %J^*£j£^ "ft 22C Ninth street, left Thursday to *•* m Gre?nle*f ?T'j! „„ spend two weeks in Danville, Fair- greiner and^ other fronds. TEMPTATION OLD AND SILVER me a temptixxm to weak cl 1 aractcrs. Ilie rcput at ion «rf keep- in«r your valuables in a Safe Deposit Va^lt».. tlie best insurance against burglary. Wf%f" put temptation in ttte way ol *toe weak when the Wilnscfte Exchange £*ate Bank offers, at yo(U)E:4oor, the most positive pioiteetioo? * J:' Vaults open evtiry morning at 8 o'cip^c. I in 1 inn asm.....m 1 Tun -- mont and Tuaeoi» 111., visiting rela tives and friends Mr. and* Mrs. '-'red Benbo of Chi- cago were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry >,. Purdy, 440 Bast Railroad avenue. Mrs. Purdy accom- panied them home, where she will visit for a few days. Miss S. Anderson of Newark, N. J., Mendson returned to be present at the wedding of Miss Jessie Mendsen to Mr. Edwin Conover which took | place last week in Bvanston. Miss Louise Lloyd has been known in Wllmette as a devotee of music for some time, but has now gained a repu- tation outside the village which will come as a surprise to many of the has been vIsitinK her cousin. Mrs. townspeople. Miss Lloyd has been _. . -- . . r.____,__« .-I,-. nngnll» at tin. />hnrr*h Of t lio Holv Edward Mendsen. of Greenlesf ave- nue, this weak, attending the bienni- al convention as a delegate from the Newark Woman's club. Mr. Oliver Hlnsdell was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Charles J. Carlson. 501 Washington avenue, last week. Mr. Hlnsdell is leading man this sea- son with the Ben Greet players, In "The Comedy if Errors." Mrs. A. C. Olendorf and daughter, Miss Margaret, 237 Linden avenue, will leave Sunday for Edmonton, Al- berta, Canada, where they will visit the former'e daughter, Mrs. W. B. Mills, until September 1. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue, 631 Washington avenue, were entertained at a week-end bouse party in the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Sheldon, at Muskegon, wjp. , Mr. and Mrs. Shel- don formerly resided in Wllmette. Mr. and Mis. J. Fred Schumacher, Hu8 Lake oteuoe, departed Saturday for LaCrt>b=^ Wis., where ihey will remain until ..ily 20 at thetr summer home in th*. place. Mr. Schumacher i.s assistant t ostmaster of Witmette. Mrs. Bus. el KIrtg of Indianapolis comes tomoiro^ to visit Miss Abbey King. She will remain several weeks. Mr. and Mrs J. Parker Gowlng and Miss Hon-ns.- Gowlng return today from a week spent In Atlantic City. organist at the church of the Holy Comforter In Kenilworth for two years and her progress in her chosen work, organ music, has resulted in a request to substitute during the summer months at Grace Episcopal church on Wabash avenue,. In place of Mr. Har- rison M. Wild, one of Chicago's fore- most organists. Home-Made In Cream if the only kind that we haodle. Visit our Sanitary Jet Cream Parlor Wilmette Fruit Store Picrantoni Brotheri, Proprietors Dealers in Ice Cream and Confectionery 1211 Wilmette Avenue Ail Rinds of Fruils Cigars and Tobaccos ---- in Chicago you p*y^^torM:Vm\ty you goi it cheaper than you could if you bought it in Wilmette Things Are Now Changed for you can now buy meat for cash in Wilmette just 9» cheap as you couidgettt in the city and you have Hie reputation of a responsible dealer to assure you that the q^mHtj is the besi that can be bad. Only Transients Buy Meat in Chicago The dealer does not have a steady patronage as his customers are m most cases new ones, If the Wilmette dealer does not make steady customers out of his patrons he must go out of business. Patronize the market that is giving you "Wilmette Quality at Chicago Price*." i 1 Ai» MARK 635 West Railroad Avenue Telephones 278 and 279 Wilmette ■ ■ aaSBsmsBB The June card party was enjoyed by members of the Wllmette Woman's club In the club house yes- terday afternoon. Bridge and five hundred were played. Murjoilt, 'eaf a -nue. ein<^rtalnc0 twu,a> two membfcis of the Kappa Stgnia lMii sorority In her home at a lunciieon Monday afternoon. Mrs. George Caven, 427 Central f avenue, will entertain several guests i j at auction bridge Saturday afternoon, j S June 27. I Mrs. "C. H. Klemm, 420 Park ave- I nue, was hostess at a birthday party 'in her home Monday afternoon to j twenty of her friends. The out-of .Miss Dou'thj a lit... uts Fot.M . t'up. had as her gue»t Allen A,jd<vr I mer. eon of Chicago over Sunday. Mrs. Carroll, of Chicago, who rorn,.,rly lived on Ashland avenue* \Vilinetto a.-ent Monday visiting friends in the \illuge. Mr. C C (arnahan is ex,peci« d home next Wednesday from a two weoks' business trip to Denver San lake City, Los Angles and Sa>. Fru..oUco. Mr and Mr« Thomas K I) Mrad- ley, 1 tOI Forest avenu. . .«i>.ct to leave Wilmette July l foi KphrUm, Wis., where they will lpciiu the rum ♦m n m$ n 11 • 11 m •♦♦»»♦♦ ». < ; What People Are Doing; t town guests were Mcsdsmes fe-Rnde-^ 'ffnifjft shauser, J. Blchter. L. Stine. W. Nie- ,n t, Sha« »». 1 1...., I Miaa V««ra^ ,t Gsk >uom Ij the guests .<f the fo. aier's ..on K. Shaw. ..ins his family. 244 I street. Mr. au«l .Mrs. Tli.,» V1 ..vt« heen .isititig Mr a..d llhi .Wilson. liiS Central aveiau. 1 month, left Sunday for their lu.j (".•res, Cal. taer, are *toy II ill -Im A. «p a- ie In meyer, E. Henvpner, G. Buchbause, B. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cochran speut Klemm, II. Thalman, and Misses Hel j Sunday in Belvidere. Ill j A_ vTIl TH QIT U \7Tr»lT en Klemm, Margie Overn, Tearl Thai- Mr. and Mrs Clifton u Keith left^* *UUR OtlVVlV/C tnann and Mr. C. H. Klemm. The j Saturday for a ten-day trip to Yellow-1 When in need of any Ladie^ or dinner table was attractively deorat-Utone Park. ' uentlemen's tailoring Teh pi..,ne «d with pink roses and with small Stanley Pierce returned Tuesday of i Wilmette 6S7. We are here to try pink baskets containing forget-me | last week from Illinois and Lachlin 1 and please you. Maci.ean is expected home today. WM. K.APL.IN tiotK at each guest?* ;>i«'" Many .presents were showered upon the -hostess. .....^~ - Mrs. John R. Cochran, 809 Linden avenue, entertained twelve guests at dinner Monday evening In honor of Miss Marjorle Day of Wilmette, Miss |lurd and Miss Ruth Hurd of Chica- go, all of whom leave this week to aend the summer in Europe. ■ The bridal party of the Barker- Grimshaw wedding was entertained at Mr and Mrs. B. E. Buckman. 726 Laurel avenue, motored to Madison, Wis.. Thursday to spend a few days. Miss Marjorle Day and Miss Ethel Bruten leave today for Montreal, sail- ing Saturday to spend the summer in Europe. Misses Isahelle and Mary Pope left yesterday for Montreal, where they will sail on the 20th for a summer tour; In Europe. Mr. Jdhn Clarke Baker, on H1U street, left Monday of last week for I.AIMKV AND tiKNTS- TA1T... «»c\ Rallrond Avi. ■afltSn fi.J«. dinner Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Wm.j* *h»*e weeks' trip to i»o!nts of inter M. Raiguel. 61«0 Dorchester avenue, j e,^,n the vt°*t' Chicago, and at a dinner Monday eve- ning given by Dr. and Mrs. M. R. Barker, 707 Washington avenue. Mrs. Char let. Ranford Clarke, 62S Washington avenue, entertained twelve guests Friday of last week at luncheon and cards. Mrs. A, L. Alton of MacGregor. 'Manitoba, was a guest at the home of: her brother, Dr. D. M. Gaflie, a fewj days this Week. ail*. risiiY I went a slight operation Thursday at the Evanston hospital, and is expected home next week. Removal Notice Visit us in our larger and more convenient quarters 1166 Wilmette Avenue We have greatly enlarged our general line of Jewelry. Novelties. Cut Glass, Hand Painted China, and Optical Goods. Also we have an especially fine tine of wedding and birthday gift articles. 8. BEIUN pnorniKTOR r, Jeweler, anpavtr Watch ■■galrleg a Sp--laity TELEPHONE WILMETTE 1061 Try our superb line of Home Made Cakes Pinar fle% Strawberry, Fig> Marshmallow, Cho* ulAtc,Caramcl and many other kinds fresh strawberry. Pit Wilmette Baking Co. Telephone 440 1105 WilmetIt Ave. THIS COUPON will be accepted as Five Dollars towards tile pur* cbase price of any Suit of Ladies' or Gentlemen's clothes ordered of us dur- ing the summer months. Cleaning* Pressing and Re- modeling at reduced prices AH Wort Called for and Delivered George J. Eber Telephone 1 a 1131 Greenleaf Ave. WILMETTE IflsRIflgiBH pSvilfsHUi blfCIftl Wilmette Bruic*. Brown BIdg. hm« 23 Strictly high-grade instruc* tion*. Piano, violin, voice, expression, etc, C. w. E«wirds, Marie Edwards Usui Girzln md othtrt Wrlli or nil rorlifimtllM THE NEffKST HOOKS CAN At.- 1VAVS HE FOUND AT THE NEW BOOK 811 For Vacation Needs we offer an exceptional selection of aw/v fiction sswell as books of ■ more serious ntture. See SI 1 f*fQ our 1000 Titles of Summer Fiction St................... VV V19 THE PILGRIM PRESS If W. JACKSON BLVD., Just West of State St. CHICAGO HAIL ORDERS CIVIW PROMPT ATTENTION Nip TELE.PHONE WILMETTE 76 I0mf*m CUT CES IN ALL G STOCK CANNAS.iLOO doMinc Isree plants in b«4 _ GERANIUMS, scarlet, 50c to $1.00 doz. Astci tansies, Petunias, Salvias, Snapdragons, and all nib' cell jncous stock at greatly reduced prices to clean up. ROOSEVELT FERNS, special, 75c to $2 PROM l r DELIVERY PHONE WILMETTE 23 PYFE. R «9 OLSEM Successors to STAR. FLORAL CO. Greenhouses: 1*35 Central Ave. Store: 615 Railroad Ave. WILMETTE. ILLINOIS DENTIST 1209 WILMETTE AVENUE Cast Iron. a«S;"Sv. Can bo welded and made strong as new. Call up the American Welding Co, (Not Inc.) 1. I'. (JIlAlt AH, Mer, COR. FOREST AND RIDGE, AVE. I'hono Wilmetui 13S1 Wllmette, Illinois Dressmaking Including fancy suits and evening wraps. Corsets made to order Miss M, Boland Reom 54, Brown Bldg. Tel. 133*1! " ------ LADIES ««d GErvTLEMEN Place your order with us right now fnr your new ants. You get toe ad vantage of the/dull s.ason prices. at tm\mmu*i%vSH m nsmsn Til Up-lt-Wlidies' and Hen's Taiiorii| Tel. 941 1 Electric place, Wi'mette ..... SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FOR© wit* a Dash Primer for $1.50 Taxi GabServiceNightand Day J» W, Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wllmette 426 Wllmette L W,® I PCS Contractor 6 Builder JORBING A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE TXUrHONE WltMSTTS 13*4 Res. 1302 WiliMtteAw., WilaelH, III. .....■ FO^HENT 7 ROOII FLATS Price $18.00 and $20.00 .|V» Block Vast at KoiHwonh Dfpoi mn. Box 72 Phone J H« ■ ■ Western Casket end Undertaking Company ArWesTern Casket does not mean a Chtap Casket. It does mean a Cheap Price. We carry a line of Caskets ranging in prices fromrM'£7iry-FiPeupto7V<?# Hundred and Fifty Dollars. They ire Caskets you will pay from Fifty to Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars for any place else. We mamsfactnre all of our own Caskets at our. ton Factory, chus saving you from Tkirtyta ^m.-W-GMl* WM. H. SCOTT (eight years with J. L. H.bblethw.ite) it man.fer aad part owner of our Wilmette Store aad wiH *iv« *»» pertonal attention to cveey detail, q We chmllerngt m oaiaar/ins of pricca, and farawff* ntat ehaa 1LE SERVIC service. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FURNISHED WHEN DESIR1 Phone Wilmette 100 WM. H. SCOTT. Manner 1133 Centwrt Avww

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