Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1914, p. 3

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4TCSV * AW 4CS4MMP MITSSW "f>i£ Will Be Graduated From New Trier High School OPENING New Trier Jottings prizes, end one third prize. Second year students received sU prizes, jundeiwent an opt ration fit the i'rrs three first prizes, one second prize, j hytertan hospital In Chicago, is rap- and tWeo third prises. Third-year *dly recov^riua. He has been la poor students ,received sis prizes (Oer-i health lor several weeks, and lis Crude Taber receiving two. one a first! mtt»»y friends in this villaao arc and one a second), three first, two Planed to learn of bis Improved con second, and one third. Fcurth-year J dlth-n. students received three prizes, one t'htcago in Max this activity was mentioned aud awakened great inter- est and enthusiasm. New Trier is (he first school to adopt this heartily endorsed plan. Below are prluted the names of the prize winners and those receiving honorable mention, it is interesting to note that the prizes are very even- ly divided among the classes. The first year students received six prizes, two first prizes, three second The commencement exercises of Hew Trier high school will bo *»«><* i ^rwctoro in the weekly wcrk. the ** .**f "^JO? Trter. aadltoriuw, -eiisM papew can be prepared for press with- ./clock Thursday p, ni... luss IS, Hishop Mclloweil of Rvanston fa the remmencement speaker. It is hoped thai there may bo a largo attendance. Friends are requested net U> send flowers to the school (or seniors. Th# Lafct fhara Nowp Contest Coded, With the Issurf of June II, The Lake Shore News contest in English composition tor Now Trier high school students closed. During the three months from March 5 to June 11, a total of twenty-one themes were awarded prices, and nine wars print- out MLlSribF o/jwnorabje mention. As stated In the Issue of March 5, the (Cash prizes were given tor the pur- pose of beautifying the various Eng- lish literature rooms where the stu dents winning (the prices recited. Three prizes were given twice a month, the first prize being a dollar; the second, seventy-five cents; and the third,, fifty* cento, The total prize money received at present ts'fl,5,7~>, which 13 distributed as follows: To the students of Miss llurch- ard's room ,,,.,,.,,......... I • ••"•" To the students of Mr, Walker's room ,,..................... 3.7.r» To the students of Miss George's room ....................... 6,oo To the students of Miss Lee's room .-...................... -r»f'° Besides these prizes given, six of Miss Burebard's students and three of Miss Lee's received honorable mention. It should he stated that the awards were given not on the basis of pure academic excellence so much as that of Interest to the community at large,--many excellent themes being thus dlsqualined,--and Hint, lustre upper classes especially, at certain times the instructors could not have their best students enter as they were busy preparing for contests elsewhere, Student committees are appointed to help decide as to bow the money shall he spent and are finding much Interest irrscrdomg. Students in the rooms of, Mjss.Burchard and Miss Lee wish the money to go for pictures to be purchased by Miss Burchard in Kngland this summer, The English instructors feel tha* this experiment has been an excel- lent thing for the school and are glad to learn that It may be continued an other year. They wish to take thib occasion to thank the management of The Lake Shore News for , making the arrangement possible, The experiment fcfeaa enabled stu- dents of the four academic years to compare their progress, as each class had an opportunity to try the Bamo subject, the efforts of the first and second year .students being placed in one group, those or the third and fourth in nnother. It has fiirniHhe.l an incentive to all students to make their themes real articles and not mere exerclsea. it has taught them that correctness of farm is only the A-B-C of writing, that real worth of subject matter is the Vital thing, Tha subjects discussed by the students in prose or verse have been of wide in C, Sanborn tor a month, left Monday Woman's ehth tor■ "*-»i» t'» is now be teres*, As the length of articles re- j tor New Vork tor a visit, Ing complied. Mem hers who desirt* quested by The Lake Shore News co Mrs. A, V. Relchmann was hosiers any changes made in. their names or iucides with that required by the in- j at a luncheon In her home yesterday I addresses will plearo notify the cor- weekly wcrk. the afternoon In honor of Mrs. Atexan- ■ responding secretary, Mrs. II. C der W. Hannah, who will soon leave ■ Arms, 33 Crescent plare. in writing out the extra work which some of Kenilwortb. {as soon as, possible the prise essays demand. Ten themes \ Mrs. K. S. Barnard, mother of Mm, were submitted twice a mouth, each j Arthur V. Poole, and little Barbara instructor selecting out of her stu-! Poole, departed Saturday for Santa dent's tbemes, the three or four she Uarbara, C'al„ where they will spend considered best, | the summer. ; At a conference of English. Miss Charlotte Freisc will give a teachers held at the University of; linen shower for Miss Ituth Field, ngggWtjMM Of. Conroy's Sanatorium 4811-4813 Broadway, CHICAGO (JifKt north of I■■!« icii.-.') whoso engagement to Klmer D, Pos- ter of Tomahawk, Wis., was recently announced. The wedding wilt take place next October. Mi&s Mabelle |U>eves, who has been the guest of her brother, Owen T. Ueeves, Jr., and family, for the past few weeks, and Miy Iteeves, were called to liiootuingtonl Saturday on account of the serious illness of their sister, Mrs. James W. Jaruiln. Mr. Ilallett Cole, sr»n of Mr.NuuL Mrs, F, B. M. Colo, who recently Fortify your health by Natural Physical Method*, No long*ih~ip~-No great ex- pen$e~JuXt it lel&]trell6ur; "*"* ...........■■■.........ii. ..... second, and one third. Two third- year students, six second-year stu- dents, and one first-year student, re r.ived honorable mention. Winners of Prirss March *--June 11, FirBt prizes: James Logic, '17; Dor- othy Kreger, '15; Horatio ('handler, 'K'; Mary CalloBher. '15; I'rlscllla White, '16; Oertrndo Taker, *ir»; Margaret Schultzr 'tf, Second prizes; Norma McMillon, '17; Gertrude Taber, 'lfi; Jess© Oath trcoal, '17; Louisa May Greeley,-'14; Winifred _ Relnboth, '17; Burch Schulze, 'lo; Marlon Sugg, '16, Third prizes: Elvln Slpes, 'lfi; Naomi Fulton, 'Hi Hugh Whltolaw, '10; Hoy Holmes, '14; Hardy Wceden, 16; Margaret Fitch, '16; Kathleen Kreger, '17. Honorable mention: Norman King, '17; Mary Latham, '16; Miner Co; burn, '16; Jano Stafford, '16; Margar- ft Rodman, '16; George Htoks, '16; Itobert Wyatt, '15; Prlsellla White, OS i_ Mary Quayhv 'Ik--------*_i__ COMPILING YEAR BOOK The year l>ook of the Wilniotte ATTORNtY-AT-LAW JOHN HUGH LALLY 911 m-.tto Title andfrusi Mi. tl ft*. ysiHtngfeaSt. central 11167. *««i*k« nil immi«*. m. mo Charles A. Wiglitman & Company Real Estate Agents. Brokers and Buyers of North Shore Property Stores, Offices, Flats and Residences for sale and rent in Evanston, Wilmctte and Winncttar-- tgggg St^aliottd Mi l*W»M* PlacfJ 15(14 SHERMAN AVENLE I What People Are Doing; w. in Kenil worths-: Mm. E. Qersback of Minneapolis Is the guest of Mrs. Ashley MaePonald for a few weeks. Mrs, Fred V. Trover returned Prl- Iday from French Lick Springs, where she had been for ten d.vys, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Lane will leave next Wednesday for tluehanan. Mien.. Khere they will jpend a few *'ee*s. """ ' _ Miss Paris Traver will lie hostess" at a house party in her home next week for girl friends from Phila- delphia and Kaliui'or. . Mrs. Dudley WUklaon of Chicago who has been the guest of Mrs, V. Classified Business List CENTRAL MERCHANDISE A.' ^Xl> GROCERIES Flue fruits--lu and out of sea- son--always form a part of our largo stock of Select and Fancy Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut Coffee it Good. QEO. B. WINTER Quality and not Quantity--the best for the money--Is our mot* to. _Oujr large stock of grocerioa '» always select, and Fresh milts and vegetaoiea a ipsct- A. S. VAN DKUSBN AH Wlrlnt Uuir«ni«tJ Wireless Weather Forecasts Made for the Great Lakes ■ . • " - ----------■? . s - .----- A dally weather balletln for the tin Is a special forecast of the winds Great Lake* is now betas sent oat lb«t will Probably he encountered on rr„™ '■»*.«, --hi» «.-«- * n u^ v- the lakes. This i» distributed i fro,* the radio utatlon at Wadlo, Va„ L ahlpmaatera m ^ Qreat ukea b, : according to an agreement jaat ar-jtne my%\ waio ssrrtco during thej rived nt between the United States j flCason of lake navigation--usually weather bureau and the United States from atout April is to d«jc. to--In the nwrai radio service, This bulletin la -same way that weather conditions for sent cut in two parts, The first con- the North Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf Kista of code letters and figures do- of Mexico are sent oat. The latter scribing the weather conditions an- service was begun in July of last year, tuaiiy prevailing at S n. w> that day [ft proved popular and the weather at various points alon ; the Great; bureau was'encouraged to extend the Lakes. The second jar of the bulle :service to the Great Lakes. i C HAStV A.WJTKOWSKY WIRING. REPAIRING SUPPLIES GLENCOE, ILLINOIS rketw VinMik* SS7 JEWELERS AOdiiSf ROOELIUS Successor to Rodsllut A Rosen. ISxpert Watchmaker and Optician, ftopnirlng of complicated watchoa and clocks. Many yean' experi- ence with best known Chicago houses. Phone 2632. 827 Davis Stree*. MEN'S WEAR ■ ■4•* - ■ n - 1.11.'.^..... Clothes Heady Mads--Clothes to Order. Packard Snoot for Men. aorosls for Lad if - -nd Chlhlrrp. Gentlemen's Fur min- ing Goods. HAYES & HAVE£ HOTELS THE AVENUE HOUSE Private Exchange 1110 Sunday Dlaner a Specialty. - X4a*50 IVlfc- Phont 1110, -------------' ■ ■ ■ in 4 SO mm « usKD SEWIN6 MACHINES R«ralrinff *>t Sinwrr, Wheeln* WI lion. WUmk awl Cibtw. and •It othar mkw uf mm- efciftM. J; 15J2 Sherman Avs ft aw> m Evanxton W1NXKTKA (.AH.U.i , next to Post Office Saturday, June 20,7 p.m f^t , ;■. High Class Motion Pictures of the General Film Company and Special Features. Asocial occasion of unusual interest to all North Shore residents. Solos on the Wonderful Kimball Pipe Organ at each performance by Prof. Monnet ular performances 1 SPECIAL--On Tuesday of Each Week Fam ous Players andJLll Siar Features- TUESDAY, JUNE 23rd LITTLE MARY PICKFORD Everybody's Favorite iftr 16ss Oi iuu uiflrm uOUiiTry Admission: Adults 20c, Children 10c Every Thursday the Thrilling Serial "The PERILS of PAULINE" • ■ _______________■ i----------------------------------------------------1-----------------------------------------•----------------------■---------------------- MATINEES: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 3 o'clock p. m.

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