Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1914, p. 2

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THE LAKE SHORE KKWS THURSDAY, JULY % 1914. iFoerth in Rogers Park wUh Mr. and j Keith, .7 ^» *•.«. will leave early on the moruiux j llarahan and two children. : w'a< w«« iviiucil now ot 1 of! SOCIAL. HAPPENINGS iM WILMETTE '--ases&a. C. S. KeBsecSEsr R. W. Jor-! Dea Motaea,Iowa, where they wfll J matte, left Saturday to spend tea days; ZipC MS Lake avenue, • cloned bt in-- of the I of dan. George M unlock, and W. K. Hoop- etay about ten days, cr spent the week-end on a fiablac Mr. C CV Carnahan returned Son day morning trip to Powers Lake. Miaa AdeJe Lobr of Cnrlfavffle. HI.. her .hliHinM b*rliiay. A beach hat owing to the rains, the afternoon wan spent at the Mrs. C. K. Burgess. 1S3» Lake ave- nne. entertaliwd eight guests at one o'clock luncheon Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Sayre of IMnpiniin. Jfefau, announce the engage- ment of their youngest daughter. Dorothy Prudence, to Mr. George Ed- win Wagoner of Creadon, Iowa. The wedding will take place late in Sep- Miss Sayre has many friends the young people of Wilmette, as she has spent several summers here 1M(|» and '{ Mrs. R. L. Crockett. 821 Oak wood arc-: who has been the guest of Miss Lynne Smith for several weeks, returned to •»«■« several weeks with Mrs. Smith, Mm. William R. Johnson and little faer daughter of Syracuse. N. Y„ are visit- [ MIflB j^rd, jfanley. who has been F. M HI III I *f S«»!thn .meat of Mr*. SL W. Cnse. 1*27 Central avenue, for some weeks, left Rev. T. K. Gale with his son andiftM. „„. j^^. ^^ -^p^ w^ «* daughter spent the first of the week | ^Mimr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoddard and i fato^. M4 I^ke av«ue^eft yester^i day to spend n month st the Thousand Jean Hatch. Mr. and Mrs. It. EL Davis and daugh-t her guest for a few j days Mrs. William* of St Paul. Fin for New York. The Missea from a three weeks* bustnesa trip to the west. Mrs. J. B, Lee of Minneapolis came yesterday to CIS Lake avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Davi.l G. Park nasi Mr. and Mrs. is. M. Fan! wig motor to Madison, Whfc, starting tomorrow morning, and will spend several days there visiting friends. They wfll re- at Portage Point. Mich. Mrs. E. C. Cazcl and two children.! 1055 Linden avenue, are the guests of j the former's sister in Indianapolis. Ind. Mr. Case! left yesterday for In- dianapolis, where he will join them. j After a few days they will go tc Oiney for n visit with relatives. At the commencement exercises of! the Chicago Normal school, held nVyjvrVg----- day. Miss Hand Russsl graduated! from the Kindergarten course, and Miss Marian Duushee, from the Do- d her guest. Mrs; < mestic Science department. Miss Sylvia Christ man of North Evans ton i D. P. Stevenson of Decatur, IndL, at- tended the reunion held in Pleasant! was also one of the graduates. Prairie mat weak bv ail the former j Mrs. Robert Bostwick, 605 Central students of the old District School, No. avenue, will leave Sunday with her, Do'othy; ^ of Kenoahn county. Ison. Bobbie, for a visit of severalT YOU are cordially invited to call and inspect the modern Safe Deposit Vault of the Wilmette Exchange State Bank. It s boxes are convenient, reasonable r in price and offer the most positive protection from theft and fire. Vaults open at 8 a.' m. Wilmette Exchange State Bank ■ • • - . avenue, have left for a I Hnrdenhrook, Margaret Scheldenhelm Mf and „- jj^, ?„,*& «* «„, week* at the home of her parents. Mr. bar, wiiiffnin ■iiass, nave nu m ■;and Hele|| ,,„, utaUm Roberta leave Francisco. Cat, are the guests of Mrs. Welbanks m Toronto. Later lakes around Mln-; vacation on the neapoUs. Joseph 8chroeder will leave tomor July fifth for Pockagamn Camp, at and Mrs. J Chestnut day at the Wilmette Country clubr Can wright McBrtde.}Mr. Bostwick will join them, and they Mercer. Win, I chestnut avenue. Several sociaiaf-jwlfi take the trip to the Thousand rtv nf Chi* , Men as I Mr" ■■* Mw- R R*y P*rker' ^IfaJinhaveljeanglvenforMr.andMra.lfcJands. and Niagara Falls, returning mrter. Mrs. A. L. Webb of I row with a party of <*^*^2 Central avenue, returned Thursday t^,, dnrln. tteir stay here. j to Wilmette late in August mmi_ [?' * ^JJf "**W;from a month spent in Atlantic City.} g, ^ -jjgf Harrison S. Bowen. Miss Luciie Drake and Miss Helen! dinner followed by in ! Mabel Tobias, the daughter of Dr.!New York «**• and wlth ******* to!»n«l «ons. Cromwell and Llewellyn, ] ShurtlifC are expected home the lasti rfrSl rZ^ &tu^ J^JtSuk rf S. «w PWnwll,e N J l«» Elmwood avenue, have departed! of this week from Boulder. Colo. "•j Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Rathbone,^^ W | ror Colorado brings, Colo^ to be gone where they nttended the national, con-j i Central avenue, with Mrs. Parsons sndigg^,^! we^IM^ xhey will also sojourn J vention of the Chi Omega sorority,; » Stevenson and 1 Us Elma Ulm K****1*'"5 Parsons are ta**1* an l with friends in Yellow Stone-Park. held there last week. Miss Drake went -.d^^hVir^naiy^^ trlp thr°U«l1 *" ^ *** **• «nd Mf* * ° ****- «91 Wam-jas delegate from the XI chapter of ^e^n^Sng^^t ITS i Sf^S wSh SSTh. Sake. Si -^ "**£>« •--Jv Qf 'I-**- avenue, .«*dw children. Rob- ^^^^•S* Z^Z IT»«»^r au ~,w,rt*»rf « vorv nleasant ■ Lake avenue Dr- and Mrs ' G' bmItb °f 132a!crt and Virginia, with Mrs. Frank (this week visiting in Estes Park and i Mr Frnnk Brown and children I Greenwood svenue returned Saturday b^^ ,eft ye^ertay for an automobile I Colorado Springs, with a trip up Pikes Misses Dorothy Gertrude, and Olney!ievening from a tour through Wiscon- trlp to wa.iu.gton; Atlantic City, and! Peak, and other points of interest In 'sin. Madison and the Dells srerej,^^ eastern points. They will be'Colorado. among the points visited. gone a month. -------------------:--------- Covers were laid for eight. Mr and Mrs. L. EL Blunt, Jr. of! m|rs Mlnnte HllI?h^ was ^^ toj GLENCOE YOUTH HONORED | who has been ill for several weeks. Is! i improving. Mrs. A. ". Lanyon, 715 Washington; leave Sunday to spend a week at At- avenue, gave a dinner party yesterday, i lantic City. Miss Minnie Hughes was taken to. nings of Chicago spent the week-end I Boston, Mass. are spending tne sum- j ^ Wegt Subl|r0an hospital on Tues-! George Van Pope, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mulvey. of Oakwoodiwith Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Millar. Oak-1mer "on*** with Mr. Blunts parenm.,^^ of fa8t week an<J underwent an | Mr8. Henry J. Pope of Glencoe, and a avenue will entertain the Five Hun-1 wood avenue. Mr- ."J™ Mn' ** man*. »r-. luU8joperation Thursday morning under I member of the 1»16 class of Hamilton died dub Friday evening. I Miss Harriet Chamberlin of Glen- Oakwood avenue tie care of Dr. i»odd. Her many j college, Clinton, N. Y.. has just been ___^_____________coe was the week-end guest at the I MrF- •*• c" scott °r «Klano,na^uy,ifr|endH w,n ^ fflad tQ learn that she) elected assistant editor of the Hamll , Mrs Percy Skfllen, 714 Ashland home of Mrs. E. Anderson. 1123 Elm- O"*- *«* tne,„7,„ „ f!16!!^0 ,«!ta Improving. tonlan. the annual publication of that, aswwe. entcrtiimed fourteen members wood avenue. ^f- MrB W!l,lamQ""!tW°??'.„; Mr. and Mrs. »>orge Hulst with institution. The book covers the field Mr. Charles McCue and family of We8t avenue. Mrs. Sicott will leave, thelr smal| nepncw ohartea Albert of college activities and will be pub- Washington avenue will motor to the Monday for Chautauqua, NY. Coie, of Rogers Park, and Mrs. L. H. ! lished next spring. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Roodhousc, j --.---------------.--------------------....... Laurel avenue, returned Monday from a motor trip through the southern part of the state, where they have been for a week. Mrs. Frank Lincoln Fowler has re- of the Centralizing School of Music at luncheon on Monday. The Wil- mette ladies, present were Mrs. George Bird. Mrs. Charles Braithwaite and Mrs. Lawrence Stardebant. Mrs. EL Jackson Casse gives one of her delightful "intellectual" luncheons today, to about twelve of her friends. Mrs. Burt C. Hardenbrook enter- tained at luncheon Tuesday at the, Westmoreland Country club. Mrs. F. L. Joy. 812 Central avenue, entertained at luncheon Monday In honor of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Harold Joy of Western Springs. Miss Marian Roberts entertained a few friends at dinner Tuesday evening In celebration of her birthday. , G. summer home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wray on the Fourth. William Scbroeder. who is salesman for Reid. Murdock & Co. in Burling- ton, la., is expected home tomorrow for *i \v fM*ri *s visit Miss Marjorie Whlffen is spending j covered from her recent Illness, and this week with her sister, Mrs. F. R. Foster in Macatawa, Mich, return after the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson of: Waukegau spent the week-end with J with her son. Richard, left Monday for i will i'a ten days' visit to Portage Lake and Malnstee, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bird of Pasa- dena, Calif., arrived yesterday to their dai ;hter, Mrs. Arthur Rogers, I »Pend the summer with their Bon and 428 Ninth street. i daughter. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Miss Jessie Kirk returned Friday! Bird, 510 Washington avenue, from Rochester. N. Y.. Where she! Dx-JE. C. Moulttm. who has been the has been teaching kindergarten dur- guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gates for lng the winter. "" several weeks, left Saturday for Bos- Harold Burbach of St. Louis. Mo., is I ton to take a post-graduate course In spending his vacation with his par- the Harvard Medical school. Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. i.atiiam and The Zeta Beta Phi girls gave a "farewell picnic" yesterday at Ra-J- M|gg Mabel Reiss of Wichita, Kans.. viula park for the membere who gradu-arrived Frlday to 8pend the 8Um. ated from New Trier this spring. . The Navajo Camp Fire Girts had a bench party Thursday with Mrs. Davisson as chaperon. The girls spent the afternoon swimming and playing on the bench, A picnic supper con- cluded the evening. "The Chicago Association of Com merce gave their annual outing for the sons of the members on Tuesday. Anyone who wishes Information con- J cerning the Raylnia tickets or any- thing else in connection with Ravinia j park can communicate with members of the Wilmette committee, which is : compoHcd of Mesdames Charles Wan- ner, H. K. Snider, Charles Braithwaite, E. L. Pits-Randolph. Louis Bruch, mer with her aunt. Mrs. Carl Johnson,. 222 Tenth street. Dr. and Mrs. Converse will be the Fourth of July guestB of their daugh- < ter, Mrs. Richard J. Mulvey. and Mr. Mulvey of Oakwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Purdy and Mlsa Kate Purdy left Monday night for a lake t rip of several weeks to Detroit, j Cleveland, and Buffalo. i Springer, Miss Hat tie Latham, and j Miss Charlotte Springer, will spend I the Fourth and week-end at Sandwich,. 111. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Davis, 727, Ashland avenue, and their small, son, | By virtue of the authority vested in me, as Pres- ident, by the ordinances of the Village of Wilmette, I hereby make proclamation that the proper use and display of fireworks, squibs, rockets, crackers, tor- pedoes, serpents and other similar explosives will be pernritted-wjjfehiB=4fee^siUas£^^ lots SLind::davenBueHenry ^ ""**I dmS^ Mr" nm7 Snt^Lnm-™! «*d *» «nd UpOD public Streets and public parks and grounds under control of the village authorities between the hours of 6 o'clock p. m. on July 3,1914, and 12 o'clock midnight on July 4, 1914, subject, however, to the following restrictions : The discharge of fireworks, firecrackers, gun- powder, or other explosive in any alley, back yard, or other confined' space is hereby positively pro- hibited The discharge of cannons, guns, pistols, revolv- ers, or other firearms, of dynamite or cannon crackers is hereby absolutely prohibited, and in case of violation hereof the police will arrest and prosecute any and all offenders. No torpedo, bomb, or other t-xplo&ive ohall t>e placed upon the street car tracks of any street rail- way, or upon the tracks of any railroad within the DURING JULYMsliDtST We offer iv r.-.laction of from $10.00 to 915.00 on i.<ioi*«* SultM innilc to order, una 99 oo to •10.00 reduction on fteatleffien'a Suit* iniute to order. Dremmaktng done n t your home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter K'"""",H"fi tut no to niTF 14DIFS'and HEI'S TAILORING and Miss Claudia Coxe. wilLspend the; tStStisJiuSs wjImBTTW "tItJSm Si Frnnk; Collier, Fredrick Bowes, E. 0. Blake, Lyman Drake. W. D. Speele, Albert Bursback and Julien Smith. They sre ready and willing to give information of all sorts regarding Ra- vinia affairs. Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk snsssssssssnnssss Meats for Sunday must be I. DAY I ILV 4 | UK CLOHK At SATI KI>AY. J Place your orders early in the day so that we can give you the beat service THE EDMUND 1162 WILMETTE AVI. GALITZ MARKU.I TELEPHONES 406 and 407 Mrs. S. A. Wbeelock returned last ■^•ssm. from a western trip. Mrs. C. P. Evans of Gregory avenue has ber sister, Mrs. Boss, of St. Louis as her summer guest. Mrs. Henry Purdy's gueBts, Mrs. Case and Mrs. Babcock, left for their homo In Chicago Thursday. Miss Jean. Drlgban of Cleveland, Ohio, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. '■•¥. Barrett, 533 Forest avenue. Mr. and Mrs. James Huxstable df Detroit are the guests of Mr and Mrs. C.'8. Hogle of Central avenue. Mrs. R. G. Allen of Wlnnetka 1» the "guest of Mt. and MrBrPecTt-at irieTr Lake Geneva summer home. Mrs. Puddlfoot of Detroit, who has been the guest of Mrs. D. M. Gallle. left Saturday for her home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. D Bradley and family leave this week tor their summer borne at Epbraim, Wis Mrs. William .Dlngee and children spent several days last week with Mrs. Dlngce's mother In Rogers Park. : Miss EranceaJBslyn oTX!nTcago was; the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard B. -Ifougb, 1^5 Fifth street, over the week-j end. Mrs. M. A. Bennett of Chicago Is the j .Snest of her daughter, Mrs. William Bennett. 124 Twelfth street, for a few] weeks. -------4 Oakwood svenue bis been partly | Linen and Mohair Suits Br'.' comfortable during the warm days this month and next. 1.4 u« make you a beautiful LINEN, MOHAIR or LIGHT WEIGHT SERGE SUIT. We are making special inducements in prices. It is wortb your time to investigate CLEANING, PRESSING AND REMODELING Work Called For and Delivered GEORGE J. EBER 1131 CREENLEAF ay am/*. Telephone 18 : WILMETTE SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting la Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 TaxiuabServiceNightandOay J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette Try our superb line of Home Made Cakes Pineapple, StrawberryFig, Marshmallow, ChocolatetCaramel and many other kinds Fresh Strawberry Pie Wilmette Baking Co. Tflfphone440 1105 Vilmetn Ave. All bonfires upon the streets, alleys, parks or other public places are prohibited. The safe or gift of toy pistols or metal capo to childrtu iaftiereby absolutely prohibited. Occupants of premises are requested to use great care to prevent fires, and parents are especi- ally requested to protect their children in the use of any kind of explosives. All persons are warned against thrown^ any kind oi firecrackers or other explosive at or towards any other person, and are prohibited from so doing. The police of the village are hereby directed to strictly enforce all the ordinances of the village re- lating to the use of firearms or fireworks or other explosives except as permitted herein and are also authorized to enforce the restriction of this procla- mation JOHN D. COUFFER, President . ill., June 26, 1914. WUi Don't Put Your Money in the Bank IF by so doihg you will have to run monthly accounts for your meat bills. Your money will earn you more interest if you buy meat from us for cash than it would if you put it in the bank to draw interest. Patronize the market where you get "Wilmette Quality at Chicago Prices." LOOK AT THESE PRICES lu-a „f Lamb, lb.......................................--«- Sii loin St. ak. lb.......................................25c Portrihouso St«-ak, lb...................................Me Prime Roast of B.-ef, lb.................................20c Brisket Cornell Beef, lb..................................12e Ceekedl Corned Bee!, lb........................... ... .86c 1 lamlmrgef Steak, lb....................................1<"? Breast of Veal, lb......................................16c Veal Loaf, lb. .........................................30c CLOSER ALL DAY SATURDAY OPEN ALL DAY THURSDAY J. J. NILLES 635 West R.ailroad Avenue Second Door South of Central Wilmette _ Telephones 278 and 279 AT YOUR SERVICE When In need of. aay Ladies' or Gentlemen's tailoring Telephone Wilmette 667. Wo are here to try and please you. WM. KAPLAN LA OIKS' AM> (JESTS' TAILOR a*a Railroad Arti. II«llrc»n 151.1k- Cast* Iron, £onTen,uE'tc Can be welded and made strong aa new. Call up the American Welding Co. (Not Inc.) A. P. GRAHAM, Mcr. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE. Phone Wilmette 1361 WUntCtte. IUlnoll Home-Made Ice Cream is the only kind that we handle. Visit our Sanitary______ Ice Cream Parlor Wilmette Fruit Store _______PUtamtomiBfihert, Proprietor* ------ Dealers in Ice Cream am Confectionery 1211 Wilmette Avenne All Rinds of Fruits Cigars and Tobaccos Dressmaking Including fancy suits and evening wraps. Corsets made to order MissM. Boland Room 54, Brown Bldg. Tei. 1336 L W. SIPE.S Contractor 6 Builder JOBBING A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE TSUPHOMt WILMETTE 1364 Res. 1302 Wilmette Ave,, Wilmette, III. CUT PRICES IN ALL BUDDING STOCK CANNAS,$1.60 doz.,fine large plants in bud GERANIUMS, scarlet, 50c to $1.00 doz. Amci:., Pansies, Petunias, Salvias, Snapdragons, and all mis- cellaneous stock at greatly fediheed^mcesto clean op. ROOSEVELT FERNS, special, 75c to $2 PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE WILMETTE 23 PYFER «S O L S E. M Successors to STAR FLOK.AL COD------- Greenhouses: 1625 Central Ave. Store: 615 Railroad Ave. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS r-OR RENT 7 ROOM FLATS Price $18.00 and $20.00 m mock Vest of Kenilvonh Depot W. R. WILSON BOJt 72 Phone 1146 Western Casket and Undertaking Company A Western Casket does not mean a Cheap Casket. Ir does mean a Cheap Price. We carry a line of Caskets ranging in prices from Twenty-Five up to Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars. They are Caskets you will pay from Fifty to Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars far any place else. We manufacture all of Caskets at our Own Factory\ thus saving you from TAirfy to Fifty Per Cent, WM. H. SCOTT (eight years with J. L. Hebbfetbwaite) is manager and part owner of our Wilmette Store and will give Ma personal attention to every detail. qWe challenge a comparison of prices, and guarantee fir«t cliu service. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED. our own Phone Wilmette 280 WM. H. SCOTT, Manager 1123 Central Avenue

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