Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1914, p. 2

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THE LAKE SHORE , THURSDAY, JULY 2S, 1014. The rennloD of -a group of school friends at the home of one of them, herself a charming hostess, makes a very delightful setting for a summer house-party, with the attending round of parties and merry-making. Miss Orleta Lewis has been enter- taining during the past two weeks, a group of her former classmates. Miss vinla, going np in the morning and Mrs. A. W. Hawkcs entertained about twelve of her friends at the Westmoreland club for luncheon and bridge on Tuesday. About fourteen ladies, most of them members of the Tuesday Bridge antf Luncheon club, spent yesterday at Ra- Eloise Bowmar from Kentucky. Misses Madeline Kline and Eleanor Granville 'from Pennsylvania, and Miss Mary Seabold from Ohio. i Some of the affairs given in their honor last week were a bridge party Monday given by Miss Pauline Lewis. •There were seven tables. Miss Orleta1 Lewis arranged a beach party for her .guests Thursday evening. A party of girts Were euleriahieu at the West- moreland club for tea Friday after- noon, the hostess being Mrs. Frank having S box luncheon in the park, and staying for the afternoon concert. Mrs. George H. Bird win be hostess at a bridge party tomorrow at her home, 610 Washington avenue.________ The charity card party and cake sale given Friday afternoon on the lawn of the Schroeder home, 711 Park avenue, was successful beyond the ex- pectations of the committee in charge, aided by a perfect day and the inter- Tlchenor. There was a theatre party | est of the large number who attended 'last Wednesday afternoon to see "Peg- rof-my-Heart." Wednesday evening Mrs. Taylor of Kenilworth entertained ': in their honor. The evening was spent in dancing and cards. An automobile "trip tO Crystal Lake was arranged! for the week-end. and Miss Eleanor Sni- der entertained informally Monday afternoon. 1 Misses Kline,'Granville and Seabold left for their homes on Tuesday. Miss Eloise Bowmar will remain in Wil- mette for several weeks. Forest avenue, are spending the sum- mer at Paw Paw Lake Mr. F. T. Cutler and family, 1081 Lake avenue, are at ' Michilllnda, Mich., for the summer. Mr. Herman Pompcr, 709 Elm wood avenue, has returned to spend the summer with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen returned Saturday from a two weeks' Ashing trip in northern Wisconsin. Mrs. A. T. Pierce, 1007 Like ave- nue, left Saturday for a two weeks' visit at Micillinda. Mich. . Mrs. K.C. Cummings of: New York City spent Thursday in Wilmette, vis- iting Mrs. Frank Marbury. Mr. Joseph Fern of Elgin has re- cently been a guest at the Bousch home, 1430 Forest avenue. Mrs. s. J. Nor dor f, 1507 Lake ave- nue, entertained! guests hoitt Ravens- wood Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Graves, 105 Sixth street, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Graves, from Sparta, Wis. Mr. J. C. Burchard, 1130 Chestnut avenue, is in Detroit, where be ex- pects to remain for some time. Mrs. Tichenor of Pasadena, Cal., There were fourteen tables of bridge, five hundred and euchre. Mrs. Frank Seng won the first prize in bridge, jbas been the guest of her niece, Mrs. Mrs. Dougherty In five hundred, and W. S. Freeman, 711 Lake ayenue. Miss Naomi Fulton, 516 Lake ave- nue, will entertain several friends at luncheon Friday. Mrs. Frank Koontz In euchre. There were four prizes awarded in each of the games. About fifty ladies enjoyed the bridge luncheon at the Country club Friday. The prizes were won by Mesdames C. C. Mitchell, first prize, Charles B. Mack, second. Win. Behrens, third, and Mrs. DeFreest, fourth prize. Mrs. R. -E. Smith, 1050 Linden ave- nue, will spend the week lb Chicago visiting her sister, Mrs. Livingston. Mr. George Murdock left Wilmette on Saturday to Join his family at their summer home In Chautauqua, -N. Y. Miss Violet Brammer of Elgin came Tuesday to spend A week with Miss Gladys Boesch, 1420 Forest avenue. Miss Amy- Brent, 720 Ninth street, who has been seriously ill In the Ev- anston hospital, is rapidly recovering. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. White. 1021 Con- Mrs. Percy Skillen entertained about twenty little tots with their Ural avenue, are at homo this week aft- mothers Monday afternoon in honor oi cr an eight weeks' trip through the the second birthday of her son, Ed- j east. ward Jordan. The smalt guests were | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brent, 726 entertained with stories and games, i Ninth street, left Monday of.last week and several prizes were awarded. A for a two weeks', visit at Cedar Lake, photographer took pictures of the wis. group of children. A pretty feature of i Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Finlay, 419 the party was the fact that the young Ninth street, are entertaining Miss host presented gifts to each of his | Edith Finlay of Battle Creek, Mich., guests, instead of receiving them. The;this month. guests were John Bersbach Anderson, I Mrs. William G. Sanderson and Channlng Baker, Curtis Bird, Hen- j Children of 1011 Lake avenue left on rietta Bird, Gordon Cutler, Teddy i Thursday for Plainsfleld. O.. to visit Bersbach, John Bersbach, Junior! relatives. I smith, Eloise Smith, John Marshall! Mrs. M. L. Jones of Benton Harbor, The Eastern Star chapter of Chicago j Ling, Frederick Skillen, Freddy j Mich., is visiting at the home of Mr An informal dance was given Satur- day evening at the Outlmette Country ; club. The No-name Sewing club met this week on Tuesday with Mrs. Roy Thompson. 615 Washington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Buckman will entertain at dinner on Sunday in hon- or of their first anniversary. Covers will be laid for twenty. will give a large banquet at the Wil mctte Woman's club Saturday even- ing, chartering a car on the North- western elevated for the trip from the city. ~T".r '"", ,• .;?' "' i .Mrs. George H luncheon today. Bird entertains at Murphy, Florence McCoy, Pauline Mc-1 and Mrs. E. H. Robinson, 630 Central Coy, Louise McCoy. Helen Steele, j avenue. Hoyt Steele, Margaret Steele and Mary Miss Crumpacker of La Porte, Inch, Worthlngton. 'who has been visiting Mrs. E. M. Staf- , . .' ■-- jford, returned home Tuesday of last Mrs. Howard Field, 913 Central aVe- j week- nue, gave a tea on Thursday afternoon j Mrs. Eva Alces of New York Is a of last week, for a number of ladles n™*1 ror l»e summer at the home of whom she visited in Florida last win-1 Mrs. F. J. Brahm, 1330 Greenwood ter i avenue. __ ] Mr, Lyman M. Drake and son Keith, The birthday of Mr. D. E. Allen was 933 Lake avenue, left Friday for nlc supper was served at long tables j celebrated Friday, with a family din-! Wichita, Kau., to remain several arranged on the porch. In the even-jner# - j days. tug Mrs. Castle of Hyde Park.,who is [ „.■-.*...»-<» .^>^^t7. v.?< <-*--*■ ^~ } Mils Agnes CuiTneeri, 731 Ashland" prominent in University of Chicago; Mrs. Charles E. Wells and daughter, j avenue, is visiting in White Lake, circles, gavo an interesting lecture oh (127 woodbine avenue, entertained i Mich., where she expects to remain . The Linden avenue Neighborhood club met Saturday evening at the "Borne of Mr. and Mm. Ftfmen. A pic- SocialiBUi. forty guests at luncheon, Wednesday. Wilmette Societies and Clubs Personal Mention of Wilmette, Folk Mrs. Louis Bruch, 1201 GGrocnwood •Venue,, entertained the Drama Study no7tne™ M*ichigan7or two'weeks class yesterday, the afternoon being spent in study of the play "Cyrano- de Bergerac," by Edmund Rostand. There will be an auction bridge party, at the Country club Saturday evening. 8:30 o'clock. . \ Mrs. W. B. Davles, 530 Forest ave- nue, was hostess to her Bridge and Luncheon club on Tuesday. ' .Mrs. George Weaver, 812 Ashland, will entertain her Bridge club next ^Tuesday for luncheon. Mrs. Albert Lennon of North Edge- water entertained the North Shore , Luncheon club yesterday. for several days. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Lewis and Mr. B. F. Lewis, with their families, mo- tored to Camp Lake, Wis., Saturday of last week. Mr. C. E. Renneckar and Miss Mar- garet Kenneckar left Tuesday of last week for a two weeks' visit with rel- atives in Holgate, O. Miss Eleanor Snider returned home Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Crippen are in | Friday morning from Columbus. Ind.. where she has been visiting relatives for several weeks. Mrs. Mary C. Howard of Boston, Mass., is spending the summer at the home Of her son, Mr. Arthur Howard, 1055 Wilmette avenue. Mrs. Rousseau, with her n«tce. Miss Nannie Rousseau of Golden Ranch visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Higgiuson, Jr., j entertained at dinner last Friday. j Mrs. A. P. Peirce left Saturday to | spend two weeks at White Lake, Mich. Mrs. J. 8. Brown of Rock Island is! visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. II. Verhalen. Miss Efllc Ladd, 716 Lake avenue, i near New Orleans, La., are spent last week-end visiting in the city. Miss Emilie Newton or Bloooiington is the guest of Mrs. Fitz-Randolph this week. Mr. and Mrs. Church Todd ana son i Jerry Todd are camping near Mercer, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson left Mrs. William Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Davis of Hyde Park spent part of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Bart- lett, 1324 Elmwood avenue. Mrs. Carpenter of Lake avenue has returned from' an extended trip through the east. Mrs. Kdwards of Washington, D. C, returned with her. Roger Lovelsnd, who has been the Saturday to spend two weeks at Mae-^a€8t of AIbPrt scheidcnhelm. 804 For- Mrs. I. R. Adklns entertained Central Avenue circle on Friday. the The ladles of the fifth division held an extra all-day meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Evans, 610 Gregory avenue. This finishes their work for j lg tue gue8t' Qf Miss Mary Gallagher atawa. Mr. Frank Hair left Saturday after- I noon to spend two weeks at Maciti- jnac. I Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Buckman, 726 I Laurel avenue, returned from the oast j Friday. Miss Evelyn Webster of Milwaukee the year. The next meeting will be held! in September. this week. Mrs. Robert Hess (Alice Maynard) Is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Wil est avenue, for two weeks, left for his home In Waterloo, Iowa, on Srtturdoy. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Rathbone. 710 Central avenue, .and Mrs. Parsons and daughter, Kathcrlne. returned this week from a motor trip through the east. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kohbtns left yesterday to spend several weeks as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Statt- man at their summer home near Win- chester. Wis,_______________„ Mrs. P. F. Wiard and sons'. Leo and ... The Eight club will be entertalnea Ham A. Maynard. next Tuesday by MrB. Thomas G. Win- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen returnee neit of Chestnut avenue. j Friday from their trip to northern -- j Wisconsin. The Thursday Bridge and Luncheon Mrs. Charles A. Wanner left Mon- club met last week with Mrs. Richard day for a stay of two weeks at Mack- Pattillo, 620 Forest avenue, and wiUlinac Island. meet next Thursday at the home of j The Navajo girls enjoyed an all-day Mrs. T. B. Potter on Elmwood. j beach party Friday, with Mrs. Harry -- iDavissou. Mrs. Lester Wood on Washington \ Dr. and Mrs. N. P. Coldwell, 717 avenue will be hostess at a meeting or' Kim wood avenue, returned Trom Maca- tfae Friday club tomorrow,. I tawa Saturday. -- Mrs. Seng of Texas if the guest of mer home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Rice, 518 Central! her sister, Mrs. Charles A. Barton. 808 I Wray, Stoughton, Wis. avenue, entertained the Reading circle i Af bland avenue. on Monday. ->-------- j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rye. 403 Wash- - ______.• __=rr__________ jington avenue, announce the birth of - A club of twenty young women from it son, June 27. Evanston, Wilmette and Glencoe en- j Mr. and Mrs. Brace B. Powell and joyed a beach party Monday of last'family, 908 Ashland avenue, are visit- left for Boone; fa., where they expect to remain a month. Miss Irene Paul- eon is visiting friends In Edge water. Mr. and Mr». George W. Rdse and daughter, 1232 Lake avenue, returned Wednesday from the Groat Lakes, where they visited Buffalo-, Niagara Falls and Canada, among other places. Mrs. Tlchenor of Pasadena, Cal., who has been spending two weeks In Wilmette with her niece, Mrsv William Freeman, left Thursday for the east, where she will remain far the sum- mer. .. . , [#i , x, HtfSi/.. ;,. ■ Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Rathbone, 710 Central avenue, returned home Sun- day front a .month spent in motoring through the bast in company with Mrs. Parsons and Miss Katherlne Par- Mr. and Mrs. M. L Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. McMillen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eldridge, with their families, left Tuesday morning to take an auto trip to Lake Geneva and Rockford. They will be gone about a week. Miss K. Mahon. principal of the Kenosha County Grammar school, was the guest of Miss Jeannette Tuthill, 126 Fifth street, Tuesday of last week. Miss Mahon left Wednesday for her home In Green Bay, Wis. Mrs. Leslie L. Perry,, 11*7 Green wood avenue, is entertaining two or her cousins from the east, Miss Vainey of Philadelphia and Miss Abble Vainey of Washington, DC, who Is connected with the Congressional li- brary. Miss Elisabeth McCue, 631 Wash- ington avenue, stepped out of en au- tomobile into a manhole, while in Stoughton; Wis., recently. Injured her knee. The accident did not prove se- rious, and Miss McCue has entirely recovered. Miss Virginia Hooper returned Fri- day from a three weeks' visit with relatives on Chicago's south side, bringing as a guest her cousin, Miss Natalie Davis, who will spend two weeks at tab Hooper home, 1321 Elm- wood avenue. This evening the New Trier swim- ming tank and gymnasium will be open to -men and their wives and children for the first "family night' this summer. Last season this fea- ture was a great success, especially the various swimming end athletic contests. Mr. Nicholas 1'arlebliet of Katwyk. Aan Zee, Holland, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bright. 606 Central avenue, for a few days this week, on his way west.- Mr. Parlebliet is a business friend of Mr. Bright, and is in this country on a pleasure trip. ■ ~: Miss Minnie Hughes, who under- went a severe operation at the West Suburban hospital June 25, has left the hospital, and is staying with her uncle, Mr. A. J). Hughes, of Austia, during . her convalescence. Miss Hughes expects .to he, return home in about two weeks. A number of WUmette girls are acting as helpers at. Camp Good Will this summer, among them. Misses Clara Nourse, Alice Wheelpck, Madgo Lynch, Nettie Kaufman. Lois Clark and Marion bunshee. ('amp Good Will is located in North Evanston, on the open square bounded by Cen- tral" street, .Sherman, Orrlngton and Milburn avenues, and is under the di- rection of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Black. Kenilrvorth Netvs Notes Mrs. Edward Wisdom of Warwick place entertained at luncheon Tues- day. , Mrs. Frank R. Young of Cumnof road is at Battle Creek', rMlch., for the summer Mr. and Mrs J. K. Farley and their two oldei children are camping in northern Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Gasque ojt Cumnor road entertained Week-end guests from Chicago this week. Miss Jane Hlghbee entertained the Canrp Fire girls at Ravinla Thursday. The young gtrls took a picnic luncheon Up and attended the concert. Miss Frances Benedict, formerly of Kenil worth, danced at the children'*, concert at Kavinia Thursday. Mr. ami Mrs! Farley have gone to the northern part of Wisconsin for wo weeks. Miss HeUn Cresap Is in northern Wisconsin. ^ Mrs. Kennedy Is entertaining her Myron, of Wankegan. motored to Wil- mette Saturday to spend the week-end with Mr. und Mrs. Arthur Rogers, 428 Ninth street. Mrs. Louis. H. Smith and daughter, Miss Dorothy Smith, of Spring Valley, former Wilmette residents, spent sev- eral days of this week as guests of Mrs. Arthur Howard. Mr. Charles McCue and family, 631 Washington avenue, have returned from an automobile trip to the sum- Mrs. J. G. Mrs. W. G. Glover and four year old son Ceorgie, who are spending a month in the cast, are now in Phila- delphia. Mrs. Glover Is expected home the first of August. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Blaylock. 230 week In Glencoe. After a supper on \ ing in California. ; Doyle court, have Mrs. Blaylock's sis- the beach, the girls adjourned to the I Mrs. Harry S. Thomas and children ■ ter, Mrs. Archibald Wight, of South home of Miss Mabel Albright on Park j of 723 Forest avenue spent last week i Brewer, Me., and daughter, Emma, as avenne 4o* spend the cutnlng. Miss j in Fond du Lac, Wis.------------- ------jtnelr guests this week. Gladys PfWer on Ninth and Forest j Mrs. A. L. Taylor of Lake" avenue; Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Bebapper arenas, WWmtte, will girls next Mom entertain the left Saturday to spend two weeks at of Blue Island spent Sunday In Wil- .-White Lake, Mich. ,-_^^ ---,.-:- -_-- i mette, visiting Mrsr F, O. Young and Mrs. D. B. Hornbeek of Elgin will i family of EtmwOotf svenne and Mrs. Mrs. W. B^Doviea, 530 Forest ave-jbe the week-end guest of Mrs. B. E. a. T. Pierce or 1007 Lake avenue. ase. entertained the Tuesday club at I Buckman this week. ( Mrs. W. B. Paulson and daughter. luncheon this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. E, R, Webber, 815'Susie, 711 Washington avenue, hare Dr. Charles Horswell is reported im- proving. It was at first thought that be had internal lujuries, but It was later discovered that most of-bis In- juries were local. : .: _. i*v........ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Kles left last Thursday for New York, where they will make their home in the future.. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde 8. Blair have moved to Rogers Park, where thoy have rented an apartment, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Merrill are on an automobile trip through Wisconsin with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Durham. - Mr: Charles Macklln sailed last Wed- nesday for England. -!" '-> Mr. afid Mrs: F# &\Vt. ^ebje have rented their house'oil ('umnor road tor ihree months. * fhef wlff spfend the summer at La Ports. itt&.»vwh)jrc they nave rented £ hodie.' .,' 7** . Mary Machlih, Junior Cresap and John Robert Murray are attending the MOntessoTi school at the college school. . HIM Virginia Daniel!, of Menomi- nee, Mich., has been'the guest of Miss Marie Kasten for the past few weeks. Miss Danlell was a classmate of Miss Kasten's at Wellesley. She has visited in Kenllworth before. Several of the Kenil worth golf pla!*: ers have joined the hew Indian* Hill golf club at Winnetka. Mr. William Lester will return to Kenllworth in August. He has spent the past year on a ranch in Colorado. ' v.: (I V A CATION MO N E T TRAVELERS' CHEQUES free you from * the anxiety of carrying ctiriMcy: i ■ These chetjwes; -^jr agreement ? with t|rit' American Bankers' Association, are accepted by SO;oop hanks in all parts of th6 world Hotels -and Railroads welcome them in place ii , T&tjse* Afi^i&nfifyjnfir:'cheques atfe tssusAl-H :"aniIso*d.bythc-':--- iy'i '; ♦w'J " *- ■■■ "V*«sV %' yyiL.MErrTE mTr% bank : ■■». . ■ i ; "^ i- ,*..rrl.-- r-xf ■ ■ .r^/- ■ ---- ■■■■■■■I i4X ^i --. Printing and Developing Done at Lowest Prices m 29 Brown BMg. A Wifmettt ***!' WE OFFER A REDUCTION on all osr work during July and August. We do Cleaning. Pressing and Repairing. The Up-To-Dafe Lairs'and Men's Tailoring I Electric Place >VU.nETTB Phone 241 ..... I. W. SI PUS Contractor 6 Builder JOBBING A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE TELEPHONE WILMETTK 1364 iln. 1302 Wilmette Aw., Witmelle, HI. ? ~ ;63 Ifs* Purity and Quality First iMade iii Wilmette Wilmette Fruit Store GEORGE P1ERANTONI, Manager fi3in, don't forget to bring the meat homeltoight. I'm (depending on^Slor dintitt'Xii ' <' ..i? v. HSiw Marj^, what's.the Use M fiiy carryittg home ^yk^^i'^-^df ffo«i Chicago, this hot weather, wh^tj we can get th^ame, or a:'better grade/ fof the same jfioney by paying cash, right here in WiTmette. Call up 278. A FEW OF OUR PRICES Prime Eoast of Beef, per lb...............20c-24c Cooked Corned Beef, lb. 30c Beef Stew, lb.........12c-18c Sirloin Steak, lb. ...25c-28c Lamb Stew, lb..........8c-20c Boiled Ham, lb.............42c Breast of Veal, lb.........166 Veal Loaf, lb...............30c Bib Veal Chops, lb. ......26c Shoulder Lamb Chops, per lb.....................22c Frankfurters, lb.........16c 635 W. Railroad Ave. '§ Second Door Sooth of Central Telephones 278 and 279 ! WILMETTE J* •## While ori Your Vacation Remember Your - .I . ■---------*----i---------•■---------------iii- ri.i.i -------gag .. g»r .,.., . ,' . ..r ' ..y; .v Friends at Home with Beautiful Cut Flowers Leave your orders with us, we shall be pleased to fill your every want with strictly fresh flowers at lowest wholesale prices. FRESH ROLLS For BREAKFAST i f»-- Many Wilmette Families have taken advantage of oar early morning delivery Why Not You? All Bread Wrapped in --Wax Psper-- Wilmette Baking Co. 1165 WHmctfe Ave. Tel. Wilmette 449 '■ "i" Store: 615 Railroad Ave. Greenhouses: 1625 Central Ave. Telephone Wilmette 23 PYFER & OLSEM, Wilmette, HI. Successors STAR FLORAL CO. Wc deliver to any part of Evanston. Wilmette. Kenil worth. Gloncoo. Winnotka and all north shore towns. Also deliver flowers on board steamcrd sailing from any large port. wkmti ----■ ffiirnr n >■■ Mrs. J. I'rrntfss and aon» have left for a twu weeks* trip to Estes Park. Mr. PrcntisH is tn Denver. Mr. Lynn I). WHlis has returned to Kentlwortli after a»v extended visit vrith hi8 aunt in St. I.onis. Mr. au<l Mrs. Arndt of Hyde Park have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thackery. Miss Uartlett of Idaho hns been the guest of Mrs. S. C. Eastman. Miss Vivian Witherbeo is visiting Mrs. W. Englar at her summer home j tn Tomahawk, Wis. Mr. ami Mrs. P. W. Coolidge are taking a lake trip. They will visit relatives in northern Michigan for about two weeks. Mrs. E. F. Snydackcr and son James j are visiting her mother at Canton. O.^ Mrs. E. C. Andrews entertained with a thimble party last week Friday. Dr. and Mrs. Calvin S. Case left the' middle of the week for a two months' trip abroad. Dr. Case wilt talk before several of the medical societies dur- Wit Bis trip. srtto r_ Miss Grund of Chicago-SJ«S- the] guest of Misp Blanche Thorien last weak. Mr. MacConnell Is on a three weeks"; business trip tawugh the east. I SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 Taxi Gab Service Night and Day J« W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette Linen and Mohair Suits BE oomfqrtable during the warm days this month and next. ' Let us make you a beautiful LINEN, MOUAIR or LIGHT WEIGHT SERGE .SUIT,- We are making special inducements in prices. It is worth your time to investigate. CLEANING, PRESSING AND REMODELING '.' ^' Work Called For and Delivered 1131 GREENLEAF AVENUE Telephone 16 : WILMETTE GEORGE J. EBER ---- 561 Fir St. Phone G75-L AUTO DOCTOR Witt call, examine your car, give estimate and do work in your own garage. £. C. MELVINE WINNETKA BSSSSJSBBBStBaSSBBSSSMSSSSMBMSBSBSBSBSSHSSa | Bronze, Etc C«n W wMsd mni Sim siiumrWBsW. CWlupJhej American Welding Co. (Not Inc.) A. T. (1RAIM3I, MKr. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE. Phone Wilmetto 1381 Wilmette, Illinois AT YOUm SERVICE When in Hce*'Of. .any Ladies' or Gentlemen's tailoring Telephone Wilmette - 6*7,,-,We are here to try and please you. .. WM. KAPLAN LADIES' AMD GENTS' TAILOR ■ 6S5 Itnllrond Ave. Hellron IHdgfa ■P-* Dressmaking ■as- Including fancy suits and evening wraps. Corsets made to order Miss i\L Poland Reom 54, Brown Bidg. Tel. ■ i Western Casket and Undertaking Company A Western Casket does not .mean a Cheap Casket. It dots mt*n * Cheap Price. We carry a line of Caskets ranging in prices from Twenty-Five up to Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars. They are Caskets you will pay from Fifty to Five Hundred and Fifty Tiollars fir a,ny place else.--We manvtaeture tXL o I our own Caskets at our Own Factory», thus saving you .from Thirty to Fifty Pir Cent. WM. IS. fCOTT (eifht years with J. L. Hebbfethwaite) is manaffer and part owner of our Wilmette Store and will give hi* personal attention to every detail. <f Wc challenge a comparison at prices, uttgrnartuttet firtt class Mrvice. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FURNISHED WHEN PESIRED,---------------------•^-^------------- Phone Wilmette 280 WM. H. SCOTT, Manager 1123 Central Avenue

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