a I Mm. J. W. Rush, 737 Linden avenue, entertains at luncheon this weak at the Chicago Athletic dab tor Mrs. Xatreneaux of Ch icaao. Gertrude Enflemann, ioii Greenleaf avenue, entertained at a house party over the week-end of Aug. IS. The guests were: Judge Koch sad sisters, Miss Mathilda Koch of St. Louis, Mr. J. Altmansberger of Oak- vlUe, IU.. and Mr. J. Coyle of. Keo- kuk, la. Hpg Aliiiu Shore cleared |14 Thursday at the soda sale given tor the benefit of the camp. The luncheon' given tor Miss Almeda Lewis by MTs. Walter Clark of Oakwood avenue and Mrs. Arthur Rogers, at the home of Mrs. Rogers. 428 Ninth street, was a delightful suo- *»** T>a Ammr+ttanm were in pink and white. Luncheon was served at six tables prettily decorated with bas- kets of pink flowers. After luncheon the guests played auc Those from out of town were the ladles of the North Shore Luncheon club. y^Mrs. Wm. O. Belt, €01 Washington avenue, entertained at a porch party for Mrs. Samuel Porter of San Diego, °CaL, who is visiting her. and Mrs. David Anderson, POO Chestnut avenue. There were three tables for bridge. Mrs. George Bird, S10 Washington ftvenae, and Mrs. R. JB. Pettit, 1033 Ashland avenue, carried off the prises. Other guests were: Mrs. Charles Clark, Mrs. B. J. Casse, Mrs. Joseph Davis, Mrs. Mack, Mrs. Charles Reese, Mrs. H. Thomas, Mrs. Albert Hawkes and Mrs.' William T. Smith. Mrs. H. E. Moore, 1233 Elm wood avenue, entertained at luncheon last Thursday to celebrate the wooden wedding of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Watson, of 1204 Forest avenue. Mrs. Charles Wanner, 623 Central avenue, entertained informally Fri- day for Mrs. George Thorpe of Sea City, la., who is the guest of Mrs. Fred Cain, 307 Central avenue. Mrs. N. C. Thayer, 610 Central ave- nue, entertained Thursday at tea for her sisters, Mrs. Luvall and Miss ; Leigh ton of Sioux Rapids, la., who are making a two weeks' visit The afternoon and evening lawn party at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Schnauder, 422 Greenleaf ave> nneu was » great leceess. The affair «©i place as W^saeida? of Urn *«*« and waa given for the German itable organisation, Erhqlung. of Chi-' cago. The Erbolune has been In existence since' 1834, and Mrs. Schnauder was a charter member. The association pays $200 etch month to keep old people from the poor house. Mrs. Kattensberger and her quartet aided in making the day a pleasant one. The quartet has suns before many of the prominent German societies in Chicago, and one of its members, Miss Garstenboro, IS es- pecially well known. There was also s pianist from Chicago. Cinch and euchre made the afternoon pass quick- ly and a buffet luncheon was served on the lawn and in the dining room. One hundred and fifty ladies Were present and aided in clearing $50 for the organization. Those living in dlS- tant parts of Chicago were compelled e evening because of the rain, and the lanterns had to be taken In. All agreed, how- ever, that the weather was no draw- back to a very pleasant day. Mrs. Ernest Barbour, 25 Crescent place, entertained at tea Sunday eve- ning, -j Mr. Carleton Kaumeyer, 601 Linden avenue, gave a dinner party Friday of last week to fourteen friends for his cousin, Miss Hasel Campbell of Al- mont, Mich., who has been a guest at the Kaumeyer home for some time. Mrs. R. H. Palenske, 226 Tenth street, entertained eight boys and girls last Thursday in celebration of the sixth birthday of her son, Karl. Karl's guests were Harriet Mons, Marcella Johnson. Elizabeth and Busty McSher- ry, Lucius Crowell of Evanston and James Fling and Jean Arthur of Birch- wood. Mrs. N. G. Gibson. 425 Washington avenue, entertains thirty friends, mostly of Washington avenue, at 500 today. Miss Margaret fittvaaw. 808 Elm wood avenue, entertained the Navajo Camp Fire girls at luncheon Tuesday. /Mrs. F. 8. Robblns, 1026 Linden avenue, has been entertaining Mr. Bobbins' sister, Mrs, Fred Tobitt, of Middletown, O. Mrs. Bobbins enter- talned Informally for Mrs. Tobitt last Friday. THE LAKE CHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 87,1914. Mrs. Hshossan and children of Park Ridge are the guests of Mrs. Jas. A. Beekwlth, 127 Linden avenue. Hiss Norma Dentche of Ravens- wood Is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Harry Hoop, 225 Linden avenue. Miss Gladys Donaldson, 1116 Forest avenue, is preparing to attend school at Buena Vista, Virginia, this year. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Robinson, 630 Saturday from a lake trip td Buffalo. Herman Teufel and his broth- and sisters, Sheridan road and avenue, are visiting in San * Wilmeiie Societies and Clubs The North Shore Luncheon club met last Wednesday with Mrs. Duff ell at Argyle. AIL those having chances on the bag to be raffled for the benefit or the Arden Shore camp are requested to give the number of their chance to Miss Hortense Gowlng, 630 Washing- ton avenue. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid society of the Wilmette Methodist church will be held Thursday, Sept. 3, at 1:80 o'clock. The regular lunch- eon will precede the meeting at 12 o'clock. Luncheon tickets are 25 cents. "The Four Winds," playlet, and the seven tableaux, given by the Pottawat- tamie Camp Fire Girls, was well worth the while of those who attended, and there was an audience of fifty. Lem- onade was served by the girls during the afternoon. After the play and tableaux, there was a council fire and the Wohelo ceremony of lighting the three candles for work, health and love. This was followed by the sing- ing of the three camp fire songs, "Fire- light," "Good-night" and "Wohelo." The girls then showed the audience the many pieces of art work they had made. Little Robert Brown. 738 Eleventh street, and Helene Mahan, 718 Elm wood avenue, each three years old, took part in a tableaux showing the Camp Fire girl guiding little chil- dren. Robert Mahan was an Indian Chief. Photographers from the Herald. Tribune and Examiner were on hand to take the girls' pictures. Fourteen dollars was cleared for the Tribaae ioe fund. The Delta Psi girls met Monday with Miss Isobel Murray, 2812, Central street, Evanston. The Reading circle meets next Monday with Mrs. John Clarke Baker, 247 Hill street The Tuesday club meets Sept. 1 with Mrs. Frank Cutler, 1001 Lake ave- nue. Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk Mrs. Parsons and daughter, Kath- erine, have returned from Madison, Wis. Miss Gevilla Colegrove, 1002 Green- . leaf avenue, returned from Iowa this week. Mr. C. C. Mitchell, 814 Linden ave- nue, is In Nebraska on business this week. ' Mrs. Geo. C. Gardner, 716 Central avenue, is Bight-seeing at Glacier Na- tional park. Harvey Hopp. 225 Linden avenimJa, EV0jiBton"~ arc visiting at Cedar Falls, Waverley, and Waterloo. la. ___:___ guests of Mrs. H. E. Moore, 1223 Elm wood avenue, last week. The Misses Helen and Marlon Rob- erts, Jean Hatch, Dorothy Collier, and Dorothy Hardenbrook have returned from camp In Mercer, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Moore and family of Danville, 111., were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. East- man, 412 Central avenue. Mrs. W. N. Waldner and two chil- dren, 1046 Greenwood avenue, left this week tor Baltimore, where they ex- pect to remain several weeks.___------- Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Drury, and daughter Florence, 622 Central ave- nue, have .returned from Denver where they have been for some time. Mrs. John Segsworth, ' 1147 Wil- mette avenue, left Monday for Tra- verse- City, Mich., where her daughter Eyelvn has been visiting for some time. Mrs. S. J. Nordorf, 1507 Lake ave- nue, was called away suddenly Sat- urday night to Long Beach, CaL, be- cause of the serious illness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Hawes and daughter, Louise, 714 Central avenue, left the first of the week for New York, Boston, Buffalo and other east- ern points. , , Mrs. Henry Harft and children, Vir- ginia and Henry, 1603 Lake avenue. left last Wednesday for Lake Geneva and Belvidere for a Visit with Mrs. Harft's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Berley Withers of gratula- tlonB on the arrival of a daughter last Fridays Mrs. Withers- war formerly Miss Mattle Akely of Wilmette. Miss Elizabeth Casey, formerly in- structor in English and Spanish at will be on Mr. Edward Moore spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Moore. Mrs. Fred Cain, 907 Central avenue, | New "Trier hlg¥ school^ has Mrs. Geo. Thorpe of Sea City, la., 1 the facuUy of Leland stanford nnlver. as her guest. I 8ity |n California, this year. Miss Hattie Latham, 430 Hill street. I Last Tuesday some of the Wilmette has been visiting in Chicago during I members of the Arden Shore commlt- tbe past week. jtee attended the open business meet- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dean. 630 Park lng at ^ Arden ghore camp taklng avenue, spent Sunday visiting friends a basket mnch and 8pending the day. Kenilworth News Hales Mrs. Witherby entertains the Bridge club this week, vj Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rldgewav and family are in fflSljBliii, Wis. Mrs. W. 3. Tinsman and family have reioraed to Kenilworth from • two weeks'trip through the east. Miss Caroline Sanborn, Essex road. is visiting in the east until the term begins at Dana hall, where Miss San- born attends. Mr. and Mrs. Watson ana small daughter, of Kenwood, 111., are mov- ing into their new home on Cumnor road and Kenilworth avenue, this week. Mr. H. Kasten will return the last of the month front Germany, where he has been on business for the past two months. Mrs. C. K. Parmelee and her aunt, Mrs. Ray. have returned from Europe. Mrs. G. P. Nichols entertained with a porch party. Friday. sold their home on Abbotsford road and will move into the house formerly oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Veness. Several of the Kenilworth girls are taking part in the- women's tourna- ment at the Indian Hill Golf club. Among those arc: Miss Louise Ware, Miss Marie Kasten. Miss Agnes Pease, Miss Elizabeth Stuart, and Miss Hes- ter Went worth. Mr. Paul Schulze Jr. entertained at a house party over the week-end Among the guests were Misses Dor- othy and Frances Deneen and Mr. Nel son Plamandoh of Chicago. The young people attended a dinner and dance at the Skokie Country club Sat urday evening, where they were Joined by Miss Margaret Fitch and Mr. Mil ton P. Ghee Jr. of Kenilworth. The choir boys of the church of the Mr. ni Lfadc Franc Mrs. Hhi^y oris wold and seat, M11- ton and Henry,. 640: Seventh street, are spending a month in northern Michigan. _!!t_jy»d Mrs, Barclay of Chicago motored out to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Becker, 105 Fifth street. Miss Helen Palmer, 1132 Forest ave- nue, will leave soon for Waterman hall where she attends school for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowen and son, 1215 Elm wood avenue, returned this week from Lake Mendota, near Madison, W4sT^==^=^------ Mr. Shelby Eliot of Henderson,. Ky„ is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Shurtleff, 815 Lake ave- nue, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lusted an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Caroline, to Mr. Ralph Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H. Liebermaa. 161 Kline street, were visited by their cousin, Mr. Harry Sorxeck add son of Milwaukee last Week. Dudley and Elizabeth Field, 913 Central avenue, returned home Sun- day evening from Indiana where they have been visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mendsen, 801 Greenleaf avenue, left Thursday for Denver and Bates Park. They expect to remain two weeks. Mrs. Daniel Mann and Mrs. Harry Spear of La Grange! I1L. were the Holy Comforter have just returned Estes Park, Colo. from their annual encampment in the Michigan woods, The place selected was Camp Holly on beautiful White Lake, the spot where they have been for several years past. All the boys declare that this encampment * was probably the best that has ever been held. Not a serious accident, not a trouble, even the weather Itself was all that could be desired. The company in camp averaged twenty-two members. The enjoyment was further aug- mented by the presence of Major John- son, an old friend of the choirmaster, Mr. John G. Baylis, who was a guest at the camp. Mr. Johnson entertained the boys with stories of the Civil war and none of the party will forget "Johnny Sehmoker" and the drills which the "Majah" conducted. MMIOMMIlif M0MMIII, (What People Are Doing! in Miss Jeanette Walker has gone v :th a party of friends on a camping trip to the Canadian Rockies. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Allen Sr., 454 Sheridan road, left on Thursday for a motor trip through the east. Miss Ida Williams announces the engagement of her niece, Miss Lois Williams Pittman, to Harold Keith, son of Mrs. Elbrldge Keith of 2110 in Joliet, 111. Mrs. Lytle and daughter have been Mrs. W. R Grant and children. 13c j the gnestfl of Mffl- A N> M<.Cailum. Laurel avenue, are the guests of rela- 881 CentTai avenue. Miss Dorothy's tives in Wisconsin. 1 bJatef Mr8 and Ml88 LytIe wH1 Mrs. P. W. Gates, 2929 Sheridan (leave tooa to visit reiatlves in Nash- road, is entertaining relatives from < Vnie, Tenn. southern Illinois. _| Mp j. w Rugh( 727 Linden avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Norman BettB, 739 , ,eft th|„ week wlth a party of friends Ninth street, are enjoying an outing to camp at Minnelrta, Minn. Messrs. I at Trout Lake, Wis. j Wm Breyer, Wiagonseller and Hoff- j Mr. and Mrs. A. N. McCallum. 8 1 man of Milwaukee are the camp Prairie avenue, Chicago. Mrs. William Spencer Crosby of Chicago is visiting her daughter, Mrs. James E. Quan, who have a house here for the summer. Mrs. Crosby expects to go east next week. The wedding of Miss Laura Ware, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Ware, to Howard Isham will take place on Sept. 12. It will be celebrated in the garden of the Ware home. Mrs. Walter Lytton will serve her cousin as matron or honor. Mr. and Mrs Herbert Ware and'Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Lytton are all at Vineyard Haven, Mass., until the first of September. ft! M»'l«11 ■♦■ t 1111 HI tjh What People Are Doing i in Glencoe Central avenue, spent the week-end at Lake Ripley, Wis. Mrs. Won. G. Beyrer, 1022 Lage ave- nue, has returned from a two weeks' motor trip in Boston. Mrs. F. D. Day. 810 Oakwood ave- HEART8 OF OAK. nue, is entertaining two nieces and a ttome Wednesday. guests of Mr. Rush. Mrs. Archibald Wight and daugh- ter, Emma, of South Brewer, Me., who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Blaylock, 230 Doyle court, for some time, left for their The Village theater Is going to look J Jike a real show house. A canopy It being placed over the entrance, not so much for looks, as possibly a pro- tection against rain. There are very few places where additions can be made in this complete place. Next Tuesday the feature win be James A. Hearne'a famous dream. "Hearts of Oak." Ralph Stuart and play the leading roles. nephew from Chicago. Mrs. Ernest Tucker, 226 Doyle court; Is entertaining Miss Effle Don- ner, Of Lincoln. Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Watson and baby, 1204- Forest avenue, left Mon- day for Ephraim, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shellman and children, 914 Central avenue, have re- turned from St Joe. Mich. Miss Gertrude Ohlendorf, 237 Lin- i oen avenue, is entertaining Miss Mary I Daily of Terre Haute, Ind. Mrs. R. J. Mulvey and children, Eighth Street, returned Friday from a Mrs. W. Baldwin, 212 Woodbine ave nue, and Madame Keith of Lake ave- nue went to Walloon lake this week. j Mr. Albert D. Ballou reached home I the first of the week from abroad. Miss Beatrice King left Friday to spend a week with friends at Menom- inee, Wis. Mrs. Thomas King and Miss Parry came home Thursday from a two i weeks" outing at Kuntze's Lake, Irid. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schnur, Miss Schnur and Mr. Philip Schnur with where they expect to remain until the I the*r chauffeur left Thursday for the middle of September. |«wt to motor through the Berkshire Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Campbell, 626 i hills and other points of Interest. Gregory avenue, returned Wednesday [• Word has been received by Glencoe from Europe. They sailed on the I friends of Miss Elizabeth Parker, who Royal George by way of the North I *<"» -in Heidelberg when war was de- Green Bay road and what was then! Downing avenue, has acquired the five or six acre lot of the Mutt estate ad* joining him on the north, ana has laid out the whole sixteen acres In a; plat which reaches as far north a* Snyder's Creasing; and extends east- and west from Green Bay road te Glen liiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiMiiiii I What People Are Doing Mrs. Harry Beyers, 1017 Ridge ave- nue, will be hostess at the Country club dance on Friday evening. Mr. William Boyd. Jr, is spending the summer at the forest reservation In. the heart of the Rockies in Mon- tana. ' Miss Eleanor Hill, 1108 Grove street, has returned from Hyannisport, Mass., where she visited Miss Margaret Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. A B. Smith and fam- ily, 2324 HartseU street, have re- turned from a motor trip to Wood- bine, La. Mrs. A. S. C. Clarke, with her son, Robert, and daughter, Elizabeth, 831 Hlnman avenue, has returned from Toulon, 111. - Mrs. Agnes Palm and daughters, 2405 Colfax street, and the Misses Bertha and Esther Moore are at One- kama, Mich. Miss Louise Hammon, 744 Hlnman avenue, returned Saturday from Whitehall, Mich., where she has Spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Huston and daughter, 1030 Grove street, have re- turned from their summer home at Eagle Lake, Wis. Mrs. Frank H. Starkweather and chil dren, 1044 Lake Shore drive, are spend- ing the summer at Elk Horn Lodge, JUST IN TflME UWT IS USlBLfcSS to lock Wbarn after 1 the hone is stolen." . Put those trinkets, keepsakes and papers in a safe deposit box at once. '" Next Mta^ m^^ioTl^ Open Friday evenings front 7 to 8, and Saturday mornings before 8. W1LM ETTE IBH BAN K Mrs. John Orchard. 583 Ingleside place, has as her guest Mr. Vincent Mllnes of Bradford. England, who is on bis way home from New Zealand. Mrs. Chester B. Masslich and daughter of White Plains, N. Y., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Shuman, 812 Gaffield place. Dr. Kathryn Lomas and her daugh- ter, Eloise, 1045 Hlnman avenue, will return the first of September from the east, where they have been spend- ing a month. Miss Ruth Hammon, 744 Hlnman avenue, gave a miscellaneous shower Saturday ^afternoon for Miss Vera Weston of Chicago, who is to be mar- ried in the faU. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bates and Miss Rose Bates, 2112 Orrington avenue, arrived in Quebec on the Grampian Monday from Europe and will reach Evanston on Thursday. .-■ Mrs. J. J. Charles, with her daugh- ters, the Misses Martha and Frances, and son. Jack, 1319 Hlnman avenue, left last Wednesday for Lake Suna- pee, N. H., to be gone two weeks. Friends of Mrs. Edgar G. Richards, 2347 Ridge avenue, will be pleased to learn of her rapid recovery. She was able to return from Petoskey, Mich- today, having been there but a short time. Mrs. George B. Dry den and Mrs. Walter Pietsch are motoring through the White mountain region. The lat- ter part of the trip they will be at the seashore with the children until Sap* tember. Mrs. H. M. Johnson and her grand- daughter. Miss Louise Carter, left Tuesday morning for the Dells of Wis- consin, where they will meet Miss Carter's parents. Together they will motor home on Saturday. Saturday. Sept 20, is the day chosen for the wedding of Miss Eleanor Spry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Spry, of 1101 Forest avenue, to Mr. Maurice Karl Wilson, son of the late Mr. Hugh Robert Wilson of Evans- ton. The ceremony will take place at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Mrs. Verllng W. Helm of Greencas- tle, Ind., formerly of Tokyo, Japan, has been the guest of her brother-in-law. Principal Helm, en route to the Young Woman's Christian association conference at Lake Geneva, Wis., where she will have charge of the Japanese delegates. Prof, and Mrs. P. A.f'Claassen of Danville, Ky., are visltingVat the home of Mrs. Claassen's father, Mr. 8. F. Steward, ' 2110 Orrington avenue. About Sept. 1 they will leave for Tallahassee. Fhv, where Prof. Claao- sen will become head of the modern language department in the girls' col- lege there. While on Your Vacation Remember Your Friends at Home with Beautiful Cm Flowers -------------------------------------w--;----------------'---------------* --J--; ; ~ .,. .,-.:■■.;■■■< Leave your orders with us, we shall be pleased to fill your every want with strictly fresh flowers at lowest wholesale prices. Store: 615 Railroad Ave. Greenhouses: 1025 Central Ave. Telephone Wilmette 23 PYFER S^OfeSEM, Wilmette, III. Successors STAR FLORAL CO. We deliver to any part of Evanston. Wilmette. Kenilworth. Glencoe. Winnetka and all north ahore towns. AIbo deliver flowers on board steamer* ■aUimr from any law port. ~ ni 1 '1 "li 1 Ladies1 and Gentlemen's Tailoring I am pleased to announce tbst the very latest novelties In niterials, de- signs sod trimmings for the FALL <£> WINTER SEASON of 1914-1915 have arrived, and I herewith extend a cordial invitation to yon to call and inspect same. By placing your orders early, before the busy season sets in, you will receive garments when desired, and thus avoid annoying disappointments. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting their continuance, I am for Best Quality, Correct Styles. Artistic Workmanship, and Perfect Fit GEORGE J. EBER :- - ' ■ ---^~'-' 1131 Greenleaf Ave. Mb Warning to Borrower. Better Is little, provided It be your own, than an abundance of borrowed capital.--Benjamin Frank!!s. HARRY LYNN Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season Kenilworth, III. Phones 1041-1042 YOU CAN HAVE YOUR Plain or Fancy Made at Hone by Calling Wilmeffc 241 We Remodel Ladle*' Garments In the ---Late*t8tyle«.------ .,-._ Hansen Photographfc Studio Printing and Deve1opin£ Done at Lowest Prices Roon 29 Brown Bldg. Wilmette Snowflake Ice Cream Purity and Quality First Made in Wilmette Wilmette Fruit Store GEORGE PIERANTONI, Manager FRESH ROLLS For BREAKFAST Many Wilmotto Familii have taken advantage of our early morning delivery Why Not You? All Bread Wrapped in --Wax Paper- Sea under the escort of a battleship. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell ^aay they suf- fered from nothing but the inconveni- ence attending on the war. WBWS PROM EVANftTONlANS. The party composed of Mr. and,Mrs B. M. Hair. Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. W Allen. Ridgway Allen. Dorothy Allen j nine acres, purchased snort Vlsll In- MlcHtganT Mr. and Mrs."O. B. Chase. 431 Eighth street, are expected home this week from Michigan. Dr. and Mrs. W. Rogers of Mllford, Tex., are the guests of Mrs. Lobanoff, 111S Greenleaf avenue. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, 814 Linden avenue, and small sons spent the week-end In Michigan. and Mrs, ^lepardjp. ABsajS . Can traf aveMKa,' are), enjoying an This play is a strong one and should [ outing in St. Joseph. Mich. Dally Ks prove one of the best of the many Miss Esther Hoffman, 1«35 Lake ar- To be able to say the right thing, at food features presented by this tnue, la enjoying an outing In 8her-| the right time, m the right place ■ ZzzGSt TTw*•"fowratti'I.serviaa-gSy-Gleg "rSew.Hm. • taats talent. elared. that she had arrived Friday on the steamship Baltic. These subdivisions were approved by the board of trustees at their last meeting. They open up convenient ^dtattracti?ju ; section of the village, within convenl- j ent reach of the Northwestern station. 1 Mrs. Sherman Booth has subdivided a half dozen and Wesley Allen, with Mr. and Mrs j years ago, lying between the Sylvan VV illiam Ridgway. Miss Wilms Ridg-, Newhall subdivision and the Chicago way- aid Frederic Ridgway of Chi- & Milwaukee railroad; extending cago, have been heard from at Sche- veningen, Netherlands. They sail from London for Montreal on August southward from the head of Beck's ravine, where it touches the south boundary of the Lake Shore Country lOogL-dak---- Two additions have recently been made to marketable Glencoe property In the northern section of Of Village. Mr. McDonald, who three years ago mid out the 10-aere tract between Nature'e Adjustment. In the case of all fish which take care of their young, a curious adapta- tion of natural law to circumstances la found. Those which take the great- est pains and care In sheltering their Offspring have the fewest eggs, per- haps less than one hundred at a lay, while on the other hand, species of fish which pay not the slightest atten- tion to their young produce hundreds of thousands, and even millions of eggs, at a single lay. .___________ SPECIALISTS UBS Wi'mille Ave. Tel. WilneHt 449 ■ ' ! ■awaaaaaaMsawawaai = 561 Fir Si Phone G75-L AUTO DOCTOR • Will call, examine your car, give estimate and do work in your own garage. E. C. MELV1NE WINNETKA AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 Taxi GabServiceNight and Day J. W. Meyer 6 Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette ---------------- Cast* Iron. £XEnS,e Can bo welded and maile strong as new. Call up the American Welding Co. (Not Inc.) A. P. <; it AH AM, War. COR. FOREST AND RIDGC AVE. Phone Wilmette 1331 Wilmette, Illinois AT YOUR SERVICE When in need of any Ladles' or Gentlemen's tailoring Telephone Wilmette 6§7. We are here to try and please you. WM. KAPLAN I.ADIKS' AND <JENTS* TAILOR / OSS Railroad Atb. Beffron Bid*. NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Western Casket and Undertaking Company A Western Casket does not mean a Cheap Casket. It does mein a Cheap Price. We carry a line of Caskets ranging in prices from Twenty-Five up to Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars. They are Caskets you will pay from Fifty to Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars for any place else. We manufacture all of our oirn^ Caskets at our Oiwt Faitory, thus saving you from Thirty to Fifty Per 'Cent. --WM. B. aCQTT (eight yesvi^wnB) J. L. Hebolethwyaite) is manafer sad part owner of oar Wilmette Store sod will five hif personal attention to every detail, (f We challenge a comparison of prices, and guarantee first class •ervice. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED. Phone Wilmette 280 WM. H, SCOTT, Manager 1123 Central A*ense