Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Nov 1914, p. 2

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, mm <*vw rrss. ass Social Happenings in IViimette By RUTH KISLEY Pmane WUmette 1040 Miss Carolyn Brigham entertained •mm of her friends Informally last Thursday evening at her home, 711 Greenwood arcane. \J>. The Young LadleVausfllaiy of tha of Music will give a formal dance at Wilmette Woman's club met Monday afternoon in the clubhouse. • r * Mrs. K 0. 8alrd,57 Crescent place, entertained a number of children Monday afternoon tar her little daugh- ter. Harriett, the occasion being the little gill's seventh birthday. Covers were laid for fourteen. At her home, 347 Hill street, Mrs. Jchn Clark Baker entertained at luncheon on Tuesday, November 3, lira. Charles Elmea and" lira. Harrison of Buffalo, la. Miss Mary Latham. 430 Hill street, entertained nt tea Sunday evening for her cousin. Mr.. Miles Castle, who IS attending Lake Forest university. Mr. and Mrs. 8. C Mason, formerly of Wilmette, entertained the members of tile Wilmette Bridge elub at their home in Kenilworth Monday tvening. Mrs. J.':Xi MacLean, 916 Oreenleaf avenue, will entertain her Luncheon club today. The Crescent circle will give a tea next Friday afternoon at the Congre- gational church. The ether clubs of the church and their friends are cor- dially Invited. The Informal dancing party to be given at the Woman's Cub this eve- ning under the direction of the finance committee, promises to be especially attractive. Tickets may be procured from Mrs. E. L. Pits Randolph, or at the door. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Mc- Mtllen and Mr., and Mrs. John W. niff are to be the chaperons of the eve- - - ninny-------**--- -*- i-**'x ^-- - Mrs. J. A. MacLean, 916 Greenleaf avenue, gave a very delightful party for her daughter. "Peggy,** the occa- sion being tier twelfth birthday. The guests included Mary 8tuart Barry, Virginia Beymer, Eloise Arms, Eliz- abeth Smith. Margaret Gallagher. Bet- ty Rogers, Margaret Patterson, Kath- ryn Gardner. Margaret Petrie, Joyce Scheidenhelm. Jean Balrd, Dorothea Schmedtgen, Berniece Hoakins. Eliz- abeth Webber and Margaret Mosher. Th« _nftu-iy -organised -live hundred club met Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Brown oh Sixth street. The Ouilmette Country club will hold "open house" tomorrow evening. There win be dancing, billiards, bowl- ing and cards. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mears. 1708 Elmwood avenue, were delightfully surprised Monday evening by twenty of their friends, in honor of their tenth wedding anniversary. Mr. E. H. Robinson, €30 Central ave- *"lrae,"*wns host last evening to-the members of the finance committee ------. and the Booster's club of the Meth- Tomorrow evening the Sigma Alpha lot* sorority of Northwestern School the Woman's club building. The Baptist church will give a "Harvest Home" dinner for ltd mem- bers and friends nest Tuesday eve ning at Brown's hall. Mrs. Philip Huguenln gave an in formal dancing party Thursday eve- ning for her son, Philip and her daughter, Sarah, at her home on Lake avenue. Mr. Walter Lijienfield led the dancing. The "T. c." club was pleasantly en- tertained Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Edward H. Vunkers, 911 Sheridan road. Thirty-four guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Harmon, 214 Sixth street, were among the number who entertained at dinner preceding the dance on Hallowe'en at the Coun- try club. Covers were laid for ten. Mrs. Hubert Harmon gave a tea Wednesday afternoon for a number of her friends in Highland Park. Mrs. Gordon Hannah entertained the Linden Avenue Neighborhood circle at her home, 923 Oreenleaf ave- nue, Monday afternoon. The Wilmette Branch of the Illinois Democratic league held Its regular monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Amos W. Hostet- ter, 628 Greenleaf avenue. One hour was devoted to answering questions, the main feature being the reading of a very Interesting paper by Mrs. Hostetter on "The Commission Form of Government." Mrs. H. M. Snow pleased her listeners with a piano solo. A pleasant hour followed. The child and home department of the Woman's club held Its first meet- ing of the year Wednesday afternoon. Prof. P. W. Johnstone spoke on The Social Organisation of the High School." Mrs. Edward J. Scbager, 1222 Chest- nut street, entertained her bowling club at luncheon Monday at the Ouil- mette Country club. The Linden Avenue Neighborhood club will hold its evening meeting to- morrow evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stattmann. Dr. and Mrs. N. P. Col well. 717 Elm- wood avenue, entertained the choir of the Methodist church informally Tues- day evening. The Zeta Phi Eta sorority of Cum- nock School of Oratory will give Its first dance of the season tomorrow evening at tbe Wlnnetka Woman's club. Mrs. James C. McBride, Twelfth and Chestnut streets, was a luncheon hostess Wednesday afternoon. Covers were laid for ten. --*■---- ..... Personal Mention of Wttmette Folk FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 18. If It. WtHMMllMMMMO WUmette Societies and Clubs »»e»MMe»M»i»Meee»ot»t .Miss Dorothy Allen entertained the ' "Twigs" at her home. 518 Forest ave- nue, Thursday afternoon. The next meeting will be held on December S at the residence of Miss Margaret Al- len, 1004 Ashland avenue. -The Christian Endeavor -society >r ~the Congregational^church gate a >mi- sicale lost evening at the church Prof, and Mrs. Edwards were in charge of the program. Today is "Auxiliary I>a>" »* St. Au gustine's church. There will b< luncheon at l o'clock in charge Mrs. Charles A. Wanner followed by a business meeting. Tbe reading of the history of China will also be cjh tlnued. The Woman » Home Mi»»lo*»«i«> «•> ciety of the Methodist ttturch met .. es terday afternoon with Mrs. Walker W Baldwin, 212 Woodbine aveuue. Tne first of the departmental men logs of tbe "child and home" depart mrnt of tbe Woman's club w<ta held Wednesday afternoon The subject under discussion waa "The Social Or- ganization of the High School." led by Sean F. W. Johnston. ' The Travel club met Tuetaa* »£«°i noon with Mrs. Helen Gage, >.f bet home, 1134 Elmwood a\enue. Aire S A. Wheelock read a paper cu. "Portu- guese Possessions " ■J Mrs. Ralph Child* of ;><»> uk *«« nue, Wlnnetka, was fioetest. WeaneH day to the Merry Matrons* club. ' The Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club was entertained at tne home of Mrs. George Gardner. 716 Central ave nue. The regular monthly luncheuu at the Congregational church will be somewhat, varied today with a salt, of various articles by the Cosy Corner. Central Avenue and Neighborhood clr dee. A sole of bakery goods will be conducted by the Crescent circle. Fol- lowing this a most delightful program has been prepared by the missionary (committee of which Mrs. S. O. Balrd Is eaafrman. A special feature will be an address by Mrs. A. M. Corwin, president of the Ladies' Aid society of the First church in Chicago Mrs. Benjamin Blymyer, 1018 Lake avenue, is visiting In Mansfield, O. Mr. Bryant Springer, 707 Central avenue, has returned to New York cny. "■ "?/'?'■-r-.i Mr. B. J. Hens of Gross Point fell Saturday morning. Injuring his right hand. " Hiss Georgian* Rogers, 428 Ninth street, left lost week to spend the win ter in BrookUne, Mass. Mrs. Louis A. dark, 7!6 Lake ave- nue, had as her guest this week, Mrs. MacPherson of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Baker, 507 Lake avenue, are spending a fortnight at French Lick Springs, Ind. Mrs. Hoyt King, 711 Forest avenue, has as tier guest, her mother. Mrs. Hunter of Onion City. Pa. Miss Mary Springer, 707 Central avenue, la In Omaha, Neb., where she will spend several weeks. Mrs. E. W. Anderson and son have returned to WUmette after a three weeks' visit In Defiance, O. Miss Juliette Gates. 1124 Wilmette avenue, returned Saturday from a visit with friends In Evansvllle. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Rogers. 428 Ninth street, had as their week-end guest, Miss Dorsetty of Waukesan, III. Mrs. Albert Mausy of Manistee, Mich., is a guest at the borne of Mrs. Frank L. Fowler. 630 Linden avenue. Mr. John A. Anderson, 5*2 Eighth street, has been confined to his borne the last two weeks on account of Illness. Miss Christman, ,809 Elmwood ave- r.ue, returned Sunday from an eastern trip, stopping in Washington and New York city. Mrs. J. B. Castle and son of Sand- wich, 111., were the week-end guests of their cousins at the Latham home, 430 Hill street. Mrs. N. B. Lewis, who has been vis- iting in Racine, Wis., for some time Is again at the home of *Mrs. V. F. Cain, 907 Central avenue. Horace Fowler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Fowler, 830 Linden avenue. Is reported to be convalescing from a sprain received several days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Duer Phillips (formerly Miss Maude Allen) of Oak Park, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Everett Allen, 518 Forest avenue. Mr. and Mrs. David Betts, who have been making their home at 739 Ninth street, have taken the bouse formerly occupied by Mr. George Mason on Thirteenth street. • Mrs. Herbert Leonard of St.-Fault Minn., wife of the former pastor of the Wilmette Methodist church, was the guest last week of Mrs. George Fernald. 811 Forest avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marsh Bowes or 1038 Greenwood avenue, returned last evening from Independence, la . where they attended the wedding of Miss held a meeting Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. E. G. Bentley, 804 Elmwood avenue. The Tuoeday Lruucbeoa and Bridges j Catherine Clarke club will meet Tuesday with Mra. Ar- The first divlslou „i u^ i.bju Aid thur Allen at her home, 1029 Thlr-} society of the Metuoulst church will bold a sale of foods, caoo/ and fancy work on Wednesday, the day before . Mr. Vennema Is a former president of the Holland society. The Kenilworth elub will give a dancing party on Friday. November 27. Mr. Aldcn Sears and Miss Sears are occupying the Pratt home on Warwick Mr. Frank W. CooIIdge of Wood- valescing from a stroke of paralysis. A meeting of the art and literature departments of the Neighbors was held Tuesday morning at the home of Mrs. Chandler. Mra. Splcer of Essex rood has rent- ed her home to Mr. and Mrs. £»*eii for the winter end has gone to her home In Montreal. . Mr. John Vennema, Leicester road, has been honored by the government of the Netherlands by his 'appoint- ment as ttS'chief consul at'Chicago, for the territory embracing the states of Wisconsin, Illinois. Nebraska, Idaho, South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana The educational department of the Neighbors met Wednesday at Mrs. Ridgway's home. Mrs. McDonald read a paper-on "The Economic Position of. tbe Average American Woman."' "Does a Man Support His Wife" by Charlotte Perkins Gilraan was read by Mrs. Ridgway. A discussion led by Mrs. Burnham followed. Mr. Vennema succeeds the late George Birkoff. He was educated at Hope College and the Chicago Kent College of Law, graduating from, the latter institution. He bos practiced his profession in Chicago continuously since he was admitted to tbe bar in 1895. He is also a director of a num- ber of corporations', and for the mat five years has been attorney for tbe village of Kenilworth. Tbe ladies of tbe Church of tbe Holy Comforter are making elaborate plans for the Christmas market to be held next Friday at the Assembly ball. Useful as well as dainty articles will be for sale, and because of the variety. Christmas shbppihg may be done on a'large scale. Following Is a list of the chairmen of the various committees:, ' French tea room, Mrs. Flood and Miss Tlnsman; utility booth, Mrs. William Taylor; fancy work, Mrs. -L. T. Wilson; French booth, Mrs. Reichman; doll booth, Mrs. Blackwood; candy booth. Miss Nellie I-som; pantry corner, Mrs- Hen- =* Wilmette Churches ry Taylor; parcel post, Mrs. Reeves; wanted. Samp! grab; bag, Mh» Dufllejd St Augustine's Episcopal Church. ' 7:30 a. =.--Holy communion. 9:45 a. m.--Sunday school. 11:00 a. m.--Morning service. . The Rev. Frank C. Wheelock of Easthampton, Mass., has accepted the CSlS to St. Awgiutwuos uuwurcTa flwd: will take charge Sunday, December 6. Congregational. Sunday, Nov. 15:-- 9:45, Sunday school. - ' ; 10:30. Men's Bible class In the audi- torium. 11:00, Morning service. Theme: "True Conversion," the seventh in the series on The Gospel of Truth." 5:00, a vesper song sermon by the choir; theme. "The Joy of Giving." The service has been arranged by the choirmaster. Prof. C. 8. Wengerd. He will be assisted by Mrs. Marie White- Clark and Mrs. Bess MeiEhen-Bicker well, sopranos; Miss Harriet Hebert, contralto; Mr. T. A. Fannell. tenor; and Mr. Loafs 8. Smith, organist. C: 15. Y. P. S. C. E., leader. Mr. Law- rence Wade; subject, ^Magnify the C. E. Pledge." Wednesday, Nov. 18:-- 10:00 a. m., ladies' Bible class in the church study. .'•*' 8:00 p. m., the third In the monthly series on "Right Thinking,*' a discus- sion of Dr. Sadler's address on "Faith and Fear." _u___j_____; Methodist Church. Lake and Wilmette avenues. T. K. Gale, minister, 1024 Lake avenue. Tel- ephone 654.' A Church with a Message and a Welcome." Special! 10:45 a. m., Harry Ward of Boston university will speak on "So- cial Service." Come early. 6 p. ni., sacred concert, "Praise and Faith." Prof. Edwards, director; Miss Marie Edwards, organist; ■ Mrs. A. P. Snite, soloist, > 9:30 a. m., Bible school. 3:30 p. m., Junior church. 6:15 p. in., Epworth league. 7:30 p. m., Swedish service. Seats free. Strangers welcome. j ) MAKING MONEY I^HE way to is to save t iniintr|iirgimTi km'229t TTE FIRE IN LIVERY 8TABLE. A small blaze, which was quickly ex- tinguished, broke out in Henderson's livery stable on Central avenue last Monday afternoon. The fire started from an oil stove. w% your X; Save ti taken now work at oney. Or- vered when Call wii- ltc 44MQ4I44MMMMIMMMIMMI.......Mt»| We have plenty of flowers for any Central'Avenue to you ajpowest wl profit, and you get thenf fresh oat they last so well. Ad df to your and remember jonr Sends. ' W worth, Gtencoe, Winfetka and , nh-mUMltaiaa*. That is the reason Sowers in your home in Evanston, Wilmette, Kenil- Woods. - R *3 Sudbeaaora to Star Floral Company . .,. 615 Rallrdad Avenue '. ,' Telephone Wilmette 23 ♦♦4 teentb street. Mrs. George l> Richards. 723 to- t>al avenue, entertained the Thursday Luncheon and Bridge club this week. The Coay Corner circle will hold a meeting next Thursday afternoon at 'be borne of Mrs. Charles Barrow. 2' c» Doyle court Mrs W. H bi.olimttu vvin cutaiutit, (be Centtdl Avenue . ircW- at her home. 914 Ce.ural, next Fiiday afternoon. The WOiutUo Mlooluuaiy „,, l„l> ,,l a <he Baptist cho. ch held Ui. Ir f meeting Monday afternoon at tbe home ot Mrs. J i> Greig, S3s Gteen- wood avcoue "Moi monism as a Life" was the subject discussed Ly Mrs Charies l Major There was a i..Kt-iii,6 ut ti>& wii u.ette WomaaV Democat. 1 jgue Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Amos W. Hostetter 628 Green leaf avenue Mrs. Hostetter read a paper on "The Commission harm of Governm« nt." which waa followed oy a round table discussion Net Wednesday, tbe i-biiIh. i..,,ot lug or the Woman's club will open with a luncheon at l o'clock followed by special .Music and ness meeting. Til-- loCdl ll.u.HU. »»»,.„. I^tlv... » me«tih{( Monday evening at V oman's cl,.b Mrs Gtnest i- bumNi ^Hi .,.. .,.,.( '■ns to the inewiber^ ot tht I< 'ida> l.iiii<hf ,(n <\tid Bridge cl >b t >day at her home. 1.124 Kirn wood avonue The phiunth.opic department ot the Woman ~ club will hold an all Jay meetinn ..est h ridaj The book ihcie ><>.(•'.4m> en .inooi, with Mrs Fra..k Nathai of Kenilwt.rth Mrs Lonl. a daik ii.. i ak<- ,.vt nue. entertal .e<i the c.ltvua chus at, luncheon Monda/. Covers were laid for six. _____._ .. _._i. .. ... - Mrs. R. W. Jordan. 1317 Elmwood avenue, will entertain the Thursday lo be busl- the Thanksgiving, at Rtnneckar't, drug store. A number uC lUv Baptist ladles. J among them Me.oiain..s B. Fr<tak Ta- jber. J. D. Gr^gg and Laurence Davis- Ison, attended the^ aumial opening and reception ofrthe Baptist Training : school in Chicago on Tueada.v j Mr. George MacLean. 916 Gioeiil.«i i avenue, has returned from a hunting 'trip at Fox wake. WI». brlugtug with | him a largo hanosome mallard duck ; Mr. and Mrs J. A. Macliean spent the week end at their cottage on the lake I before closing u for the winter | months j Mrs. w n t.^.toe "..a a.ugtatc> Hester. 01 BiiO Foret,i a\«.nue. left Wednet. ia> for an extended visit in the east, /irsi they will visit Mr. Marshall i/avies. who Is attending Dartmomn college, and then will spend Weeka visiting among relatives Mr. ana M... i'ei.* 1 Suiltheis. t03t Gree. woou avenue, left last TbuioJay morning for Bo. .on to at- tend the Harvard Princeton football game week they are visiting in New York and other eastern points, expecting to attend tbe Princeton Yale game tomorrow Mr«. Do,aid M G...iir. I no ttu.t mood avenue, and Mrs B rrank Brow.. 606 \V„8hinp,con . ei...«. are the detegatoa represent>.<» the Wii metie Womai. s club at ti.e annual convention of the Stac Federation of Woman's club4. being held at Spring- field. Til., this week. The convention will clpfce this evening. *W Fir By***- •- -Phone 675L iOC^PK ill cull, e|iam§i^y-ndj^car, give estimate andfdoJpeTli fh lour own garage. e cT mv mil tt i r 1137 G 'til Come to NUE omelf Called by J. W. Meyer 6 Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 4*6 Wilmette For Wh# NoOteTu? Jread \MKpped in r--Wax Rper-- *?■«■ Ming Co, 1165 WifmtHe Ave. Tel. Wnme«e 449 ft. ***** --mmmmmmm m NOTICE Hours of Delivery ip^PiMpii Regular Deliveries Leave the Market am follows: "" First Delivery 8:30 a.m. Second Delivery 10:30 a. m. Third Delivery Fourth Delivery 2:00 p.m. 4K»p.i Prices for the Week November 9 to 14 Fancy Home-dressed Chickens. Leg of Lamb, fine quality..... Rib Roast of Beef--roasts that p Pork Roast.............. .... Pork Chops Porterhouse Steak, Sirloin Steak . Round Steak Ftesh Ground Shoulder Pot Shoulder Loin of Lamb Cho; Rib Lamb C Shoulder Laml Lamb Slew Leg Veal Roast___ Veal Steak...... ___ Rib Veal Chops...... Shoulder Veal Roast.. Veal Stew___ ___ Whole or Half Hams . Whole or HalLStrios of Bacon P«r! .25c .80c ..................18c to Loin Veal Roast.......Jttc Loin Veal Chops ....___25c ............. ...........28c- .................',,... ■.•;.Sh ..............r..I«caiMl4 quart....----- ............... Jibs, pef lb..........................___............||c Lard, per lb...,.........................,,.,,,.,.... .15c -> --^resh Oysters, always on hand, per quart 40c " ' 'i i W? i . . ■ ':gss====sassa===3=acaaa J J N9LLE1S W^W, Railroad Ava. •Jo efo llli>WXa*09 2nd Door South of Central Ave. Telephones 278 and 279 Aluminum. Bronze, Etc new. "■HlnVBHHBKS^I Co. (Not Inc.) COR. FOREST Phone Wilmette 1381 AM, M«r. O RIDGE. AVE. Wilmette. Illinoli LYNN Fruits Kenilworth, A board meeting of the Wilmette Jrabue school Art league will be held heat Tuesday morning at 14 o'clock. at the home of Mrs. *. S. LHngee, 932 ■Mm**Mm&SB N Reese, entertained her Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clab nt her borne, 727 Forest avenue, this Week. »*.-.-, Urs. Lawrence Collins of Rvsnston entertained the Reading circle at her borno Monday afte»v-<* . Tan second ;> •' i^dlas' rAld society/ torch **M club next week. Mrs James Whitley will entertain the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club next week at her home, 727 Elm- wood avenue. . A number of ladies met at the home of Mrs. C. E. Burgess. Y539 Lake ave- nue, Tuesday afternoon and 'formed a small club which will meet fortnightlv ur materials for the faU and win- ter season of 1914-15 are^fjem here and i we cordlally^rtfee yod^o call and in- spect samer ^jjfcguaijintee our work. Lauras' aycrasBP'tailor OSS RAllrqad ME. B«(rron Blag. DiRECTCSS ELECTED. At a meeting of the Indian Hill clab Tuesday night the following di- rectors ware elected: » Messrs. Doug tans Smith, re-elected for third time. Edward H. Clarke, and Frederick H. Scott Resignations from Mr. Higgln- soa and f Mr. Hibbard warn accepted. 2831 Washington boulevard, Chicago ette Branch, Brown Bldo., Room 23 t 5,Rh ifado instructlona Iiidwards. Piano. Burwash. Voice. Reiner Marshall, Expres- for Information. Phones 1041 -1042 Ladies' and Gendemen\TailoriBg t am pleased lo announce tbatfl signs andtginntlngs for tbe F. haA^llfved, and I herewith of tend inspect same. By placing your of ders e^l^before the busy will receive garments when desired, ancrfnus avoid Thanking you for past favoraf and soliciting theirj Best Quality, Correct StyMs,' Artistic es in materials, ee- ofl#14-191S you to call and sets in. you ppointments. I am for $hit> and Perfect Fit GEORGE J. E.BER tmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmm^mmmmmmmmm 1131 Greenleaf Ave. Now Is the Time To Plant Bulbs are carrying perennials. II Hi Ve alsi WIWJ 'sand trees Cut Flowedfc for £f€Occasjpns J.FIANT © 621 W. Railroa^Avc. Wilmette, 111. TolswboaellA Residence Meae 1116 -- Western Gasket and Undertaking Company A Western Casket does not mean a Chets/cnJet. It does mean s Chi&P uJj r^scarrCai!ne2LSlSLcts ran?'n« i/nr^rKamTwenty-Fiveop to Three ictie Fruit Store GEORGE PIERANTON1, Manater Hundred and Fifty Ftve Hundred and our own Caskets at our Own F< WM. H. SCOTT (eight years with J. L. H w01 give his personal attention to every d service, AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FUR Phone Wilnette 2SD Wit H.' you will pay from Fifty 40 We manufacture all of to Fifty Per Cent. guarantee £rtt i 1123 Centre*

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