Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Nov 1914, p. 2

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THE 1-4*1* fitffiP* tfstyJML : Fil»DA¥, NOVEMBER 87, 1914. ■■iiiliiiii Social Happenings m Wttmefte By*UTH*TSLEY Pass* WOmtm I MO oathe^ESeBcts of the Irish Fairy Mi Fslh-lore, by Mr. firrir Mdfsaas. AH ww» ties* ant reach Mrs. Charles A. Wan star. «?9 Central MS Mt , One of the prettiest daaclac parties at the season was glvea last Saturday evening at the hosee of ther Misses ISHfifrrrtt and Jeanette HeSron, «10 -Mm. tafUim. «0 Ninth street, her house to Mr. and Mb. Iiany haahad aa her^eest. her sister. Mrs. Street, to staying at the Keellwertb CaL with Mrs. W. Mra. Caller to a Clark, aad to about to concert tear with UK. Frederick Clark.; whose mice aad here Wended perfect-! ly In the duet tap Thala. . After the program the in fens, dowdy* artistically and fancy pap a Meat sapper was served in the large dtaias rooms, where' each guest re- $gvsfl -assay rery attractive favors. asanas the twenty-eight guests who The affair was brought to ciusioa bya tal solo, given by UtUe Miss Wlnnlfred Colley. The program di IftehhM^* sad Margaret Hindcantp of Chicago and Gertrude Ohendon. Ma- rtoa 8eng, Helea Pbealen. Leo. Mee- dor. aad Messrs. McCsnjbridge of Chi- cane. Walter Barry. Edward King. Harvey Heat aad Willlard Scboeneck. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts will eatertata the Fellowship club at din £e£-this svestej at tfce'r borne, 1014 Lake avenue.' :.Mr. sad Mrs. Cordon Hannah. »M Greenleaf avenue, save a family din oar at their home yesterday. Rela- tives from* Rogers-Park aad several «£ ihe asrth shores tows* were pres- ent. Cavers were told for fourteen. Mrs. J. B. Cremer. 631 Lake avenue. was a luncheon hostess on Friday to Bjae of her friends, in honor of Mrs. Andrews. The North Shore Catholic Woman's league sad Young Ladies' auxiliary will give a card party at the Winnetka Woman's club on Saturday evening. December 6. Bridge, euchre aad Ave hundred will be played, followed by dancing. < the fourteen members of the "Ke w- pte Clan" were delightfully enter- ««!»** i««* jHrldsr evening at the home of Miss Elizabeth Baird, 57 Crescent place. The affair was a "children's party." each guest coming dressed as a small child. Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Bedlan, 711 Washington avenue, gave a family din ner party yesterday at their home. Among the guests were Mr. aad Mrs. Charles \V. Mercy and son of Ravens* WO**' P0^6111 "are »ld for twelve. ^Between the hours of four and six Met Friday afternoon, Mrs. Barton E. Buckman, 726 Laurel avenue, gave an informal reception for Miss Ida Car- k'e«k, domestic science Instructor In South Evanston schools, whose ge to James Hunter of Chicago guests were teachers of Evanston. A dinner party, with covers laid for ten. followed. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buckman'and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Boyal A. Buckman were the guests yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. Barton E. Buckman, 726 Laurel avenue. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Cain entertained a number-of their friends residing in Edgewater. at cards Saturday evening at their home, 907 Central avenue. There were Ave tables. Dr. Alice D. Tuttle entertained the club .Tuesday after- at her home, 622 Washington ave- nue. /Mrs. Fred Schumacher, 1458 Lake avenue, opened her home Tuesday aft- ernoon for a meeting of the Thimble f>iiiit * " »--««-i „.„... i„„ «» .i.r. «.im «» Announcement has been made of the » k K^ZSLSZtSlZL rh«r?h w. W»me"° committee of the Ravlnia Je^ehi this afternoon in the guild L ^^ cnalrma^ ^^^ R A meeting of the Music Study class J*** ""« ^halrman; Mrs. £■-. ,,„,. «," oAn„ --».--i-- .,♦ «2L w«.'Cnftr,es w- Braithwaite, second v|ee- was held Tuesday morning at the Wo-1 w-i----.. »«- » * » ,. ...... S....1.1. i„„k.____#m- «^-M^icb*irm»n: Mrs. Louis Brueh,, third Capriceio. B -, Miss Robinson. 2. Chess Nult ............ Voci di Primavera..... - ---------- Mrs. CoBey. 2. Dor Sand Triger IcbLiebeDteh....... Dr. Clark. 11 Dolce Sanaa....... (Mad Scene from mennoor."* ;;•;■ Mrs. Coliey. Chanson Bachie One <from Ham- iCtj **«.*** m «*#»••**-* *• • • IsWnwtaV Dr. Clark. Mazurka. Op. 17, No. 4..... .Chopin Etude, Op. 15. No. 7-----Bortkiewicr Etude, Op. 15, No. 9.. ..Bortkiewicz Miss Robinson. A Maiden's Yea sad Nay.-..--. ...>..,...„v..Ilallet Gilberts June..........Lulu Jones Downing Mrs. Downing at the piano. Pierrot..... .Jessie Johnston Linton Mrs. Linton at the piano. The Leaves and the Wind...... ................___Franco Leon! Exaltation....Mrs. II. H. A. Beach Mrs. Colley. 7. Songs My Mother Taught Me .........................Dvorak Mother o* Mine..............Tours Uncle Rome.................Homer Smuggler's Song........Kernochan Dr. Clark. 8. Thais (Duo ds l'Ossis from Act III)..................J. Massenet Mrs. Colley and Dr. Clark. The annual formal Thanksgiving dance at the Oullmette Country club Wednesday evening proved to be a great success. This to usually about the largest affair of the year, and there were over two hundred participant-.;. At midnight a dinner fit for the kings was served, and was followed by two more hcurs or dancing. ~" . This evening the juniors will hold their annual formal party, and an ex- cellent time is promised. Auction lilies will be played at the club tomorrow evening, and on Mon- day evening the men of the club and their fellow guests will give a stag. They will lie entertained by Chicago talent to b; idabaret. The-reWeshmeht* will be served In restaurant style. Mr. and Mrs; W. D. Matthews enter- tained at "500" Saturday evening at their home. 1521 Lake avenue. There wt-ra two tables. The guests are thinking of organizing Into a small card club. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Matthews, 1521 Luke avenue, gave a dinner party yes- terday at their home. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. M. S. David- son of Evanston. ^ ■ Mr. and ~ Mrs. Brace B. PoweB held a terday at their home, *>8 sse. Among the guests were Mrs. PoweB. Sr, of CBlman, Mr. aad Mrs. A. V. Berth wick sad Mrs. E. J. Borth- tho vtott. Mrs. Ayers MeHhtnp vtotted I Br. aad Mra.-L J. tamed Saafer sv»a#e*; «s thejr hi Reiawick, la, of their 1. Rhapsody. Op. 11. No. 2..Dolmaayl ^^^ ot chk»90. and Mrs. D. Wallace Angeles, M Drake. 933 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Whitley. 727 of the birth of ember 15, to Mr. and Mra. Walter Haeger of Chi- cago, has been received. Mrs. Haeger was formerly of WUmette. >«l. uwf. has business trip. He wUl visit the princi- pal cities of the northwest including by way of Los and Houston, before moving lata of the Mrs. Albert W. Hawkes. 714 Cen- tral avenue, aatertainwd her Tuesday ischeaa aad Bridge club today. There wfR be a meeting of the exee- m ,utive hoard next Tuesday morning at ^^jtbe Woman's club. wiw*< Tb* CathoUe Woman's club will u hold its regular meeting this after- neon at the Woman's club house. .Tax." Personal Mention of WUmette Polk ♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ee»ade»M»Me WUmette Societies and Clubs wwwwwwwwwww 11 tM »»wtaoW ' ^TTc'^^T^l vice^hairman. and Mrs. Lyman^Drake. • secretary. The active committee is composed of the following ladies: Mes- dames Alfred Berbbacb, Theodore Fits Randolph, Frank man's club, L. Roberts. Mrs. II. ,C. Ambler read paper on "Modern Composer;?." Monday afternoon the Young La- dies' Auxiliary of the Woman's club B met Informally at the clubhouse,--Mn™Zl,' m part of the afternoon was spent in par- ' liamentary drill. Mrs. Mac Mlddleton Colley gave a most delightful musicale at her home. 897 Ashland avenue, last Saturday evening. The home was very elabo- rately decorated in ferns,-carnations sad large yellow chrysanthemums. The punch room had been made into a' most attractive bowery, the furni- ture, decorat Sony and trimmings all be- ing in green. In the receiving line.In the reception hall were Mrs. Middle- ton, mother of Mrs. Colley.. Miss Maudifrank Bonds, a guest in the home, and Mrs. C. J Carhsen Collier. Walter D. Baldwin. W. D. Mat- hews. J. J. Slddall, E. W. McCullough, Edward L. Scheidenhelm, Frank J. Scheidenbetm, Edward L. Lillienfleld and Miss Anna Dlngee. Mr. and Mrs. Staltiam L. Williams. Jr.. entertained the Evening Bridge Mr. aad Mrs. John Clark Baker, 347 Hill street, spent Thanksgiving In Ltb- ertjsyille. 111. Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Cornell, 103d Ashland avenue, are visiting In Evsns- villc. Ind. Mr. William humLata and son. Lachlan. 825 Lake avenue, are visit- ing at Ocean Springs. Miss. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Barrows, 1525 Lake avenue, are spending the week- end to Barrlngton, III. Mrs. Chester Hogle aad sen, 407 Central avenue, returned Friday from a two weeks' visit in Detroit, Mich. Mrs. O. A. Hinsdale of Elgin, 111. is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. C. J. Csrlsen of 601 Washington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Powers of Chi- cago spent Thanksgiving with Dr. and Mrs. W. If. Porter, 1326 Forest ave- nue. Miss Maudifrank Bonds of Palestine, Tex., to making an extended visit with Mrs. Pani Sims Colley, 827 Ashland avenue. Village President John D. Couffer. 903 Lake, avenue, baa returned from an extended business trip to Cleve- land. O. Dr. John Rindlanb of Fargo, North Dakota, to spending Thanksgiving at the Frederick White home, 1021 Cen- tiiamswT-1-i T • " . v .-.*>' Mra. James O. Barber returned Wed- nesday .evening to spend the remain- der of the week at her home, 621 Lin- den avenue. Miss Marjory Noves returned from Milwaukee Downer academy to spend Thanksgiving at her home, 827 Oak- wood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mcintosh of, Hinsdale, 111., spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Arms, 33 Crescent place. Mr. and Mrs. Charles IT. Lord and two children, 515 Central avenue, ■pent Thanksgiving with friends on the south side. Mrs. Kathryn Stores and daughter, Retta of Chicago, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R H. Tlchenor, 201 Sixth street Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks have moved Into their new home at the corner of Essex road and Melrose avenue. Mrs. Frank M. Chaffee of Cumnor road is speeding the week-end with her daughter, who to attending school near Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett of Davenport, la., are spending a few days as the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Leon U. Allen of Melrose avenue. ■ ./„; Mrs. Leon M. Alien has Issued in- vitations to a musicale to be held at her home on Melrose avenue, next Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. On Thursday afternoon, December 3, Seumaa MacManus will entertain the Neighbors with "A Merry Ramble 'Round Ireland." Several Irish songs will be sung by Mrs: Henry Taylor. A delightful tea was given Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. F. M. Hicks at her home on Abbottsford road, for her guest. Miss Edwards, of Utica, N. Y., who will return to her home after making an extended visit here: ■■ - Mrs. Ware read a paper on the "Modern Tendencies in Russian Lit- erature, as Illustrated In Drama, Fic- tion and Poetry," before a meeting of the art and literature department of the Neighbors Tuesday morning. The Kenilworth club will give a dance this evening In the Assembly hall. The affair is in charge .of Mrs. Oswald Lockett, Jr., and her commit- tee: Mesdamea. Karl Korrady, F. E. Nellis, Jr...Grant Ridgway and S. Y. Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulze of Mel- Mr. aad Mia. Harry Brooks Lyford daughter. Edith'Loatoe. to Arthur Cobb Jr_ son of Mr. and Max. Arthur Cobb of Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brooks Lyford of their to Arthur Cobb. Jr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cobb of Cleveland. Mrs. Heatoa Owsley .of Sheridan road. Chicago, will give a supper-dance for her debutante alece. Miss Georgian* Owsley. 720 Prospect ave- nue. Saturday evening. Miss Georgians Owsley wfll be one of the young women assisting at the tea-dance given tomorrow by Mrs. Rob- ert T. Newberry, 1401 Astor street, to In trod uce her daughter. Newberry. The North Shore CathoUe Woman's league and Young Ladies' auxiliary wtB give a card party at the Wiaaetk* Woman's ctab next Saturday uianlng i Bridge, euchre and five hundred will be piayed, followed by dsartng The North Snore CathoUe Woman's league and the Young Ladles' auxili- ary will give a card party at the Win- netka Woman's club, to ha followed by informal dancing, the evening of De- cember S. Bridge, euchre and five hundred win be played. Mr. aad Mrs. Frank Ogdea MagteaT 73S Sheridan road, are-planning to give a dance at the Winnetka Wo- man's club. New Year's **«* for their daughter. Miss Henrietta Magie. from Rosemary Hall, Frank Magle. Jr., from Harvard college, sad John Magie. Madame Roslcka Schwimmer, from Hungary, gave a stirring talk on "Women and War" at the Woman's club the evening of November 23. The speaker was secured through the in- terest of Mrs. William Bross Lloyd. Over 1,200 Invitations were sent.out and the response was so cordial that the ball room was filled. THE BUILD] LAVISH spending isi scrvativc living uiuvcrsall; lw bond Otm- saving is COED TO GO FREE. Miss Florence Urlas. a student In Cumnock's School of Oratory, was ar- rested Monday while she was In the act of stealing a purse from a locker in risk Hall. The purse had been placed there by the officer as a bait to the person who has been pilfering the lockers of the university build- ings since the opening of the* college year. ^ -*- Many articles which Miss Urlas ad- mitted were stolen were found in her room after her arrest. She is being held by we Evanston police pending an investigation of her past life1. She formerly lived in Omaha, where it is rose"avenue*aWJ&tinV'in' several LeP°rt,ed_ 8h.e. has;^ad_a.^Uff/f.!°.^ cities in the east: I Mat week (Sat- urday) they !*#F§ "witnesses at the Yale-Harvard- game, as -the -guests of their son, Paul. Sunday they went to West Point, wher^ another son, Wal ter, is in attendance. The first of this week Mr. amr Sfrl?1S^uTzo~Ve"re hon ■ored guests oWthd^Natlenal Art club, and the latter part of the week they will visit in Philadelphia, ^turning home some time Monday. nue, will return the latter part of this week from a short trip to his ranch in BrlggsvlUe, Col. Mrs. Frank Flanner ol mack well. Wis., is the guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Fatcb, 611 Washington avenue. Miss Florence Ayers, 430 Ninth street, returned home last Saturday from a three weeks' visit with rela- tives in Normal, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harfst, 1503 Lake avenue, are spending the week- end in Belvldere, 111., as guests of Mrs. Harfst's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Horton and two children, 840 Elmwood avenue, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Horton's mother in Lake Bluff. Mrs. E. J. Jennings of Minneapolis, 1111111 It 11 Hllttf'K f|+jh \ What People Are Doing; in Winnetka The city will not prosecute the young woman unless some of the victims of her thefts wish to do so. Wm. H. Patrick, a prominent attor- ney of Omaha, has communicated ftrst of this ! ^ the police department, offering ti.TJX-t.',^-is- i aid to the girl. He says that the girl's foster father; Maurice & Tost, Is in very poor financial circum- slances, and, having a large family besides, will be able to give her very little financial aid. Miss Urlas says t.lie stole ao that she could dress as other girls of her culture and educa- tion do. arTIBANK •aw. w* »>^i»h......iiijiiimiiiiiiiiiHinmt aen Buying Cat Flowers fact. ty aad freshness Is fee first conalderaUon. most beautiful Chrysanthemums, anything in the line of cut from our greenhouses, j * That is the reason they Our prices are yon consider quality Chrysanthemums, . . pompons, all colors,] and 12 sprays. Boses, all leading Carnations, the m< per dos. ------ Flowers arranged f< Our new store to Avenue. Pyfer & 0lsenSucc1rei:^um.Ftr^co- Wilmette, HI. We deliver to all along the North Shore from Evanston to Olencoe, sanimiHimimmiri any occasion. ■ ';- rf l • ^ In the Village Theatre. 1150 Wilmette VTMHHtllllllll.....S3 ♦»♦«♦♦»♦»♦♦• a t it # > • #»••»»»•#•»•»» M aw as I • a s a > >»,»• Mr. and Mrs. Granville Browning have moved into Dr. Farrell's house, (508 Elm Btreet, for the winter. ,, Mrs. Albert S. Capron and son of Manchester, N If., are visiting Mrs. A. B. Capron, 'si 1 llidgo avenue. Mr. and Mr» iiarry Street of Chi Mr.lvlntanTFreeman, 711 Lake Sve-f«W> ^^la>«° %• M- H- Kultcnar's house at 674 Prospect avenue for the winter. Mrs. Ileaton wvvsley. al5o shorldan Hoad will give a supper-dance for her niece, Miss Gejrgiana Owsley, tomor row night. Mrs. EdWbta uoultcr. 7u<s Foxdale avenue, who ha been in the evanston hospital for ai operation, has turned to her hcnae. THI- WILMETTE LlBRAHY A number of new books have been received at the Wilmette public li- brary. The following list, having been catalogued, is now ready for circula- tion : "Ranch of the Wolverine,*' Bower. "Brltton of the Seventh," Brady "Patrol of the Sun-dance Trail" Connor. "Place lleyond the Winds,' C./m- stock. ' "The Raft," Dawson "Neighborhood Stories." Gjxlt, "The Witch," Johnston. "Kent Knowles," Lincoln. "Martha and Cupid," Lippman. "Selina," Martin. "The Pastor's Wife,' Gralln von Ar- re-. i "Tho Honorable Percival," Rice. Mrs. M. R. Kultchar, who has rented "Rise of Jennie Cushing." Watts. club at their home. lo26 Elmw^od ave- ««„-».- ZT J, i.^\ V\m «..„ t..„ .i^. _..^i„_ «.». " Minn., has arrived at the home of Mrs nue, Tuesday evening. There were fi ^be^tlClilmetteyaBeaut^ Shop W \^^^ iftartba flrjr^cbrdlfej TtLcrit i>ts, ,; iZoo CENT BANK Frederick G. White, 1021 Central ave- nue, for an extended visit. Dr. Jessie G. Forrester of Ocean nlng dress, distributed the programs sad assisted Mjss Ruth Watt at the punch bowl. Master Thomas Colley ushered. Mrs. Colley. who presented the major part of the program, was assisted in three tables. Mrs. George W. Kibny, 835 Lake avenue, entertained the Tuesday I pftrk, Cal.. formerly of Chicago, will Luncheon and Bridge club at her home j be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. F. this week. p. Caln. 907 Central avenue. The Reading circle met Monday aft-. Mrs. John Bllsland of Covington. kittle | ernoon at the home of Mrs. Frank T. ind.. was the guest over Thanksgiving ftoattred Colley. in a very pretty eve-)Cutler> 1001 ^ .^^ of her ^ £ B n,^^^^ A meeting of the child and home de- [ and family, 1228' Elmwood avenue, psrtment of the Woman's club was Mrs. Albert Webster and two chll- beld Wednesday afternoon. "Thejdren. 502 Washington avenue, are Need of Simple Dress sad Proper spending several weeks at the home Cbaperonage for Children" was the of Mr. Webster's parents in Galesburg. . ! subject discussed by Mrs. B. F. Lang ^SllS Mln. I"*1 R°Wn"0 ,"d >ortby. president of the Parent-Teach- Dr. Frederick Clark, who also ■P-j-wrBMOetol|OB- pes red on the program, and by Mrs. __ . ,_Ho_ _„„„„ v^i»kk.«k~«i 5c. «___„ 1-W..-1.... .«^ m^. i„.t„ ■ *n® lanoen avenue Nelghburbood Lohi Jones Downing and Mrs. Jessie „,„,_ __A» ««--j.«, „#,».„„„» » 4v^ Johnston Linton, whose songs.««! ^ !J M!I rl V^SSSL iai! shag by Mrs. Colley. accompanied by home of Mre M" »• McMlllen. 1010 the composers theSselve. r^^^t CT^% ^^ TfT? Btoa Carol Robinson Is becoming i »»**, dte5MftoB- U^ been decided too wei! known as an artist to need \thMt m the 'ht»r« lk* members willlnne, returned Sunday evening from a say introduction, siuee It was she who J0*W*br^*~swsTt*shl society. two weeks' visit with Marshall Davlea took the Dawes prize in the All-Ameri- j A mo#t »«^aeUve luncheon and pro. j at Dartmouth college, can contest recently held. In response! a*** w" h1**8 ^^ Friday « a meet-1 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Macauley, to insistent applause, Miss Robinson j,n* of the Woman's association of St. Miss Margaret Macauley sad Madame delighted her audience with the Ara- Augustine's Episcopal church. The j Macauley. of Sheridan road, have fafieane from De Bussv. luncheon In charge of Mrs. a Franklin south for the winter. They will ^Blraasrlek Clsrk. the well known Bllsland and Mn. B. F. Affleek proved their home in Tampa. Fla. taurrtoae. and brother of Mr. Charles very inviting Following a abort. Jack Sesrte, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. Ctork. saag delightfully sad with business meeting. Mrs. Wilson of Chi-{Howard C. Sesrle. 6S7 Washington aathortty. being particularly happy to cage gave a most Interesting talk on avenue, was operated upon for sppen- '^as«ert- soag and la "Uncle *8t. Lukes Hosplul." Another feature; dicitls Sunday evening. His condition I was a short talk by a native of India,1 is reported to be improving 111. Miss Clara SlUibridge, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Fer- nald. 811 Forest avenue, will return to her home in Los Angeles. Cal., Sun- day. Mrs. W. B. Da vies and daughter. Miss Hester Davies. 530 Forest ave- We can satisfy the most particular taste id at the same time save you money. Per Pound ....18#c cr Steak. Swift's Premium or Armour's Star Ham..... Swift's Premium or Armour's Star Bacoir.;.~. Fancy Home-dressed Chickens............. Leg of Lamb.'... Rib Roast of Beef Pork Roast....................f........\#. •. J... .. .19c Pork Chops...................J.........f '/.......2°° Porterhouse Steak, prime quality.. f..........\ . .J.........28c Sirloin Steak Round Steak • Fresh Ground Shoulder Pot Shoulder Bee Loin of LaniL Rib Lamb Choj Shoulder Lamb Lamb Stew .... Leg Veal Roast. Veal Steak Loin Veal Loin Veal Choi Rib Veal ChopsVrT.....................................23c t Shoulder Veal Roast.....................................20c VeaLStew J£^-*. ^.......~ _™ ..,..,-..... .^ amHOcH Sauer Kraut, .^uart.....................................,,8c ^ Sparc Ribs, per pound....................................13c 1 Lai d, per pound.......................................,.,► |^c i Brookiield Sausage, meat or link.......................... .23c < Fresh Oysters, always on hand, per qjart/40c - -~ :&M J. J. NILLES ^^5?«,T!5btei^^ »e»»»ae»»»ss»»»»s»»>a»»a»eds»»eed»»»e»»»»»»ea>»>>e>e saaBBSBBsaa mm. m and Gentlemen tm pleased to announce that the very aigns and trimmings for the FALL have arrived, and I herewith extenn a cc inspect same. By placing your order! early, Will receive garments when desired!and Thanking yon for past favors, andfsoliciting But Quality, Correct Stvitt. GEORGE J. E.BER 1131 Greenleaf Ave. s-awamw-swaeas

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