Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Dec 1914, p. 2

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mBHmmAmatmmki».....i mi*mh m FRIDAY a* Social Happenings in Wilmette By RUTH RISLEY ' P*on* Witmett* ity* =381 as i.; ," izmvy pretty weddln* «u soleni-i Dr. and Mrs. William J. The Wilmette W oruans Democratic league net with Mrs: Howard Hodg- Montsom-'['Mas. $&>* Hill street, Tuesday after- iaturday evening. »Uen MJs* er.v. 917 Greenwood avenue, wfll en- i.oon. ^,M»7,Br,dfm" 5£?ta ISS^SSLr oTDT. and Mrs. tertaln the Milage board/of trustees i»ng two delJJ™ "«£.A„ *£ *J vho baa Just returned from an ex- Union, held In Constance, tended trip to Europe, will speak on t land." This ©t»n<eren<* was Interrupt* ed by the breaking out of the war. Soma of the delegates failed to reach the place of meeting, and others. In- cluding Mr. Lynch, had thrilling ex- perience* in getting out of the war •a number of the missionary topics. Mrs. George J. Tobias of Wilmette at j Mrs. the home ot the bride's parents, 1218 f street, was hostess Forest avenue. Hev. BL A. John off and bridge club on Tuesday St. Paul's church. Chicago, performed ■.:;!;. the ceremony. The bride was at-, tended by her sister, -Miss Irma Karst, as maid of honor, and wore.a gown of > white : charmeuse and silk net, trimmed > with Cbsntilly lace. Her vrll«f tulle was caught with orange blossoms, and alio carried, a shower <|,fMrr.„ -were v bowiuet of ro«es and ItlU's of the val- t;.jned ley. Miss Karst was simply robed in yellow cliarmeuse, with a chiffon over-, drapery of white. She carried an arm i bouquet of tea roses. Mr, George W. j Tobias, a brother or the groom*, was j hfc?>«iily attendant After January t* Mr- and Mrs. Tobias will at home} at 4010 Greenview avenue, Chicago. Harry GriswoML 61* Seventh! P*"*«» ■*• 9toef.#,ro**LJ52!c w** to fier luncheon j rendered by Miss Alleen Hodgklns, ac- of this I cdmnanied bjr Miss Agnes Cunneen, >:: |whf also favored with special num- bers on the piano. An interesting feature of the afternoon was the ad- dress given by Mrs. Boddle on "The History of Women's Rights." She spoke of the leaal and social position of women under the Roman civil code; About twenty-live |he p^mon, they occupied during the pleasantly enter-1 g^^ ■'"ate»r and so on, tracing the i development of women's rights In the '■"'"■i ' ' """" .' ;XThRed States "up to the present. ♦»»»»•♦»»»♦♦*•»••»*»*•♦•*♦ Throughout the talk, a noticeable fact j was the amount of historical research ' that Mrs. Boddle had looked up. Mrs. [Amos W. Hoetetter gave a report of Kenilworih News wtu Mrs. Andrew J. Woodcock, 934 Sheridan road, gave a children's phr- ty Wednesday afternoon for her daughter. Eileen, in honor of her twelfth birthday. The Boys^CTBb will give a masquer* ade dance at the Woman's club tomor- row night. -.Mrrand Mrs. HeyHger fie Wlndt give a dance at the Woman's December J*. Mrs. H. T. Taurstea spent the week- end with her daughter. Mrs. Helen M. 1 Hayes, at MMtaarL lad.--------; Mrs. rraakUti W, Ptsttea of Olencae eK^lWp*Tta|!ii The home of high class Photoplays 1120 Central Avenue WIta«ti« EVWkTfRiDAY NIGHT Special Pictures for the CI dren _ _^Eun ior-i6e Young and " will give a tfttaee HI las Waama's Hub: this evealat fm- rHoncm- aad Wlaaatka* '■:^h.- sewing circle for the United Charities has been organised with Mrs. David Forsyth Anderson of Chcetsst sToaae, in charge, which meets every Monday afternoon. If anyone wishes to send in contribu- tions, they will be gratefully accepted. Mr. and Mrs. B. Jackson CaRse and Mr: and Mrs. Harry Thomas enter tainert a number of their friends at dinner Wednesday evening, December £. at the Chicago Athletic club. Cov- ers were laid for ten couples. The Round Robin Dancing club will held Its first dancing party this even- log at the Oullraette Country club. There are about twenty-five couples In the club. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ba- ker are to be in charge. Wilmette Societies and Clubs "the conference meeting of the Illinois Woman's Democratic league, held In There will be a meeting of the Neighbors next Thursday afternoon. Mrs. D. J. Kvans entertained Infor- mally on Friday evening for Mrs. Coy* nine, of Cleveland. < >.. who Is the guest of Mm. Harry Crooks. Miss Charlotte Everett had as bar j for tasJ§ft iejd guest over the week-end Mrs. H. 11.. day alga*' Slocumb of Minneapolis. Minn. Mrs. ; Mm. W. M glocumb is grand-president of the ill fa* two aesas *ita 4U» attack ) II"---------«----..u.......-.I-... I- ul.matttv VI SATURDAY MATINEE it «1"J^J!*™ of muscular raoaatattsai. Is steadily gain- club will meet at the home or Mrs. Carl S. Schroeder. 711 Park avenue, jtfcst, Tuesday afternoon, to sew f©r the poor and needy. Hereafter one afternoon a month will be set aside for this work and clothing of all sorts | will be made for children. i The Reading circle was entertained ! Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. | Lyman M. Drake, 933 Lake avenue, j j Th«» Travel club met Tuesday after- I noon at the homo of Mrs. Charles H. liiaskins in C.lencoe. The East End circle met Monday arternoon nt the home of Mrs. J. NyeMacallster, 018 Ashland avenue. A Christmas party will furnish en- tcrtainmeat for the next meeting of the rentral Avenue circle on Friday Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. Announcement has been received of j tag la health. the marriage of Mr. E. Francis Glllis. Mrs. Thomas W. UrOVtf and Miss whO formerly made his home with {Margaret Orover, who have been visit- j Chicago on Saturday. During the In-1 Mrs. Burnham, his sister, to Miss ling Mrs. Victor Biting, returned to; formal discussion which followed. Mrs. Ruth Gilbert. The young couple will! New York. Friday._____ ___J Hodgklns served light refreshments. make their home In Denver. Mrs. Harvey I. Brewer, assisted by The Kenilworth club announces a | Miss Edith Msldyn Jones, win give a > An excellent crowd appeared at tue|d ^ 0n the evening of Decern- benefit concert for the Father Francis, annual meeting of the Parents' club of the Logan school Monday afternoon, and a great deal of enthusiasm has been taken in the reports of the vari- ous committees. The officers elected for the ensuing year are as follows: President, Mrs. William A. Durgin; bei IS. The committee in charge in- cludes Mrs. B. G. McCloud. chairman; Mrs, Sanford S. Holden, -Mrs. Mark W. Cresap, Mrs. Louis T. Wilson, and Mrs. C. K. Parmelee. The Misses Agnes Pease and Louise first vice-president. Mrs. Carl 8. j Ware are very successfully conduct- Schroeder; second vice-president, Mrs.' Ing dancing classes at the KeniLvorth Olander; recording secretary, Mrs. j Assembly hall every Wednesday aft- Wheeler; corresponding secretary.; ernoon. Mra. James A. GreenofEs- Mrs. Boddle; treasurer, Mrs. Elmer. I sex road was a luncheon hostess ! An interesting report was made by i Mrs. Feiker, who was sent as a delcg- ' ate to the Parent-Teachers' council i meeting in Chicago this month. ~* alternoon, December 18, at the Con- The prize winners at the card party [gre»ational church at ihe Country club Monday afternoon iwifc^e MesdaineB Nichols or Chicago, firel; Thomas Knox, second; and Mrs. ira Jones, third. ^tfa"Tuesday evening, December 29, the Woman's Catholic club will give, a .Christmas party at the Woman's eJub?f Cards will be played. In the afternoon the children will be given a party at Brown's hall. The Bowling club of the Ouilmette !Country club met' Monday arternoon in .the clubhouse. It waB guests' day, and about twenty-two were In at- The Crescent circle will meet at the residence of Mrs. Sumuel H. Voweil. IMS Sixth street, the first Tuesday afternoon in January. If/ROyai A', tiuckman entertained "500" club St her home. 210 Ninth Street; Tuesday afternoon. the t On. Monday evening the Men » ^|>lIon|ei:Wb4at cluh will meet at ^Qttlimeite Country eJub. Totnorrow evening there will ;#uct1^jif■ JIHck at the Country club. \ Tajft Friday Luncheon an«i Hna^ feclub^lf^ meet next Friday auernoon j[at Ule home of Mrs. John I Ins «i> CI ecu wood avenue. The il. u has inlv!i'."<l the sclienie of tuml.ig th • money formerly used for prla s Into n *8e'|ioslt' to be used to i>ay one woman « r-rmvrrth. • Mr, and Mrs \V1lHai.. «iu ^picriain the Hjrtjulay ciuy _u« di..ner fr-)a<iTow evening at their home. 61 r. 'Hake avenue. Covi r* will t»»- laid f<>t *t«'eiye. gvjtorth Shot,,1.1, ... . ..<... ■decided Interest in «haii..» u >r <viiit i land OJfe making ,»rovi«ioi.s In many ^tifays. On ThiirHday evriiiag a .:»u.rlij Wuff^Will Irr given at Hie i>ui)m<tte .'•©C-Untry Club The cxpeiison llav,. ull been donated in onv> way or another and . the entire proceed*, in.- to t>< utilized in filling baskets t„r the u.,<,d Fellows, it is desired iliat at least t»enty»ftve m thirty families. tn..j h<> presented with these basket* A tare of the evening will he th « ■.eel Ighfe music by Krell. The ii«»k«tn ai< • dollars a couple. _.. ,JaV*«jsad. Mrs. L>tu«» i .-». i. .. I; Gregory avenue. enteitult.s>l «« « i l> ^Saturday evening 'vjl* extract frm.i n,« »»...i I httt'sun, dated Decernb< r 1 j. I. a I fellows: A sin,pie weddliiK «- ......> . ..«■ ^ l»4:ic« at 0 o'clock li»rit uiglit ^PnAne of Mr. and .vim i-'rank ^rdwtoil in WfRt Kmmoejrth S«- Wlfen ^ Mr. Anderson's nice. I,ouise Nance, and Mr. ; WhS/eloek were miii.-d In mnrrtngf Rev. Charles <.'. Weaver, jailor of j Mrs. H. E. Moore opened her honie nt 1223 Elmwood avenue for a meet- int. of the Cozy Corner circle yester- ' day afternoon. Mrs. Donald M. Gallle, 1116 Elm- wood avenue, entertained the Drama ' Study class Tuesday afternoon. * The Tlilmble club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Frank Watson. 12(»4 Forest avenue, Tuesday. Mrs. Clarence M. I'uhlman, 02:1 Washington avenue, was hostess to > )m i Tuesday Luncheon and lirldge club this week. The women of St. AUfeuatiuc « l^e'" t opal church announce an afte«-::oon bazaar sale at the parish house this n ft ernoon at 2 o'clock. Tea and sand w idles will tie served. I it„( Miiudu, iifttilloo.. . ntiintx-i c th. woniei. of St , ugUMtlne'n el ufth udttt-niblt a at the , arh.h ln.u.-. t<> »e« on comfortt.ra iur tlic i-oof an.i tt. Jv ..I niili. :s of «'hli..fto The Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk material Jianulmi. O.i i .an. < .iter l.l.s t>een d.,natP'l iiSN.,ei.'iliou . inw.^xl i jfcuday i Mi pt\. the .:hi .ill ...<l la i. Mr. Albert W. Hawkes, 711 Central avenue, is at French Lick Springs,' lad. Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Smith, 1326! Greenwood avenue, spent Sunday in j , La Grange, 111. ) .Mr. E. W. Anderson. 753 Twelfth; street, has returned from an extended 1 business trip in the west. ! .Miss Crumpacker or La Porte, Ind., lei the guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. M. j j Stafford. 93(T Sberlda'n road. Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Cob ley, 111", i | Central avenue, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, November 28. , Mrs. Alexander N. McCallum, S31 ■ Central avenue, has as her guest. Alias j Elsie DriShaus of Milwaukee. Wis. .Mrs. Louis A Clark of 716 Lake ,. venue will' retuiit next week f^orih a^** ! two week's Visit In Mudlavia. ind. I Mr. Charles K. Lord. 615 Central a%enue will return tomorrow.from a. week's business ' trip to Springfield : Hi Mr. Clarence It K..vahagtl. >.*:. Hill} . treet Is travelir.^ it, Uklalwma and Ki iibii.i, winter, i>»ii i hasiiif; bi aom corn -Ml..,. ,|J,.„ /....>.. .. .!«!,, l..M Uu.ll .. of t hlctiK. »,ao i.»» sui'.-i (. Mrs t.)..irl<;f. E. l.otA. 6iu C-ntral avenue. Suuda> ,MI»t) Lull. I..*. I I .... 1.1- ..... It I ...ts tlirf gue ,t (at, of he. c u- iln .Mr:> i! (i C'alljwuy 0^'» l.mden Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Coynlne of Cleveland, O. Invitations lor a dancing party at the Kenilworth Assembly hall have been issued by Messrs. and Mesdames Leon M. Allen. George W. Kechn. Warren Pease, and Edward D. Parme- lee, to be given in honor or their re- spective daughters, Priscilla Allen, Marion Keehn, Agnes Pease and Charlotte Parmelee. The affair will he given on Christmas night. • A number or the young men and v.omen will return the latter part of this month from the various colleges lr the east. Among them will be: The Misses Mary Taylor. Ida May- Durham. Elva Southward, Marion Keehn, Charlotte Parmelee, Priscilla Allen, Oilve Bully. Carol Horsewell, Lucy and Edith Chandler. Margaret Fitch and (Messrs. Milton (Uiie^.Wal- lace Evans and William Lester. mission of Waukegan at the Woman's club, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Lorenzo M. Johnson has issued invitations for a Red Cross benefit cot- ton ball to be given Wednesday at her home, Sheridan road. The men will come in duck suits %nd the women in frocks of inexpensive cotton material. Mrs. William Warren Case formally introduced her daughter, Miss Elisa- beth Case, at a tea given Wednesday at her home. 806 Kosewood avenue. Mrs. Case was assisted in receiving by Misses Constance Tyrrell, Augusta Fenger, Lois Pitman and Tyra Run- land. The returns from the Bon Marche held at the parish house of Christ church on November 18 amounted to $2,100. The United Charities of Chi- cago will receive $500 and $100 is to be given towards the building of a church home for the aged on the south side. The remainder will go to help supply the needs of the parish. Pierre of the Plains i A Story of the Royal Northwest Mounted Don't Fail To See this Feature /^ALL SEATS TEN CENTS »»a»ti»»t»»»»<»»*»»»»>M»>»M»t»^»*>^>*ttt>t>MM^ /JfeeiSflworthOs maafiam Basket Ball TeamiQ pffWllmts 10S aad 120 Pofi 1 Teams Only V Tel. Manager. Ke fS or WilmetteJ llwortti 464 pilJ How to Discover Mastoiditis. Tenderness discovered by pressing the hard bone behind the ear is to indicate mastoiditis, especially the ear itself discharges tt the dls ease is recognized bt fore serious trou , ble begins, a most grave operation and ' ^ '" ca;I and possibly death may be .avoided. T",< Phon«' «* B. Bjibi »Pt I ^B^ .. I^^Tlas renu West Rcilr hoe Manj . and | enihvorth 1 w 'lii'er'lSr repairing KssiHwurlt. SOS il^nette oo I t. LLP HOi* C /» CEXTRA DANK BUILJ *mm -- ■III .Mr: tie Ail I. u.l mm WILMETTE S solicit . Gardner »a4«f oi-tt«s--She shoe repairing We csll for an 009 W. Railroad Avenue PARLOR rjmily i \ ed as t'u MEAT ; The following CASH PRICES are for strictly high grade_ J meats for the week ending December 12. They represent such a saving that your money earns- big interest. Per Pound Swift's Premium or Armour's Star Ham....... Swift's Premium or Armour's Star Bac Fancy Home-dressed Chickens Leg of Lamb Rib Roast of Beef Pork Roast Pork Chops Porterhouse Sirloin Steal|_ Round Steak Fresh Ground Shoulder Pot Shoulder Beef Loin of Lamb Chops. Rib Lamb Chops Shoulder Lamb^ " Lamb Stew Leg Veal Re Veal Steak Loin Veal Roast .„,... \*, U Loin Veal Chops . .. <& m Rib Veal Chops."(.$?. Shoulder Veal Roast . Veal S^tew ...;.|;».:. Sauer Kraut, fjjffltjgf ............... pound . ...... bund...... ; eld Sausage, meat o; .ian............... Fresh Oysters, always on hand, per quart, 40c I I WIL ILF^ 635 W. Railroad Ave., WUmette «* • m*» I^taWsWJ&vJ Tel. 27H«Bd27'> Second Door South of Central 'J U">'.'■ B , i.Mi, .I., it th.. >e k "iivl t'bl.O\V«) <fli with Lin lie \. I mother. stt-rday it,ili -•nil. . . die K Au st.eet. Miss ..,„ !•: by the Central Presbyterian church Only H»i||Bbers of the famil> w« n- »,...-« ni idhtK the groom's i*»r<-iil«. .Mi [.."Mrs. 8. A. Wheelock of §jr. it. B. Anderson of Houston. S,'ao uncle of the bride. Mm \v vk and Mrs. Ben Clayton a* Ihe bride was attired in a siuuri raveling gown of delft blue gabar >ae and a bbtek velvet hat She ear- ej|' a bouquet of bride rtwen and ■,/ a pendant of diamonds and iU&H, the gift of Mr. Wheelock. Lit- y«»Hn flyytoti h«»lr1 her hniW|iiot 1)1.1 l"hri».. 11 cllu hit. i.. ■ .lik i,l ii > . iiiii», .. . . .Mi. , > >!.•. ,ia> . II l'..tti .. \ finiure «.f O irehn m.wl. «*lv«- oi leru in I. Illrtlll t>.v ,.le. ti with U W.laud i./t*>riM)«Mi Miss I ten .. en Th, . 1>, l»...............i .«< i< i. <•> i..i>iil« il \ > .iei- Kv .ct.t of ("htcufc.K hit > trench ii. k S|>rin;;„ In.l Aiednin v arl ..nil Albeit Sv.l.i .>o<lvi ..i Onuili... Nt'.b . ii.e the guest» of ttieir cotisn. Mr t'aul Sch.aeder. 41S i:leeuleaf Mtieet. ihi« ..eek. Jack S<-arle >vi.l return to l.ln llonu. w.cU Hoi., tin. Rvanston ho^idtal, uhere h,. undeiwei.t an operation for Pl'I'ciniiciiis about three, weeks ego. Mrs Ahc* Bradford and .Mrs. R. P*. I ..ter of pono Ki. <> Mill h« Mi, i.uests ■i.l M. K.-i.'tiiii.u 412 ../tor the I.oil in , K .. H<'.Ll.l><>t.t >yIu have as f ther. Mr Pa a retired (I., i.i.iiie i I ill str.-.i n-tnli of .11 II d< fit .man ,,d MOnd. the Mi.-.^.-rt i. e kicuiU!. tin. Gale evening' at ordan, ..0"> urn lr^ i.jfc.i. i.i lo id. tit . oil. wilt I . rltM'ii uv>ld TVeau..y llie home of .-i «Hng««?. . mor lug ihe (wen 32 Lake .Ml'.' I l.o.l... \ V\ <..... i..In «uc Tra\ »1 Siud.v T liuraday aftenio..u at lit t'i ntral avenue. Iaa& home next 620 Mm. Claud Fitch, lo.i.i KU». «*.»o«i avenue, entertained the fir«t division of the Ladles' Aid society Monday aft- c moon. »g the taking of vowb. A buffet j_ The^egnbir meeting of the Ladles was 'served after the ceremony! Aid society of the Congregational Wheelock and his bride left church will be held today. Luncheon iteiy for their future home la j vlll be nerved by the Crescent circle ai 12 o'clock, and the various other -- circles will conduct a ssle of Chrlat- Ruth Moulding. lt)t)4 C.reen-nMut novelties and bakery products. me. has Issued Invitations j The North End circle will have a sals party nn Wednesday aft-] of floe needlework, bakery goods aad jlleceiaber 23. a: M C . .ilr*.i «v< ...... ..inn dayi. Mr.. wi.i..... «;., leO.'i a ti lillr lei u.u , t tliit, rtwiter Ma..n of Phil. J-Ichla Methodist luinlsivr Mr a * . niik S » . »tttet r-Mini,.! mouth, visit ii. K..lispeli Mont. siop].iin ..a hi i return trip it. Minne nl-olia. I.altuh aad St. Paul Minn. Mr Ha*ry S rhomns. <23 Farest ave ..uts. left last week for New York, tvheio' he will be located In business ir the future M.n Thomas, and the childrt.i will . ot go unttl after the first of ti.e >«..r Ml i.n.l Mis MuWAiU l.i«lile.«s and .-.nail daughter .lane, ot Bay City. Mich were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mro .lame* Watson, 932 For- est avenue Mr. and Mrs. Lichless v. ill spend th, winter In the south. Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. MacLean. 916 tlrecnleaf street, had as their week- ti.d guests Miss Edith Allen of La (•range and Mr. Alexander MacLean. formerly of Wilmette. Miss Allen and j Mr. MacLean are to be married in the ■ near future. Rev. and Mrs B. Frank Taber and Mr. and Mrs. P. It. Finlay attended the meeting of the Chicago Baptist Social i union held in the Hotel La Salle last Tuesday evening. The speaker was Br. Frederick Lynch, of New York. who had for his subject, "Impressions NORTH SHORE HEAD * ^^^for liigh Grade Jewelry ^^ Bur YOUjV XM N Ai S* Bei iia's 116b Will lette Ave, Wi ARTERS SENT & A fine line <>t . ware and Hai. I Motttr. Tlu- Lw WE ARfc NOT um STATE ST tches. niamt ds. Clocks, Jew Cut Glass, sii..-/ Phone 1061. Our at l./W prices Ik.tight her»- ivory i.iciis Painted ('hind Eetabllsbed 1910. Goods at thj Lowest Prices. ind iuii afford to sell high «iadt hood.-. saving ot 2-V, absolutely guaranteed on all goods carry a sar^,. assortment of high kr«di. PtArislan •^nristmas Trees, H Holly Wreathsi^^re wm Everything in for Christm< Flowers and houses to you. ful and last so ut Flo at usu 'lants direct from our 'hat is why they arj tuch longer. PYFER & OLSEM Successors STAR FLORAL GO. Vtu ^ Itieatre, Wilmette, IlL Phone Wilmette 23 ENUE if CalUU by %«<M. JtMoS.iT roller < \tiivg ARTlSTlk All ortlor* i attention. / a n*r% in WHmd Fjj« m ■•B>i'- Wo. Bo* 21 5C1 Fir St. Phone 675-L AUTO DOCT Will call. estirnato a: garage. HARRY LYNN Staple tin, Mcflries ^^titsand candies. Mrs. Emily Rlchter Gardner, of the Conference of the Church Peace !MA »»ilrim« Arc. ■ •ft'run Mldg. ■ -Wilnrette Fruit Store GEORGE PIERANTONI, Manager ■^'^MaaaajBMisssMSMiM FOR ^H^ECIJbLIS *« eqfip your FOalarwith a Da%h Primer for $1.50 Taxi c/bS^rviceNigtit and Day J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbns Avenue ; Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette 1 Why/NQt Yciii^ All Bread Wrapped in --Wax Paper-- Wilmette Baking Ga. Hfi5WitoiHili.. Tcl.r.laeiti449 Subscribe for The Lake Shore K ..*-.■■,,,,., ;. --^y^^,.". ^ ----- -■■-■ -

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