THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1914 m WlUtBRE MEN'S CLUB! FILMS NEXT WEEK WILMETTE DAIRY WILMETlfe MAROONS GIVES FINfePROGRAM | AT LOCAL THEATERS SAFEGUARDS PUBLIC BEAT KENILWORTE The lira's club of WlhaetU- and their guests were royally entertained Tuesday evening at the Woman's club U> Clare Vaughan Wales and some of the Lyceum player*. Thia company of talented entertatnera offered a delight- ml play of too hoar, tn which a woman MiKragist plans to power and then tails gracefully beneath the dart of young Dan Cupid. Politics and sharp clean comedy pre woven about the principal character. Grace Cartwrlgbt* us portrayed by Clare Vaughan Wales, whose dramatic readings, presented , rvcral seasons since, in Wilroottfc, ar« choicely remembered. Grace Cart- wright delineates pathos, frivolity, love and hatred in her backward flight for youth as she changes from a wo- man of eighty to a suffragist of fifty, to a society belle of thirty-five, to a de. New Trier Jottings Lyceum Players Ente^,Well-Kno|m Plays To Be Require Medical Attention Basketball Players Give 12 tain Members on Tues- day Evening. Shown in Wilmette Dur- ing Coming Week. -.....if'*?.* -t--!------------ " ' at Farms f rom WRicfi Their Milk Comes. to 2 Defeat to Young- sters. season resulted In a vietory for Mewj I Trier. '; Tom Pope and Irodloy 0* OroOt! ; came off with second and fourth prise; 4reai«wtlvcly in th« InteTschofasUc Mr Harpefs Address. B*4m»g mc«t at the Itlmol* AthJ In Assembly Monday morning Mr-j |mc C|Ub Tburaday. Harper gave an admirable jutdress on ( The (j,rta. Athletic association t» j tin- «uhj«ci,."Wlisi the study of math-; te|m|0g » cbrl«Una« party for the ctuatics can do for the Rtudeht." BaiSa___, „,^ .oi^^i ow.rtK i». im.- »a- "A < showed how this scuuy enabies the j student to feel the joy of knowing when his task is done, and done The^Vthaette Maroons defuated the j rtgftt: how It gives an understanding For the movie enthusiast wtariap'T The Wilmette Dairy has had a very, me nnjM^ppi.ip......■ ■ ; . 1'igi ; now u gives an i;uu«:rowii»M«i»* predates a good comedy, replete with I excellent plan for safeguarding the'. Kenllworth Grammar School league at [of things in life on which civilization ludicrous exhibitions by a caat com-! health of their patrons. The great -baaketbnll Tuesdav afternoon at thejdeiKnds: anil how Onally it fit* the posed of realhigh caliber talent, the dangers not at all appreciated by the. „ . ^Anmiium wi»h a neore'8tU(U>wt to Hv*' n inoro «UPCO**fu1 ,!fe- "Man From Mexico;' to appear at the! general public, of using Impure milk.|r*ennworiu syiunaoiu.i w • * ^ |o ^on a l.ulluraI aa Wcll as' Village theater next Monday and Tues- appeared to Mr. Dean of the Wilmette j of 12 to 2. Schon Pattlsou, captain oi, practlcnl vnhK, Dairy of sufficient Importance to.the Wilmette team, did some excellent , , Algebra trains one to observe de-, n:ake a medical inspection tor his ■ worj[, umj assisted by Harry and Roth,j tails; geometry to reason, it in UCo f farms essential. In accordance with j jnlrojuce^ gomeexcellent teamwork. 1 the individual will apply the same' this decision, regardless of the great |Tho ,m6.up tor the winning tesm is expense occasioned by this broad anJ,as follows: excellent policy. Mr. Dean baa for j t iriK of the school shortly before va ration. -- The Chrlatmas holidays for flew Trier are from December 18 to Jan uary. 4. day, offers a pleasure worth antlcipat ing. In a maze of startling dllemns, Fitzhue. depicted by John Barrymbre, survives his mythical stay in Mexico and emerges from his dreadful, laugh- able experiences unscathed, as happy pnd irrepressible as before. It is a film one can gut'highest amount'of pleasure our Of. On Thursday and Friday "Ready Money" will be shown. There Is no necessity of going Into detail of this highly successful and well known ploy. Kdward Abeles stars in this, the film some time made the farmers who sup- i pjy libit with milk understand that they must never fail to employ this ; medical attention when any of their family appear to .have the slightest ailment. When a member of the fam Forward-^-Roth. Forward--Coiiey. Guard--RebblnB-Braun. Guard--Barry-Kerr. Center--Pattisou. fly on any one of hie farms baa the slightest feeling of sickness a doctor vS!yi--T*«» -w-T being a» Paramount picture, as is "The! i8 summoned and if there is nothing laiymte or twenty The cast of char-] Man Moxico.» jthe (rouble the vvilraette Dairy foots "ReadyMoney" will be a source of'the bill. This coats the dairy mauy . | interest to all who witness It. ,1 dollars a year, but It is the safest In- At the Wilmette theater on Thura-1 durance there is against contamina- Fcw dairies are so ., - -. 'n: i their patrons* wel- ltobert Harper, "A bunch of brains' Lord; Deaconfield--"Merely an Eng- lishman" ......Mr. "Hob" Greenlenf Mr. James Mckenzie--who cant be day motine\ and evening! "Pierre of tlon of tUo nittk. .... .Mr. Frederick Congdon the |,|ttllis» \l!l be the feature fllm. I conscientious of CHILDREN TO GIVE CHARITY PLAY TONIGHT (Continued from Pago 1) I The story is woven around the Roynl fare .....A- • •..........: • ■ •<&•■ Taber I Nortnwest Mounted Police. The plot Fred Norton, political boss......... jls admirably drawn, containing manv .........i..............Theo. Athey! cxcjting episodes centering around the (apt. CoJUhs-^PInkerton service... ....... .T\.............Theo. Athey author, Edgar Selwyn. who. not sat:- as the local dairy is. pounds of coal «would be a welcome surprise. Kdinger ond Speldel has of The recent Investigation by city in-. iVred to deliver, on Mrs. Clarke's order, spectors reported the plant In t ip top! one hundred pounds of coal to each of shape aad complimented Mr. Dean1 twenty families cither in Evanston. upon the care taken to assure com- Wilmette. Gross Point or Kenllworth. j careful reasoning to his uetibns that lie must apply in geometry his IKe i will not be a haphazard alfalr. but ,cn« of successful fruition. Mr. liar- I per's closing remarks on what constl- ' totes real success In life were most Inspiring in every way. The Junior Play. The junior play commences at s : 'o'clock sharp this tFridayi evening in j the high school assembly. "She ] Stoops to Conquer" is a charming play that ha» captivated audiences j ;since tUp time Garrlck made It famous In old Drur> l.ane theater In 177S. , J This performance, cannot be o\er- j looked with impunity. Admission la ■ twenty live cents, no seats reserved. From Now On--the Centre! it3s. l^iei^ Model No. 3 THE SaVo Air Moistener "Totta" the butler........ .Glen Taber Another: feature of the event was the showing of the Good Fellow pictures. On account of the delay in retting tho machine here, It was nec- essary for the committee to solicit the use of the Wilmette .theater, which re quest was-met with, attch a hbarty re iiponpe from the theater management, that no rental fee was charced. The ineinbers feel a great Indebtedness towajrd tola concern._____v _...... The Literary Societies. Thr KlizaliOlhaus have decided to islied with "producing such a masterly 1 pj^ ganitaUon " Tickets of admission are 60 cents ^,e Good Fellows to a family In Chi- play, has played the leading part In j Such a 8CUeme as Mr. Dean's will' and can be bad at Spider's and Ren-|Cago. seeing that it is properly clothed the picture. The lUm Is in five ;nlg some day. In the meantime the Wil-'box oftlce scheme as Mr Deans will onu can ue unu ui qunwi o ««« «*«« i iiiru, nceiua "»»» n •«> hvi-™-j »..-....- ,,probably be compulsory everywhere neckar's drug stores, as well as at the;aR(l fed and will have a happj Christ- parts, and the Interest does not' lag once. Commonwealth Class. - Tile Cbmmon'vVealth class will meet n< xt Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock with the Baptist church in the Worn- ai's Club building, Gretnleaf avenue and Tenth street. The speaker is Louis Lockner, secretary of the Chl- ;ro Peace society. His subject Is Wilmette Presbyterian Church. Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue. Rev. J. MC Wilson, pastor. Sunday tchool at »:15 a. m. Preaching at 11 n. m. and 7:45 p. m. ,' The pastor will speak on the siub- ject: "A-New lltart Will I Civ© -Y-dn." and in the evening on "The Curse Re- moved." j A quartette composed of Misa D|>r- cthy Rae, soprano: Mrs. Frank JR. Kager, contralto: Mr. Alfred G. Free nan, baritone, and Mr. Robert Rae, tenor, ( will sing "The King of Lo,Vp My Shepherd Is," Dudley Buck, ahd "I Sought the lx>rd," Stevenson. Miss Edith Curette, organist, will 'Some Lessons From the Great War. Susie by a quartet. Mr. Lockner is render the following program: Mild to be a strong speaker, and the; Mornings-Overture. Faulkes; "liar- subject is a live one. carolle." Faulkes: "March Triomph- On account of this meeting, the ale," Dubois. Evening -- V u n c r a I regular 7:30 service of the church will 'March. Chopin: "Au den FruehliDg,' ..._.. l„ omitted. The B. Y. P. U. service Crlcg-, "Luto," Chopin; March In SWjrJt'4ir.iteadiWU led-i»y. Mr^^ieJviU a) 6:$0 will occur as usual. Gullmant. ,-. . 1 mette Dairy patrons can feel secure, In the knowledge of the careful watch ] hr that company over the products they distribute. The recent hoof and mouth disease ecarc i» tlie I'nltrd States mode an examination of all the cows on the farm of this dairy, as in nil dairies. necessary, but- tliey were all pro- i<eunced perfect in health. Wilmette Congregational Church. Wlliuttte avenue and Eleventh street. 0:45 a. m.-- Sunday school. 10 a. m.--Men's Bible clas«. 11 a. ID,--Morning service, "The Ttue. Evangelist." commemorating the WtUh anniversary of the birth of George Whitefield. 5 p. m.--Union service with the Unptlst church at the Woman's club. 6:15 p. m^--Y. P. S. C. E. Subject. mas. The Patrons. ThP Zenobians made a number of The patrons of the entertainment Pundagce for the Red Crosa at their are: [ nteeting in the Home Economics Wilmette Bxchango State Bank, West Keutlworth Nursery, Aspegreo and Co., Edward Hinea Lumber Co.. Nelson Bros, Laundry Co.. M. Foley Co., Bowman Dairy Co., Wilmette Bak- ing Co., Lyons Bakeiy. North Shore Squab Co.. The Printing Studio. Dehmlow'a, ScbUltz and Nord, l'yfcr iuid Olsem, Paul Schroeder and Co. Edinger and Speidei. City Nutlonal Bank, Evanston. ligncd lett< double tjaCrln^, [wearing rypebars tee perfect align- hrooms Thursday oft* moon. The Victorians had an importaut meeting Tue.iday• .pflernion. Tht- House of llrpre-enlatlves haye n dibale Wednesday en the subject; -"Reserved, That the United States : i.all have a larger navy." Tech was addressed by Mr. Wln- uncs Wednesday, December '«'. on the subject "Recent Developments In Phyalcs." m Converts wholesome filled with of any radlitor." Health, Ffrrittirc, Wianos, Wall Paper; Books,-;. ThrHtize«,$1.0«. $175 «^T51.«1 WrlHfor Prit llluttrattd tkvkltt. ^.fufacturing Co. ••II* St., Chicago - Randolph TOO The Little dio ment. If ftu* no other reason than this, you should de- maud to know this "up-to- the-minute'* typewriter. At your service. When shall we call? Rohrer, ftrraefly of Bal- & Whitman, is now con J. A. Shane & Co. The first Athletics. basketball game of the JAM SOUTH DM*tdW~*r»tJT L1CACO ---------r^«~ -^^r-r,, *~t-.....■ ■■ r urn Cross t Drown. Ml a „ JCWELHV PURCHASED AT THI jyycal Mornings -^ H day Morning ||\ D1FM ^ceJlber 15, at 10:30\**»^j$£Sr Woaua's Club Auditorium, Church Strc«-tlnd,Cln*|^o Avenn«, Evansten | Direction, Rachel Busey Kinsolviog Tickets $fuo em Zimba fo Avenae, Evansten iqm u euu e« sle at .Colwell's Dreg Store j *¥* ■•»!«■ •«• .. WmihiTt0totJ "J: ieW«" Beautiful hand tinted art calendar, free for the asking, at our main office. Saleswomen wanted in all Departments. Apply at once AD-ITORIAL / am I he ad-ma n. I ,i.7 week, I took a Jay off ., ,d went down town. I vis- aed almost every store in the loop. I n\Ht icith (i purpose t> . am pore the merchandise at k'osenbery's tvith that of the loop stores. I came back with more con- fidence than ever in the store for tvluch I write the adver- tisements. I could not find much (jreater selections in any <>f the lines of merchandise which are carried here. As fur as prices, are concerned, I f aund few lower and n great ninny higher than ours. I'retty tired, but wetl satis- fied with my investigations, I ;cnlked over to the "L" There n>as an "a7vfnl" crowd on the platform, and I had to wait a i/ood many minutes for an Jivanston train. Then I stood up most of the ivay home, but in spite of all these difficulties. I counted it a day well spent, became / can,talk nmo with greater confidence and greater conviction of the advantages of buying your Christmas gifti at Roschbcrtj's. CHAS. ». WALLACE. *■•*» ■ [621 OrrigflaaA»e- I Tel.C"aaM»* JW, Right Now is the time to cachange your stamp books for Christmas g i f t s. No certificates re. deemed afteir ff o'clock Saturday evening. When in doubt\ buy (Hme Bonds or Gift Certificates on the 2nd floor He'll be at home beginning Wednesday, December 9, from 2 to 5 p. m. To every child accompanied by elders, he will give a clever little toy absolutely free. Be sure to bring the children. lo scarcity of toys t| Uycar. Our toy department is three tines as large All of our J^Twcre bought at the old prices and therefore we can >f-the-ordinarj0Bari?ains. The North Shore's G It is the part of wisdom to shop early in the CHRISTMAS TllEES (artifi GAMES OV ALL KINDS TOY ALUMINUM MECHANICAL TOYS WOODEN TOYS WAR TOYS Smjj^ TOY CHINA And hundreds of ates^\TOY SHOPJfivites Your Inspection day. You'll get muchjnter results by making Christmas purchases early. Tree Ornaments UPS* BOOKS REN'S BOOKS S3* BOOKS TOMOBILES HORSES IRON TOYS CELLULOID, BISQUE AND KID- BODY DOLLS FUR ANIMALS GAME TABLES DOLL CARTS GO-CYUOSS WAGONS jher interesting and amusing playthings for the children. Some Special Values for Early Shoppers Are Quoted Here Schoenhufs Glockenspiel 50c Aeroplane, flies in a circle when suspended with a cord...........................59c Toy Cane Rack 50c Aluminum Set Dishes 25c Laundry Sets *JC 14-in. Tool Chests................. 75c Egyptian Dancing Tops...............JJc The Fast Mail, a railroad game . ^c Plush Horse, eight sizes, from 29c to. .$8.89 The Climhers, a,novel mechanical toy. 39c Performing Bears, very amusing 59c Panama Pile Driver.......... • • • • JJJc The Fox Educational Spelling Board.. .98c Combination Offer-Imported Ger- man Transparent Tooth Brush, 25c Any 25c Tooth Preparation.. 2Sc Together..............*• *-34c Ingram's Camphor Cream, recom- mended for chapped lips and face, 18c Mentholatin. 25c and 50c sixes, at.................. .17c and 37c Hospital Cotton (fully absorbent), per lb ....................24c Sponges, just received an assortment of toilet and housecleaning ■ponges, priced from .. .......loc to 38c Briar Rose Face Powder, per pkg. . .... .-■. • v::..........28c Swift's Vanity Fair Toilet Soap, 3 cakes........ ..........• • • *** Dickinson's Witch Hazel, only one bottle to each customer, fuB pt. .Ifc Denatured Alcohol, gal.........88c fron Fire Engine, three horses. 45c 10-inch Auto, spring drive........ ■ 69c Mcrry-Go-Round, musical.....7^..'.. .28c Wceden's Steam Engines......... .. 59c Hook tad Ladder Trucks..............29c 12-in. Drums, calfskin head........< $1.59 Schocnhnt's Shooting Gallery...... $1.19 7-in. set of Ten Pins, 25c value-----j-----18c 12-in. Dieted DsHs rrr-----------rjf rSSc 17-in. Dolls) elaborately dressed.......$1.19 16-in. Kid Bady Dolls.................68c The American Model Builder, most .instruc- tive and enjoyable toy for the American ' Sets at 98c $1.98* $8.98 and Furniture--Gifts ThW Live A Few Suggestions ^ Fireside Chairs Arm Rockers--Sew* in^R-ocfcers Libraiy Tables--Pedes- tals -Sewing Machines --Small Rugs -Smoker Sets--Pictures. s«~dr-um Boxed Gift Aprons Fancy Teg Aprons, fine dotted swiss, lawn and batiste, ruffle of fine lace and embroidery, Cf|0 in Xmas box........«-.. . WV» KIMONO APRONS, fine white lawn, embroidery front, neck and sleeves edged with blue, in Xmas \ t\r boa....................... I.VU Manicuring Outfit-- File. shoe-hoiD, button hook and cuticle knife--all four in f|Op a pretty holiday bax..■.;wH*f: A w*I«jt»e ChrlstxoM «Mt of ftoe towser articles. IMMIMlMIMMMMMMMMMMIlMMIMMMMMiirnttl