Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Dec 1914, p. 2

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1014. Social Happenings in Wilmeite By RUTH RISLEY f*oil* Wilmette 1640 Given drama prize ring off the'nt4xes. The commit-i _. _• TT ni«.. u in charge jcjTthe offair_««*»dcd' Drama League Honors Play- Submitted by Eleanor Perkins. Mrs. Marir'W*. <*e- Wilson, anil Mrs. in] M. |now aaved toward* buying barrels of '■ Military euchre was played last Heur. Tuesday evening at the Kenilworth i -- club party, with Mr. and Mrs. 'IX' M. Mra. Frank S. Lower entertained Allen. Mr. and Mr*. Charles Ware. 0**1 ••600" club at her homes «H HIH(»*>d Mr, and Mr*. C. J. Blackwood. |*treet, Tuesday afternoon. carrying off the prtaea. The Arehang Athletic club gave a' Mr. nnd Mrs. John Milton Long of * -- ;| ***;- delightful party" last Thursday eve-; Vtrden, III., who are spending the aIn- i There wljl be an aU-day meeting of I "^"'"'^I^ nlng at Jones' Aesembly hall. Ther* t tei to Wllmette, as the guest* of tholr < tin. Philanthropic department of t'»«,!_„™ Mrs Loni» were about forty couples who parti-'jBen. Albert M. Long of IfM Forest ! Wombo'* club the clubhouse.jc PJ. p^JZZJL? elpated in the evening'si entertain- uvenue, were gtvett a delightful cele-; ',.;.■ •---!.;;.:,., t ji *~^' '«, ■'.;*^15- ' ,{J$ ;' braUon on December «. their fifty- f Mrs.,. George , vvieav^ #12 AafU^di\, J^\v^°^LC°TJ ^^ -- fifth wedding anniversary fay their! ,lienue. entertained one of the maryT^-^*^ ¥rs*tjl'tT'7r:7^rron «ie:L8T, w Fx«Vzn*ofSi!?rt!rcTn nd BrMS0c,Hkr *£ "^ «•»• ^o, «» gave a delightful party Saturday aft- cago. and Mr. Albert M: l,ong. fhe jf,t her home; this veek > t be held on Mondav Decern- , * •«..-• •____"- ern*on, for. her daughter. Elteabeth. home was beautifully decorated* with ; . -J ,' ', >t \ ^V at' the^ ta!cnts In celebration of the ninth birthday of; gold and white chrysanthemums and; On account of the .general holiday |t nor(h AJd Jail West Cbica-o avc lor the production of real literature the little girl. There were about twen- a most sumptuous dinner was served.; r„F|? and Christmas being so near thej,IU the center for the Nev? Trier! Was proven a mistaken one this week ty-four guests. i Mr. and Mrs. LOng received loving i regular meeting of the Music Study ,nu,„ahin work . Thl i..hp. <»«i<Hh£' « ■ •">■« <■ t-,!,-„«« t i^^r^m^mmm^^^km hnB i*en ^p^ed until the!'gi^&uEPSB^JSt-^SSJSS £f'w,*Bn""^ ama 8U" Mr. and Mrs. Kdward 1,. Schelden- and "many beautiful, as well as useful, j r.jorqing of. January 12, when Mrs. E. ] ^,n 'wheelert Gilbert Keliy Frederick ! «-"»o"»ced that the third pri"? i~ ih*»r Mim. 8tr4 Lake aareraicr entertainedigflttav-.:rr --ri.rrTr:-:"^-.:. ;n. IrafhboiK Jfeftlfc ttt*mn&'~~~- the Fellowship club at dinner last"Fri-- --■ I . -- day evening. . Miss Magaret Milieu was hostess at j The Thursday Luncheon and Bridge Miss Constance Jordan, -'»«u llili 1« very pretty dancing party given atjciub met yesterday afternoon with street, entertained her Sunday school j her home, 1128 Oreonleaf avenue, last > airs. Schroeder at her home on Elm- v. ood a venue. NORTHWESTERN CO-ED1*........»",V""".'.""'...........'""'"......** The assumption that students to immature Insufficiently developed I I ! In the Methodist church at her home.! Saturday evening last Monday evening, Under the dlrec-' lion of Mrs. James Melville, the j A,Jss Margaret Allen will entertain "flilristmas Cantata" was sung, and at cards tomorrow afternoon at her following the usual business meeting, j f ume |004 Aahland aVenue. for Mists Refreshments were served, anil games ; Mark,rlp Hatch, who will leave short ;annual "original ptay** cod*' been awarded to ".My Lady's I iCard." the production of.Eloi.iior me Vule IN r jSClriirious descriptions were played. A .»p§pfai ffiature was the recitation . by little Margaret Monahan. rs. David Everett Alien enler- I at iuhcheriirweanegday- at imr home. 61» Forest avenue, for her guest Of tbe day, Miss Marian Cocke or 1'hil- ftdelPhia. Pa^,_.Miss Cocke has rc- eently returned from- a trip abroad, and is now delivering lectures on "Art" before many of the well-known clubs. Me* 'sbt^uie-yesterday' tnclnded the Art Institute. Mrs. _ Raymond W. Stevens has Is- sued invltattons for a children's party to be held on Tuesday, December 20. Ibvitatioiis are out for two <ard par-; tle^to be given on i his and tomor-; row: afternoon by Mrs. Samuel (loss at her home on hongwood avenue. ly to make her home In Cleveland, O. Miss Jessie Cain entertained about thirty members of the Chi OmcRa !»««* of Mra- «por8e «• Springer. < jDororlty of Xorthwostern university nr. dinner last evening at her home, J !"7 central avenue. E. M. Cole and Harry B. Crooks. A number of tbe young people are returning to spend, the. Christmas holidays In Kenilworth, from various colleges, and preparatory schools In {kins of Evanston in collaboration with the-tsast. Among those who will re-ju,*. jOTiu Meeker. aTso or Evsitislon. -- ; turn tomorrow are: Mary Taylor, Ida j . , / _________________ Mrs. W. E. Ingersnli, r,i; Ceutval May Durham, Klva Southward, Marlon' ' " ' avenue, will entertain the Luncheon | Keehn, Charlotte Parmelee. I'riscllla:' dub today. ! Allen. Olive Bully, Lucy and (Edith ■-- , chandler, '. Margaret Fitch, Milton On Tuesday afternoon the "Cattle J Ghee, Wallace Evans, and William Music club," a comparatively new or-Lester. _________ Ionization, wns entertained at the Forest avenue. CO-EDS MAKE GOOD. The mihMtrel show Riven at the Ev- The Comanche Card club was en- tertained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Ell S. Stern. S22 Hinman avenue, l-.vnnston. t , Miss Rita Welds entertained her It.esday llridge club at her home, 41* Elm wood avenue, this week. The "Twigs" were delightfully enter- tained at the home of Mrs. Lyman Drake. 933 Lake avenue,' yesterday ; afternoon. 'M-;-Wf». Henry h. Beach entertained at her home, 1227 Ashland avenue, a •imjaabpr of children at a birthday din- riPr*party last Saturday evening in l-ouor hi the tenth birthday of her dahghter Helen. Miss ituth Moulding. H«04 Green- V«*d avenue, will entertain a^t ".",ou" next Wednesday nfternoon. The Linden Avenue Neighborhoo:! fircle were beautifully entertained lat& Saturday evening at lhe home of Mr. and Airs. Frank Bobbins, 1-020, A number of the smaller clubs have, instponed their regular meetings un- al ston t^atcr last nl«ht by the Worn - til after the holidays. "'» .Athletic association of North- jveatern university proved a decided* success. There was a large crowd , l'resent, consisting of both college stu dnits and town people. In the sf.ugs the audience was tak'a to flonol'iln ::ii«l China and back to Northwestern. I A little parody on how to "bluff the ; Mr. Ross of Cumhor road has re-]|i:.ofH' ,.auxe(i considerable amuse; ftui»e^from..ariextend«d-hasinass.trlp:ni<int T||n fund}< from lilo sllow w,„ ♦ to Washington. D. C. ,.,,.,..... , '• - toward the building lund lor lie- ir.ew women's gymnasium. Ross of Cumnor road haveIskelAvantage 'Jr oureMly mwwiinjiffleliv^py Wh| Not>ou? Jreail Whipped in -Wax Paper Wilmetfe Baking Co. 1165 Wi'metie Ate. Tel. Wilmeile 449 Wllmette I Mr. Kelso . Farley of Abbottsford^fJ O •' j'-k ^, -- A nt..Ur> ! I; road, has returned from a ten day?' * Societies ana Hubs \f|m^esi^^lnisew,York..K.„ \ * fPltf* V*.l «i IhMu Pel tnrnfitv \\> »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦» When You Buy Meat You wtnt it good, aril often it is the rule that GOOD meat means high prices. Not eo here--our STRICTLY CA8H SYSTEM has eliminated high prices and made possible best meats at low cost. • -••'.- Per Pound Swift's Premium or Armour's Star Ham.. Swift's Premium or Armour's Star Bacon. Fancy Home-dressed Chickens .......;.. Leg of Lamb ..,........................ Rib Roast of Beef............ • - - Pork Roast Pork Chops Porterhouse Steak, Jbrime quali Sirloin Steak rger Ste Round Steak Fresh Shoulder Shoulder Loin of Rib Lamb Shoulder L Lamb Stew Leg Veal Veal Loin Veal Roast Loin Veal Chops.............. Rib Veal Chops............... Shoulder Veal Roast .......... Veal Stew....... ............. Sauer Kraut, quart ............ Spare Ribs, per pound.......... Lard, per pound............... Brookfield Sausage, meat or link. Fresh Oysters, always on hand, per quart, 35c %S$. 3. NILLES, MarRet 635 W. Railroad Ave., Wilmeite s^SLS7££2 STou* ♦♦♦♦♦»»»ee»ee»eeee»eeeee»e»»e»eeeee»»e»e»»e»»e»»»ee»; ' I "' i" i i ----mmmmiA^Mimma^j Linden 3 ven holly and mistletoe gave a real Chi 1st n as sTdnt to the affair. "Five bun dred" was played aud the prize win- ners Were .Mrs Cordon Haunah and MrrHerttT *. Ihrrbach. The' Ouiltnette Dancing club are planning an elaborate dancing pint;. for tomorrow evening at the Wllmr-tte Woman's club. Kach member will livcvt' the privilege of inviting guests to join them in their revels. The Zeta Beta Psl sorority will give _ i their annual ('hristniaK formal dancO ;The Monday Luncheon and Uridye ,,„ Wednesday evening at the Kenil- cl'ub was entertained this week/at the v.nrtli Assemblyhall, home of Mrs. Burt c. Ilardenbrook,; The *^un>" club will entertain at 1101 Forest avenue. We^ome ^f Mr. ajid Mrs. O. C. Oweri} -- ____ on'Essex■ road. 'Bridge will be played Mr. and Mrs. Carl it. Latham enter- at this party. mined the. Knockers' club at dinner Dean Sumner was the speaker at Friday evening at their home. 221* the meeting of the Neighbors yester- Sixth street. : dajf, a'f]ternoOn at the Kenilworth As- sembly hall. This will be the last meeting (intil after the holidays. Next Friday evening th«* Misses i Agnes I'ease, I'riscilla Allen, Marion Keehn. ami ,Charlotte Parmelee will be hostesses at a large dancing party to be held at the Jfenllworth Assembly hall. At four o'clock on Christmas eve, the various churches of Kenilworth will unite at the Kenilworth Assembly hall and hold. their Christmas texer-; clses, around a general Christmas tree. The Kenilworth Union, Holy Comforter and* Mission will partici- pate, i Another of tlu informal duiicm be given af the Oullmette font club tomorrow evenTHgT"' Oii the lowing Saturday afternoon, ihP < dren ft years old and uiubr. will given a Christina.; party, niid in e\i'uiii.L. (he older ones will hold t. Christina:- revels. There will also open house on that evening , <|n Monday evening, l>e<- u.i,L. the Men's Duplicate Whist club mqet. On Tuesday afternoon. iN-ccmi-i i'a, the Catholic Woman's dnh will give a children's party in Brown Ball. Instead of receiving a gift a.- is the iKUtal custom, the children will make gifts for ili<- poor families in th. neighborhood. Mrs. J. K. Dalton; 2i0 Weod mun Ji^ve a shower a week ago Tluirs:la> afternoon for Mrs. William II MluU er of Asbury avenue, Kvanston. The members of her sewing circle i.viv tire guests of"the afternoon. A good share of WllmeUe Ko<-h-(> Attended the Christmas « liarlty h.sli held last evening at the Oullmette Country cluli, thus proving the lt'ier i£*»t being taken by Indh lunals of tie- conditions in their midst. The ex- penses were all donated in our way or . snother. and ih" .-oiir.- proi.tii, ;-re to be utilized in filling baskets tor the - fjood Follows The oat in!-. an<! pa! f<*ne8Hes of the, affair inelnded Messrs. f and Mesdames «'. •'. farnahai:. I. \. Clark. <*. N. Jteeee. W T Smith. Clar- P'taneo Publman, F .1. Seheideulu-lm, v. | Webster, A. W. Hawkes. L. Al. Drake. : C. D. Worthlngton, \V. O. Belt, «eorg«» - H. Bird, T. B. Potter. K. B. Uathhon.;. T. M. Knox, George White. i\ .? Uak or. P»rcy C. SkUlen. M. S Thomas, D. 3d. UAllie, Car! I^atham. ami K Ja- k son Ctuee;......... ■ New Year'a eve and New Year's da< ryrorohM^to b« great xlays, at Uie Oui! mette Country club. A formal dame \ttll be the form of entertainment on tbe eve, and a reception, followed by dancing on the first. Tea will bo •erved. Cards hove- been* Isuued for a reeep ]Hoa !• be given on Tuesday after noon. December :>«». from 4 to c pwjck.'-fey Mrs- Arthar George Brown her boflie, S20 iMka avenue, to In- Miss Dorothy The Afternoon "600" club will meet on Tuesday afternoon, January 5, at the home of Mrs. .1. It. Cathercool, 1",S8 Forest avenue. The "H. and W." club were enter- tained at dinner. Tuesday evening, by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor at their home, 835 Central avenue. , The Young LadleB' Auxiliary of the ^?.,^^t^^V,tftA^01^a"ys ^"D hc,tJ a meeting Monday afternoon at the clubhouse Mlssl Net- tie Kaufman was in charge. A "Travel Talk" was given by Miss Alice Shurt- left', followed by an explanation of the plans for the entertainment. "Cradle Songs of Many Nations," which Is to he given on the evening or January IS, .Mrs. Ralph It Louuabuty was hostess at the meeting of the Woman's club, Wednesday afternoon, which took the form of a lecture-recital, in charge of the Art and Literature department. "The Ron,antic Story of the Celtic Revival" was th. subject discussed by Mrs. Mary K. Anus Oennej. To vary the iTiigrani Mlsn Onroth) ttae ren- dcred a number of delightful sor,<s. Hi. .Not ill Hll.,..- I.ili,, l.vOil .till, A III uit-et ,■• \t Wedaeriday with .Mrn. Ous sell at her h</me in Ar«yle lii. ( Avenue tiifcl. .w. i. i,< . utertained tliiu after-noon uiov a Christmas party at the Cong, egational church. The lommlttee in charge, Mesdames Itennablea, Wilson. Brown and Adkiiiu. announce that a program of excellence has been planned, Includ- ing music and readings PH.* Wilmett^Fruit Store GEORGE PIERANTONI, Manager . ' m ■ / . . Hanse ClAt-ISTS IS^te he HSUImettdf Beauty &hc$ /is.iitb.t /isii3clrj J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wllmette 426 Wllmette -in ' m ■ Xtnas Decorations ferSenc and Holly Send us your hris our groc in our iands to ma s repast Christmas values in quality groceries. 1200 CENT) BANK Hi ENUE i t.LtrtUist « ll.MLtlc-.. ill l.\o: will ty.u Phone G75-L. KAUTq fOCjTOR Will call, (Jj imfw1 car. KiVo ejitlmato andny (^"'# iJ you.- own rgarage. E. C. MELV1NC Wlr INETKA 6C1 W. Railroad Ave. Tel. Wilmettc 100-135 RS. ETHEL Sefwre l*nyioi( you n kk iir/rcc Tuttii»j». lOmbro'ulerv I'lumc itti-i-L ANNON , vi>it tin- SHO V Over Van Deuscn $ Sto, .Mrn n-al o lhe Travel afternoon at avenue. ■I » .. >. ..i \\ iM»ii<-| «,i Study <:l,lSn •er hoiiie, oj hristmas Tre Wreaths, V tit) t It ' It' R'ians hui II', member:< of « un ami Britl ,'<■ v cek vvith Mi.. ('reen a ood avpnUi- r;trly used In put -tx.ii.o II. Oern into, luecit llj the I iicsday 1-Hl.t ll lul, which i.iel i his .1 hi, l.tnit. 1110 The mom y for- liaslng |>riz< i lr. ^Keli riUyorthfiyriiw Slum Basket Bafr^afstpcn fer Games 105 ■n^t20PoTni*^eaii ■sOnly Maaad<;r, KenilwoA l»H«|4 or Wilmettc 911J Everything in for Christm Flowers and houses to you. ful and last so m s, Holly, reathing iants \$. Cut TH SHORE HEADQUARTER For High Grade Jcwclr^r-at, BUl YOtLJR XMAr At S. Beilin^ JeWelry Si 1166 Wilmettl Ave.. Wilmi Un.- ,.i watches, l>iamondB.*locfts, JowelifTT'Ut Olass Silver- ad lian.l Fainted China. VRtahlished 1910. Phone 1061. Our lowest Prices. we AKfe NOT ON STATE ST. and can afford io sell high grade goods ,.t low prices, a fiavini; of l'.v, absolntoK guaranteed on nil good* .....i-,,, noro ^'«' '"fry a larm- assortment of high grade Parisian our green- arc so beauti- PYFER\& QLSEM Successors STAR tLORAL CO. Villjue Theatre, Wllmette, III. Phone Wilmettc 2i F../. DETTMAN Sanitaryf^ar/hi Shop 1137 GREENIEAWaMENUE Will Come to Ya^/riomr^f Called by WILMBTTK sri wnr^r" Xmas Wreaths \f AGREATV^R] POTTED PLANTS, FlW CHRISTMAS\OI J. FLIN 621 W. Railroad Avenue, Tel. 1104. Trees ERS FOR rilmette. 111. Res. Phone 1116. am e of ^>ur i WI TTE SHOE PARLOR Gardner!ft Ben Popular prices--Sitea for We dolicit your shoe repair!nJ. ^%1 al We call iclfinf de 600 W. fH^ad Avenue. whole Family repaired as factory new. Insured ajfainst By our carqral surveil Ipurce By oursana^arvDlarit wherem/mandcrejuii are efficienffwand prbpefiy pasteurized. You owe it to\youf children's werfare and to your own? health to secure'^Qch milk and cream for them, and as a purely local enterprise we would appreciate your re- sponse to our earnest efforts for Sanitary Dairy Products. Elmwood ffiigtiWw nmm«*mm**t*~>=*im*-

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