Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Dec 1914, p. 2

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=BSssaM iff ^ tf i.'f j "«■ gafle: THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1914. Socio/ HavDenines in Wilmette By fVTff BISLEY PkZm WOmm* 1640 tssammstsm A aoJabir of the Winger eoetety set 'W""™ •^■Jlp^Paww^p ■ 4■ V* a*a%a WUV S^P •» M4M#g*S ■arty oa Wednesday evening. Dsntim Charles N. 8prota. 3*5 Sheridan road. Wfsoetke, given for then* throe cbll* dre*, Katharine. Harold aod Sydney Sprou. Oae of the prettiest Of the aeaaon wan liven last Saturday areata* for Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Thomas, who will leave ahortly after tat tret of the year tor their aew abode In New York, by Mr. and Mra. Clareaee M- Puhlaun. nt their real* deace. «as Washington avenue, the bom* van very elaborately decorated -with holly, evergreen and mistletoe, making It esceoeiagly attractive. Cov- ers war* laid for thirty-two guests. -- twoa club will hold Its annual Invitations ha , for a fatty $a he given to- evening by the Misses Helen SeBlacks for their plater, _ ret Schiaeka, at their home, 430* Sheridan road. Chicago. After having lived in Wilmette for ten years or more, the Schlacks family have party In Brown's hall a evening at 7:80 o'clock. Beach aa chairman, has hard oh the evening's and Is sure ♦« bring ai Two parties were held at the fcogaa school Friday, one in the morning, and the other la the afternoon, for the kindergarten pupils. Miss Chsriotte Springer will enter- tain, her "NO" club at luncheon next Thursday afternoon at her home. 430 Hill street. Mr. C. Pv Van Schaack. 614 Linden avenue, suVorised the Junior Meth- odist church with several pounds of candy last Sunday evening. Mra. William renuc, will gfvfe for thirty |eest ltf4UUSU. Mrs. Charles B. Lord gave itful dinner party last Thurs- \ Ukm&m ha*gMaV sal ft aT^Qtral Covers were laid for twelve 3the tsble was most artistically dec- N ip red and green, suitable to the lay season. The evening waa spent in playing bridge. A number of the young people, in- cluding the Misses Helen Saylln. Elisa- beth Hefron, Margaret Mlllen and Ldafe Schlacki. have received Invtta H|..............H*A : * « if 0 11 WilmeHe Societies and Clubs MtjMfwg...........W>< The North Shore Luncheon club waa entertained Wednesday at the horns of Mra. William Russell in Argyle Ths decorations and favors were in keeping with tae holiday season. to a dinner party given by Miss Handley oa Tuesdsy evening, at her home, on Sheridan road, Rogers fatg. On Tuesday evening at the Woman's dab the Woman's Catholic club will tire a card party. The Wilmette and Kenilworth chap- ters of several of the national soror- ities and fraternities will held their annual mid-winter formsl dances wlth- in the next t we weeks. The Zeta Beta FeTs opened the aeaaon Wednes- day evening with a party at the Kenil- worth Assembly ball. Tomorrow eve- ning the Beta Zeta Phi fraternity will bold their revels in the same place. On Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week, the Obi Sigma had Kappa Ste- rna Psl sororities, respectively, will give their dances at the Oulluette Country dab. The guests ht these af- fairs will include a large number of the younger set In the two suburbs Mra. Leonard A. Lowe the "500" club at her den avenue, Tuesday afternoon. The Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club was entertained Tuesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Thomas M. Knox, 519 Forest avenue. Mr ami Mrs. 8. M. Dingee, 926 Lake avenue, will give a family dinner to* morrow at their home. Covers will be laid for over twenty guests. The "T posed Of tlonal ch tion com- Congrega- preparing a Christmas dinner and gifts for one of the needy families In the City. Two barrels of clothing has been purchased by thp girls for this family of nine children, today (hey will visit the home and leave all the "goodies" for a regular Christmas dinner. The on- cers of this club are: President, Miss Helen Pope; vice-president, atlas Clara Nourse; secretary. Miss Margaret Al- len, and treasurer, Miss Marlon Rob- erts. .> i ■i' -- shortly for their aew home la Cleve- '. Mr. and Mra. P. B. Newell oi ford. 111., are the guests of Mra, Arthur nvanua. Mr. and Mra, Jesse Duet Phillips of Oak Park are' the guests of air. and Mra. Dayld Bverett Allen, fill Forest Mr. Louis Bruch, 1201 Greenwood avenue, who is attending the Univer- sity of Michigan, is spending the holi- days at home. Mr. and Ufa. M. A. Smith, eft Park avenue, have as their guests, Mr. and Mra. Walter Helmbucher and family Mra. tntaabath M. Russell of 1124 Oreenleaf avenue, will spend the holi- days with her brother at Grand Raalde Mich Mr. Frank Springer will return la a fear days from New York to spend the holidays with Mrs. Mary Springer. 707 Central avenue. Mra. Clifford Hubbard of Rook Island. III., Is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mra,.loan L. Skelton, 911 Lake avenue. Mr. Mauley Drake of Wichita, Kans., to spending ibo Christmas holidays at th*,'U«*uf' of ato ion. Mr. Lyman M. Drake, 933 Lake avenue. Miss Mary Rlckaon. 1091 Michigan avenue, entertained a number of her friends Wednesday afternoon of last week, her thirteenth birthday. Dr. and Mrs. Byron C. Stolp, 929 thirteenth street, • returned - Tuesday from a short trip to Denver, COL, wh«r« they visited their eon, • ' Miss RUth .Gate* Of Burlin*ton; Ta . returned Wednesday to spend the holi- days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Gale*, 1126 Wilmette avenue. Rev. J. Frank Anderson and family Norwood park will be the dinner guests of Rev. and Mra. T. K. Gale, 1024 Lake avenue, tomorrow. Mr*. JR. Olmsted aad son Sidney of Chicago will be the guests of Mr. and Mra. Alfred D. Hermann, 1124 Green- leaf avenue, over the holiday*. Mrs. Charles Mears of 1706 Elm- wood avenue will return from a Cat' cago hospital today where she has un- dergone a very serious operation. From Dartmouth college, Messrs. Marshall Oa vis, 530 Forest avenue, and Robert Wenban, 900 Lake avenue, have returned for their fortnight'* recess. • Yesterday Mr. and Mra. Arthur P. Rssers. 4SS Ninth street, went to Waukegan to spend the week-end a* the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson. Mrs. Jennings of Minneapolis, Minn., will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. White, 1021 Central gvenue, during the Christmas holi- days. Mr. nnd Mra. William Wycoff of 1238 Elm wood avenue will have a* their guests over New Year's, Mr. and Mrs Walter DeWitt and two sons of Trav- 'J'lM.A. Kenilworth News Notes Mr. Paul Schulse returned this week from Yale university. M|ss Carroll Sanborn of Essex road baa returned from Dana bail for the holiday*. Mr. and Mra. James A. Green of Es- sex road are visiting in Torre Haute, lad., for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Owens of Essex road are visiting relatives in Clove- land, O., daring the holiday*. &* The trot of a series of subscription dances will be given at the Wsanetka Woman's club tomorrow evening. Mr. Tbomaa Edmonds, a student at Phillips' Exeter Preparatory academy, returned to his home, for the holidays. Mr. HUmar Zimmerman of I Kenil- worth avenue, who is attending the University of Michigan, to homo for the holiday*, Miss Carol Horswell. daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Charles Horswell. will not return home from Wellesley for her vacation but Will visit at the home of her aunt in Montclalr, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Everett and Mr. and Mr*. Howard Durham have Issued cards for "open house" on New Year's day from 4 to 7 O'clock, at the Everett's residence on Abbottsford road. ,-v. Miss Marjorle Burchard, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Edwin liurchard of Ox- ford road, entertained a number of her friends with a sleigh ride party, fol- lowed by a supper and dance a*, her home last Monday evening. Mr. and Mra. F. M. Hicks of Ab- bottsford road, left Monday evening for * abort visit over the holidays In New York. From there they will pro- ceed to California for an extended stay, retaining to Kenilworth about April first. ;SJi*T' The Misses. Amies Pease and Louise Ware gave a Christinas party to their dancing classes lfest Wednesday after- noon nt the 'Kenilworth Assembly hall. COUNTRY CLUB WILL HAVE BUSY WEEK Plans Include Entertain- ment for Children as Well as ^Grown-ups.*' The affair took the form of a cotillion. in which there were nearly forty par- ticipants. The young ladles returning from Wellesley college for the holiday festiv- ities Include Olive Bulley, Beatrice Starr, Carol Horswell. Prlscilla Allen, Edith and Lucy- Chandler, Margaret Fitch, Mary Taylor, Elva Southward aad Charlotte Par melee. Mra. Frederick E. M. Cole will have as her guest Christmas day, a girlhood friend, Miss Mary McCracken of Chi- cago. This will be the twenty-fifth Christmas dinner In succession, that Miss McCracfcen has taken at the home of Mrs. Cole. be wltb Mrs. Mary Springer as hostess, and in charge of the Philanthropy de- partment. dered by Mr. Carlton Kaumeyer, viol Inlst, with Mrs. Gertrude Roberts at the piano. Miss Marlon Drake will lead a discussion on "Philanthropy and Practical Politics." On Thursday and Friday of next week, January first aad second. th« .». nual convention of the Beta Zeta Phi fraternity will be in session at the La Salle hotel.- The first evening will be spent In dancing, while a stag party "UJW ha the feature of the second. A meetlngof the Woman's club taanlggglWlEF f r^H^Wnerfay *^\*&&X+^ *hnr. M Eleventh street, will have as their of Battle Creek. Mich. Mias Dorothy Collier returned this week froto Madison, Wis., where she has been studying "Economics." She will apend the mid-winter recess at her home, 601 Lake avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark Gapen and Mrs. Cuibertson. 1021 Oreenleaf uve nue, left Wednesday evening to spend two weeks with Mrs. Gapen's brother at bla home in Stanley. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kaumeyer. 601 Linden avenue, will have as their guests at dinner tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. B. McDougall. Mrs. McSherry The Study class was entertained j Monday afternoon at the home of Mra. Raymond Wheelock. Mr, and Mrs. Frederick o. .White! P"reh»*|ng things Tor these young- wfll give a family dinner party tomor-! 8ler* *"*"* ih* «roups who h*v* row at their home, 1021 Central ..-J «"»«<»"»ced their Intentions are the nue. "^ following: I L , _ Primary and Beginners' D*pt.-~64 j The Ouilmette Dancing club will! n'w woo]en »*«aters. hold Ha New Year's dancing, party On I M™ Moulding--4« »ult» of under- Saturdsy evening. January 2. at tfaeiwear Wllmette Woman's club. • Mr" P»tterson-^5S sun* of under-• .. __ j wear. 1*to* Eleanor Bradley will be hostess I Mr' *f«Gu«»»*b~l* *«*•» •&"* j ft< a luncheon Monday at her home i<n**' 1104 Forest avenue. Covers will be Mrs. Rheinhold--io dozen stockings, j laid for six guest*, all of whom re-! side In Chicago. T** ■"■d«r •ch<*»1 ofUw Wllinftte! matnodlst church gave a most delight; j ful entertainment last evening in tbei church auditorium. Bach child brought aorne gift of clothlnjr. toys, fruit and Mies, which Is to be sent to the Lake orphanage, to be distributed, children seem to take great de- ln doing this Mt of charity each The children of the various classte* In the Sunday school of the Methodist church have manifested a great deal of Interest in the work at the Lake Bluff orphanage this year. Chewing gum, candies, and popcorn have been, ,. chllarea L Whl. willingly sacrificed for th* purpose ofl~l'f1?-7*t a,m ■"!?• *■ WftJl»&B Second proverb. Thoughts. t* areA nest.--Old Realising how hazardous It would be to ignore or even to slight the children at this time of the year, the entertainment committee of. the Ouil- mette Country club has made arrange- ments for their entertainment as well as for the entertainment of the "grown-ups" during the coming week. Not that this committee has had any desire or intention -of slighting the youngsters, but during*, the months when school Is In session they have no time' for parties and dances, and one naturally acquires the habit of not taking them into account when plan- ning social^entertalnmentSr-Thla-tlma of the year, however, belongs pri- marily to the children, and they must be Included in any and all plans made by the. family. Tomorrow afternoon, children up to the age of nine years will be enter- tained at tho clubhouse, and in the evening, from 7 to 9:30, there will be a youths' dancing; party. This Is for. children ten yearn old and over. To- morrow evening will be "open house" at the club. Monday evening, December 28/ will be devoted to duplicate whist (gentle- men), and on New Year's eve the reg- ular formal dance will be given. On New Year's day, from 4 to 7 p. in., the annual reception will be held. The Thursday night suppers, which the club inaugurated some weeks ago, have become very popular. These suppers were started with the one pur- pose of convenlenclng the member* of the club, whose maids were away on tbat particular afternoon, and when started tbey were more or less an ex- periment. They -have, however, be- come so popular that they are no longer in that class, and are now con- sidered one of the drawing cards of the dob. Wilmette Theatre = t*w» The Management extends its best les for a NOTED READER COMING. Mr. Albert ^Henderson of Chicago, state president of the Baptist Young People's Union, will be in Wilmette Sunday and speak at two services of the local Baptist church at the Wo man's club building. He| will have charge of the ,B. Y. P: U. service which meets at 6:15 p. m. and at 7:30 will read Henry Van Dyke's "The Oth- er Wise Man." Mr. Henderson has gained considerable reputation as a public reader and speaker and both of these services will doubtless be of especial interest. .i«£ •*.<*■* aav* • xex * vuvrr* xaBa-*w*n»».*! Gbe.Tmiamette la Methodist Sunday school win tholr annual Christmas party and Mr. of Wilmette. Mr. Charles A. Lundberg and two i youngest sons. Charles, Jr., and Fred crick of 163ft Columbus avenue, will 'leave Saturday evening for Saiina, I Kans., to attend the fiftieth wedding j anniversary of his parents. Vincent Marshall and bid brother, j Jos. B. Marshall. Jr.. are speudlng tbe holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Marshall, 1040 Elmwood avenue. Vincent has been attending | school in Ashville. N. C. and Jos. B., Jr.. Is attending the Kentucky military | school. With a unmber or other young pee- J pic returning from various schools come the three children of Mr. and Mis. George T. Dyer. 1010 Chestnut {Avenue, Esther, from Kemper hall. 1 Kenosha. Wis.. George, from Ashland. : N. C, and Alice, from Waterman hall, j Sycamore, 111. j Mrs. Henry Harfst. 1603 Lake ave- | nue. baa as her guests over the boll- [days, her mother. Mrs. W. J. Poultbn jof Belvidere. 111., and her aunt, Mr*. Elizabeth Hoban and son of Elgin. lit Douglass Hoffman ha* returned j Mr. Hoban is attending Cornell uni M3RRY CFif»STM HA Our Th thing for now equipped with e atrons' comfi can feel<g|nfe of always seeing the best J§£'> •" ' short Comedies, Dramas and Thrillers that can be procured. Special Matinees for Children on both Xmas and New Year's i^ ! _ $ & »»*****o»ao»»n»»»nootot»»o»»o»o»»»dso»UMO»do»sa*»» burger St Junior Dept--18 pairs of blankets. Mr. Robinson--< barrels of apples. Mr. Beckley--5 bag* of potatoes. Mrs. Gate--15 flannel petticoats. Mr. Lundberg-- ITneeda biscuits. m ■■■' 11 '.*',.. i . 'i J \T> r.ji^-M KB Personal Mention of Wilmette Pptk _------ SEC from Ann Arbor. Mich., for the noli- varsity. t for the beginners' and ! da>'"• Dr. and Mra. Donald M. Gallic*, ills departments on Tuesday at 2 j Mr Robert 8. Saunders of Gait. Oat.,; Elmwood avenue, will have as their In the church parlors. ' "Watch Night Service" win be ob- served at the Methodist church on Thursday evening. December 3i. from 8:30 to midnight. The program wHl constat of favorite songs, refresh- meots. testimonies and prayers. Erery- one Is welcome. Itr. and Mr*. A- N P*ge entertained ■ev. Thomas Keen* Gale and family at dinner teat Monday evening at the Athletic club. la visiting relatives day*. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Simmons, 110 Fifth street, will spend Christmas day In Edgewater. Mias Dorothy Brown of Lake avenue ha* returned from Wellesley college for the holiday festivities. There will be a family Christmas, dinner at the Latham residence, 430 Hill street. Christmas dag. Mr. and Mrs. E B. Rafthbon*. 710 Central avenue, returned Saturday from French Lick Springs, lad. Mr. George T.'*Dyer, 1010 Chestnut here for • few!guests Christmas day Dr. Gallle's brother. Robert Gattie. and bis sister, Mrs. Grieve, and her daughter of Oak Park. Mr. Grieve will also be a guest. Mr. and Mjftv Harry Davis, 2739 Woodbine avenue, will more to Min- neapolis, Minn., the first or the next year. For convenience sake Mr. Davis will change his business location and will leave very soon. Mrs. Davis will probably wait until spring. Chickens, Ducks, Geese, etc.--the finest in the land. Order early. JMyket open all day Thursday, closed Christmas ^/0^^-lk' Per Ipound ^Swift's or Armour's Hams, whole or half......."....... 18c Swift's or Armour's Bacon, whole or half __jme-dressed Chickens Leg ofT Rib" Pork Roast Pork Chops Porterhouse Steak, prime qu Sirloin St< Round Fresh Should Should! Loin o: Rib Lam Shoulder Lanib Ste Leg Veal Loin VearVJMTast Loin Veal Chops ____ ____ Rib Veal Chops................ Shoulder Veal Roast............ Veal Stew..........____....... Sauer Kraut, quart ............. Spare Ribs, per pound........... Lard, per pound . -,.. .y............ Brookfield Sausage, meat or link.. ................23c ......ISc and 20c .............::..8c ............\..>13c. ..............15c '....*'.'.. ;....«2c Fresh Oysters, always on hand, per quart, 35c J. ,1. NILLES, MarRfet > W.IUUroad Ave., Wilmette secandT5V.fI^S**i ] ♦♦♦♦/♦♦♦♦os»ooooseooeo*oe^oooo»eee»»ea*e*nagp<Mss*»» hristmas Trees, Holly WreathsrWr Everything in for CJi^htmaFlower^ itid houses to you. ful and fast so ztNTt'lants prices.^^wt from ojMp^reen- beauti- ut at us ants direct hat is why tich longer. PYFER & OLSEM \___Successors STAR FLORAL CO. ViQFge Theatre, Wilmette, III,. Phone Wilmette 23 Methodist *nd Congregational «««*•• business trip in tbe east. lei Miss Helen Dingee. §32 Lake avenue, n Hate » novel plan this evening »•• returned from Smith college and j mette. at g ocl when ther. la a bob sled, visit the !■ spending ths boildsys at borne. boulevard. Oak ■liar homes of tbe nick in Wiimetts Messrs. Jerry Todd gad Howard 3S20R. S Stag the Christmas carols. They ■. Searie have returned from Howe Mll- I aaahe an esp^i»i effort to visit »««ry academy to spend tbe week, elderly families, where ther*. If .. **- Jtort P. Qowlag, 630 Washington !?*&!* ^* retnraed heme for the holidays rrom Princeton university. j^ Mm etass of the Baptist i Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. Hatch and r*m- harch wfH hold Ma annual Christmas 1*7. •» Creenleaf •tract, will leave DANCING CLASS. __that dnlt Dancing tms**Wwh . .ii iiji,Jul.:i iu.:.lI', anowflake eve- 's hall, Wll- 3SS North Tel. Oak Park «-#-tte Wilmette Fruit5fore GEORGE PIERANTONI, msnsgcr M. " 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette v(L LYNN roceries hi Xmas POTTED P C 621 W. Railroad Avenue, Te!. 1104. Wilmette, 111. 1116. Frequant Osculation. "Ah, Gaetav, whenever 70a kiss me I strike the wrong note. Tbe people betow its hart already complained Munich Fllegende Blsetter, In Season Phones 1041-1042 mr materials for the fall and win- ter season of 1014-15 are aoayipre and we cordiall^SnRte y^and in- spect sam^^/gumTfantee our work. 2^± Before buying y NEIDLEC Totting, Embrotde Phone 984-L ANNW ts. visit the .>yt. •a* Kat! tAtLOR ■sSisa BM(. Gird Popular prii We aoUclt your shoe r«r M Plain Sewing Over Van Deusen's Store ^^^^•""^^■"■■■■sam***aBBB^SB^g«MsMgSV PARLQR Is Family repaired as factory new. ■Mb*

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