Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jan 1915, p. 2

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*v \ if att == THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY. JAtfflASY 1. iff *•* Socfo/ Happenings in Wilmette By RUTH RISLEY Phone Wilmette 1640 Personal Mention of WilmeHe Folk , r arte ana Jean Ife|eh i The Chrt*tma8: party «£ %bvuible were hostesses at a tea given Tuesday fwhool of the Wilmette Baptistcburcb, MrB Ge0rge Onrord, 211 Fifth afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock, at their! held in jBjoWn's hell, laM ^londay s{reet is coova1escing from a serious home, 915 Grcenleaf avenue, for their night, was a very happy affair. The njneBH of Mr. and Mrs,' MIIIH...............t9% 804 Forest »*f-[* after. F. J. rue. Miss Margaret Itennecfcar, 1022 Eleventh street/had as be* sueats, over the W4j*^, several of her friends from Chicago. The party at-. tended the dance at the Outlmette Mr. and Mra. Bruce ^YuJSS^ Country club Saturday evening. ; dance at the Woman s cj Mr. and Mrs.-'A.. W. Lee of South ; evening. guest! Miss Mary Blaledell of Alma, hall ^led.^tljmemhera, Mich. tfie church and school bnth: old 1 - young. T«« central reoture of *n^.7 ■ Moomoutn,-K. Mrs. Ponald ^yne of J*w £aw, tal^ent was flight of h^Jg A ^ i Mrs, Ar I., are apei Mich., formerly Miss Gertrude Webber entertained her bridge club yesterday on at the home of her parents. ||fr*. B.t R. ^efabcr, f 15 Forest , Bend, Indt. are spending the holidays j Ml88 Dorothy Stanhope haa as her Pgfr£I Mr»- Geo*"** Mason. 1139 Central with their dpi, Mr. H. Vernon Lee. gueit Miaa Lorctta McCamhrld»e of c-ld auq avenue> 3s spending the winter in and family of 1*03 Forest avenue. Mr. 1 K>.»ir«ir— P*.0»ttf^1 T^P^FX* Monmouth, IIT.' land Mra. Howard Lee and son of Thc soy Scouta" annual New Years nJ T Sr^nSJoa anroW' A *<* was borh to Mr. and Mrs. J.[amxmimgg- were guests *t the Lee!^ Mnngr ^ held at Community S2T^#-2liiS' r™« ChkLi who «<wd0» Smith, 515 Lake avenue. Sun- home on^rlatmae day. ,,. ; house Wednesday evening, •/onaj j entertainer from Chteajp, who Dcrember 27 Mr. Jacob Scheldenbelm of Men-; ^_. ,^-ri# ueClurg gave an after- S^&'6E^aJrtSBt Woo* cour. .re-atHM, ".»* ko...!-^^-/-^^^^^.!,.,,,,,.^ ^ tTTTT *-ikegan; f. ^aT , IT ; ft^aT^l.; Miss fltoth Woodworth gave s Miss Elizabeth McCue entertained in formally Wednesday afternoon for Miss Marjorle Hatch at her home. «3l Washington avenue. ' uune wao m-i»i-u, «"■■"«> »«»•••»«»~— — — ^.»». ^.».»^» .._..,.._- ___—_---------, family things were kept lively from start to rue. left'Wednesday for a mouth's!^ of Mf * finish. Rerl B. Fraiik taber, the pas- \^8lt in ^Itegan. Mich. Idenhelm tor, was presented with an envelope pr. A. K. Eagles. 123 Broadway avc-. c containing a goodly sum in gold, as an nue, returned Wednesday from a . » expression of the esteem of his people, week's visit Sijrnh, his parents. Announcements have been receive^ i ^.^. „„mmln„A of nrPnneem«nt« bav- vtr and"tifrmJlB. rf. Mitchell i ng. ice ere* helm 764 1 MUs ^Ch ^TOdW^ ^L^mi" cake were served* games followed and Mrs. EsteUe Pratt, 1129 Centra* ave- j J'J^iy reM^ wa" fceM at ^' t*r-dan«fe to forty gdeats Christmaa Mrs. Frank Sche1-^vc at ««r '.ome mf**g*^m ^ 'f'; i, ii The marriage Is published of Miss :' Elizabeth Cooke. aWte*1 of Mr. Francis Jiang Cooke, principal of the Glrton I school, W'Mf. Fred M. Jacobs. nfo." Floyd Cljnch of Hubbard Woods will give a tea-dance New J Year's day. from 4 to 7. for Miss Mar- j garet and Mr. Duncan Clinch. Mrs John Robert Leonard and Mrs. MrsTAtkins ieft Immediately on an ex- ------- wi fended wedding trip to Wenatchee, Twelve guests were entertained at Wash., and wijll be at home after Jan- [ luncheon yesterday by Miss Eleanor Ami9uncementa have Veen received U^ commutee of arrangements hav- Mr. and ^rj. <C. C. Mitehell and fam- here, of the. marriage «f Mr. Henry b.-j tne Molldav evening affair in :iy, si 1 Unden avenue, will spend Atkins and Mies Adelaide L. Bray, bot£J cliarge were. H' L. Beach. W. R. Ma^; New Year's day Jn Rogers Pafk. formerly of Wilmette. wM«J»2|ll|U| A c Thompsonland Mrs. Char- j Mrs. jToresman and family «Park place on. Monday i«venUig. jDf^fn*er totte Stephens. Two Sundays ago the | avenue are spending the holidays with 21 at the home Of the brtde, lh Oregon. Ba ^ ^hoQl brought' their gifts for relatives in Plymouth. Wis. The affair was very quiet and there . lhlrty.flve chlidren in Oak, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. W« uary 1 at Chells, Wasli. Last Saturday afternoon, the mem- iicy*"of one of the many, sewing clubs Ik Wilmette were delightfully enter- tained at the home of Mrs. Benjamin Hoist in Edgewatcr. Covers were laid for ten guests, and as is the usual ctts- fom, gifts were exchanged. Mrs. C.ncrrHircheIl of 814 Linden vvenue spent the greater part of last week visiting in Chicago, attending the many functions being given for the <le but antes. Dorothy Derby,' Miss Hlrcdd jtnd .Margaret Edwards Suedd. .The young people of the First Con- gregational ehureh enjoyed Christmas jo its greatest extent this year. The Sunday' school held a festival in the church parlors on the evening of •..ViY. "___.'■'■#»______:.____<*,\ __•.._«.______. Blake at her home. 921 Tenth street, Mrs. William B. Hopkins, 1221 Ash- land avenue, was a luncheon hostess yesterday to several out of town guests. The Linden Avenue Neighborhood circle will be entertained Monday aft- ernoon at the home of Mrs. Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Foster Branson off The Guild of the Kenilwerth Union: Miss Marie Wclssenberg. 8|^E»™ .~. jt'*~Ji:-....... iii'.Z^. w.'-'i»_* ri,.irr-ii utn io«iini, its meetlnes on ptreet. has returned to WinnetKa ior 1 li:> Lake avenue 'will return the first of next week from Atchison, Kaiti. Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. Hatch, 913 Greenleaf avenue, will leave tomorrow for their new" home in Ctevelandi,"0. Mr. and Mrs. Fred' D. Buckman. SOI Oakwood avenue, gave a family Chrlst- l.ias dinner. Covers were laid for nine. Mrs. t UtUe Florence Slade of: Chicago U .... Sett 8.^ Oakwood nvenue, ^T ipeJ^girhV l^&Jfa**** of onrCumnor rodd. Mra. Cr^flr Bhtdo, 117 Broadway are-1 wtrnifKiminw ■•#•»• U WilmfHe | Societies and Clubs ♦♦♦+♦»»+♦••♦»•♦»•»•♦♦•♦ The Men's Duplicate Whist --hib j...]100!. met Monday evening at the Ouilir.ette j Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Wood of Detroit, Country club. Mich., were *be guests last week of — Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, 8H Lm- Mrs. Fred I). Buckman entertained t ^n avenue. nue. Dr. ami Mrs. W. H. Porter, 132G For- est avenue, spent Christmas and the week-end at Dr. Porters home in i-a Forte, Ind. Mr. Carlton Kaumeyer. col Linden- si venue, will return shortly to Lake forest academy, where be is attending church "will rekmne its meetings on street, has returned to Winnetka for Monday affernhOn at the usual hour, the holidays. She has been attending Mr! and Mra. Howard Durham enter SL Marys In the Woods academy, tained ihformafty on Now'fear** eve ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Strotz and At jVio o'clock " 'a breakfast was daughter, who have been making served. ' numerous visits In the east, gave a Mrs. WillhUin B. liUgbee was a • dance at the Woman's club Wednesday luncheon hostess to twenty-two Elm ; evening. hurst girts Tuesday at her residence! Mr. and Mre- Frank Ogdcu Magie —T^Cumnor road. r will give a dance at the Woman's club Mr. Walter H. Schulze returned j on New Year's eve. but their daughter, Wednesday to West Point Military , Misa Henrietta, will not be present, as academy, after spending a week at uhe »°atlll at Rosemary hall, his home on Melrose avenue. A dance will be given, Saturday eve-j The Kenilworth club gave a Christ- njng( at the Womaft's club for the mas dance Tuesday evening at the ^neM of the convalescents at Grove! Assembly hall. In the afternoon a de j,0U9e- some of the ladies assisting lightful children's" party was given. are Mesdames James lloughteling, Mr. and Mrs. Tilt and daughter, Herman B. Butler, H. A. Dc Windt, Miss Marion Tilt of Holland, Mich.. • wtllinni II. Field and John H. Hardin, are guests at the home of Mr. and ««._.„. .u.^-. Mrs. Frederick C. Little on Essex , Mrs. Gertrude ?*££:*„,lS? \ | daughters. Mrs. Helen Hayes of Elk- Mr. and Mrs. William H. Isom of j**JSrS^SSlJST^1^ •THE MARKED WOMAN" _ *■ A BIG FEATURE EVER**«GHT Every big feature and star w*!! appear af '"Itliica^firi--- *• *"'v^ ^"^•^■'f||^^flK""> Children 10c mmmmmm Admission 15c ....... •. >MMIMMli«l>l>WW'«t<t<M>l ,„£n avenue. , Mr. and Mrs. William H. Isom of: u*ut\""' „ £Zl-\™„r v\*i» Jnr^ Wednesday, Dccember^3, whlckopen-jlJcr'uOO" club last Tuesday at her Mr. William Schroeder of Burling- Kenilworth announce the engagemenl I a™ Mrs. ^»fj?fley ®r .3°'^ ed with a cantata presented by the I home. 831 Oakwood avenue. Lunch-!t0n, la., was the guest this week of' .< tit__■ i_.. _._• .^ .1__•"■____t_____i__~„_ i'—_ „.na ^^,^,'...1 uri. L.A-J Tutma Po.l R fitntirinoilar nt 711 I'jftJ* avenue^ • rnitcd St#es^larine corps. Tlre^pI.eT^TvaTTuirijr Humof^ chairman or r -n|rs. Hensley ot Indianapolis. Ind., 'libya and girls in the various classes, jieon was served. ?Santa Claus' Bargain," the name of Wis. tinea muscBnrenue wn». . . .. -|j uarty piece, was uu 01 namorous uia-j .iirs. x-»ui r. luwhiuh, *...«..^.».. «. . «ira. neumtrj ui iiiuwinimun, ■'»»■!; Mr. and Mrs. John C. Everett andi^ v loguea and the children carried it off Uhe membership committee of the WH-' i3 spending several days with h'erjMr and Mrs. Howard Durham will Mesdames William .1. Bryson, Vic- vkjell. What seemed to be the most mette Public School Art league, has, daughfef, Mrs. Harry Thomas of 12Z j ,,old ..0,)en house" this afternoon rrom f°.r^.:E?'„R!,bev. "J", Dunh^n1, f raI,l]t enjoyable part of the entire program j called a. meeting of her commltte-; tor j'orest avenue, was the presentation Of gifts brought Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at DV. E. R. Mulford of by each of the members - for the j her home. Ills Greenleaf avenue, eighteen families to be supplied, lo- cated in the Clybourn Junction dis- On Tuesday afternoon the Cozy Cor- tiict of Chicago. A miniature moun- ner circle will hold its annual holiday tain of neatly wrapped boxes, baskets party at the home of Mrs. Morton L. and barrels filled with useful articles pnterson, f)2." Chestnut avenue, as well as "goodies" was brought hi for those families who would prob- ably have experienced, oilier wise, a ratherl— choe^teae^ *H|4irwtmasr ■"-'- c Thursday morning, these presen A meeting of the Home Sociul club i to 7 o'clock at the Everett's rcsi Hibbard. Hale Holden. Lorenzo M. La Crosse, j <lenCe on Abbottsford road. **"2?^ AU^"?,8»S "SSi !m >vis., has been the guest of Mr. and; Mr and Mra# wUliam Hlgbee of | W. Scott and Addison Stillwell will Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford. 835 Elm- \ {Jumnor road had as their guests over : be among the patronesses for the New wood avenue. Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Oowrau of! ^ar's concert of the Cornell Glee, Mr. Lester Graves of New York city I j.crtage, Wis., and the Misses Sumner {Banjo and Mandolin clubs at^Orches- lu visiting at tho home of his parents, au<1 cresnicr ot the Elmhurst schoo' 'tra hal1- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Graves, 105 lor gjrjs Tne Butchers' and Bakers' annual Sixth street. The wedding of Miss Josephine .Mor i Twelfth Night frolic on January 6 will tilling to the limit a large nioto truck, wero distributed in the city. and the children who helped with this work claim to hove enjoyed the following holiday more than ever be- fore. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taber of Bat-1 tOQ H0n0Way. daughter of Mr. and ' be so mysterious no one outside the M'rs Edward Hoffoway of 2f» Scott: twelve composing tbo committee of ar* street. Chicago, formerly of Kenil- • rangements will know where it takes I worth, and Walter Gregory Uo.lis< r of place until a message reaches the host r°p- A meeting of the Home hociul clui) jjr. all)j Mrs. Charles Taber of Bat-1 tOQ H0u0Way, daughter of Mr. and ' be so mysterious no one outside f« a v.lli be held Wednesday afternoon at u{ Creek, Mlclu, aru the. guestsibfj^rs Edward Hoifoway of 2S Scott: twelve composing tbo committee of ^^[the home of Mtb. Leon Barrilt. 3tl fjev. and Mrs. B. Frank Taber, 1018 j elreet Chicago, formerly of Kenil- rangements will know where it ta I'lits. .■-•,, l, street. FlAventh street i ...r..-<i. .,»#i Waltpr nrwnrv rtiul,*,-r of nlaen until :! tneasaee reaches the h Eleventh street Mr. and Mrs Karl U. King aud Umlh. 91* Greenwood avenue. Uav< On Tuesday several «t til,; lumiieoi. lMI end bridge clubs will resume snelr, r.turned from a visit in Cleveland, regular meetings. One of them will o., over the holidays, by »>ntertalhcd at the lton.e of Mrs Mr. (; Arch Williams or ChlcUfco William tfornell, NOl Ashland a^.nue ua8 the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. ' — Frederick G White, 1021 Central ave- The Thursday club will not i?».mi« ltUe Tuesday evening. ■g. ».wy~vv Kscepy. .i-..-..- v— . {{s in(wtin!;s until ii week from next Mrs. Walter Hopewell of Omaha, field Clarke on December 11, at the Thursday afternoon, when Us members ,\eb., is the gu«*st of her sister, Mrs Woman's club, four families in Wil- wi,j conVene at tho residence of Mrs mctte were supplied with food and)T ]} potter. N2y EUnwood a> HIM UI. illiu ,,<J1,^* ,...H....- >..,...[-,.. ... ............... — ...—-~ —o-------------------- ------ ----------- Chicago, will takir|»Iace on Wedm-a or boBtess Vho is giving £ dinner party Ouy, January 2(>. Miss HoIIowm; is and the guests are requested to follow the iibfce of irilver T. Morton the guide —,<Ae-»-result of the folk-plays given by the elocution pupils of Lore! to Cof- .; N>o MacAIister, l»18 Ashland ave- nue. tliLQUgii th« hvUdays. Mis Albert W Noyes and daut,luti, A meetlug of the Drama »iud> tlut< .viarjone. 8i:"< Oakwood »*enue, re will be held next Tuesday afternoon turned W edn *day eveulng rrom u at the home of Mrs. Louts Htucb week's ,lslt in Moliae. Ill/ Mr Mnd Mrs Alon/.o I t'uburu. e>» ulghil. street, returned Wudne4.Jay from a hollda, \isit wi.n Mrs Co burn .. ...other L. Maoison. \\'i« Mi Clinton l>«.\VUt ot Tra< »-c ilothing. and—with-a—portion-ef th coal donated by Edinger and Spetdel, to swell the proceeds. Besides this. Christmas dinners were given to two very poor families in the city. Two of 12((1 0r€.c„Woud'avenut the little amateur -actrossBs, Margaret Smurr and Dorothy Vunkers accompa , nled^frs. Clarke on her visit to the On ru««.da> aticruo... i..«U.... .1 homes to discover.what clothing and «"> Tuesday Luncheon and Br.ugt oWer necessities wet-e. needed. lni. club will be en ertalned ,,t I;;; homt iiipdlatelv woolen stocklnks cans mit. «f Mrs It W Jordan. Jil^ y.attood. Uty, ormcrly of Wilmette Has ueen pieiltaui?. woolen stot kings, caps, mu. —--^—- -,,—- -—-^ h. .... tne ...cnaina the week with Mr. Carlton Wye fSliimette /ftartbn CENT DANK t\> JSbcp .*i iLii.vitU inm and underwear were purchased, avenue. Covers wlU be laid together with toys. These accompa- twenty-four, nieii a wonderful Christmas dinner in -to each of the homes, to make Its in mates happy. _________ ______ Studio far Rent TIi.i. will bti a uiv<>Ui.» >.i it.. Music Siudy clasa Tueaday .noiJilhg at the Woman's club at 1":3" o'clock Anutlier of tlie Tuesday lai.vUvou end bridge clubs will meet with Mrs \\. T. Smith at her home. ♦'. 15 J,.aki- atenue Mr> l>a^ld I' r.i. Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. White, anu their guest. Mrs. Jennings. 1021 Cen- tral avenue, were guests at the home 0/ Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Carey of High land Park, New Year's eve. Mr, and Airs. Frederick K. liuiaouu, . Greenleaf avenue enterUlned a "l,e- wlU tmterUIn l»r luneheoH ano Vumher of their friends a) their home bridge club a we. k Troi., Tmsdrt> afc t moon Mr. and Mta * <• rouft.-. ..<».i i.»n fly of Plttsburgii. la will s.end N'ev> Year'h and the weei.-^ud with Mr ant Mrs John D. Conifer. t»*>3 Luke nv* nue. tills- morning. x*% feature of tlv»- enteiiaiinm-ut at ie Country club this afternoon and "ening;'will be a thedansant Nearly one bnudred children par ticlpated In ttie frolic "gTven anndaTly for the children of the Woman's Cath olic league at Brown's hall fast Toes day afternoon. Singing, reading aud dancing were the main features of the The Thiiubk- club will i i!a> afternoon with Mrs. if HSo Lake avenue. The Cleocin circle win »..<.» > day afternoon with Mrs. Saiii\.^:l Ii aUernoon. Light refroiiiinients Wer< served and the children were present edwYth caudles and fancy caps from Vowell. 110 Sixth street the elaborately decorated Christmas tree. Delightful music was furnished 'r»«' «^1 program of the Art ^utl fev Mrs. Bruns. Literature department of the Wilmette Woman's club will be given Monday *'iirs. Victor Scott and Miss Agnes ; afternoon. January i. at half past two CoUyer entertained at bridge "Tuesday T o'clock, at the clubhouse." Miss Lucie nlternoon at their home 524 Hill: Hartrath will speak ou "Munich of Street. Then- were eight tables. tcday: the character of Us art:, its in " -■" __ fluenee on all German art; Cnb'am Mr, and Mrs. Dougall McUougull win ;an* futurlam give a dinner party today, at their' ^onie,,, 21* Tenth stre. t. Covers wllL_ /ADULT DANCING CLAgS %! JaHfer^tav jj^ls Dorothy Lynj '-^■'"'"-"■■/ ""■ "'""-- ■__________■_:.the.second ternTj *~ Mr. and Mrs. Dougall McDougall en- class will comi tertalned at .bridge Wednesday even- uing. Jan. 7. 1915, Ing^ at their home, Zls Teath street, mette. at 8 oVloekf^ddress .".L'H North Mix couple* were in attendance, boulevard, Oak'Park. Tel: Oak Park peudlng the week with Mr. Carlton Kuumeyer. 601 Linden avenue Mrs Kr..nk J. Scheidenheh.. -.» i orer^t „venue will have as her >,..e«t for Nt *■ Y«ar'.., her brother, Mr W T Knau. r of .Minneapolis. Minn Miss Mary Blalsdelt of Alma >.yi Kge, Mlcblguu. has been spending the lolidays with the Misses Marjorie and Jean Hatch. :>l."» Greenleaf avenue- Mr and Mis t . G. Couffer and fau« ily of PitlMburhh. 1'a . will spend New Ytu»r'» and the wvekond with Mi. aud Mrp it»lui O Couff'.r, :•":; l.«ke aw i:ue Mi o...l >ii. «. \ Maftt. ....d iL,..;!. , ter. Mli«'IJ»jn a, Iimi JUnrn. WI, . ore spending h* holidays with .Mr. i-nd Mrs <' A Keller s2t» t.reeitwood nvei.ue After 0......1H rt "... i.,.ii<t.->.. with hip i.urcnts Mr nn.l Mt.v Altw-rl E. Bar- her»-«24 tJnden i.v«miK-, Mr. Aom«rG; Barber will return Sundu> .o Oaven- port, la Mrs. Herbert U Mulford 8..5 ICim- v.ood tkvenue, v. UI have as ner guest over New Year's and ilie week-end her dice. Mh-s Harriett Mogg m In- dl«i.ftpoli> Ind Mr. and .Mrs i.,.« W. Tutbtil audi .Miss Nottl. Fut.aau of 51 v 11U1 atreet, returned Monday evening from Clen f Fllyn. niicic they spent their Cl|tist- raas vacation ,Mr. and Mr* t;. H. Klemm. 420 Park avenue, gave a family dinner on Christmas eve. The guests included Mrs. B. Klemm and Miss Helen Klemm_of Chicago aiid,_Mx_ anjt Ii H. Klemm of Evanston. Mteaaf-s. A. O. Schetdenbelin of j Ivrhv Pa., and f\ W. Schetdenbeliu of f nosinees that j PIttitufgh; Pa., returned Taesday | IHincXnx ^m±,^mmmmmm ursday eve- 's hall, Wll Suiutao fv^ meetings, t< terer a\ ail titlepbon<? W Wdodbfnc venue d j)ariii'>. club excellent ca 1 information rriEi.o. Ci.akkf. TMAN Shop ^?5^^^r^ H ROLLS For BREArLF I imilies re of •iir eafly mMng dolivj^y Whi Nol/fou? AllJiread "banned in W-M*x PajpV Wilmette Baking Be. 1165 Wilmetfe Aft. Tel. Wilmette 441 Vamp- ^s» ja^^^K^ssw- Pay cash and save! In the meantime end the Old Year right •by "d«ing it now." Market open airday Thursday—closed ! Ne^^ear's Bay. '? ■' ■_ ^ ."^ * Swift's or Armour's Hams, whole or half Swift's or Armour's Bacon, whole or half Fancy Home-dressed Chickens Leg of Lamb----- Rib Roast of Beef Pork Roast...... Pork Chops Porterhouse Sirloin St« Round Fresh Shoulc Shoulder Loin < Rib I Shouldet Lamb Si Leg Veal Veal Si fcoirr* Loin Ve4PKiops Rib Veil Chops Shoulder Veal Roast Veai Stew..... Sauer Kraut, quart Spare Ribs, per pouna Lard, per pound........ Brookneld Sausage, mta or liak. Fresh Oysters, always on hand, per quart, 35c J. J. NILLE5, MarKet 6^5 W. Railroad Ave., Wilmette s.c.a/oU^.i ctntriii >»e»»<M»>»ee»ae»»»»>a»aa#a^ee»a»a» i ' .....ii i ————>—— T, i«.*ld. ■ Fir SL AUTO m caiIK ex, estimate and garage. t. C. w» Phone 67&-L rCTOR _ca^ giv your own NE nowflake Ice Purity an Made m ity First mette Wilmette Fruit Store GEOKUL riFK ANTON I. Manager Qb the afternoon of Christmas day Mi-*, i^o^tta CoOivId Clarke enter- talned ten gneats at tea in her studio. TlJft ^"oodbtnfe avenue. <;u--3t< Daily Thought. The fashion wear* out mor* ipbarel than the man.—Shakespeare. PEC^LI^TS^ AUTOMOBILE^REPAIJ Fc J. ti. Meyer $ Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Kenilworth, 111. Phones 1041-1042 Wilmette 426 Christmas Trees, 4io\\y Wreath " Everything in (tut for Christmas at us Flowers aru) Plants 1 houses to you. /That is why fill and last soJmuch longer PYFER & Suecessors STAR FLORAL CO* Village Tneatre, Wilmette, III. Phone " Xmas Wreaths \/ A GRE POTTED PLANTS, F CHRISTM. J. FI^ 621 \V. Railroad A Tel. 1104. Wilmette, Ilk R<?s. Phone im. ►tudio FRAMING »HS fctMETTE, 1U. 'Xmi fttttt tukin - H.......■"" ' " ti rn.— .. r materials for the fall and win- season oi 1914-M.are noj^are and \TT> cordially \n\mB<m\g^^X aiul in- spect same. WlCfcusfcee our work. Wli umkr ASA lUUr<ma At*. iHJKHW *VmnHItWWWIW!W.»»Wh«lfl Before buying Jg NEE Tatting, Embroider Pho.U 984-L ia iaiM tt iimi &M TAILOU "llhnNl(, NEWS WANT ADS BRING «?F»ijLTS US 1111 tJ^JttMMSJH mts, visit the ,, Main Sjwwg Over Va* Ijeu&n's Store »g •| >iiii it i i We aollcit your shoe repeiring. We call for, SfiS W. PARLOR te^anily a* factory new.

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