Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jan 1915, p. 5

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Jfrs Directory WilLAppear in These' /»», 93 *.># ■*»«»*<»■<*.* Y,JAWtl|gYt,lf^ OiOMoeerJOOO ^^lafeeaagm »», p«H m^lL^.^fi^^^^W^^if » W.....»»%ff»>lif1>3| , L . JL.1 MI^MMMt»»«»Mtti)lttjMM>»>»»»M"p»i»">»»«*»j eachers of Piano, Music, Dramatic Art and Entertainers] Once a Month. Clip It for Future Reference TEACH** PIANO TEACHING. 111 f mm 11 ^.j m.„ ■ *. v - ' Chicago School Occupies Uniqu. Po- sition In America. ,*f , ' Nothuig more splendidly marks ' of ' ' m Mi barthe Pianoforte school in the Arts bulldug. His school Is transplantation of the Conservatoire National de Musique of Parte to Chi- cago. "'3 '"' '" v1;-'* _'V"." For twenty years Mr. Labartbe touched shoulders with Liszt. Mas- senet, Marmontel. Wieniawski. and many other great artists of the times. For fifteen years he has been unfold- ing in America < the moat famous sys- tems of the most famous imfkm of Impressed at every point by his own vigorous and brilliant per- , , sonallty. he has created "tM Labartbe mmm] System," devoted $&$g0EM of dents for the concert stage. ..,, One of Chicago's busiest teachers of voice culture is Miss M. A. Monxel, CM Kimbati hall, whose pupils ihclude taany professlonfcls now before the public, who owe their success to this gifted instructor. Miss Monsel has established a reputation as one of the foremost vocal authorities In Chicago. One of the many students studying under the careful guidance of -Miss Monsel, and for whom an operatic career has been predicted' la May Norton. Miss Norton's voice has a full, resonant quality of -singular charm. Her diction, in whatever lan- guage she slngB, is perfect, her versa- tility is delightful and ner vocal con- trol an example lor students of voice culture. The evenness of scale, the »kih with when she delivers florid passages • aj»d the exquislte flnish of her phrasing are characteristics* of the artistic work accomplished by Miss Mdnzet. ■•■■■ - '■' '$■ ■■}* '* ****** •MfAM.f.MJJiMtJMMMMM'MMMMdM......MMM»e;gfte^?^-^-^^^^^;cc*ts<..........................» 1 THE MACLEAN SCHOOL. 1 Scene—An Bnjrlleh Home. of the moat authoritative character, recitals throughout the year gives It THE MACLEAN SCHOOL. Program of tthlfaclean m at 2:1 Everett L. Jones. ..Kipling Kipling . BE RGEV C HICAGO OPERA SCHfk>L. Moriah's Mo'nto' Hi Ruth McEnery Stuart Mary Florence Peterson. - •- Evening at the Judges* Mmgisti • ? .'^ • • •. • • .ntdftwoa 4 "Ma'm'selle". .Florence-M• Ouertln '~ ^WmUiglH"*. Burkholder. " 6 Lullabye from "Jocelya "...Oodard 6 "The Boy Who WaaScaret O* avH-- 'PfhtV'- »>.*^*>:v •' • Annie Slosson •*.;.. Gladys Eugenia Boston. ^JfifeaVsM* The married and unmarried ftp set forth in two sketches. Alexander's Horse. Maurice Baring. * Scene—London. Breakfast Chamber in the Palace. *- •" .....>V,-•>*.-'&' #-ersd>e Of the Sketch. •' > »' * King Henry Vm..... Everett L. Jones e Parr. - -. .Mary F. Peterson . .Wllheimena isei ne Parr was the sixth . last wife of Henry VIII. > Aa one ft torian puts It: "She was a discreet woman, and managed to outlive her hnsband." Catherino bf Arogon. the first wife, was followed by Anne Boleyn, who retained the affection of her lord but a short time. She was beheaded, and was succeeded the fol- lowing day by Jane Seymour. The latter died a natural death one year later. Anne of Cleves, the next wife, was divorced, to make tray for Cath- erine Howard, who met the same fate I" = iwback. Baring. TBSSBS A most interesting program fas; given December 1« by the pupils of the Balatka Academy of Musical Arts, Auditorium building, Chicago. *'•*■'■ The musicale was well attended, and; the program •was' as followstv Ensemble—March© Funebre.. .Chopin ']■ Ensemble Class. . ..,'J~"\*7,~, Piano—Recollections from T»mi- lieuser *,.....,«;.*..«•...»..... 1.... Beulah jllchardson. "^^tranelna^HJghland Fling.... Winifred and Wilson Gosnel. ■■• ' Ptlpil of Louis Krctlow. Piano—Alice, Variations.... .-.Ascber ,•".-" '" *j«a ti^*rt;^ .*" 'I:. Vocnir^r Babylon's Wt^t^,Smhrt Leah Marks, Madeline Gerharz, Hon- orali McGuiro and Florence Marks.. Violin and Piano—Souvenir-----Drdln Louise and Hosalio Barth. Piano—Fantasic, Midsummernlght'u t Dream ..*..,...*.'w','.',.','...'V.Smith . ., Frances Bad ike. Heading—The Soul of the Violin Esther Nadel. P»l>il of Anna Rosenthal. rianq—Barcprolle , (Talcs of 'Hpff- I man) I .'^. '.».•.;.........-.... Offenbach Gladys pehlinger. - Pnoli «fc CjmI .Weiss. Dancing—Spanish Duett.......Selected Gertrude Kretlow and Tina Frank. 3 Piano—Moon Moths.....-----Kueasner ..-.'■' Irene Daniel. "' Violin-Hungarian Fautasie, No. 2.. ...; .V^iV.V^i:.".. i1.,..'..."; Scherman vocal— rifr :\%-'*~-" (») "Auf meinun aenw"7.. 777. • (b) "Were My Song witU^W. ijPiwided' tin . Mr. Thomson will not be a caudl 'meetins every evening except Satur- dato for the unexpired term of Alder-1 day at 8 o'clock. The laymen will i^^.'WMktii'B&Jt^s^M^ <wj*afe^jjaifar»ii|»j-^^ Davidson, Wll fifth ward, CWcagO, who 'died last 11iam R. Angell, ilbert C. Bell and November. His friends haVe been: Irwin L. Simmons and Mrs. Charts The opening of the Bergey Chicago Opera school in its home la the fine t building, where every facility encouragement to excel is given fhe' ambitious student, will be wel- comed by many enthusiastic pupils from alt parts or the country. Here classes will be conducted in voice eul- tare, the study of opera in Italian, Ger- man, French and English, -piano, har- mony, coaching and accompaniments, continuing the successful work of this school as in seasons past. # In this w-hocK under the beat of in- fluences, the pupil, brilliant or plod- ding, will be given not only a thor- ough understanding of pure vocal pro- duction, but will be prepared in all requisites for appearance in recital, concert, oratorio, opera or teaching, according to individual need of the Those who are familiar with the work of the Bergey pupils remark their pure diction, superb breath con- trol, ease and abandon in singing. 'Mas is not to bo wondered at when one remembers that Mr. Bergey has been known for several years as one of the greatest exponents Of Bel Canto, and the graduates of his method have long been noted as successful singers and teachers. Himself a pupil of the most famous teachers in Italy find France, he continues 'the traditions nnd vocal methods of these celebrated teachers, modified, however, by wide experience with modern style and Im- provements, wherever these live up to the name. e v" The piano department, under Mm. Bergey's supervision and guidance, is of the moat authorltotive character. - recitals IhrrmthiaS the year gives thft Beginners as well as the most ad- pupil poise and aaaaraaee. whteh.l vanced pupils are taught. Here to* invaluable in either private or pahttH student can receive the highest grade • life. ' cf Instruction In the art of piano play- The Bergeya endeavor to m^-, ^%; «gr thoroughness and honesty the foam* -... P*tacUcal ^periair^■ In a' aeglea of -1 ion of the school. 1 ' ..... Me A Kimball Hall hicago, III? rrpn. op _ 7X I ino A«a Bt! JENNT DUFAU idfne SU-ac Part 1*0* KATHERINE SC / Only Authorised Chtear/o T< J LYRIC 71 Tlia Auditorial .VOICE Method of Chas. M. Thomson Says Vote Was Fairly Representa- tive o< Sentiment of Suf- frage Every Cfcapee Ue ; In speaking of the rejection by the house of representatives last week Of the "Hobson resolution," which pro- i- a constitutional amendment biting the safe of intoxicating the United States. Charles >i: Thomson. * representative . <n. "Wliile there was a lot of *bunk'>*ta «C> "The Pretty. Pretty Creatu; £ ^M® ?£,£% M of the sentiment of at this time. The opnqsl- 'iano—Sextette from l^ucla (left hand) ......... .....Leschetizki Goldie Cooper. Reading with Clearer Vision—Perry Myrtle Skogland. Pupil of Anna P. Saylor. *mV Piano— Polonaise Milltalre.....Chopin ■'v Josie Chatwin. . * Pupil of Ada Brant. Violin—Liebesfreude......•"•. Krcisler lienise Harber. Vocal—"l>ear Heart*.......... Mattel «•• ^--"/Mary D. Burns. . ,.."; ..•' Pupil of Klla Uahmann. > ;• Piano-Polka de Concert...;. ISartleU '* .- Clara Browu. Dancins an Aesthetic Donee. .Selected Kretlow and Tina FYank. -Pantasie Imprompto.. Lottie Krause. * Violin—Allegro, G minor Concerto .................___........Setts L,ucy Tabbott. Btrtog accomnaniment. Piano Trio—Merry Wives of Wind •orHC....»..,.......^,*,jH»!yy v^ Lottie Krause. May Horncbach and the _ Ella Soseii. '>-.v v jftbotat No Lottia Kraaao and Cart Wefas. to tlie Hobson amendment can be ded into three classes: I' Those who opposed H on states' \ rights grounds, some of whom were and others merely used the argument for conveniencf. being wets at heart; those who are frankly wet. and ihose who like HepraeonUtive Lenroot of Wisconsin, believed sincerely that (lie questfon as presented to the house did not property come within the pro- visiona of the coastituUon relatiag to tiie submission of amendments. In my jndgment, some Of those «!>*»*#• taking refuge behind the states' rights argument were personally in favcr of the wet' end 'o* the issue and some were doubtless influenced by the Hq- cor senthnent in their districts. Notes Change In Adamee>. t the atUtude of Repre- of Georgft. ste- lieving he would not be preaeat when ST 6f the aeata, leavtag **»'» shrink the ais*... toe He Mr. Alamaon they woaW have «ioee as he dM in my, h»ie»f«nt" urging him to make the race bur in a formal^dnnouncement sent-out ovfcr his sfgnoturo Sunday, Mr. Thomson said:" "There - is great opportunity for service In the council and many reasons why 1 would lie glad to be- come a niember if such Should: lie the W$'*4 the people. ':'•>*'••'•■'-••* W' V""'J ?>:?l hdvo concluded, however, that ; my first duty Is to my fam11>V aftd' to perform that duty I should resume my law practice. I have-: enjoyed nly seVeu years Of public service, but have de- cided to retire at the expiration of my present «ertn.,*i,"v <y.~ ">>^. _._•_ an Favors Woman Suffraoe. ir Lawrence T Shertoau. in on address Sunday night before the South Side Evening club, talked strongly in favor of woman sultfage and againwt the initiative und reWr- endum. "I never could see any rea- son tinder *ae sun .^hy ft woman sTmUldnt vote/' man. "1 Intend to vote |ft^ etery. cliancel get fts^i'is^^ Senator Sherman said that while the people could be trusted in on general propositions, they not be trusted in voting on the de- tails, or legtttationv :V ' >■■'." "'It is impossibie for the voters to act intelligently under the initiative and referendum ^ on forty-eight differ- ent itropositlons. which was the num her on tho ballot in CaUforula," said 8cnatojrHhh<raiaaftjn#i« ♦-*.'**< ".■+*'» ■-•■••' ■: -He declartril his intentiori to vote Ion bill pending in congress. "Character should be the test," said Senator .Sherman, "l wouldn't ha* a bad character admitted to this try even tt ie carried" all ths degrees of the41 nivereity of Heidelberg." C. Oliver. Tlie subjects will be of a 1.radical every day interest. AH are invited to attend.' [H ' .• W This week Is also self-denial week for the emergency fund to meet the needs of &e present crisis in church work tHrbughom the country and the £ }-, E MACLEAN VOC AL AkT. DRAMATIC AR LANGUAGES, THEORY OF NIGHT CLASSES IN CONNECTION T«l«ph«n« HnrrUon IB.lO .ORATORY. INC. ETC. r.10 c<Mt Patk t«a*»* re. M tchtga* Aveaae* CMreg* WiJmette Churches !nc*a Epil first Sunday T:::o—Holy communion. »:45—Sunday school. ' ^1:00; molfihMf prayer aid < Holy " communion first Su month)...' .*..',';'.,. ■%' § Evening prayer and sermon. , ts* Day-rHoly . communion at Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue; Rev. J. M. Wllaon, paator. ' Methodist Church. ^ Lake and WHmette avenues. P. H. Gale, minister, 1021 take avenue. Teldfthone" 654. ' ■' * -•'< • 9:80 ft m.—Bible school- orchestra. 10:45 a. m.—Communion and rccep- tlcti;of--msjrn1iihftht---"*-^^f;-*^—-------—' %'M, pi m.—-Jmilor church. >: < 5.00 p. m.—New Year's sermon. 6:15 p. m.—Bpworth league 7:43 p. m.—Swedlsh service. Week of prpyer. JenWiflT 4tf. Everir night at 8 o'clock. V 'Tie* our welcome. . .'V'/" " -ga^\KI*ray ' Dr. Mann, leader. Tuesday, January 6, ^wrfaW Rev. Bennett., leader. worth Mission. ' Thursday, January 7, Sunday school ftWflfc > t'u|i -i/'i- ' »*: i»"«ur*e • - : Friday, January 8, Young Peoplela night. -■• ' - .-"-•. -.-:-"*.•.•.-■-:_, t > Congregational Church. Wilmette avenue and Eleventh g^Skfith- '■ *■' "*•'" ,: *}' "*"*■■ >•' •'■'-^ Sunday. January 3, 9:45 a, Rb-*««i day ' % ip.—Men's a, m.~The r&Vmnpei service, tin . theme will be "The Moral Value of Changes." «:15 p. m.—Y. P. S. C. E. Leader. Mr. A. J. CofrW-av ■■ *>. I -->—'- Wednesday. January 6, 10:00 a. m. m. — Mid-weak meelias of an Efficient Cfourcb." !;--»i. Raptiat Church. Rev. R Frank Taber. pastor, dence 1018'Eleventh aervices held In the Tenth street Efforts of Some Forty Meth- MakeMe "THE TttAIL OP THE LONESOME .cfe -■ WIJIR.* * When Eugene Walter undertook to construct u play out of John Pox, Jr.'a, dcllglitfnl novel, "The Trull of 1. the Lonesome Pine," he put upon the j shoulders of June, that charming SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. WllmatpB Special Assessment Ne. toe. R MATTER OF THE SI ASSESSMENT OF THE OF WILMETTE for the im- epicnt of the first alley north df Avenue extending from tho heroine of the story, the burden of west lino of Wilmette Avenue to ism almost the-entire play. It le a eh»r. | east line of Twelfth Street by gradin«, aeter study of a moontaia girl tn her curbing, paving with brick and other- •H changing phases from wild, barefooted, ragged Aboutfbrty men bf the First Metho-'hUlo *wftke«ed to the realisation of dlst^ Biil8coft*i/ cliur4 o|:Jfw•lIMirt,M,■1 ton have made posslbte' the se- cond hfer ken. t>y a chance mea-tlag curing of speakers of note «>f to a various denoininationn for a serif» of) simple with a young prospecting engineer, Sunday evenings services, beginning JcRtmyy ~$""w!^r*^^^h^"^ 1 .jonths' of January, February, March and' some of Aprii. ; Tiie opening on the evening of January 10 will be very auspicious.- with Dean Walter T. Sumner; as aposkcr. On January 9 Br. Sumner Is to be consecrated liisbop of Portland, and tide will prob ins for the coast. This arrangement made at considerable inconvenience. is entirely a> tribute to Pxeeldeftt Harris " and the close friendship existing between Dean Sumner and aim. While this series of Sunday eve ning services have been planned par j tlcularly with the university students; in view, the public is entirely wel-; come to enjoy the rure opportunities ] thus offered of hearing in Evanstoni woman who after years of becomes a fay dif- ferent b«Ui«. Isabeilo Lowe plays Fox, Jr.. had us all love, a girl who knows nothing of the world apart from hfr home hear the towering pines. The play comes to the Vic- toria for on engagement of one week, commencing with Sunday matinee, January a. Bargain matinees Toes- day. Thursday end Saturday. fJoye-of Companionship. Half the difficulty of fighting any re battle or accompliahlng any tiak vanlshea When a man feele he has comrades at his aide flght- lflg in the same cause, or that the eyes of those he loves are upon him, and their hearts praying for hla vie- M teey.-K;. J. V*&, i^ SSpL thV almost I wlao Improving the same, girl of the 104 of the County Court of Cook i ty, Bllnols. ' NOTICE fs hereby given to all per- sons interested that the Beard of Lo- cal Improvements of said Village hejrt heretofore Hied in said court, In said cause, a certificate showing the coat' of the Improvement, the amount served for interest, cess remains to be tloo of said assessB said imi In d«* thereforju^has apr#ed* to said court to not/ nreVreW: end that aH^SErt na« axmI Mondar.Tfie^1ttl»^ dejr 61 January. A. p. 1915, at ten o'clock a. m., or as see* thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of said county court In the court house, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place for the heartus: persona do*' to saldcovyt of th0 most noted men of the u IN CIAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. "TRAVEL WITHOUT Owight Elmendorf Seen To ries at Orchestra Ha Elmendorf. the of tratel experi annuel seasori of travel talks at Orchestra opeviai AvKNinem ™* «v»» 5 MATTER OF THE SPE SESSMENT OF THE VIL WILMETTE for the Im of Fifteenth Street from Avenue to e of Wilmette Avenue. Ixteenth Street from the north line of Wilmette Avenue to the south Ito'e of Lake Avenue and Spencer Ave- :Ul^.^a >'aebooL 1 BIMeclhss I. >,? "»1*wy3 -• '■ ' The 'Mat's The" communion sendca ,Wttl^:Jm] Hftce and .■£ ri^jerUT celebrated at both the morning and Supper wW he admialatered. evening -aorahtpL iJUfJ .^*^p>-^.! - S:1B ,m ~sft^E.f.T, .#•,H.;.meattog. Anderson will peeeeb at the morning This Passeth," by "■« the The quartet will sing at _ morning and. evening hour. The even-, • f c^e tog service will have a special musical Jeet Heppy Oae.^ ^«i«- Miss Edith . following organ wui render the The >..., March—' "Vorspler < Grand Chorus "Allegro" tSocnnd Concerto) •JLost Cl«^j,,r* .H*adel 8n»iiftn Dalai flat an e% held at »a«^._.«ttaj*jfc i Schmidt. 827 KlmFOQd avenue. maV |Jem:raV»eaft,O0Od- ^Tiftt.-v.; - -.........- Tho wee* of epnew^«be their defenae. iif4. COUFTSR. " C. ARMS. HE1NZEN, W. SCHMIDT. ctiAarcisrtmtpm Local improverucato «t tfc* of.Wltmette. tare. esryn •et Ihem d**nk if parallel courses of five Wednes Street, by gra conaist of five til aubjecUL Thedri the World Through will embrace ofMttdr. Aden. In China. Islands, and ta Canal. "Around I will be the sec« along the Alexandria, and the portion of the ~ of Smyrna. fJorCiftd VUlafrancae. and Him. in hi* third nd Northern will conduct hla Berlin, j City of Chicago. wlU be visited, ai the timo end In-between placea. oa said ee atrmg may in o»k^w« ««ic««i j ogering. and he* and described ft Urahlnf toa» win leod from Parte through ' Offer

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