NBW8. FRIDAY, MARCH It, IMi. THE LAKE 8H0RE MEWS Sasgsss W n.....iiiMummniMmmmi PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT WILMETTE. ILL. earn ft Brown Bulldta* •tMSCBiPTtON A YEAR u«n te*t«r. imt i» «ml H Wilmette Churches tie " Mil ^ <>• place, •enu * very famdameatal law in keep- las well. Be alert, do |W part, and the aest fapeit «tn gfva irrsslis far PUBLIC LIBRARY Eater** m «-cond-<i»«« matter Sterct. | farther gratification. IJL 1*14. at tbe sasmSbum at WifaMtte. ItUnote. ufid*r the act of March 3. 1«7>. ASar»aa all eotnaiunlcatkma LalM Shore News. Wltraette. At eomniunlrationa will oot be to The ««r for sass* I by posing*. All mat- la the current week's e pahUcaUon Mm ma sip ©flies than Wednesday noon. FRIDAY. MARCH 19. 191S. * * JK AOT HERtOVH YET. Boston's one policewoman is per- turbed and distressed because "Boston girls are elgaret smoker*, and it is not ssasas the middle class we find the greatest number of girl smokers, bat among the vary wealthy aad vary lav. We wonld. If we could, bring a little Ed Howe, editor of tha AtchUon ray Gf comfort lata the troubled spirit (Kan.) oicbe. and famous for his of the policewoman. Just so long aa Country Town sayings, remarks that the weakness, vke. ** every little while another man decides what are the best hundred books, lie advises that no attention be paid to htm, but that you decide for yourself 5fc 3K ?fc Evanston has followed Witmctte's lead and has ordered all the doga muz- zled. The mayor's proclamation fol- lowed as examination of a dog that had bitten a woman. The dog had :> rabies. It Is tough for the dogs to wear a wire cage, but it Is safest for ___lhjLcommunHy.------ m m m MONEY NEEDED With the coming of open weather aad spring nest door, many are likely to think that the condition of the un- employed and tho needy will Improve. According to a letter from the United Charities of Chicago nothing wu ever further from the truth. The contin- ued effect of underfeeding for a year or so has made suffering more Intense than ever among the dependent fam- ilies and even a sudden increase in employment is not calculated to Im- prove the situation. Tho psychological effect of the warmer weather creates an Impression that charitable organizations do not need further support. The United Charities claim that there is little or no diminution in appeals and a con- siderable drop in financial support. Funds are needed in March, April and May. Mbnoy 1b not easily secured in those months and the organisation will have a huge load to near whether unemployment conditions improve or not. Jfc jfc j* AN OPHNiNu A Wilmette citizen suggest.. iu a letter to the Lake Sh.>r<- News that children be taught and encouraged to sing as they wend their happy way to and from school. It Is an interesting ..».,,*<. o»«.,.. *n~. ulatlng to the Iqiagluatlon Wv. can see the lagging stct. of tiw cbita *» he goes to the day in ih«. o< h .«! rtN.cn indiscretion, or whatever she calls the error lata which Boston girls have fallen, affects only the two extremes of society, there la no real danger to the state. It Is that vast middle class, the beloved of God in the mind, of Abraham Lincoln, the backbone of'the state in every na- tion, that determines the fate of a peo- ple. Whan the girls of this group be- gin the smoking of cigarets, then Bos- ton's policewoman may well become alarmed that tho practice will become general. ..... Every effort which Is to be made to avert this catastrophe msy well in elude in Its scope an attempt to die courage cigaret smoking among boys or the same class. The application oi the Tlrzah-Ann-Andrew-Jackson phi- losophy to tho youth of Boston can do no harm. It might do Infinite good. tit $ $K FORE! Golf enthusiasts are beginning to In- spect their clubs and lay in a new sup- ply of balls. The workmen are put- ting the finishing touches to the courses. There is bustling snd stirring around st the club bouses. It will soon be time to call fore. Even the few bright days last week brought out the advance guard. With the right kind of weather the game will be sea- sonable by the first of the month. Orantland Rice, sport writer for numerous publication, in remarking about the popularity of the game, says that over one hundred courses and fifty thousand new golfers have been added to the golfing roster In the United States In the past year, show- ing tho greatest growth any one game has ever enjoyed The onu peculiar feature or golf, acwrdinB to Mr Rice, and he will be borne out l.y thousands in his (statement, la that it nolds each new recruit for lite, so that practically all additions ate a wet gait. Commenting further on tl.» «.„<><» »i courses, he says: "A few cities. Utietlt*•>•>«»> • •• ui\.< begun to make preparation., foi thl.- growth la the «ray of public cot..-aea Bat there is groat n>-ed for ma.iy times .the number of such public links now on hand, and the majority of the cities atv still ulceplfic soundly «.vo/ a propo sltlon *o rife with recreation Health and ejoy.nent to sv. many citizens "AS It la th rush at t»e* golfers i.â€" twdly etonded pres .-nt playing .coodl larch af Christ. fftlnaUst Central avenue asm Tenth street. Sunday. M:«s a. as. as* 7:45 p. m. • p. as. ng room. 1 to 4 p. m.. except I b*sbsbb K^sUdtmWsl $>4 , â€"adv. Wilmette aad Lake miasm T. K. Gale, minister. 1024 Lake aveaae. Telephone 654. cnurch far tour they might hear some- thing they might believe." f:*t a. m-. Bible stud;; E. W. Mc- iliougfa. superintendent. Orchestra. Classes far alL 10:45 a. m., "What Song Do Ihey Sing hi Heaven?" 3:3P p. m., Junior church. 4 p. as., meeting for men only. Ad- dress by Dr. Eaton. Don't miss this service. 6:15 p. m., Epworth league. All >oung people welcome. 7:45 p. m., Faro well service. Or. Eaton preaches. Don't miss this clos- ing meeting. Seata free. All welcome. List of books for grade sndrews. Seven LRUs Carroll, Alices hta Struggles with neoa.^pliy. aHth-â- tlons, and if ai. other fiWy thousand re- metlc. gramni«.r. history, wtaau/er ft! ***** "ho-w "»«** lhi* *eMOD th*r* ' will te trouble in pioperly mobilizing Is that gives most trouble, timing Ms i I tho lOrve reluctant step to some such lively air' ...i^ir k. , , • . _. i „. «. SS Old Hundred. The liveliest of tunes (lcn nian"» ^.am* Into the national play will scarcely suffice for the return, of the so-called mldile classes, which Journey, unless perenanc there is a; stands aa the U*t of the game* won 4£ ' derful appenl " message to be borne to mutber which • The appeal »i is.. /*«<»><> »'»*â- --« Bisy bring unpleasant t-uacqueuce.. | ^^ ^^ u Vllm .te .uert aw If the 'notion of tlile peraou aboula ; pronaUy mc/e pollers to tbe p»v ala be generally ad«»pu<l «»»**» aiw t>tu«d tton that. In a^iy towi a\ Its atae ta field woard thus be c|*«« d fcr tb«;| the teOonU f Wlltuette ^ veil .liuated ...i.- ...i . t .i ... . *u reference .o a numJuei of excellent ready talent of tl>e «nt.i «i |m>i>..i<u clubs. Wcstmo.eland, of «rktch many and timely tnuslc rf ^^ .llkypaa best psay.re are mem * * •* \ be»«. U closer to Wilmette «ha* It la KZEPlSii hiCA* » a» to Kvanatoe, aad many men ride to Wilmette baa a neaUb rtc . .. j Wilmette oa the train sad tsae a ±90 should cause a an©* of |o»t p»ro« tn from here, finding It shorter than the Moore's survey of contagious dls uses Central street way. Indian Hill sad for two periods of ala months eseb. ', Skokie draw from this community Sept amber. I»13 to March. 1914. aad Skokie. the older ot the two. has aa September. 1»14 to March. 1S15. the | ehtgaat course, and Indian Hill Is de- tlsse when Ulnesa ot all kinds is most relopin» rapidly into the major etasa prcvaieat. shows s oecrease from 2P9 Golf ass Its hold on the younger sat cases to thirty-three. aad furnish** amusement aad reerea- The health dspartmeat saoaM feel ttos far them A number af names. fiiallnad The ritrseaw take rossaasr hath yoamg bm aad sitssss. caa he ahie stebJbjSthjsj _Hl the, saowing. It recalled from the ehamplonsliip plays swavcav beyoad all doaJM. that WB- off last ssasssv The New Titer yoong> Baptist Church. Rev. B. Frank Taber, pastor. Resi- dence, 1018 Eleventh street. Sunday services held In the Woman's club building, corner of Tenth and Green- leaf avenue. 9:45 a. m., Bible school. Classes for sll sges. Adult Bible class in charge of the pastor. , 11 a. m., public worship. Subject of the pastor's sermon, "The Way, the Truth, the Life." 4 p. m., great mass meeting for men In the Congregational church. 6: IB p. m., B. Y. P. U. meeting. All young men invited. Special music. 7:46 p. m., closing service of the evangelistic meetings In the Congrega- tional church. Dr. Eaton will preach. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. March 24, st the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. FInlay. 419 Ninth street. Subject, "Things That Have Moat Im- pressed Me In the Union Meetings." Wilmette Presbyterian Church. Ninth street and Grsealesf avenue. Rev. J. M. Wilson, pastor. Dr. B. L. Eaton, tho evangelist, will speak Sunday at 11 a. m. Subject. "David's Estimate of the Divine Life." Dr. Eaton will speak at the union meetings at 4 p. m. and 7:45 p. m. The afternoon meeting will be fo: men. Miss Bather Hill will lead the young people's meeting at the Presby terian church at 6:45 p. m. Sunday school at 6:46 a. m.; Mr. Thomas B. D. Bradley, superintendent. Miss Corette will render the follow- ing organ program at the morning service: Largo Handel Andantv «Uijju<«.' fc>»A«a.w ..... Beethoven y.atcu <t><.c<tAh>n*i <l»uioiK>>. .... . Handel Mr lit>t>u.&h will utng I .iaul^'s "The i jrd is My Sh» pheid " The Woman's society ««m I .Our iEsop's Johonnot, Frici urs. Kelman. New ChUd Testament. Lang, BIKue FsfrT^eok. MatHS. Fairy TajajL Bv< Should Know. •â- â- â- ^**. McMurray, Classic Stories. McMurray. Robinson Crusoe. . McSpadden. /Esop's Fables. Mulock, Little Lams Prince. Pratt, Myths of Old Greece. Rice, Captain June. Richards, Pig Brother. Schwatka, Children of the Cold. Scudder, The Children's Book. Thnmssn. East o' tha Sun and West o' the Moon. Wads, Our Little German Cousin. Walker, Lady Hollyhock aad Her Friends. Wlggln, Story Hour. New Books, Leagerlofâ€"Story of Gbsta Berllng. Davisâ€"With the Allies. Praise Infant Feed. Tarklngtonâ€"The Turmoil. Ridgeâ€"The Happy Recruit. Phillips â€"Trail of tha Waving Palms. Poolsâ€"The Harbor. O'Hlgginsâ€" Detective Barney. Onionsâ€"Mushroom Towns. Msnlatesâ€"Amarilly of Clothesline Alley. Rexfordâ€"Indoor Gardening. Grayâ€"Little Sir Gnilahad. Fitchâ€"Homeburg Memories. Fordâ€"The Greet Mirage. Chestertonâ€"The Wisdom of Father Browa. Allenâ€"The Sword of Youth. 1 GOLD DUST used it many years, but do you know allp^jtses?^ * / have • OBITUARY. John William Smith. John William Smith, late of 724 Kline street, died at the Evanston hos- pital on March 14. Interment at Rose- hill Wednesday at 1:30 p. in. Sur- vived by wife and one child. \ William Zlllmer. Williams. Zlllmcr, aged il months, died at 2200 Ashland avenue on March 15 from pneumonia Funeral was held oh Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Rev. Gale preached the fun- eral sermon. Interment at Memorial Park cemetery at Nlles Center. Mrs. Lusretla Anderson. Mrs I ucietla Anderson, mom.,, at Mrs. T K Gale, died in Portland. Ore., la ltd ' on Tuesday Mrs. Anderson had made annual meeting Tuesdt,. March 23. Sewing at 10 a m . lunch at 12, «nd election of office, s at 2 p ..i At the Men's league me^tinft on i'*ri jay night. Match 26. Mr Louis i'ier- son will si»eak on "The Illinois legis- lature." The eee»ion or ofltcei^ wilt take placr. This is ladies' night, and both men and women are cordially In- vited The htt»«.. ..!••,•<•>• •' >>>- «v.t>t ...Inste. guild I,j8 Its n. mvidy dinner Monday night at «.3(> » m * MAYTtrt Of YiMe i. ..ell: Your das bsh.ind mt . •...»., . d a cloao shave. Emerley: He die ii>« uuiu •jiely «/OUld have got him If tw hadi 't bad enoucf. fcnu te get ft* th<; track side- ways â- - Wom-i.n'a Ho'ttc Cont/HtntOi* her home with the Gale family for several years, and went west In Janu- ary at the advice of physicians. 8he wss buried la Portland. o£ women use Gold Dust three timet a day in waging diahee- They use it regularly lor scrubbing floors or woodworkâ€" They use it windowsâ€" But they do many ways in w can be used. It meets every clean ing and brightening neec in the house. The active principle of Gold Dustâ€" the valuable antiseptic cleansing agentâ€"quickly dissolves and removes dirt, grease and grime, so that you rinse it away, leaving the surface you haye cleared sanitarily br&gdWnd new-looking. Give Gold Dust your full confidence. It actu- ally works for you. dissolves quickly water end makes solution. of Gold Dust with the oi iu need in gives you you can de * ome- t. results Id Dust not only for ishing dishes, but for wash in g gl a s s wa re, washing bath tuba and bath room fixtures, cleaning and brightening metal work, pots, pans, and kettles, for scrub- bing floors, washing woodwork, cleaning and freshening linoleum and oil cloth, and for all the hundreds of uses for which it is so particularly supreme. Gold Dust is as inexpen- , sive as it is indispensable. f 5c and larger packages sold everywhere. GaSSEFAIRBANKSSSSa *'â- â- "Lsi iho SOLD DUST TWINS do your work'9 i -\m........ iia- Is a healthy place aad that the stars even west as far aa ta my eat a who live in It. and the odklals IBS lain csause aa IU sefcsel ptsav ei the baatth deoartment know how to erty mat sammer. It wasn't meeh for aealt b j looks, hat they are able ta ahay asm j It oders aa sicsstsa tar re- had a Is* af tea. sot be take* aa aa Golf de***?** hearth by to ecresse stark ta health exercise that la Keep in Call the home Find distant pel Talk to the *>ul Service is provided to meet every commercial and social demand. sanamm y) FIFTY CENTS A TON will be the cut price after March 31,1915 SOLVAY delivered t „... your order now tor yo{ niter March 31st. $6s70 a ton of fnbagSy 35c a ton extra, ot 2,000 pounds. Satisfaction guaranteed oi you, money buck If we cannot make SOLVA Y COKE Ifon hi youi heating plane to your satis- faction, we will qfieerfnjlyUake it oat and refuna your money. Less ,v. ,,.are chance O SOLVAY COKE Dirt Less Money t any p^, t uf your furnace with ard coal. More heat from your furnace for lets /#**,,..> .Umonstrated with your furnace by am expert demonsttatot\ uho will devote his time to making a successful test to your satisfaction. Order your season'* sapyly now. tim SOLVAY COKE and personal service phone EVANSTON 5200 WILMETTE 333 11 A Apps Coal and Building Material Company 1916 Central Street, Evanston, Illinois [ sfC«traJ Street Depot oi C * N. W. Ry., Evutttrn Ads Bring Results -------------â€"mMF: