Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Apr 1915, p. 3

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â- HI IN EDUCATION IS ACCURACY Scientific Business Schools May Resuit from Union of Teachers and Employers. TESTS 8HOWNECESSITY - a-' - • •• • â-  * i Stenographers Cannot Spell Correctly, but Are Good Typewriters. A national committee, made up of representatives of leadline organise- 'ttoni of business man and aducatora, haa bain Incorporated under the name, "National Associated Schools of Scien- tific Bualneaa." The object of tbls committee Is to effect a league of com merelal schools (nubile and private) in connection with local organisations of bualneaa man for tha purpose of placing commercial education on a mora practical and, scientific baala through tha adoption of definite standards. The members of the com* mlttee are: ,, Committee Members. Oov. W. N.- Ferris, Lansing, Col. CA. Carlisle, system expert, South Band. ind. Gerald B. Wadsworth, advertising expert, New York, N. Y. K. M. H. Blackford, employment ex pert, New York. , E. A. Kumley, Humley Co. and In terlaken school, La Porte, Ind. B. W. McCul lough, aec. Nat. Vehicle and Imp. assh., Chicago. W. D. Lowls, prln., Win. Penn high school, Philadelphia. : H. Walton Heegstra, advertising ox pert, Chicago. A. S. Hall, prln., Medlll high school. Chicago. Paul MemlevUlo, prea., Northern Kgg Co;, Chicago. If. ir. Haines, Commercial assoda- Hon, Galveston, Tex. Frank V. Thompson, asst. supt. of schools, Boston. ... : Waldron'O. Rand, com. oh ad., Natl. Xksii. of Pub. Aec*., Boston. , 11. M. Temple, member, Natl. Aasn or Pub. Acca., St. Paul, Minn. C. A Proaaer, aec, Natl. Soc. Prom Judua. Ed., New York. . Joseph Cummins, atty., Trustee Hillsdale college, Chicago, tress. Sherwln Cody, 1899 West Madison •treat, Chicago, managing dlr. Com- mercial Education Inefficient, Need of Co-operation. it ia felt that American commercial education Is not as responsive to the needs of American business conditions hs it should he. Co-operation between the public and private commercial schools In each induatrlal center, and local bualneaa men, preferably through chambers of commerce and other or- ganizations, offers tha beat assurance of upward progress. In a few places ibis haa been attempted through the pan time method, pairs, of boys or girls alternating weekly between the school and tha business office. The great problem that now confronts busi- ness men and commercial educators is •co-operation." A successful progress for commer- cial education requires that we And the common ground on which the bus! nesa man and tha educator can meet. and from gfcjgj they can begin tc starting paint may be found In a series of standard tests of ability. which the school can use In determin- ing whether its graduates can the demands of tha commercial world, and which tha hsslarss man can use in selecting employe*. Such tests aright ha given periodically under the Jcdat auspice* of the school* ami bust- n*i* joea** iwrganlaatlonav and passed on by * national beard made up of repreeematirea of educational and i ommcrclal organization*, remit lag fn H*t* of eligible* catraagmidlng fa ** tetlng rartlSni cfffJ service Bats. IfBWi, TODAY, APRIL ML tflE j an msakvm OF LOUIS j. person 1 ' J» *e*oW Can's si, number of largo firms, among whose Mich. | employes careful studies -hnvsr made, agree that the following re- quirements are Indispensable for all begtnnera In tha office (office boys and others of similar grade): 1. Ability to copy addressee ac- curately In legible handwriting. 2. Accuracy and some apeed in add* Ing, subtracting, multiplying, and di- viding whole numbers, decimals, and the few easy fractions common In business. 3. Ability to spall a few hundred words common In business; to recog- nize and punctuate a few of the gross- er errors in grammar, use of words, and pronunciation. 4. Ability to spell 75 to 90 per cent of words like those suggested below and the habit of referring to tba dic- tionary In all cases of doubt; to punc- tuate properly common business mat- tar; to correct ordinary errors of grammar Involving agreement of sub- ject and predicate, reference of pro- < Betters Note.-ThJa artless MtheAprUhMoeoftheUtlneli £^ Is written by Robert C. Teachers' Association!) Many blUs at grant importance to our public school aystem have been Introduced In tha fort) ninth general aasambly, and nearly all these bills hn«* been referred to tha committee on eduoailon, This make* tba chair- manship or that commute* a vary Im- portant position and directs the atten- tion of tha friends of public education to the person holding It. We are glad to aay that the chairman of thin com- mlttee la 'a man of education, high Mania and starling eharnetor. Hon. Louis J. Plerson. chairman of tha house committee of education, rep- resents tha Seventh district, Cook county, and resides at Wllmette on the beautiful lake shore north of Chicago. Native of Michigan. Ho la n native of Mtcblgan. and his ancestry traces back to England and Franca. Tha little tricolor button ho wears proclaims that ho ia a Son of tha American Revolution and that his ancestors fought for American Inde- pendence. At an early ago he moved to town, where ha obtained moat of hie educa- tion and began bla professional career. After Unletting tha public achool course, ba attended and graduated from Cor- nell college at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, with n Master's degree. Lawyer Here 25 Years. Mr. Plerson taught achool for a faw years In tha grades and high schools of Iowa, but his tastes and ability lad him Into tha law. After practicing his new profession for a few years at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, ha fait tha call of a larger field for tha exercise of hla ability and For twoaty-gvo of tho Chicago bar theebs Variety to THE VILLAGE PROGRAM Next Week's Offerings Are Well Chosen sad Are Certain To Plea**. In Mr. Ptoraon haa by hla numerous of Importance In He has been at- for his home riling* of Wll- mette and haa served also as preelda of tho village. Ho haa served with dtatlngutshtd success on both director and arssldsat «f tho Chicago Law In- stitute, which Is one of the largest In- atttutkma of its kind In America. Ho la now serving bis fifth term as mom- ber of the general assembly from his district. Mr. IMerson's homo life Is Ideal. Mrs. Plerson la a lady of culture and re- finement, and tha character and talents of the parsats are .reflected in their two children, a son and daughter. These young people are graduates of tha Naw Trier township high school nt Wlnnstka, and will both graduate this year from Northwestern university at Evauston. â- xpsst Good Things, Tho educational Interests of Illinois nrs confidently expecting soma good constructive legislation, and, If such Is enacted, It will be largely through the work of Mr. Plerson's committee. Ha haa expressed a dssp Interest In sev- eral of tha measure* advocated by the â- y Our Rati gape*. There era two Barrymorea on tha Village Theater bill next week, Mend State Teachers' association, and la el waya ready to give hla attention to any plan for the Improvement of the school system. Out of the urge num- ber of measures referred to his com- mittee, we believe that many of the bast wj.ll ba moulded Into proper form and enacted Into laws that will ba of great bsnsfit to the children of the atats. _______ I I ill ."Mil "" I" i.......1 " S» might give to n person applying for a pesltlsnv. 1 everallarge firm* now give applicants elementary test* before 'hey agree to "try the m est" with s Suggested Osteite of Tests. Tentative tests of employes In a number of business houses show Chat atandarda of attainment In different particulars vary widely. A standard near perfection, Is usual In typewrit- tag. Bookkeeping figures are expected to averago 97 to 99 per cent accurate; checking 3 times should produce prac- tical perfection. On the other hand, the stenographers tested were unable to spell correctly more then 80 per rent of the words fn the advanced list referred to below, though In actual letter writing they look up doubtful words, so that only an occasional word Is misspelled. The detailed comma punctuation of the best American bust nesa letters does not run much over 76 per cent correct. As a test on letter composition, S pagea of Wannamaker'a catalogue ware reproduced, and 12 letters of fn qolry were given to be answered, ma- terial for the answers the catalogue pages. The letter* written effectively showed Judgment, common sense, snd tact: "Would a correspondent ship shoes when "the •is* 1* not given?" "would the corre- spondent patiently and courteously help the customer work out the details of free delivery on a smell order, sug- gesting slight changes to make it come within the free delivery ruie*r Preliminary Spelling Test. Dr. Acres of the Sags Foundation, formulated a list of 642 words that constituted seven-eighths of all the word* In 2,ees business, professional, social letters. Abilltj to spell these words is s pert of the prelknl nary requirements saggedâ„¢ Ifrsmplss of the lee dlfikult word* la this list are: truly _• espeelslly January association right sincerely written there BSE ON CAUSES OF WAR Professor of History Will .Lecture Under Auspices of Carnegie Fund. Arthur Guy Terry, professor of his- tory In ths College of Liberal Arts, Northwestern university, will glvo a course on Contemporary Europe In tho summer achool, which begins on June 21. Thla course wilt be In the nature of a review of tho last century of European history to explain tha causes of the present war. Much of the material to be used In this course was presented In the Evanaton Index lest fall In a sarlea of articles by Pro- fessor Terry. The work will he given under the nmins rein/inn of unitlelnlnl i.hrssftff WfPlOSB Of the C*am«*1e Hadowmstlt special topics to be considered are the growth of democracy and socialism; international congresses and alliances; rivalries on the near-eastern ques- tional peace movement and the Hague tribunal. Now Is Make Child Stop Crying. It often happens that little chil- dren, especially those that are nervous or highly strung, era disposed to keep on crying when they get started. When you wish a child to stop sobbing got him to take a good drink of cold wa- ter, it almost always will stop the sobbing Immediately.â€"Woman's Homo Companion Chicken Thief Wrote Verso. After cleaning out n chicken coop In Birmingham, Ala., the chleken thief left the following note: "Lord, have mercy on my soul, how many chickens bnve I stole, last night and tee night bach tonight and 26 mors; remember coming hack to- night." CEJtffrTTXMaslCPmllLOW SCORE) te ten May Oeorge Fitch* the t*r04AR WflMefs |p#*)£UMb' m km atory nasi tans Is Is n ho Introduces It It ten wsy In s dramatisation of Sir tlllbert Parkers "Seat* of the Mighty.** This play goes bock to the days of Louie the fifteenth of Prance and the colonial wars. There's love and poUtknl Intrigue, n duel and n happy ending What more do you want? John llarrymore appears on Tuesday lu that funny farce, "Are You n Ms sour Those) who say llarrymore In "The Haa from Mexico* know that he to on Irresistible screen comedian. The Famous Players company aay that he surpasses his former successes tu this play of Leo Dltrichstetn's. Orrin Johnson appears on Wednes- day In "Satan Sanderson." The book wee written by Hallle Rrtnlnts Hives, snd ths play haa been produced with a good cast. netting away from the steady diet of four and five-reel features, Man- ager Bparr haa booked a variety bill for Thursday. The Vanderbllt Cup Usees, Charles Chaplin In s good com- edy, and Thomas Wise In "The Base- ball Dug" are the flints. Chaplin and Wise will create enough fun to carry a doten programs. The Thursday bill blda fair to shake the seats loose with laughter. Mary Nash In "The Unbroken Road." by Prof. Thomas Dickinson of the I'nl veralty of Wisconsin, is tho Friday of- fering. Th* week closes with n Famous Players production, "Tin? Com Officer," In which Alice Dovey takes 1 should write a love atory la too strong to resist, less to believe again that la refrattttug from 'fiMttttttC* SO a th**** I SSS shirking my duty. A billion love stories an being enacted Into matrimony during each generation, and tho task of reporting them should ho shored by nil. "Who am I teat I should alt happily by. writing of sports and politics. &, msiese or oe**nen. it wss seer *•* . nee* wore sssytsg, s^ey^i ?^^e use cas^ tor There H am. wee* in sooth, the country o'er boys low BOOTS. They're cults consistent in their i the situation's droll; At golf they'd be super they're always In tho hole. -Ml*, I* the lead, cast She Is supported by a strung Ssreastlo Married Man. "Yes," said ths bachelor, with the conscious pride of sacrifice. "I make a point of giving up certsln pleasures during Lent." "Huh!" snorted ths married man. "You bachelors have a cinch on that sort of thing. Whst srs forty dsys to three hundrod and sixty* fivo?"â€"Town Topics. B mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm UttTOAIA â-  theatre ssW iiiiflitEiprmtti^^^^RK SHKrriBXD A HBLMON* AVtt*. eVeeS May 2nd HENRf KOLKER'S Princess Thentre Triumph pujyiimi GfflLDREN moons, groan chess* snd sutomob white s thousand panting authors srs emerglug from the honeyed momssss of the last happy chapters of n love tale, only to breathe heavily and begin doggedly on soother collection of sac- charine words. "Yet 1 alwaya fight against the call of duty. It la not because I feel the writing of love stories to he in un- manly eort of business, for It Isn't. There's s man mixed up In every love story. Hut I don't like to writs ths soft, adhesive parte of the romanee. They embarrass mo end, besides, I am an old codger of nearly forty and I dont know how the young people of this tsnd do their love-making In these Innovations days. "I sm helpless bsfore the rush of time which haa changed our customs In ths last decade until we hnve to took at the morning bulletin to find out what Is still Improper or unconven- tional. I have tried Tor n year to spy upon a proposal In order to get mute rial. I have failed. Ths old haunts are all abandoned. There are no more parlors. Conservatories srs ss rare as the dodo. Flaring arc lamps have put the moonlight out of business. Only ths hired help Issn upon ths gar- The developm shnrscte Thought. purpose of work Is the of tho success. of OsrdenvtUs. Mo. as of th* of a bos -*~--i placed o over tee hivss Tho next tims tho bos martin cam* for Ita breakfast, in gsttlng st ten bees It jostled the hornet*' nose, and as n result was attacked snd killed by the angry Insect*. Ml ttlve stst* man really his eslstenee on test not worda. Sty of ex*rcls« anyone amy activities, his rassres noes and fnthjue, his newer to all nature -tolaV anted Lingren's MgYkft'g Telephone 1047 Wlnnetka, III. JVosantehort swaf r* 730 S. > Ave., (•ether hi Chisago stseeMewl Van Deusen D Davis Street 1 XL!!* l7JKVv*E#*I& 690 Tab. 3414. MIS. 3416,3417 CtntrdAvw.613.**. T*te. IsMT QUALITY OOOttdJ. GOOD SERVICE. fABLfMCH SPECIAL PRICES IN FORCE MAY 3rd TO NAY gts CALIFORNIA NAVEL OrVANCES- "rtuuklst." Perfect heavy, sweet frutf insist. Doa............*........;..........37o ISO else. Dos........tee. lit rise. Dot...... .tes FLORIDA CHAFE FRUIT - V.ry line tsetse. nTswh..TV.. .To Oot.Tr.,....T......Hn ft* six*. Each.......Ss Dos. ...............tec 36 sis*. Each......10c Dos...............11.10 CAUJORNIA UBgOftS- Bonsnsn Brand. CuVJyOUr'^T' 'MLL - VMteeseV * Ox Tongue. Armour's "Veribest." <â€"-â€" No. m ceo........70* No. |* Hotted Chicken. Armour's "Veribest." No. % can........:fg« No. 1 can...........tec Codfish. Free of Done. 3 lb. bod.....,.«\....3t* Pros of Bono. 1 lb. pkg........I... ....1....1S* Middies. Lb........ ..........I.......I....17e Hrardley's. Shredded. Pkg. Monarch Lobster No. 1: WISH TO>NNOUNCE (PLANCH OFFICE SUGAR - (Iranulated. Eastern. Caaa only. to lbs.......................................I crystal Domino. & lb. pkg. Crystal Domino. S lb. Crystal Domino, l»c WOII'uNbNIbIiibI psg. fchhl. OLIVE Preach Pttncy wl Can..... ....... ill's Main* Mugsr Cora. Cnn..........,...te%c _1AS~ Prairie View. Very she grest asrgsltt. t*nn..1g* Dee. ......... Lakeside. Sifted. Btrty Jsse iTsa................tys Ben. .......... TOgsVhTOBS-Red Rover No, 3 ens, cnn..............11* Dee, .. COPPER â€" My o«t bk-sd. A drink of oswquellsd qoaHiy. see vol. Lb. Pusses tee tstee. Lb...... EA-Oeooog. H. No. si. tie vsjkssw Lh.. Osesng M. Ne ts. Ttetnhsn Ub.. tl vsto*. Lh. tot .SMS A

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