THE LAKE 8HOXE MEWS. FRIDAY. APRIL SO, ISIS. im 'Mr â-¼jar. -.'â- â- â- â- £*?/oN ?^g»^^^5*^^^ IT1** VANSTON Our New Store: 616 DAVIS STREET Four Phones: 2 47th and ELEVATED R. R. pUir A CCl 47th and LAKE AVENUE ne Service WITHOUT 43rd and VINCENNES A V. V^IHC AUU 53rd and LAKE AVENUE TOLL from points mentioned below. & V AlNO 1 V/IN 1 •« â- â- Service WITHOUT , i AFTERNOON We want the people of the them to apprecia to show them ho up-to-date Sanit exacting consume st, We Will Inaugurate a livery to Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe. Shore to see and realize what a Model Grocery, Market and Bakery should be; we want necessity of handling Foodstuffs with the utmost care and cleanliness and, above all, we want ings can be done at a minimum of expense with a maximum of satisfaction. We're Pioneers in ries and Markets, where every Want of die most with the most painstaking care and precision. Câ€"=1 PHONE US ABOUT OPENING A WEEKLY ACCOUNT C=) GROCERY Walnuts, fancy shelled, per lb. Grape Juice, Armour's, full quart . Oranges, large fancy Navels, per doz. . Potatoes, fancy Michigan Rurals, per peck Tomatoes, large cans, solid pack, 3 cans Sugar, 10 lbs., with $2.00 order Coffee, our "Famous" Congress Blend, per lb Coffee, "Breakfast Brand," a dandy, per lb. Tea, Upton's Best Yellow Label, Mb. can Kitchen Klenzer, cleans anything, 4 Ige. cans Old Dutch Cleanser, chases the dirt, 3 Ige. Pride Washing Powder, the "best" in the market, Pride Soap, indispensable in thejmfdry, 8 ht. bars Soap, P. & G. Ivory, forampui Soap, U. S. Mail, for easy wash Soap Chips, 20 Mule Tea Grandma's Powdered Borax Soap, H. & H. Carpet Soap, makes them look Carpet Cleaner, Wizard, a great fa Burnishine, for all metal po Peacock's Polish, great for sil >ses large bars •ware Argo Starch, put up in 5c pkgs., 6 for Clothes Lane, 5 Brooms, our Catsup, Cui; ,tal Olives, Pi Oil, 2larg e new, per 310c pkgs. , 25c can , 25c bot. of good strong material for 19c Dandy," each . 35c lue Label, large 25c bot. 17c Queen Olives . ed, 3 large 10c bottles ly pure, in qt. cans . ar, our own brandjgjjpe cider, 3 for 25c rd, Imperial G^MtfanTprepared, large bot. 5c i, Fancy Copstfry Gentleman, 3 15 cans 35c Peas, extra^rrtall, Wisconsin pack, 2 cans for 29c Tomatoptffextra Standard, heavy pack, 3 cans 35c Beqie^Wisconsin Ruby, 2 large cans 29c Pineapple, Sugar Loaf, thick slices, large can 25c, doz. $2.75 Peaches, California Lemon Cling, worth 35c, per can 25c, doz. $2.75 Apple Butter, in extra large jars, a few left at 25c Peanut Butter, Doffs Famous Palmetto, pint jars 25c Saratoga flakes, National Biscuit Co., 2 pkgs. 25c Salmon, Fancy Red Steaks, in tall cans, each 19c Sardines, imported in fine Olive Oil, per can 10c Knox's Gelatine, the easy dessert, 2 pkgs. • 25c Jello or Bromangelon, all flavors, my to prepare, 3 pkgs. 25c Doughnut Flour, Priscilla Brand, pkg., 9c and 22c SPECIALS IN OUR MARKET frVi4*y, April 30 I «^oh luKc Perch Fresh Salmon . . . . Fresh White Fish . Saturday, May 1 i4c Fresh Dressed Hens •'•'.. 20c 22c Fancy Ducks . 22c Fresh Broilers, each, 75c 23c Armour Star or Berkshire Hams . . 18*c OUR BAKEKV delicious Coffee Cake Fresh Every Day A Trial !• All We A«k____^L . A